Demerol Meperidine Opioid Analgesics

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 240
  • Pages: 1
Trade: Dem er ol Generic: meper id ine

classification: opio id an al ge si cs C- II PC: C Indica ti on s: Moderate or severe pain.Anesthesia adjunct. Analgesic during labor.Preoperative sedation.Unlabeled uses:Rigors. Act ion : Binds to opiate receptors in the CNS.Alters the perception of n response to painful stimuli,while producing generalized CNS depression.(Decrease in severity of pain.) Rout e/D osa ge : PO,IM ,Su bcu t, IV :Analgesia-50-150 mg q 3-4 hr. Analgesia during labor- 50-100 mg IM or subcut when contractions become regular;may repeat q 1-3 hr.IV:15-35 mg/hr as a continuous infusion;PCA-10mg initially; c 1-5mg/incremental dose, recommended lockout interval is 610min(minimum 5 min) Ad verse R ea ct ion s: confusion,dedation,hypotension,constipation,nausea,vomiting. Nu rsi ng A ss ess me nt : Assess type,loca.,n intensity of pain prior to n 1 hr following PO,subcut,n IM doses n 5 min (peak)following Iv admin. An equianalgesic chart use when changing routes or from one opioid to another.Assess b/p ,pulse n RR before n periodically during admin.if rr<10 min, assess level of sedation.dose may decreased by 25-50%.assess bowel function routinely.Toxici ty: naloxone(Narcan) is the antidote to reverse RR depression or coma. La b: May ↑plasma amylase n lipase concentrations. Pt/Family Teaching: Instruct pt on how n when to ask for pain med.,take meperidine as directed,change position slowly,avoid alcohol ; It may cause drowsiness or dizziness. Evaluation:Decrease in severity of pain without a significant alter level of consciousness or respiratory status. P784

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