DG DEPOSITORY OF FUNDS/AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES All revenues received by the school district and all school district funds shall be deposited in an official depository (or depositories) approved by the Board in the annual budget hearing. As required by state law, the board chairman shall co-sign with either the board clerk or the board treasurer all warrants and checks drawn upon district funds, including school activity funds. The Board of Trustees authorizes the use of facsimile signatures in the conduct of school business. In accordance with state law, the facsimile signatures will be recorded with the Secretary of State. All personnel handling money will make daily deposits whenever the cash on hand reaches, or exceeds, the limit approved for each school by the Superintendent. Exceptions for schools distant from depositories may be granted; however deposits should be made as soon as possible whenever the limit is reached or exceeded.
W.S.: 21-3-113 AMENDED: ADOPTED:
September 10, 2009 February 14, 2002
Lincoln County School District #2, Wyoming