Decimal Place Value Matching
Decimal Place Value Matching
1. Each player gets 5 decimal cards (with decimal, word name and fraction). 2. Players take turns turning over a one of the decimal squares. 3. If a player can match a decimal square with the one of their decimal cards, the decimal square and card are removed from play, and the player earns 1 point. 4. A*er playing a decimal card, the player should choose another decimal card. (Players should keep 5 cards in their hands at all times or until the cards run out). 5. Play continues until all cards are used or time is up. The player with the most pairs wins.
1. Each player gets 5 decimal cards (with decimal, word name and fraction). 2. Players take turns turning over a one of the decimal squares. 3. If a player can match a decimal square with the one of their decimal cards, the decimal square and card are removed from play, and the player earns 1 point. 4. A*er playing a decimal card, the player should choose another decimal card. (Players should keep 5 cards in their hands at all times or until the cards run out). 5. Play continues until all cards are used or time is up. The player with the most pairs wins.
Decimal Place Value Matching
Decimal Place Value Matching
1. Each player gets 5 decimal cards (with decimal, word name and fraction). 2. Players take turns turning over a one of the decimal squares. 3. If a player can match a decimal square with the one of their decimal cards, the decimal square and card are removed from play, and the player earns 1 point. 4. A*er playing a decimal card, the player should choose another decimal card. (Players should keep 5 cards in their hands at all times or until the cards run out). 5. Play continues until all cards are used or time is up. The player with the most pairs wins.
1. Each player gets 5 decimal cards (with decimal, word name and fraction). 2. Players take turns turning over a one of the decimal squares. 3. If a player can match a decimal square with the one of their decimal cards, the decimal square and card are removed from play, and the player earns 1 point. 4. A*er playing a decimal card, the player should choose another decimal card. (Players should keep 5 cards in their hands at all times or until the cards run out). 5. Play continues until all cards are used or time is up. The player with the most pairs wins.