Deadwood Free Press Vol 2 Issue 22

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Deadwood Free Press Vol. 2 Issue 22

August 21, 1878

Vol. 2 Issue 22

Town Council Member Shot Town Councilman-elect Daniel Densmith of the Deadwood First National Bank was gunned down with a wound to the abdomen during the Founder’s Day Dance, but the crazed gunman was quickly cut down to his death. It was reported the man had escaped from jail and had been shooting at a number of people due to insanity. Mr. Densmith recovered enough a week later to attend his swearing in at the Town Hall during the Town Council meeting. Dr. Densmith was dancing immediately beforehand with the hostess of the dance, Miss Salissa Wilder of the Bella Union. He was unconscious after falling, but several men avenged him by killing the man immediately outside. “Take that you vile coward,” said Darren Plathers of Lead, who was visiting, and who emptied his pistol into the man. The dance itself resumed after Deputy Glen carried the fallen banker to Dr. Berry’s office. Mr. Densmith stated that he received great care from the doctor and the hospital. He credited the care and the quiet at his second floor bed for his speedy recovery. It is a reported a woman in black and

Sniper Strikes Near Heart of Physician Dr. Morrigu Berry escaped death at the price of the comfort of her right arm this week after a cowardly sniped shot from a distance. Dr. Berry was in conversation with a citizen by the outhouse when a shot came from nowhere, striking her in the arm more than once. “That moment I was feeling being thrown hard: It was the bullets hitting me. My arm burned, and the blood flowed. And the next thing I know I”m in the hospital and my own apprentice is performing surgery on me.”

wearing a veil over her face was seen inquiring for him at various places immediately after the shooting. Mr. Densmith states the woman is his mother, who is in mourning, and is not well. He asks anyone who sees a woman wearing black and face veiled around town to immediately let him know. Mr. Densmith stated he was sad that the town council before him had failed to authorize use of the asylum that might be

used to confine someone like the gunman. He stopped short of blaming the previous council for the attack, but said leaders should take steps to protect their community. “I hope the town council takes a turn to want to protect the town and its women and children. I assure the town that if you give a criminal lunatic to the asylum, he won’t be bothering anyone, and he sure won’t be shooting anyone,” Densmith said.

Brown-Clad Gunman Attacks Deputy, Vows to Return Deputy Glen was shot in both the shoulders and arms and left for almost dead in the middle of Main Street outside the California diner this week. Authorities deplored the attack. Deputy Glen, already well known in our community as a laconic individual, said the attack was entirely unprovoked. “I was sit ten there in the Cali havin’ some lunch, eatin bacon and eggs, mindin’ my own business, and this fellah came in, glarin’ and bein lippy,” the deputy said. Glen added that the man openly bragged he’d been paid to intimidate and strike down the law: “then all tellin’ me how the law wuz worth a lot of money right now.” The man also expressed anger on “the opium grow houses in Chinatown. He seems to have a lot of anger towards Chinatown,” the deputy said, and the failure of the law or anyone to retailiate for graffiti seen around town. The man had brown hair, a brown hat and matching coat and pants of brown, the deputy stated. The villain had a scarf round his neck and a whiskery face. “Then he gone dun tell me that he just received a hefty amount of money to come

August 21, 1878

The apprentice turned out to be the adopted daughter of Dr. Berry a ward for whom she has filed for adoption. The girl bravely and nobly treated her benefactor, recovering her to health. Dr. Berry said she was very proud of the young woman. “She’s truly a blessing and is an asset as a medical professional in her own right,” the doctor stated. Dr. Berry is expected to make a full recovery, though weakened a bit as this is her second shooting in as many walks. She has an abdominal injury from the earlier incident. Citizens visited her in the days after the incident to provide words of good cheer, fellowship and encouragement. “Don’t be discouraged, Doc Berry, the odds of you ever getting shot again are a million to one. It’s unusual just to get shot once here,” stated editor Neil Streeter.

rough up the law. Then he pulled out his gun,” the deputy stated calmly. The man further claimed he’d been paid a large sum and would be back. This is doubted, as only a lunatic would return to the scene of this crime. If nothing else, he will now have to get past an vengeful lawman who will now recognize his evil intent. “I haven’t seen him, and if I do, I’m gunna beat that son of a bitch,” the deputy said.


