Destiny & Decisions Sample Report

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The Destiny and Decisions Forecast Report for

Beyonce Knowles September 4, 1981 12:00 PM Houston, Texas May 29, 2009 - June 29, 2009 by Auset 415.954.4229

by Sacred Dimensions


Text Copyright by Riley Goodwin and Astrodienst AG, Swizerland. All rights reserved. This report is titled the "Destiny and Decisions Forecast" because there is an element of the future that you cannot change; this is your destiny. But you also have choices and options available to you; these are your decisions. This report predicts where the planets are in the current time period, when they will be forming aspects to your natal planets, what influences these aspects bring, and how long they will last--as far into the future as you wish to look. THIS is truly PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY! Our report goes beyond the limitations of most astrological forecast reports in two very important ways: (1) we go into a much more detailed interpretation for the heavier aspects that could have a greater impact on your life, and (2) we include some suggestions for you to consider regarding how you may deal with the influences. This should eliminate the need for further counseling in most cases. Your forecast begins on the next page. If the time period for an interpretation is, for example, given as "July 1, 1999 (June 15, 1999 to July 15, 1999)", then it starts in mid-June, reaches greatest intensity around July 1, and ends in mid-July. The first date listed is the time when the influence has reached maximum strength. An influence may last for as little as a week to as long as half a year or so. To obtain maximum benefit from this report, we recommend a periodic study and review of the information as the time period unfolds--once a week, at least, and more often when there are significant things going on in your life. It is always good to keep a diary or a journal to get a sense of the timing of the transits and a history of how they affected your life. Following is the data from your natal chart with which the transiting planets form aspects: Tropical/Placidus NATAL CHART Calculated for time zone 0 hours Natal positions: Sun=12VI04 Moon=21SC54 Jup=12LI24 Sat= 9LI04 Asc=16SC00 MC=20LE58 6th h=21AR45

Merc= 2LI40 Ura=26SC28 2nd h=15SA25

Ven=20LI19 Nep=22SA05 3rd h=17CP23

Mars= 1LE40 Plu=22LI40 5th h=23PI19

PLANET-TO-PLANET SELECTIONS Natal: Sun Moon Merc Ven Mars Jup Sat Ura Nep Plu Asc MC Transiting: Sun Merc Ven Mars Jup Sat Ura Nep Plu Conj Sqr Sxtil

ASPECT ORB ( 0 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Oppos ( 90 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Trine ( 60 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min

May 6, 2009

ASPECT ORB (180 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min (120 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min

(May 5, 2009 to June 5, 2009)

Sun 7th H.

TRANSITING SUN IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE--When the Sun transits this house of your Natal chart, it influences the departments of life most strongly affected by the individual will and power potential. With a seventh house Sun, you may begin to express your power potential through close personal relationships, and you are likely to attract strong, capable, and close, loyal friends. Marriage is important to you, and you will attract a strong, loyal mate with enduring affection. You are especially good at public relations, gaining popularity, dealing with superiors, and showing a self-confident manner. You need to watch for tendencies to dominate 2

others. If you catch yourself doing this, stop and respect their individual self-expression.

May 20, 2009

(May 19, 2009 to June 22, 2009)


6th H. TRANSITING MARS IN THE SIXTH HOUSE--Mars transiting the houses influences the departments of life in which you express your actions and desires. It shows where you need to use your energy and initiative to achieve the best results. In the sixth house transit, it focuses on energy and skill expressed through work. This could be directed toward work and service in the care-giving area. You are likely to have extremely good mechanical ability as well as an excellent understanding of how mechanical things work. This includes the mechanics of the human body, as many great surgeons have Mars in the sixth house. If you work for others, it will be extremely necessary for it to be a well-organized, efficient operation. Beware of perfectionism and over-concern for details during this time. Also for the tendency to overwork.

