Debts Recovery Tribunal

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 625
  • Pages: 2
Debts Recovery Tribunal Keeping in line with the international trends on helping financial institutions recover their bad Debt quickly and effeciently, the Government of India has constituted thirty three Debt Recovery Tribunal and five Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal across the country. The Debt Recovery Tribunal are located across the country. Some cities have more than one Debt Recovery Tribunal located therein. New Delhi and Mumbai have three Debt Recovery Tribunal. Chennai and Kolkata have two Debt Recovery Tribunal each. One Debt Recovery Tribunal each has been constituted at Ahmdabad, Allahabad, Arungabad, Bangalore, Chandigrah, Coimbatore, Cuttack, Ernakulam, Guwahati, Hydrabad, Jabalpur, Jaipur, Lucknow, Nagpur, Patna, Pune, Ranchi and Vishakapatnam. Depending upon the number of cases a Debt Recovery Tribunal is constituted. There are a number of States that do not have a Debt Recovery Tribunal. The Banks & Financial Institutions and other parties in these States have to go to Debt Recovery Tribunal located in other states having jurisdiction over there area. Thus the territorial jurisdiction of some Debt Recovery Tribunal is very vast. For example, the Debt Recovery Tribunal located in Guwahati has jurisdiction over all the seven North Eastern States. Similarly, the territorial jurisdiction of the Debt Recovery Tribunal located at Chandhigarh too has a very wide jurisdiction over the States of Punjab, Harayana, Chandhigarh. The setting up of a Debt Recovery Tribunal is dependant upon the volume of cases. Higher the number of cases within a territorial area, more Debt Recovery Tribunal would be set up. Each Debt Recovery Tribunal is presided over by a Presiding Officer. The Presiding Officer is generally a judge of the rank of Dist. & Sessions Judge. A Presiding Officer of a Debt Recovery Tribunal is assisted by a number of officers of other ranks, but none of them need necessarily have a judicial back ground. Therefore, the Presiding Officer of a Debt Recovery Tribunal is the sole judicial authority to hear and pass any judicial order. Each Debt Recovery Tribunal has two Recovery Officers. The work amongst the Recovery Officers is allocated by the Presiding Officer. Though a Recovery Officer need not be a judicial Officer, but the orders passed by a Recovery Officer are judicial in nature, and are appealable before the Presiding Officer of the Tribunal. The Debt Recovery Tribunal are governed by provisions of the Recovery of Debt Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993, also popularly called as the RDB Act. Rules have been framed and notified under the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993.

After the enactment of the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interests Act (SRFAESI Act or SRFAESIA for short) borrowers could become first applicants before the Debt Recovery Tribunal. Earlier only lenders could be applicants. The Debt Recovery Tribunal are fully empowered to pass comprehensive orders like in Civil Courts. The Tribunal can hear cross suits, counter claims and allow set offs. However, they cannot hear claims of damages or deficiency of services or breach of contract or criminal negligence on the part of the lenders. The Debt Recovery Tribunal can appoint Receivers, Commissioners, pass ex-parte ordes, ad-interim orders, interim orders apart from powers to Review its own decision and hear appeals against orders passed by the Recovery Officers of the Tribunal. The recording of evidence by Debt Recovery Tribunal is some what unique. All evidences are taken by way of an affidavit. Cross examination is allowed only on reqeust by the defense, and that too if the Tribunal feels that such a cross examination is in the interest of justice. Friviolous cross examination may be denied. There are a number of other unique features in the proceedings before the Debt Recovery Tribunal all aimed at expediting the proceedings.

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