Descriptives And Crosstabs

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 3,616
  • Pages: 10

Age Range

Education Level


18-25: 47.4% 25-35: 28.3% 36-45: 11.2% 46-55: 8.6% 56-65: 2% 66-75: 2% 76plus: 0.5%

18-25: 38.2% 25-35: 28.2% 36-45: 16% 46-55: 12.2% 56-65: 3.8% 66-75: 1.5% 76plus: 0%

PrimarySchool: 5.3% HighSchool: 32.5 University: 62.3%

School: 9.8% HighSchool: 4.5% Liceum: 0.8% College: 18.2% Institute: 28% University: 38.6%

Full-time: 18.7% Employment Part-time: 64.5% Status Retired: 9.3% Looking for job: 7.5%

Part/Full (not whole day): 14.2% Part-time: 6.7% Full day: 57.5% Retired: 5% Looking for job: 16.7%

Montly Income

less500YTL: 17.5% 600YTL-1000YTL: 38.1% 1100YTL-2000YTL: 23.7% 2100YTL-3000YTL: 11.3% 3100YTL-4000YTL: 4.1% 5100YTL-6000YTL: 4.1% 8100YTL-9000YTL: 1%

less$50: 7.7% $60-$100: 29.8% $110-$200: 43.3% $210-$300: 14.4% $310-$400: 3.8% more$1000: 1%

Marital Status

Single: 63.2% Married: 27.6% Divorced: 6.6% Widow: 1.3% Living together: 1.3%

Single: 48.5% Married: 35.8% Divorced: 8.2% Widow: 3.7% Living together: 3.7%

* N age=152; education=151; employment=107; income=97; marital=152 ** N age=131; education=132; employment=120; income= 104; marital=134

Pearson Three-way Crosstabs Chi-Square TURKEY 1 Advertising shows an accurate view of women power in society * age (18-25 & 26-35) * level of education (university) 0.000 2 In advertisements women are considered as an important market * age (18-25 & 26-35) * level of education (university) 0.000 3 I usually buy products that are advertised * age (26-35 & 36-45 & 46-55)* monthly income (more than 2100YTL) 0.003 I prefer to watch advertisement that uses women to attract attention * age (18-25 & 26-35 & 46-55)* monthly income 4 (1100YTL-2000YTL) 0.001 5 I don’t mind when advertising uses female sexuality to attract attention * age (18-25) * marital status (single) 0.000 6 I usually buy products that are advertised * level of education (university) * age (18-25) 0.004 7 Advertising usually shows women as objects of desires * level of education (high school & university) * age (26-35) 0.000 8 I prefer to watch advertisement that uses women to attract attention * level of education (university) * age (26-35) 0.003 9 Advertising that shows women as sexual object should be restricted * level of education (university) * age (26-35) 0.000 I find that women image in advertising has a negative effect on my own perception by other * level of education (university) * 10 age (18-25) 0.000 If advertising of a product offends me I might still buy it if it will offer me attractive benefits * level of education (university) * 11 age (18-25) 0.002 12 It is the men responsibility to initiate courtship * level of education (university) * age (18-25) 0.005 13 Motherhood is an ideal career for women * level of education (university) * age (18-25) 0.005 Companies should be more careful to the content of their advertisement * level of education (full-time)* employment status 14 (university) 0.002 Usually I can easily associate myself with women in advertising * level of education (high school & university) * employment 15 status (full-time) 0.001 16 Advertising should use more 'common' everyday women * level of education (university) * employment status (part-time) 0.002 The use of female sexuality in most of advertising is unsuitable * level of education (high-school & university) * employment 17 status (part-time) 0.000 Advertising that shows women as sexual object should be restricted * level of education (high-school & university) * 18 employment status (full-time) 0.001 Advertising are more memorable if they use a women * level of education (high-school & university) * employment status (full- 0.000 & 19 time & part-time) 0.002 20 Obedience of the wife to her husband is important * level of education (university) * employment status (part-time) 0.001 21 It is the men responsibility to initiate courtship * level of education (high-school & university) * employment status (part-time) 22 Motherhood is an ideal career for women * level of education (high-school & university) * employment status (part-time) Most advertisements don't show changes of women status in society * level of education (university) * monthly income 23 (1100YTL-2000YTL) Usually woman in advertising are a good example for me to follow * level of education (university) * monthly income (more 24 than 2100YTL)

Response Disagree Agree Disagree No opinion Disagree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree

