Dee Dee Lee

  • November 2019
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Praising The Lord Read Psalm 103:1-22 Dee Dee Lee

Psalm 103 could be called a “blueprint” of praise, showing us who God is. The Psalms show how the authors poured out their hearts to God. David was a prolific author of many of the psalms. He is called a “man after God’s heart” and his psalms express his heart for God. David’s list of praises at the start of this psalm reminds of our blessings! David’s deeply personal walk with God no matter his personal circumstances is encouraging. Reading his list of praises to God can remind us of how thankful we should be. David recalls all the ways God’s hand has been on him. God’s character as forgiver and redeemer as well as His acts of love, compassion, righteousness and justice can encourage you to praise God for all He has done for you! David also reminds us of what God has done for His people. Reading and taking time to be in God’s Word is the way to grow in love, in knowledge and in communion with God. It’s His love letter to His children. There’s nothing like studying God’s Word – those who read it begin to know God in an intimate way. David knew and loved God – he knew first hand that God’s forgiveness removes sin from those He loves and that His care for the children of God is limitless and eternal. This Psalm ends with praise that God is on His throne and He rules over everything. All creatures in heaven and on earth are called to praise Him. Like David, all God’s children are to praise Him! “As for me – I, too, will praise the Lord.” AMEN!

P r ay e r Dear God, I praise You for all You have done for me. Forgive me when I don’t praise You for the ways You show Your love for me. Help me recognize Your care for me and not take Your care for granted. I long to praise only You Lord - along with everything; everywhere in creation I will praise You. In Christ’s name, Amen.

DAY 43 Questions How many praises did David list in this psalm? How many praises are on your personal list in addition to what David praised God for (use your journal)?

How has God’s mercy and forgiveness touched your life? Pray these praises back to God for forgiveness. Thank him for showing you how much He loves you.

Even when times aren’t difficult, how have you become aware of God’s care for you? Encourage another in trusting God by sharing what God has done for you.

MY Reflections Does any particular verse (SCRIPTURE) in today’s reading speak to you?

OBSERVE what this verse is saying to you:

How can you APPLY this verse to your life today?

My PRAYER for today is:

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