Defect Report For Freemind 0.9.0 Rc5 22nd August 2009

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  • Words: 939
  • Pages: 15
Test Report – BWT Session 4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tester: Parimala Shankaraiah – Date: 22nd Aug 2009 Time: 3.00 PM Mission: The Mission is to test the entire product and find bugs Operating System: Windows XP Professional SP3 Browser (if applicable): IE 8.0 Application Name & Version: FreeMind 0.9.0 RC5 Link to download or URL:

Notes : (Includes Test Data, Test Ideas, Investigation Notes, Questions) 1. I started with focus on the installation process by observing each and every page of the setup process. My main focus was the installation testing (inspired by RaviSuriya’s installation testing for WireMaster 0.46 from BWT 3). Found a lot of issues in comparison to the installation process of other products. 2. If Java is not installed, the application downloads and installs Java. However, one of the installation pages of FreeMind displays a message ‘If java is not installed, please abort the installation and install JRE…’ which is confusing to the user. Java has been installed and this message is not required. 3. FreeMind > Help > Documentation > URL field. The purpose of the URL field is not self explanatory and misleads the user. The entire help page is badly organized 4. I moved on to help section which is badly organized and and found some issues 5.

Next, my focus was on the FreeMind functionality: creation, saving, deletion, overwriting

Bugs : (With reason as to why do you think it’s a bug? Ex: Inconsistent within an application, Inconsistent when compared to most of the products etc.) 1.

Installation > Java Setup page > Change destination folder checkbox is misleading. There is no option to see which is the default folder for installation (Oracle: Inconsistency with Comparable Products). Refer Bug 1_Dest Folder.PNG

2. Installation > Setup page > a message ‘If java is not installed, please abort the installation and install JRE…’ which is confusing to the user. Java has been installed and this message is not required. Refer Bug 2_Java Prompt.PNG (Oracle: Inconsistency with user expectation) 3. Right Click on the downloaded exe > Properties > Version tab, the field is displayed as file version instead of product/application version (Oracle: Inconsistency with Comparable Products). Refer Bug 3_VersionInfo.PNG a. Right Click on the downloaded exe > Properties > Version tab, the version is displayed as (Oracle: Inconsistency within the Product). Refer Bug 3_VersionInfo.PNG b. Right Click on the downloaded exe > Properties > Version tab > other version information section, File Version and Product Version fields are blank. 4. Installation > Setup > Information page > ‘Moroever, if you have another version of FreeMind installed, please uninstall it first’ message is displayed. Ideally, if an older version of the product in installed, any new installation should be intelligent enough to detect the already installed software and prompt the user to take futher action(whether to uninstall and proceed with new installation or cancel current installation). This is a functional flaw in the product. (Inconsistency with User Expectation). Refer Bug 4_Another version.PNG 5. Installation > Setup > Select Additional task page > the text ‘Associating freemind with .mm extension..’ is a duplicate of the following checkbox with the same name (Oracle:Inconsistency within the product). Refer Bug 5_Additional line.PNg 6. Installation > Setup > Information page > Authors and Contributors information should be part of the End User Licence Agreement page and not displayed as a separate page towards the end of the installation process (Oracle: Inconsistency with Purpose). Refer Bug 6_information.PNG 7. FreeMind > Help > Documentation > a new tab is displayed. There is no option to close the individual tab. Clicking on the X button closes the tabs as well as the MindMap window. There should be an ‘X’ icon for each tab to be

closed individually(Inconsistency with Comparable Products). Refer Bug 7_Close tab.PNG 8. FreeMind > Help > Documentation > URL field should be renamed to File and should not be editable. Currently, this field allows the user to edit the values in this field resulting in error message (Inconsistency with purpose). Refer Bug 8_URL.PNG 9. FreeMind > Insert > New Previous Sibling Node naming does not have any information as to how it is different from New Sibling Node (Oracle: Inconsistency with User Expectation). Refer Bug 9_Sibling.PNG 10.FreeMind > File/Edit/View/Insert/Format and other menus > Icons are not available for many Menu items. It becomes misleading to provide icons for some menu items and leave the rest empty. 11.FreeMind > Right Click on the new mindmap page > Note Window > Shortcut key is Ctrl+Shift+Less. There is no key by name ‘Less’ (oracle: Inconsistency within the product). Refer Bug 10_Less.PNg 12.FreeMind > File > Create Encrypted Map > the label fields in the dialog are attached to the left side border, the text fields appear to be attached to each other and OK/Cancel buttons are place very far away (GUI issue). Refer Bug 11_encrypt. 13.FreeMind > File > Create a new mindmap and saving with a name that already exists prompts to the user to overwrite or not. Clicking on no on this dialog results in a Saving failure message. Ideally, it should allow the user to enter a different filename. While saving the file, freemind should not give the same default name ‘New’. It should be left blank for the user to type the name (Functionality issue). Refer Bug 12_Saving.png

Attachments : (Name the screenshots as Bug 1, Bug 2 etc with a short caption)

Bug 1

Bug 2

Bug 3

Bug 4

Bug 5

Bug 6

Bug 7

Bug 8

Bug 9

Bug 10

Bug 11

Bug 12

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