Demangone Couch

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  • Words: 1,555
  • Pages: 2
Doug Demangcne




9/8/05 ~

Page 62/




I am pretty sure.

Q Did she tell you that?



Page 63 I am not saying you did. Do you 2 know if anyone else ever clid? 3 A I don't know if :Mr. Ingle did or 4 DOl. I donTt kno"'\v. 5 Q Does that sound like something that 6 would be in character for tvli ~ Ingle to do? 7 A Yes. 8 Q Do you remember Mr. Ingle being 9 charged criminally with respect to things that 10 he did dlli-ring his tenure as chief county 11 detective? 12 A Yes. 13 Q \Xv'hal Vias be alleged to have done and 14 what was he ultimately convicted of? 15 A It was alleged that he had stolen j 6 property from tbe D.A. 's office; gUJ,lS, fireanns, 17 weapons, specifically a BroVi'1ling high powered 18 semiautomatic pistol. Ano the state police 19 ultimately found that gun, along with nmnerous 20 other guns and a megapbone and a laptop computer 21 and radios and crime scene tape and badges and 22 you name it, be bad it. 23 I meaD, be even bad Detective 24 George's radio that he VilJ'ote him up for. He had ") ~ my ceD phone from when I was '\ovith auto t.~eft Q






that had the auto theft logo there that said where is yOUT car. A..nd he found it and we called 3 it and it still was activated when it was 4 supposed to be turned :in a year prior to that and 5 shut off. He had all kinds of stuff. 301P 6 Q Do you know what he was actually 7 charged with? Was he charged with all the stuffl 8 or was he just charged with guns? 9 A He was charged willi the guns. 10 Q Do you know why he wasn't charged 11 with taking all the other stuff as well, like the 12 thing he wrote you up for? 13 A He 'IlI'Tote Detective George up. 14 Q Oh, I'm sorry. He wrote Detective 15 George up for? 16 A IVlT. Rebert ciidn 't want it done. 17 Q How do you know that? 18 A He said it. 19 Q Were you there when he said it? 20 A Yes. 21 Q In what context clid he say it? 22 A We were in Chief Downing's office. 23 It was myself, :Mr. Rebert, Chief Downing, 24 Lieutenant Glovvczevlski, and Eric P~ugustine from 25 t."1e AG's office. \Ve were discussing it -- DO. 2

Yes. 4 Q Do you know if she clid it on county 5 time or after work? 6 A That I don It know. 7 Q Do you know if she had to go buy a 8 bag of dog food? 9 A Yes, I know that she had to buy a 10 bag of dog food at Samis. I don't know what 11 kind, but I just remember she had to buy a bag of 12 dog food. 13 Q Did she discuss whether she thought 14 that was an appropriate h~ing for Mr. Rebert to 15 ask ber to do as the chief county detective? 16 A I remember she was pissed-- oh, 17 pardon me. She was upset vvith having to do 18 that. 19 Q Did she say she was going to speak 20 to Mr. Rebert about that subject? 21 A That I don't recall. 22 Q Do you know if any of the detectives 23 ever drove Stanley Rebert around to work the 24 poles dnring eJection da~ys? "25 A I never did. 3





Page 65 That was a different conversation. I wasn It 2 tbere for that. That was a different 3 conversation. I 4 "lie v/ere talYing about somet:bing and 5 Mr. Rebert looked up and said, Well, maybe love 6 ought to get t.~at coucb out of my bouse. 7 Q Oh, I'm going to get to that 8 meeting. !I 9 A Okay.nris would have been before 10 there, but I dOD 't L'IinK I was L'Iere for that. I 302!' 11 Q Did someone tell you that I~JL Rebert 12 didn It ~Tant him prosecuted? A Yes. Q vIas that Chief DG~rning? 15 A Yes. 16 Q Did Chief Downing tel1you that she 17 had TeComiiicTIded to Ivfr". Rebert tbat lvtr. Ingle 18 should be charged ...rith all of the things that he 19 stole and not just the guns? 20 A Yes. 21 Q Letis talk about the meeting with 22 the couch. Was that right before Mr. Ingle's 23 trial? 24 A Yes, that would bave been, like, the 25 morning of, because we bad to make the big