Deadwood Free Press Vol. 2 Issue 22

August 21, 1878

Letters to the Editor Editor, I wish to share this news with your readers: You may have noticed a number of signs posted around town. They are to notify all patrons of the location’s willingness to become a part of the Homestake Mining Consortium. The purpous of this Gathering is to work together for the good of Deadwood, its businesses and above all, Healthy Profits. Among the number involved are: Homestake Mining Company’s Director of Operations Jacob String. The Darjeeling Tea Parlor, Proprietor and Homestake Stockholder Analiese String. Bella Union Saloon and Theatre, Proprietor and Homestake Stockholder Salissa Wilder . First Bank of Deadwood, Head Banker and Homestake Stockholder Daniel Densmith. The Palace Saloon, Proprietor Agnes Wellesley. The Whitewood Saloon, Manager Proprietor Bluebird Warden. The Deadwood Livery. To join the number already working for the Good of Deadwood please do feel free to contact Mr Jacob String of the Homestake Mining Company. Jacob String Homestake Mining Director of Operations Editor, I’m writing to express my pleasure at attending the re-opening of the Number 10 Saloon, and witnessing the most amazing feat of spirit conjuring by one Mrs. Wilhelmina Applewhyte. I was a skeptic of such entertainments by “spiritualists” until I saw Mrs. Applewhyte speak to the ghost of Mr Wild Bill Hickok. There he was, in all his grandeur, dressed as I imagine a man of his importance would be on the Lord’s heavenly prairie! And professing his undying love to his dear Martha Jane – I always knew he loved that poor besotted woman! Later, Mrs. Applewhyte graciously accepted my solicitation to utilize her services in a serious matter of spiritual

import. I again marveled at her keen skills of divination in attempting to contact my recently departed husband. The man had the nerve to die an untimely death before revealing to me the exact location of his gold fortune. Once again, Mrs. Applewhyte did not disappoint! My husband did indeed appear to us, but stubbornly refused to reveal his secret! I am assured that only a few more sessions with Mrs Applewhyte are needed to pry this essential information from him. Then he will be able to move fully into the Afterlife and seek the rest his spirit did not have in this life. I can truly endorse Mrs Applewhyte’s authenticity and would recommend her services to any and all residents in need of contact with a dead loved one. A Soon-To-Be Wealthy Widow Deadwood Editor, It is human nature to be curious about our neighbors and to speak of their lives and actions I suppose. Lately, however, the pernicious clucking around town has crescendoed greatly among those who seem very much to enjoy publicly touting the misfortunes of their neighbors as a sort of glittering foil to set off their own imagined superiority. It’s become not unlike little children shoving each other around the playground over a dirty piece of toffee underfoot. Children can be cruel in their innocent greed, adults should know better. As a mother and grandmother, I’ve been around long enough to know that nothing ruins a community faster than this poisonous comments. Yes, I may tend towards the dramatic when annoyed and I’m certain some may dismiss my opinions as the hysterical grumblings of an old relic. So be it, a good thunk over the head may serve just as well as words. Its very simple, obey the campsite rule. When you leave the presence of a friend or acquaintance, take care to leave them better off than you found them. A wise person, who happened to be my mother, once said, If wisdom’s ways you wisely seek, Five things observe with care, To whom you speak, Of whom you speak, And how, and when, and where. Cordially yours, Mrs. Major Matthew Westland (deceased) Editor, I am disturbed by reports the Free Press is unable to pay its debts and may close. I assure you this town will not let you run out on us when we’ve been so good to the paper. Kindly assure us that the Free Press will operate a third year to great success and for the rest of Deadwood’s town lifetime. But secondy, kindly assure us you will settle all debts. Chas. Edwardian Deadwood

Editor and Publisher Neil Streeter Reporter Addison Leigh Typesetter S. Morigi 2

Editor’s note: Mr. Edwardian, there has been talk of shuttering the Free Press and reconstituting another paper, but it has nothing to do with debt but only to do with the very natural life cycle of newspapers and their investors. Mr. Streeter is not going anywhere, much as some people in the town might want him to.