0.001 0.002

Disagree Disagree





In advertisements women are considered as an important market * level of education (university) * monthly income (more than 25 2100YTL) Advertising that shows women as sexual object should be restricted * level of education (university) *monthly income (more 26 than 2100YTL) 27 Advertising usually humiliates women intelligence * level of education (university) * monthly income (1100YTL-2000YTL) 28 It is the men responsibility to initiate courtship * level of education (university) * monthly income (more than 2100YTL) 29 Motherhood is an ideal career for women * level of education (university) * monthly income (more than 2100YTL)



0.004 0.002 0.003 0.004

Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree

0.002 0.004

Disagree Disagree



0.002 0.004

Agree Agree











2 I find images of woman in advertising to be too offensive for our society * range of age (26-35) * education level (college)



3 I find images of woman in advertising to be too offensive for our society * range of age (26-55) * employment status (retired) 4 I find using women in advertising offensive * range of age (26-55) * employment status (retired) I find that women image in advertising has a negative effect on my own perception by other (26-55) * range of age * 5 employment status (retired) Company that shows women in offensive way in their advertising are usually discriminating against women in workplace as 6 well * range of age (18-35) * employment status (part-time) 7 Advertising that shows women as sexual object should be restricted * range of age (26-55) * monthly income ($110-$200) 8 I associate sexual images of woman in advertising with freedom * range of age (26-45) * monthly income ($110-$200) I find images of woman in advertising to be too offensive for our society * range of age (18-35 & 36-55) * monthly income 9 ($60-$100 & $110-$200)

0.003 0.000

Disagree Disagree



0.003 0.002 0.001

Disagree Disagree Disagree

30 Husband should be legal family representative * level of education (university) * monthly income (more than 2100YTL) 31 I usually buy products that are advertised * level of education (high-school & university) * marital status (single) I find that women image in advertising has a negative effect on my own perception by other * level of education (high-school & 32 university) * marital status (single) If advertising of a product offends e I might still buy it if it will offer me attractive benefits * level of education (high-school & 33 university) * marital status (single) 34 Women can have as many sexual partners as they wish * level of education (university) * marital status (single) I would prefer to see women in advertising dressed with everyday fashion rather than too glamorously * employment status 35 (part-time & full-time) * age (18-25) Women should be as free as men to make decisions * employment status (part-time & ful-time) * monthly income (more than 36 2100YTL) If advertising of a product offends me I might still buy it if it will offer me attractive benefits * employment status (part-time) * 37 marital status (married) Advertising that shows women as sexual object should be restricted * monthly income (600YTL-1000YTL) * marital status 38 (single) UKRAINE Most advertisements don't show changes of women status in society * range of age (18-25 & 26-35)* education level 1 (university)

0.002 & 0.001Disagree

10 I find using women in advertising offensive * range of age (26-55) * monthly income ($110-$200)



11 Women should be able to do the all the different types of housework * range of age (18-35) * monthly income (more than $210) 0.004 Advertising that shows women as sexual objects encourages other 35 women to feel freer in their sexuality * range of age (2612 45) * marital status (married) 0.003 13 I find images of woman in advertising to be too offensive for our society * range of age (18-35) * marital status (single) 0.000 14 I find using women in advertising offensive * range of age (18-25) * marital status (single) 0.003 I find that women image in advertising has a negative effect on my own perception by other * range of age (18-25) * marital 15 status (single) 0.003 Company that shows women in offensive way in their advertising are usually discriminating against women in workplace as 16 well * range of age (18-35) * marital status (single) 0.004 I prefer to watch advertisement that uses women to attract attention * education level (university) * employment status (part17 time) 0.004 Companies should be more careful to the content of their advertisement * education level (institute & university) * marital status 18 (married) 0.004 Advertising that shows women as sexual object should be restricted * employment status (retired) * monthly income ($11019 $200) 0.001 I find images of woman in advertising to be too offensive for our society * employment status (retired) * monthly income ($11020 $200) 0.000 21 I find using women in advertising offensive * employment status (retired) * monthly income ($110-$200) 0.000


22 Advertising usually shows men as the ideal companion to be with * employment status (full-time) * marital status (married) 23 I find using women in advertising offensive * employment status (full-time) * marital status (divorced)

Agree Disagree

0.002 0.004

Disagree Disagree Disagree Disagree Disagree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree

24 Companies have understood the importance of women as consumers * employment status ( full-time)* marital status (married) 0.002


