Density Testing Question: Which objects are denser than water? HINT: If an object is denser than water it will sink. Hypothesis: I believe that: Object Paper Clip Straw Sponge Pencil Popsicle Stick Penny Ball of Aluminum Foil Cork (Rubber) Cork (Plastic) Rubber band
More dense than water
Less dense than water
Materials: Basin, water, paper clip, straw, sponge, pencil, Popsicle stick, penny, Ball of Aluminum Foil Procedure: 1. GENTLY place each object in the water and determine whether it is more dense or less dense than water. Experiment/RESULTS Object Paper Clip Straw Sponge Pencil Popsicle Stick Penny Ball of Aluminum Foil Cork (Rubber) Cork (Plastic) Rubber band Conclusion
More dense than water
Less dense than water
Explain why you think that the objects were more dense than water and why others were less dense than water?