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December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 1

Volume 28, No. 12

Publication of the UNITED CIVIC ORGANIZATION of CENTURY VILLAGE (WPB) Visit us on the Internet at

From the Desk of President George Loewenstein Some of you may recall seeing little slips of paper posted on your bulletin boards, complaining about an employee of WPRF not working. Apparently these did not have the desired result, and so the complainer graduated to putting the message on men’s room walls at several of the swimming pools. The sheriff’s office was notified, and I’m happy to report that the individual, a village resident, was apprehended and arrested. Hopefully, this puts an end to such mischief. The recent water main break, which affected about 40% of the village, made us aware that we lack the ability to transmit immediate information to our residents in a sudden emergency. I am in the process of forming an emergency committee to formulate a standard operating procedure in case of a sudden emergency. On Wednesday, November 4, 2009, Vice President David Israel and I attended a Palm Beach County code enforcement violation hearing against the Waldmans (owners of the Golf Course). Many years ago, a prior owner of the Golf Course applied for permission to open an entrance from Haverhill Road. The condition set by Palm Beach County was that a fence be erected between that entrance and the entrance from Century Village. That fence was removed by Mr. Waldman, claiming that since it was no longer operated as a golf course, the fence was not needed. The hearing officer disagreed and gave Mr. Waldman 30 days to replace the fence or pay a fine of $150 per day. We have changed our bylaws to make it easier for individuals to run for office in UCO. More precisely, the nominating committee is now also a search committee. Anyone wishing to run can contact the UCO office for a form. Alternately, one can be nominated from the floor at the February delegate meeting (by a delegate) and only one delegate is required to second this nomination, not ten as in the past. In March we will be electing a new president (I am term limited), two vice presidents, treasurer, and both a recording and corresponding secretary, as well as 20 members of the executive board. I hope that you will seriously consider running for one of these offices. I would like all our residents to remember to use the call in system for their guests, delivery persons, and contractors. In October over 400 entrances were denied because they were not called in. The situation causes anger toward our guards, who are only doing their duty. The guards work hard to keep us all safe in the village. On behalf of myself and my fellow officers, I’d like to wish all our residents and their families a very happy and enjoyable Thanksgiving. Please remember that the UCO office will be closed on Thanksgiving as well as the next day (Friday) so that our volunteers and employees can enjoy a long weekend. o

The Ongoing Story of the Year?

It’s the Golf Course, of Course!

December 2009

A Wonderful Experience

By Antoinette Salometo For those of us lucky enough to attend the Centenarians’ dessert buffet, we were treated to a very special occasion. Honored were eight residents, five women and three men, who have reached this milestone with humor and a zest for living and enjoying the simple pleasures. How lucky we all are to have them with us, to remind us of the important things in life — taking care of our neighbors, friendship, and laughter. Guests attending were State Rep. Mark Pafford, County Appraiser Gary Nikolits, and representatives from Congressman Robert Wexler, State Senator David Aronberg, and Mike Edmonson representing State Attorney Michael McAuliffe. Also attending was Harry Freedman, Community Relations Officer for Walgreens. UCO was represented by UCO President George Loewenstein; Vice Presidents Frank Cornish, Jerry Karpf and Bob Marshall; UCO Treasurer Dorothy Tetro; Recording Secretary Betty Lapidus; and Corresponding Secretary Avis Blank. In commemoration of the occasion, each Centenarian received a key from Commissioner Koons’ office. Susan Bucher, the Supervisor of Elections, was also there to honor the Centenarians, as was a representative of Sheriff Bradshaw. Anita Cruz, W.P.R.F. VP, offered a few words of congratulation and best wishes. After a break for some delicious desserts, entertainment was provided by the Village Songbirds. All dressed up in their red tops and white slacks, they presented a striking on stage picture and the music and harmony was wonderful. Director Martin Ruderman, with piano by Merv Knecht, led the group in a variety of musical numbers, which were enjoyed by everyone. To paraphrase a few lines from Martin’s parody of Thanks for the Memories, “Your caring way, through all your days — to you we raise a toast.” Congratulations to the Centenarians — see you next year. o

By Syd Kronish The most important subject imbedded in the minds, hearts, and pocket books of many Century Village residents at this time is the proposed development of the golf course by its owners. The matter was brought to the fore at a special Town Hall meeting held Thursday, October 15 at the Clubhouse Theater. More than 1,000 residents attended to hear the plans presented by the owner Andrew Waldman and his assistants. A group of residents identified as the “Pro Active Committee To Save The Golf Course” to take the opposite view were present, supported by the Villagers that made up the audience. On the stage at the left were Mr. Andrew C.Waldman, Ana M. Waldman, Rebel Cook, Robert Rennenbaum and Greg DuBois. In the center was retired Judge Robert Parker, who served as the moderator. On the right were the members of the Proactive Committee: Jeanette Veglia (Chairperson), Honey Sager, Sandy Cohen, Phil and Barbara Shapkin. The Waldman group speaking individually, presented their views (thirty minutes each). A large movie screen was lowered to show a col- Centenarians Sylvia Roth (102) and husband Louis (101). Continued on Page 3 Photo by John Saponaro

Delegate Meeting

Fri, Dec 4, 9:30 am Clubhouse Theater

Back row: Lillian Rubin, Al Weiskopf, Louis and Sylvia Roth. Front row: Sylvia Haskell, Ceil Imberman, Abraham Moskowitz, Miriam Maddux. Photo by Ken Davis

Page 2 THE UCO REPORTER December 2009

At the Delegate Assembly Betty Lapidus

November 6, 2009 These minutes were taken by Mary Patrick Benton. The meeting was called to order by President George Loewenstein at 9:30 a.m. 196 delegates were in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by George Franklin. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as written. The treasurer’s report was attached to the minutes. Associations received their Statement of Charges for 2010. Treasurer Dorothy Tetro thanked Al McLaughlin for preparing these bills. Lt. Kronsperger, of the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department, reminded everyone to drive carefully as a speeding ticket fine starts at $250 and failure to stop at a Stop Sign is a $140 ticket. Deputies have been notified to check for squatters at the Golf Course. He also stressed that residents should always lock their cars. President’s Report: President Loewenstein presented a Certificate of Commendation to Detective Jamie Roussel for his expeditious apprehension of a vandal who was defacing property in Century Village. UCO held a Town Hall meeting with the owners of the Golf Course and members of the Pro-Active Committee. UCO is concerned with the safety issue and lack of fence. At a recent Palm Beach County Code Enforcement meeting, the owners of the Golf Course must put the fence back up within 30 days or be fined $150 per day. Both UCO and the Pro-Active Committee were in attendance at this hearing. There was a water main break at which 40% of the Village was affected. Since we didn’t have an emergency plan in place to notify residents, George instituted an Emergency Committee for future situations.  This committee will meet November 19 to make plans. There will be a Candidates Forum for Congressman Wexler’s seat December 18 at 9:30 a.m. here in the Theater. The Century Village health facility is conducting seminars for Century Village. All resi-

dents are encouraged to attend the next session scheduled for November 11 at 2 p.m. in the Medical Center. On November 18, the Palm Beach County Tax Assessor will answer questions and discuss the Homestead Act in Room C at 2 p.m. This meeting will be advantageous for new Century Village residents. Roberta Fromkin will chair the Nomination-Search Committee. If you wish to be nominated for either a UCO office or Executive Board, you can get an application at the UCO office. If nominated from the floor, only one second is necessary — must be nominated and seconded by a Delegate. The UCO office will be closed Friday, November 27th — Thanksgiving recess. Due to heavy winds, the exterminator was unable to tent the Clubhouse last week. They will try again the week of November 9. If successful, the Clubhouse will be closed November 9-10-11-12. According to Robert’s Rules of Order, to switch order of the meeting we need a two-thirds vote (131). Ushers are stationed at each door to collect Delegate voting papers in order to determine if we still have a quorum when a vote is taken. Motion: Made and seconded — All future agendas for Delegate meetings be revised to allow any motions presented to be scheduled at the beginning of a meeting before any Committee Reports. This to include motions for Old Business, New Business and any other matters brought to the Delegates as motions. Discussion followed. Vote — 3 opposed — motion carried. President Loewenstein had to leave the meeting and Vice President Bob Marshall took over conducting the meeting. Old Business: The Pro-Active Committee complained to the P.B.Co. Landscaping Department about the upkeep of the Golf Course. They also learned that Mr. Waldman did not apply for a permit to erect a fence. Motion: A motion was made and seconded to authorize UCO to spend up to $20,000 in legal fees to find

remedies against the Golf Course. Discussion followed. Vote — motion defeated. New Business: none Committee Reports: Reporter: Dot Loewenstein announced that the deadline is Monday, November 9 for any items for the next issue. Insurance: Dan Gladstone reported that 240 units in 50 buildings have been damaged by water and we might have renewal problems. He suggested that shut-off valves are very important. Q&A re water damage followed. Nominations-Search: Roberta Fromkin reported that every UCO officer (except two Vice Presidents) and the Executive Board are to be elected. Those interested can get forms from the UCO office. We need bios and pictures by January 4. The slate will be presented at the February Delegates’ Assembly and candidates can be nominated from the floor with one second at this meeting. The election will be held March 5. Transportation: Claudette LaBonte announced there is a new bus stop on Palm Beach Lakes Blvd at the new Target. When the Clubhouse is closed for extermination, buses will pick up in front of the medical building. Security: Al McLaughlin stated that we had three broken gate arms this past month. He reminded residents not to abuse our security guards. Safety: George Franklin asked drivers to slow down when in the Village. The next Safety Town Hall meeting has been rescheduled to December 17 at 9:30 a.m. in Room C. Investigations: Louise Ger-

son asked residents to come to UCO if they have any questions. Read her article in the Reporter. Beautification: Sandy Cohen announced that her committee hopes to enhance the CV sign at the Okeechobee entrance in 2010. Cable: Dave Israel reported that there will be cable box sign ups by Association beginning January 4. The schedule was distributed this morning and is also available at the UCO office. The new CV website is century-village-wpb. Maintenance: Jerry Karpf announced there will be a meeting in Room C on November 18 at 2 p.m. pertaining to the Homestead Act. The next Town Meeting will be December 3 at 10:30 a.m. in the Theater. Speakers will be representatives from the State of Florida Ombudsman office. If your Association is interested in installing cut-off water

valves, call Jerry to get on the schedule. The cost is $175 per unit including the permit. The valve will have a tag with the apartment number. Locking valves could be installed at an additional charge. CERT: Jackie Karlan announced that this Community Emergency Response Team has two new licensed Ham operators. The committee is available to demonstrate how to use building fire extinguishers. Call her for an appointment. Community Relations: Ted Silverman announced the party for Centenarians was supported by 27 different area businesses. The Village Songbirds entertained. Signs: Haskell Morin showed a sample of building signs that are available for sale. Order forms are in the UCO office. The cost is $150 per sign. The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 a.m. o

If you are having a problem, call the UCO Office at 683‑9189 and ask for the Vice President that is covering your Association. Frank Cornish Jerry Karpf Cambridge Coventry Canterbury Easthampton Chatham Norwich Dorchester Plymouth Kent Salisbury Northampton Sheffield Sussex Waltham David Israel Andover Bedford Golf’s Edge Greenbrier Kingswood Oxford Southampton Stratford

Bob Marshall Berkshire Camden Dover Hastings Somerset Wellington Windsor

December/January Meetings Date


As of 11/03/09 Time Group




10:30 am

Maintenance (Fl Ombudsman speaks on election procedures)



9:30 am

Delegates Assembly




2:00 pm





9:30 am





11:00 am





1:00 pm





10:00 am

Community Relations

Card Room B



10:00 am

Operations (tentative)




2:00 pm

PBC Tax Accessor

CH Room C



9:30 am

Safety (Town Hall)

CH Room C



10:00 am

Candidates Forum

CH Room C



1:30 pm


CH Room B



3:00 pm


Art Room








10:00 am





10:00 am






New Year's Day




1:00 pm

Executive Board

CH Room B



9:30 am

Delegates Assembly



December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 3

The Golf Course

Continued from Page 1

Frankly Speaking: Vice President Frank J. Cornish Welcome “Home” to our seasonal residents; you have been missed... While you were gone, your representatives in your individual Associations at UCO have been actively seeking various ways in which we can enrich your daily lives. Countless hours have been devoted to developing and executing a variety of projects by all Officers, and Committees. Some quite visible, such as Lake Shore restoration, still in progress, completion of Camden Pool area repairs, striping of all major roads (N,E,W,S) drives as well as the Clubhouse parking lot, which was black topped. The overhaul of Duck Island, which has been a personal project of mine, as well as former VP Howie Silver, who was sidelined for quite some time (missed by many… welcome back, Howie) has been completed. Duck Island is a wonderful

place and underutilized. Why not gather there for your picnic or BBQ? Benches, tables and chairs, as well as BBQ pits, are waiting to be used. The Season’s Entertainment Schedule is filled with exciting shows, appealing to all tastes — classical, pop & doo-wop music, favorite comedians and personalities. Please make every effort to support as many events as you can. The various clubs are in progress, and many classes have resumed (check with Courtney at the WPRF office). Movies five times a week (check schedule), Sunday night sing-a-long, and Tuesday and Friday night’s Karaoke are offered throughout the year. My term of office will expire March 2010; however, I will once more become a Candidate for Vice President. As always, I can be reached at the UCO office during business hours. o

ored sketch portraying what they envisioned as the new property. The speakers pointed out the addition of small lakes and canals to enhance the beauty of the area including a variety of trees and other foliage. New roads would be built to provide easy access to the development. One speaker informed the assemblage that they intended to build approximately 500 homes for families ranging in price from $120,000 to $300,000, some of which would be reserved for rentals. The Waldman group concluded its presentation and said it would answer any questions concerning the matter. The Proactive Committee found fault with most of the presentation. One CV speaker asked a rhetorical question: “In the light of a downtrend on the real estate market, particularly in South Florida, would the Waldmans reduce their prices? And would such a reduction attract smaller families with many children — not the neighbors retirees are looking for in a more peaceful life style? No reply was given. Many residents in attendance complained by saying that they specifically purchased their apartment not only as a retirement home but to play golf as they were told when they bought their units. Another committee member wanted to know why the entrance gates and fences separating the golf course from the Village were not replaced or repaired as originally promised. Waldman said they were delayed in doing this, but working on it right away. The CV buildings directly adjacent to the golf course are Greenbrier (all three buildings), Golf’s Edge, Southampton and part of Kingswood. After the presentations by both sides, questions were taken from the audience concerning all of the plans and grievances. Tempers flared as both the audience and presenters on stage tried to loudly exclaim their ideas. The UCO Reporter takes a neutral position on all sides of the controversy. It was announced that more meetings, some large and some small, would be forthcoming. It is obvious that the results will be the same — par for the course! o

