Dead Space Walkthrough

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 92,254
  • Pages: 232
____________________________________ B E R S E R K E R P R E S E N T S: \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------. . . * . . . . ______ _______ _ ____ * . * | ___ \ | _____| /\ | `___ \ . . . | |. | | | |___ . / \ | | | | . . | , | | | ___| / /\ \ | | | | . . | |___| | | |______ ,_/ ____ \ | |___| | * . |______/ |________| |__| \_\ |______/ . . ______ ______ . ______ . ________ . . . / _____| | ___ \ /\ / ____ \ | ______\ * . | (____ | |___) | / \ | | |_| | |___ . * \____ \ | ____/ / /\ \ | | _ | ___| . _____) | | | / ___ \ | |____| | | |_____ . . |______/ |_| . /__| \_\ \______/ |_______| . * . . . . . . . (Covers PS3 and Xbox 360 releases) . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------DEAD SPACE . . FAQ/WALKTHROUGH . * . * . PLAYSTATION 3 . . . . XBOX 360 . . . . STARTED: 10/20/08 . * . RELEASED: 11/07/08 . . . . . UPDATED: 12/24/08 . . . VERSION: 1.3 . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|| || || || Authored by: Berserker || || Homepage: || || || || This document Copyright 2008 Kevin Hall (Berserker) || || Dead Space Copyright 2008 Electronic Arts Inc. || || || ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= An HTML version of this guide with pics may be found at --> <-==================== - T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S - ====================== ___ |_ | | | ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ | | |______| |______| |______| |______| |______| INTRODUCTION | | [IN00] |_| _______ |_____ | _____| | | _____|

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- Chapter 01

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WT01]

- Chapter 02

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WT02]

- Chapter 03

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WT03]

- Chapter 04

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WT04]

- Chapter 05

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WT05]

- Chapter 06

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WT06]

- Chapter 07

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WT07]

- Chapter 08

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WT08]

- Chapter 09

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WT09]

- Chapter 10

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WT10]

- Chapter 11

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WT11]

- Chapter 12

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [WT12]

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- Database Files

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [LI01]

- Power Node Locations

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [LI02]

- Schematic Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [LI03] - Power Node Room Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [LI04] - Spider Item Box Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [LI05] - Extras

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [LI06]

- Text File Transcripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [LI07] - Impossible Mode Tips _______

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [LI08]

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=============================================================================== [IN00] =============================================================================== ___ _ |_ _| _ __ | |_ _ __ ___ | | | '_ \ | __|| '__|/ _ \ | | | | | || |_ | | | (_) | |___||_| |_| \__||_| \___/ I N T R O D U C T I O N =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Welcome to my Dead Space guide, fellow horror fan. - Berserker =============================================================================== The crew aboard the Kellion shuttle has just been dispatched to investigate a blackout and lack of communication aboard the USG Ishimura. After making a crash landing on the ship due to a guidance tether malfunction aboard the Ishimura, the crew, along with engineer Isaac Clarke, set out to investigate the vessel and seek repair for their damaged shuttle. What they find aboard the shuttle places them in a fight for survival against hordes of alien creatures known as "necromorphs". Before long, the crew becomes stranded aboard the USG Ishimura. - -

There's no help coming.

- -

With an incredibly creepy atmosphere and RE4-style gameplay, EA has graced horror fans with a fantastic horror experience set in space. Dead Space emphasizes the removal of limbs through "strategic dismemberment" in order to defeat an enemy. Going directly for an enemy's head won't exactly finish it this time because it may continue to slash violently toward your direction. Dead Space wants you to completely strip your enemies down to the torso in order to finish them. If you've read any of the my survival horror guides then you'll know that horror is my favorite genre in gaming and therefore it will receive as detailed of a coverage as I can deliver. In this guide, the basics section provides information that one will need to survive this nightmare, the walkthrough contains a full detailed guide that will take you through each room in the game and point out every item therein, and the list section provides a list of important collectibles found throughout the game along with a few of the game's unlockables. There's have to someone see our

most likely no help coming for Mr. Isaac Clarke and his team, so we'll grab the nearest plasma cutter and slaughter some alien lifeforms until notices us. Like bread crumbs to a destination, surely someone will fine trail of limbs out in space... - -

Tear them apart!

- -

SPECIAL NOTE: Throughout this guide, whenever I list a button tap, I will

always have one button in parentheses. The button outside the parentheses refers to the PS3 button command while the button in parentheses refers to the Xbox 360 command. Tap X (or A) ^ PS3

^ Xbox 360

DEAD SPACE WALLPAPERS: The following url has some links to a few Dead Space wallpapers that I have found around the net if you're interested. ONE MORE THING: Be sure to check out the other Dead Space guides on GameFAQs for some extra strategies. I personally recommend looking at Deuce ex Defcon's guide: [BS00] =============================================================================== ____ _ | __ ) __ _ ___ (_) ___ ___ | _ \ / _` |/ __|| | / __|/ __| | |_) || (_| |\__ \| || (__ \__ \ |____/ \__,_||___/|_| \___||___/ B A S I C S =============================================================================== ====================== Default Control Setups ====================== PS3 --[] /\ O X R1 L1 R2 L2 L3 R3 Start Select Left Analog Right Analog D-pad up D-pad down D-pad right D-pad left


Use med pack/Use stasis while aiming Pull up inventory/Zero-G jump while aiming in zero gravity Use kinesis while aiming Reload weapon while aiming/Interact/Shake off Melee punch attack/Primary fire gun attack while holding L1 Aim firearm Stomp attack/Secondary fire gun attack while holding L1 Hold to run while moving N/A Objective finder Pause menu Pull up map Move character Move camera (while standing still)/Turn Isaac (while moving) Cycle through menus Cycle through menus Cycle through menus Cycle through menus

* D-pad = Directional Pad, L3 = Push in on left analog, R3 = Push in on right analog

Xbox 360 -------X Y B A RB LB RT LT LS RS Start Back Left Stick Right Stick D-pad up D-pad down D-pad right D-pad left


Use med pack/Use stasis while aiming Pull up inventory/Zero-G jump while aiming in zero gravity Use kinesis while aiming Reload weapon while aiming/Interact/Shake off Stomp attack/Secondary fire gun attack while holding LT Hold to run while moving Melee fist attack/Primary fire gun attack while holding LT Aim firearm N/A Objective finder Pause menu Pull up map Move character Move camera (while standing still)/Turn Isaac (while moving) Cycle through menus Cycle through menus Cycle through menus Cycle through menus

* D-pad = Directional Pad, LS = Push in on left stick, RS = Push in on right stick =============================== Information about Special Armor =============================== If you have a broadband connection and a PlayStation Network account or Xbox LIVE account, a special armor for each console may be downloaded for free (for now) from the PlayStation store and Xbox LIVE marketplace. These provide upgraded armor and a total of 25 inventory slots. There are also a few other armors and weapons skins that are available for purchase through both stores. =============== Saving the Game =============== The game may be saved at Save Stations found on the walls of the ship throughout the game. Find rectangular metal boxes on the wall that sticks out a bit from the rest of the wall and have a white holographic image in front of them. Be sure to keep about two or three separate save files. ======= Running ======= Hold down L2 (or LT) while moving to run. Isaac can run in ANY direction, whether that is forward, sidestepping to either side or moving backward. One should ALWAYS keep in mind that Isaac can actually dash while moving backward since this is not all that common in a third person action game. This kind of technique might just save your throat one day, along with your leg, arm, and many other vital appendages that you surely don't want to lose. ====== Stores

====== Stores look much like an ATM machine with a blue screen on them marked "Store". Various items may be bought from a Store including weapons and other materials. Some items require Schematics in order to make them available for purchase. Isaac can access his full inventory while at the Store and place it into the Store's safe. The safe allows him to place an infinite number of items for safekeeping and these items may be retrieved at any time from any Store safe. ---------Schematics ---------Schematics may be collected throughout the various areas of the game and they are automatically used upon your next arrival at a Store. Until then, they remain in your inventory filling one slot of inventory space. For a certain price, they will provide Isaac with whatever item is listed on the Schematic. Most weapons, items and all ammo are unlockable only through a schematic. -------------Semiconductors -------------Any semiconductor items found in the game (Gold, Ruby, etc) can be sold to a Store for a certain amount of credits. Being sold to a Store is the only purpose that these items have, so be sure to sell them once they have been collected, otherwise they simply take up valuable inventory space. =============== Upgrade Benches =============== Upgrade Benches are basically workstations (with "Bench" marked below them) that will fold out upon interacting with them. Through the use of Power Nodes, Isaac's current gear stats for weapons, abilities and his RIG (suit) can be upgraded. The display for each gear lists several small circles (slots) - some consisting of colors while others are blank. Power Nodes placed in colored slots will give the corresponding equipment whatever upgrade is listed. Blank slots will not give any sort of upgrade. In order to place a Power Node into a slot, it must connect to a slot where a Power Node already lies, which means that you will have to place Power Nodes into blank slots in order to place another Power Node in an upgrade slot at times. ----------Power Nodes ----------Power Nodes are sometimes found around the various areas of the game, usually lying in blue containers and they may also be bought from a Store for a total of 10,000 credits each. Power Nodes allow Isaac to upgrade his gear at an Upgrade Bench. ===================== Vacuums (Hull Breach) ===================== Vacuums are parts of the ship that are free of air. Either a portion of the ship has been breached and left uncontained, the area is simply outside of the

ship or all the air has been sucked out of the area through other means. Whenever Isaac enters a vacuum area, he must breathe through an oxygen tank. The tank's oxygen amount will appear on the back of his suit whenever he steps into a vacuum. Isaac already comes equipped with an oxygen tank from the beginning of the game. Get through the vacuum area quickly to avoid running out of oxygen. Isaac will begin to take shorter breaths as his oxygen supply runs out and the gauge on the back of his suit will turn red to warn you of his impending fate. Exiting a vacuum and reentering to an area with air will fully replenish Isaac's oxygen level. Air can items and oxygen recharger stations can also be used to refill Isaac's oxygen gauge. If all of Isaac's oxygen runs out then he is automatically killed. Isaac's oxygen tank may be upgraded by placing Power Nodes on his RIG to upgrade his "Air" attribute on the suit. Vacuums are basically silent except for really loud impacts. Isaac's weapon and the slight thump of footsteps are about all that can be heard in a vacuum. Enemies sometimes roam vacuum areas and they can easily get the drop on Isaac thanks to the near complete silence, so always be aware of your surroundings while in these airless portions of the ship. Vacuums are sometimes free of gravity (zero gravity). ============ Zero Gravity ============ Zero gravity rooms are completely free of gravity and Isaac is free to move just about anywhere while in these type of rooms. Zero gravity rooms usually contain oxygen but they are sometimes in airless (a vacuum). Isaac's magnetic boots will automatically turn on in these rooms to keep him attached to the floor. Objects that are not attached to the floor will float in mid-air - even enemies. Enemies can attack from a variety of directions while a room is in zero gravity. Isaac can walk on walls and ceilings while in zero gravity rooms. Aim with L1 (or LT) then target an area and press the /\ (or Y) button to make Isaac jump to the targeted area. If Isaac cannot jump to an area then the ammo display on the currently equipped weapon will flash red. ========= Abilities ========= -----Stasis -----Once the Stasis module has been obtained in Chapter 1, it can be used by holding down L1 (or LT) then tapping [] (or X). Stasis will slow down any object that it hits dramatically. It can be shot at enemies to slow them down to a crawl and leave them wide open to an attack making precision aiming extremely easy. Stasis can also be used against certain objects to slow them down in order to accomplish a certain objective or stasis can be used to simply move by a hazardous object. Isaac's stasis energy is showcased in the half circle on the right portion of his back. The light blue color that appears in the half circle is the remaining amount of stasis energy. The energy will turn red when stasis

energy is extremely low. Recharge stasis by using stasis packs or by interacting with stasis recharger stations found around the ship. Upgrade stasis at Upgrade benches to lower the amount of energy that is used and also prolong its effect. ------Kinesis ------Once the kinesis module has been obtained at the beginning of Chapter 2, hold the L1 (or LT) button then tap the O (or B) button to make Isaac shoot a transparent energy beam forward to grapple an object. Many inanimate objects such as crates, fan blades, explosive canisters and other types of environmental objects can be grappled. Press the R1 (or RT) button while holding an object to shoot the object forward. At any time, an object can be dropped by letting go of the L1 (or LT) button. When an object lies in Isaac's path, Isaac may have the option of moving it with kinesis. Kinesis can be used to pick up dead enemies and dead enemy appendages as well. Kinesis can also be used to bring items to Isaac. Some items can only be obtained through the use of kinesis. Target far away objects and shoot them with kinesis then press X (or A) to collect them. Kinesis really shines in zero gravity areas since just about any object on the screen is weightless allowing Isaac to grapple bigger than normal objects. All objects tossed with kinesis can damage enemies. Some objects such as fan blades or saws can cut appendages off an enemy when shot toward them. Upgrade kinesis at an Upgrade Bench to increase the distance that an object can be grappled from. -------------------------Zero-G (Zero Gravity) Jump -------------------------Isaac's gravity boots will automatically magnetize him to floors in zero gravity rooms, and he can jump to a different section of a zero gravity room by holding the L1 (or LT) button then tapping the /\ (or Y) button. Isaac can jump to walls and ceilings while in an area with zero gravity by using this zero-g jump. If an area cannot be jumped to, Isaac's ammo display on his gun will flash red. Isaac begins the game with his gravity boots but they are only magnetized when he enters a zero gravity area. ======= Weapons ======= ------------Plasma Cutter -------------- Primary Fire: Accurate, long rang energy blast A single straight line of energy is fired either vertically or horizontally depending on how the front portion of the gun is set through secondary fire. -- Secondary Fire: Blade orientation changes 90 degrees, either vertical or horizontal (default is always vertical)

The front of the guns swivels between vertical and horizontal angles. default placement is always vertical.