Founders Day Tribute The following are remarks by one of the can now only be retrieved by the industry town’s founders, Mrs. Diogenes Kuhr, of the hard rock miners. upon the Founder’s Day events. So too will our town continue to change, and frontier Deadwood shall pass into In a life spent on the frontier, beyond memory. And while it may, in so many the very edge o’ what we call civilization, a ways, be better to live in a more civilized person realizes that there is one constant, context, I hope that we will not completely forget the ways of a frontier community: and that is change. Perhaps it just goes with the very nature Where neighbor helped neighbor, of a frontier. You see first hand how a fron- because survival depended on it... Where a stranger could count on findtier represents the leading edge of some-

thing: the dividing line between one way of life and another. The frontier that I knew as a girl is long gone, just as the frontier of my grandfather’s time -- when he crossed the big river as a mountain man, to trap and trade among the Indians -- that era is but a distant memory. And soon the frontier life we have known here in the gulch will be only a memory as well. It will be something that will live only in stories and dime novels, and maybe on a stage somewhere. I can imagine the tragic love story of Doc Alcott and Lefty Fargis, or the comic moment of Silas shootin’ Cameo, or the story of Carrie Anne bein carried off by her own father and our desperate search to reclaim her... bein’ played out before a awestruck audience, under the gaslights of a big city theater. I wonder if Miss Sal’s tale wouldn’t make a fine operetta? With lots of pretty songs and dancing, and an ending of high drama and vengeance ... but still a happy ending. But regardless, this frontier life we have known and lived will be gone. It is already disappearing, as the inexorable march o’ so-called civilization moves forward. Our town of Deadwood is most likely destined to be the great metropolis of the Black Hills: a center of commerce and even o’ learning an’ culture. It will be safer to be sure, and cleaner we might reasonably hope, and certainly the efforts of Doc Morpork and Doctor Berry and others of their sort will endeavor to make it a healthier place than it has been. Undoubtedly it will be greatly changed. Just like the great herds of buffalo near extinction/ Just as the Red man is forced to relinquish his life as hunter and warrior and reside at the agencies. Or as the gold that could once be found in surface gravel

ing a friendly greeting and a place by the hearth or at table, because once upon a time. we all were that stranger... Where self protection and the protection of one another was our mutual responsibility and not just left in the hands of some man with a badge... And where a man -- or a woman -- was judged not by the accident of birth or who their parents were, or where they came from, or how they dressed, but by what they did, what they accomplished, how they treated their fellow man, their neighbors, and by their dreams, and the heart with which they pursued those dreams. Progress is fine. Progress is something we all must embrace. But I hope that there will always be those for whom embracing progress does not mean we lose sight of all of things that make a place like Deadwood a place that also embraces neighborly decency and the other qualities that in many ways lie at the heart of our republican democracy. Thank you. Editor’s note: at this point there was much cannonfire and shooting of guns in the air, and whooping of men and hollering of children. Well said.

Deadwood Free Press Vol. 2 Issue 22

August 21, 1878

Dufaux Named Mayor New Deadwood Council Seated Miss Astolat Dufaux of the Phoenix Hotel was chosen as mayor by her peers on the council at the most recent meetings of the Deadwood Town Council. The mayor’s position traditionally rotates, and was held ably by Clay Kungler for six months. Newly elected town councilman Daniel Densmith made the motion to choose Miss Dufaux as the mayor, who serves as the chair of the council and thus schedules and agendizes meetings. In explaining his motion, he stated, “I was just going to say most of you have known Miss Dufaux longer than me. But from what everyone tells me, she took a difficult corner of the town and transformed it into a thriving area and destination. She is a prominent businesswoman and has shown great concern for the underprivileged. Densmith added while addressing Kungler, “She will have a hard time filling your shoes, Mr. Kungler ... You and I have not seen eye to eye, but you are smart, brave and have done as much or more than anyone to build this town. I don’t not envy her the chance to follow you, but someone must, and she is surely the best candidate of all in our city. And that’s why I made that motion.” The vote then took place, it being understand that Miss Coodnank Thibedeau was voting, thus creating a quorum, though in terms of bodily presence her role was less precise. The vote to approve was unanimous, and Kungler handed over the gavel. “I certainly can’t think of anyone better for this job then you. Congradulations and may you enjoy your time as Mayor as I have,” Kungler told Miss Dufaux. Miss Dufaux, now Mayor Dufaux, returned the kind words. “If I may say so, the town would like to thank Clay for his term as mayor. You’ve

