Developing Human Resources Through Educational Institute In Bangladesh

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Developing Human Resources through Educational Institute in Bangladesh By

MOHAMMAD SHAMSUDDOHA Lecturer Department of Marketing University of Chittagong Chittagong, Bangladesh. Tel: 880-31-726311-14, Ext.-4284 (off.) 880-31-659353 (Res.), Fax: 880-31-610029, 726310 E- mail: [email protected] [email protected], [email protected]

MRS. SURAIYA NAZNEEN Assistant Professor Department of Finance University of Chittagong Chittagong, Bangladesh. Tel: 880-31-726311-14, Ext.-4230 880-31-652644 (Res.) & MOHAMMAD ALAMGIR student Luton University United Kingdom

Developing Human Resources through Educational Institute in Bangladesh By MOHAMMAD SHAMSUDDOHA Lecturer Department of Marketing University of Chittagong Chittagong, Bangladesh.

MRS. SURAIYA NAZNEEN Asst. Professor Department of Finance University of Chittagong Chittagong, Bangladesh. & MOHAMMAD ALAMGIR student Luton University United Kingdom

Abstract: Bangladesh is one of the poorest country in the world although it has huge number of population. So many people of Bangladesh working as a skilled or unskilled worker or human resources all over the world. But there is dearth of skilled Human resources in Bangladesh both in technical and management areas. So different institutions were set up to develop skilled Manpower. After the opening up of the industrial sector and to export skilled manpower to abroad, the need for skilled manpower has increase tremendously in Bangladesh. Because the private entrepreneurs and foreign countries delegates does not like to appoint key personnel in any areas of management from non-professionals. On the other hand, the foreign investors also prefer qualified members from different professional bodies of Bangladesh. The setting up of some export processing zones in Bangladesh has amplified this requirement.

Keywords: Human Resource, Institution, Education

Introduction The relationship of education in general to the more narrow concepts of development, training, and learning. Education is the broadest instruction concept and learning is the most specific of these instructional processes, with development and training falling between these two extremes (Sikula. A. F, 1976). Human resource is thought of as “the total knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents, and aptitudes of an organizations work force, as well as the values and attitudes of an individual involved. It is the sum total of inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills represented by the talents and aptitudes of the employed persons .” The Human resource development is concerned with the improvement of the above said attributes of an individuals as well as a group of persons. It is the process of increasing the knowledge, the skills and capacities of all people in an undertaking and a society.(Federick H & Charles, 1968). The last two decades have meant a substantial increase in awareness concerning the value of human resource management (HRM) in business. This is reflected as growing expectations for the impact, which people-related activities can make on business performance. The idea of HR practices as simply matching the selected product/market strategies is no longer enough, as advocates of the resource-based theory increasingly stress the competitiveness being built around the competencies and behavior of people. This being the case, the value of HR practices, such as human resource development (HRD), to business should be assessed according to their ability to contribute to creating and maintaining the desired competencies and behavior.( Luoma M, 2000). There is a consensus that the quality of the education system is deteriorating. This deteriorating is evidenced by declining test scores, graduate with inadequate basic skills, increasing dropout rates and widening gap between industry needs and student capabilities (Fisher,1993, schargel, 1993).

Rationale of the study Bangladesh is trying to develop her Human Resources to compete in

local and global

market. Education is the only main root of develop human resource as well as skilled resource. Governmental and non-Governmental education institute can keep such a vital role by giving proper and practical oriented education for the sake of human resource development of the country. In such context academicians, researchers, Government, decision makers and others planners and administrators recognize human resource as the most and only vital and complex factor to the development of Bangladesh. That is why, Bangladesh need to develop its human resources through proper education like business education, technical education, technical training, vocational training and other training programmes. This is why researcher feels to do some research on it and do study the elements that are involving to develop Human Resources in Bangladesh. This research will add some value and fill up the gap that motivated the authors to undertake such a study.

Objectives of the study In the light of development of Human Resources in Bangladesh particularly, the main objectives of the study were


To find out the present educational policy for the sake of human resource development in Bangladesh.


To point out the problems of educational institutes in Bangladesh.


To suggest probable steps to overcome the problems of educational institutes to give proper supports to develop Human resource.

Scope and Methodologies of the study The study covered various schools, colleges, universities including Government and private institutions, vocational training institutions, polytechnic institutions, etc. Situated mainly

capital Dhaka and commercial capital city Chittagong in Bangladesh. The sample comprised of 50 Governmental and non- governmental institutes those who are giving education or training for the sake of developing human resource in Bangladesh. Necessary information and data were collected from sample respondents through the direct interview method by using structured questionnaire. In addition, review all the educational websites of respected institutions for updated information. In total 200 respondents were interviewed during the study period. In the other hand, the researcher also reviews several foreign and local research work as well in this field.

Limitations of the study The study covered very limited number of sample educational organization in respect of its real scope all over the country. There is no plethora of research work in this field. Sometimes responded were not interested to express to their honest opinion. To overcome these limitations, an intensive study of existing literature in this field, foreign journal, relevant publication by Government and other private agencies were studied. Fully self-financed research work is why the researcher could not able to cover wider area.

