Dheeraj Cv

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 5
Dheeraj Bhardwaj Mobile No : 9899683839 [email protected] OBJECTIVE

To take-up a challenging role in the field of information technology and excel by applying my zeal, energy and knowledge towards the growth of organization and add values to myself.

EXPERIENCE SUMMARY 3 Years of working experience in Web Technologies with SQL. Server 2000. PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION

MCA Master of Computer Application(MCA) from Indra Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi.

BCA Bachelors of Computer Application (BCA) from Indra Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi. SKILL

Skill Name

Web Technology

ASP.NET, ADO.NET & Web Services.



Scripting Language

HTML, XML,JavaScript.


SQL Server 2000 & Oracle

Operating System

Windows 2000/2003 Server, XP (Enterprise).

Microsoft Technology


Job Summary Copal Partners (A UK Based Company) Gurgaon (Sep’2006 – Till Date) Copal Partners is a global business and financial research firm. We have presence in the United States, Europe and Asia, where we support our clients with customized proprietary research. They provide business intelligence, financial research / analytics, and market research services to their clients. We work with clients in the United States, Europe and Asia, many of them leaders in their respective sectors.

Project Details: =>

1.project Title

TimeTracker Organization Copal Partners (A UK Based Company) Gurgaon Role Coding, Testing, Debugging, developing applications, troubleshooting. Team Size 2 Members. Project description This is an Interface for Copal Clients. Every User will fill their time sheets according to the work done by that day.There is a proper workflow in which rights has been assigned according to the requirements of different teams. There is one super user who tracks all the workflow and also can check historical records. Clients have rights to see different types of reports in web as well as excel format. Platform/ Tools Database

Asp.Net 2005, C#.Net SQLServer 2005 Express Edition


project Title Organization Role Team Size Project description

Platform/ Tools Database

Capacity Planner Copal Partners (A UK Based Company) Gurgaon Coding, Testing, Debugging, developing applications, troubleshooting. 2 Members. This is an Interface for Copal Clients. Clients before sending the financial projects can see the available capacity of users in terms of hours using this interface, so that overburden of users work can be avoided in terms of management

Asp.Net 2005, C#.Net SQLServer 2005 Express Edition

b) Electrobug Technologies Ltd., Gurgaon (Mar’2004 –Sep’ 2006) Electrobug's mission is to be the leading source of real-time, online pricing intelligence - providing a transparent view of the marketplace for making strategic and tactical pricing decisions. In the travel (air, hotel, car rental) and retail (groceries, technology, media products) sectors, Electrobug provides the data retrieval, data matching, reports and production facilities to outsource most of the pricing data collection needs of our clients. By providing a seamless integration to your pricing and corporate intelligence processes.

Project Details: => 1.


Project Title Organization Client Role Team Size Project description

AirRTC(Flights Detail Real Time Crawling) (Air Domain) Electrobug Technologies Ltd. Gurgaon Pegasus Solutions, London (UK) Team Member- Responsible for Coding & Designing. 4 Members. This is a product that allows Flight Details for Particular Fares to check on their prices and their competitor product on travel agency website. They usually want to ensure they have the same price in all channels. Our tool (especially the alerts) is crucial in enforcing that strategy. Their main goals is to enforce parity, but also grade individual travel Agencies on how

Database Tools & Technology Operating System

SQL Server 2000. ASP.NET with C# Windows 2000 (Professional).

Project Title Organization Client Role Team Size Project description

Ratechecker Group Tool & Control Panel (Hotel Domain) Electrobug Technologies Ltd. Gurgaon Pegasus Solutions, London (UK) Team Member- Responsible for Coding & Designing. 3 Members. This Project is developed for hotels domains. The objective of the project is to provide data of compititors on real time basis. The Group Tool is a new version of existing project RateChecker which is ideally suited for independent hotel managers or small group. There was a requirement to create a version for another higher level audience within hotel organization. Pegasus RateChecker for Groups will allow central & Revenue managers to run reports on real time basis with similar look & feel. Group concept is also implemented in Ratechecker Control Panel for Pegasus & Electrobug user. Where Pegasus user can enable/disable any group or delete any individual user. There is facility for Pegasus user to add or edit any user details as well as view all details of groups or individual user.

Database Tools & Technology Operating System

SQL Server 2000. ASP.NET with VB.NET Windows 2000 (Professional).



