Derek Murphy - Advanced Topics

  • November 2019
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Advanced Topics: Dr. Derek Murphy, ND

March 6, 2008


Home practice in Mississauga took a chance with home practice LOVES being an ND and father, married Chinese lady Believes: Do a great job and they won’t come back actually a compliment if you help them and they don’t come back - When you first start out, do awesome research to do a great job with your first patients because you have the time - Works 8:15am-5pm - Also a Bowen instructor used to do massage and bodywork but now finds that Bowen works faster - Enjoys teaching Bowen to others so that they can spread the healing share your knowledge! - Past Education: did cancer research in Minnesota (followed a girl there) - Worked with master herbalist Matthew Wood; learned a lot about native American culture - Life: you’re always learning need to discover who you are follow your path; you will learn to integrate all the things that you have learned will make you a better ND - “Simple practice”; his colleagues bug him because he doesn’t use any high tech machines all you need is your knowledge - Asked our class who liked homeopathy the best; TCM; Bodywork?  He believes that people who like to use bodywork in their practice have an advantage i.e. People get injured to treat acute traumas (external), you need to put your hands on them good way to connect with patient because it is something tangible that the patient can feel - if the injury becomes chronic, it can move to internal symptoms - Derek really likes TCM (oldest) but the only problem with Chinese is they are very practical they don’t like to talk about their emotions - He would ask his Chinese teacher why he needed to do his exercises she would never tell him: “Just do them and you will know why” was always the answer 3 Areas of Illness (Root of all Illnesses in TCM) Internal (7 emotions) Anger Pensiveness Joy Sadness Grief Fear Fright Tied it to Homeopathy: Mentals 1M-10M Animals

External (6 environmental) Damp Cold Heat Wind Fire Dryness

Neither (6 physical) Diet Trauma Pestilence Too much (sex…) Phlegm Blood Stagnation

Generals 30-200C Plants

Physicals <12C Minerals

- important to have space in your days for acute vs. chronic appointments Kingdoms: You can group patients into one of 3 types Animals remedies are really exaggerated human emotions Minerals people of routine; laborers; they’re going to be the ones saying I need something to help me get through this so I can continue working Plants general; Why are plants so strong? Because they can’t move people who are plants have a sense of injustice; I’m stuck, It’s not fair! Motto: Everything in moderation If you eat a little bit of everything, you will be healthy - Being too pure is not good because you can’t adapt to ‘junk food’ quickly - I.e. little girl that was perfect came to see him. She didn’t like to eat ANY junk food, always went to bed on time, very well-behaved. Moved and talked very slowly. Every time she ate junk food, she would get sick TOO PURE! Remedy= Sodium sulphate - 5 element theory- study of motions, 1 system overwhelming - When you see a positive change in person let pt take over the case, get out of the way of their healing; know when to back off Diet He tried the elimination diet during CCNM; ate all boiled/moist foods had an incredible URGE for Popeye’s Chicken o Tried to deny it because it was bad to go off diet o Ate it anyhow and felt strong for 2 weeks afterwards o Analyzed reasons shy: he was feeling sluggish, fatigue from diet because he was eating too much damp food (Dampness) o What did his body crave? Heat! Popeye’s chicken is fried will provide his body with heat o Listen to urges sometimes o Learn to ddx cravings from urges - Beans and grains should be eaten together everyday - If not, your body will go looking for protein - Most common beans are coffee (beans) and chocolate (cocoa beans) - It’s no wonder people crave those 2 items so much! - Difficult to treat people in the ‘general’ category - their complaints are always in the middle, not too bad, not too good - sometimes you can ‘see’ the organ where the person is ill Picture a human stick figure: Mentals Head region Generals Internal organs Emotions urges centred around the genitalia

Constitutional Hydrotherapy (where naturopathy started) will actually treat all 3 regions o Sitz bath (treats lower burner) o Const. hydro (middle burner) o Steam inhalation (upper burner) - Derek also uses tissue salts; Schussler; 12 of them also 12 chinese meridians interesting! - Recommends that we read about ‘Modular Systems’ from the book Between Heaven and Earth Case: Angry Guy - low platelet count tried Imuran, prednisone - bruises, petechia, spasms, abd pain, < bending over - had a verbally abusive dad - worked as a referee interesting because his job is to break up fights but he sometimes will be quick to cause a fight - involved with woman (neighbour) who’s married to a drunk feels he can save her - Tongue: purple, thick yellow heat, damp all 3 burners - Pulse: thin, hint of hardnessBlood deficiency Remedy: -


Ferrum phosphate tissue salt 10M weekly Felt he had to dose high because of emotional level He does not need to get involved in scenarios but choses to “Sense of hope”, “If I could just get this” or “If I could just do this” Treatment plan: you have to clear excesses to get to the deficiency o Dose given once weekly; not daily because he wants to allow pt time to adjust to it o Decreased dose to 200C, then 12C pt felt much calmer, not as much bruising pt did not pick fight with woman’s husband even though the husband went to visit him o Changed remedy to Magnesium phosphate to tonify lower burner For pt’s with burning sensation in Stomach phosphorus For pt’s with endometriosis Sodium sulfate

Case: 4 y.o. girl with ADHD symptoms - opinionated, tells people what to do, candida infections - liked to refer to herself in 3rd person, very bold - needed to keep food separate from each other on plate Remedy: silica 10M good for dry skin, opens pores to release things o Also good for obsessive personality (she only wanted to talk about cars, aerospace) o Good remedy for the precocious child o Used Nat-mur to tonify fatigue

o Spicy foods need energy from spicy food, likes things intense, hard, fast o Opposite if pt had only liked bland food, picky eater, histamine reaction to food and had yeast infections Kali-mur (Potassium chloride)

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