Analys is of Findings The major findings of the present study are analyzed as follows-

To develop the human resources through educational institutes in Bangladesh, it is needed to build much more institutes and its variety in primary level to university level by giving interactive, case study method, audio visual method, live projection methods, field survey method and updated education.

Education Policy in Bangladesh

The aims of adult education are to offer people the skills of literacy, reading, writing, numeracy; to inspire them with human virtues and to raise awareness in them about health and the environment. Non- formal education is complementary to formal education. Through this, the children outside schools and the dropouts will have access to basic education. They will also receive some practical skills, which they can apply in real life situations as and when necessary. NFE graduates can be enrolled in appropriate classes of the formal schools. Adult Education will include literacy, cultivation of awareness and development of professional skills. Opportunities will be created for all illiterate men and women of the country giving preference to those between 15-45 years of age. Teachers will be specially trained for the imparting of adult education. Excepting courses on literacy, the duration, subject, the needs of the local people, availability of resources, and nature of professional groups will determine teaching learning methods, the qualification of teachers and the learning process of other courses. The national committee on the Curriculum of Mass Education will prepare the curriculum of appropriate subjects of other branches in view of the needs of vocational and technical education, health, nutrition, family welfare, agriculture, forest and environment, fisheries and livestock. Opportunities of Continuing Education for literacy participated in by Government and non- government organizations and civil societies can remove illiteracy within a short period from the country. They will apply various methods, materials and processes and mobilize the target population. So, a realistic campaign of such nature will be encouraged. Literacy programmes can be conducted in the distance education method through electronic media like radio and television. All activities in the area of mass education will be coordinated. (

Government Commitment for Education Government of Bangladesh commits to the overall objectives of achieving the goal of 'Education for All' (EFA).

v To increase literacy rate of adults (15 years and above) to 80 percent by the year 2002 v To achieve 100% literacy by the year 2006 v To ensure the optimal use of educational facilities at all levels v To empower learners with technological skill, entrepreneurial traits and leadership skills v To empower learners with skills related to literacy, numeracy, and communication v To reduce gender gap in literacy rate in both rural and urban areas v To develop a continuing education programme for neo-literates v To reduce disparity in literacy rates between different areas v To enhance the participation of women in every sphere of education as well as to reduce the gap between facilities provided for male and female education v To improve management of educational institutions through involvement of local bodies [Source: Education Ministry Website] To meet these commitments, the Government of Bangladesh has made, as its major focus, the eradication of illiteracy through the development of basic education. Basic education is delivered through two parallel systems, the formal and the non-formal. Because of the high level of national commitment, the government has recorded outstanding progress in education especially in primary and Non-Formal Education. The Govt. of Bangladesh is running 5 NFE projects through the Directorate of Non-Formal Education Development in Education sector There are sixty-two development projects in education sector and they have been allocated Tk.95667.00 lacs under the Annual Development Program in the current financial year 20012002. Out of this, an allocation for investment projects is TK. 94287.00 lacs and TK. 1380.00 lacs for technical assistance and self- financed projects. Out of sixty-two projects, eighteen are

in secondary and higher secondary sector and thirteen are in technical and vocational sector. Almost half of the projects belong to these two sectors. They have been allocated a sum of Tk. 82642.00 lacs in the present ADP (2001-2002), which is 86.38% of the total ADP allocation in education sector. In the current financial year (2001-2002), university education has got an allocation of 8150.00 lacs taka against 19 development projects. (

The Role of Other Institutions There are 17 state universities , 51 Private universities, 51 vocational institutions, more than 25 NGO’s

who are working hard for developing human resources through technical,

educational, specific purpose job oriented training supports. Here is some types of institutions those who are specialized for the ir own specified service like BBA, MBA, Executive MBA, Insurance Management, International studies, Company MBA, Pharmacy Management, Library Science, specific training and integrated educationa l module given by learners. Table 1 Emphasis given by educational Institutions for the betterment of human resource Course Name Professional Education Business Education Science Education Social Science Vocational Training Purpose Oriented Education & Training [Source: Field Survey]

Institute 16 45 31 35 19 21

Table 1 shows the trend of emphasis given on to course those who giving education to the people self-development. The survey shows that Business education is most demanded things to develop human resources and entrepreneur. Effective Human Resource Plan through Education

Objective set by Government and Non-government organization Educational Infrastructure Human Resource Demand forecast Existing Human Resource

Appointment v Giving Better Education v Giving Better Trainings v Giving audio visual interactive education v Inform the scope of building career

Motivation for various sectors

Human Resource Supply to the abroad country Action Plan Building new projects through new projects Usage of Human resource in proper fields

Figure: Human resource development through Education & Training Figure 1 shows that by giving proper education, we can improve our unskilled human resource to skilled human resource which will give some contribution for the betterment of the country. The left side of the figure shows five things including objective set by the government and non-government organization that is very vital for assessing realities of human resource of the country. Then they have to build educational infrastructure for giving training and education to people to build them as skilled human resource. In this way, human resource demand forecast in domestic and foreign country is also key factor. It assists to measure the total requirement of human resource in the various sectors in Bangladesh. After all these, people need more motivation to come up for the education, which will help them to develop themselves as a skilled human resource. In the middle, all should get the education and training through better educational and training infrastructure. After this, all agencies should give emphasis to appoint them in the domestic country as well as foreign country as export human resource.