Security Al McLaughlin

We have good news this month with only three transponder gates being broken. Thanks to a suggestion from a delegate, we placed a full stop sign at the point where the transponder reads best. It seems to be working because we had more cars entering the Village this month and far fewer broken gate arms. Our roads are getting more crowded so please be extra careful. Next good news is that a person suspected of writing on the walls at the pools has been caught by a Palm Beach Sheriff’s Officer and will have “his day in court.” A thank you is being given to a lady that called to tell me something special a guard had done for “us.” At 6:30 a.m., she received a call from the gate asking if she was expecting a truck with two men in it. They only gave her address but did not

know her name. She did not expect them so they were turned away saving us from unauthorized visitors and whatever they were planning. If your building has voted to allow pets, please contact UCO with the proper information for our files. UCO is starting to check the buildings on file. Please, please, stop the rudeness toward the guards. The guards follow the rules of W.P.R.F. and UCO and the only changes come from the them. The rules are called post orders and they require IDs to use the pools, or to enter the Village without a “call in” (resident), and other rules that we have had for many years. If you do not have an ID, get one at W.P.R.F. or leave the area. Yelling at the guards will not change the rule. Please show consideration for those people trying to make life comfortable for us here in Century Village. o

Are You On the List?

The following Associations were not represented at the November Delegate Assembly: Andover A-B-D-G-H-I-J-K-L-M Bedford B-F-I-J Berkshire A-B-C-E-G-H-K Cambridge A-B-C-E-H Camden B-C-F-G-H-I-J-L-M Canterbury B-H-I-K Chatham A-I-P-R-S-U Coventry B-G-I-J-K Dorchester A-C-F-H-J Easthampton B-C-F-G-I Hastings B-D-F-H Kent B-E-F-G-I-J-L-M Kingswood A-C-E Northampton A-B-C-E-F-G-H-J-L-N-P-Q-S Norwich C-D-H-I-J-K-M Oxford 200 Salisbury C-H Sheffield A-B-C-D-E-H-I-O Somerset C-L Stratford L-M-O Sussex B-D-E-G-H-I-K-L Waltham A-B-E-F-G-I Wellington D Windsor A-C-F-G-I

Page 4 THE UCO REPORTER December 2009

Your Theater Claudette LaBonte

Cable David Israel

Comcast Rollout: Phase Two The time for the Snowbird Cable Box roll-out is fast approaching. In January, 2010; with a vast majority of our seasonal residents here, on the CV Campus, Comcast will once again set up shop in the Main Clubhouse to register our unit owners and make appointments to install the new Cable Box. Below you will see the planned schedule; please note your Association, and mark your calendar with the dates and times when you should come to the Clubhouse to register. If you cannot come at your scheduled time, please send a neighbor with a copy of your license, or your State

non-driver picture ID and your CV ID. On the same sheet of paper as the copies, write the following short authorization note: “I, John Doe 1 (your name), do hereby authorize John Doe 2 (your neighbor’s name) to register for my Cable Box.” Be sure to sign the authorization note. It is very important to register for your Cable Box at this roll-out event, because this is the most convenient way to obtain the box without a charge for the Technician to visit your unit to install the box. In due course of time, training sessions will be provided by Comcast for those needing assistance with the remote control. o

CV CERT Community Service

Join us: Walk “For the Cure” at the Susan Komen Cancer Walk on Saturday, January 31, 2010. A $25 donation is required. Call Jackie Karlan at 478-8679. Association Half Classroom Easthampton 108 Plymouth 85 A Hastings 76 Salisbury 108 Stratford 105 Greenbrier 84 A Golf’s Edge 85.5 Waltham 108 Wellington A/B 50 A Windsor 224 Coventry 144 Cambridge 110 Oxford 100, 38 200, 300 A Oxford 400, 39 500, 600, 700 Somerset 116 Dover 120 B Berkshire 116 Kent 119 A Southampton 120 Canterbury 128 Kingswood 63 A Sheffield 211 Dorchester 130 A Northampton 197 Bedford 139 A Chatham 220 Andover 165 A Camden 176 Sussex 132 Norwich 180 A Wellington C-M 180 Total 3768.5

Ed Note: condensed due to space restrictions The first month of the season has been a success. The best part is you have taken that step into new entertainment and December is offering you ten shows never before seen in our Village (designated by *). We have seen some of the clips and believe you will be excited with these new presentations. We have never had a Christmas type show, but I would put it more in the category of an uplifting/prepare-to-be-merry type of performance, so try the following: * Tue., Dec. 1, 8 pm: Jingle Bell Rock. They are an energetic cast of singers and dancers that will keep the house hopping as they guide you thru the best of the season. * Sat., Dec. 5, 8 pm: a Broadway tribute to Hairspray, an energetic revue combining music, choreography, and of course the Sixties hairstyles. * Thu., Dec. 10, 8 pm: That’s Amore. Mark Adams with the style, the looks, the charm, the voice, plus his magnetic appeal, accompanied by his dynamite band and the sexy/glamorous Gold Diggers. * Sat., Dec. 12, 8 pm: Mostly Mercer — Equinox Jazz is a unique ensemble of eight musicians bringing to life such Mercer classics as That Old Black Magic, Autumn Leaves, Moon River. * Sun., Dec. 13th, 7 pm: Ballet Fedotov, featuring one of the talented former Soviet choreographers in an original and unique presentation of West Side Story. * Tue., Dec. 15, 8 pm: Broadway Boys, a group of the hottest male voices currently on the New York stage. They will feature pop, funk, jazz and folk. * Sat., Dec. 19, 8 pm: Sarge, a childhood prodigy who can sing, not only in his spectacular voice but also in a dozen others. Oh, and don’t forget the piano. Sarge is the phenomenal star of I May be Black, but God Knows I’m Jewish. * Tue., Dec. 22, 8 pm: Neil Diamond Tribute with Jay White, direct from Las Vegas, who is a personal acquaintance of Neil Diamond, who personally has stated “Jay kept singing so I can stay home and relax.” * Sun., Dec. 27, 8 pm: Terry Johnson’s Flamingos. Terry has been a songwriter for the past 50 years. Come down memory lane of the big band era. In addition, don’t forget our exciting New Year’s Eve Dance, which will begin at 9 pm to the music of Pete Terri. If you want a group table saved, remember to bring all IDs with you at the time of purchase. o





Jan. 4, 2010

9:00 am-12:00 am


Jan. 4, 2010

12:30 pm-3:00 pm


Jan. 5, 2010

9:00 am-11:30 am


Jan. 5, 2010

12:00 pm-3:00 pm


Jan. 6, 2010

9:00 am-12:00 pm


Jan. 6, 2010

12:30 pm-7:00 pm


Jan. 11, 2010

9:00 am-12:30 pm


Jan. 11, 2010

1:00 pm-4:00 pm


Jan. 11, 2010

4:00 pm-7:00 pm

Tuesday Tuesday Monday Monday Tuesday

Jan. 12, 2010 Jan. 12, 2010 Jan. 18, 2010 Jan. 18, 2010 Jan. 19, 2010

9:00 am-12:00 pm 12:30 pm-3:00 pm 9:00 am-11:30 am 12:00 pm-3:00 pm 9:00 am-12:00 pm


Jan. 19, 2010

12:30 pm-7:00 pm

Wednesday Wednesday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday

Jan. 20, 2010 Jan. 20, 2010 Jan. 25, 2010 Jan. 25, 2010 Jan. 26, 2010 Jan. 26, 2010 Jan. 27, 2010 Jan. 27, 2010 Jan. 27, 2010

9:00 am-11:30 am 12:00 pm-3:00 pm 9:00 am-12:00 pm 1:00 pm-7:00 pm 9:30 am-11:30 am 12:00 pm-3:00 pm 9:00 am-11:30 am 12:00 pm-3:00 pm 3:30 pm-7:00 pm

December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 5

From the Desk of Vice President Jerry Karpf With the start of a new season, when all the snowbirds come down to Century Village, my thoughts turn to what is the best way to continue everyone’s education and knowledge in learning what condo living is all about. Many people who live in Century Village don’t have the faintest idea that they have responsibilities to their Association, and this goes as well as what responsibilities the board has to the unit owners. To help unit owners better understand this concept, we have arranged a Town Hall meeting that is open to everyone in CV on December 3, 2009 at 10:30 a.m. in the Clubhouse Theater. I will be having as guest speaker Mr. Bill Raphan, the Ombudsman for the State of Florida, who will lecture on how Condominium Elections must be conducted. Everyone in

Century Village should attend. This will be the first step in several lectures for everyone to understand condo living in the State of Florida. Mr. Raphan will also give an update of what new changes are being considered in 718, the Condominium Act. I will also be having classes on basic condominium finances and responsibilities that Board members have to their Association. These classes will be held on February 4, 2010, and other dates to be announced. Because of limits on the number of people that can be instructed on the various topics, there will be a limit of 100 people per lecture. This only applies to the classes, not the Town Hall meeting. So remember: Come to the Town Hall meeting on December 3rd and learn something new and have some fun. o

To All Candidates for President/Vice President

In the interest of equalizing the playing field, the Reporter is offering one free ad to each announced candidate. Contact Toni at 683-9336 before December 7 for details.

Alzheimer’s Survey Response

By Dot Loewenstein For the past two months, we have run a survey, trying to determine a day of the week that would be most convenient for our residents to meet with concerns about relatives, friends, or neighbors who seem to be exhibiting symptoms of dementia. Results: Half of our replies indicate Monday is the best day, and the other half want Wednesday. Don’t get excited yet — each group was divided also! Half want mornings, and the other half — you guessed it — want afternoons. All want weekly sessions. There are a few who will accept any day, any time, and prefer monthly meetings. Therefore, we cannot, as yet, make a firm commitment and we are now requesting additional survey respondents. If you have not filled out our survey form, we will provide it again at the end of this column. It would be most helpful if you could narrow down your reply to Monday or Wednesday and morning or afternoon. Please be patient with me. We will get this project off the ground, and already have facilitators on the shelf. The Century Medical Care Center (new name) has offered space for us as soon as it is available in their building, still under construction. Anita Cruz will give us space in the Clubhouse prior to that time, so space is not a problem. Be assured that your names and phone numbers remain in my custody and will not find their way into a trash can. Thank you for your replies to date, and please tell your friends it is not too late to respond. o

Investigations Louise Gerson

Welcome back, Snowbirds! Give big thanks to all who were working hard tending to your Association business. They took care of the sales, rentals and occupancies. In October, we had 27 sales, 35 rentals, 2 deed transfers and 8 requests for occupancy. A total of 72 investigations brought in. Everyone that wants to live here should be investigated. They should be 55 or older. You want to be sure that people buying apartments have enough finances to live here. Criminal checks are done on everyone to make sure responsible people live here when they buy or rent. These are trying times for all of us. Associations are getting stuck paying for apartments that irresponsible people have walked away from.

When you get a bad credit report on a prospective buyer, it is up to the Association to meet and decide whether to reject or accept them! Same thing if the report shows a criminal problem. Again, the Association Board is the only one to make the decision, not UCO Investigations! Please come into our office with your questions on pending investigations. Everything is confidential, so we cannot give you any information over the phone. Bring your ID with you. Calling all those who can dedicate days to put information into our computer: Come into our office for more details. Have a great Thanksgiving. We are closed that Thursday and Friday, so please plan ahead with bringing in your contracts with checks. o

If you find mistakes in this publication, please consider that they are there for a purpose. We publish something for everyone, and some people are always looking for mistakes!

Page 6 THE UCO REPORTER December 2009 It is up to you to say no to the Waldmans and anyone else who might want to develop this property other than what it was intended for — a recreation area set in perpetuity. Adele Ruderman

The official newspaper of Century Village 24 Camden A, West Palm Beach, FL 33417 Tel: 561-683-9336 • Fax: 561-683-2830 Email: [email protected] Office hours: 9:30 am-12:00 noon, Mon-Fri

Olga’s Wish List

Co-Editors.....................................Irv Lazar, Dot Loewenstein Senior Editor.........................................................Syd Kronish Associate Editor.............................................. June Saponaro Layout............................................................ Myron Silverman Editorial Board.......................All Editors, Pres and Vice Pres Production....................................................... John Saponaro Bookkeeper............................................. Antoinette Salometo Advertising....................... Don McDonough, Mindy Weingart Consultant................................................................. Ken Graff Artist.................................................................... Helen Siegler Circulation......................... Len Cohen, Jack Eisen, Bill Karp, Dave Rabinowitz, Mindy Weingart To Be Accepted......items must display name, address, phone #. Classified Ads for CV Residents Only: Personal items for sale or wanted may be listed on a “space available” basis, FREE of charge. (Submit on 8.5” by 11” paper.)