Apply Right Away for Open Seat on Council

Interested in participating directly in Deadwood’s governing pro cess? The Deadwood Town Council is seeking applicants to fill a vacant seat on the council. Council members serve a six month elected term. However, this is an appointed position replacing a member who left in the middle of their term, so the person selected to serve out the term may choose to run for re-election in October. Council will be meeting every two weeks, tentatively alternating Sunday afternoons and a weeknight as yet to be determined. The ability to attend most, if not all, meetings is of course an advantage. An interest in law enforcement is desired, These Deadwood Town Council members who were present stand ready to serve: Dr. Morrigu Berry, Mayor Astolat Dufaux, Deputy Mayor Clay Kungler, Town Treasurer Daniel D. Densmith but not required, as within the current council the post of public safety commishelped move Deadwood forward to become at which time it is assumed they will make sioner is also vacant. a true community, and we are grateful for the appointment. Thus was thecouncil organized, and we your service,” she stated. Densmith then moved that Kungler be plan to interview Mayor Dufaux about her deputy mayor. After that was speedily own plans. Meantime, the council did agree approved, Kungler and Mayor Dufaux with a request by Town Attorney Addison proposed Densmith as town treasurer not Leigh to be allowed to remodel the town only because of his in-depth knowledge hall second story into a courtroom. Work of town finances from the bank but also has speedily begun, and citizens are invited because he was the only person left. to go by and see a real room of law. There was then discussion about two Thus far, there is one applicant, former The only skirmishing of the meeting vacancies on the council, that of Miss was before the swearing in, when Kungler deputy Mrs. Analiese String. This is her Charleston Capra and Mrs. Darcy Han- confronted Densmith over the recent mis- statement: croft. Kungler proposed one position by understanding involving ownership if the filled by Dr. Morrigu Berry, and Den- Bella Union. smith moved the other position we widely “Tell me Densmith, I do hope you put advertised so that as many people as want forth better practices on the council then can apply. you do in business. I’d hate for you to delBoth ideas were agreed to quickly: Doc care the council dead and take over town Berry was welcomed to the council right hall,” Kungler stated. away and appointed public health commisDensmith accused Kungler of rude sioner, while the council agreed to adver- speech. tise the other vacancy (see accompanying “Clay, I was the victim as much as Miss story and the first application) Sal, what I did was act on the best availAt this point it is slated the next council able information. That’s what leaders do,” meeting is 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 3, 1878, Densmith said. The person with the biggest smile in the room was Neil Streeter, who served on the council as town treasurer, and before that as mayor. He said he was relieved to be in the audience again, humbly writing To the Deadwood Town Council, I am newspaper stores. “Yep, I get to do what Analiese String. I have resided in DeadI do best, which is second guess,” Streeter wood for a year now. I have heard of a vacant seat, would like stated truthfully, then adding, “I get paid big money for second guessing,” which to apply to sit on the Town Council with the other respected members. may be a bit less truthful. In the past, I have applied to run for this, Among those present and attending the meeting, and this list was done by eye and but personal reasons had forced me to drop we may have some names wrong, were from that campaign. Now that my personal situation has staJustice Rod Eun, Deputy Glen, attorney Motorio Stenvaag, Mrs. September Blais- bilized, I can commit fully to my desire to dale Kungler, and Ernst Osterham, as well help Deadwood prosper. I have previously been employed as a as others. deputy for the town, where I assisted in a number of arrests and other matters, thus showing my interests in a safer and better town and the interests of its citizens. I have many various interests in Deadwood. I myself run the Darjeeling Tea Parlor on Main Street as well as a strong interest in the Homestake Mining Company, where many of the town’s gentlemen have well paid jobs. With my background, and keen interest in the growth of Deadwood, I feel I would be a worthy candidate for the Town Council. Kind Regards, Mrs. Analiese String Deadwood

Please submit a letter of intent to Astolat Dufaux, ((via inworld notecard)) by Tuesday, August 25.