May 24, 2009

(Mar 27, 2009 to Aug 3, 2009)

Nep Sqr

Ura TRANSITING NEPTUNE SQUARE NATAL URANUS--Both of these planets have a lower and a higher level of influences. The square aspect can cause sudden changes of mood, and a confusing level of awareness. On one level it can cause you to disclose things you had wished to keep secret, possibly even from yourself. This is positive for it would mean that, whatever it was, it is better for you for it to come out into the open. On another level, it can reveal philosophical and spiritual truths that you have not previously been willing to realize and accept. You could even find that a particular person you know is really quite different from the way you had always thought. At yet another level, this aspect can expose you to psychic and mystical experiences at a depth never before revealed to you. During this time, you are not likely to make much sense or logic from what you learn, and will not be able to apply it to your life in any reasonable way. Allow yourself plenty of time to deal with the feelings and revelations brought about by this transit. After it has passed, you can look back and study the influences in retrospect. Perhaps then you can plug them into the structure of your life in a more systematic manner.

May 26, 2009

(Jan 12, 2009 to July 5, 2009)

Plu Sqr

Merc TRANSITING PLUTO SQUARE NATAL MERCURY--During this transit your ideas about the world in general could be challenged significantly. Or, your thinking may be deepened tremendously, enabling you to deal with ideas that would have previously been too deep for you. If the latter be the case, you will be influenced to persuade others of your beliefs. Watch out for fanaticism, and tendencies to shove your beliefs onto others. Know your limits and respect theirs. This transit can be a positive learning experience, allowing your internal intellectual structure to change considerably. You may also be attracted to new ideas with very intense emotional overtones, making you want to see into the very depths of the Universe. This can give you new understanding, and you may learn that knowledge is very powerful. In fact, this deep understanding can seem to give you a mystical power over people and things. Be warned, that tragic consequences can develop if this power is misused or used in a negative way. Watch out for warning signals, and seek spiritual guidance. All power is good when used for the good of all, and one of Pluto's powers is that of regeneration.


May 27, 2009

(May 14, 2009 to July 16, 2009)

Jup Sqr

Ura TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE NATAL URANUS--This transit promotes impulsiveness and there is a tendency to go overboard for all kinds of grandiose schemes. It projects the idea of change. It could mean a lucky change of fortune or a significant opportunity that changes your life--or, it could produce such restlessness and impatience with restrictions that you precipitate a major disturbance in your life in your efforts to be free. Freedom in general is very important to you at this time. In relationships, it can be disruptive because you will resent anything which keeps you "in line". The keyword is patience, and positive change can come of the transit.

May 28, 2009

(May 27, 2009 to June 22, 2009)

Ven 6th

H. TRANSITING VENUS IN THE SIXTH HOUSE--Venus transiting in the houses influences how you express yourself socially, romantically, and artistically in the various areas of your life. The sixth house transit indicates that your social activities and romantic involvements are likely to be established through your work. And--your work will probably be connected with artistic pursuits and social doings, which you will thoroughly enjoy. You love beautiful clothing and could be very talented in dressmaking and design. You could also try music, art supplies, home decorating, or commercial art and design as vocational or professional endeavors during this time.

May 28, 2009

9 PM(May 27, 2009 to May 29, 2009)


Trine Nep TRANSITING VENUS TRINE NATAL NEPTUNE-This a pleasant aspect but not good for getting things done. Expect fantasies and daydreams. This could be an extremely useful transit for creative activity, but you must completely work it out in your head before producing the physical form. This transit inspires compassion and tenderness, along with unselfish and spiritual love. Unhappy relationships could improve, and good ones get better. Seek the higher plane of Neptune through prayer and meditation.

May 29, 2009

12 PM(May 29, 2009 to May 30, 2009)


Oppos Plu TRANSITING VENUS OPPOSITE NATAL PLUTO--This aspect deals with relationships, and intensifies the energy and the affects of the experiences involved. It could lead to indiscretions that could cause problems later on. A new relationship could be impulsive in nature, and infatuation may prevent you from proper evaluation of the consequences. Caution and awareness is recommended until you can get a feel for where the relationship could go. There could be obscure conflicts in existing relationships, causing some difficulties. Subconscious impulses may cause you to behave irrationally, and you need to beware of manipulative tendencies in yourself. There are powerful energies at work here, and you need to be able to deal with root causes. Handled properly, this aspect can be a powerful force for good.

