Defining Clause

  • November 2019
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Defining Clause 特點: 1.沒有 comma(,) 2.指明特定的人、事與物件 3.沒有此部分,讀者就不知指的是甚麼(意思不完整)

表解 that he is unreliable.(那個人/事/物) where he lives. (哪裡) when he will arrive.(何時) what his address is.(甚麼) who has stolen the money. (誰人,主語)

We do not know

whom has met at the airport. (誰人,受語) which he has chosen. (哪一個人/事/物) whose money it is. (誰人的) why he is so lazy. (為甚麼) whether he will come. (是否) how old he is. (怎樣)

Non-Defining Clause 特點 1. 用 2 個 comma 分隔 2. 只用於提供讀者資料,即使不存在亦不影響結構 例句: 1. 2. 3.

John, who is the monitor, works very hard. John’s car, which he bought only last month, has been stolen. Peter, whom (who) you met in my house last week, is my classmate.

Adverb Clause § Adverb Clause 除了用單詞或短語來形容動詞、形容詞或副詞之外,還可以用從句來形容上述詞類,這 類從句稱為「副詞從句」 Adverb Clause。 根據副詞從句的不同功用,可分成: 1. Adverb Clause of Time  當……就…… 2. Adverb Clause of Place ……那裡……   3. Adverb Clause of Reason 因為……所以…… 4. Adverb Clause of Result  因為……以致…… 5. Adverb Clause of Purpose 為了……而……  6. Adverb Clause of Manner  ……好像……(現實較小機會/不可能發生) 7. Adverb Clause of Concession  雖然……但是…… 8. Adverb Clause of Comparison  ……像……般……(較接近現實情況)、比……更… … 9. Adverb Clause of Condition  (只要)如果……就…… 1. Adverb Clause of Time       連接時間副詞從句與主句的詞常見的有: when, while, whenever, as, as soon as, once, as long as, until(till), since, after, before 例如: When money speaks, truth keeps silence. ﹝當金錢一開口,真理就保持靜默。﹞ * "when"意指「當﹝一剎那﹞ 」 。 * 副詞從句可放在主句前或後,放在主句前,通常用逗號與主句隔開。 * 這例句運用擬人法。 Come when you please. Strike while the iron is hot.﹝打鐵趁熱。﹞ * "while"意指「當﹝一段時間﹞ 」 。 When (he was) young, he was not happy. * 副詞從句的動詞用 be,而又與主要子句的主語相同,則副詞從句的主語 及 be 動詞可一起省略。 I learned English while (I was) in London. Who took your place while you were ill? * 病了一段時間,不能用 "when"。 Whenever you go, I will follow you. * "whenever" 意指「無論何時」 。

You may come whenever you like. I read the letter as I walked along the river. * "as" 意指「一邊……一邊……」 His voice trembled as he spoke the last sentence. * "as" 意指 "when"。 As soon as the burglar came into my room, I caught him. * "as soon as" 意指「一……就……」﹝兩種動作或變化的時間極短。﹞ I shall tell him as soon as he comes. Once you know him, you will like him. * "once" 意指「一旦﹝兩種動作或變化的時差極短。﹞ Once you show any fear, he will attack you. I love you as long as I live. * "as long as" 意指「只要」或「有……之久 」 。 I shall never forget your kindness as long as I live. Wait here until I come back. * "until" 意指「直到」 。 * "till" 與 "until" 的意思一樣, "until" 較鄭重其事。 They never know the worth of liberty till they lose it. He has not been well since he returned from Malaya. * "since" 意指「自從」 。 * 通常,主句用 "present perfect tense" ,從句用 "simple past tense"。 We have both changed since we parted. It is five years since I saw her last. How long is it since he went to London? * 有些文法書認為主句所表達的,與其說是時間的經過,不如說是 時間的長短,因此應用 Simple Present Tense 。例如: It is ten years since I last saw him. 或 How long is it since you had a raise in salary ? 但英美人士卻覺得非常奇怪,他們通常會說: It has been ten years since I last saw him. 或 How long has it been since you had a raise in salary? 不過,也有例外的情況,若表示從過去到現在並沒有改變的性格, 則可以用 Simple Present Tense。例如: She is nervous about riding in a car since she was involved in the car accident. I left before he arrived. ( 或 I had left before he arrived.) ﹝他到達之前,我己離開了。﹞ He arrived after I left. ( 或 He arrived after I had left.) ﹝我離開後,他才到達。﹞