Ammo per pickup: 6 Ammo per inventory slot: 25 Strengths + Accurate, especially with the rotation of the front portion through secondary fire, which can help for aiming at different types of appendages on enemies + Precise aiming can cut off appendages from average enemies easily + Good long range or short range weapon + Ammo is usually common Weaknesses - Requires precision to be useful against stronger enemies -------Line Gun --------- Primary Fire: Wide, powerful, long range energy blast A wide horizontal energy blast is fired. This can easily go through multiple objects, enemies, appendages and dead bodies. -- Secondary Fire: Timed Mine, radial damage An energy mine is shot toward the targeted area. seconds damaging all objects around it.

The mine explodes after a few

Ammo per pickup: 2 Ammo per inventory slot: 6 Strengths + Intense cutting damage from primary fire can cut through multiple appendages at once + Cripples enemies quickly when aimed at lower appendages Weaknesses - Cannot hold much ammo at once - Secondary fire takes quite a while to take effect ----------Pulse Rifle ------------ Primary Fire: Rapid-fire, long-range, accurate energy blast A rapid fire blast is shot toward the targeted area. Hold the button for rapid fire. A quick tap o the button will always fire two shots. -- Secondary Fire: Overhead 360-degree sweep (hold the button for maximum effect) Isaac raises the gun up above his head as the front portion slides down and rotates then sweeps the whole 360 degree area around him with rapid fire. This weapon only fires toward objects that are across from Isaac and not below or

above him. Ammo per pickup: 25 Ammo per inventory slot: 100 Strengths + Primary fire rapid fire + Accurate + Long range Weaknesses - Minimal damage per shot - Eats up ammo fast (especially secondary fire) -----------Flamethrower ------------- Primary Fire: Narrow cone, short range fire damage The Flamethrower spews forth a short distance flame that can set an object or enemy on fire. -- Secondary Fire: Napalm ballistic projectile with radial damage over time The Flamethrower shoots a long distance burst of flames that can set an object or enemy on fire. Ammo per pickup: 25 Ammo per inventory slot: 150 Strengths + Burning damage follows either type of fire for a few seconds + Long range secondary fire Weaknesses - Primary fire eats through ammo extremely quick - Does not work in vacuums -----Ripper ------- Primary Fire: Medium-range, remote-controlled circular saw-blade A circular blade is shot out of the gun and remains suspended to an energy extension on the gun allowing Isaac to sweep the blade around the area in front of him. Aim for enemy appendages for the best results. -- Secondary Fire: Single, straight shot with circular saw-blade A circular blade is fired directly toward the targeted area. Ammo per pickup: 4 Ammo per inventory slot: 15 Strengths + Intense cutting damage against targeted area of an enemy

+ Ammo is not used up very quickly with primary fire and the primary fire has the ability to take down an enemy per shot + While fully upgraded, this can be a truly devastating weapon when primary fire is used Weakness - Primary fire does not stagger an enemy all the time - Secondary fire requires precision aiming to be useful -----------Contact Beam ------------- Primary Fire: Very powerful build-up, single-shot energy blast The Contact Beam gathers energy while Isaac charges the gun and then it lets loose a beam blast that can penetrate multiple enemies. -- Secondary Fire: Short-range, 360-degress energy blast from feet Isaac places the front end of the Contact Beam on the floor and the gun emits a blast that spreads like a shockwave in a circular pattern around him. Ammo per pickup: 1 Ammo per inventory slot: 4 Strengths: + Major damage from charged primary fire + Knock-back effect that is more guaranteed than Force Gun knock-back + Can kill multiple enemies with one hit + Secondary fire can knock down surrounding groups of enemies Weaknesses - Slightly long wait for each charge with primary fire - Ammo tends to crowd inventory space since only 4 units can occupy one block --------Force Gun ---------- Primary Fire: Wide cone, short-range, high-knockback/damage force blast. The Force Gun sends out a blast of force energy that takes off quite a bit of damage from up close and is capable of knocking down a foe and removing multiple appendages with one shot. The wide shot allows it to shoot multiple enemies while they are close. Don't always rely on the knockback effect of this weapon. Against very strong enemies such as Dark Slashers, the force blast will not always knock them down. -- Secondary Fire: Timed/proximity grenade, radial force blast The Force Gun fires out a force grenade that explodes upon contact or falls to the ground and detonates within a few seconds. This works well for a group of enemies or distant enemies. Keep in mind that the force blast from the grenade can hit Isaac if he is too close when the grenade goes off. Ammo per pickup: 3 Ammo per inventory slot: 15

Strengths + Heavy damage from close range + Spread damage with both types of fire + Knock-back effect Weaknesses - Short primary fire range - Slight pause in between shots and long reload from beginning - Knock-back is not always guaranteed against strong enemies ================ Necromorph Types ================ This portion of the basics section provides an overview of each necromorph along with methods to finish them easily. Focusing all fire on an appendage and then cutting off the targeted appendage always does more damage rather than simply shooting a necromorph in its body. ------Slasher ------The most humanlike of the necromorphs, the Slasher is a mutation of a human that has recently been infected. These necromorphs start out simple enough in their attacks, literally standing back and allowing one to shoot them but later in the game they become increasingly violent and there are some that will actually spit acid and dash forward to attack. A later form has a darker look and a much tougher overall skin layer. Some of the them will start out crawling along the ground with no legs. The Slasher is the most common of all necromorphs. -- Main Appendages Head Left Arm Right Arm Left Leg Right Leg -- Recommended Weapon Plasma Cutter - Aim for each appendage and shoot the appendage until it flies off. It is best to aim for the legs first. Line Gun - Aim for the legs and fire to make the Slasher fall. Aim for its head and fire to possibly cut off its head and both arms. This gun works extremely well for multiple Slashers and Dark Slashers. With good aiming, you can also aim directly upwards toward their neck and shoot them to cut off their head and both arms. Pulse Rifle - Fire rapidly at each appendage until it falls off. The Pulse Rifle is good for spamming multiple Slashers with damage in an effort to keep them at bay. Really any weapon can work well against these enemies, but as they get tougher later in the game, the Line Gun and Plasma Cutter become much more important

for crippling them. -----Lurker -----Lurkers are infants that have been infected. They are quite agile and can move along walls and ceilings. They usually dash throughout an area until they suddenly stop and allow their three tentacle-like appendages to rise out of their back, which signals that they are about to perform some type of attack. Their tentacle appendages are their main three appendages so wait for them to attack and then shoot off each tentacle appendage to damage them greatly. Their main form of attack is to shoot a projectile from each appendage while they are at a distance but whenever they stick out their tentacles to attack from up close then they will try to grab Isaac. Mash the X (or A) button to break free from this grapple and Isaac will throw the Lurker to the floor and kick it, killing it instantly. Lurkers have a dark form later in the game that has a much greater defense, much like Dark Slashers. The same methods still apply for defeating them however. -- Main Appendages A Lurker's Appendages are showcased right before it performs its projectile attack. Three appendages protrude from its back. Left Tentacle Middle Tentacle Right Tentacle -- Recommended Weapons Flamethrower - Fire a flame burst secondary fire blast at a Lurker whenever it stops to attack and allow the shot to burn it and its appendages. Lurkers usually fall really fast to flames. The burning damage of the flames will make them stagger in place until the flame starts to die down, so simply shoot it with another flame burst before the first extinguishes - don't shoot too quickly though. Plasma Cutter - Wait for it to showcase its appendages then shoot off each appendage until it is defeated. Line Gun - Wait for it to showcase its appendages and aim for the middle appendages while trying to keep one of the side appendages in the line of fire then blast it to knock off more than one appendage - sometimes all three. Force Gun - Wait for it to showcase its appendages then get close and blast it. The Force Gun is capable of blasting off all three appendages at once. The grenade secondary fire can usually knock off all appendages at once if timed correctly. ------Stinger ------Besides their wide-open mouths with long teeth and tail on their back end,

Stingers look much like fallen Slashers that have lost their legs but they have a much different setup for attack. They remain on their on the ground most of the time and they attack with their hands and back stinger tail. Their stinger is mainly used for close attacks, watch for them to lean their stinger tail back. They can also perform a long-range jump and can use their arms to run really fast toward a destination. These enemies are capable of latching onto walls with their hands. Much like the Lurker and Slasher, Stingers also have a dark form with much greater armor. -- Main Appendages Head Left Arm Right Arm Stinger Tail -- Recommended Weapons Line Gun - Since these enemies are already crawling, one Line Gun shot aimed at their head will most likely cut off their head and both arms with one shot, killing them. Plasma Cutter - Shoot off its head then both arms. Stasis + Isaac's Boot - Shoot one with stasis while it is on the ground then run up and stomp its head and arms off. This works very well when one is by itself. ----Brute ----Brutes are the biggest and toughest type of normal necromorphs that Isaac will face. They have a tough armor on their front portion but their back portion is not covered with armor, making them vulnerable from behind. They attack from long range by running straight toward Isaac to punch him; this punch is very hard to sidestep if stasis is not used. Even with stasis, the punch can sometimes hit if you're not quick enough to react. Brutes attack from close range with short range punches. When they are at mid-distance, and more often, when a leg is wounded, the Brute will fire out an acid pod. The acid pod can be grappled with kinesis and shot back at the Brute. Brutes can be damaged from their front side as well as their backside. Damage from the front side or back side will eventually make them lean over. At that point, Isaac is free to attack the Brute from its exposed backside and put some serious hurt on the creature. -- Main Appendages Left Arm Right Arm Left Leg Right Leg -- Recommended Weapons Contact Beam - Get in the back of it and shoot it with a few charged shots from this weapon to damage it badly. As usual, aim for the appendages.

Flamethrower - Flame it from the back with the primary fire. This weapon takes it down really fast if you have enough ammo to keep it active for a while. It takes about a whole ammo gauge. Line Gun - Get in the back of it and aim for its appendages then shoot them with the primary fire. This weapon will cut off its legs and other appendages within a few shots. -------Infector -------And here you thought that stomping on random dead bodies made you some kind of evil person or something. Well, there is actually a reason to mutilate dead corpses other than watching Isaac's pleasing stomping animation. You see, Infectors can jump on any nearby dead body that is not mutilated and infect the body to turn into a Dark Slasher. Infectors have the appearance of a large bat-type creature. They hop to move and infect their prey from their bottom side. These enemies only have one appendage - their infecting tongue. Hitting this appendage is much easier said than done so it is best to simply blast them anywhere when fighting one. To actually hit the appendage on them, you have to wait until they are infecting a host (a dead body) then shoot their infecting appendage. Whenever these enemies jump on Isaac, mash the X (or A) button to make Isaac hammer away at them with punches and grab them then tear off their infecting appendage to kill them instantly. To keep Infectors from infecting a dead body, Isaac must completely mutilate a dead body before an Infector can use it as a host. Most appendages must be removed by tearing the body apart (with stomps). An Infector can actually infect a headless body; so don't stop at just removing the head. -- Main Appendages Infecting Tongue -- Recommended Weapon Force Gun - Simply wait for an Infector to try to infect a body then shoot it with a primary fire blast from this and it will take some major damage since its appendages is out in the open. Sometimes this can be a one shot kill. Plasma Cutter, Pulse Rifle - Just about any weapon will work fine on these enemies while they move about normally but the Plasma Cutter and Pulse Rifle have better accuracy for catching these quick enemies. -----Spider -----Spiders always attack in groups. They are small bug-like necromorphs that jump on their prey and bite. Tap the X (or A) button in order to shake them off. Be forewarned that they can damage Isaac quite a bit whenever an entire group attaches to him. It is best to defeat these enemies with a gun that has a rapid fire or wide shot in order to take down an entire group.