May 30, 2009

8 AM(May 29, 2009 to May 31, 2009)

Trine Sat



TRANSITING SUN TRINE NATAL SATURN--This can be a "down-to-earth" transit. It can help you get to know yourself through your relationship with, and your effect on, your environment. This is not the time to be an intellectual, instead you need to get "down to earth", literally. There is a close relationship between who you are and what you do. You will be highly disciplined and able to channel your energies toward any objective you wish to attain. This is a time to examine your habits, your home situation, your work, and everything else that is important to you. Determine how they work on a practical level. Begin organizing your life and making an overall plan. Even your relationships should be supportive now. The Sun is energy and Saturn is discipline, and the Trine is the most supportive transit of them all. It is a good transit for work which requires discipline and self-control, and you should be able to work effectively alone or with others.

June 2, 2009

11 AM(June 2, 2009 to June 3, 2009)

Sun Sqr

Sun TRANSITING SUN SQUARE NATAL SUN--This transit occurs roughly three months after and three months before your birthday. At both times it is a transit of crisis and challenge. Square aspects create challenges to be overcome, and usually will provide insight for how to conquer setbacks. It is not a time to fear, but it is a time for testing the validity of what you are doing. People may oppose you in your efforts and you could get very angry with them, but you need to understand that their motives are the same as yours. In the square before your birthday, you will be challenged to complete various projects and reap their rewards--or other consequences. This after birthday square could bring challenges to your efforts to build something up, to create a material structure, or just to get a project going. There could also be a testing of some new aspect of the personality which is trying to get out into the light of the world. Study the situations of your life, and use this energy to make amends where necessary and start new beginnings.

June 2, 2009

8 PM(June 2, 2009 to June 3, 2009)

Sun Trine

Jup TRANSITING SUN TRINE NATAL JUPITER--According to the ancients, and reinforced by contemporary experience, this is one of the most positive transits. It assures good feelings, and peace and harmony with others. It tends to make you feel lazy, but it would be a waste to let it slip by without using the energy to accomplish something useful and constructive. Your enthusiasm and optimism will project energies that cause your affairs to work out as you want. You have an understanding of overall patterns, and what appears to be "dumb luck" is the result of applying your positive frame of mind with more foresight and consideration than usual. You will be able to change any area of your life for the better. This is a good time to pursue studies in the mystical and the philosophical. The Sun illuminates the expansiveness of Jupiter, giving you an empirical view of the world and all of the things and the people in it.

June 3, 2009

3 AM(June 1, 2009 to June 4, 2009)

Mars Sqr

Mars TRANSITING MARS SQUARE NATAL MARS--This is a good transit for getting work done, provided you can control your impulsive behavior. Your ego energies are high and you could assert yourself very inappropriately if you are not careful. You may feel like you could conquer the world, and could issue unnecessary challenges to the people around you. On the other hand, you may have to deal with someone else who is doing the same things to you. In that case it is best to be patient as long as possible, only fighting back if there are important issues at 5

stake. It will be very difficult to endure any kind of frustration during this time. Take care of your physical health under this transit, and avoid taking any unnecessary chances which could result in accidents.

June 3, 2009

(Mar 27, 2009 to Aug 3, 2009)

Nep Sqr

Ura This astrological influence (Nep Sqr Ura) also occurred on May 24, 2009 (peak date). Please refer to this date.

June 5, 2009

(June 4, 2009 to July 9, 2009)

Sun 8th H.

