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Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND 1.1 Introduction

1.2 Background of the Study

Writing is very essential in everyone’s professions, studies and lifestyles. Writing styles varies in every situation as it goes formal, informal, casual, etc. and in that, variation skills must be developed. As a part of modernization new trends, new words, new cultures are formed with each symbol and meanings and that is Social Media Jargon. Social Media is the collection of sites, online activities and transactions that allow people to interact with one another and to share knowledge and to input something online with different purpose. On the other hand, Jargon is a language used by a particular group of people that causes them to understand each other. Social Media jargons are the words and terminologies associated by language that user of social media uses to connect and relate with each other. As time goes by, different styles of writing of many students was affected Social Media Jargon as it provides a new style in their writing. Social Media Jargon are considered as online tools that uses a completely different language. Jargons in Social Media seems to be confusing but with a little practice, the art of Social Media word play will become a second nature. The researchers study Social Media Jargons with relation to the writing styles and skills of students. It has importance such as; it will determine the proper and improper use of Social Media Jargons in writing a piece. It will help students to consider the right time on when, what and where Social Media Jargons should be used or not. It will inform students that jargons in the internet can be beneficial as it creates new words that reminds the society that the language of communication is possible to evolve. This study is important because it will show how Social Media Jargon can fill a large gap of miscommunication between its uses.

The internet of Social Media has the power of changing language. Every netizen begins to use those new added words not just in Social Media itself but also in their writing. Social Media Jargons are recognizing into language and sharpening evolving human communication. The millennial and post millennial are processing and making way for generation Z. The new generation which is composed of those who were born after 1995. Studying Social Media Jargon is very necessary as it is part of writing and speaking among people convicted in the Social Media users. The objective of this study is to know the cause, effects and beneficiality of Jargons in Social Media in student’s skills and styles in writing together to inform the students where, when and what social Media Jargons should be used. According in an interview of Christopher Poole, “language itself changed slowly but the internet has a speeded up the process of those changes so you notice them more quickly” (as cited in Kleinman, 2010). According to Hendricks (2013) Social Media began to grow its popularity after blogging was developed. In 2000’s sites like my space and linked in gains Projection in 2005, YouTube was created as it gives a wide way for people to communicate and interact to one another with a large distance. Facebook and Twitter began to be available to its users by 2006, allowing them to create pages, groups and send messages

1.3 Statement of the problem


Social media plays a big role on student’s everyday lives. They are putting too much time using it and surfing online. Social media relatively affects the new trends including social media jargons among students. Jargons in the social media has an impact on student’s writing skills and styles. This research study aims to know the effects of social media jargons and to inform students the proper ways of using it.

The Study includes the demographic profile of respondents such as name, gender, age and section. The study tends to know the effect and benefits of Jargons in social Media on student’s Writing skills and styles. Moreover, the researchers will conduct on interview to Grade 11 HUMSS Students of Arellano University Pasig to gather data. After that, interpretation understanding and analyzation of data will be done. As a result, the study will inform the students and teachers the effects and benefits of Jargons in their writing skills and styles.

1.4 Significance of the study The study would be beneficial to the following: To the students, this study is about the effects of social media jargons in the writing skills of grade 11 HUMSS students will be beneficial to the students they will know if being in a new generation where words are continuously evolving is an excuse to use new invented words or the social media jargons in a formal matter such as writing. To the teachers, it is also beneficial to the teachers in a way that they will know some reasons why students are using social media jargons in their writings, intentionally or not. This study will somehow make teacher’s job easier because the students already know what might be the effects of social media jargons and the proper way of using it, teachers don’t need to emphasize such things more. To the school, this study will also help the school especially in writing philosophy. It will help society particularly the job about writing since this study will give them prior knowledge about the proper use of social media jargons. To the future research, this research will give a prior information and ideas about the social media jargons

1.7 Theoretical Framework According to the Media Ecology Theory by Marshall Mejuhan (1964), The world is consist of different symbols and meanings that has tendency to shape everyone’s Perception, attitudes, behavior and experiences. It only happens because of communication: The theory gave focus on the medium of communication particularly media rather than the content and its message. The medium is considered as an important aspect since it gives way to spread and expand the message or its content. The theory is connected to the study because it shows the importance on medium of communication. The Jargon is considered as the content and Social Media as the medium. The social Media Jargons were adapted by many students because of the medium used such as language, online sites and forums, and Social Media applications. It only means that medium is superior because without its content is useless and senseless. It shows the great role of medium in communication in the adaptation and development Jargons in Social Media among its users especially students.