Deadwood Free Press Vol. 2 Issue 22

August 21, 1878

Wanted: Someone to educate our youth

Miss Prim and Proper Recommendations on the washing of garments and the self Dear Miss Prim and Proper, I am a rather new arrival in your “American West,” and though I find many things about the City of Deadwood fascinating, I am appalled at the lack of good help for a lady to run her household. While I expected many hardships on the way here, I had no inkling that a housekeeper, or a ladies’ maid would be next to impossible to find. I am, therefore, for the first time running my own household, and being my own laundress. I do not find it nearly as hard to run a home here as it was to make the overland journey, however, the intricacies of laundering fine cloth I am completely unfamiliar with. I have unpacked my dearly beloved household linens, (and sorry to say, my fine underpinnings) after my journey to find them both stained, and quite yellowed from the trip. I am reluctant to ask other ladies of my acquaintance for their advice, but instead seek yours, as I do not want to appear a complete idiot in the matters of laundry, surely something any housekeeper should know. But then of course, I cannot find a housekeeper here. Please tell me how to get my fine white damask tablecloth, and my lawn undergarments white again. I appeal to you in this forum, as I wish to remain anonymous. Signed, Anonymous Laundress

The several suggestions that have been made to me consist of after laundering in a normal fashion with other white things; the finer materials can be daubed with lemon juice, held over steaming water, and then rinsed thoroughly to remove stains. Another method would to rub a paste of salt and vinegar over the material, or only vinegar should salt be unavailable, then launder as usual with other whites. Be warned that vinegar should be of the lightest color, and NOT made of red wine for this purpose. Then, after thorough rinsing in clean water, the linens should be laid over a bush in the sun to let the sunlight bleach it. I do hope this will help you, as laundry can be a difficult chore for those not familiar with it. Sincerely, Miss Prim and Proper

The Deadwood school is in need of one or more teachers to help guide our young citizens in their educations. School is usually held once a week for approximately one hour. No experience is necessary, just an enthusiasm for education and the crafting of young minds into productive citizens. Patience, of course, is a virtue. he school is also seeking residents who may have an area of expertise which they would be interested in sharing with students -- a profession, a talent, or life experience (living history). Presentations may be made in the Presentation proposals are welcome at classroom or in a “hands-on” setting. anytime -- contact any of the town council For the school teaching position, please members or a teacher directly with your submit a letter of intent to Mayor Astolat ideas. Dufaux by Tuesday, Sept. 1, 1878.

Dear Miss Prim and Proper, While I have always considered myself proper and acceptable in today’s society, I have recently heard mention that a daily bath is actually good for a person. I am taken aback, as I was under the impression such would cause a body to sicken and die. Do you have any good advice for one Doctor Morrigu B. Berry announced who wishes to remain acceptable in a town these latest additions to the Deadwood setting, and considering daily bathing, or Gulch Hospital staff: would you say that was just going too far Mr. Gatsby Core: A Prosthetic Limbist for the sake of acceptability? Dear Mrs. Laundress, by trade and training Signed, Clean Enough Aren’t I? I certainly understand your dilemma. Miss Angela Straulino: A Nurse with While I, myself have not turned my hand Herbalist training. to laundering, I have questioned a number Both of these fine people are available to Dear Clean Enough, of ladies in these matters on your behalf. help you should you need assistance, and Regular bathing is now acceptable, even you can’t find Dr Illios or Dr Berry. All are agreed that Deadwood is sadly “While not capable of performing surlacking in good servants, and maids. While preferable for all humans. Should it prove there is a wonderful laundry in town that impossible to completely immerse oneself gery, they are more than able to help stabiwould handle almost anything, I do under- each day in a large tub for this purpose, stand that your fine under things would or if it is forbidden by the doctor, a smaller not be suitable to “send out” to be done. semi-bath is considered sufficient for the needs of cleanliness and health. The human skin is a complicated network, whose meshes it is necessary to keep free and open, so that the body may be enabled through them to eliminate the Yankton officials are looking for anyone internal impurities, from which it is bound with information about the two bodies disto free itself, under pain of sickness, suffer- covered outside the Dakota Playhouse late ing, and possible death. The healthy action Sunday evening. The stage coach driver, a Mr. Derrick of the pores of the skin is stimulated by the bath, especially if it is followed by friction Tunston from Macon, Georgia, and an with a flesh-glove or a rough towel. One unidentified Oriental man were found can dispense with massage if one objects with their throats slit inside Mr. Tunston’s to be manipulated by a strange hand. Both coach. fevers and contagious maladies of many Officials found nothing of monetary kinds are often avoided by such simple precautions as these. These words are well known in common medical practices of the day, and as tubs seem to be sorely lacking in our city, cleanliness is not often as possible as it should be. Please inquire at the nicer hotels and boarding houses if purchasing a bath would be possible. Soap will usually cost extra. Sincerely, Miss Prim and Proper