Problem of educational institutions to HRD

From the previous literature study and our study, the major problems of developing human resources in Bangladesh through educational institutions may be identified as follows:-

Lack of Government Initiative Government does not give so much attention to build up the skilled human resource through educational institutions and delay to make decision to give fund for the development scheme under the educational institutions. There is no nation wid e study for determining the quality and quantity of human resource development. Lack of Manpower planning There is tremendous lack of manpower planning from every corner of decision makers. Decision makers are not realistic about the manpower planning

Lack of infrastructure The institutions may offer a good, descent course, or training, which might have great potentials in the practical job field, but the problem is, the way, they have to learn the student, they cannot give them these sorts of facilities to develop them as a skilled human resource.

Lack of Quality education There are so many institutions those are not maintaining and ensuring satisfactory level of quality of education and training. They do not even provide them quality teachers or instructor, quality-teaching materials and other things. Lack of Co-ordination within the institutions Human resource development activities through educational institution are not well coordinated. There is no coordination among the primary, secondary, and tertiary education systems. The different methodologies are using different level. Even quality, syllabus

structure, teaching methodologies, styles, facilities for same courses or topics differ from institution to institutions.

Lack of investment Both the government and private sector invest too little in this HRD institutes in Bangladesh. All the planning for HRD are handicapped by the scarcity of funds and financing.

Lack of trained instructor If we want to develop HR, we need to ensure the supply of trained trainer. Availability of experienced, efficient, and trained instructor or teacher is a rarity in Bangladesh. On the other hand, hired instructor is too costly to implement.

Recommendations for HRD through educational Institutes Government initiatives To develop human resources to compete locally and globally; government has to take major step like create institutions, increasing infrastructure and financing. And give the clear picture of scope of opportunities for recruitment. Government has to motivate his people to come up for better training and education. Proper human resource planning There has at least some practical survey in the time basis that it will show the clear picture of success of the decision makers and the ongoing activities. Effective HR planning and proper coordination within the institutions is must for development of human resources. Effective HR planning and coordination is equally significant for private and public sector in Bangladesh. Especially educational infrastructure should be updated based on need. Make more institutions and training centre At the moment, the institutes for educational, technical, professional, vocational, and other specialized training institutions are too limited to the overall demand or need in Bangladesh. That is why, every agencies like government, non-governmental organization should come up

to build the new institutions, and as well as understand people the emergence of the institutions.

To recruit professional traine r To generate the admirable flow of skilled human resources, professional trainer is mandatory for all. Professional trainer and capable trainer should give due to give proper education, training, and motivations and all harmful brain drainage .

To create employment opportunities and recruitment After establishing HRD institutes or invest to the HRD institutes, Govt. and NGO should aware of creating new job and field. The quantity and quality of education and training largely determine the kind of persons available for recruitment into the services. The agencies should clarify the area of employment opportunities and ensure the recruitment. Modern technological equipment The institutes should ensure modern equipments in such organizations. It has to maintain scientific education through modern technologies. Final comments The role of institutions for developing human resource is massive. It is crucial for any economy in the world. Country like Bangladesh has tremendous emergence to develop his human resource into efficient and effectively basis for the domestic market and foreign market. It is one of the substitutes in connection with the development of Bangladesh. Because skilled human resources can able to contribute the society and foreign country as well. There is extraordinary competition in free market economy. Everybody compete with their efficient human resource and increase their productivity, innovation of new products, ensures quality assurance and create market forces through efficient human resource. Moreover, efficient human resources create from a good institution. So human resource development through good institutions should be given the top most preference in the development process of Bangladesh along the line discussed in this paper. The lacking behind

the development of HRD in Bangladesh is to simply coordination of the institutions. After coordination of the educational and training institutions, skilled human resource will be the key factors or contributor to develop the country like Bangladesh. Reference 1. Andrew F. Sikula, Personnel Administration and Human Resources Management, 1976, p. 229. 2. Federick Harbison and Charles Myers, Education, Manpower, and Economic growth, Oxford and IBH, Newdelhi, 1968, P. 2. 3. Mikko Luoma Developing people for business success: capability-driven HRD in practice Management Decision, # MCB University Press, page - 38/3 [2000] 146. 4. Fisher J. (1993), “TQM:A warning for higher education”, Education Record, Spring, pp. 15-19 5. Lorange, P., “A Business School as a Learning Organization”, The Learning Organization., Volume 3, Number 5, 1996, pp.5-13 6. Michael J. Jucius, personnel Management,(Homewood, Illinois) Richard D. Irwin, INC., 1979,p.221. 7. Schragel. F. (1993)”Total Quality in Education”, Quality Progress, October, pp. 6769. 8., Education Ministry, government Republic of Bangladesh. 9. 10. 11.

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