Deceit Is Not God Outline

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 503
  • Pages: 2
“Deceit Is Not God’s Way” Joshua 9:1-13 We will see that nothing good comes out of a lie; all it does is open a door for the devil to mess with you. Joshua 9:1-2 The kings of Canaan unite to attack Israel 1. The news of Jericho and Ai. 2. Fear sets in. 3. Let’s team up. The Israelite are to understand that God had their backs. Deut. 20:4 tells us that God will go into the battles with us and he will fight for us and give us victory. We need to understand this to that God has our back. Joshua 9:3-13 The Gibeonites deception 1. They planned to deceive the Israelites into make a treaty with them. Why? a. Some how they knew God’s orders. b. Duet. 7 destroy these seven nations. c. Deut. 20 makes treaties with others from distant lands. d. They went back on the pack with the others of the land. 2. They pretended to be people they were not. a. We are ambassadors from a distant land. b. Made things look as if they had been on a long, hard journey. c. Bread, wineskins, clothes & sandals. d. The lie just continues. How many of us know what I’m talking about. This is how the Lord feels about lying and deceptions. Proverbs 6:16-19 When we have this type of attitudes and behaviors what we do is cause a separation between God and ourselves. Psalms 101:6-7 Every time we act out with this kind of behavior we break His heart.

Not only does lying and deceit causes a barrier between God and ourselves it destroys relationship between each other. Ephesians 4:25 Colossians 3:9 When we lie to each other, we chip away at the foundation of truth that the relationship is built on. (We hurt people ourselves and damage healthy relationshps) We need to understand that when we introduce deceit of any kind into any relationship what we are doing is opening the doors for satan to step in. Why is that? satan is called the deceiver in Revelations 12:9. Jesus calls satan the father of lies. John 8:44 What’s the big deal? 1. Gang when we lie or be deceitful about things we reflect satan and his ways. Not Jesus Christ! 2. No one will be hurt. We hurt ourselves and others. 3. You might be saying it was just a small lie no one will know. Hebrews 4:13 These actions will not seem like a big deal but before you know it, it will draw you in, one small lie, a little bigger lie, a bigger lie, and so fort then before you know it you find yourself stuck in the devils web. This morning I say to you if you are dealing with deceitfulness or lies in your life will you stop. Turn to the Lord and ask for forgiveness and then go and make right with those you have deceived. Take back your life and live in the freedom of truth. John 8:31-32

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