Hospital Adds Staff lize and stitch a patient up as well as apply bandages,” Dr. Berry states. If you see them on the street, please take a moment to introduce yourself and welcome them to Deadwood, she requests. “They are an integral part of our staff and their desire and drive to help the citizens of Deadwood are healthy and whole,” Dr. Berry stated. “The hospital is still hiring, and applications are available at the front.”

Yankton Outrage Reported


value on their persons. If anyone has any information concerning these deaths please contact Yankton lawmen by way of post or telegraph to the sheriff, or correspond with this newspaper.

Deadwood Free Press Vol. 2 Issue 22

August 21, 1878

Founders Day Celebrations A circus brought much joy to the town, especially a tame lion who ran loose, along with a deformed midget woman and many other oddities. A medicine show offered a variety of cures of a variety of qualities, or maybe just one quality. While most enjoyed the show, Rev. Baird Bravin reports however that he was treated scandalously and his pocket was picked, thus relieving him of his wallet. “The money does not matter, but I am grieved to have lost a letter from my deceased and dear mother,” the Rev stated. He requests if the circus moved on but the wallet stayed, he would be happy just to get the letter back, no questions asked and all forgiven. Rev. Baird states that he prays daily for the Lord to turn the heart of whoever robbed from him. Miss Addison Leigh and her guests enjoyed a night of storytelling and reminiscing around the fire at the Prospect House Inn. The event was part of the Founders Day celebration that took place earlier this month. Miss Leigh plans several such events as the weather begins to cool down. The next will likely be a discussion of current events and Deadwood’s future. Town Council members will likely be invited to this open discussion with Deadwood residents. Dates and times will be announced soon.


Deadwood Free Press Vol. 2 Issue 22

August 21, 1878

CLASSIFIEDS Cho’s Noodle Shop On China Row! Fresh Ingredient make nice dumpling, with noodles and newly killed meats. Fresh cooked together In pot with clean oil, good rice, and no weevils. Special this week “General Tsoe’s Craw Daddies” Eat at Cho’s!

Everything You Need Pots, pans, flour, pork, sugar, Candy, dried corn, shovels, Rakes, pants, boots, linens, Beer, turnips, sand bags, lamps, Clocks, sasparilla, eggs, cement, Bullets, perfume, petticoats, Pickles, peanuts, chests, corsets, Fat back, baking soda, baking Powder, sleep pallets, dresses, Vests, hats, coats, socks, stockings School books, jellies, jams, pepper, Salt, pepper, harness, baskets, Dried beef, canned pumpkin, Calico, slingshots, root beer, Brooms, tables, chairs, pottery, Potatoes, tanning oil, horse Blankets, bird seed, seed wheat, Fishing poles, Ladies Pills and Doc Fishers Cure All Ointment This and Much More On Sale At Black Hills General Store Now Carrying supply and clothing From The Overland Trail Catalogue!

Ode to Cow A cow is of the Bovine Ilk One end is moo, the other like silk I love my cow, and my goat too. I want them back, or I’ll shoot you. Don’t mean to cause a fuss or schizm Just a bit light plagerism

Wield the Shovel of Justice Do you enjoy digging in a deep hole, where slimy things crawl out of the ground and sunlight scarce penetrates? Why Not Study Law! Deadwood City Has best rates For Successful lawyers. Misdemeanor Conviction pays 7 dollars and 12 dollars For a felony conviction. If you can read at a 6th grade level and Have a nice suit. Become a lawyer Today!

Whitewood Saloon Reopens The Whitewood Saloon is opening soon. Come for the finest poker, drinks, girls and music... And most especially, the best darts game and best darts competitions. The grand opening is this Saturday, August 22nd from 4 to 6 p.m. The winner of the dart tournament will receive $300((L)).