Project Title Organization Client Role Team Size Project description

Scheduler (Windows Application). Electrobug Technologies Ltd. Gurgaon Pegasus Solutions, London (UK) Developer - Responsible for Coding & Designing. 1 Member. The Scheduler is developed for Download purpose. It starts multiple projects and their multiple channels automatically after fixed intervals. It calls DLL for each channels and paced the received file at particular location in unique folder and then passed it to web services. It maintaining log file for each tick time (Start Time) of all projects and channels with status & Error code. Thread is implemented for all projects and their channels to make the process faster.

Database Tools & Technology Operating System

SQL Server 2000 C# Windows 2000 Professional

Project Title Organization Client Role Team Size

XLDP (Interface & Web Service). Electrobug Technologies Ltd. Gurgaon Pegasus Solutions, London (UK) Developer - Responsible for Coding & Designing. 1 Member.

Project description

This is third party product. This product provides information for Fare’s and Hotel’s with their Flight Details. This product enable client to access their request and response in XML format. All the data is stored in XML. Interface is for in-house use. Where Electrobug user can download xls request file from web and after preparing the file they can upload the file on web (Shared location). After uploading an email send to clients with filename so they can download their file.



Database Tools & Technology Operating System

SQL Server 2000 ASP.NET with C# Windows 2000 Professional

Project Title Organization Client Role Team Size Project description

CrawlMonitorGold (Windows Application) Electrobug Technologies Ltd. Gurgaon Pegasus Solutions, London (UK) Developer - Responsible for Coding & Designing. 2 Member. This prject is developed to monitor Crawl & Alerts on real time. It starts processing after fixed interval and checks the database for new crawl to start. To start crawl it calls Initiatecrawl method of EBW(C++ Project) which starts crawl. Finaly application updated the status and other field to other table. Application nicely checks whether EBW started if not then it Reinitiate it five consecutive times until it started. After successfully completing crawl it starts multiple thread for alerts. It send crawl & alerts mail to user. After completing each process interface is showing status.

Database Tools & Technology Operating System

SQL Server 2000 VB.NET Windows 2000 Professional

Project Title Organization Client Role Team Size

PatchRunner (Windows Application) Electrobug Technologies Ltd. Gurgaon Pegasus Solutions, London (UK) Developer - Responsible for Coding & Designing. 1 Member.


Tools & Technology Database Operating System

ASP.NET , C#, XML SQL Server 2000. Windows Server 2000.

Project description

This project has the single vision that how to make new database and tables with the existing one through this application. The application needs SQl Server Id and Password to open it. IF you want to make a new database then u can select new database option and Select the patch file which has all Queries and Data in XML Format and then Run Button. It will automatically make new database with the existing data. Here we are maintaining Verion too with XML. After any update in the Sql Query and XML data then we update the Version in the Master Database.

Project Title Organization Client Role Team Size Project description

ConfigTool Electrobug Technologies Ltd. Gurgaon FastBooking Ltd. (Peris) Project Lead & Developer 3 Member. Main purpose of the project is to automate database configuration for the updater project. Project facilitate to create Updater client and dbs as well as whole db configuration on local server then can update this on live server using web service. It has facility to import configuration beetwen clients. It has features to view and update all configuration for all projects and related files from local and live server as well. SQL Server 2000 C# Windows 2000 Professional

Database Tools & Technology Operating System

Strength: 2.Good communicational, Organizational and Management Skills 3.Confident and Consistent in producing results 4.Having good planning and problem solving skills 4. Self-belief, Self-motivation, Self-confidence and ability to grasp things quickly.

Personal Details Date of Birth Languages Known Marital Status Nationality Father’s Name Address

: : : : : :

1st Feb 1978 English, Hindi Married Indian Shri. K. G. Bhardwaj H. NO.-135/22, Street No. –11 Gandhi Nagar , Gurgaon, 122001.

Date: Place:


Hi Samrita, As per our telephonic discussion I am sending following details along with my resume. Father’s Name Date of Birth Current CTC Expected CTC Notice Period

Thanks and Regards, Dheeraj Bhardwaj

: : : : :

Shri. K. G. Bhardwaj. 1st Feb 1978. 3 lakh P/A. 4.5 lakh P/A. 20 Days

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