Deep Packet Capture Appliances The
Virtuat Appliance brinEs the benefits of deep packet capture and stream-fo-sfor-
age to any organi2atian-large or small. With a complete and accurate record of all traffic fhaf crosses the network, lT managers can make the right network managemenf declsions, imprave network pefformance, decrease time-ta-resolution, and increase overall custamer satisfaction. COMPREHENSIVE NETWORK RECORDING AND STREAM-TOSTORAGE IN A VIRTUAL APPLIANCE -'
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the inftstry's first and only deep packet caoture and stream-to-storaoe aoolirmage rr ance avaraore as { tnclucles the same technology avatlable in the DS series of capture appliances, but prevides the flexibility to deploy on any hardware platform. This easy-toimplement solution is a perEcd way to introduce the benefits of deep packet capture (DPC) and deep packet inspection (DPl) into any organization.
Unlike other restrictive products that require a costly purchase of proprietary hardware and proprietary analysis software, the virtual appliance allows lT professionals to selegt the hardware platform and the network analysis tools that make sense to their organization.
The virtual appliance acts as unobtrusive network traffic recorder. A copy of all data crossing the network is captured and immediately saved to storage. Once in storage, data can be played back at variable rates to either an analysis application or to any other location on the netwok, or to multiple applications or locations. Analysis and filtering tools can be applied
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architecture allows all existing network monitoring, applications to access all of the captured packets, fortifying those applications by allowing them to analyze a complete historical record of network traffic, rather than a mere statistical sampling of the traffic or a summary view of headers. Having a complete, lossless record of your data in motion is the key to protecting your company and your employees.