Submissions & Articles....... Please type in caps and lower case letters, double spaced, any item. On a “space available” basis.

Deadlines........... 7th of each month (call about special problems).

Visit your Web site:


2102 West Drive, West Palm Beach, FL 33417 UCO Office: Tel 561-683-9189 • Fax 561-683-9904 Office Hours: Mon-Thu 9am-1pm • Fri 12 noon-4pm President: George Loewenstein Vice Presidents: Frank Cornish, David Israel, Jerry Karpf, Bob Marshall Treasurer: Dorothy Tetro Corresponding Secretary: Avis Blank Recording Secretary: Betty Lapidus Community Assn. Mgr.: Rodger Carver Administrative Assistant: Mary Patrick Benton Co-Office Managers: Mary Patrick Benton Edie Levine Office Assistants: Sandy Levine, Maria Levy, Florence Pires, Isabelle Scherel, Irv Small, Joyce Weberman, Marcia Ziccardy Receptionists: Sidele Bushaikin, Rhea Cohen, Sonia Goldberg, Natalie Hauptman, Claudette LaBonte, Beverly Lyne, Marie Oliver, Ron Massa

Executive Board

Dave Bernstein Randall Borchardt Sal Bummolo Sandy Cohen Ken Davis George Franklin Louise Gerson Dan Gladstone Jackie Karlan Syd Kronish Claudette LaBonte Irv Lazar

Dot Loewenstein Al McLaughlin Haskell Morin Marie Oliver Michael Rayber Joe Saponaro Phil Shapkin Myron Silverman Ted Silverman Lori Torres Jeanette Veglia Olga Wolkenstein

The United Civic Organization Reporter is published monthly without charge to the residents of Century Village, West Palm Beach, FL. The United Civic Organization, aka UCO, is a not-for-profit organization. Its officers, directors, editors, staff, and any committee people are not responsible for typographical errors or misrepresentations in any advertisements or articles. They are not responsible and assume no liability for the content of, or any opinions expressed in, any contributed articles which represent the author’s own opinions are not necessarily the opinion of UCO. Acceptance of advertising for products or services in no way constitutes an official endorsement of the product or service.

Regarding the Waldmans’ Open Letter

I read Mr. and Mrs. Waldman’s open letter in the UCO paper, September issue, with much interest, and I quote: “We don’t anticipate this project to add more traffic, but to enhance your (our) access and create a fluid movement of vehicles,” end quote. Are they kidding??? The Waldmans also suggest, and I quote, “There will be a greater tax revenue for Palm Beach County.” But historically, our taxes will be increased for all the additional services that will have to be provided to support the development, such as opening the street for water, sewer and other utility connections, etc, etc. The open letter continues to hint that we in Century Village will have more privacy and security. Are the Waldmans implying that a housing development will provide less noise and security than a golf course?? I might add that during the tenure of the Waldmans purchase of the golf course, the golf clubhouse was vandalized several times, suffering broken glass and pilfering. Is this the type of security we are to expect? If they could not protect what they own, how much protection will they give us? Expect zilch, nada, nothing — especially after he builds and walks away from the project, which is so common with developers. For security, the Waldmans, at one time, said they would fence their property from ours; are we to expect fencing like the separation from the parking field at the medical building? At Southampton, they used razor sharp barbed wire; is that the look we want — from paradise to a maximum prison look??? Folks, if you want to live with all the promises the Waldmans make, you will be in for a big disappointment. They are painting a rosy picture to mask all the negatives. Don’t be fooled. There are no positives in their proposal.

I wish the delegates did not approve the cable contract. I wish the officers of UCO would not spend the residents’ money so freely. I wish WPRF would not treat us like children and bombard us with stupid little rules. I wish we could have karaoke at the Kent Pool. I wish we could have a UCO office inside the Clubhouse and sell the UCO building for a profit. I wish the next time a millennium contract is signed, the residents can read it before the delegates sign off on it. I wish UCO would not pay exorbitant fees to hire experts who give us bad advice. I wish we could find a cure for stupidity. I wish the operations committee did not vote to give pay raises and bonuses to WPRF and UCO employees when the economy is in the pits. I wish we did not have to pay WPRF personal bank fees out of the residents’ money. I wish the cable gurus considered the fact that we may have to pay three quarters of a million dollars in taxes before they signed a ten year contract. A side note: If any of my wishes make you angry, don’t get mad, get even. At election time, think seriously about who you want to spend your money. And please, give some respect to the UCO volunteers who do all the grunt work and do not participate in any decision making. Olga Wolkenstein

Golf Course Town Meeting October 15, 2009

Re: Town Meeting for Information About Golf Course Property Yesterday I went to the Town Meeting to hear all the information that I could about what is to happen to the now closed golf course. Both sides did credible presentations and I had some questions for each side. This is when the meeting turned into bedlam (a crazy place) and all control, manners and tolerance ceased. The Judge that was brought in to moderate the meeting was totally useless. I find it hard to believe he ever controlled

a courtroom. He did not set guidelines for the Q&A part of the meeting. He did not stop any of the rudeness that happened. At this point, JV took it upon herself and decided to control the meeting herself. She would not allow Mr. Waldman, who had been introduced as part of the team but was sitting down in the front row, to answer a question that had been asked. This is when the pro-active committee members started yelling and making derogatory remarks about or to anyone they thought did not agree with them. People were lined up at the microphones supposedly to ask questions but it seemed that most of them came with a printed agenda which they read. At this point people seemed to lose patience and most started leaving. The meeting became a disgrace to the Village. There is no excuse for the rudeness and yelling that went on. This was not a voting meeting; it was supposed to be an information meeting so people could clarify questions that they had. The main question that I wanted to ask was: What does the pro-active committee want to do with that land? It is pretty clear that it will never be a golf course again. The Village did not buy that property when the price was reasonable and they had the chance. They themselves talked about a two million dollar course restoration somewhere in the area. I do not believe that the people in our Village are willing or able to spend that kind of money, let alone buy the property that is not for sale and then put several million dollars into it to turn it into a money losing business. I hope when the snowbirds come back, they can come to a Town Meeting that would be a help to them and not a freefor-all like yesterdays. Taken from, the Village’s new Web site

Call the Rover: 502-8103

Remember, call 911 first for any emergency, then call the above number to summon our security car. Continued on Page 7

December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 7

The Mail Bag

Continued from Page 6


We Miss You, Irv

Irv Lazar, the long-time editor of the UCO Reporter, is on medical leave. We wish him a speedy recovery and can’t wait for him to resume control of the paper. In the meanwhile, we’d like him to know that it’s in good hands. The Reporter Staff

Farewell, My Friend…

M a r y A m i t r a n o , from Salisbury G across the street, passed away this morning, at 78, exactly five weeks to the day of being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Early in September, her three children drove down from northern New Jersey to take her back home with them. Mary was a wonderful friend and neighbor, firm in her political convictions, a generous volunteer at a local geriatric center where she pushed wheelchairs three days a week. Her favorite hobby was scouring rummage stores to hunt for yarn for a crafty friend, or used clean towels for another who made bed pads for cancer patients. Live each day as if it were your last. Mariel Lauzon


Due to many opinions on the same topic, we must limit letters to the editor to 250 words and will accept both sides of opinions in order to provide a fair and balanced newspaper. The Editors

Recollections of the October 15th Town Hall Meeting

The original intent of the Pro-Active Committee to hold a Town Hall Meeting was to advise the residents of the work the committee had been doing from its inception in 2005. The date was set and the statements were prepared. However, at a Delegates meeting, a motion was made and passed to have the owners of the golf course present their plans at the same meeting. At that point, the UCO Administration took over the details for procedures of the meeting. It was decided by the Officers of UCO to have a Moderator preside over the presentations. It was then determined between the moderator, Judge Parker, and George Loewenstein to allow each side to have only six presenters on stage and each side to have only 25 minutes to speak, then allow questions from the floor with a limit of two minutes as some residents were to be allowed to read prepared statements. Contrary to some comments since the meeting, let us be perfectly clear… The procedures were totally determined by the UCO Administration and the Moderator. Unfortunately, the Waldman group violated these rules. When we reminded them of the rules, they were very unprofessional. They left the stage. Seeing the tremendous opposition from the audience to any of their plans, they “picked up their marbles and went home” like little children do when they are losing the game. Let us re-emphasize some of the statements made by the Pro-Active committee at the meeting. • The population of this new development…who are the buyers? Are they investigated for criminal backgrounds as we do?

• What if the developers have problems selling…will they revert to a low income development or rentals without regard to background checks? • We have had several instances of unsavory characters climbing over our current fences, we have made several calls to the sheriff’s office regarding this problem. • The power point presentation made at this meeting was vastly different from what was presented over the years to the Pro-Active Committee. Let us remind you that any promises made by any developer can be changed at their desire because they are covered by a disclaimer placed on any offering to potential buyers. • As their presentation shows now…anyone from their development could enter our village freely… since there is no significant boundary, except for small lakes between the properties; all that would be protecting us is a security person in a Rover to cover both properties. • Also covered at the meeting was the negative impact of additional traffic on our local roads. Our streets will become like parking lots at rush hour like streets in other parts of the County. • Just because you do not live near the golf course property, please don’t think this situation does not affect you. The safety and security of all residents of Century Village are affected. Don’t think that a development on that property will increase the value of Century Village; in all probability, it will have a negative effect. Those that can, will move away; and those that can’t, will suffer. Submitted by Officers of the Pro-Active Committee

See Bus Schedule on Page 51

Is It Swine Flu or Regular Flu? Cold Fever

Fever is rare

H1N1 Temperatures of 100°F or higher for three to four days


A hacking (mucus producing) cough is often present Slight body aches and pains Stuffy nose is commonly present and typically resolves spontaneously within a week Chills are uncommon


Tiredness is fairly mild

Tiredness is moderate to severe


Sneezing is common

Sudden Symptoms

Symptoms tend to develop over a few days


Headaches are fairly mild

Sneezing is not common Rapid onset within three to six hours with sudden symptoms of high fever, muscle aches, shortness of breath, tight chest Headaches occur in 80% of cases

Sore Throat Chest Discomfort

Sore throat is commonly present Chest discomfort is mild to moderate

Coughing Aches Stuffy Nose

A dry is usually present Severe aches and pains Stuffy nose is not commonly present Chills occur in 60% of cases

Sore throat is not commonly present Chest discomfort is often severe

L-R: Catherine Silver, Alyssa Marie Wray, Charles A. Smugko III and Howie Silver.

Thank You

Catherine and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all for their prayers and good wishes for my recovery. Howie Silver The Mail Bag Continues on Page 40

Page 8 THE UCO REPORTER December 2009

Open Clubhouse Safety George Franklin

Ok, folks, it finally happened — “Signal 4” — that is the police dispatch signal for a motor vehicle crash. Today (not mentioning real date), while I was heading north in the rain on South Military Trail at 1:30 P.M. near the intersection of Forest Hill Blvd., I was stopped in the right lane for a red traffic signal. All of a sudden, wham!! I was struck from behind. I was hit so hard that the ash tray in my car popped out! I got out in time to see the driver of the vehicle that hit me lowering their hand with a cell phone in it. This driver never braked and just drove right into the back of my car that I had for four weeks and four days exactly. As of this date, I do have a small pain in my neck above the right shoulder — no lie. Now what I can tell you is this: I was very lucky to be driving a very large vehicle while the other driver had a compact car. The damage to that vehicle was extensive. Mine, again from what I can see, seems to be superficial. Not yet sure, as the car has to be put onto a lift and checked for undercarriage damage. The rest is that the Service Aide who prepared the crash report messed it up so badly that I had to go to the Sheriff Headquarters on Gun Club Road to report the errors and he was called in and had to redo the entire report. Ok, what’s the point in telling you this tale? Put the phone down and drive!!! Now, because someone was not paying attention and talking on a phone (allegedly) an entire half a day was wasted by this writer, not to mention vehicle damage to both cars, a Sheriff’s employee could have been doing other more important business, and so, three persons had their entire afternoon wrecked. As of 4:30 p.m., the other person had not reported that crash to their insurance company. You may also be interested to know that there are three (3) types of crashes that are classified as non-preventable. The First is stopped at the direction of a Police Officer; the Second is stopped at

a Traffic Signal; the Third is being struck while Properly and Legally Parked. Anything else and your insurance company will hammer you with premium increases or drop you all together. Now, if you are involved in a crash and before you leave the scene, check the paperwork given to you. Notify the officer if anything he wrote is wrong, have it corrected at the scene. I have been on the “Cell Phone” kick, and here is some news directly off the press for you regarding the use of these items. This month, Arkansas has joined more than twenty (20) other states banning “Text Messaging” while driving. They also have made it illegal to use a cell phone or to email or access information on line while driving. Maryland on October 1, 2009 has a ban now on Texting while driving, and in Maine last month, doing anything distracting while driving became illegal. Now what is anything distracting? I don’t know and I don’t want to find out. Seems that leaves a lot to the Police Officer’s discretion. So be careful driving through Maine. Now to our Northern Snow Birds from Canada — you are not left out of these rules. In Ontario, Canada, a ban against Cell Phone use and text messaging while driving takes effect October 26, 2009. Also under the Ontario measure, hand held Citizen Band or other two (2) way radios are being phased out within three (3) years. It appears that only hand free models will be allowed to be used. Folks, I know a lot of you do not agree with these laws. However, they are made for your safety and the safety of other motorists. Remember, driving is not a right; it is a privilege and too many people have been killed and injured because of not paying attention to what’s going on around you while talking on a cell phone or texting. Please: Drive safely out there. Stop with the cell phones already; pay attention and drive safely! o

