Des Ti Lin At Ion 2

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 986
  • Pages: 4
A sea water desalination process filled with crystal clear advantages Patent-protected process with modular technology, High quality water output regardless of the water input, Simple, reliable and robust process, Easy to manufacture, transport, assemble and industrialize, Low-cost operations, Compelling investment choice.

EasyMED Plant : 3*5 cells prototype - production : 4 m3/day (Italy)

Vertical section of the EasyMED core of a 3*5 effect Front view of a cell

Side View of cells in parallel Sea water make-up

Sea water make-up

metallic plates



Core of eas



frames Vapour


Evaporation Zone

Condensation Zone

Brine output



anti-biofouling anti-scaling

distillate output 1000


distillate output


water intake

Vacuum Pump

Brine Recycling

Horizontal Section of EsayMED core for a 3*5 effect Evaporator 1 HOT


Evaporator 1 HOT Evaporator 1

Condenser 1 Evaporator 2 Condenser 1 Evaporator 2 Condenser 1

Evaporator 3 Condenser 2 Evaporator 3 Condenser 2 Evaporator 3

Condenser 3 COLD Condenser 3 COLD Condenser 3


electrical panel instrumentation

EasyMED results from a clever re-design of the MED process. It presents a wide range of new advantages while preserving those of the traditional MED process. EasyMED is an innovative and patented technology developed by world-class institutions (see behind) and helps your company build a competitive advantage. A modular technology for multi-configuration uses EasyMED production capacity ensures a range from 4 m3/day to 150 m3/day It is the ideal process capacity to produce drinking water for seaside villages, hotels or tourist complexes as well as to process water for seaside industrial complexes requiring pure water.

High quality of water output regardless of the water input The produced water high quality is highly independent from the input water quality which confers EasyMED an advantage on Reverse Osmosis. EasyMED can be used even when input water is loaded with particles (such as after a storm...) or in severe weather conditions (tropical...). It is compatible with the different water salinity conditions even with the most salted seas (Dead Sea, Persian Golf, Red Sea...). The quality of produced water is very high thanks to the distillation properties. Conductivity is lower than 20 µS/cm.

A simple, reliable and robust process The following features highlight the strongly reliable and robust process design : lower risk of corrosion through lower operating temperature, simpler design and reliable auxiliaries, vacuum process not concerned with constraints related to the use of pressure equipments (such as for RO), specifically-designed pipes to avoid the filling risks and to limit pressure losses.

An easy process, from transportation to industrialization. The industrialization and assembly of the process is a key point of the design. One can highlight : the high modularity of the process (assembly of n similar basic units), the design of the basic components (plates) adapted to mass production and allowing high manufacturing tolerances, the accessories (pumps, pipes, vats...) which are common equipments. The process core is made of man-assembled plates (maximum size of 1m * 2m * 3cm). The plates are thin compared to other process plates. The process is more compact than traditional MED processes : our estimates for a 10 effets*49 cells EasyMED unit show that the daily production per unit of volume of process (heart) is about 7.5m3 of distilled water/day/m3 of process volume, compared with 2m3 for traditional tubular processes. The process can easily be shipped inside two containers : one for the process core and another for the accessories (pumps, instrumentation...). Mounting can be easily done everywhere and does not require welding (except for the fixing of the sleeves). Mounting operation does not require specific handling means.

Competitive operating costs

syMED Energy costs In the same way as any MED process, operating EasyMED is competitive when a heat source is available. Such heat source can come from an exothermic industrial process (power stations...) or a natural source (geothermics...). Gain Output Ratio for a 10 effects unit is around 8. Energy effectiveness of EasyMED process has been further improved with respect to traditional MED processes.

hot water

distilled water extraction

Brine Extraction

Electric consumption Electric consumption of EasyMED is very low (2,3 kWh/m3) compared to Reverse Osmosis (2 to 3 times more efficient in favour of EasyMED) or Mechanical Vapour Compression (5 times more efficient in favour of EasyMED) equipments. Maintenance and labor force An annual service of 1 to 2 weeks is sufficient to carry out the necessary maintenance and inspections operations on EasyMED. EasyMED process availability is competitive with the best processes’ availaibility.

A highly competitive investment choice.


Capital cost for a 150m3/day unit (process core and auxiliaries) is 1840 € /m3. This cost is highly competitive for this range of capacity. And there is further significant potential for cost reduction through optimization of the process design. By comparing EasyMED technology and classical MED technologies, we can anticipate a 20 to 30 years lifespan, a very favorable situation for the process amortization.

In the context of a 5th Framework program, EasyMED results from an international collaboration of world-class institutions with high-quality expertise in the field of desalination processes : The University of Paderborn(UPB – Germany) The National Institute for Science and Technology of Materials (INSTM – Italy, Rome) The Research Cluster on Heat Exchangers GRETh (CEA – France, Grenoble)

Scientific National Research Centre ( France, Nancy)

NANCIE - The International Water Centre of Nancy (France, Nancy) 149 rue Gabriel Péri BP290 F-54515 Vandoeuvre les Nancy Cedex tel +33 3 83 15 87 87 [email protected] The Laboratory of Sciences of Chemical Engineering 1 rue Grandville F-54500 NANCY tel:+33 3 83 17 51 06 [email protected]

The EasyMED project is a research project supported by the European Commission under the Fifth Framework Programme and contributing to the implementation of the key action. "Sustainable Management and Quality of Water" within the Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development programme - Contract n° : EVK1-CT-2001-00095

the project has been granted by the Altran Foundation in 1999

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