TRANSITING SUN IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE--When the Sun transits this house of your Natal chart, it influences the departments of life most strongly affected by the individual will and power potential. In this house, your interest will be directed toward the deeper mysteries of life, such as death, and the survival of consciousness after death. This will probably increase in intensity as you grow older. You are likely to work at self-improvement through the application of your strong will. Spiritual principles will be important to you, but they may not come easy. You need to transcend the material level of life. The Sun in this house may indicate inheritances and legacies. You are likely to deal much with taxes, insurance, and partners' or corporate finances. Watch out for trouble in litigation of these kinds of matters. Avoid the tendency to squander others resources.

June 8, 2009

3 AM(June 8, 2009 to June 9, 2009)

Ven Sqr

Mars TRANSITING VENUS SQUARE NATAL MARS--Squares usually bring challenges to be met and/or obstacles to be overcome, and this one could have serious consequences. The emotions of Venus are squared off against the actions urges of Mars. In relationships, the love interest will be enhanced and physical desire will be aroused. If the feelings are mutual the result can be great, but if not, disaster can be the result. The lessons to be learned here could be tolerance, control and respect. Venus is also the planet of the arts, and Mars the planet of action. Sublimating the sexual urges into artist interests and action can be the solution to relationship difficulties and conflicts. Professional counseling could be strongly indicated here.

June 9, 2009

11 PM(June 8, 2009 to June 11, 2009)


Oppos Ura TRANSITING MERCURY OPPOSITE NATAL URANUS--Oppositions usually mean obstacles to be overcome and this is no exception. When a transit hits this aspect, it could make you blunt, tactless, arrogant and conceited. No one else could make you change your mind about anything, but YOU may change it without the slightest justification. The key here is to "lighten up". Don't be afraid to be wrong. Cultivate patience and cooperation with others during this time, whether you agree with them or not (and you probably won't). Try to avoid snap judgments and sudden decisions--"look before you leap". Seek spiritual guidance for the use of the awesome power this transit can provide.

June 11, 2009

3 AM(June 10, 2009 to June 12, 2009) 6


Trine Ven TRANSITING SUN TRINE NATAL VENUS--This is a very positive transit, making you feel good, both physically and emotionally. The influence is light-hearted and you will find it difficult to get involved in any serious projects. There is a great appreciation of art and beauty, and it is a good time for buying art objects and clothing, or decorations for the home. You will feel affectionate, loving and romantic. It is a good time to enjoy relationships, and friends. It is a good time to resolve any real or imagined difficulties with another person. You will be able to get your points across in a non-threatening and caring way. When you are alone, you may feel very lonely. You should seek out companionship with good friends and go out and have a good time.

June 11, 2009

7 PM(June 10, 2009 to June 12, 2009)

Sun Sxtil

MC TRANSITING SUN SEXTILE THE NATAL MIDHEAVEN--This transit should help you to feel strong, confident and full of vim, vigor and vitality. Optimism and self-confidence is high, and you know inside yourself what you can do--you do not need re-enforcement from others. You are likely to focus your attention on getting ahead professionally during this transit. It is a good time to plan your future course of action. Because of your awareness of personal responsibility and inner strength, your personal and family life also benefit from this aspect.

June 11, 2009

(May 7, 2009 to Aug 26, 2009)

Ura Trine

Ura TRANSITING URANUS TRINE NATAL URANUS--This transit occurs three times in the lives of people who live past eighty-five, and the first two indicate significant times of change. The first time it occurs is usually at about age twenty-eight--just prior to the first Saturn Return (transiting Saturn conjunct Natal Saturn), and is often a part of that maturation cycle of your life. By this time most of us have tried to experience our childhood dreams, have tried to accomplish our youthful desires, and have begun to accept life's realities. We begin to realize that we have "grown up" and usually start making serious decisions about the rest of our lives. It is not unusual for rather drastic changes to be made at this time. The second time this trine occurs is at about age fifty-six, and is near the time of the second Saturn return. During this second Uranus-trineUranus, we will look back over our lives and try to determine how well we have done. If most areas of our lives have been satisfactory and fulfilling, we may continue on our chosen paths with only minor changes and revisions. If we basically like what we are doing, there could merely be some efforts to improve our skills or to update our methods. However, if you do not feel the course you have chosen is fulfilling and you are dissatisfied with where you are, you could make some radical changes in some (or all) areas of your life at this time. Remember that the Uranus influences include impulsiveness and sudden change, and sometimes the demand for "freedom" at ANY cost! Try to avoid decisions imposed by these influences and remember that Uranus also provides ingenuity and inspiration from its higher spiritual octaves. Allow yourself to experience all these influences, and carefully think through any and all changes before committing yourself to them and burning all your bridges.

