Developing A Singles Ministry

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  • Pages: 46
Developing A Singles’ Ministry Presented By: Elder Linda Hillman Singles Pastor Victory In Praise Church - Stockton

Single  Not Married 

(Divorced, Widowed, Never Been Married)

 Someone Who Is Celibate  Young Unmarried Adult

Singleness  The quality of state of being single

Some Statistics  46%-50% of the population is single adult.

(Currently, over 82 million unmarried adults live in the United States, constituting the highest percentage of single adults than at any other time in history.)

Why the Recent Explosion in the Number of Singles? Young people are postponing marriage as

social values change.  There is a small increase in the number of individuals in our society who have chosen to remain single permanently.  The number of divorces in America continues to rise.

Power of Singleness  SINGLE ADULTS represent more

than $600 billion in purchasing power, although little is written about this large group of purchasers.

Power of Singleness Single adults display more impulsive purchase behavior than the married. Single adults view television more often than the married.

Single adults are less price-conscious than the married. Single adults are more innovative than the married. Single adults are more brandconscious than the married.

Power of Singleness Single adults are more convenience-seeking than the married. Single adults are more variety-seeking than the married. Single adults are less averse to risk than the married.

The Truth of the Matter Is… Singles never-married are the largest group. They have the most money and have the most flexible use of time but are the least used in the body and the least reached. Single-parent families have the least money and have the least flexible time but typically have the most needs.

Single Ministries Will Fail If: The church are not called to have singles’ ministries (Note: Every church is called to minister to singles).

They imitate other church programs that are not necessarily workable at your church. Leaders get overworked and overcommitted, trying to do it all in 6

Single adult ministries have to continually be poured into as they change. Discipleship is critical. It’s better to pour yourself into a few people who will duplicate themselves rather Note: what than So, trying to if dothe it ideas and plans you have do yourself. not get done? Whose ministry is this?

Reasons Not to Start To give singles a social club. Because other churches have one. Because of the need or want to help our singles get married. Because singles have demanded the leadership in the church to have one.

Reasons To Start To develop an effective outreach in the growing number of single adults in your church and community To enhance church growth To help fulfill the Great Commission To help renew the vision and purpose of your congregation. To meet the needs of single adults who want

Before You Begin Ask yourself…   

Is God leading ME to start a Singles’ Ministry? Why do I want to start a Singles’ Ministry? Does our church have a need for a Singles’ Ministry?  Will the pastor support the ministry?  Will the people support the ministry?

Singles  Married couples  Is ??? Church called to have a Singles’ Ministry? 

Developing a Singles’ Ministry Prayer/fasting Speak with your pastor Choose leadership team Develop a vision statement Develop a mission statement Plan! Plan! Plan!

Important note: 

Singles have more time and money than any other group in the church. Single parents have less time and money than a single with no kids but still can be an effective tool in the ministry.

Prayer & Fasting Men should always pray and faint not (Luke 18:1-2) You will pray alone then recruit church leadership   

Pray for direction/guidance Pray for vision Pray for help

Fasting  

Removes flesh Clears up vision

Prayer & Fasting Gather Data (needs, interest, demographics and other ministries)

Call other churches with a similar church size and demographics. You could start a support group where ideas and obstacles can be discussed and this will become a support to you in addition to the leadership team of your church.

Speak To The Pastor Need to have pastor’s support Need to have pastoral staff support Singles’ needs addressed Guidance/instructions Be open to his/her suggestions Get his/her heart and pulse 

Align vision with church vision

Develop Leadership Team What kind of leader are you? 

True Colors Exercise  Gold  Orange  Blue  Green

What are your weakness/strengths

Develop Leadership Team Know who you are working with 

Working Styles Exercise  Analytics 


 Drivers 


 Amiables 


 Expressives 


Develop Leadership Team L.E.A.D. Training 

 

Listen to what God is saying about your abilities Empower/equip yourself for success Attain an attitude of passion for your purpose Develop disciplined behavior to reach your destiny

Characteristics of a Good Leader Content/secure in their singleness Faithful Dependable Timely Trustworthy Integrity Be real/honest Confidentiality

Request From Your Leaders One year commitment Support in all events/activities Availability/vulnerability Prayer/fasting Confidentiality Integrity Wisdom/discernment Friendship Be vocal

Give Your Leaders Respect – share all information Support in all events/activities Availability/vulnerability Prayer/fasting Confidentiality Integrity Wisdom/discernment Friendship Be vocal Be on time always

Develop A Vision Statement Is a vivid idealized description of a desired outcome that inspires, energizes and helps you create an enticing mental picture of your target. 

What would the Ministry look like without any hang-ups, problems, or failures.

Develop A Vision Statement Summarize your statement in powerful phrases Take as much space as you need Should describe the best possible outcome Use Present Tense

Develop A Vision Statement Use Emotion Add Sensory Details Review Your Vision 

Every 26 days or once a month

Update Your Vision  

at least once a year But no more than quarterly

Extra Advice on Guidelines Develop Governing guidelines 

Governing values are the current guidelines that direct your ministry behavior and actions. Developing governing values for your ministry can help identify the values that are most important to your ministry. Governing values will help your ministry be accountable for its conduct.