By Courtney Olsen Warm welcome to the snowbirds that flew in this month. You will be excited to know most of your favorite classes and clubs have returned for this winter season. In addition to regular clubs and classes, there are special meetings this month: The first meeting of the Irish American Club will be held in the Party Room at 2 pm, December 1. On Thursday, December 3 at 10 am will be a Lecture on Election Procedures in the Theatre. There will be a Town Hall Meeting on Medicare in Meeting Room C on December 8 at 2 pm. The Deborah Hospital Foundation will be meeting on December 11 at 11 am in the Party Room. The Ballroom Dance Practice group is canceled for Sunday, December 13. The two Health Chat meetings this month are December 1 at 10 am, and December 15 at 2:30 pm. Topics for these meetings are yet to be assigned; call the Ticket Office for more information. Every third Wednesday, a Property Appraiser will be coming to the Clubhouse for residents interested in Homestead Exemption. These meetings will be monthly at 2 pm in Meeting Room C. The next Metro Traffic School is scheduled for December 18 at 9 am; registration is required. Comcast will be at the Clubhouse next month every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to conclude the cable box distribution and installation. For more information, please watch Channel 63, or come in to the Ticket Office. The New Year’s Eve Dance is Thursday, December 31 at 9 pm in the Party Room; the dress code will be strictly enforced, and tickets are required for entry. The last Thursday of every month, at 7 pm, Sonja Suarez and the “Three Friends” put on a free concert in Meeting Room C; all are welcome to come. A new class will begin called Zumba; it is the latest dance and exercise craze. It is a mix of aerobics and dancercise to the rhythms of Latin music. The first class is free! And if you are interested, you may register for more. This class is held at Hastings at 5 pm. For more details, please call the Ticket Office. The December and January class schedules are available in the Ticket Office and posted on Channel 63. You may now register for December classes as well as January classes. o

Transportation Claudette LaBonte

Thank you so much for the calls and messages regarding last month’s Transportation article. More information was provided by Marcia Ziccardy, a CV resident. Her father, Saul Leffak, AKA Charlie, arrived in the Village in 1979 from New York City Transit Authority and became friends with the drivers. He tells us that at that time the group was known as the “Sixty Niners.” We have returned to the winter bus schedule and have added Target on the Mall Bus route. I dare to say that all is quiet

at this writing and we are looking forward to the return of our winter residents. Note to all bus riders: “Please do not ask drivers to stop in front of your building’s sidewalk, or other location closer to your front door.” “This is not an appointed bus stop, and your driver may lose his or her job for trying to keep you happy.” “It is a very short walk from the assigned bus stop, and you have been noticed as having no physical limitations, nor have you been carrying any bundles when we have seen you taking advantage of a very nice driver.” o

Excursion Bus Trips Excursion Buses run Mondays & Wednesdays, every month. The Monday bus normally goes to Wellington Green at 9:30 a.m. and returns at 1:15 p.m. This same bus makes a second trip at 10:30 a.m. to Wal-Mart, returning at 2:10 p.m. EXCEPTION: The 2nd Monday trip is to Lake Worth Beach, leaving at 9:30 a.m. and returning by 2:30 p.m. This is a big bus holding 48 passengers. The December trip is on December 14th. The Wednesday bus normally goes to CityPlace at 10 a.m. and continues on to Gardens Mall, arriving about 10:30 a.m. This bus leaves the Gardens Mall at 1:30 p.m. and picks up at CityPlace about 2 p.m. EXCEPTION: The 4th Wednesday trip is to Delray on December 23rd, leaving at 9:30 a.m. and returning by 2:30 p.m. The destination is the Carnival Flea Market, and Beall’s Outlet is within walking distance. This 48 passenger bus is usually full, so it makes sense to arrive between 8:30 a.m. and 9 a.m. to be sure of getting a seat.

December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 9

Page 10 THE UCO REPORTER December 2009

At the Library Insurance Dan Gladstone

It happened to my building again. My next door neighbor left her beautiful, exquisite apartment on Friday 11/6 at 5 p.m. for a party. At 7:30 p.m., another neighbor that was walking by her door noticed that water was coming out in bulks. He called me and we both went in with the Association key only to find out that the ball-cock system broke and a huge amount of water was overflowing. In the two hours that the water was running, two apartments were totally soaked. The first and foremost victim in such cases is the apartment below. In many cases the apartment upstairs does not suffer any damage or does not even know that it has a leak. The instrument measures show that in these two hours, all the drywalls absorbed huge amounts of water and are already soaked. My Association is now obliged for another deductible of $5,000. Since June of this year, we are in for $10,000. Our previous event happened on June 23 on the other side of our 24 unit building. Our board has learned how important it was to have access to all the keys of the apartments in our building. We were able to enter the apartment, locate and stop the leak in minutes. The experience that we have learned in the past year has shown that most of the occur-

rences and  the most devastating ones have been caused by broken and failing ball-cock systems in the toilet  tank. It is due to aging. So we are now strongly recommending that each unit will change its ballcock system to a new one that is less likely to fail in the near future. The cost is minimal and comparing the damage that it helps to avoid, this is an important investment. Some other issues: UCO received a notice that one of our Associations was being sued for discrimination because the board had rejected an application to buy an apartment. Although the rejection was based on bad credit (in fact, it was awful), his lawyer was trying to connect it to the “tone” of his skin. Nothing could be further from the truth because members of the president’s family have the same “tone.” But nevertheless, our insurance company has to defend the case regardless of it being a nuisance suit. It came to UCO’s attention that a new treasurer of an Association found out, when he received the books, that his previous president was paying by checks monies without receipts that could not be accounted for. So please be sure that your accountant system runs without opening windows for embezzlements. This article is for information only, not to be used in any legal matter. o

Evidence of water damage by Mr. Gladstone.

By Chuck Waugh Holiday Season at the Okeechobee Branch Library Borrow books at the library to help plan your festivities. The library has cookbooks, decorating books, party planning, gift-giving ideas, song books, books on the origins of the many faith-based holidays of the season, and books on other areas of seasonal interest. And for after the holidays, you might want to check out books on dieting and credit repair! The Okeechobee Boulevard Branch Library is located next to Dunkin’ Donuts. The hours are: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. All Village residents, including seasonal residents, are eligible for a free library card with proper ID. Visit the library today! December Programs • Tue., Dec. 1, 8:30 a.m. — Browser Basics • Tue., Dec. 1, 2:30 p.m. — Beginning Computers • Thu., Dec. 3, 10:30 a.m. — Morning Cinema  • Fri., Dec. 4, 10:30 a.m. — Adult Book Discussion Series • Mon., Dec. 7, 2:00 p.m. — E-mail Basics (Hands-on) • Mon., Dec. 7, 6:00 p.m. — Ki Sa Yon Odinate Ye? (Computers-Creole) • Tue., Dec. 8, 8:30 a.m. — Mousing Around (Hands-on) • Tue., Dec. 8, 10:30 a.m. — Introductory Internet • Thu., Dec. 10, 10:30 a.m. — Morning Cinema (2008) (Rated G, 108 min.) • Thu., Dec. 10, 2:00 p.m. — The Humor of Sam Levenson • Mon., Dec. 14, 2:00 p.m. — MS Word (hands on) • Mon., Dec. 14, 6:00 p.m. — Ki Sa Yon Odinate Ye? (Computers-Creole) • Tue., Dec. 15, 8:30 a.m. — Browser Basics • Tue., Dec. 15, 2:30 p.m. — Internet Tips & Tricks  • Wed, Dec. 16, 2:00 p.m. — Meditation for Everyday Living  • Thu, Dec. 17, 10:30 a.m. — Morning Cinema (2004) (Not Rated, 75 min.) • Wed, Dec. 23, 10:30 a.m. — Morning Cinema (1942) (Not Rated, 101 min.) o

& &

CLUBHOUSE MOVIES MANAGEMENT (R • 94 min) Jennifer Aniston, Woody Harrelson A touching comedy. A traveling art saleswoman tries to shake off a flaky motel manager. Tue, 12/01, 1:45 pm; Sun, 12/06, 1:45 pm; Mon, 11/07, 6:45 pm; Tue, 12/08, 1:45 pm; Sun, 12/13, 1:45 pm WHATEVER WORKS (PG-13 • 92 min) Larry David, Adam Brooks Written and directed by Woody Allen, an eccentric New Yorker abandons his upper class life to lead a more bohemian existence ranting to anyone who will listen. Mon, 12/14, 6:45 pm; Tue, 12/15, 1:45 pm; Thu, 12/17, 6:45 pm; Sun, 12/20, 1:45 pm; Mon, 12/21, 6:45 pm TAKING OF PELHAM 1-2-3 (R • 106 min) Denzel Washington, John Travolta Armed men hijack a New York City subway train, holding the passengers hostage in return for a ransom, and turning an ordinary day’s work for dispatcher Walter Garber into a faceoff with the mastermind behind the crime. Tue, 12/22, 1:45 pm; Thu, 12/27, 6:45 pm; Sun, 12/28, 1:45 pm; Mon, 12/29, 6:45 pm (TO BE CONTINUED NEXT MONTH) NO ADMISSION TO BE CHARGED

December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 11

Maintenance Jerry Karpf

Before I start my article, I must state our policy with regard to manufacturers and anyone who lectures at any maintenance meeting: UCO and the maintenance committee do not endorse or approve of any manufacturers, product, or contractor. All opinions of any lecturer are strictly their own and not those of UCO. This article cannot be used in any legal matter. As previously mentioned, there have been many instances of water damage recently. In fact, as of this date we have had more than 240 claims submitted to the insurance company. This indicates a possibility of a large increase in insurance premiums, as well as cancellation on our water damage policy. It is up to us to act proactively and do something to prevent water damage, especially when unit owners are absent. The most effective action we can take is to start the installation of the water cutoff valves mentioned last issue. There is a new, lower price of $150 estimated for each installation, plus a $25 permit fee per unit. It is strongly recommended that associations contact me in the UCO office at 683-9189 to arrange for this work to be done as soon as possible. While we cannot recommend any particular plumber, we do have a pool of five licensed plumbers that we can provide. It is vital for each association to install these valves; remember that the insurance deductible is $5,000 for each occurrence. If you missed our October meeting, you missed a great opportunity to hear our guest speakers, three of whom were from the Building Department of Palm Beach County: Richard Guthright, Deputy Building Official; Joe Kajak, head plumbing inspector; and Robert Karrh, Head Electrical Inspector. County Commissioner Jeff Koons spoke about road improvements and development effects. Mr. Guthright gave us an overview about protection from unsavory and unlicensed contractors that will offer you a great deal, but do substandard

work. You would not know if the work was done properly until something happens that would cause damage. Always ask to see a license and proof of insurance — without these, do not hire them. Mr. Guthright reminded us that everyone must have permits for any type of water heater. Failure to obtain a permit can result in a stiff fine. It is the responsibility of the unit owner to get the permit — not the plumber or electrician. Mr. Kajak warned us not to use the circuit breaker to

shut down water heaters when not in use (to save electricity) because the circuit breaker was not designed to be turned on and off constantly. If you burnout the breaker, a replacement part may no longer be available. It is possible that the entire box would have to be replaced, for an estimated cost of $600. A solution would be to have a timer installed; that will automatically shut down the water heater when not in use. Mr. Karrh advised us that tankless water heaters are illegal because the wires in our village were not made to handle the amp load required by such heaters. Our electrical system is supposed to deliver 100 amps per apartment, and the average unit uses about 75 amps. A tankless water heater uses 44 amp, bringing your demand 19 amps over the limit. Since our circuit boards

are almost 40 years old, and our wires are aluminum, this is a formula for major problems, such as blowing out your circuit boards or burning out some of your appliances, as well as a fire. A fire is only a matter of time, when using more amps than the wires in the walls are designed to handle. Please report (anonymously) to Mr. Karrh at 681-3923 anyone that you know who has a tankless water heater. They are placing their neighbors in possible danger from the above problems that create fires. There are contractors who may tell you that you do not need a permit, that these units pass all codes, and they are safe — all of which is untrue. Again, a reminder: You are responsible for permits, which normally take about six days. Prevention is better than

dealing with unpleasant outcomes. Call 681-3923 to report any situation you think might result in damage and/or danger to others. All present at this meeting were extremely grateful to these gentlemen for sharing their knowledge. o

Notice to All Candidates for President and Vice President

In the interest of equalizing the playing field, the Reporter is offering one free ad to each announced can‑ didate. Contact Toni at 683‑9336 before De‑ cember 7 for details.

Page 12 THE UCO REPORTER December 2009

December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 13

Page 14 THE UCO REPORTER December 2009


Community Emergency Response Team

Jackie Karlan

The CERT general meeting held on October 28 resulted in a lively, interactive discussion of fire safety. A demonstration of proper use of a fire extinguisher led to questions: Does every building have working fire extinguishers? Are they checked periodically? How many people in each building know how to use a fire extinguisher? CERT members are willing to hold short training sessions in each building on the proper use of portable fire extinguishers. Call me at 478-8679. I’m proud to announce that two CERT members, Lori Torres and Ed Black, are now licensed Ham radio operators. Four CERT members, John Hess, Ed Black, Lori Torres and I, have passed the FEMA national incident command course. This is a nationwide

standardized disaster training course. Community outreach: On October 31, four CERT members manned the medical tent at the Lantana Bootacular, a children’s health fair, sponsored by EOC District 4. In full uniform, Dorothy Breier, Phyllis Frishberg, Lori Torres and I interacted with the children and parents, treating simple cuts and bruises when necessary. The next CERT meeting will be Monday, November 16, at 3 p.m. in the Clubhouse. The topic will be Search and Rescue. Please attend and L-R at Lantana Health Fair: Jackie Karlan, Phyllis Frishberg, Dorothy Breier, Lori Torres. Photo by David Torres learn how you can help your neighbor in an emergency. Remember: No experience is necessary — we will train Umbrella Association Presidents (they cover every apartment in the building) take you. Welcome back, seasonal responsibility and volunteer to receive bundles of the UCO Reporter each month for residents! o

f f f f f

How Reporter Delivery Works

distribution to each sub-association. If you’re not getting your papers, call your Quadrant Vice President at the UCO Office; see the CV site at century-village-wpb.blogspot. com for details.