Chapter 2

1.8 Scope and Limitations This Study covers the effects of Jargons in Social Media on the students writing skills and styles among grade 11 HUMSS Students of Arellano University Pasig. This study will investigate the cause and factors that influence the students to acquire the ultimate terms and jargons on the writing styles and skills of 11 HUMSS Students. This Study will consider student’s numbers and name of accounts in social media, and time they spend it as a factor to know the cause of the study. The study will not influence the Students way of interaction in social media. Thus, it only focuses on the effects of the terms present in the social media

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Foreign Studies Kho (2004), Stated that the trends of using net lingo or jargons in social media are continuously invading the online world and many people using it, teachers or professor and students or learners must take an action to avoid using it in an offline or manual writing in academic environment. The issue on this trend must be discussed in classroom or learning environment to enlighten and inform students the proper and appropriate usage of net lingo or online jargons in different types of styles of writing. The statement shows the relationship the study as it provides possible ways to avoid net lingo and online jargons in writing tasks of students such as the improper use of it must be discussed in classroom in order for the students to have prior knowledge and information with regards to it. Jackson and Jamie (2013), Stated that although net lingo and social media has informal words, it doesn’t mean that it must not be used but there are limitations of using it and factors of consider like the audience or reader, requirement such as type and style of writing. Social media offers many sites and platforms that only and sentences structure do not follow the standard way. This shows the proper way of using social media jargons and net lingo. Emile (2013), Stated that the effects of social media in writing skills and styles of individuals greatly depend on them. Social media is beneficial if an individual greatly depend on them. Social media is beneficial if an individual has prior knowledge on how to use it. It can be used to correct grammar and learn new words. However, if an individual has no background knowledge on it, it can cause him/her to learn informal and grammatically study error words. This statement is closely related to the study as it 14 provides the answer to the main question which is all about the effect of social

media jargons on the writing skills and styles of students Foreign literature Reno N. Marcelino (2014),stated that Students are prone in the using their phones with sending text message using social media with many accounts which contains text lingo and informal words. Students are using text lingo in which they transfer or use in English class whether it is written or spoken it. It only means that social media and text message offer various informal languages, format and style. Sending text message offers a limited character that leads to improper, shortened and grammatically wrong words. The statement shows the cause and effect of adopting text lingo and jargons in social media in writing skills and styles of students. The cause is too much use of application offering limited words and disregard formality and appropriateness which leads to adoption that many students executed in their writing skills and style such as informal words, misspelled and with grammatically error words and sentences. Kate Wilson (2014),stated that social media contains different sites and stage that influences the everyday lives of people including their language. The effects of social media so very popular because of its ability to change and impact everyone’s vocabulary. It helps everyone to widen vocabulary, adopt formal and informal words, widen communications with other and to have the responsibility to be use with and have a connection with many people. Social media can be used by many people including students. May students have a large number of social media accounts and platforms they are exposed to it with so many times. It has an effect on their vocabulary that they used on school and academic world. Students must have a responsibility to have a prior knowledge to used and adopt those language in social media as it has various effect in writing and communicating to others. 15 Teacher finder (2019),stated that one

of the sources of informal writing and language is the internet. In the internet or social media some accounts gathered a large number of followers and doesn’t mean the good writing skills must be employed. There are many social media bloggers and influencer that do not uses proper way of writing and language that must be considerate as many students viewed it and influence by it. The statement shows the cyclic process of adopting informal language in the internet. Many bloggers use informal language to be adopted and uses by students and the students tend to influence other to adopt it again. 2.2 Local Studies Cabrera (2018),stated that Social media has negative effect on the formal writing student. Since it brought the usage of abbreviated words and web jargons, the students absorb this language and often use n their formal writing. The students somehow become unconscious what these words make their formal writing informal. Soriano (2017), stated that educator must be understands and accept that the students now a days will never use mobile devices and social media. All they need focus with is to teach the students on the proper way of using it and the words they adopt form it. Archibido ( 2019), stated that the world of today requires modern technology which comprise social media, cellphone or gadgets and even online transactions, due to the proliferation of modern technology with new terminologies greatly affects the writing skills of students particularly in their spelling and improper abbreviation this statements creates a connection to the study in such way that it presents the possible cause of the proliferation of new words and technologies of social media jargons that was greatly impact on writing skills of students

Local Literature

General Synthesis:

Rommel (2018) stated that social media should give and impart important things on its users especially students. Since social media is vert fast and easily to be spread, the content of it such as literature like poem, short stories etc. Must be something significant. The teachers and educator must be responsible in teaching different style of literature in connection with the social media. They need to impart social media in relation with the grammar, communication and studies. As the connection to the study, the statement shows the possible way to avoid the negative effects of social media in particular with the language, grammar and communication, the statement both involves social media with relation to studies. Virgilio (2017), stated that the world is evolving so its aspect particularly language. Language is dynamic and it is subjected to change and in that development, it must cope with the needs of its users to consider what is helpful and beneficial to them. The internet or social media contribute in evolvement of language that is why language planning must be consider. Language planning must be systematic and follow a process of formulation, dissemination and diffusion. The language must be contributed on enrichment and beneficially too its users. The statement is connected to the study because it discusses the evolvement of language. The topic of the research is about the writing skills of students. Writing skills is composed of language and grammar so it shown how language is affected by the social media. Fidel (2014), Stated that the modern technology became dominant, various ways of communication such as text messaging and social media develop due to this its unavoidable for netizens particularly to students to forget their mother tongue. This statement connected to the study as it’s provides the cause of the students to adopt new language in social media