New clothing line for children Montagne Noire Clothiers is happy to introduce a new clothing line just for children, called “Petit.” “Le Petit Jardin” (French, “little garden”) is a breezy cotton and lace day gown and matching straw boater hat perfect for church or shool. Le Petit Jardin is available in bluebell, buttercup, clover and fern. “Le Petit Merle” (French, “little blackbird”) is a rich onyx velvet and beaded lace mourning gown and matching straw bonnet. “Le Petit Prairie” (French, “little prairie”) is a practical cotton day gown, in blue gingham, a la “Little House on the Prairie.” All our outfits can be tailored the garment to your proportions.

Photo Contest:

What I Love Most About Deadwood The Town of Deadwood and the Deadwood Free Press are co-sponsoring a contest for the best pictures of Deadwood.

Drink the Best Whiskey Dance to the best music And Converse with the Most congenial minds of Deadwood. Wednesday Night and Every Night At the Bella Union Theater and Saloon Come meet Miss Helena Voted by general acclaim, “The Prettiest Bartender in Deadwood” Deadwood’s most luxurious and welcoming place for Shows and entertainments of all kinds. New season starting soon!

Our central theme is

“What I Love Most About Deadwood.” Depending on the number and type of entries, we may offer certain categories. Right now, we invite you to simply follow your heart and imagination. Entries must be submitted to editor Neil Streeter ((Poohneil Streeter or preferably, email to [email protected] ))

The deadline to enter is Wednesday, Sept 2. All reasonable entries will be published, and voting conducted.


Deadwood Free Press Vol. 2 Issue 22

August 21, 1878

A Serial Story Continues...

The Perilous Journeys of Mary Sue Sweetlyness Episode 4 By Miss Adele Leeland

“Oh my goodness! Eez eet jou!? Eees the Meesus, Mees Mary Sue, Mees Beth, what are you doing here?” cried the tall man in flowing robes, as he threw out his arms in welcome. “Sweet Jesus! we are so glad to see you!” cried the sisters in unison. Both starring in wonder as their father’s former Mexican most reliable field hand leaped from the circus wagon like an angel of heaven to aid them. “How fabulous eet eez to see you ladies. Don’t you look lovely. But how odd you are so far away from the bosoms of your mother?” Mary Sue thanked him in her gentle bell-like voice as Beth hid her smooth face in a blush and cried,”Oh Jesus, I can’t tell you what we have been through. First Little Nell and I searched and searched for Mary Sue to come save Helen who is this minute dying if not already asleep under the grasses and flowers. Then, we were kidnapped, and then freed by this odd little girl and then Little Nell .... little Nell.... “ Beth uttered the name over and over as sobs convulsed her chest and Mary Sue looked down sadly the ground. “Ohhhhh, I see” intoned Jesus sympathetically, “She has become, oh what eez the word, Jhore? what a shame Thees iz.” “Yes, Jesus, I cannot speak the word. We are sore grieved that, innocent as she once was, she has now fallen most horribly into the depths of the demimonde, sure to suffer the fiery fates of damnation, gnashed to bits by the devil himself!” “Oh Sweet Jesus!, pleaded Mary Sue in desperation, “Can you deliver us? I fear Beth will fall into the same fate if we do not return home soon. She was staring most brazenly at the skin of that Indian earlier. How can I keep her safe in countryside full of men in skin flaps?!” Beth rose to her feet, her mouth a perfect “O” of shock and shame and objection. Raising her hand in a gesture of defence, she thought about the Indian a brief moment, and then sat down quietly to think about him some more. “Who the hell are all these princesses?” slurred a horrible, scratching, liquorsteeped voice. Startled, all turned and jumped back at the sight of one who slipped into their company unseen, even as her odor preceded. Beth screamed, Mary turned and gasped. Never had she spied so horrible a downtrodden creature: her clothes torn, hair mussed, tattoos scaling her visible skin, her face stretched in a yawning insipid grin. “Get away Henny, you filthy Jhore!”

cried Sweet Jesus, stepping in front and pulling his revolver. “Jesus” exclaimed Mary, “You are being very rude!” For Mary of course knew instinctively, in her wisdom and unfailing Christianity, that all of God’s living creatures should be treated with politeness no matter how vile. “Oh no Mees Mary, you don’t understand, she likes it!” “She does?” asked Beth, puzzled. “Oh jes, you should try eet” Beth turned to the woman. “Get away you stupid whore. The stink-