2. Adverb Clause of Place 連接地點副詞從句與主句的詞主要有: where, wherever, whence, whither 例如: Where there is a will, there is a way.﹝有志者,事竟成。﹞ Put the book where it was. The beautiful sight greets us wherever we look. * "wherever" 意指「無論何處」 。 * 本句運用擬人法。 Sit wherever you like. Don't ask me whence I came.﹝不要問我從哪裡來。﹞ * "whence" 意指「從哪裡來」 。 Go back whence you came.﹝歸去由來處。﹞ A rudder guides the ship whither it wills. ﹝指導員引導船往它要到的地方去。﹞ * "whither" 意指「到哪裡去」 。 3. Adverb Clause of Reason 連接理由副詞從句與主句的詞主要有: because, since, as, for, seeing(that) 例如: He did it because he thought it right. * "because" 意指「因為」;它所帶出的原由是說話者認為聽者不知道的。 I love you because you understand me. Since everybody is present, we may begin our discussion. * "since" 意指「因為」;它所帶出的原由是說話者認為聽者已經知道的。 Since we have no money, we cannot buy it. As I shall be here again tomorrow, I will not stay now. * "as" 意指「因為」;它所帶出的原由是說話者認為聽者已經知道的。 She stayed at home as she had no car. He did not come, for he was ill. * "for" 意指「因為」;不可放在句首;前面常置逗號。 We cannot go, for it is raining. ※ 依表示理由或原因的強度比較:

because → since → as → for Seeing (that) he says so, it may be true. He could not ask questions, seeing it was none of his business. 4. Adverb Clause of Result 連接副詞從句與主句的詞主要有: so that, so…that, such…that

例如: The train was late, so that I could not keep my word. * "so that" 意指「因此」或「以致」﹝ with the result that﹞。 Turn it from time to time, so that it may be cooked alike on both sides. He was so excited that he could not sleep. * "so" 後接形容詞或副詞。 Oxygen is so important to life that we cannot live without it. He is such a good teacher that every student likes him. * "such" 後接名詞。 He is such a liar that no one believes him. 5. Adverb Clause of Purpose 連接目的副詞從句與主句的詞主要有: that, so that, in order that, lest, for fear(that) 例如: He studies hard that he may pass the examination. * "that", "so that" 及 "in order that" 皆意指「以便」或「為了 」 。 * 使用 "that", "so that" 及 "in order that": 若主句動詞時態是現在時態、現在進行時態及現在完成時態, 從句的動詞形態是: will, can, may, shall + root form; 若主句動詞時態是過去時態,從句的動詞形態是: would, could, might, should + root form They hurried that they might not miss the train. He always takes careful notes so that he may go over them after class. I went out for a walk so that I might think the matter over in the fresh morning air. Finish this in order that you can start another. He raised his hard in order that the bus might stop. I will not make a noise lest I should wake the child. * "lest" 意指「以免」 。 * 使用 "lest", "for fear that": 主句的動詞不管什麼時態,從句動詞的形態都是: should, might + root form The farmer tied his horse to the tree lest it should run away. I put the milk on the shelf for fear (that) the cat might get at it. * "for fear (that)" 意指「唯恐」 。 I took an umbrella with me for fear that it should rain. 6. Adverb Clause of Concession

連接讓步副詞從句與主句的詞主要有: though, although, even if, even though, however 例如: Though it is cheap, I do not buy it. Though he tried hard, he was not successful. Although he is young, he is wise. * "although" 與 "though" 的意思一樣,而 "although"的語氣較為堅定。 * "although" 多用於句首。 Although it was so cold, he went out without an overcoat. ※ 在中文裡,使用了「雖然」,隨即使用「但是 」 。 在英文裡,用了 "although"或 "though",不能再使用 "but"; 用了 "but",就不能再使用 "although"或 "though"。 例如:雖然我的心破碎,但是我必須微笑。 1. Although (Though) my heart is breaking, I must smile. 2. My heart is breaking, but I must smile. 3. Although (Though) my heart is breaking, yet (still) I must smile. 4. My heart is breaking, yet (still) I must smile. 5. Although (Though) my heart is breaking, but I must smile. ﹝錯誤﹞ * "yet" "still" 副詞。 Even if you fail, you will have gained experience. * "even if" 意指「即使」 。 Even though it rains, I will go. * "even though" 意指「即使」 。 However difficult it may be, we will do it. * "however" 意指「不管怎樣」 。 7. Adverb Clause of Manner 連接方式副詞從句與主句的詞主要有: as, as if, as though 例如: You should pronounce this word as your teacher pronounces it. * "as" 意指「一如﹝完全一樣﹞」 * 上句可改為: You should pronounce this word as your teacher does it. I have done it as it should be done. Do in Rome as the Romans do.﹝入鄉隨俗。﹞ He acts as if he were crazy. * "as if"意指「恰如﹝並非完全一樣﹞ 」 。