Do-vvning v Rebert



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display for Augustine. b 2 Q "Where was the group at? 3 A Chief DOINl1ing' s office. 4 Q"Who was present in the office at the 5 time? 6 A Me, Chief Downing, Lieutenant 7 Glowczewski, Eric Augustine. And I don't 1mow if 8 there was anyone else. I don't think there was 9 anybody else there. 303P 10 I just remember I was standing in 11 the doonvay. Mr. Rebert was in front of me. 12 Eric Augustine was to my left. The lieutenant 13 was over here and chief was at her desk. And 14 there might have been someODe behind me OT off to 15 the far left, but I don It remelnber. Q And what was being discussed at the 16 time? 17 A Trial strategy. 18 Q Did Mr. Rebert come into the room? 19 A Yes. 20 Q "What happened after J\'1r. Rebert came 21 22 into the room? 23 A We were talking about something. I 24 just relnember hun loo1cing up. He ,vas sitting on 25 the COllIer of -- leaning up against t.~e credenza



Page 67 kind of thing and he looked up and said, \Ve need 2 to -- we got to get that couch 011.1 of my home. 3 Something along those lines. 4 Q Do you knov--T "vhat context!f I mean, 5 what was going on in the discussion in the room? A Vie were talkillg about property, 7 county property. 8 Q Stolen county property? 9 A Right. 10 Q And Mr. Rebert said we have got to 11 get that couch out of my basement? ''1 ..4- I don It knOvl if be said basement. I 3:04P 1 13 t."hink he said house. 14 Q Out of his hOllse? A Yes. 15 Q Did he ask the detectives to 16 17 actually go do tbat, or did he just say v;-e got to 18 get it out? 19 A I don't know what was said after 20 that. I just remember it being said. Then it 21 was like, get it out. And I am pretty sure the 22 chief said, No, we are not going to do that. 23 Q Chief DO~Tning? 24 A Yes. You need to get somebody else ).:; to no it \A/e are not !wil1" to do it or 1



Page 68 something along those lines. I can't :remember 2 specifically; but it was something like, You got 3 to do it. And she was like, No, we're not going 4 to do that. You take care of it. I am not going 5 to involve my guys, or something along those 6 lines. 7 Q And that was said in front of Mr. 8 Rebert at the meeting? 9 A Urn-hum. 10 Q Is that yes? 11 A Yes, SIT. I'm sorry. 12 That was me, Eric Augustine, Stan, 13 Lieutenant, and Chief DovvDing. 3('5,14 Q Eric Augustine, he was the guy from 15 the .LA",G's office. F-ight? 16 A That's correct. 17 Q He actually tried the case? 18 A Yes, sir. 19 Q How did the trial go? 20 A It went very well. 21 Q Was Mr. Augustine happy v>'ith the 22 results? 23 A Yes, he was. 24 Q Were Y011. happy with the results? p;,. Yes, I 'v'vas.

Page 69 Q "Why were you happy with the results? 2 A Because he was a pohce officer that 3 stole. He gave us a bad image. 4 Q Was Mr. Rebert happy with the 5 results? 6 A Yes, and no. Q Explain that. 7 8 A He was happy that there was a 9 conviction. ADd then later on there was some 10 strife in the office between Paul Crouse and 11 Susan Voyzey. I just remember something about I 12 Ken Ingle and the chief being criticized for it 13 or something along those lines. :::07P 14 Q Vi as u~ere ever an indication that J 15 Ingle was romantically involved with Susan 16 Voyzey?





18 that, you Know, I had any firsthand knowledge of. 19 I probably had 30-hand 1mmvledge of it. 20

Q Were they pretty friendly based upon

21 what you could see? 22



Urn-hum. Q Is that yes? A Yes, SIT. u A ftf':T thf'O r:nnv-ir_tinn A




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