Descriptive Paragraph - My First House
Final Draft
My fisrt house was a nice and relaxing place where I spent my childhood. I re member that next to my house there was a small grocery store where I used t o buy everyday. In front it was a neighbor’s house. Behind we had a big backy ard with many trees such as berries, mangoes, oranges, etc. The house was enti rely painted of green outside and it had root zing. It had a living room where we used to sit and watch TV, on the right side of the tv, on the wall there wer e pictures of the family. There were two small bedrooms with the bathroom bet ween them and a big bedroom for my parents. In the kitchen there was a stov e next to the backdoor. In resume it was a small house, but once the family w as getting bigger we had to move to other one more spaceous.
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