June 12, 2009

11 PM(June 11, 2009 to June 14, 2009)


Oppos Nep TRANSITING SUN OPPOSITE NATAL NEPTUNE--When the transiting Sun makes an aspect with a natal planet, the attempt is to "illuminate" the influences of the other planet according to the 7

aspect indicated. Since the influences of these two planets are almost directly opposite already, the opposition aspect certainly indicates considerable confusion and uncertainty. Perhaps the worst of the influences is not knowing how to act or react in human relationships. Encounters with others could be demoralizing and/or confusing. Your ego energies are not very high, and you may lack the courage to act on your instincts, even if your instincts were clear. You are inclined to avoid confrontation and tend to be afraid to assert yourself. The temptation is to act surreptitiously instead of out in the open, but the risk of doing that is that it could demoralize you even further. The best course is open and honest avoidance of acting hastily. Share your feelings and demand more time. More positively, this position can help you to experience a deeper spirituality and "soul-union" type of relationship. There can be an illumination of a deeper mystical understanding, and motivation for psychic and spiritual study and growth. Seek positive direction through prayer and meditation.

June 13, 2009

1 PM(June 12, 2009 to June 14, 2009)


Trine Plu TRANSITING SUN TRINE NATAL PLUTO--This transit brings transforming energies into your life, and you can make changes. Look within and determine what motivates you, what you want, and what changes you need to make so that your life runs more smoothly. Decide what parts of your life needs to be reformed and DO IT. You can be energetic and forceful in expressing yourself to others, but don't use the energy for ruthless or selfish purposes. If you do, you could set into action powerful forces that could drag you down. Remember, if Pluto can't effectively fix what is wrong, you will need to tear it down and start over. And if the corrections don't benefit others involved, improvements will not be made. Pluto forces changes to be for the good of all. This is a good time for exerting yourself through work that must be done, which can help you gain more experience of yourself and be put to good use later on.

June 15, 2009

6 PM(June 14, 2009 to June 16, 2009)


Sxtil Mars TRANSITING MERCURY SEXTILE NATAL MARS--This transit brings a high level of mental activity, supporting the best influences of Mercury and Mars. You can work very hard, and any project you attempt will go well. You are likely to want to do things on your own and for yourself, or at least for personal recognition. You will be able to communicate and present your case to others in a very forceful way during this time. Others may not be up to your work level, however, and you need to be patient with them. Your optimism and self confidence will allow you to take advantage of all opportunities that come your way during this aspect.

June 16, 2009

3 PM(June 16, 2009 to June 17, 2009)


Trine Merc TRANSITING MERCURY TRINE NATAL MERCURY--This supportive trine aspect helps your mind in everything it has to do. Your thinking is clear and precise. This is an excellent time for making plans and for communicating them, especially in business and commercial transactions. It is also a good time for traveling to see something new. Your curiosity will be highly aroused and expanding your mental and communications skills will come easy. It is a good time for learning and study.

June 17, 2009

4 AM(June 15, 2009 to June 18, 2009) 8


Trine Sun TRANSITING MARS TRINE THE NATAL SUN--This transit produces high energy, vigor, and self-confidence. It is good for initiating all kinds of activities, especially physical. It is extremely favorable for situations which require decisive action. This is a good time for dealing with men, whatever your sex. In love relationships, it can balance each other's needs for self-gratification, enabling both to give and gain from the other. New opportunities to be personally effective and to prove yourself often occur during this transit. They could bring a promotion or a new job. You are more likely to know what you want now and to have the self-confidence to go after it. Buck for a promotion, go for a raise, or look for a new job. Business and commercial negotiations are favorable during this transit.