-- Main Appendages N/A -- Recommended Weapons Pulse Rifle - This is the better weapon to use against a group of Spiders early in the game since it fires rapidly enough to finish off an entire group. Contact Beam - Use the Contact Beam's secondary fire near a group and the energy shockwave will most likely defeat the whole group. Force Gun - Shoot a whole group from a distance with one force grenade and the grenade will likely finish all of them. The primary fire shot from the Force Gun is another good option for when Isaac is close to a group of Spiders. -------Pregnant -------Pregnants might as well have a "Hit me here, lol" sign on their stomach since the stomach is the most obvious place to hit one at first, but it is also the most dangerous. Hitting their stomach one single time will result in it busting open to reveal a smaller enemy such as Spiders, Crawlers or Lurkers. The smaller necromorphs will only make the battle with the Pregnant that much harder since the Pregnant will most likely survive the stomach burst and still be ready to fight. Try to aim for a Pregnant's top head and arms. While other enemies are around it may pay you to shoot off a leg to cripple it so it won't charge toward you. Shooting off a leg has its disadvantages when fighting a Pregnant however, since it is much easier to accidentally shoot its stomach while aiming for its remaining front appendages while it is in its grounded state. -- Main Appendages Head Left Arm Right Arm Left Leg Right Leg -- Recommended Weapons Ripper - Aim for the head area and saw off their head and arms. Plasma Cutter - Shoot their head then both arms. Pulse Rifle - Shoot their head then both arms. Contact Beam - This can do some extreme damage to a Pregnant with its primary fire, sometimes killing it with one hit. The secondary fire works very well at defeating a whole group of its stomach Spiders all at once also. Force Gun - Use either type of fire with this gun to defeat Spiders that might spawn from its stomach. Aiming directly up for a Pregnant's top appendages can sometimes do some major damage without destroying the stomach when primary fire is used. Aiming upwards with the force gun can be a good option when fighting

multiple Pregnants. ------Crawler ------Crawlers are basically dead human heads with small tentacle-like appendages that helps them to move about. They are mainly fought once a Divider has separated, but they are sometimes found in groups inside various areas of the ship. They can move very quickly and basically only stop before they try to jump at their prey and latch on. It is best to use a gun with a wide spread attack in order to shoot a whole group of them and make sure that you hit one that keeps scampering away. -- Main Appendages N/A (they are basically walking appendages) -- Recommended Weapons Force Gun - Use the primary fire to shoot a whole group of them. The wide primary fire is sometimes good for single crawlers as well since trying to shoot them precisely with other weapons is hard at times. Plasma Cutter, Pulse Rifle, Flamethrower - You'll need to use precise aiming with the Plasma Cutter and Pulse Rifle but the Flamethrower's primary fire is good for hitting a Crawler from up close. Allow it to burn once it has been ignited then get ready to flame it again if it survives. -------Exploder -------Exploders walk toward a foe with the most obvious of any weak point displayed on their left arm. These enemies are ready to die but they want to take Mr. Clarke with them or at least make a definite impact as they slap him with their glowing appendage and die in a sort of "kthxbai" kind of way. While they are close, they will slap you with their explosive arm to damage Isaac greatly with their exploding blast. Fighting these enemies in groups can be both a blessing and a curse. Hit their explosive arm while they are near a group of enemies to defeat the whole group or at least damage them badly. These enemies can easily get the drop on you while a group is present however. Make sure that you listen for their screams while fighting other enemies. Their left explosive arm can actually be cut off if you hit the top portion without blasting the yellow explosive portion of the arm. Once the explosive arm falls off, it can be grappled with kinesis and tossed at an enemy much like a red explosive canister. -- Main Appendages Head Left Explosive Arm Right Arm Right Leg

-- Recommended Weapons Plasma Cutter - Aim for the explosive arm. off to stun them if they get too close.

Shoot the right arm and right leg

Pulse Rifle - Aim for the explosive arm. ------Spawner ------Spawners are a type of necromorph that attach themselves to walls while encased inside an outer layer of body tissue. Slender tentacles emerge from their stomach and attach to the wall around them to hold themselves in place while they shoot pods from their stomach in order to overwhelm their prey. The pods that they shoot land on the ground and a tentacle emerges from the center portion of the pod then attacks by shooting acid balls. These pods may also explode while in close contact to a foe. It is best to keep your distance from a Spawner as much as possible since they have an instant kill decapitation move from short to mid-range. Shooting them with a weapon that will spread across their body and damage their many tentacles is the best method of disposal. Using kinesis to grapple and launch a red explosive canister at them is the absolute best way to dispose of these enemies quickly. Shooting a Spawner with stasis will stop it from spreading tons of pods but this will NOT stop its decapitation attack - get close to it while it is under the effect of stasis and it will still decapitate Isaac very quickly. A Spawner's pods can be defeated by cutting off the tentacle that protrudes from the pod. Any type of cutting weapon or gun that does not spread works well for finishing off a pod. -- Recommended Weapons Line Gun- Shoot the Spawner with stasis after its tentacles move out of its stomach then fire a mine at it. The mine should be enough to immediately finish it on just about any mode, even Impossible at times. Force Gun - Fire at a Spawner with the Force Gun's secondary fire force grenade and this will hit all of its tentacle appendages at once. Usually a few of these must be used to defeat one but every now and then one well-placed force grenade is enough to finish them off for good. Make sure to aim toward both sides; don't just aim toward the middle all the time. Pulse Rifle/Plasma Cutter - Either of these weapons are a good choice for hitting a few appendages at one time if you don't have access to either of the guns above. -----------Tentacle Pod -----------Tentacle Pods are usually thrown out from Spawners although there is one room in the game where they are simply lying around without a Spawner. These globs of organic tissue lie on the floor then a tentacle sprouts up from the middle of the pod and fires projectiles. If Isaac steps too close to a pod then it

will explode and damage him. Wait for a pod to showcase its tentacle then cut off the tentacle to defeat the pod. A pod's dying explosion animation will not damage Isaac. -- Main Appendages Tentacle -- Recommended Weapons Plasma Cutter - Wait for the pod's tentacle to move upward then shoot the tentacle in the middle and this will usually finish it within one shot or two. Ripper - It might be considered overkill, but the Ripper's primary fire will slice through a tentacle like a hot knife through butter. ------Divider ------A Divider is a group of several Crawlers that have bonded together into a human-like form. These enemies move toward Isaac incredibly fast when they catch sight of him. A Divider will fall and split apart into Crawlers the moment that one of its appendages has been shot off. It's best to hit them with stasis and shoot off a leg then take out the Force Gun and blast the many Crawlers that a Divider splits into when it separates. Each appendage of theirs will turn into a Crawler once they fall to the ground after having one appendage removed. After shooting a Divider with stasis, if you're stasis is leveled up enough, you can actually aim at each individual appendage with the Plasma Cutter and shoot it off then shoot and kill the Crawler as it separates. This is very interesting to try and makes for a nice little crowd pleaser when your friends are over. This can be done with any weapon really. Keep in mind that the Divider remains whole until the body hits the ground. -- Main Appendages: Head Left Arm Right Arm Left Leg Right Leg -- Recommended Weapons Line Gun, Plasma Cutter - Shoot it with stasis then aim for a leg and cut the leg off of a Divider and it will split into Crawlers instantly once the leg is gone. Contact Beam - These are not always the best option for a Divider, but the Contact Beam is the only weapon that is guaranteed to knock a Divider down from a distance, which can help for when one of them is charging at Isaac. Force Gun - Whenever a Divider splits into Crawlers, quickly switch to the Force Gun and blast all of the Crawlers at one time to finish them all off with little effort.

-------------Stasis Slasher -------------Stasis Slashers show up much later in the game. They are soldiers that were previously aboard the USM Valor that have now been infected. Their stasis modules have combined with their bodies, which gives them heavily increased speed compared to that of a normal Slasher. It is almost as if they teleport at times with how quickly they can move. They still have all the basic appendages much like a normal Slasher but cutting off a leg will not render them as helpless as one might think since they are still so incredibly fast in their wounded state. It is best to hit these enemies with stasis then slowly tear them apart limb by limb while they remain still. The Force Gun is the absolute best weapon to use if you want to take these enemies on without stasis since they always rush up close to Isaac, to which Isaac can have a Force Gun blast waiting to greet them. -- Main Appendages Head Left Arm Right Arm Left Leg Right Leg -- Recommended Weapons Force Gun - The Force Gun can really tear these enemies apart especially when they dart toward Isaac. You don't even need to use stasis when using a Force Gun. Just aim upwards and wait for the Stasis Slasher to attack then shoot. About three close range shots will defeat it. Sometimes one blast from the Force Gun will kill it with one shot. The best part about using a Force Gun is that you do not have to hit a Stasis Slasher with stasis in order for it to hit him well. Line Gun - Once a Stasis Slasher has been hit with stasis, it is completely open to a blast from this weapon, which can quickly cut off either the top or bottom appendages. Ripper - I'd only recommend using this when the Ripper is at full power, but it really can do some damage to these enemies if you aim for the legs then continue to saw away at their remaining appendages while they are grounded. -------Tentacle -------Tentacles appear in one of two ways. Throughout the majority of the game, they will suddenly appear and then grab Isaac's leg and pull him toward a hole. If they manage to pull Isaac into the hole then he will automatically die. Later in the game, they will appear from the bottom of pits. The tentacles that appear from the pits attack with a ground smash whenever Isaac steps near them. In both cases, they can be defeated by shooting the glowing middle portion of the tentacle with any type of weapon. The Pulse Rifle works the best for both types of Tentacles but the Plasma Cutter isn't too bad either. Standing Tentacles that don't grab Isaac will take more hits than the Tentacles that do

grab him. -- Main Appendages Top portion of tentacle -- Recommended Weapons Force Gun - Aim at the yellow portion of the Tentacle then fire rapid blasts at it to defeat it quickly. Plasma Cutter - Aim for the yellow portion of the Tentacle and fire at it. It's risky to use this weapon against the Tentacles that grab Isaac since you'll have to defeat it within a certain amount of time before it drags Isaac too far. [WT00] =============================================================================== __ __ _ _ _ _ _ \ \ / /__ _ | || | __| |_ | |__ _ __ ___ _ _ __ _ | |__ \ \ /\ / // _` || || |/ /| __|| '_ \ | '__|/ _ \ | | | | / _` || '_ \ \ V V /| (_| || || < | |_ | | | || | | (_) || |_| || (_| || | | | \_/\_/ \__,_||_||_|\_\ \__||_| |_||_| \___/ \__,_| \__, ||_| |_| |___/ W A L K T H R O U G H =============================================================================== The walkthrough portion was written based on my second time through the game while playing the Xbox 360 version on normal mode (I played through the PS3 version on my first time through). If you've read a guide by me before then you'll notice that I use symbols around a word to showcase an important item pickup or area. Here is a description of how this works in this Dead Space walkthrough: --ITEM-- = denotes an item, ammo pickup, or database file ++ITEM++ = denotes a key item !!ITEM!! = denotes a save point, store, or upgrade bench *NOTE 1: All database files are usually received at key points throughout the main story but a few of them are placed in text or audio logs, which are placed in various rooms. **NOTE 2: You might find a different item other than the one that I have listed in some areas. Some item pickups are random. Just about all ammo pickups are random and they are listed as such. -- TIPS TO REMEMBER - Keep the Plasma Cutter, Force Gun, Contact Beam with you at all times through this game. I would really Beam but the Contact Beam is still

Pulse Rifle, and either the Line Gun or and you will not have any problems getting recommend the Line Gun over the Contact good if you have time enough to charge it.

- Aim precisely for the limbs of your enemies and the Plasma Cutter can be the ultimate weapon. Horizontal positioning is really the best, if you ask me. - ALWAYS keep at least one Power Node in your inventory at all times.


will sometimes run into doors that require one Power Node in order to open them and these Power Node rooms contain a really good assortment of items. Don't forget that you can buy Power Nodes from the Store. - Drop off any spare items at a Store's safe. Horde! Horde! HORDE! Sometimes you'll need to resort to your backup reserve ammo later in the game, so try to drop off any spare ammo that you might have early in the game. - Be sure to use any Schematics or sell any semiconductors to the store. These items will continue to take up valuable inventory space while they remain in your inventory. - Learn to fight without stasis. Stasis is good, but it's limited. You only really need it when fighting a Brute or a pair of Spawners. Learn to only use it when you have to and always recharge at a stasis recharger. - Music will play whenever an enemy is around, so be sure to listen for the music when in doubt if an enemy is in the area. During quarantines, if a quarantine remains active, then there is still an enemy in the current area. - Objects shot with kinesis can damage enemies, especially in the case of sharp objects or explosive canisters. You can shoot out vents (fans) along the ship wall or ceiling and fire the blade at your enemies using kinesis. - Keep at least one Large or Medium Med Pack in Isaac's inventory at all times. - MAKE MULTIPLE SAVES. At least two saves. then you should not have to be told this.

