Deal With It Newsletter Winter 2009 3 Nelson Street, Deal,

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DEAL WITH IT NEWSLETTER WINTER 2009 3 Nelson Street, Deal, CT14 9XX

“Deal With It” Community Action for a Sustainable Environment DWI was launched in 2007 to encourage individual and community action to address Climate Change and Peak Oil which are two of the greatest threats that mankind faces today. We hope that by engaging and inspiring individuals to take both personal and political action, we can help to slow the rate of Climate Change and decrease our dependence on oil. We know solutions exist to enable us to overcome these problems, but fear that there are too many obstacles in today’s society standing in the way of addressing these urgent threats. With your help, we can make a change and ensure that our children and grandchildren inherit a world fit to live in. We believe that:

Small Actions x Many People = Big Change What We Have Done: The ages, political manifest and backgrounds of our members are as diverse as the topics of interest that we tackle. Our first campaign was "Ban the Bag" which aimed to rid Deal town of plastic bags. With huge local media support, the campaign is estimated to have contributed to a 65% reduction in bag use and an immeasurable increase in awareness of the environmental impact of plastic bags. Our second major event in February 2009 was an evening with Caroline Lucas, the South East MEP, at the Deal Town Hall. The evening was entitled “Can you Save Cash and the Environment?” and Ms Lucas spoke to a capacity crowd and answered questions on local and national environmental policy. As well as Caroline, we also lobbied local MP Gwyn Prosser on a number of environmental issues and the impact of climate change. Mr. Prosser described the meeting as: " ..a friendly and lively exchange on a whole series of subjects which varied from waste recycling and plastic bags to Heathrow expansion and public transport in Deal " Continuing with the “political” theme, we are lucky to have Michael Meacher MP visiting Deal on Friday October 30th. Mr Meacher will be talking at St George’s Church on Renewable Energy, entrance is free and everyone is welcome. Talks start at 6pm so get there early to secure the best seats!

DEAL WITH IT NEWSLETTER WINTER 2009 3 Nelson Street, Deal, CT14 9XX

This year we also screened the “Age of Stupid” in collaboration with the Pines Calyx at St Margaret’s bay, as well as monitoring Dover District Council’s Local Development Framework, holding regular meetings for our supporters and continually looking for new ways to encourage people to act and trying to show that doing so will not only help to secure all our futures but also save us money and improve our quality of life

What We Will Be Doing: We are very excited as we have been selected by the Energy Saving Trust ( to take part in their Green Communities- Local Support project. This is a very exciting opportunity which we hope will benefit the Deal community by reducing our carbon footprint and helping people to access the means to cut their fuel bills. It also has the possibility of leading us towards generating our own renewable electricity. Of course our biggest event of 2009 is the “Celebrate Your Deal” Autumn Extravaganza held at the Landmark Centre on October 25th. This event is aimed at showcasing all the wonderful products, people and community groups from Deal and the surrounding area and emphasises the importance on “Keeping It Local”. We have also worked with and/or received support from the following: The Pines Calyx , Rippledown, Protect Kent, KCC, Greenerway, Green Footprint group of DGSB, and many other local and national organisations.

What Can You Do?:

Contact a Committee Member:

We are always looking for Supporters. If you are interested you can join our mailing list by emailing [email protected] or stopping by for a drink and chat at our Monthly meetings which are held on the 4th Tuesday of the month at the Alma Pub on Middle Street in Deal. If you prefer you can write to Vicky Nicholls, 21 St Margaret’s Drive, Walmer, CT14 If you have computer access here are some good internet sites for you to take a look at. They will help you understand our concerns and give you some ideas of how you can make a difference.

Rosie Rechter- Coordinator [email protected] Vicky Nicholls- Secretary [email protected] Helen Reeve-Stoffer- Treasurer and Events Organiser [email protected] Visit Our Blog Site:

If you can’t do any of these, at least

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle :

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