June 18, 2009

11 AM(June 18, 2009 to June 19, 2009)


Trine Sun TRANSITING VENUS TRINE NATAL SUN--Trines are supportive and this is one of the most pleasant of all transits. It doesn't signify anything earth shattering, but is a good time for all kinds of enjoyable activity. In work you will feel a spirit of camaraderie and togetherness, making it go smoothly. However, pleasure and recreation are the highlights of this transit. It is a good time for personal and love relationships. If you feel the least bit ambitious, it is a good time for creative and craft projects, or for almost anything you may want to do. It could be a shame to waste this energy, but if you really don't want to work, just relax and enjoy.

June 21, 2009

4 PM(June 20, 2009 to June 22, 2009)


Trine Sat TRANSITING MERCURY TRINE NATAL SATURN--This is a supportive transit which brings serious thinking and important concerns. You deal with practical matters and keep your mind at work. Professional ethics will be in the limelight during this time. Concentration is good on mental work that requires attention to detail. Your critical faculties are sharp and you can see what needs to be done to make an organization work. It is a good time to organize yourself and your environment, to collect the pieces that make up the whole. You will not be inclined toward fun things, and may prefer to be alone rather than with people.

June 21, 2009

(May 26, 2009 to July 6, 2009)

Sat Sxtil

Asc TRANSITING SATURN SEXTILE NATAL ASCENDANT--At this time your avenues of communication with others are stabilized and solidified. Also you will probably create a set of fully formulated goals and expectations for the next several years. Therefore it is important that you take this transit very seriously. Be consciously aware of what you are doing, because the patterns you establish now will be difficult to alter, and they will determine the success or failure of your relationships over the next several years. It is also important at this time for you to learn other people's views of you as a human being and as a member of society. This does not mean that you should take their words at face value and deny your own beliefs, merely that you should use the feedback from people whom you respect to help you come to conclusions about yourself. This is a time for serious work and the company of serious people. You will need to relax at times, but generally, this is a time for discipline, organization, and growth. If you do not handle this transit well, you will have difficulties with relationships at the next square or conjunction of Saturn to the Ascendant. You need to discriminate between habit and discipline-habit is unconscious, while discipline is consciously self-imposed for thought out, valid reasons. 9

June 22, 2009

6 AM(June 22, 2009 to June 23, 2009)


Oppos Asc TRANSITING VENUS OPPOSITE THE NATAL ASCENDANT--Opposition aspects usually present obstacles to be overcome, but this one is unlikely to do so. This can be an extremely favorable transit for close relationships and one-to-one encounters of any kind. Love or marriage concerns should go smoothly, and it makes for a good time to iron out any existing difficulties. It could trigger the beginning of a new relationship or renewal of an old one. It is not the best of times to be alone. Seek out family and friends, or go someplace where people are.

June 22, 2009

(June 21, 2009 to July 19, 2009)

Ven 7th

H. TRANSITING VENUS IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE--Venus transiting in the houses influences how you express yourself socially, romantically, and artistically in the various areas of your life. In the seventh house it highlights popularity, social ability and the ability to deal with the public. Marriage and close personal relationships will be important to you now. You have great ability to express love, therefore you receive love in return. You may marry and prosper from marriage during this time.

June 22, 2009

1 PM(June 22, 2009 to June 23, 2009)


Oppos Asc TRANSITING MARS OPPOSITE THE NATAL ASCENDANT--This can be the most conflictproducing of all the transits. It truly illuminates the meaning of the word, "Opposition". It may appear that everything you want to do will be opposed by something or someone. You will have to fight for what you want, or learn to manipulate the circumstances behind the scenes. This will certainly be a difficult time for relationships, as it can set up a serious conflict between your need to assert yourself and your need for relationships. Try to avoid any kind of a domination relation. Your ego drive is high, but you need to practice conciliatory behavior and to, at least, put on the appearance of a little humility. Physical exercise can help discharge some of your aggressiveness, but avoid risky or dangerous situations lest accidents occur.