If you're a fan of horror games,

------------------------------------------------------------------------------__ ____ _ _ _ ____ _____ _____ ____ /_ | / ___|| | | | / \ | _ \|_ _|| ____|| _ \ | | | | | |_| | / _ \ | |_) | | | | _| | |_) | | | | |___ | _ | / ___ \ | __/ | | | |___ | _ < | | \____||_| |_|/_/ \_\|_| |_| |_____||_| \_\ |_| [WT01] - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



- - - - - - - - - - - - -

******************************************************************************* Main Objectives: [ ] Find the vessel USG Ishimura [ ] Diagnose and repair communication blackout ******************************************************************************* EXTRA NOTE: Use the right analog (thumbstick) during the opening cutscene to move the camera slightly. EXTRA NOTE: Right after the Kellion shuttle lands in the Ishimura, the camera can be fully rotate around Isaac Clarke in order to view his face - this is one of two times in the game where his true face may be seen. == Hangar Bay == Objective Added:

[ ] Follow the Security Team The Ishimura looks like it's in bad shape, and our shuttle is going to need extensive repairs. Where the hell is the flight crew? The --MESSAGE FROM NICOLE-- database file is now added to the Database menu under the Chapter 1 tab as the game starts. To examine your database, pull up the inventory menu by pressing /\ (or Y) then press either L2 or R2 (LB or RB) to cycle through the menu until you reach the Database. Turn around and move the opposite way and the --MOVEMENT TRAINING-- tutorial will be added under the Training portion of the Database. All tutorials, audio logs and text logs will be displayed in a hologram to Isaac's right as he receives them, picks them up or views them again. Use the left analog (thumbstick) to move Isaac and use the right analog (thumbstick) to move the camera. Isaac can sidestep by holding to the right or left and he will turn while moving and holding the right analog (thumbstick) to the right or left. The blue segmented glow on the back of Isaac's RIG (suit) is his life bar and it is, ever so conveniently, always in view, so you don't have to open a menu to see it. Before walking out of the shuttle, make a left and enter the room off to the side and pick up the --SMALL MED PACK-- from off the floor to the right. Exit the ship. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Message From Nicole" database file--, [ ] --"Movement Training" database file--, [ ] Small Med Pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kendra will be surveying the damage of the shuttle outside. Move along the walkway to the north. The --ACTION BUTTON TRAINING TUTORIAL-- will appear as Isaac walks to the door up ahead. Basically, X (or A) will interact with a door and open it. A bluish-white glow will be displayed over a locked door while a red glow will be displayed over a locked door. Some red doors can be unlocked with the proper item. As Isaac meets up with the rest of his crew up ahead, the first objective will be accomplished and a new objective will appear. Objective Complete: [X] Follow the Security Team Objective Added: [ ] Open the Hangar Door I can use my uniform's RIG (Resource Integration Gear) to interface with the Ishimura's holographic display system. Before messing with the door, look off to the right to find a box with a green light up above it. These boxes contain items and I will refer to them as item boxes from now on. You must destroy them to get the item from inside, however if this is your first playthrough then you can't destroy it yet; you'll need to have a gun equipped in order to destroy an item box. If this is your second playthrough then walk over to the box and press either the R2 (or RB) button to break it open. Make sure Isaac's foot hits it. The box will leave behind a

random item. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Action Button Training" database file--, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Walk forward and interact with the door. Press the X (or A) button when the "Open?" message is displayed on the front of it. Some of these doors are kind of like doors in Metroid Prime, where the room will load as the door is in the process of being opened, so they won't always open instantaneously and may take a few seconds. == Flight Lounge == Objective Complete: [X] Open the Hangar Door Alright, we can now open doors! crew scans over it.

Feel free to search over the room while your

Check the cubbies on the left side as Isaac enters and pick up the --SMALL MED PACK-- and --RANDOM CREDITS-- from each end. There is an --ITEM BOX-- off to the right also. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Small Med Pack, [ ] Random Credits, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Soon a new objective will appear along with the --OBJECTIVES TRAINING-tutorial. Press Select (or Back) to pull up the map and press the R2 or L2 (RB or LB) buttons from the menu to cycle through your objectives if needed. There is also this very handy and fantastic objective pointer that can be seen by pressing and holding the R3 (or RS) button. This fine line will showcase the way to your next objective. Basically you won't even need any help to get there... which means I can end this walkthrough now! I'll see you again around the time of Resident Evil 5 next yeaOh, I kid, I kid! Objective Added: [ ] Activate the Security Console There should be a security console nearby where I can run a systems diagnostic check. If you move on ahead, you'll notice a white glow on the wall. This is your first !!SAVE STATION!!, so walk over to it and interact with it to save your game. There is an --ITEM BOX-- to the left while standing in front of it. Open the door off to the right and move into the corridor with blood streaks. The security console is at the end of the corridor to the right. Walk over to the console and press X (or A) to activate it by loading the damage report. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Objectives" database file--, [ ] Item Box -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Objective Completed: [X] Activate the Security Console The lights will go out in the room. That's not good. An alien creature (Slasher) will appear in the outside room and begin to slaughter your pilot. Damn, that's not good either. Soon one of the Slashers will bust through a vent in the side wall on Isaac's side and attack him but thankfully, Kendra will restore power to the room outside and the door beside Isaac will open. Objective Added: [ ] Get to Safety We've been attacked! I'm cut off from Hammond and Kendra. find somewhere safe, somewhere to hide... Uh-oh. Haul ass through the doorway, Isaac! moving!

I've got to

Hold L2 (or LB) to run while

== Hall to Lift Room == The --RUN!-- database file will soon appear under your Database menu for Chapter 1 as Kendra contacts Isaac further down the hall. Whenever Isaac is contacted over radio, the conversation will usually be recorded into a database file, which is viewable under the database menu for each chapter. Move down the corridor quickly. My god, they are right behind you, you better get your ass in gear, my friend. The Slashers will fall from the ceiling and stagger Isaac as he runs. Dash toward the elevator door at the end and interact with it to open the elevator. It's pretty hard to get through this entire area without getting hit on your first time through the game. Step inside the elevator very quickly. The Slashers will not follow. EXTRA NOTE: Don't try to go back outside the elevator. If you do, then the Slashers will hop back down from the ceiling. It's quite hilarious how Isaac can step back in and out and the elevator and make them appear and disappear continuously though. Kind of like stepping to and from the base in a game of tag. Interact with the controls in the elevator to take it down. The elevator will pause for a moment then a Slasher will open the door. Don't worry, he'll get what's coming to him as the elevator doors close and the elevator heads to the lower floor. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Run!" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Workshop == Step out of the elevator when the doors open. There is an --ITEM BOX-- and another --ITEM BOX-- off to the left after Isaac steps out. Move up the steps off to the left and take the ++PLASMA CUTTER++ from the counter near the dead body. This is Isaac's main weapon throughout the game. The --WEAPONS TRAINING-- along with the melee tutorials will be added to the Tutorial menu after picking up the weapon - the "Melee Training" falls under "Weapons

Training in the database menu. Hold the L1 (or LT) button to aim with the weapon then press R1 (or RT) for primary fire and L2 (or LB) for secondary fire. The primary fire for this weapon fires out an energy blade that will slice through whatever it hits. This weapon can easily cut through an enemy's limbs or head. Secondary fire makes the front portion of the gun rotate between vertical and horizontal this helps for cutting off arms or legs respectively. Tap the X (or A) button while aiming to reload. The melee primary attack can be performed by tapping the R1 (or RT) button while not aiming. This can be tapped twice for a combination of two punches. I'll get to the secondary melee attack in a moment. There is an --ITEM CHEST-- along with another --ITEM CHEST-- to the right of the dead body. Item Chests with a blue light can be opened by interacting while standing in front of one. They usually contain random items. Much like doors, the chests that carry a red light are locked. Since you now have a weapon and there is a victim in the room, let's talk about the secondary melee attack - the stomp attack. Walk back over to the dead body. Dead bodies are very fun to mess around with in Dead Space, especially if you have a sadist persona hidden deep down inside of you somewhere. See, walk over to the dead body and tap the R2 (or RB) button. Oooo, didn't that feel good? Isaac should have stomped off a leg or two. This is actually a purpose to stomping these dead corpses later in the game. Feel free to continue to mutilate the body if you want to while I get these items listed. By the way, you can now stomp the item boxes in this room now. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] ++PLASMA CUTTER++, [ ] --"Weapons" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Walk toward the door on the front right side of this room. You've probably been hearing a ruckus coming from the next room. Walk up to the fusebox on the right side of the door and hit it with a melee attack by pressing R1 (or RT) while standing near it and this will unlock the door. Isaac can perform a total of two punches as a melee combination attack. Keep in mind that these can be shot with Isaac's current weapon as well. Open the door. A Slasher will attack a crew member in the next room as soon as the door is opened. The Slasher will dash at Isaac next so step back into the room that you're currently. Flip the Plasma Cutter horizontally with the secondary fire then aim for the legs of the Slasher. Shoot off a leg and that should basically kill it. Be sure to stomp on its dead body some to help toward netting you the Marksman, Surgeon and Butcher trophies (achievements) quicker. Yes, even stomping will count toward the unlockable! Dismembering necromorphs is the quickest way to damage them even though it is not exactly needed as much at the moment. It is best to learn to shoot off limbs right now and this will help out greatly for battles later in the game. The necromorphs aren't that strong just yet, but that will change later. Simply shooting off a necromorph's head is not always the best option, since they can still attack even without a head. It's really best to shoot off an arm or leg to actually incapacitate them in some way and make it harder for them to attack while damaging them. Shooting off a head will damage one just like knocking off any other limb, but it doesn't limit their attacks.

== Tram Control Hallway == Well, looks like we were too late to save the Ishimura crew member. Time to mutilate! Follow the hall to the north and open the door at the end. The next portion of the hallway is very dark. The objective marker insist that you go right, but I say we go left and pick up the --RANDOM CREDITS-- near the debris at the end. Hey, did I just see something on the other side of that blockade? Backtrack to the door and take the next side of the hall. Before picking up the --SMALL HEALTH PACK-- on the floor, you'll get the --HEALTH TRAINING-tutorial. Basically, you can either tap the [] (or X) button during gameplay to replenish health or choose the health item from your inventory to use it. When tapping the required button during gameplay, the smallest health item will always be used first. Move further down the hall and pick up the --VENT WARNING-- database file. This database file is presented as an audio log item - some database files must be collected through various rooms throughout the game. A few of them are text files. "Vent Warning" will now be added under Chapter 1 in the database menu. Step into the Tram Control Room through the doorway at the end of the hall. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Credits, [ ] Small Health Pack, [ ] --"Health" database file--, [ ] --"Vent Warning" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Tram Control Room == The shutters up ahead will open soon and the outside light will light up the room. Objective Completed: [X] Get to Safety It seems Kendra and Hammond made it out safe. They can be seen on the walkway through the windows. Isaac will receive the --REPAIR THE TRAM SYSTEM-database file after Hammond and Kendra speak with him. The current objective will also be updated and the --MAP TRAINING-- database file will be received as well. Objective Added: [ ] Replace the Damaged Tram The Ishimura looks like it's in bad shape, and our shuttle is going to need extensive repairs. Where the hell is the flight crew? There is an --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the right wall near where Isaac entered this room and there are two --ITEM LOCKERS-- on the other side that can be opened. The controls directly across from the entrance door require a data board in order for Isaac to use the tram controls to the left of it. Be sure to save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! then leave the room through the door on the opposite side. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST

[ ] --"Repair the System" database file--, [ ] --"Map Training" database file-, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Cargo Hallway == Move into the hallway split up ahead. Down the left path you'll find an --ITEM BOX-- in the middle and some --RANDOM AMMO-- near the middle. See that dead Slasher in the middle of the hall? I don't trust it, so aim for its legs and shoot to see if it- Ah, we have a live one here! Continue to work on cutting off one of its legs as it staggers toward Isaac. All jokes aside, always be on the lookout for necromorphs that play dead - sometimes they actually lie in areas along with necromorphs that have already been defeated. The little bastards... Pick up the --MEDIUM MED PACK-- from near the Slasher then continue down the north side of the hall and grab the --SHOOT THE LIMBS-- database file and --RANDOM AMMO--. There is a !!SAVE STATION!! in the middle of the hall. Return to the south side of the hall since the north side door is locked. Open the door to the Tram Tunnel. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Medium Med Pack, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] --"Shoot the Limbs" database file--, Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Tram Tunnel == Don't you hate it when bodies fall from the ceiling like that? want to stomp them even more...