Extra Advice on Guidelines 

List things that your ministry values (group)  Then choose the top three to four (individual)  Compare with other leaders 

If they have different ones as a group choose top three to four

Write down two sentences why these are important Write down one way your ministry is living up to each value. Then write how these values will assist in achieving your ministry’s desired outcome.

Extra Advice on Guidelines 

Think about your vision and write down at least six specific ways your ministry plans to live up to each value. This is called an Action Plan!

Using your Values, write your mission statement.  Your three to six-sentence Mission Statement should include

your Values and summarize how these Values fit with your Vision for your future.

Together, your Mission Statement and Action Plan make up your Governing Values.  Date  Review three to six months

Develop A Mission Statement A paragraph that captures the essence of what your Ministry is about – the core. It accurately explains what your ministry does and what it hopes to achieve in the future. It articulates the essential nature, its values, and its work.

Develop A Mission Statement The Purpose Statement 

an infinitive that indicates a change in status, such as to increase, to decrease, to prevent, to eliminate an identification of the problem or condition to be changed.

What should be in your statement   

What is the purpose of the ministry What your ministry does The values of your ministry

Develop A Mission Statement Your Ministry Mission Statement Should: 

Express your ministry purpose in a way that inspires support and ongoing commitment Motivate those who are connected to the ministry Be articulated in a way that is convincing and easy to grasp

Develop A Mission Statement 

 

Use proactive verbs to describe what your ministry does Be free from jargon or slang Be short enough so that anyone connected to the ministry can readily repeat it.

Difference Between Vision and Mission Statements Vision statements describe your ministry’s unique vision of what an ideal experience in each of your ministry areas would be like. They tend to focus on the distant future looking forward five to ten years. They represent an ideal outcome. Vision statements are passive, focusing mostly what your ministry wants to experience.

Difference Between Vision and Mission Statements Mission statements are based on your ministry’s current situation and what your ministry needs to focus on in the next one to three years to move closer to the long-term vision. Mission statements are active focusing on your actions, behaviors, habits and character.

Difference Between Vision and Mission Statements Mission and vision statements are complementary to each other. 

Vision statements show you an idealized description of your ultimate destination, while mission statements represent your chosen path to get you there.

Plan! Plan! Plan! One year in advance 

When presenting the ministry to the church have a calendar that will catch the attention of those you are trying to reach.

Know your church 

If you can get stats on the singles in your church.  How many never been married, single parents, divorced,

engaged, dating/courting, widowed etc…  You may also want to know about those in school, what careers etc…

Plan! Plan! Plan! Know your community 

Same as the church but you will want to add what the community does for fun.  This will help you attach them to your events.

In-reach (Church) 

Minister to the needs of the house.  Singles Retreats  Conferences  Small groups, etc…

Plan! Plan! Plan! Out-reach (Community)        

Opportunity Unity Training Research Extend Activities Community Help

Plan! Plan! Plan! Determine your Facility needs 

Where you will have meetings, fellowships, and etc… Is Childcare needed?  Who  How  How Much  Where

Plan! Plan! Plan! Determine your Budget 

What is available  Is Church funding?  Will it be self-funded?

How much is needed  Can Church supply  Fund-raisers  Major Donors  Contributions (such as dues, offering, gifts)

What’s Next… Start small, build a core group Start with a Singles Sunday School/Small Group/Bible Study 

Address the REAL issues…  Certainty of Salvation  Divorce/Death of spouse/Desire to be Married  Single parenting/  Dating/Courting/Lust/Love  Boundaries/Relationships  Loneliness/Contentment

What’s Next… Have A Luncheon  

Open house Monthly fellowship  This is IN-reach with a goal of OUT-reach.

Have an OUT-reach once a month Go on a Retreat, Conference or recreational event 

sponsored by your church or join other local churches.

Resources VIP Singles Ministry  nglesministry

The Singles’ Network 

www.thesinglesnetwork.o rg  les

Today’s Single Christian  m/singles

Single Parenting  parenting/features/ ml

Christian Single Resources  nglesresources/Christian_Sin gles_Resources.htm

Christian Singles Blog 

Purposefully Single 

Resources Passion for Purity 

Passion for Dating  s/page.asp?page_id=2704

Living Single Again  m

Center For Single Parenting 

Cook Publishing 

CCN Online 

Family Life Today 

Focus On The Family 

Resources “Common Mistakes Singles Make” (Paperback) by Mary S. Whelchel

“I Kissed Dating Goodbye” (Paperback) By Joshua Harris

“Boy Meets Girl: Say Hello to Courtship” (Paperback) by Joshua Harris

“When God Writes Your Love Story: The Ultimate Approach to Guy/Girl Relationships” (Paperback) by Eric Ludy and Leslie Ludy

“No More Sheets: The Truth About Sex”

(Paperback) by Juanita Bynum

“The Truth About Sex: What the World Won’t Tell You and God Wants You to Know” (Paperback) By Kay Arthur

“My Life as A Chrsitian Single: How I Survived” (Paperback) by Prophetess Rochell Lee

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