December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 15

Page 16 THE UCO REPORTER December 2009

Recreation News Cue Club Al Weiskopf

The competition has started, the fun and excitement has started for a new season of enjoyment. The Hastings Cue Club welcomes new members. The club meets the last Thursday every month at the Hastings Clubhouse. The meeting for November will be on November 24, 2009. All succeeding meetings will be on the last Thursday of every month. For information, call Ted at 682-3130 or Ken at 684-9677.

Petanque Jerry Karpf

We will be starting the season in a few months, sooner if the weather cools down. In the meantime, we have been working with Dan Cruz of WPRF to try to get the courts resurfaced using the monies that were put in the 2009 budget for that purpose. So come down to play on every Wednesday and Thursday at 8:45 a.m. Call Jerry Karpf for additional information at 684-1487.

Gun Club George Franklin

Hi folks; well, we are going into our fourth year with this club and we invite anyone with an interest in weapons to come out and visit us at our meetings. You do not have to own a weapon. We have been sponsored by Humana Insurance Co. for once a month to shoot at the Gator Gun & Archery Center here in West Palm. Humana pays the range fee. All you have to do is pay for your ammo and targets. Instruction is available also. If you like, you may also rent a weapon from Gator. The December meeting will be held Tuesday evening, 7:00 p.m., December 8, with the Club Shoot Wednesday, December 9, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon. All members may be interested to know we now have club shirts available. If interested go to EmbroidMe on Military Trail and Cherry Rd. and just say you are with the club; they will know what to get you. For further information, call George at 471-9929.


December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 17

Community Relations Ted Silverman

Our second annual Dessert Buffet honoring our centenarians was held on Thursday, October 29. It is time to not only thank our volunteers and sponsors, but to give you a bit of detail as to how much effort was spent. What you enjoyed on the 29th was not the work of any one individual, but the collective result of our committee: Leslie Darrigan keeps track of honorees and sends birthday cards. Phyllis Frishberg and Eileen Pearlman maintain contact with the media and politicians. Jackie Karlan and Myrna Schechter are our fabulous co-chairs, who also purchased all the drinks and paper goods, among other items. Lori Torres and Kathleen Guanagia picked up all food, including three sheet cakes and tons of flowers. Maria Levy and Dorothy Breier manned the phone squad, contacted sponsors, and handled all the table settings. Many sponsors provided gift cards for each honoree, and some provided cash, which was used to purchase paper goods and related items. Food donations were overflowing, as were floral centerpieces. Since most readers were not there, we can only describe for you what appeared on our buffet table. A large birthday cake, three sheet cakes, cookies, and fruit displays.

Important Numbers

Emergency........................ 911 Senior Helpline................. 211 Security.................... 502-8103 Guest Call-In............ 689-1759 Reporter................... 683-9336 UCO Office.............. 683-9189 Hastings CH............. 687-4875 WPRF (Anita Cruz)... 640-3111 Seacrest.................... 697-4990 Florida Power........... 697-8000 Palm Beach Water.... 740-4600 AT&T.............1-888-151-6500 Comcast................... 847-4792 Palm Beach Post....... 820-4663 Tri-Rail............1-800-874-7245 Homesteaders.......... 355-2650 Sheriff’s Office.......... 766-2000 Police (non-emerg)... 822-1900

A list of sponsors follows, and our own Ken Davis managed a great photo of one of the sheet cakes. Thanks to everyone! Bagels and More, Bellante’s, Butterfield’s Café, Chick-fil-A, Ci-Ceil’s Florist, Community Transit, Cookies in Bloom, Duffy’s, Edible Arrangements, Flowers to Go, Golden Corral, Home Depot, Hong Kong Wok, Island Jack, Johnny’s Dream, Mr. T’s Barber Shop, Publix, Riverside Bank, Robert’s Painting, One of the cakes that the birthday honorees were treated to. Seacrest, Starz Bakery, WinnDixie, Walgreens. o

Photo by Ken Davis

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Page 20 THE UCO REPORTER December 2009

Classified Ads Classified ads are printed on a space available basis. Ads should be submitted by the seventh of the month in which they are to appear. Articles must be resubmitted every month if they are to be repeated. All Classified ads must be on a full sheet of paper (8½ x 11). Scraps of paper will not be accepted. All items submitted must include name and address of contributor. Name and address will not be printed; this is for our information. The Classified ads are a service for UCO members only. For Sale Dover “A” ground floor, tile throughout. Move-in condition. bedroom, 1-½ bath - mirrored closets - all tiled - stall shower - large patio, lagoon for sailing - large TV - many additional amenities, furniture. By appointment call (561) 686 5441 or (917) 755 9583 Greenbrier C 2/2 reduced from $155,000 to $98,000. Luxury furniture, renovated, tile floors, ceiling fans, central A/C and heater, hurricane shutters, new appliances. Call (561) 478 6564 or (786) 473 2682 Short sale Oxford 500, 2nd flr 2/2 new kitchen, baths and tile floors. Large enclosed patio with access to patio from bedroom and living room. Building is next to pool, large laundry room and card room. $50,000 Call (561) 615 9909   For Sale or Rent Walk to main clubhouse, 1st floor, 1 bedroom 1-½ bath, enclosed patio, rent with option to buy furnished $550 month. yearly unfurnished $530 month. yearly Season $850 month. Call (561) 536 8488 Sussex 1/1 upper with scenic screened balcony, furnished or unfurnished. Make offer Call (561) 697 2390 Cambridge F 2 bedroom 1-1/2 bath, ground floor, redone kitchen, all tiled, unfurnished for rent or sale Rent $750 month. Call (561) 729 0705  

For Rent Wellington J renovated 2/2 deluxe high rise, absolute beauty on lake. Desirable location 3rd flr elevator building, near parking space and bus stop. Building has its own pool $850 annual. Call (561) 346 2077   Miscellaneous new condition “Haier” excellent condition small area dorm refrigerator has freezer compartment sells new $159 asking $75 Small oak upright piano Hamilton by Baldwin $250 OBO Call (561) 536 8488

Round walnut tile top pub set with 4 upholstered pub tools table 41” wide, 6” high, stools 25” nigh 2 yrs old in new condition orig $600 asking $300 call (561) 697 2471 Three wheel Roll Easy walker w/ traveling pouch (blue), used 3 times new $165 will sacrifice $85 Call 471 6760   Large brass mounted campaign jewelry chest 35” high x 20-½” wide x 14-½” deep. 5 drawers lined with red velvet, bottom storage compartment with 2 doors, must be seen $35

Do not give your resident pass to a relative or friend. It will be confiscated and there will be a charge for replacement.

Volunteers Needed — UCO Reporter We have a need for Layout/Copy Placers (will train); phone calls to follow up on ads, paper pick-up, etc. Jobs are part time. We are in from 9:30 am-12:00 pm, Mon-Fri. Hours vary by need. Call 683-9336 or email [email protected].

December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 21

Happy 98th Birthday to Helen Siegler from the Reporter Staff

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December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 23

Organization Please note!!! DO NOT resubmit dates for events already appearing in Organization News unless there is a correction.


leader of the congregation, is an experienced education administrator and college professor. Both courses will run from Amit Rishona Chapter: November to March on MonCome to our monthly meet- day mornings at the Temple. ing on Tue, Dec 12, at 1:00 They are free to members only pm (collation at 12 noon). (nonmembers pay). Other coming events: Dec 12, For further information, luncheon and games at CV CH (Bess, 478-0735); Jan 13, 2-5 pm, Israeli film at the CH (Ellie, 471-4935); Mar 7, ann dinner at Aitz Chaim (call Bess). Congregation Anshei Sholom Adult Education Congregation Anshei Sholom began two adult education courses in November. Sara Farkas, an Israeli native and member of the congregation, will lead a course in conversational Hebrew. Sara is an accomplished teacher. Those members of the congregation who took the course last year were very impressed by the caliber of the teaching. No prior knowledge of Hebrew is required. Rabbi Michael Korman will lead a course entitled “Great Jewish Thinkers: Their Impact on Judaism.” Rabbi Korman, the spiritual

contact the Temple office any of Morse Geriatric. FMI, Dr. weekday morning 684-3212. Levy @ 478-6865.

Steve, 242-0481; Rose, 6831564.

B’nai B’rith Century: We meet every 4th Sun, 9:30 am, at Anshei Sholom. Admission is free to members ($3 for guests). Activities: Jan 24: Festive year-end meeting/party w/food/entertainment, reserv necessary ($7 for guests); Feb 24: A look at the projected new facilities

Canadian Club: Meets 4 th Wed, Party Room of CH, 1:00 pm. Membership open to all. Lots of great activities. Betty, 684-0766; Franne, 478-9526; Madelaine, 684-5595.

Brooklyn U.S.A.: Will meet on Wed, Oct 14, 1:30 in the Party Room. Coming events: Italian lunch & entertainment; Dec 17, BBQ and boat trip on the Jungle Queen; Jan 17, mystery bus trip; Feb 21, annual luncheon/dance; Mar 16-18, 3 day/2 nite trip to Key West. Elayne, 688-8151;

Century Village Computer Club: Meets 1st and 3rd Thu, Continued on Page 24

Page 24 THE UCO REPORTER December 2009

Organization News Continued from Page 23

Nov-Apr (1st Thu only rest of year), 1:00 pm in Class Room 103, and incl 30 min Q&A, biz portion, presentation, 50/50 and door prizes. Arrive by 12:15 if you wish to join, renew your membership, or register for free hands-on classes. Century Village Gun Club: Meets 2nd Tue, 7:00 pm, Classroom B. You don’t have to own a weapon. Everything is free. This fall, we have a great lineup of speakers. We were sponsored by Humana Insurance for free range time at the Gator Gun Center on Sep 9. Ladies are invited. George, 471-9929. Century Village Orchestra:

We practice every Mon, 1:153:45, in the CH, Room C (Oct 26-Mar 20). We play 3 concerts each year. We welcome all pros and amateurs who enjoy playing with a group. We would like to add a conductor, more violins, violas, cellos, bass, bassoons and percussion players to our orchestra. Rickie, 683-0869. Century Village Symphony Orchestra Annual Concert: We will perform The Poet and Peasant Overture, Concertino for Piano in A Minor, The Russian Sailors’ Dance, El Relicario, And the Angels Sing, New World Symphony (4th Movement) and selections from The Phantom of the Opera and My Fair Lady on Thu, Mar 13, 8:00 pm at the CH Continued on Page 26

December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 25

Hastings Fitness Class Schedule November-April






Dance Aerobics 8:30-9:15 am

Advanced Aerobics 8:30-9:15 am

Low Impact Aerobics 8:30-9:15 am

Advanced Aerobics 8:30-9:15 am

Dance Aerobics 8:30-9:15 am

Weight Training 9:25-10:00 am

Aerobics With Weights 9:20-9:45 am

Weight Training 9:25-10:00 am

Aerobics With Weights 9:20-9:45 am

Weight Training 9:25-10:00 am

Water Aerobics (Pool) 10:00-11:00 am

Pilates 9:45-10:30 am

Water Aerobics (Pool) 10:00-11:00 am

Pilates 9:45-10:00 am

Water Aerobics (Pool) 10:00-11:00 am

Hatha Yoga 10:00-11:30 am

Tai-Chi (Paid Class) 10-11 am (int) 11-12 noon (beg)

Hatha Yoga 10:00-11:30 am

Hatha Yoga 10:00-11:30 am

Lunch 12:00-1:00 pm

Sit & Fit 2:00-3:00 pm

Resistance Pool Exercise 10:45-11:30 am

Resistance Pool Exercise 10:45-11:30 am

Lunch 12:00-1:00 pm

Lunch 12:00-1:00 pm

Lunch 12:00-1:00 pm

Consultation 1:30-2:00 pm

Self Defense (Paid Class) 1:25-2:00 pm

Consultation 1:30-2:00 pm

Healthy Breathing Yoga Touch 2:00-3:00 pm

Sit & Fit 2:00-3:00 pm

Healthy Breathing Yoga Touch 2:00-3:00 pm

Free Exercise Classes Provided at Hastings Fitness Center by Zhanetta Babayeva

Lunch 12:00-1:00 pm

Administrative/ Office Duties

Class Registration at the Main Clubhouse Class Office All Classes Are Subject to Change and/or Modification

Page 26 THE UCO REPORTER December 2009

Organization News

Duplicate Bridge at Hastings Clubhouse: Every Mon Theatre. Tickets are on sale at 7:00 pm and Wed at 1:00 pm. If you need a partner, now at the ticket office. call Mimi, 697-2710, leave Christian Club: We meet 1st message. Wed, 1:00 pm, Party Room of CH. Bowling every Mon, 9:30 Evangelical Christian stNetam, Verdes Tropicana, starting working Club: Meets 1 Fri, Nov 9. Other events: Dec 4, 6:30 pm, Classroom B of CH. Christmas dinner dance, bring We share relevant info among an unwrapped toy; Feb 14, ourselves and with our comValentine dinner dance (both munity. Dee, 827-8748; Steve, at Mary Immaculate Hall). 389-5300. Rose, 641-0014; Grace, 640GiGi’s Group: Monthly trip 5279. to the Mardi Gras Casino. Jan Deborah Hospital Founda- cruise to the Caribbean. Contion: Meets 2nd Fri every other tact GiGi at 689-6092. Cotninued from Page 24

mo in CH Party Room, 11:00 am. Next meet Dec 11. Call Bea 688-9478, Claire 6845659, Marge 687-3991 for info on our special Holland America Westerdam Southern Caribbean Cruise Jan 24-31; call Michele 561-914-8659 or 800-741-9429 to reserve a cabin.