Just makes me

Halfway down the corridor the --DISMEMBERMENT-- database file will be received and the --DISMEMBERMENT TRAINING-- database file will be added to the database as well. Cut them apart Isaac! Open the door further ahead. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Dismemberment" database file--, [ ] --"Dismemberment Training" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pick up the --1000 CREDITS-- from off to the left. The left so let's go right. Stomp the --ITEM BOX-- on the floor near then pick up the ++STASIS MODULE++. The --STASIS TRAINING---STASIS DOOR-- database file will be received after picking Module.

side is blocked, the slamming door database file and up the Stasis

The Stasis Module allows Isaac to slow an object considerably to the point that it nearly freezes. Aim with your current weapon then press the [] (or X) button to fire at the slamming door and it will slow down considerably and allow Isaac to pass by it without receiving damage, so slow it down and pass by it. Keep in mind that using stasis will consume stasis energy, which is displayed on Isaac's back as the curved half-circle meter to the right of the life meter. There is a stasis recharger down the right side of the tunnel if you need a recharge on stasis energy. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] 1000 Credits, [ ] Item Box, [ ] ++STASIS MODULE++, [ ] --"Stasis Training" database file--, [ ] --"Stasis Door" database file--

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Move on up the next hall then collect the --STASIS PACK-- from the floor. These will recharge Isaac's stasis gauge if used from the inventory menu. There is a !!SAVE STATION!! up ahead. The lights will go out in the tunnel eventually, but they will come back on soon. Move down the hall to the right and enter the restroom area on the left. Pick up the --RANDOM AMMO-- and other --RANDOM AMMO-- from the left restroom and the --SMALL MED PACK-- from the right restroom. Exit the restroom area then grab the --3000 CREDITS-- from the end of the hall to the left. Return to the opposite end of the hall then turn right and stomp the --ITEM BOX-- near the locked door then move back down the hall and make a right and then open the door to the Tram Repair Room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Stasis Pack, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Small Med Pack, [ ] 3000 Credits, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Tram Repair Room == The --REPLACING THE TRAM-- audio file will be received right after Isaac enters this room and the objective will be changed slightly. Objective Added: [ ] Replace the Damaged Tram A broken tram car is blocking the whole system. Looks like it got delivered to Tram Repaid, but never got switched off the tracks. Turn right then walk along the catwalk and then look on the right wall and find the blue container along the wall. Open it and pick up the --POWER NODE-- from inside. These items will allow Isaac to upgrade his weapons and equipment once you make it to a Bench. You haven't run across a Bench yet though. Walk over to the controls for the first claw below. Interact with the controls to engage the first claw and it will hook onto the tram car below. The claw will move out and lock onto the tram car and stay there. Move up the stairs. The controls in the middle are used to activate the tram once the two claws are connected to it, so we can't use it at the moment. Move down the set of steps on the opposite side. A Slasher will burst through a vent on the wall below and attack, so be prepared to blast him with the plasma cutter. Move by the other controls for now and open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the wall. A Slasher will bust through the other vent along the wall as soon as the item container is opened. Pick up the --SMALL MED PACK-- and the --TRAM STATUS-database file. Walk over to the controls for the other claw. Whenever the claw is engaged, it will latch onto the tram then eventually retract. You have to find some sort of way to keep the claw attached to the tram long enough so that Isaac can run up to the main controls in the middle and initiate the repair command on the tram. Did I just see a light bulb over your head right then? If not, activate the claw then shoot the claw with the stasis module right when it connects. While the claw is slowed down with stasis, quickly run up to the

controls in the middle of the room then initiate repairs on the tram. If you mess this up then there is a stasis recharger directly across from the middle controls. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Replacing the Tram" database file--, [ ] Power Node, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Small Med Pack, [ ] --"Tram Status" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Complete: [X] Replace the Damaged Tram Once the command is initiated the claws will replace the tram. The --REPLACED THE TRAM CAR-- database file will be received shortly after the tram is replaced and a new objective will be issued. Objective Added: [ ] Find the Data Board The tram computer is offline because of a missing data board. Kendra thinks the data board in the Maintenance Bay. Did someone deliberately try to shut down inter-deck transport? We aren't getting far unless I get that tram system running. A Slasher will attack from off to the left so be ready. The --FIND THE DATABOARD-- database file will be received while leaving this area. Go back to the hallway outside. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Replaced the Tram Car" database file--, [ ] --"Find the Data Board" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Tram Control Hallway == A new enemy will appear in the vent overhead but it will not attack. These are Stingers and they are really more deadly than the normal Slashers, even though they are basically legless Slashers with tails. Isaac will run into one soon enough. Enter the Tram Tunnel again - you'll have to use the stasis module to slow the slamming door once again. == Tram Tunnel == A Slasher and a Stinger will attack from off to the right. Stun them both with stasis as they move toward Isaac. The Stingers attack with a sharp tail (a stinger) from their backside while they crawl and they can move pretty fast and also jump at Isaac, so watch them closely and try to keep them at a distance while fighting them. Recharge your stasis at the stasis recharge before leaving. Enter the hallway on the other side. == Tram Control Hallway == The --MAINTENANCE BAY UNLOCKED-- database file will be received while moving up the ramp. Open the door to the hallway ahead. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST

[ ] --"Maintenance Bay Unlocked" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Run down the hall then save your game at the middle save station. Enter the Maintenance Bay elevator through the door at the end of the hall. Step inside the elevator then use the controls to move down to the Maintenance Bay. == Maintenance Bay == Objective Change [ ] Find the Maintenance Bay Key The data board is locked up in a storage room. in the Maintenance Bay.

The key should be somewhere

Your main objective will be changed as Isaac takes the elevator down and receives the --LOCKED DOOR-- database file. Smash the --ITEM BOX-- off to the right after stepping out of the elevator. A total of four Slashers will attack in this area. The red explosive canisters in this area can be shot in an effort to highly damage each Slasher while it stands next to one. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --Locked Door" database file--, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Move across the catwalk directly ahead and you'll come to the Bay Office (Storage Room). The door requires the Storage Key. A Slasher will attack from off to the right and he will be stepping near a red canister, so shoot it while he walks toward it. Move down the catwalk area where the Slasher came from. Off to the right there is a catwalk that leads to an --ITEM CONTAINER-- and an --ITEM BOX--. Pick up the --RANDOM AMMO-- from in front of the elevator then ride the elevator up to the second floor. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Maintenance Bay 2F == Walk over to the right and smash the --ITEM BOX-- then open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- to the left. The second body along the catwalk up ahead is actually a Slasher lying in wait, so blast him with the plasma cutter to let him know that Isaac is here. Another Slasher will attack further ahead. Pick up the ++MAINTENACE BAY KEY++ that lies in between the --REPAIR INVOICE-- database file and a --RANDOM AMMO-pickup. Objective Complete: [X] Find the Maintenance Bay Key A Slasher will attack on the way back across the catwalk. back down to the first floor.

Take the elevator

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Container, [ ] ++MAINTENANCE BAY KEY++, [ ] Random Ammo,

[ ] --"Repair Invoice" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Maintenance Bay 1F == A very violent Slasher will attack as the elevator doors open, so you might want to shoot him with stasis to calm him down a bit. Walk over to the Bay Office and use the Maintenance Bay Key to unlock the door. == Maintenance Bay Office (Storage Room) == Open the --ITEM LOCKER-- off to the right then collect the --POWER NODE-- from the container against the far wall. As you walk toward the bench up ahead, Isaac will receive the --UPGRADE BENCH-- database file. These upgrade benches will allow Isaac to upgrade his current gear through the use of Power Nodes. I would recommend upgrading either his RIG or the plasma cutter for now. The RIG is really the most important to upgrade since upgrading it will eventually raise Isaac's health bar. Pick up the ++DATA BOARD++ on the table to the side. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Power Node, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] --"Upgrade Bench" database file--, [ ] ++DATA BOARD++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Complete: [X] Find the Data Board Isaac will receive the --FOUND DATABOARD-- database file on his way out of the storage room and a new objective will be issued. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Found the Data Board" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Install the Data Board Before I can operate the tram, I need to take the data board back to Tram Control and install it. Two Slashers will attack as Isaac leaves the Bay Office. You might want to use stasis to pin one down. Another Slasher lies on the catwalk directly in front of the elevator that goes back down to the Tram Control Hallway, so be sure to surprise him with some shots from the plasma cutter. Take the elevator back down to the Tram Control Hallway then enter the Tram Control Room. Another Slasher will attack as the elevator doors open into the hallway - the necromorphs know where you're headed! == Tram Control Room == Walk over to the controls on the far right side of the room and interact with them to install the data board. Objective Complete: [X] Install the Data Board

Objective Added: [ ] Call the Tram Looks like I've got the tram system up and running. Hammond and Kendra from Tram Control

I can call a tram for

The controls in the middle portion of the room are now activated since the data board is in place. Walk over to the middle controls and interact with them to call the outside tram. Objective Complete: [X] Install the Tram The --ACTIVATED THE TRAM-- database file will be received as Kendra and Hammond enter the outside tram. Hammond will ask Isaac to return to the Kellion (your shuttle) and run a diagnostic check on it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Activated the Tram" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Return to the Kellion and Run Diagnostics Hammond wants me to prep the Kellion for launch despite the damage it took on our landing. I can probably get it functional, but I'm not sure how far we can get in it. Exit the room via the door on the other side of the room that leads to the Flight Lounge - it actually goes to the elevator in the Workshop that leads up to the Flight Lounge. == Tram Control Hallway == Enter the Workshop by moving through the next few hallways. == Workshop == The Workshop is really dark now, so aim with the Plasma Cutter and use Isaac's flashlight to see. Step onto the elevator and take it up to the hall above. == Hall to Lift Room == Step out of the elevator and move around the corner of the corridor up ahead. A Slasher will walk to the left. As you walk around the left side after him, he will begin to crawl into a vent. Don't let him crawl in there. Blast him while he tries to crawl through or he will try to ambush Isaac further down the hall. Another Slasher will bust through a vent behind Isaac, so knock down or defeat the first one quickly then run into the right corridor and turn around to take them both on. == Flight Lounge == The room will light up eventually and you will receive the --ARRIVED ON BRIDGE-

- database file as Isaac moves toward the next door. Step out of the hallway and move into the sitting area outside. Be sure to smash the item boxes in here and the one outside if you haven't already. Open the door to the left. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Arrived On Bridge" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Hangar Bay == If you look fast enough, you'll catch a glimpse of a Stinger moving above the doorway further ahead. Walk outside then move back in quickly and the Stinger will drop. Blast his head and arms off as he moves toward Isaac. You can also shoot him with stasis and then stomp him since he by himself - this can save you ammo for Stinger battles. Move out to the shuttle then step inside. Walk over to the main controls and choose to load the damage report. The diagnostics check willObjective Complete: [X] Return to the Kellion and Run Diagnostics Why you little... run out of the shuttle and step out onto the walkway! No matter how fast Isaac runs, an explosion will always blast him out and make him fall - he can get burned in the shuttle if you stay inside too long though. Three Slashers and a Stinger will attack from the side of the walkway where Isaac entered. Fight them off and the --GO TO MEDICAL-- database file will play. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Go to Medical" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Get to the Medical Deck The Kellion is completely destroyed. There's no way out of here. If I can find the Captain's RIG on the Medical Deck, maybe Hammond can figure out just what the hell happened. Move to the end of the walkway, toward the Flight Lounge and step back inside of the Flight Lounge. == Flight Lounge == The door on the left that leads to the Hallway to Tram Station is now unlocked, so open it. == Hallway to Tram == Two --ITEM CHESTS-- are near the left wall up ahead and be sure to check out the men's restroom through the right door to find a --LARGE MED PACK-- inside. Open the door at the other end of the hall and take the elevator down to enter the Tram Station.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Large Med Pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Tram Station == The --STORE-- database file will be received as Isaac walks up to the !!STORE!!. The store can be used to buy, sell or keep items in a safe. Your inventory is most likely filled by now, so drop off a few items at the safe they can be taken back from other stores All of the credits that have been collected so far can be used to stock up on items from here. Above all else, be sure to buy the Level 2 suit from the store - this will give you extra armor protection and three extra inventory slots. The Line Gun would be another good buy. The Line Gun is much like a super Plasma Cutter that can cut through multiple limbs very easily. No matter which version of this game you are playing, if you downloaded the special suit from the PlayStation store (Obsidian Suit) or the Xbox LIVE Marketplace (Elite Suit) then you can equip it now for free by selecting it in the store. This will give you a whopping 25 spaces of inventory! I wouldn't download it if this if your first playthrough. The two suits really take away from the survival experience of your first playthrough quite a bit if you ask me. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Store" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------WARNING: Once a special suit mentioned above is purchased, it cannot be removed if the game is saved afterward. You must keep it on for the rest of the game. It takes priority over the other suits. Step onto the tram car when you're ready then interact with the controls inside. These cars are used to travel in between different portions of the Ishimura and they are almost always returned to at the end of each chapter. Objective Complete: [X] Get to the Medical Deck C H A P T E R



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== Tram Station == Objective Added: [ ] Retrieve the Captain's RIG


