Desperate Housewives Season 1 Episode 8

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 1
DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES SEASON 1 EPISODE 8 Guilty Grand: 1,000 dollars (uno de los grandes)

Mob: mafia

Sinner: pecador

Lead: pista

Guilty: culpable

Eyewitness: testigo ocular

Second base: petting your partner. (

Shallow: superficial, banal

D.U.I.: Driving Under the Influence (of alcohol)

Weary: cansado Knot: nudo

Hit and run: darse a la fuga tras atropellar a alguien

Loop: lazada

Moose: alce

To yank tout: tirar fuerte, apretar el nudo

To get rid of: deshacerse de

Alley: callejón

Conspicuous: llamativo, manifiesto, notorio

Shrink: loquero, psiquiatra

Needless to say: ni que decir tiene.

Dinged: abollado

Trash bag: bolsa de la basura

To pussyfoot: dar largas al asunto

Debauchery: libertinaje

Drowsy: somnoliento

Out of whack: descontrolado

To snoop (around): curiosear, fisgonear

Brook: arroyo

Weird: raro, extraño

Soothing: tranquilizador, relajante

To repent: arrepentirse

Tiler: solador

To clean the slate: hacer borrón y cuenta nueva

Remorse: remordimientos

Failure: fracaso

Wad: fajo

Worthless: sin valor, despreciable

Hit man: sicario, asesino a sueldo

To soothe: calmar, aliviar To vow: jurar, prometer

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