25 Companies should be more careful to the content of their advertisement * monthly income ($110-$200)* marital status (single) 0.003 26 Advertising shows an accurate view of women power in society * monthly income ($60-$200) * marital status (married) 0.002

Agree Disagree

27 Advertising usually shows men as the ideal companion to be with * monthly income ($60-$200) * marital status (married) 28 The use of female sexuality in most of advertising is unsuitable * monthly income ($110-$200)* marital status (single) 29 Companies have understood the importance of women as consumers * monthly income ($60-$100)* marital status (single) Advertising that shows women as sexual objects encourages other 35 women to feel freer in their sexuality * range of age (2630 35) * employment status (retired) 31 I associate sexual images of woman in advertising with freedom * range of age (26-35) * employment status (retired)

0.000 0.001 0.004

Agree Disagree Agree

0.000 0.001

Disagree Disagree

"Advertising are more memorable * level of education * employment status "If advertising of a product offends * employment status * marital status "If advertising of a product offends me * level of education * age "If advertising of a product offends me * level of education * marital status Advertisers should be more responsible for their ads * level of education * employment status Advertising should use more 'common' everyday women * level of education * employment status Advertising shows an accurate view of women power in society * age * level of education Advertising that shows women as sexual object should be restricted * level of education * age Advertising that shows women as sexual object should be restricted * level of education * employment status Advertising that shows women as sexual object should be restricted * level of education *SORTINCO Advertising that shows women as sexual object should be restricted * SORTINCO * marital status Advertising usually humiliates women intelligence * level of education * SORTINCO Advertising usually shows women as objects of desires * level of education * age Husband should be legal family representative * level of education * SORTINCO I don’t mind when advertising uses female sexuality to attract attention * age * marital status I find that women image in advertising has a negative effect on my own perception by other * level of education * age I find that women image in advertising has a negative effect on my own perception by other * level of education * marital status I prefer to watch advertisement that uses women to attract attention * age * SORTINCO I prefer to watch advertisement that uses women to attract attention * level of education * age I usually buy products that are advertised * age * SORTINCO I usually buy products that are advertised * level of education * age I usually buy products that are advertised * level of education * marital status I would prefer to see women in advertising dressed with everyday fashion rather than too glamorously * employment status * ag In advertisements women are considered as an important market * age * level of education In advertisements women are considered as an important market * level of education * SORTINCO It is the men responsibility to initiate courtship * level of education * age It is the men responsibility to initiate courtship * level of education * employment status It is the men responsibility to initiate courtship * level of education * SORTINCO Most advertisements don't show changes of women status in society * level of education * SORTINCO Motherhood is an ideal career for women * level of education * age Motherhood is an ideal career for women * level of education * employment status Motherhood is an ideal career for women * level of education * SORTINCO Obedience of the wife to her husband is important * level of education * employment status The use of female sexuality in most of advertising is unsuitable * level of education * employment status Usually I can easily associate myself with women in advertising * level of education * employment status Usually woman in advertising are a good example for me to follow * level of education * SORTINCO Women can have as many sexual partners as they wish * level of education * marital status Women should be as free as men to make decisions * employment status * SORTINCO

50 93 29 81 40 44 3 22 48 64 95 66 15 72 10 25 77 8 18 6 12 74 88 4 62 33 54 68 58 37 56 70 52 46 42 60 84 91

