Definasi Skim Piramid

  • May 2020
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Definisi Skim Piramid « on: April 20, 2008, 01:32:58 PM » Dalam dunia ini terlalu sedikit manusia yang faham makna skim piramid yang sebenar. Ada yang faham sebahagian saja maknanya. Bagi yang pernah membaca buku bertajuk "Who Stole The American Dream? oleh Burke Hedges Pengarang antarabangsa yang amat terkenal dalam dunia Keusahawanan (Free Entreprise) yang beberapa bukunya menjadi top seller world wide, anda akan memahami makna Skim Piramid secara jelas. Antara bukunya yang digunakan sebagai rujukan oleh jutaan manusia ialah Copycat Marketing 101 dan Anda boleh rujuk dalam : Chapter 3 Pyramid Schemes Chapter 4 Illegal Pyramid Schemes Chapter 5 Legal Pyramid Schemes Saya akan quote pada sebahagian dari Chapter tersebut untuk penambahan ilmu. Quote You've probably heard some people call Network Marketing a "pyramid scheme". Do you know what that means? The reason I ask is that most people have no idea what a pyramid scheme really is. The truth is, a multi-level pyramid is a natural structures. Every single organisation in the world that distributes goods and services of any kind is shaped like a pyramid, with multiple levels that get bigger as they go down. Here's how noted author and educator Dr. Karl Dean Black explains it : " Delegation creates a multi-level pyramid. Our government is a multi-level pyramid. So are our schools and churches. All successful businesses, because they distribute goods and services, end up shaped like a multi-level pyramid. In any multi-level structure, the power comes from the bottom. Our government distributes services down a pyramid, but we give it power from the bottom with our votes. Marketing companies distribute products down a pyramid, but we give them power from the bottom with our dollars. So pyramids set up a flow that runs both ways: first down, then up. Value flows down the pyramid;power, in response, flows up. If value stops flowing down, power (in the form of dollars or votes) stops flowing up, and the sytem collapses." So, according to Dr. Black, American business, government and education - are all pyramids. Network Marketing is indeed a pyramid, just like IBM, General Motors, colleges and universities, the US Government and your church! So it's not the pyramid structure itself that makes something a "pyramid scheme". There's nothing wrong with the concept. It's what people do with it - how they use or abuse it. I use a pretty bold analogy to make this point : sex. On one side of the coin, sex is making love, two people uniting, becoming one, the passion and pleasure of creating new life together.

On the dark side, there is violation, rape, and abuse. It's not sex itself that's wrong or bad. It's the invidual experience and expression of it that makes it either beautiful or ugly. If you have a bad meal at a restaurant, do you give up eating out forever? Of course not! It's the same with a pyramid. There's nothing wrong with something having a pyramid structure. What makes something a pyramid "scheme" is when, as Dr. Black pointed out, "...value stops flowing down." Now, this may surprise you, but there are two disfferent kinds of pyramid schemes: illegal ones and legal ones. Illegal pyramid scheme : is a money-making scam where the people at the bottom put money in, but value doesn't flow back down to them. It's the kind of thing where a few people at the top get rich, while the majority of people - the ones on the bottom - lose out. Examples are chain letters and the airplane game, Ponzi Schemes, a money tree game which was popular years ago until the government shut it down. Legal Pyramid Scheme : Pyramid like structures where power (money or votes) flows up and equal or more value flows down. End quote : Kesimpulannya untuk mengukur samada sesuatu haram (illegal) atau tidak ialah dengan melihat value (nilai) yang diperolehi dengan wang atau undi yang diberikan oleh ahli atau pengguna. Jika nilai yang diperolehi adalah kurang daripada nilai wang anda maka ianya dikira haram. Apa lagi kalau tiada nilai langsung maknanya 100% haram. Jika nilai produk atau perkhidmatan yang diperolehi adalah melebihi dari nilai wang maka itu adalah sah kerana walaupun ahli yang terakhir didalam dunia sekalipun tidak akan rugi kerana walaupun dia tidak boleh menaja kerana semua orang didunia sudah jadi ahli, dia masih tidak rugi kerana nilai produk atau perkhidmatan yang diperolehinya adalah SAMA atau MELEBIHI nilai wang yang dia bayar. Itulah dia ilmu yang saya kongsikan bersama saudara/i netters semua semoga sedikit sebanyak mendapat menafaat bersama dibulan yang berkat ini. Sdra Aminurrahid juga telah memberi penerangan yang baik mengenai makna piramid skim. Saya ucapkan syabas pada beliau.

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