- - - - - - - - - - - -

The captain's body made it down to the morgue, probably before the ship was totally compromised. Nicole worked on this deck. Maybe I can find something... anything showing that she's still alive. Step out of the tram and walk toward the female crew member up ahead. There is a !!STORE!! off to the left. The woman will hand over the ++KINESIS MODULE++ before she plummets to the floor. You can use the R2 (or RB) button while standing over her to check for signs of life or simply to make sure that she is dead. It appears so... or, well, now at least. The --KINESIS MODULE-- database will be received after Isaac picks up the module. This handy little device will allow Isaac to grapple onto objects by aiming and pressing O (or B). Collect the --SMALL MED PACK-- from near the body bags in the sitting area then use the kinesis module to move the metal crates that are blocking the hall ahead. Grapple them by aiming at them then tap O (or B) and move them toward the tram. Press the R1 (or RT) button to launch them. The kinesis module has some really good grappling range by default but it can also be upgraded at an Upgrade Bench. Objects that are grappled with the kinesis module can be fired at enemies to damage them. Normal objects don't really do that much damage but certain blade objects that can be found around the game will actually cut off appendages. Whenever a fan (vent) is found along the side of a wall or ceiling it can be destroyed with weapon fire and the fan blade from inside can be picked up with kinesis and shot at an enemy to cut off an appendage. Items can also be grappled and brought to Isaac through the use of kinesis, which will come in handy for a few item pickups spread throughout the game. The --SCHEMATICS-- database file will appear as you walk toward the --FLAMETHROWER SCHEMATIC--. Schematics are held in Isaac's inventory when they are picked up and they will automatically be used at a Store to add the corresponding weapon or item to the store list - there is a Store in the next room, so you don't have to backtrack to the previous one. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] ++KINESIS MODULE++, [ ] --"Kinesis Module" database file--, [ ] Small Med Pack, [ ] --"Schematic" database file--, [ ] Flamethrower Schematic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Security Station == Objective Added [ ] Find the Thermite There's some thermite stored near the Main Lab. A small amount of that, plus a timed electrical charge, and I should be able to blow through that barricade. [ ] Find the Shock Pad A portable defibrillator should provide enough juice to detonate the thermite. There's one in Zero-G Therapy, according to Hammond. The --DESTROY THE BARRICADE-- database file will play as Isaac enters the Security Station. Pick up the --3000 CREDITS-- from the floor along with the --RANDOM AMMO-- from the group of body bags against the back right wall. There

is also an --ITEM BOX-- and an --ITEM LOCKER-- to the side. Save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! and use the !!STORE!! if needed then open the door directly ahead. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Destroy the Barricade" database file--, [ ] 3000 Credits, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Main Lab == The --SECONDARY FIRE-- database file will appear as Isaac enters the hall. There is some --RANDOM AMMO-- among the left set of body bags down the hall. Recharge your stasis at the stasis recharger if needed then shoot the slamming door up ahead with stasis to slow it down and then move by it. Open the next door to enter the lab. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Secondary Fire" database file--, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------An --ITEM CONTAINER-- is to the left and some --RANDOM AMMO-- is around the left side of the wall up ahead. As you move further into the room, the doors will seal off as the area quarantines itself. A total of four Slashers will attack. Put your back to a wall, preferably a corner and shoot them. You might want to use stasis. Don't stand near the entrance door since a Slasher will bust through the vent on the left side after the first three are defeated. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The area will still be under quarantine for the time being, which means there is still something in here! Rush over to the lift on the far side of the room and use the controls to take it down. A crawling Slasher will attack from off to the right as Isaac steps off the lift. Once you move into the middle of the room four Slashers will attack - one of them moves out of vent from near the elevator, so watch for him if you run back there. The quarantine will be lifted once the Slashers are finished. Don't worry about the surrounding unlocked rooms just yet. Use the stasis recharger on the first left column across from the elevator if needed. Run to the end of the right hallway further ahead then grab the two --RANDOM AMMO-pickups and the --MERCER'S JOURNAL-- database file as you move along the hall. Return to the middle portion of the area. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] --"Mercer's Journal" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter the room directly across from the elevator and pick up the --RANDOM AMMO-- and --KYNE AND THE CAPTAIN-- database file from inside. Turn your attention to the bookcase and grapple it with the kinesis module then move it to the left. Step into the hidden room behind the bookcase then open the --ITEM LOCKERS-- to the right and pick up the --GOLD SEMICONDUCTOR-- and the --MARKER OVERVIEW-- database file. Leave the room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST

[ ] Random Ammo, [ ] --"Kyne and the Captain" database file--, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Gold Semiconductor, [ ] --"Marker Overview" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter the room off to the right up ahead and smash the --ITEM BOX-- then raid the --ITEM LOCKERS-- and step back outside. Open the door near the lift. Collect the items from the --ITEM LOCKERS-- then save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!!. Open the next door to enter the Bio Lab. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Bio Lab == Walk down the hall and the lights will begin to change color. A researcher will appear behind the glass window up ahead. Some sort of creature will kill him from the other side. Take the --RANDOM AMMO-- from the right corner near the window. Yep, we have to go in that room! Walk around the left corner then open the door to the room. It's so quiet now. Walk further into the room and a Lurker will appear. These small enemies are actually infant necromorphs but they are really more annoying than Slashers. The quickest way to defeat them is to shoot their three appendages right before they attack. Shoot off a few or all three appendages to highly damage them. The Plasma Cutter can easily defeat them but the Line Gun can do some serious damage to multiple appendages. They have a close range lunge and you'll have to tap the X (or A) button to escape from it. The Flamethrower is one of the best weapons to use against a Lurker when they are fought in groups with no other enemies around. Wait for their tentacle appendages to move out of their back then shoot them with the Flamethrower's secondary fire flame burst and this will set them on fire and burn all three appendages at once. Allow the flames to burn one of them then shoot it again shortly before the flames extinguish. Smash the --ITEM BOX-- after the fight then pick up the --RANDOM AMMO-- from around the side of the right desk. Use the lift to reach the top walkway. Two more Lurkers will attack on the top walkway. There is a --RANDOM AMMO-- pickup behind the first set of water tanks to the left. Go through the door up ahead followed by the next door. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Main Lab == Pick up the two --RANDOM AMMO-- pickups along with the --POWER NODE-- from the container along the wall up ahead. Pick up the ++THERMITE++ to fulfill the first objective. Objective Complete: [X] Find the Thermite

The --"FOUND THE THERMITE"-- database file will play after colleting the thermite. Open the door directly ahead. Go through the next door that leads back out to the lab. Use stasis to hold the slamming door then move back to the hallway behind it. If you need a stasis recharge then return to the bottom floor via the elevator and there is a stasis recharger on the first left column in the area below. Two Slashers will attack from the top of the ramp behind the slamming door. Use stasis to help you out in fighting them since there is a stasis recharger on the wall across from the slamming door anyway. Enter the Security Station once again. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Power Node, [ ] ++THERMITE++, [ ] --"Found the Thermite" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Security Station == Enter the next door to the side.

We still need to find the Shock Pad.

== Imaging Diagnostics Wing == The lights will go off as Isaac moves around the corner up ahead. A person is up ahead - what in the world is he doing? Ah, only headbanging to some sweet tunes, no doubt. Grab the --RANDOM AMMO-- then recharge your stasis at the stasis recharger if needed. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Imaging Diagnostics Room == A Stinger will quickly move by the railing up ahead but it won't attack. Collect the --INTERESTING RESULTS-- database file from in front of the railing and use the !!UPGRADE BENCH!! If needed. The room to the left can be opened if you examine the controls to the right of it and use one Power Node on it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Interesting Results" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Power Node Room == Open the --ITEM LOCKERS-- then pick up the --GOLD SEMICONDUCTOR-- and the --MERCER AND KYNE-- database file. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Gold Semiconductor, [ ] --"Mercer and Kyne" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Imaging Diagnostics Room == Move up the ramp to the right to receive the --KINESIS SYMBOL-- database file. Basically, any object that has the blue and white overhead symbol displayed on

the big cylinder with the overhead platform up ahead can be grappled and dragged with the kinesis module. Grapple the cylinder with the overhead platform using your kinesis module then drag it all the way to the left, as far as it can go. You'll need to step back down the ramp to drag it. Run across the ramp and prepare to fight off the two Stingers that appear on the other side. Open the door to the room along the left side of the next area. The person on the floor will break out in convulsions then eventually die when Isaac walks around the side of the table - Isaac has that effect on people, I suppose. Pick up the --POWER NODE--, --RANDOM AMMO-- and the --PULSE ROUNDS SCHEMATIC-- from inside the room. A Slasher will bust through a vent and attack from the side near the door after some of the items are collected. Leave the room. Use kinesis to pick up the glowing power unit (oval shaped lit up object) outside of the room then place it into the red glowing plug area (the hole next to the lift) and let go of it. The power unit will not fit all the way inside, so don't fiddle too much with it or it won't fit right. The best way to plug these in is to simply walk toward the plug with the power unit in front of Isaac then release it once it is just about all the way in. Take the lift to the second floor. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Kinesis Symbol" database file--, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Power Node, [ ] Pulse Rounds Schematic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Walk toward the gap up ahead. If the platform is not over the gap then use kinesis to move it over the gap then cross it. A Stinger will move out of a vent along the wall up ahead then a Slasher will attack from the right. Use stasis if needed since there is a stasis recharger on the right wall up ahead. Move around the corner then use kinesis to slide the platform over the gap directly ahead on the other side. Use the !!SAVE STATION!! on the left wall to save your game. Walk over to the purple fuse box on the right side of the locked door and attack it to unlock the door. A simple stomp will destroy it since it is low. Open the door and continue into the next room and open the next door after that. == Zero-G Therapy Area == Isaac will enter a vacuum area. These areas have no air, so Isaac's oxygen meter will appear. The --AIR TIMER-- database file will appear once Isaac moves ahead. Cancel it quickly since you need to get through this area fast before the oxygen gauge is depleted. These areas have only dull sounds, so enemies can sneak up on you easily in a vacuum area, but there are no enemies in this particular hull breach. When Isaac reaches the first section without wall, look off to the right and grapple the --LINE RACKS-- floating out in space to bring them toward Isaac then collect them. Run to the left and open the three --ITEM LOCKERS-- along the way. While standing near the door on the other side, move against the side without wall and look to the right past the door to see a blinking item very far off in the distance - grapple these --10000 CREDITS-- and collect them. Quickly get to the door on the other side and open it. Move into the room and the door will seal off behind Isaac then oxygen will fill the room again. Isaac's oxygen gauge will automatically recharge every time that he enters an area with air.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Air Timer" database file--, [ ] Line Racks, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] 10000 Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Zero-G Therapy Hallway == The --SHIP GRAVITY-- database file will play once Isaac steps further into this hallway. Open the next door. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Ship Gravity" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Zero-G Therapy == Use the console to deactivate the gravity in the room. This area is your first introduction to a zero gravity room. The --ZERO-G MOVEMENT-- database file will be received after deactivating the gravity. Isaac can step on just about any surface (walls and ceilings) in rooms with zero gravity. To move from one surface to the other, hold the L1 (or LT) button to aim then move the cursor over a desired area and tap the /\ (or Y) button to jump to that surface - this is known as a "Zero-G jump". If Isaac can't jump to a surface then the ammo gauge on his gun will flash red. If you look around the room well enough, then you'll spot an --ITEM BOX-floating in the center area along with the red explosive canisters. Use kinesis to grab the item box then smash it against the floor by pointing it toward the floor and firing it with R1 (or RT). Move along the walls then hop over to the walkway on the other side. Grapple the nearby power unit then place it into the power plug on the right wall while on the other side and this will unlock the door on that side. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Zero-G Movement" database file--, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Zero-G Therapy Room == Open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- and --ITEM LOCKER-- then pick up the --1000 CREDITS-- near the door and the ++SHOCK PAD++ on the table to the side. The --FOUND THE SHOCK PAD-- database file will play after picking up the Shock Pad. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] 1000 Credits, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] ++SHOCK PAD++, [ ] --"Found the Shock Pad" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objecting Complete: [X] Find the Shock Pad Objective Added: [ ] Destroy the Barricade Once I've put together an explosive, I can blow up the barricade.

Then I

need to make my way through the Emergency wing and find the Morgue. Reenter the zero gravity room. == Zero-G Therapy == Two Stingers will attack in this room this time. Jump off of the current platform to gain some more space for fighting them. Grapple a red explosive canister with kinesis and launch it at them. They like to perform a prolonged lunge in zero gravity, so move away when you see them flying toward Isaac. Leave the room by opening the door on the other side and stepping through then continue to the vacuum area. == Zero-G Therapy Area == This area can be a little unnerving on your first time through. A Slasher will attack further ahead. Shoot him like you normally would. Notice how there is practically no noise when shooting or confronting an enemy in a vacuum - it really builds tension for these areas! Silent death! There is only one Slasher outside, so run to the other end and open the door. Another Slasher will attack in the next room while the vacuum is still active, so shoot him quickly. == Image Diagnostics Area == Be sure to save your game again at the save station further ahead then return to the Security Station once again. Use kinesis to pull the platform over to the other side when you go to cross the gap along that side. A Slasher will bust out of the vent near the lift and a Stinger will attack once Isaac moves down the lift. Don't be afraid to use stasis since a charger is in the next room on the way back. == Hallway to Imaging Diagnostics == A new enemy - Spiders - will attack in this hallway. Take out your pulse rifle and shoot them while they are gathered. The flamethrower works well also. You need some sort of weapon with a spreading ammo (Force Gun, Contact Beam) to fight off these enemies better - sadly, you don't have this right now. If they jump on Isaac then mash the X (or A) button to knock them off and destroy them. They can take quite a bit of health from Isaac in groups, so don't let them get on him when they are packed. Recharge your stasis at the stasis recharger then return to the Security Station. == Security Station == Now that Isaac is back in the Security Station, walk over to the barricade on the other side of the room and choose to place the thermite bomb on it to destroy it. Objective Complete: [X] Destroy the Barricade The --BARRICADE DESTROYED-- database file will be received when walking toward the door that was behind the barricade and a new objective will be added. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Barricade Destroyed" database file--

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Retrieve the Captain's RIG The captain's body made it down to the morgue, probably before the ship was totally comprised. Nicole worked on this deck. Maybe I can find something... anything showing that she's still alive. Open the door on the other side of the barricade. == Clinic Hallway == Pick up the --NICOLE'S REPORT-- database file from the floor up ahead then the --WE'LL FIND HER-- database file will play right after viewing the report. Continue around the corner of the hall ahead then open the next door. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Nicole's Report" database file, [ ] --"We'll Find Her" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Clinic == Smash the single --ITEM BOX-- on the left side of the Clinic then open the next door to the right. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Emergency Room == Two Lurkers are in the area, so take out the flamethrower and light up this dark room with carnage! Wait for them to showcase their appendages then shoot them with a flame burst secondary fire. Move directly ahead then pick up the --LINE RACKS-- from near the first bed to the right. An --ITEM BOX-- is between some beds up ahead and --1000 CREDITS-is near the far wall. There is a --RANDOM AMMO-- pickup below the drip stands that are near the power unit on the side of the room. Go ahead and pick up the power unit with kinesis and place it in the power plug to unlock the door up ahead. There is a stasis recharger on the left side of this room. Don't go through the door just yet. Enter the open room across from the door then open the --ITEM LOCKERS-- inside then exit the room through the newly unlocked door. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Line Racks, [ ] Item Box, [ ] 1000 Credits, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== ER Hallway A == When Isaac enters this room, a Lurker will run to the right down the corridor up ahead. Soon the Lurker will step back out and a Slasher will join him as both dash toward Isaac. Defeat them, then turn your attention to the locked door to the right. Place a Power Node in the controls to the right of it to unlock the door then step inside.