Greater Philadelphia Club: Elaine, 615-6697. Hadassah, Judith Epstein Chapter at CVWPB: Meets 3rd Wed at 11:45 am for minilunch, 12:30 meeting at Cong Continued on Page 28

December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 27

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Organization News Continued from Page 26

others is so rewarding.

Anshei Sholom. Suzanne, Na’Amat USA (Pioneer 686-4241. Women): Meets 4th Tue, 1:00 pm, at Cypress Lakes AudiHolocaust Survivors of the torium for mini-lunch and Palm Beaches: Meet 2nd Wed, interesting programs, guests 9:30 am, in Anshei Sholom. are always welcome. For info, On Sun, Dec 20, we are hav- call Rhoda, 478-8559. Coming our Chanukah Party, a ing events: Dec 4-13, special kosher meal and dancing. We 9 nite Caribbean cruise on the return to regular meets on Jan NCL Dawn incl round-trip 14 and Feb 11. In Mar, it’s a bus trans to Miami and 6 exPurim Party. In Apr, it’s Yom- otic ports of call (Sylvia, 686Hashoa. Kathy, 689-0393. 5350; Marlene, 684-8357). Irish-American Cultural Club of CV: Meets 1st Tue in CH, 2:00 pm, Room C. For info, call Robert, 917-704-0223. Italian-American Culture Club: Bowling at Verdes Lanes started Sat, Oct 31, 9:00. Join your friends for a morning of fun. Fran, 616-3314. Jewish War Veterans Post #501: Meets 1 st Sun, Anshei Sholom. Breakfast at 9:00; meeting at 9:30; meets from Sep to May with guest speakers. Activities include servicing VA patients. Ralph, 689-1271; Howard, 478-2780. Jewish War Veterans Post #520: Meets 4th Sun at Elks Lodge, Belvedere Rd. Continental breakfast at 9:00, followed by general meeting. Come as our guest and see what we’re all about! Walt, 478-6521; Phil, 686-2086. Jewish War Veterans Ladies Auxiliary Post #520: Meets 3 rd Mon at The Classic. A continental breakfast is served at 9:00 am, followed by our meeting. Our efforts go to creating welcome kits for the veterans at the VA Center at Military Trail and various positions at the Center. We find our volunteer work helpful and rewarding and welcome new members. Dorothy, 478-6521. Knights of Pythias: You are invited to join Palm Beach Rainbow Lodge #203, meet 2nd and 4th Mon at North County Senior Center, Northlake Blvd. We welcome new members, duals, reinstatements and transferees from out of state. We are a fraternal brotherhood fostering the credo of friendship, charity, benevolence. Mike, 615-0218. Merry Minstrels: Meet Thu, 10:00-11:00 am, Music Room B. We are a group who enjoy singing at various nursing homes. We’re looking for new members, so if you enjoy music, contact GiGi at 689-6092; the feeling of giving joy to

in private homes. Troim, 6848686. WOW: All welcome to the following: Dec 4, card party, links at Madison Green, lunch and cash prizes; Dec 10, trip to Flagler Museum, high tea lunch and docent tour. Lenore, 683-4166; Marjorie, 687-3991.

Yiddish Culture Chorus: 50 members, men and women. Leader is Shelley K. Tenzer. Knowledge of Yiddish not OWLS (Older-Wiser-Loyal- necessary. Edy, 687-4255. Seniors): Come to our meets every 2nd Mon, 3:00 pm, Party Yiddish Vinkl: An informal Room; see what we have group of Yiddish lovers who planned. gather to speak, hear and sing the language, this group is Yiddish Advanced Reading under the guidance of Edy Group: Menke Katz Reading Sharon. Meetings are held 1st Circle invites readers to join and 3rd Sun from 1:30 to 3:00 group headed by Troim Han- pm year-round. For info, call dler. Currently reading Night Edy, 687-4255. o by Elie Wiesel in Yiddish. Meetings are twice a month

NOTICE TO ALL CANDIATES FOR PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT: In the interest of equalizing the playing field, the Reporter is offering one free ad to each announced can‑ didate. Contact Toni at 683‑9336 before De‑ cember 7 for details.

Beach) (ticket information and reservations: 514-4042 or www. Through Nov. 29: Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House. It’s still the definitive work on women’s liberation. Caldwell Theatre Company (Boca Raton) (561-241-7432 or 877-245-7432 or www.

Arts & Entertainment Irv Rikon

Welcome! The autumnwinter holiday season is almost upon us. The local Arts and Entertainment season 2009-2010 has already begun. Here’s a sampling beginning with the Century Village schedule. CV Nov. 14: Anna Maria Alberghetti — Music and charm from a veteran performer. Nov. 17: The Tony Pace Show — He sings; he makes you laugh; he has you thinking he’s a whole lot of other guys. Nov. 21: “Let’s Hang On” — Singers and dancers pay tribute to Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. Nov. 24: “Cavendish Classics” — Great moments in opera and musical theater with tenor Eduardo Calcano, baritone Graham Fandrei and two sopranos new to our stage. Nov. 28: Mark and Clark — Twins with twin baby grand pianos, playing music and making us laugh as well. Dec. 1: “Jingle Bell Rock” — Young singers and dancers rockin’ to live music for the holiday season. Dec. 3: “Cavendish Classics” — “Hooray For Hollywood.” Dec. 6: “Tony Mara’s Dream” — The Doo Wop team, back again by popular demand. Dec. 10: “That’s Amore” — And that’s Mark Adams as Dean Martin with sexy girls ala the Gold Diggers. Dec. 12: “Mostly Mercer” — A tribute to Songwriter Johnny Mercer and to the singers who sang his songs played and sung by Equinox Jazz, an ensemble of eight musicians. Dec. 13: “Ballet Fedotov” — West Side Story: A ballet danced to the music of Leonard Bernstein and choreographed by Vadim Fedotov, a former Soviet choreographer. Dec. 15: “The Broadway Boys” — Show tunes and classic pop songs with funk, jazz and folk. Dec. 19: “Sarge” — “I may be black, but God knows I’m Jewish.” A singer who sings with many voices, pianist, and

stand-up comedian. Dec. 22: “The Neil Diamond Tribute” with Jay White. Dec. 26: Mal Z. Lawrence — Catskills on Broadway and more. Dec. 27: Terry Johnson’s Flamingos — The Flamingos, of course, are songsters. Terry Johnson was the lead singer and main songwriter for the group. Dec. 31: Dino De Luca — Music and comedy for New Year’s Eve. Selected A&E Happenings Outside the Gates: Theater Dramaworks (West Palm

December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 29 Nov. 8-Dec. 13: The Vosey Nov. 10-22: Fanny Brice: Inheritance. Written over a The Real Funny Girl. World hundred years ago by Harley Premiere Musical telling the Granville-Barker and adapted comedienne’s true story while by David Mamet, this is the using the songs that helped to story of a Bernie Madoff-type make her a star. Ponzi scheme. All-star cast! Dec. 1-13: Neil Simon’s Lost Maltz Jupiter Theatre (Ju- in Yonkers. Multiple-award piter) (575-2223 or www. Continued on page 34

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Page 32 THE UCO REPORTER December 2009

Search/Nominations Committee

By Roberta Boehm Fromkin Here is a reproduction of the form for candidates for UCO office. To obtain a full-size version, visit the UCO building at West Drive. If you have questions, call me (before 5:00 p.m.) at 712-0259.

December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 33

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Arts & Entertainment Continued from Page 29

winning autobiographical comedy by one of America’s greatest playwrights. Music and Dance Nov.-Dec. at the Kravis Center (West Palm Beach) (832-7469 or Nov. 20-22: Miami City Ballet — Dances by Balanchine and Paul Taylor. Nov. 23: Garrison Keillor: Tales from Lake Wobegon. Mr. Keillor has been recognized for years as one of America’s greatest vocal story-tellers. Nov. 28: Smothers Brothers with Norm Crosby. Nov. 29: Dave Koz and Friends: A Smooth Jazz Christmas 2009. Nov. 30-Dec. 1: Bob Lappin and the Palm Beach Pops: A Tribute to the Song-Writing Genius of Johnny Mercer. Dec. 3-6: Billy Crystal “700 Sundays” — An entertainer who needs no introduction, this show was a smash hit on Broadway. The Sunday performance here will be followed by a black-tie dinner-dance (extra charge, of course!). Dec. 9: Jim Brickman — Beautiful World Christmas.

Dec. 10: A Tribute to Gershwin, Bernstein and All That Jazz Starring David Amram. Dec. 11 & 13: Palm Beach Opera: Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 (Choral). Dec. 12: The Christmas Music of Mannheim Steamroller By Chip Davis. Dec. 15: (11am & 2pm) Gotta Get a Gimmick: Burlesque to Broadway Starring

Quinn Lemley. (8pm) Salvatore Licitra, Tenor and Warren Jones, Piano. Dec. 16: Ronan Tynan: The Gift of Christmas Sung. Dec. 17: Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, Pinchas Zuckerman, Conductor and Solo Violin, Amanda Forsyth, Cello. Dec. 18: Barbara Cook. Dec. 19: The Polar Express (Gosman Amphitheatre).

Dec. 21-23: Chicago — The great Kander and Ebb musical. Dec. 24-26: Moscow Classical Ballet: The Nutcracker. Dec. 26-31: Forbidden Broadway (Rinker Playhouse). Dec. 29: Tommy Tune and the Manhattan Rhythm Kings. Dec. 30: Woody Allen and His New Orleans Jazz Band. Dec. 31: Bonfire: Musical Strings (as seen on PBS). o

You didn’t get a copy of our paper? Check the Fitness Center, Laundry or Pharmacy!

December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 35

Who You Gonna Listen To?

Ever since I was a child, I’ve always had a fear of someone under my bed at night. So I went to a shrink and told him I’ve got problems. “Every time I go to bed, I think there’s somebody under it. I’m scared. I think I’m going crazy.” “Just put yourself in my hands for one year,” said the shrink. “Come talk to me three times a week and we should be able to get rid of those fears.” “How much do you charge?” “Eighty dollars per visit,” replied the doctor. “I’ll sleep on it,” I said. Six months later, the doctor met me on the street. “Why didn’t you come to see me about those fears you were having?” he asked. “Well, eighty bucks a visit three times a week for a year is an awful lot of money! A bartender cured me for $10. I was so happy to have saved all that money that I went and bought me a new pickup!” “Is that so?” with a bit of an attitude he said. “And how, may I ask, did a bartender cure you?” “He told me to cut the legs off the bed! Ain’t nobody under there now!!!” From the Internet


If you find mistakes in this publication, please consider that they are there for a purpose. We publish something for everyone, and people are always looking for mistakes!

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December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 37

Did You Know That…

********** …Quikoin is the brand name of those rubber change …the wife of President purses given away at corporate Rutherford B. Hayes was the affairs, and was patented by an first First Lady to be so-called? Akron company in 1951? ********** ********** …it was Elizabeth Taylor …Hispanic Heritage Month who gave Michael Jackson the begins on September 15 benickname “King of Pop”? cause it’s the independence

Recipes Avis Blank

During the holiday season, mailboxes are stuffed with envelopes containing pleas for donations from many charities. Please remember that being charitable does not only mean the giving of monetary gifts, but the giving of oneself by volunteering, helping a friend, relative or family in need. Persons of all ages can pre-

pare this very simple treat for the birds. Banana Bait Hang a banana peel somewhere near your feeders. Fruit flies will flock to the skin, and all species of birds will gladly feast on the protein-rich visitors. The giving of oneself gives one a warm, fuzzy glow inside. Happy Holidays! o


day of five Latin American countries? ********** …restaurants that freely served peanuts in the past no longer do so because peanut shells are flammable and peanuts themselves are an allergen? **********

Page 38 THE UCO REPORTER December 2009

December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 39 pregnant and unwed could expect to be faced with in those years. I loved this book, though it moved me to tears. o

The Reader’s Corner Lenore Velcoff

Without a Map, a memoir by Meredith Hall, is the story of a sixteen year old girl who, in 1965, became pregnant without benefit of marriage. She is expelled from school, kicked out of her mother’s house, shunned by neighbors and banished from her father’s home after she gives up her child for adoption. The sexual mores of the first half of the 1960s were very different from those of the years that followed, especially in a small New Hampshire town. Hall explains what it was like to be cut off from all emotional support at the time it was most needed. Yet she survived. Even as she wandered on foot, penniless, from one Middle Eastern country to another, she endured. She overcame great challenges. Eventually, she returned to New England, where she reconciled with her past. She

writes unflinchingly about sensitive subjects and a life scarred by rigid expectations. She coexisted with simultaneously loving and hating her family. Lest you think this book is just one big hole of self-pity and sorrow, there are also great uplifting moments. The book weaves together morality, relationships, loneliness, nature and love without romanticizing the people, places and feelings that Hall uses to explore her life. For anyone who has ever wondered how someone could give up their baby, this is a must read. The author got money from A Room of Her Own Foundation, which enabled her to write her story. She is a talented author and is now a professor at the University of New Hampshire. This book is a reminder of the living hell that many young girls who found themselves

Notice: Due to many opinions on the same topic, we must limit letters to the editor to 250 words and will accept both sides of opinions in order to provide a fair and balanced paper. The Editors

Page 40 THE UCO REPORTER December 2009

The Mail Bag

Continued from Page 7

And a Fence Shall Run Through It

On November 4, a case was brought to an official body of Palm Beach County. Complaints were placed on the desk of Senior Code Enforcement Officer John Meyers, who has been monitoring the actions and inactions of Mr. Andrew Waldman, and now it was time for him to face a judge and plead his case. Elsewhere in this paper you’ll find a list of those who were present beside Mr. Waldman. We were addressed by the appointed magistrate, Gary Brandenburg. The magistrate pointed out that, even though Mr. Waldman stopped doing business, he did still have a responsibility to the County and the adjacent citizens’ property. The parallel he referred to was “if you were the owner of a restaurant and you went out of business, you would still have

to cut the grass and care for the shrubbery.” A question raised by the special master was “did you, in fact, have the fence taken down?” The reply was “Sir, there was never a fence in place there,” while pointing to recent pictures taken by Inspector Meyers. “as you see, there is no fence.” UCO VP and member of our pro active board took the stand and stated that “all one had to do was go on Google Earth” and see for yourself that there was a fence there, since the Haverhill entrance was created. At this point, we heard the judge’s findings: “Mr Waldman, I am giving you 30 days, during that time you will take out a permit to re-erect the fence that you removed, and cut the grass…giving you sufficient time to comply. If you do not, I will fine you $150 per day until the job is completed.” Phil Shapkin, President, Pro-Active Committee

When driving, slow down at school zones, especially when the lights are blinking on the warning sign!