“This is Marlowe,” he said indicating the scruffy man. “He’s in the freak show.” “Ohhhhhh, what have we here!” said Marlowe, ignoring Jesus. “What beautiful ladies!” he leered at the fair pair. “You stay away from them, they are not for jou!” scowled Jesus. A perfect statue of ice and marble, Mary took the measure of the stranger, and turned as if fascinated by the sunset, effectively cutting the newly arrived man dead. Dear Beth was not so wise, she broke her revere and stood in shock, round eyed in wonder of yet another handsome, if somewhat oddly shaped arrival.

ing bowls of your vapid Odor disgust more than a rotting, water slogged goat corpse,” she said earnestly as the wretched creature fell to her knees in obvious delight. “See Mees? Like your sister, Miss Henny is one who is pleased to be treated like a peeg, eet is not polite to do otherwise.” “Oh, I see” said Mary, watching the creature with new enlightenment. She decided to give it a try. “Shut your stupid mewling mouth, you pernicious slut,” she called out in soft wonder as, upon these words, the woman rolled over on her back writhing in pleasure. “Oh God, YES!” howled the woman, renting her garments into shreds on the ground, “You are the King! More! More!” “Very odd indeed” spake Mary Sue. “What is she doing?” she asked, smoothing the perfectly golden strands of her beautiful tresses as she composed her next address. “That is my whore!” cried yet another interloper, this time a man bursting onto the scene from behind, startling the crowd. “Only I am allowed to say who speaks to her.” “Hello Marlowe,” said Jesus, rolling his eyes.

“You are so very beautiful young one,” he said, taking his advantage to Beth. She looked up at him as he smoothed a stay strand of hair behind her ear. “Come away with me, and I will treat you horribly.” “That sounds so... fascinating!” she exclaimed with an odd light in her eyes. “You are just the most amazing man I’ve ever met, so cruel and yet so wonderful I-I-I ...” She stuttered at him biting her lip and fluttering her eyelashes. “I love you!” “NO, Mees Beth, NO!” shouted Jesus grabbing her arm, “Get away from jer you evil Marlowe! “ “But I love him,” screamed Beth, “Please Marlowe, say something cruel and cutting to me?” Turning his back on Sweet Jesus. Marlowe stepped over Henny on the ground, absently mashing her hand into a rock. Taking her fragile trembling hands in his, he whispered in a voice full of emotion; “Dearest Beth, you are such a ridiculous and stupid slut, you are not good enough

to ride my horse backwards, say you are mine and I will tie a rope around your neck and drag you to Denver,” he said, his eyes tearing up with love. Jumping to action Jesus kicked Henny out of the way, her thin voice trilling a range of pleased yips and yipes as she rolled downhill over rocks and twigs, striking her head on a stump and fluttering blissfully into unconsciousness. “You grab her arms, I’ll get her legs!” he urged Mary Sue as they bodily heaved dear Beth away from her object of affection and into the circus wagon before her love could strike her affectionately with the butt of his pistol. Her sister safely captured, Mary Sue paused a fraction of a second, clasped her hand to her breast and let out a single sob. Grieving a moment at how close she had come to being left utterly alone, pitifully defenceless in wide open country threatened by Indians and circus folk. Ohhhh, the cruelty of her fate, that forced as she was already to face the loss of her love, she must now witness the degradation of little Nell, abandonment by Beth and the possible death by phlegm of poor sick Helen back home. It was not to be borne! “We must hurry, Mees Mary Sue” called out sweet Jesus slapping the Ox awake, “You are right. We must find her a husband before it eez too late!” With the slap of the reigns, the prim-evil Ox listed his massive head, placed his foot before him, and dragged the rusted wagon forward by an inch. “NOOOOO” Beth cried out in angst, seeing that in time her love was likely to disappear over the horizon, eventually, as the ox bore them west. “Noooooo!” screamed Marlowe, dropping to his knees in anguish as the relentless if slow progress of the bovine took her yet another step before pausing to chew on a stalk of grass. “Don’t worry Mees Mary, I will look after jou like a brother.“ comforted Jesus. Miss Mary Sue looked around, and seeing no one but her sister, the Ox, and the man who every minute disappeared at least six inches into the distance. She clasped Sweet Jesus’s arm, looked out on the open prairie and wondered what further adventures fate had in store.

To be continued... 7

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