The following literature and studies that were presented by the researcher helped the study to be more credible in showing the cause and effect of social media jargons in students writing skills and styles. Too much time spent by the students in using gadgets, social media accounts and forum is one of the causes of adopting jargons in social media. In additional, social media bloggers that has plenty of followers uses informal language, grammar, spelling and other proper mechanics. Most of the students were often unconscious about their use of informal language and jargons in social media to students for them to be able to have a knowledge in using it correctly. Lastly, social media bloggers must be accountable in imparting their purpose on writing online and in using informal language grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.

chapter 3 METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH This chapter gives the methods to be used in the study. It describes the subject of the study, the instrument used, and the procedure of data gathering. This study will find out the effects of social media jargons in the writing skills of Grade 11 HUMSS Students by conducting an interview. 3.1 Method of Research Qualitative method shall be observed since the researchers will gather opinions and nonnumerical data from the respondents through interview. The study will use descriptive method of research. This study will use descriptive because it will describe the overall effects of social media jargons in the writing skill and styles of students. 3.2 Subject Respondents of the Study The study targets a selection of 10 students of Humanities and Social Sciences Strand morning shift for the School Year 2018 to 2019. During this research, individual males and females having knowledge on social media jargons will ask the interview. The said participants are teenagers and were of different gender, race, height, weight, and other physical attributes. Participants were purposively approached inside the university. The aims and objectives of the research were relayed to each participant. 3.3 Research Instruments The researcher designed an interview schedule as one of the data collection instruments for this study. The HUMSS Students of the morning shift were interviewed. The conducted study is done through an interview from asking about perception of one’s individual based on the questions listed on interview guide questions. The researcher chose an interview research design because it best served to answer the questions and the purposes of the study. The interview

research is one in which a group of people or items is studied by collecting and analyzing data from only a few students or items considered to be representative of the entire group. In other words, only a part of the population is studied, and findings from this are expected to be generalized to the entire school. The survey assessing public opinion or individual characteristics by the use of questionnaire and sampling methods. 3.4 Procedure of Data Gathering The researcher conducted an interview to the 10 students of Arellano University-Pasig AM shift. The questions were then asked to every honor students of each section. The researchers remained at the outside of the room while asking the participants. Once the participants completed to answer the questions, the voice record were distributed according to their name and section. The participants were all thanked for taking part in the research and for sparing their time

CHAPTER 4 THE PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA This chapter presents the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the findings and results gathered from the respondents. 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents? -The figure 2 shows the age of respondents. The majority of the respondents are seventeen years old with the percentage of eighty . The minority of the respondents were sixteen years old having the percentage of twenty -The figure 3 shows the gender of respondents. The majority of the respondents are female having the percentage of seventy. The minority of the respondents are male with the percentage of thirty

2. What are the effects of social media jargons in student’s writing skills and style? the majority of the respondents answered that the effects of social media jargons in their writing skills was negative. According to the students it makes their written output, particularly literary piece distorted in its content and structure. Furthermore, social media jargons lessen the context and efficiency of the message to be imparted to the teachers and target audience. It hinders the directness of the message and appropriateness of the language to be expressed. In addition, It negatively affects 22 the vocabulary of the students as they remember the jargon and not the right word and execute it in their writing. Lastly, using social media jargons makes a formal written output an informal. The minority of the respondents answered that using social media jargons lead a positive effect because and it makes them easy to right and less hassle. In addition it makes their vocabulary flexible

because they use jargons in social media, particularly in the form of acronym as mnemonic device to easily remember specific word 3. What are the factors causing students to acquire social media jargon? The findings shows that all of the respondents have social media accounts such as facebook, instagram, and twitter. And the language in that different platform oscillate and change. Many factors were considered by the respondents on how they adopt and understand social media jargons. First, many students spend too much of time using their account in social media. Some answered that they used it for almost 6 hours a day, and they considered it as one factor. Second, in modern world, many millennials uses social media jargons such as atm,otw,gc,pm etc. to communicate and interact with others . With that interaction they influence each other to use social media jargons. Third, some of them answered that reading post and information too much online or in different platforms especially facebook is the also the factor. Lastly, they answered that many students adopted it because of the trends. They are coping and imitating what is popular in current time. 4. In what way, does the social media jargon beneficial or not in terms of writing? Based from the result gathered from the respondents the majority of them answered that it is not beneficial because it is prohibited to use social media jargons in formal writing. If they used unconsciously their teacher will correct them. In addition, using social media jargons will cause them to have deduction on their grades. Also, it is very informal to use, according to them it is much better to use the original word. On the contrary, the minority of the respondent answered that it is beneficial to 23 be used in informal writing because it shortens the words in the sentences. And also, it makes them easy to write and less hassle.

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