Recap of County Hearing, Nov. 4

Many of you are aware that the Waldman Group, owners of the golf course, removed the fence last July that had been installed in 1993 to separate the public area from the Century Village area of the golf course. Several complaints were made by residents to the County Code Enforcement Division. Code Enforcement found the owners to be in violation of code and notified them of that fact. On November 4, 2009 a hearing was held at the County Building Department. Mr. Andrew Waldman gave testimony to the Special Magistrate.

Members of the Pro-Active Committee and other residents attended the hearing. Testimonies were made by Pro-Active members stating the concerns of the Century Village residents as to their security and safety since the fence was removed which allows anyone to enter from Haverhill Road and continue through the golf course into Century Village. The Special Magistrate made a ruling to Mr. Waldman that he has 30 days to install a fence. If he does not in that time, he will be fined $150 per day for every day until the fence is installed. Submitted by Honey Sager, VP, Pro-Active Committee

Cambridge B: Fore!

In my last article I spoke of a meeting with Mr. Waldman. I heard that many people thought that I was in accord with him. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is, I am in complete disagreement with him. There is nothing he said that changed my mind about his construction on our golf course. I am angered that he ruined the golf course, and took away an important part of our village. I believe the only proper thing for him to do is repair the course, or relinquish it to a golf course operator. We must do everything in our power to see that he never builds on the golf course. Al Thomas

December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 41

Do Not Dial 90# On Your Phone

I dialed “0” to check this out. I asked the operator who confirmed that this was correct. (I also checked out; this is true, and also applies to cell phones!) I received a telephone call recently from an individual identifying himself as an AT&T service technician (could also be Telus) who was conducting a test on the telephone lines. He stated that to complete the test, I should touch nine (9), zero (0), the pound sign (#), and then hang up. Luckily, I was suspicious and refused. Upon contacting the telephone company, I was informed that by pushing 90#, you give the requesting individual full access to your telephone line, which enables them to place long distance calls billed to your home phone number. I was further informed that this scam has been originating from many local jails/prisons. The GTE Security Department requested that this information be shared with everyone. After I checked with Verizon, they also said it was true, so do not dial 90# for anyone!!! From the Internet

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Page 44 THE UCO REPORTER December 2009

Clubhouse Library

By Dot Loewenstein Compliments! Kudos! Praise! Applause! Accolades! OK, my computer thesaurus has run out of synonyms. Basically, what I’m trying to say is that no matter where we go, or who we meet, everyone in our Village stops me and tells me how much they admire our library. You know, and I know, that the praise should go to our volunteers, not to me. They do a fantastic job of keeping the place neat. Books are always trim at the forward end of the shelves, and magazines are on lower shelves, easier to pick up than heavy books. Upon arriving, when tables are filled to overflowing with new donations, our volunteers just dig in and make sure all are shelved properly. We are also fortunate to have residents who observe the “two tables” rule for jigsaw puzzles, leaving other tables available for those who would just like to sit quietly and read. Where else can anyone find a place to do a jigsaw puzzle, leave it unfinished, and return the next day to note some pieces were inserted, making the job much easier? We like to borrow the 500 piece puzzles for home. A corkboard (24” x 36”) fits on the dining table and can easily be moved and hidden under the bed when guests come. But the 1,000 piece puzzles are best suited for our library with wonderful lighting. Visitors are always amazed to see completed puzzles on display for a week. They add beauty, as does the painting of a Paris street scene by resident Helen Seigler, who also creates cartoons for the UCO Reporter. Our Village welcomes back our seasonal visitors, and, as always, we accept donations of books with covers that reflect the light, foreign language books, and most needed are Large Print books. Paperbacks seem to come in by the dozen, and leave the same way, so feel free to donate some in good condition. Magazines multiply, especially if they are weeklies, and will be transported to the big yellow bins outside once they are out of date. Criticism and complaints are heard elsewhere, at the pools, on the buses, in the clubhouse, but happily not at our library. Let’s have a positive attitude everywhere! Our wishes for Peace and Goodwill go to all during this approaching holiday season. o

This & That

By Dr. Marilyn Ducati I first heard of Lydia Davis from someone in one of the three book clubs to which I currently belong. Davis’ reputation may be forbidding, but I find her philosophical, enchanting and insanely funny. Books! What would I do without them? As life gets more difficult doing many of the things we found so easy to accomplish in our younger years, books are my greatest treasures now. My treasure trove is the library nearest Century Village, located at 5689 Okeechobee Blvd. If they don’t have a book you want, they will in a short period of time (if possible) get it. Cheers to our President Obama for winning this year’s Nobel Laureate in Peace. Another prize this year that I find exciting — a prize in

chemistry, awarded to Ada Yonath, the first woman to win that prize in 45 years. In closing, I’d like to share with you how the first meeting of my “This and That” group worked out — “Perfectly.” The topics were loneliness and relationships and it proved that

a very important factor in healing from loss and loneliness is having the support of other people, which we all shared gracefully. P.S.: I wish everyone a “Happy Thanksgiving.” I will be sharing it with my family in California. See you soon. o

Gate Pass: $3.25 for 90 days. New Transponder: $26.75. Replacement Transponder: $16. Please, try to have the exact change. We cannot take anything higher than a $20 bill.

December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 45

List of UCO Committees & Chairs

As of October 10, 2009 Committee........................................................Chair Advisory........................................ Randall Borchardt Beautification........................................ Sandy Cohen Benches & Signs..................................Haskell Morin Cable....................................................... David Israel CERT..................................................... Jackie Karlan Channel 63.................................................Ken Davis Community Relations......................... Ted Silverman Elections..........................................Hershel Sarasohn Finance................................................. Dorothy Tetro Infrastructure...................................... George Dupley Insurance............................................. Dan Gladstone Investigations...................................... Louise Gerson Irrigation...............................................Sal Bummolo Lifts..............................................................Irv Small Maintenance............................................. Jerry Karpf Ombudsman........................................... Phil Shapkin Operations..................................George Loewenstein Programs & Services............................Frank Cornish Reporter........................... Irv Lazar/Dot Loewenstein (Co-Chairs) Safety.....................George Franklin/Michael Rayber (Co-Chairs) Search/Nominating......................... Roberta Fromkin Security.............................................. Al McLaughlin Transportation...............................Claudette LaBonte Welcome................ Haskell Morin/Myron Silverman (Co-Chairs)

Do You See the Motorcycle?

The Honda crotch rocket rider was traveling at approximately 85 mph. The VW driver was talking on a cell phone when she pulled out from a side street, apparently not seeing the motorcycle. The riders reaction time was not sufficient enough to avoid this accident. The car had two passengers and the bike rider was found inside the car with them. The Volkswagen actually flipped over from the force of impact and landed 20 feet from where the collision took place. All three involved (two in the car and the bike rider) were killed instantly. This graphic demonstration was placed at the Motorcycle Fair by the Police and Road Safety Department. Pass this on to car drivers or soon to be new drivers, or new motorcycle owners, and especially everyone you know who has a cell phone! A picture is worth a thousand words. From the Internet


Page 46 THE UCO REPORTER December 2009

Creative Halloween Costumes Seen at Saturday Night Dance in the Clubhouse

The Witches and the Werewolves joined the dancers in the Clubhouse Party Room on Saturday night. Many were in creative costumes as all had fun at the Saturday night dance, swinging to various musical tunes.

The laughing “witch” and her masked partner hit the dance floor with other revelers.

Sylvia was not afraid to dance with werewolf Frank Cornish on this festive occasion.

Save the Date The UCO Installation Luncheon is sched-

uled for Sunday, March 14, 2010 at the Marriott Hotel in West Palm Beach. This is a good time to notify your Association so that they may put the price of your tickets in their 2010 budget. We will be installing a new UCO President, Vice Presidents, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, and Recording Secretary. The Executive Board will be installed too. A delicious brunch will be served as well as music for dancing. The good news is that we have been able to keep the cost per person to $35. More information will follow as we get closer to 2010. Mary Patrick Benton, Chair

Channel 63 Memo

The Channel 63 lineup is as follows: All UCO, Special and Town Hall Meetings appear at 56 minutes past the hour until 6 minutes after the next hour. Odd Hours show Announcements and Classes. Even Hours show Clubs and Organizations. The recorded Delegate Assembly will be shown for five days at 9:00 am and 6:00 pm. All requests for your information to be shown must use the provided form at the UCO office. Instructions are on the form.

December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 47

Page 48 THE UCO REPORTER December 2009

December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 49

From the Listening Post Syd Kronish

Can’t we get along?!? This is the problem we all face today and in the future. It is “civility.” Civility has eluded a diverse population around the world for ages. But it has deteriorated noticeably everywhere in recent years. The dictionary describes the word “civility” as meaning: respect, courtesy, politeness, compassion and graciousness. The one summing it up is respect. Hatred and violence are the direct opposite of civility. Wars are being fought all over the world. Violence begets violence. Civility obviously is gone with the wind. However, respect or civility, comes down to an internal personal level. It starts in the political arena with the shouting of insults and name calling. It reaches the depth of reason when members of our Congress attack one another and, as a recent incident showed, when President Obama was accused of being a liar — rancor prevailed. We all remember when a foreign journalist threw his shoes at the then-President George W. Bush, in anger. History records the prelude to World War II, with shouting and screaming against minorities by Adolf Hitler. We see town meetings with shouts and screams in an attempt to disrupt the occasion. We also are aware of the same situation at meetings of Century Village committees, yelling, insulting, and interrupting at every note. What happened to Mr. Nice Guy? Major league baseball manager Leo Durocher once exclaimed “Nice Guys Finish Last.” I must comment on our daily lives where civility transposed into road rage. We see speeders hurrying from

Notice: Due to many opinions on the same topic, we must limit letters to the editor to 250 words and will accept both sides of opinions in order to provide a fair and balanced paper. The Editors

lane to lane on highways and even local roads. We also see people driving while using cell phones and texting, not using a seat belt, running a red light and not using a signal. Only each individual, whether he or she is a CV resident or living elsewhere, can change civility to respect. The famed comedian George Burns, when he reached the age of 100, at his birthday party, said, “When I was a young boy I was told by my mother to respect my elders, I took her advice and did, now that I am 100 and there is nobody here older than me, I don’t have to respect anyone.” Let’s follow the advice of Mr. Burns, until we reach 100. Okay?!? o

Page 50 THE UCO REPORTER December 2009

Safety Town Hall Meeting

By George Franklin As you all know, the November Safety Town Hall Meeting had to be canceled because of the termite problem at the Clubhouse. We have been able to reschedule this seminar to Thursday, December 17, 9:30 a.m. with the same dynamic speakers that were scheduled for November. Folks, just another reminder: Do not miss this one!! This promises to be the best seminar we have ever been able to hold. These speakers are from the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, The Palm Beach County State Attorney’s Office and the Florida Attorney General’s Office. All of these speakers are the most professional in their fields and will be giving you the finest most updated personal safety information available to date! Trust me, you won’t fall asleep listening to these speakers! The information is as follows: • Date: December 17, 2009 • Day: Thursday • Time: 9:30 a.m. • Place: Room “C,” Clubhouse • Further Information: Call George, 471-9929 Do not become a victim!!! Come early, meet the speakers, bring a friend!!!