* "as if" 從句的動詞用假設語氣,因此用 "were"。 不過,在現代口語,有時亦用直說方式﹝現在時態、 過去時態、未來時態等﹞代替假設 方式﹝過去時態、過去完成時態﹞。 假設方式強調「非現實性」,直說方式則著重「可能性 」 。 以前,英文文法規定,在 as if 從句中要用假設方式,例如: It looks as if it would rain. 現代英文文法漸改用簡潔的直說方式,例如: It looks as if it will rain. The baby laughed as if he had understood your expression. He speaks English as though he were an Englishman. * "as though" 意指「恰如」 。 They talked as though they had been friends for years. 8. Adverb Clause of Comparison 連接比較副詞從句與主句的詞主要有: as…as, so…as, than 例如: He is as poor as a church mouse. * 「教堂老鼠」意指沒有東西吃的老鼠。 I am as busy as a bee. He is as poor as you (are). ※ 若從句與主句的動詞時態相同,則 "are" 可隱藏; 若從句與主句的動詞時態不不同,則 "are" 不可隱藏。 例如: He is as poor as you were.﹝他現在一如你過去那麼窮。﹞ He was as poor as you are.﹝他過去一如你現在那麼窮。﹞ He was as poor as you (were).﹝他過去一如你過去那麼窮。﹞ She is as tall as he (is). She is not as tall as he (is). She is not so tall as he (is). * "as…as" 在肯定句或否定句中皆可用,而 "so…as" 只在否定句中使用。 I cannot do it so quickly as you. Mr. Lee is not so old as he looks. ※ 在未介紹 "than" 這個從屬連詞的用法前,先介紹形容詞的比較級 和最高級。為了表達形容詞的不同程度,形容詞可分三級: 1. 原級 Positive Degree 2. 比較級 Comparative Degree 3. 最高級 Superlative Degree ※ 形容詞的比較級和最高級的形成規則如下:

1. 單音節詞: a) 通常在原級後加 er 成比較級,加 est 成最高級。例如: great → greater → greatest tall → taller → tallest b) 若以 e 收尾,則加 r 成比較級,加 st 成最高級。例如: large → larger → largest c) 若以輔音字母收尾,而輔音字母前是元音字母,則先重複輔音 字母,加 er 成比較級,加 est 成最高級。例如: big → bigger → biggest fat → fatter → fattest 2. 雙音節詞: a) 通常在原級後加 er 成比較級,加 est 成最高級。例如: clever → cleverer → cleverest narrow → narrower → narrowest b) 若以 e 收尾,則加 r 成比較級,加 st 成最高級。例如: able → abler → ablest c) 若以 y 收尾,而 y 前是輔音字母,則改 比較級,加 est 成最高級。例如:

y 為 i ,加 er 成

happy → happier → happiest lucky → luckier → luckiest 3. 多音節詞: 在前面加 more 成比較級,加 most 成最高級。例如: beautiful → more beautiful → most beautiful important → more important → most important 4. 還有一些單詞的比較級和最高級是不規則的: 原級 比較級 最高級 good / well better best bad / ill worse woest many / much more most little less least far farther / further farthest / furthest old older / elder oldest / eldest 例如: He is older than I. Mary is two years younger than I. Two heads are better than one.

9. Adverb Clause of Condition 連接條件副詞從句與主句的詞主要有: if, in case, so long as, on condition (that), provided that, providing, suppose, supposing, unless 例如: If you go away, I will not cry. * "if" 意指「如果」 。 * 從句的動詞用現在時態表示將來發生的事情。 In case he gives me a phone call, tell him that I will call him back. * "in case" 意指「萬一」 。 So long as you keep the book clean, you may borrow it. * "so long as" 意指「只要」 。 I will sell you this camera on condition that you pay in cash. * "on condition (that)" 意指「在……條件下 」 。 I will go provided that you go. * "provided (that)" 意指「假使」 。 I will do so providing you agree. * "providing" 意指「假使」 。 Suppose she refuses, what shall we do? * "suppose" 意指「假使」 。 Supposing he cannot come, who will do the work? * "supposing" 意指「假使」 。 You will fail unless you work harder. * "unless" 意指「除非」 。 ※ 根據條件副詞從句所表示的假設情況是否可能實現,可分以下 幾種類型: A. 表示假設情況有可能或很可能實現 句式:從句﹝ if + 動詞現在式﹞ / 主句﹝ will / may /… + 原型﹞ 例如: If I have time, I will visit you. If it rains, bring me my umbrella. B. 表示假設情況不可能實現並且跟現在的事實相反 句式:從句﹝ if + 動詞過去式﹞ / 主句﹝ would / should + 原型﹞ 例如: If I had money, I should lend you some. ﹝如果我有錢【現在沒有】,我會借一些給你。﹞

If I were a bird, I would fly to you at once. ﹝如果我是一隻鳥【現在不是】,我立刻飛到你那裡去。﹞ If I were a king, you would be a queen. ﹝如果我是皇帝【現在不是】,你就是皇后。﹞ If I knew English, I would talk with the American businessman. ﹝如果我懂英語【現在不懂】,我會跟那個美國商人商談。﹞ C. 假設情況不可能實現並且跟過去的事實相反 句式:從句﹝ if + had + 過去分詞﹞ / 主句﹝ would / should + have + 過去分詞﹞ 例如: If you had reached the station earlier, you should have caught the train. ﹝如果你早些到達火車站【剛才沒有早到】,你應趕上那班火車。﹞ If I had seen him yesterday, I would have told him the news. ﹝如果我昨天見到他【昨天沒有見到】,我會告訴他這個消息。﹞

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