Derby Quiz

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,757
  • Pages: 37
Team Team A does A does notnot getget their their jammer onto jammer the track onto inthe time track for the in time for whistle the whistle signaling signaling the start theofstart the of jam. Team A is allowed to send their jammer from their bench onto the track to play in the in-progress


Players Players may may legally legally re-enter re-enter thethe track track in front in front of the of the opponent opponent who forced whothem forced out them of bounds, out of bounds, if that opponent went out of bounds herself at any point after the initiating block.


A player may skate clockwise while out bounds to position A player mayofskate clockwise while to re-enter the herself pack. to outherself of bounds to position re-enter the pack.


Team X’s jammer drops her Team X’scover. jammer drops her cover helmet The helmet helmet Thelegally helmetby: cover may becover. retrieved may be retrieved legally by: A. Team X’s jammer B. Team X’s pivot C. Team Y’s jammer D. All of the above E. Team X’s jammer or pivot

A pack is defined as being the largest group of blockers: A pack is defined as being the largest group of blockers: A. From both teams within 20 feel of each other B. From both teams within 10 feet of each other C. From either team within 20 feet of each other D. From either team within 10 feet of each other

A downed skater who slides outA downed skater slides out-ofof-bounds thenwho back in-bounds bounds back in-bounds while whilethen still down can be penalized still down can be penalized for cutting.


A skate skates out-of-bounds while A skate skates out-of-bounds while rounding a turn. In doing rounding a turn. In doing so, so, sheshe does pass an in-bounds skater, not does pass not an in-bounds skater, but she does substantially cut short the lap distance. For this action, she could receive a major penalty.


When can a skater outside the When a skater outside zone can of engagement blockthe zone of engagement block another skater? another skater? A. Never B.

When she is a blocker coming out of the penalty box and ends up next to a jammer

C. When she is a jammer engaging another jammer D. When a jammer counterblocks a hit initiated by a blocker

E. C & D

Which of the following is a legal block? Which of the following is a legal block? A. A shoulder check to a skater with two feet out of bounds

B. A hip check with one foot off the floor C. A shoulder check executed before the starting whistle D. None of the above

In which of the following Insituations which of could the following a ref call a minor situations penalty? could a ref call a minor penalty? A. A jam starts and one team has 5 blockers on the track B.

A jammer starts at the first whistle, then yields to the opposing jammer

C. A blocker skates out-of-bounds to avoid a block D. All of the above E. A and B only

Which part of the body is it Which of the body is it illegalpart to use when blocking illegal to use when blocking another skater? another skater? A. Back B. Buttocks C. Elbow D. Hip

Which part of the body is Which part ofan the body is considered illegal considered an illegal blocking/target zone? blocking/target zone? A. Chest B. Upper arm C. Hip D. Above the shoulder

Who can ‘pass the star’? Who can ‘pass the star’? A. Only the lead jammer B. Either jammer C. Anyone D. No one

A blocker must be within __ ft of Athe blocker be within __ ft of pack must to execute a legal the pack to execute a legal block. block. A. 10 B. 15 C. 20 D. There is no limit

How many time outs does each time have per game? How many time outs does each time have per game? A. One B. Two C. Three D. None

Which Whichofofthe thefollowing followingparts partsofofthe thebody bodymay maybe be used usedtotoblock blockanother anotherskater? skater? I. I.Elbow Elbow II.II.Triceps Triceps III. Forearm IV. Feet A. none B. I, II, III, and IV C. IV and II D. IV only E. II only F. II, III and IV

Which of the following must a Which the following playerofre-entering themust trackafrom player re-entering the track from the penalty box do? the penalty box do? A. Re-enter at the front of the pack B. Skate onto the track immediately, regardless of where the pack is

C. Re-enter at the back of the pack D. None of the above

A skater may be expelled from the A skater may be expelled from the game for: game for: I. Fighting I. Fighting II. Any action deemed by officials to cause a serious physical threat to A. I and III only B. II and III only C. I and II only D. III only E. I, II, and III

Minor penalties (for the purposes Minor penalties the purposes of going to the (for penalty box, not offor going to the box, not fouling out penalty of the game): for fouling out of the game): A.