Main Clubhouse: December Classes

All Classes Are NOT Final, and Are Subject to Change Class Mah Jongg

Date 12/7

Monday Classes Fee Time $20/6w 10-12 noon




Stained Glass


Zumba Latin Ballroom Class Ceramics Pan Card Line Dancing Conv Spanish Crochet Handbags Real/Abstract

Room Card

Teacher Marshall

10-11 am














6-7 pm



Date 12/8 12/15 12/1 12/15 12/15 12/1

Tuesday Classes Fee Time $36/6w 9:30 am $15/4w 9:30 am $15/6w 10:00 am $20/4w 1:30 pm $14/4w 1:00 pm $25/4w 3:00 pm

Room Ceramics Card Party Card B Sewing Art

Teacher Gert Ziccardy Charlotte Celina Shakeer Schwartz

Room Card

Teacher Mimi

Class Bridge (Int)

Date 12/2

Wednesday Classes Fee Time $30/5w 9:30 am

All Medium Art



9:30 am






9:30 am



Folk Dance



11:00 am






1:00 pm






1:25-2 pm



Thursday Classes Fee Time $18/4w 9:30 am $16/4w 10:00 am $16/4w 11:00 am $17/4w 10:00 am $15/6w 10:00 am $15/6w 11:00 am $36/6w 1:00 pm $36/6w 1:00 pm $36/6w 3:00 pm $18/6w 7:00 pm

Room Art Hastings Hastings Card Party Party Class A Ceramics Sewing Party

Teacher Adler Ziffer Ziffer Passman Sylvia Sylvia Natasha Gert Natasha Sylvia

Friday Classes Fee Time



Ceramics Party Music B Class A Party

Gert Bloom Sonja Dr. Rikon Summers





Class Paint Workshop Tai-Chi (Adv) Tai-Chi (Beg) Canasta Line/Country (Adv) Line/Country (Beg) French Ceramics/Clay Knit/Crochet Ballroom

Date 12/3 12/10 12/10 12/3 12/31 12/31 12/3 12/3 12/3 12/3



Ceramics Dancercise Learn Music Weekly News Square Dance

12/11 12/25 12/4 12/4 12/4



Bridge (Beg)


$36/6w $12/4w Free $10/5w $16/4w

9:30 am 9:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 1:00 pm

Saturday Classes Fee Time $30/5w

9:30 am

December 2009 THE UCO REPORTER Page 51 Internal Bus Route #1 Clubhouse Dover Somerset Berkshire Camden Windsor UCO Office (When Open) Wellington L & M Wellington Circle Andover Kingswood Medical Plaza Clubhouse Publix Clubhouse

CV BUS SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE: 8:00 8:02 8:04 8:06 8:09 8:12 8:13 8:15 8:17 8:19 8:25 8:29 8:30 8:35 8:45

9:00 9:02 9:04 9:06 9:09 9:12 9:13 9:15 9:17 9:19 9:25 9:29 9:30 9:35 9:45

10:00 10:02 10:04 10:06 10:09 10:12 10:13 10:15 10:17 10:19 10:25 10:29 10:30 10:35 10:45

11:00 11:02 11:04 11:06 11:09 11:12 11:13 11:15 11:17 11:19 11:25 11:29 11:30 11:35 11:45


11:00 11:02 11:04 11:06 11:08 11:11 11:13 11:15 11:16 11:18 11:21 11:22 11:23 11:25 11:27 11:29 11:30 11:35 11:45


D r i v e r s ' L u n c h

1:00 1:02 1:04 1:06 1:09 1:12 1:13 1:15 1:17 1:19 1:25 1:29 1:30 1:35 1:45

2:00 2:02 2:04 2:06 2:09 2:12 2:13 2:15 2:17 2:19 2:25 2:29 2:30 2:35 2:45

3:00 3:02 3:04 3:06 3:09 3:12 3:13 3:15 3:17 3:19 3:25 3:29 3:30 3:35 3:45

4:00 4:02 4:04 4:06 4:09 4:12 4:13 4:15 4:17 4:19 4:25 4:29 4:30 4:35 4:45

1:00 1:02 1:04 1:06 1:08 1:11 1:13 1:15 1:16 1:18 1:21 1:22 1:23 1:25 1:27 1:29 1:30 1:35 1:45

2:00 2:02 2:04 2:06 2:08 2:11 2:13 2:15 2:16 2:18 2:21 2:22 2:23 2:25 2:27 2:29 2:30 2:35 2:45

3:00 3:02 3:04 3:06 3:08 3:11 3:13 3:15 3:16 3:18 3:21 3:22 3:23 3:25 3:27 3:29 3:30 3:35 3:45

4:00 4:02 4:04 4:06 4:08 4:11 4:13 4:15 4:16 4:18 4:21 4:22 4:23 4:25 4:27 4:29 4:30 4:35 4:45

5:00 5:02 5:04 5:06 5:09 5:12 5:13 5:15 5:17 5:19 5:25 5:29 5:30 Drivers' Dinner

6:00 6:02 6:04 6:06 6:09 6:12 6:15 6:17 6:19 6:25



6:00 6:02 6:04 6:06 6:08 6:11 6:13 6:15 6:16 6:18 6:21 6:22 6:23 6:25 6:27

7:00 7:02 7:04 7:06 7:08 7:11 7:13 7:15 7:16 7:18 7:21 7:22 7:23 7:25 7:27

8:00 8:02 8:04 8:06 8:08 8:11 8:13 8:15 8:16 8:18 8:21 8:22 8:23 8:25 8:27

9:00 9:02 9:04 9:06 9:08 9:11 9:13 9:15 9:16 9:18 9:21 9:22 9:23 9:25 9:27

10:00 10:02 10:04 10:06 10:08 10:11 10:13 10:15 10:16 10:18 10:21 10:22 10:23 10:25 10:27






11:00 11:02 11:04 11:06 11:09 11:12 11:14 11:16 11:19 11:22 11:25 11:28 11:30 11:35 11:45

8:00 8:02 8:04 8:06 8:09 8:12 8:14 8:16 8:19 8:22 8:25 8:28 8:30 8:35 8:45

9:00 9:02 9:04 9:06 9:09 9:12 9:14 9:16 9:19 9:22 9:25 9:28 9:30 9:35 9:45

10:00 10:02 10:04 10:06 10:09 10:12 10:14 10:16 10:19 10:22 10:25 10:28 10:30 10:35 10:45

12:00 D r i v e r s ' L u n c h

1:00 1:02 1:04 1:06 1:09 1:12 1:14 1:16 1:19 1:22 1:25 1:28 1:30 1:35 1:45

2:00 2:02 2:04 2:06 2:09 2:12 2:14 2:16 2:19 2:22 2:25 2:28 2:30 2:35 2:45

3:00 3:02 3:04 3:06 3:09 3:12 3:14 3:16 3:19 3:22 3:25 3:28 3:30 3:35 3:45

4:00 4:02 4:04 4:06 4:09 4:12 4:14 4:16 4:19 4:22 4:25 4:28 4:30 4:35 4:45

10:15 10:17 10:19 10:25

8:30 8:35 8:45

Internal Bus Route #3 Clubhouse Bedford B Greenbrier Southampton Bedford C Golf's Edge Coventry Norwich Salisbury Waltham Easthampton Medical Plaza Clubhouse Publix Clubhouse

L u n c h

10:00 10:02 10:04 10:06 10:09 10:12

7:30 7:35 7:45

the #2 Bus will do a loop around the perimeter drive after going through Coventry.

D r i v e r s '

9:00 9:02 9:04 9:06 9:09 9:12 Sunday 9:15 9:17 9:19 9:25

6:30 6:35 6:45

Internal Bus Route #2 8:00 9:00 10:00 Clubhouse 8:02 9:02 10:02 Plymouth 8:04 9:04 10:04 Sheffield E 8:06 9:06 10:06 Chatham 8:08 9:08 10:08 Kent 8:11 9:11 10:11 Northampton 8:13 9:13 10:13 Sussex 8:15 9:15 10:15 Canterbury 8:16 9:16 10:16 Cambridge 8:18 9:18 10:18 Dorchester 8:21 9:21 10:21 Oxford 8:22 9:22 10:22 Stratford 8:23 9:23 10:23 Sheffield 8:25 9:25 10:25 Hastings Fitness Center 8:27 9:27 10:27 Coventry 8:29 9:29 10:29 Medical Plaza 8:30 9:30 10:30 Clubhouse 8:35 9:35 10:35 Publix 8:45 9:45 10:45 Clubhouse Please Note: On Sundays Only

5:00 5:02 5:04 5:06 5:08 5:11 5:13 5:15 5:16 5:18 5:21 5:22 5:23 5:25 5:27 5:29 5:30

December 1, 2009

7:00 8:00 7:02 8:02 7:04 8:04 7:06 8:06 7:09 8:09 7:12 8:12 Except Saturday and 7:15 8:15 7:17 8:17 7:19 8:19 7:25 8:25

Drivers' Dinner

5:00 5:02 5:04 5:06 5:09 5:12 5:14 5:16 5:19 5:22 5:25 5:28 5:30

6:00 6:02 6:04 6:06 6:09 6:12 6:14 6:16 6:19 6:22 6:25

7:00 7:02 7:04 7:06 7:09 7:12 7:14 7:16 7:19 7:22 7:25

8:00 8:02 8:04 8:06 8:09 8:12 8:14 8:16 8:19 8:22 8:25

9:00 9:02 9:04 9:06 9:09 9:12 9:14 9:16 9:19 9:22 9:25

10:00 10:02 10:04 10:06 10:09 10:12 10:14 10:16 10:19 10:22 10:25






Drivers' Dinner

Please Note: BY REQUEST ONLY - All Buses will go around the perimeter drive at 11:45 am prior to the bus drivers taking their lunch breaks. Please Note: On Saturdays Only the Internal Bus Routes #1 and #3 will drop off at Anshei Sholom on the 9 AM run. Please Note: Monday thru Friday Only the Internal Bus Routes #1 and #3 will drop off at the Hastings Fitness Center on the 8 AM and 1 PM runs. Shuttle Bus Route

Perimeter Drive Clubhouse Salon 27 Library Humana Walmart Supermarket Century Plaza Emporium Shoppes Lowes Baby Supermarket Perimeter Drive Clubhouse

9:00 9:04 9:07 9:10 9:16 9:22 9:26 9:27 9:29 9:45

10:00 10:04 10:07 10:10 10:16 10:22 10:26 10:27 10:29 On Request 10:45

11:00 11:04 11:07 11:10 11:16 11:22 11:26 11:27 11:29



10:10 10:17 10:21 10:26 10:31

11:10 11:14 11:21 11:26 11:31


12:00 D r i v e r s L u n c h

12:45 1:00 1:04 1:07 1:10 1:16 1:22 1:26 1:27 1:29

Please be at your bus stop 10 minutes before your pickup time.

4:00 4:04 4:07 4:10 4:16 4:22 4:26 4:27 4:29


2:00 3:00 2:04 3:04 2:07 3:07 2:10 3:10 2:16 3:16 2:22 3:22 2:26 3:26 2:27 3:27 2:29 3:29 On Request 2:45 3:45






1:10 1:14 1:21 1:26 1:31

2:10 2:14 2:21 2:26 2:31 2:35

3:10 3:14 3:21 3:26 3:31 3:35

4:10 4:14 4:21 4:26 4:31

5:10 5:14 5:21 5:26 5:31





Please be Prepared to Show the Bus Driver Your Century Village ID When Boarding ALL Buses


Mall Bus Route

Clubhouse Morse Home Drop off K-Mart Church Palm Beach Mall Village Commons Publix Post Office Drop off / Pick Up Morse Home Pickup Clubhouse

9:00 9:05 9:13 9:20 9:24 9:29 9:34

Tuesday & Thursday Only




Express Bus Route

Perimeter Drive Clubhouse Walgreens Pine Trail Square Goodwill Store Winn Dixie Publix Chase Bank Perimeter Drive Clubhouse

8:45 9:00 9:04 9:08 9:09 9:18 9:28

12:00 D r i v e r s L u n c h

1:40 1:45

11:00 11:04 11:08 11:09 11:18 11:28

9:38 9:48 9:00 9:04 9:07 9:09 9:14 9:20

10:00 10:04 10:07 10:09 10:14 10:20

9:34 9:40 9:41 9:48

10:34 10:40 10:41 10:48

11:00 11:04 11:07 11:09 11:14 11:17 11:28 11:34 11:40 11:41 11:48

11:38 11:48

12:00 D r i v e r s L u n c h

The Holiday bus will run on New Year's Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

Excursion Bus *Monday* (Excludes the 2nd Monday) Leaves Clubhouse

10:00 10:04 10:08 10:09 10:18 10:28 On Request 10:38 10:48


1:00 1:04 1:08 1:09 1:18 1:28

3:00 3:04 3:08 3:09 3:18 3:28

1:38 1:48

2:00 2:04 2:08 2:09 2:18 2:28 On Request 2:38 2:48

Chase Bank Wellington Mall

3:38 3:48

Return Clubhouse

1:00 1:04 1:07 1:09 1:14 1:17 1:28 1:34 1:40 1:41 1:48

2:00 2:04 2:07 2:09 2:14 2:17 2:28 2:34 2:40 2:41 2:48

3:00 3:04 3:07 3:09 3:14 3:17 3:28 3:34 3:40 3:41 3:48

4:00 4:04 4:07 4:09 4:14 4:17 4:28 4:34 4:40 4:41 4:48

9:35 AM

10:35 AM

Pick Up Times

On Request 10:05 AM

Home Depot Target

1:15 PM

On Request 11:05 AM

2:05 PM

Excursion Bus *Wednesday* (Excludes the 4th Wednesday) Leaves Clubhouse

City Place Gardens Mall

9:35 AM

Pick Up Times 10:05 AM

2:00 PM

10:35 AM

1:30 PM 2:30 PM

Sundays & Holidays Bus Route (Combo)

Clubhouse Walgreen's Pine Trail Goodwill Store Cross County Church Palm Beach Mall Village Commons Emporium Shoppes Lowes Clubhouse

12:00 D r i v e r s L u n c h

5:00 5:04 5:07 5:09 5:14 5:17 5:28 5:34 5:40 5:41 5:48

The Excursion Bus will go to Lake Worth Beach on the 2nd Monday(Leaves 9:30 am - Picks Up 2:05 pm) and to the Carnival Flea Market in DelRay on the 4th Wednesday(Leaves 9:35 am - Picks Up 1:45 pm) of the Month.

Page 52 THE UCO REPORTER December 2009

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