== Power Node Room == Grab the many --RANDOM AMMO-- pickups and the --LINE RACKS SCHEMTIC-- then smash the --ITEM BOX-- and raid the --ITEM LOCKERS--. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Line Racks Schematic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== ER Hallway A == Back out in the hallway, continue to the right. Further ahead, some Slashers and a Stinger will attack. One of the Slashers will appear from behind Isaac, so watch for him. Pick up the --EILEEN-- database file from the floor to the left of the next door up ahead. Don't go through the door just yet, move down the hall to the right. Two Slashers and a Stinger will try to corner Isaac, so run toward a wall and make sure that all the enemies are in view while fighting them. Pick up the --NEWBORNS-- database file from off the floor then grab the --LINE RACKS-- on the nearby table and smash the --ITEM BOXES-- on the far wall. Return to the door back down the hall and step into the next room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Eileen" database file--, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Line Racks, [ ] --"Newborns" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Intensive Car Unit == Oh look, a survivor! Mam, could you spare some extra ammo, please? Wow, she doesn't look so well armed with that knife and psychotic stare. Don't worry about her though, pick up the --MORE TIME-- database file and get yourself to the next room instead. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"More Time" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Morgue Hallway == Nice atmosphere in here, isn't it? Pick up the --COLONIST PROBLEMS-- file from the floor shortly after entering then get to the next door. A Lurker will step out from the corner at the end of the hall, so light him up with some flames or cut off those appendages of his. Take the elevator down to the next floor then step inside the Morgue. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Colonist Problems" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Morgue == Oh, how I do love my Morgue rooms in survival horrors - seemingly quiet and ready to scare the hell out of me at any moment without notice! Move around the left side of the room. One of the doors to the shelves along the side will

open eventually.

Don't worry... yet.

Move further ahead and a new enemy will appear from behind the window in the room up ahead. These are Infectors and they can infect any dead bodies around them. This is why you won't to mutilate any dead bodies in areas that an Infector will appear in, so they can't turn them into a necromorph. The Infector will infect the captain's body then the captain will turn into a Dark Lurker. Objective Added: [ ] Kill the Captain The captain's body has been... transformed by one of those things. got to take him down to get his RIG.


Dark Lurkers are a bit more powerful and aggressive when compared to the standard Lurker, so have the Line Gun ready for him when he charges through the glass toward Isaac. You need to finish him and immediately turn your attention toward the Infector. The Infector will rush toward the dead body to the right and attempt to turn it into Slasher, so you need to tear through the captain then buckle down on the Infector with a weapon before he has a chance to infect the dead body off to the right. The Line Gun should work just fine for both enemies. You might want to use stasis on the Dark Lurker so you can focus on the Infector. Infectors don't have any appendages, so there is nothing special to aim for on their bodies. Infectors cannot infect a dead body with only a few appendages still left on it. And before you ask, yes, they can still infect a headless body! Even though they stick their infecting appendages through the corpse's head, they will actually place it into the corpse's neck if the head is missing. Objective Complete: [X] Kill the Captain Pick up the ++CAPTAIN'S RIG++ from the captain's corpse and the current objective will be complete then the --CODES RECEIVED-- database file will play. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] ++CAPTAIN'S RIG++, [ ] --"Codes Received" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Complete: [X] Retrieve the Captain's RIG Pick up the --1000 CREDITS-- from the open door along the side wall then find the --1000 CREDITS--, --SMALL MED PACK-- and --POWER NODE-- in the room where the captain's body was. Step back out into the Morgue then grab the --AUTOPSY REPORT-- database file and the --RANDOM AMMO-- while on your way to the elevator doors on the right side of the room. Take the elevator back up to the next floor. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] 1000 Credits, [ ] --"Autopsy Report" database file--, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Power Node, [ ] Small Med Pack, [ ] 1000 Credits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

== Emergency Room == Don't worry, nothing will jump out at you in here. Return to the Clinic Hallway - you start right across from the door leading to it. == Clinic Hallway == Right when the door is opened to this room, a Dark Lurker will immediately dash toward Isaac, so answer his aggression with a Line Gun or Pulse Rifle to the face to calm him down a bit. Such anger. If you are at aiming and have a quick response to fast enemies then a Dark Lurker can easily be taken down with the Plasma Cutter. Aim at its legs then shoot one of them off and then fire at his arms and head as he moves toward Isaac. It's good to learn to fight them off this way in order to save ammo. == ER Hallway == The --ENGINE PROBLEMS-- database file will play shortly. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Engine Problems" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Go to Engineering So the infection started planetside, and somehow got onto the ship. And these creatures came from within the planet. It's almost too incredible to believe. Hammond needs me on the Engineering deck now to try to connect the ship's orbit. As if things could get any worse. Alright Mr. Clarke, head through the doors directly ahead then step back into the Tram Station from the Security Room. == Tram Station == Step onto the tram and interact with the controls to complete this chapter. C H A P T E R



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== Tram Station == Objective Added: [ ] Re Fuel the Engine (0/2)


- - - - - - - - - - -

I find it hard to believe that the Ishimura ran out of fuel. They haven't been on mission long enough for that. Either the fuel lines are disengaged or something very bad has happened. [ ] Activate the Centrifuge Hammond's right about this one. Ships like the Ishimura use massive centrifuges to negate the pull of dismantled pieces of planet. Undoubtedly, it's offline so I'll need to assess the problem and get it restarted. The --REPAIR SHIP'S ORBIT-- database file will play shortly after Isaac steps out of the tram. Check the --ITEM CHEST-- to the left and the --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the far wall of the sitting area. Move into the corridor off to the left. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Repair the Ship's Orbit" database file--, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Control Room == You'll arrive in the control room soon enough. Find the nearby --ITEM CONTAINERS-- and --ITEM LOCKERS-- then pick up the --TEMPLE REPORT 1-- database file from the middle of the control area. There is also a !!STORE!! and a !!SAVE STATION!! on the right side of the room. You see that crew member mutilate it - pick it up Stomp the hell out of it later. Exit the room by

corpse on the chair? Knock it down with a punch and and toss it to the ground with kinesis if you have to. and tear it to shreds. Just do it. You'll thank me opening the door on the right side.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] --"Temple Report 1" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Machine Shop == Move down the stairs and step into the room below. now; don't get near it. Raid the --ITEM LOCKERS-- and grab --FLAME FUEL SCHEMATIC-- then exit how you can't grab it with kinesis the seemingly dead Slasher to wake

Ignore the dead body for

the --TEMPLE REPORT 2-- database file and the room. Now, about that dead body, notice if you try. We have a live one here! Blast it up then defeat it.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] --"Temple Report 2" database file--, [ ] Flame Fuel Schematic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Move through the opening then pick counter to the right up ahead. An upgrade. While walking toward the crates on the left and grapple the

up the --CHAOS-- database file from the !!UPGRADE BENCH!! is nearby if you need to door off to the left, turn toward the set of --RANDOM AMMO-- on them with kinesis then

collect it as it moves toward Isaac.

Open the next door.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Chaos" database file--, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Refueling Chamber == You'll see something scamper by as it crawls below the catwalk when Isaac turns the left corner up ahead. Take a right and follow the path then open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- along the wall. Continue along the path and pick up the --1000 CREDITS-- on the shelf directly ahead then smash the --ITEM BOX-- to the right. Make a left then move around the corner. Move down the ramp off to the left and find the corridor near the ramp and enter it then pick up the --SMALL MED PACK-- from the shelf at the end. Go back outside of the corridor then move up the ramp and walk further back into this area. A Slasher will fall from a vent eventually so prepare to shoot. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Box, [ ] 1000 Credits, [ ] Small Med Pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The gondola up ahead can be moved across right now, but let's collect everything on this current side first. Check the --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the wall to the left then move up the ramp further ahead. Use kinesis to grab the lever at the top of the control then move it downward to fulfill the first part of the current objective. Objective (partially) Complete: [X] Re Fuel the Engine (1/2) Walk up the ramp to the side and blast the Slasher and Spiders that will attack then pick up the --SMALL MED PACK-- further ahead. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Small Med Pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Return to the gondola. Notice how the gondola lift has a kinesis symbol below it. Grapple the gondola with kinesis and pull it toward Isaac. Step inside once the bars raise. You can grapple the dead body with kinesis and toss it off the side if it distracts you. Interact with the controls to take the gondola across. A total of four Slashers will appear on the other side. Begin to blast them while the gondola moves to the other side. The Pulse Rifle will work nicely since there are so many. The Line Gun's secondary fire works well also but be sure to shoot the mine toward their side before the gondola gets too close to the other side. A Dark Slasher will appear once the first three have been finished, so prepare to hammer away at him with a gun before the lift opens. There is a red canister to the left that you might be able to shoot while the lift approaches the other side to help out in defeating the Slashers. Get off the lift and smash the --ITEM BOX-- in the right alcove. Move up the ramp to the left and open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- then pick up the --TEMPLE REPORT 3-- database file further ahead. Make a right when you reach the side of the ramp then make another quick right and step into the nearby corridor

then pick up the --POWER NODE-- from the container on the wall and the --RANDOM CREDITS-- from the shelf further ahead. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Container, [ ] --"Temple Report 3" database file--, [ ] Power Node, [ ] Random Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Walk up the ramp. A Slasher will run out from the left corridor up ahead then dive into a vent. Don't worry much about him if you don't shoot him in time he simply fears Isaac's wrath and won't come back out again. Turn back around and face the ramp that Isaac just moved up and then look toward the second floor catwalk up above to see a shiny item, which is actually some --RANDOM CREDITS--. Grapple the credits with kinesis and collect them. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Turn back around and take the second left up ahead then check the --ITEM CONTAINER-- against the far wall. To the right of that item container is a very dark corridor, where a Slasher is waiting, so get ready to blast him. This Slasher seems to appear randomly; he's not always guaranteed to be there. Collect the --STASIS PACK-- from the shelf at the end of the nearby corridor then walk back out. Move past the item box then go right and you'll arrive at a !!SAVE STATION!!. Pick up the --RIPPER SCHEMATIC-- from off the catwalk to the right and move toward the lever on the circular portion of the left walkway. Use kinesis to grapple the top lever then bring it all the way down to fully accomplish the first objective for this chapter. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Stasis Pack, [ ] Ripper Schematic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Complete: [X] Re Fuel the Engine (2/2) The --ENGINE REFUELED-- database file will play as soon as the lever is pulled down. Go back to the gondola and ride it back across. Three Lurkers will attack from around the corner on the way back so prepare to torch them or cut off their appendages before they hit Isaac. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Engine Refueled" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Slasher will move by to the right as the gondola reaches the other side. He won't appear again if you have already dealt with the Slasher on the right side of the corridors ahead though. Head to the right and reenter the control room from the right side. == Control Room == An Infector will be in the control area now. If you didn't mutilate the dead body that was inside of the control area earlier then it will quickly attach

itself to the dead body and turn it into a Dark Slasher. If you tore through the dead body with extreme rage like one might do with a stress doll while playing the NES Battletoads then the Infector won't have a host to mutate. By the way, stomp the --ITEM BOX-- down the walkway to the right before entering the control room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Step back into the control room and defeat the Infector and possible guest. Be sure to visit the store to free up your inventory of schematics and you might want to purchase the Ripper. Be sure to save your game then step into the elevator that leads to the Centrifuge along the side of the room and take it down. == Decontamination == Open the --ITEM LOCKERS-- around the hall ahead. The second right locker down the hall up ahead has the --TEMPLE REPORT 4-- database file inside. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] --"Temple Report 4" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Continue past the door to the decontamination room for right now and open the rest of the --ITEM LOCKERS-- then find the --LINE RACKS-- lying around and you might want to take note of the !!UPGRADE BENCH!! nearby. Enter the decontamination room when you're ready. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Line Racks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Walk over to the decon chamber controls in the middle of the room and activate them. The room will seal off for decontamination. Slashers will eventually appear outside. Two Slashers and a Stinger will enter the decontamination room one at a time from the ceiling, so scope each of them out and blast them as they enter. Keep aiming since the lights will go out in the room and Isaac's flashlight will help you to see. You may want to give your Ripper weapon a try here - aim for the legs to knock them down then saw off their head and arms. Exit the room through the door on the other side once the decontamination is complete and the doors unlock. Open the outside --ITEM LOCKER-- then enter the next room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Locker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Centrifuge Hallway == Move down the left side of this hallway first and pick up the --1900 CREDITS-and --POWER NODE-- from the container then return to the middle. Run down the right side and pick up the --RANDOM AMMO-- then move close to the hole in the wall and grab the --GOLD SEMICONDUCTOR-- from it. Open the next door and save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! then pick up the --MEDIUM AIR CAN--. Open

