Desertification West Africa,sahel

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 263
  • Pages: 10
Desertification West Africa,Sahel Du Han Yuan 2O404 Leon Twang 2O428 Click to edit Master subtitle style

Desertification-a degradation of land in arid and semi-arid areas, caused by natural , human activities and climate change

Human causes 

Incorrect irrigation practices in arid areas Overgrazing Cultivation of marginal lands- where there is a high risk of crop failure and a very low economic return Destruction of vegetation in arid regions

Natural Causes 

Soil erosion

global climate change

forest fires


Consequences of desertification 

Dry rivers

Flash floods

Growth of desert

Loss of plants and animals


Infertile land

Causes of Desertification in Sahel 

the fragile ecological zone of Sahel was unable to sustain its growing population increased pressure on the land increased the number of droughts collectively owned land led to deforestation as well as overgrazing without trees, the soil breaks down easily, gradually turning the area into

Situation Sahel in West Africa has been facing •

Poor rain over the past few decades

Soil becoming less fertile

Soil erosion due to the lack of plants and fewer crops Famine

Solutions to desertification in Sahel •

The government has to be willing to try and combat the problem, and gain the participation of the population. The number of animals on the land must be decreased Reseeding in bad areas Enforce good land areas in semi-arid areas

Bibliography •

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