Most advertisements don't show changes of women status in society * range of age * education level I find images of woman in advertising to be too offensive for our society * range of age * education level I find images of woman in advertising to be too offensive for our society * range of age * EMPLOY I find using women in advertising offensive * range of age * EMPLOY I find that women image in advertising has a negative effect on my own perception by other * range of age * EMPLOY Company that shows women in offensive way in their advertising are usually discriminating against women in workplace as we Advertising that shows women as sexual object should be restricted * range of age * SORTINC I associate sexual images of woman in advertising with freedom * range of age * SORTINC I find images of woman in advertising to be too offensive for our society * range of age * SORTINC I find using women in advertising offensive * range of age * SORTINC Women should be able to do the all the different types of housework * range of age * SORTINC Advertising that shows women as sexual objects encourages other 35 women to feel freer in their sexuality * range of age * m I find images of woman in advertising to be too offensive for our society * range of age * marital status I find using women in advertising offensive * range of age * marital status I find that women image in advertising has a negative effect on my own perception by other * range of age * marital status Company that shows women in offensive way in their advertising are usually discriminating against women in workplace as we I prefer to watch advertisement that uses women to attract attention * education level * EMPLOY "If advertising of a product offends me * education level * EMPLOY Women should be able to do the all the different types of housework * compressed employment status * compressed income le Companies should be more careful to the content of their advertisement * education level * marital status In most advertisements women do not do important things * employment status * SORTINC Advertising only employ young and beautiful women * employment status * SORTINC The use of female sexuality in most of advertising is unsuitable * employment status * SORTINC Advertising that shows women as sexual object should be restricted * employment status * SORTINC Advertising usually humiliates women intelligence * employment status * SORTINC I find images of woman in advertising to be too offensive for our society * employment status * SORTINC I find using women in advertising offensive * employment status * SORTINC Only women should decide how many children to have or not * employment status * SORTINC Advertising usually shows men as the ideal companion to be with * employment status * marital status I find using women in advertising offensive * employment status * marital status Companies have understood the importance of women as consumers * employment status * marital status Companies should be more careful to the content of their advertisement * SORTINC * marital status Advertising shows an accurate view of women power in society * SORTINC * marital status Advertising usually shows men as the ideal companion to be with * SORTINC * marital status The use of female sexuality in most of advertising is unsuitable * SORTINC * marital status Companies have understood the importance of women as consumers * SORTINC * marital status Advertising that shows women as sexual objects encourages other 35 women to feel freer in their sexuality * range of age * EM I associate sexual images of woman in advertising with freedom * range of age * EMPLOY

3 5 7 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80

TURKEY Principal Component


Factor Loading

Factor 1:

I find images of woman in advertising to be too offensive for our society I find using women in advertising offensive Advertising usually humiliates women intelligence I would prefer to see women in advertising dressed with everyday fashion rather than too glamorously Advertising that shows women as sexual object should be restricted The use of female sexuality in most of advertising is unsuitable I find that women image in advertising has a negative effect on my own perception by other

0.805 0.693 0.629 0.618 0.606 0.530 0.503

Factor 2:

I prefer to watch advertisement that uses women to attract attention Advertising shows/uses realistic women Usually woman in advertising are a good example for me to follow Advertising accurately shows women in most of their daily environment

0.662 0.584 0.576 0.560

Factor 3:

In advertisements women are only accessory to what is advertised In most advertisements women are dependent on men In most advertisements women do not do important things Advertising should use more ‘common’ everyday women Advertising only employ young and beautiful women Advertising uses female bodies excessively Advertising usually shows women as objects of desires I associate sexual images of woman in advertising with freedom Advertising that shows women as sexual objects encourages other 35 women to feel freer in their sexuality

0.668 0.668 0.667 0.768 0.716 0.550 0.511 0.757 0.752

Factor 6:

Advertising shows men realistically Advertising shows accurately men in their daily activities

0.828 0.818

Factor 7:

I don’t mind that advertising shows women as being dependent on men I don’t mind when advertising uses female sexuality to attract attention

0.636 0.609

Factor 4:

Factor 5:

UKRAINE Factor Loading

I find using women in advertising offensive The use of female sexuality in most of advertising is unsuitable Advertising that shows women as sexual object should be restricted I find images of woman in advertising to be too offensive for our society I would prefer to see women in advertising dressed with everyday fashion rather than too glamorously I find that women image in advertising has a negative effect on my own perception by other Advertising uses female bodies excessively I don’t mind when advertising uses female sexuality to attract attention

0.795 0.722 0.701 0.682 0.669 0.626 0.531 0.519

Advertising that shows women as sexual objects encourages other 35 women to feel freer in their sexuality I associate sexual images of woman in advertising with freedom I prefer to watch advertisement that uses women to attract attention Usually I can easily associate myself with women in advertising

0.707 0.699 0.652 0.550

Advertising shows men realistically Advertising shows accurately men in their daily activities Advertising accurately shows women in most of their daily environment Advertising only employ young and beautiful women Advertising usually shows women as objects of desires Advertising usually shows men as the ideal companion to be with Usually woman in advertising are a good example for me to follow In most advertisements women do not do important things

0.800 0.785 0.665 0.722 0.565 0.534 0.516 0.652

Advertising should use more ‘common’ everyday women Advertising should show older women more often Using older women in advertising is offensive Advertising usually humiliates women intelligence I don’t mind that advertising shows women as being dependent on men

0.746 0.717 0.629 0.711 0.632

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