Carry over into the following period and are not “reset” between periods

B. Are reset between periods C. Are reset before overtime D. Carry over from bout to bout

Which of the following are illegal procedure penalties? Which of the following are illegal procedure penalties? A. False start B. Too many skaters on the track C. Improper uniform D. Removing required equipment E. All of the above

When initiating a block, a skater When initiating a block, a skater must in-bounds, is ok must be be in-bounds, butbut it isitok for up momentum herfor to her pickto uppick momentum from out-of-bounds prior to returning to the track from out-of-bounds.


A skater must have at least this Anumber skater must haveon at the least thisto of skates floor number skates on the floor to initiate of a legal block. initiate a legal block. A. One B. Two C. Three D. None

A jammer earns points only when A jammer points only when passingearns opposing skaters who passing opposing skaters who are are on the track (i.e. not in the on the track (i.e. not in the penalty box, etc.)


Which of the following methods of blocking is Which of the following methods of blocking is prohibited? I. prohibited? Joining arms and/or hands in a multi-player I. Joining arms and/or hands in a multi-player block II. Tripping III. Intentionally falling in front of another A. I only B. I and III only C. I, II, and IV D. IV only E. I, II, III, and IV

Before Beforethey theyare arewithin within20 20feet feetofof the thepack, pack,what whatcan canJammer JammerAAdo do to toJammer JammerBBto tomake makeJammer JammerBB ineligible for lead jammer? A. Pass her B. Knock her down in-bounds C. Force her out-of-bounds D. Steal her helmet cover

A skater who is lead jammer may A skater is lead may call ofwho the jam as jammer she is being callremoved of the jam as she is being from the play due to removed from the play due to penalty.


How Howmany manyaccumulated accumulatedpenalty penalty turns turnsper perperiod periodisisconsidered considered excessive excessiveand andgrounds groundsfor for ejection? A. There is no limit B. One C. Ten D. Five

What Whatisisthe themaximum maximumnumber numberofof players playersfrom fromone oneteam teamthat thatcan can be beseated seatedininthe thepenalty penaltybox boxat at one time? A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Two

Which Whichofofthe thefollowing following statements statementscould couldapply applyto toaa blocker blockerofofpivot pivotwho whoisisout outofof play? blocker or pivot is more than 20 feet away from A. The the pack

B. The blocker or pivot cannot aid her jammer C.

The blocker or pivot can engage other blockers, but not the jammer

D. All of the above E. A and B only

A player will receive a major for Acutting player the will track receive a major for when she does cutting thethe track when she does which of following: which of the following: A. Cuts around the rearmost blocker in a play B. Cuts in front of two or more players C. Cuts in front of the foremost opposing blocker in a play D. Cuts the other jammer before reaching the pack E. Cuts in front of the foremost teammate in play F. B and C

Which one ofof the following could bebe examples ofof intentionally Which one the following could examples intentionally destroying the pack? destroying the pack? I. I.One team’s blockers speeding upup toto skate more than 10ft in in One team’s blockers speeding skate more than 10ft front of of the opposing blockers front the opposing blockers II. II.One team braking oror coasting toto drop more than 10ft behind One team braking coasting drop more than 10ft behind the opposing blockers III. A skater taking a knee IV. Intentionally falling or intentionally skating out-of-bounds

A. I only B. I and II only C. I, II, and IV, but not III D. I, II, III and IV

What happens when a jammer What happens a jammer who is not thewhen lead jammer who is not thecalls leadoff jammer successfully the jam? successfully calls off the jam? A. She receives a minor penalty B. She receives a major penalty C. Nothing D. The team captain receives a minor penalty

In an overtime jam, jammers begin scoring points In an overtime jam, jammers begin scoring points A. In the second pass through the pack B. In the first pass through the pack

Match the referee hand signal to it’s meaning. Return to the bench (too many skaters on the track)

Go to locker room (expulsion) Go to penalty box (for a major)

Lead jammer Go to penalty box (for 4 minors)

What is the referee whistle signal for the end of a jam? What is the referee whistle signal for the end of a jam? A. One long whistle blast B. Four rapid whistle blasts C. Three rapid whistle blasts D. Two rapid whistle blasts

What is the referee whistle signal for a major penalty? What is the referee whistle signal for a major penalty? A. No whistle signal B. Two rapid whistle blasts C. One long whistle blast D. Two long whistle blasts

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