June 22, 2009

(June 21, 2009 to Aug 3, 2009)

Mars 7th

H. TRANSITING MARS IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE--Mars transiting the houses influences the areas of life in which you express your actions and desires, and where you need to use energy and initiative in order to get results. Seventh house transits could encourage aggressive partnership activities or working with the public. You are likely to be attracted to people with the same nature, and strife can be part of your relationships. With energy and single-mindedness of purpose, you are able to achieve much through cooperative efforts during this transit. You will need to beware of serious disagreements and marital discord.

June 23, 2009

5 PM(June 23, 2009 to June 24, 2009)

Sqr Sun



TRANSITING MERCURY SQUARE NATAL SUN--Mercury is intellect and communications. This transit indicates a day of busy mental activity and communications with others. Group conferences, letter writing, and paper work should go smoothly. Your statements will have energy, thus will be convincing. Downplay ego and stick to facts. Avoid controversy with authority figures. Some astrologers believe that Mercury retrograde dulls the intellect and creates conflicts in understanding. This astrologer has Mercury retrograde in his natal chart and finds that the opposite is usually true. It is always a good idea to be "perfectly clear" in all of your communications during this time.

June 23, 2009

11 PM(June 23, 2009 to June 24, 2009)


Trine Jup TRANSITING MERCURY TRINE NATAL JUPITER--This transit expands the mind. It favors all types of business and commercial activity, as it is an excellent time for planning for the future and creating organizational systems. Although Jupiter is sometimes called the "lucky" planet, these things do not happen through luck, but rather through hard work, which the mind is opened up to realize during this time. You are optimistic and positive in your thinking, which, when applied with luck, can lead to phenomenal success.

June 24, 2009

1 AM(June 24, 2009 to June 25, 2009)


Sqr Merc TRANSITING SUN SQUARE NATAL MERCURY--This transit brings ideas and communications quickly. You will be mentally active, and will need to understand the surface message as well as the underlying meaning. You can make people aware of your ideas and positions, and will be able to get your points across. Square aspects create challenges to be overcome, however. You need to be tactful with others during this time. There could be conflict with others who are just not in tune with your mental speed and energy today. You will need to listen as well as speak. Your energy level is high, and you will be able to assert yourself--but be diplomatic.

June 25, 2009

(June 25, 2009 to July 12, 2009)

Merc 8th

H. TRANSITING MERCURY IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE--Transiting Mercury in the houses deals with the practical affairs that occupy your mind and shows what areas of activity will be influenced by your thoughts and communications. The eighth house transit provides interests in deeper phases of science and the occult. These interests could include spiritualism and communication with spirits of the dead. You love mystery and intrigue and will pursue secrets and discover the motivations behind human behavior. You like to get to the bottom of things. You can also plan in secret and formulate strategy behind the scenes. The whole subject of death is likely to hold a macabre fascination for you. Beware of plots for revenge, for you may have a tendency to hold grudges.

June 26, 2009

11 PM(June 26, 2009 to June 27, 2009)


Sqr MC TRANSITING VENUS SQUARE THE NATAL MIDHEAVEN--Squares usually bring problems. This transit may bring a compulsion to be with a special person in order to express your love and affection. You could feel that you are not quite complete alone and you need someone else to 11

help you be a whole person. This doesn't mean you are insecure, but the influences create the need to share yourself with another. Take care, however, not to blow a relationship out of proportion lest feelings of possessiveness and jealousy enter in. This is a good time to pursue your talents by participating in activities relating to beauty and the arts.

