Demand Forecasting
Predicting future marked demand magnitude. On the
measurement of functional relationship between demand and its determinants.
Demand forecasting is also the foundation of a company’s entire logistics process. It supports other planning activities such as capacity planning, inventory planning, and even overall business planning
Following Levels: ØMicro level ØIndustry level
ØMacro level
Significance of Demand Forecasting: ØProduction Planning. ØSales forecasting. ØControl of business. ØInventory control. ØGrowth and long-term investment programmes. ØStability. ØEconomic planning and policy making.
Short-Term and Long-Term Forecasting Short-term Forecasting Purposes: ØEvolving a sales policy. ØDetermining price policy. ØEvolving a purchase policy. ØFixation of sales targets. ØDetermining Short-term Financial Planning.
Long-Term Forecasting ØBusiness Planning. ØMan power Planning. ØLong-term financial planning.
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