Desirable Change1

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 586
  • Pages: 2
Desirable changes : Destroying Stray Dogs DEFINITION: Destroying stray dogs means that to kill the stray dogs by using poison or guns to reduce the stray dogs population. Stray dogs are abandoned animal which means any animal whose owner/guardian has knowingly, intentionally or recklessly left it unattended, without proper food, water or shelter, for twenty-four hours or more. METHODS to destroy stray dogs are by: 1) The use of poison (vets say the common choice is cyanide) and set it out as bait. The dogs ate it very quickly and all at once, and soon the locality resembled an animal. Eventually, these animals die, in full consciousness, because they are no longer capable of breathing If the dose is lethal, the animals suffocate within 10– 15 minutes, suffering cramps and diarrhea. In many cases however, the (lethal) amount they are given has been finely measured, resulting in the dogs being only paralyzed at first. It can take up to two days before they are finally relieved from their ordeal, while still in full consciousness. These animals just lie around helplessly, suffering uncontrolled spasms, until they finally die. 2) Dogs shooting Other countries do using these methods like Jordan, Greece, India and even Brunei. The effects of these processes are it reduces the population of the stray dogs but it gives an unpleasant sight view and foul smells when the dogs been run away after they were killed or been poisoned. This means that the used of poisons and killed are effective to reduce strays dogs. But, this processes is not successful but instead they used other alternative like sterilization and also in Brunei the used of the effective poison to kill a dogs within 5 seconds are been banned due to inhumane or cruel towards our culture. These changes should takes place in the Brunei community either in residential area, roads and supermarkets by the municipal worker and the police. The obstacles that may prevent these changes for taking place are Poisoning and shooting aren’t effective because the dogs will not die straight away then the dogs tends to runaways which causes these methods take a long times to destroy them. 2) Give a bad reputation to the country that chooses to use these methods. They are both very inhumane towards our culture. 3) Destroying stray dogs is not a good sight-view and can give unpleasant smells when the stray dogs are found dead lying on the roads or building. 1)

To overcome the obstacles are: 1) Inform to the community that strays dogs can be killed by municipal or by police under the Act of 60 in the book of law of Brunei when the stray dogs attacked people.

2) Only destroyed the stray dogs when the dogs are confirmed by the veterinarian that the dogs have a disease like rabies. 3) If the dogs are not label or badge police have the right to destroy them this is under the chapter 60 of the dogs act Steps:1) Gives survey to the people so that we have another alternative to reduce strays dogs 2) Do give information to the opinion column on the Borneo bulletin so that the people in Brunei know about the law of the killing of stray dogs and information about what other alternative ways to reduce strays dogs. 3) Tell the dog’s owner to register their own dogs so that the dogs are being able to recognise as a pet. Possible barriers of these steps:(1) Unwillingness cooperation from the dog’s owner

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