June 27, 2009

8 PM(June 26, 2009 to June 28, 2009)


Oppos Moon TRANSITING VENUS OPPOSITE NATAL MOON--Oppositions usually bring challenges and/or obstacles to overcome, but this is not normally a difficult transit. It increases affections in all kinds of relationships and the ability for both to give and receive love. One problem may be that your desire to love someone could overrule your normal sense of discretion and your emotions could inhibit your ability to handle problems objectively. It might not be wise to make a commitment to a new love affair during this time. However, there should be warm and tender feelings between you and your loved ones.

June 28, 2009

5 PM(June 28, 2009 to June 29, 2009)


Trine Ven TRANSITING MERCURY TRINE NATAL VENUS--Under this supportive Trine transit, your mind turns to beauty and pleasure. It is a good time to give serious thought to artistic expression, but you will not want to get too heavy. You want things pleasant, and you will avoid saying unpleasant things. It is a good time to smooth over any ruffled feathers which may have cropped up in your relationships. It is also a good day for meeting new friends.

June 29, 2009

2 AM(June 28, 2009 to June 30, 2009)


Sxtil MC TRANSITING MERCURY SEXTILE THE NATAL MIDHEAVEN--This transit focuses your attention on your work, career, and professional goals. You can plan for the future at this time and will discuss with others the areas of your life that your highest interests are triggered into. Communications are likely to be multiple and in many forms. Use this time to clarify your thoughts and actions to yourself and to those others who are significant in these activities.

June 29, 2009

11 AM(June 28, 2009 to June 30, 2009)


Sqr MC TRANSITING MARS SQUARE THE NATAL MIDHEAVEN--The action influences of Mars are squared of against your highest desires for yourself: goals, honor, career, and personal achievements. This transit can make you over-aggressive and self-assertive. You need to avoid impulsiveness, and to consider the feelings of others. Where your ego is involved, conflicts can develop in your professional and domestic life. If you can harness the energy in a positive way, much can be accomplished. If not, it may be best to lay low during this aspect.

July 3, 2009

(May 14, 2009 to July 16, 2009)

Jup Sqr Ura

TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE NATAL URANUS--This transit promotes impulsiveness and there is a tendency to go overboard for all kinds of grandiose schemes. It projects the idea of 12

change. It could mean a lucky change of fortune or a significant opportunity that changes your life--or, it could produce such restlessness and impatience with restrictions that you precipitate a major disturbance in your life in your efforts to be free. Freedom in general is very important to you at this time. In relationships, it can be disruptive because you will resent anything which keeps you "in line". The keyword is patience, and positive change can come of the transit.

July 20, 2009

(May 7, 2009 to Aug 26, 2009)

Ura Trine

Ura TRANSITING URANUS TRINE NATAL URANUS--This transit occurs three times in the lives of people who live past eighty-five, and the first two indicate significant times of change. The first time it occurs is usually at about age twenty-eight--just prior to the first Saturn Return (transiting Saturn conjunct Natal Saturn), and is often a part of that maturation cycle of your life. By this time most of us have tried to experience our childhood dreams, have tried to accomplish our youthful desires, and have begun to accept life's realities. We begin to realize that we have "grown up" and usually start making serious decisions about the rest of our lives. It is not unusual for rather drastic changes to be made at this time. The second time this trine occurs is at about age fifty-six, and is near the time of the second Saturn return. During this second Uranus-trineUranus, we will look back over our lives and try to determine how well we have done. If most areas of our lives have been satisfactory and fulfilling, we may continue on our chosen paths with only minor changes and revisions. If we basically like what we are doing, there could merely be some efforts to improve our skills or to update our methods. However, if you do not feel the course you have chosen is fulfilling and you are dissatisfied with where you are, you could make some radical changes in some (or all) areas of your life at this time. Remember that the Uranus influences include impulsiveness and sudden change, and sometimes the demand for "freedom" at ANY cost! Try to avoid decisions imposed by these influences and remember that Uranus also provides ingenuity and inspiration from its higher spiritual octaves. Allow yourself to experience all these influences, and carefully think through any and all changes before committing yourself to them and burning all your bridges.


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