the next door. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] 1900 Credits, [ ] Power Node, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Gold Semiconductor, [ ] Medium Air Can ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Centrifuge == Isaac will enter another zero gravity chamber. There is an --ITEM CONTAINER-behind Isaac on the left wall as he steps into this area. If you listen closely, you can hear the patter of little hands. A Stinger will appear on the ceiling above Isaac. Zero-G jump to the bottom floor below then defeat the two Stingers in this wide open space. If you can find an explosive canister floating around then grapple it and toss it at them. Look around the middle of the room to find an --ITEM BOX-- floating in the air - grapple it with kinesis then shoot it against the ground to shatter it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------What you need to do here is to plug the two devices with the rotating cylinders (generator modules) into the plugs on the bottom of the centrifuge around them. The problem is that simply moving them with kinesis toward the plugs will not plug them in because the cylindrical portion is moving. We need to find some way to slow them down. Hit the front portion of a generator module with stasis then grapple it with kinesis while it is nearly frozen and pull it toward the plug that it faces. The generator modules are on a railing, so simply grapple them and slide them over to the side. The front rotating portion of the generator module must be hit with stasis; if you hit the back then the front will keep spinning normally. Hit each module with stasis then drag it toward the middle centrifuge. A Stinger will attack after the first module has been connected. Once both modules are plugged into the sides of the centrifuge then it will have power once again. Another Stinger will attack shortly, so look out for it. You need to jump to the opposite side of the room across from the side where Isaac entered this area. There is a control panel up on this side and there is a stasis recharger on the wall along the walkway it is on as well. Rush over to the control panel and choose to activate the centrifuge. Objective Complete: [X] Activate the Centrifuge The gravity will be restored but all the air will be sucked out of the room due the bottom floor opening. Turn around immediately and step on the lift through the doorway then use the controls to take it down to the next floor. DON'T RUSH OUT TO THE WALKWAY JUST YET! The centrifuge arm will make mincemeat out of Isaac. The centrifuge arm spins in a clockwise circle around the walkway of the floor that Isaac is on. Wait for the arm to spin by the alcove where Isaac is standing then quickly dash down the right walkway and get to the next alcove further ahead along the right side. If you take the left side then Isaac will die since he will step

into some gooey organic tissue along the walkway that will stop him from moving fast. The --CENTRIFUGE ACTIVATED-- database file will play shortly while Isaac runs across the walkway. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Centrifuge Activated" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Manually Ignite the Engine Hammond's right about this one. Ships like the Ishimura use massive centrifuges to negate the pull of dismantled pieces of planet. Undoubtedly, it's offline so I'll need to assess the problem and get it restarted. A Slasher will fall down from the vent on the ceiling and attack once Isaac takes shelter in the first alcove. Run toward him to escape the centrifuge arm then blast him. Time a run once again and dash to the right once more then duck into the next alcove. Recharge the oxygen gauge at the oxygen recharger on the next wall. Time a run again and move to the right. A Stinger will meet Isaac as he runs to the next alcove. Just run into the alcove with it and fight it off from there. Be ready to hit it with stasis after entering the alcove. Time a run one final time and run to the right again then get on the lift in the next alcove and take it up. Step out onto the top walkway then open the door off to the right. == Centrifuge Hallway == Take the --RANDOM AMMO-- from off the floor then save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!!. Arm your Pulse Rifle before stepping through the next door. When Isaac enters the next room, a tentacle will grab him and pull him deeper into the hallway. The tentacle will pull him toward a hole in the wall and kill him if he doesn't damage it quickly. Take out the Pulse Rifle and shoot the yellow portion of the tentacle a few times to slice it into. You have to get adjusted to the aim at this part - Isaac can only aim when the tentacle stops pulling him for a while - it only does this a few times. Watch for the laser pointer to appear on the yellow portion while aiming then fire at it. Try to aim precisely, especially if you are using another weapon besides the Pulse Rifle. Aiming is the hardest part of this whole sequence since the view is so awkward at first... and still is to me. If you don't have the Pulse Rifle then use the Plasma Cutter. The tentacle will break apart and let go of Isaac once it is defeated. Continue to the other end and open the door to the left. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Decontamination == Go through the decontamination room and exit out to the other side. A Slasher will attack from off to the left. Move through the next few doorways then open

the door to the elevator. The --KENDRA IS ALIVE-- database file will play while taking the elevator back up to the Security Station. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Kendra is Alive" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Security Station == Save your game! open it.

Walk over to the big door to the left of the control area and

== Fuel Storage == The Fuel Storage section of the ship is completely ripped apart, so you'll enter a vacuum with zero gravity when stepping into this area. A --SMALL AIR CAN-- will be floating up and to the right while stepping out onto the ledge ahead. Grapple the --RANDOM AMMO-- and --ITEM BOX-- directly overhead to pull them toward Isaac. You can run out of air easily at this part, so you might want to go back through the door that Isaac just came through and allow it to close off to recharge your air gauge or prepare to use an air can up ahead. While standing on the ledge, took off to the left then look up a bit to see a sideways walkway that Isaac can jump to. Jump to it then look up and to the right to see a circular hole with the next door. A Stinger will attack from the next wall sooner or later, so quickly jump over to the right wall up ahead and fight him off. Another Stinger will join the fight soon. Use the Line Gun to take care of them quickly since you don't have much time before your oxygen gauge is depleted. Find the --MEDIUM AIR CAN-- that is floating around the area next to the door (look for a glow then grapple it with kinesis) then run into the alcove where the door is and quickly open the door - Isaac will actually run uphill (up the wall). Move up to the next door and the door behind Isaac will eventually close and the room will fill up with air. Open the next door to enter the Engine Hallway. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Small Air Can, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Medium Med Pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Engine Hallway == This room is loud at the start! Grab the --MEDIUM MED PACK SCHEMATIC-- then check the --ITEM CONTAINER-- against the right wall. Move down the hallway ahead and you'll eventually enter a room with catwalks. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Medium Med Pack Schematic, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Engine Catwalk Area == Enter the room on the right side and raid the --ITEM LOCKERS-- then pick up the --POWER NODE-- from the container on the wall and the --CORRUPTION-- database file from off the left side of the floor. Step back outside. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST

[ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Power Node, [ ] --"Corruption" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter the room on the other side of the catwalk and pick up the --PLASMA ENERGY-- and --TEMPLE REPORT 5-- database file then open the --ITEM LOCKER--. Leave the room then take the nearby lift down to the next catwalk below. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Plasma Energy, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] --"Temple Report 5" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Walk through the doorway off to the right and pick up the --SMALL MED PACK-from inside the room then exit the room. The gooey organic tissue on the walkways will make Isaac walk no matter if you hold down the run button. Continue to the other side of the catwalk. A few Spiders will move out of the room on the other side so take out the Pulse Rifle and blast them. Enter the room on the other side. The body inside will actually reach out for help. You can actually stomp him while he moves! Break the --ITEM BOX-- and open the --ITEM LOCKER-- then exit the room. Take the next lift to the bottom floor. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Small Med Pack, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Locker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter the first room to the left and pick up the --STASIS PACK--. The --ITEM BOX-- inside is full of Spiders - hey at least it beats ghost piranha fish! There is a stasis recharger inside as well. Leave the room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Stasis Pack, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The locked door on the other side can be opened by placing a power node on the controls next to it, so do so and enter the room. Pick up the --5000 CREDITS-, --RIPPER BLADE SCHEMATICS--, --RANDOM AMMO-- and --MEDIUM MED PACK-- from inside. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] 5000 Credits, [ ] Ripper Blades Schematic, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Medium Med Pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Leave the room and stand near the doors and tell the Slasher on the other side, will stupidly walk through the slamming attempting to act macho. Use stasis on then run through them.

then stomp the ground on Isaac's side "Do not cross this footprint", then it door and get smashed to bits while the doors to stop them from slamming

Move down the hall ahead and grapple the red explosive canister at the end then launch it at the group of Spiders that move toward Isaac. Defeat the Stinger that crawls down the ramp then move to the other end of the hall. Save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! then open the door to the Engine Room. == Engine Room ==

Three Slashers will attack as soon as Isaac enters the room. Take out the Line Gun then shoot them if they start to group up or simply use the Plasma Cutter to take them down. A new enemy, a Pregnant, will step into view after the Slashers have been defeated. Do not ever shoot these enemies in the stomach since they will release Spiders or some other type of enemy (later in the game). Focus on shooting its head and arms or legs. They are not that tough at all but when they are charging at Isaac, precision aiming can be hard. Really any cutter type of weapons works well if you aim upwards. Making them fall by cutting off a leg helps a good bit. Break the --ITEM BOX-- to the left and open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- to the right further ahead. Find the --MEDIUM MED PACK-- in the middle alcove on the left then pick up the --POWER NODE-- from the container on the right. There is also a --RANDOM AMMO-- pickup in the back left of this area near some big pipes and an --ITEM CONTAINER-- across from a glowing wall light to the right of the controls in the back of the room. Move up either ramp on the right side and break the two --ITEM BOXES-- above. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Power Node, [ ] Medium Med Pack, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------After the item collecting, move over to the controls in the back of this room and interact with them to start the engine sequence. Now, this next part can get ugly after the engine sequence has been triggered. Slashers and Stingers will attack Isaac from all over this area. I would advise you to run over to the explosive canisters in the area where you got the power node and launch the explosive canisters at the creatures while using kinesis. You can also group them together and use stasis then launch an explosive canister at the group. This will get rid of a few of them quickly. Use the Line Gun or other weapon of choice to fight the rest of them. Use stasis on big groups then mow them down with the Line Gun, Ripper or other weapon of choice. Picking one corner of the room and standing it while fighting these enemies will help out a good bit as well. Once they are all defeated, the engine will be ready for ignition, so walk back over to the controls and activate the engine. Objective Complete: [X} Manually Ignite the Engine Leave the room once the engine has been triggered. The --ENGINE FIXED-database file will play when you step near the save station in the connecting room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Engine Fixed" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Go to the Bridge From bad to worse.

We're no longer going to crash, but we're going to get

smashed to pieces by the asteroid field surrounding the planet. to get to the Bridge and meet up with Hammond.

I've got

Step outside into the next hallway. == Hallway to Control Room == Smash the --ITEM BOX-- then open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- off to the left. Follow the hallway as it ramps upwards. The --STRANGE TRANSMISSION-- database file will be received when Isaac reaches the next door. Step into the next room then reenter the Control Room via the door off to the right. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Container, [ ] --"Strange Transmission" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Control Room == You need to get back to the Tram Station. A Slasher will attack from the hall in the back of the Control Room as you leave. Move down the hall ahead then enter the tram and interact with the controls to end this chapter. C H A P T E R



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- - - - - - - - -

******************************************************************************* SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT DATABASE FILES: For this chapter, there is no way to receive all the database files on the first playthrough. The following files: * Control Module Placed - reroute power in Mining Administration Room * Systems Module Placed - reroute power in Ship Systems * Astrogation Module Placed - reroute power in ADS Lower Hallway These files will be received based on how Isaac reroutes the power controls for the ADS system. For the final (or third) power control that is rerouted, Isaac will receive the "Aim the ADS Cannon" database file instead. Basically, you always have to forfeit one of the files listed above per playthrough. ******************************************************************************* == Tram Station == Objective Added: [ ] Meet Hammond on the Bridge Hammond is waiting for me in the Captain's Nest. It's clear that Kendra doesn't trust him. As for me, for the moment I've got no choice

When Isaac steps off the tram, --THE MARKER-- database file will be received. There are some --ITEM CONTAINERS-- up ahead and there is a --SMALL MEDIPACK-in the sitting area. Enter the next room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"The Marker" database file--, [ ] Small Med Pack, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Atrium Hallway == While moving down this hallway a creature will try to attack through the left wall. Grab the --RANDOM AMMO-- then continue past the !!STORE!! at the end of the hall and enter the Atrium. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Main Atrium == The --ASTEROID IMPACT-- database file will play shortly after an asteroid crashes through the ceiling and into the floor of the Atrium. Scope out the many --ITEM CHESTS-- along the sides of the room and pick up the --INITIAL ATTACK-- database file from the second set of controls to the right then find all the --RANDOM AMMO-- near the controls on the left side of the room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Asteroid Impact" database file, [ ] --"Initial Attack" database file--, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The elevators in the center of the Atrium are locked, so move down the stairs in the very back. Save you game at the !!SAVE STATION!! at the bottom of the stairs then run down the stairs in front of it. Take the elevator down. Be sure to grab the --LEVEL 3 SUIT SCHEMATIC-- before entering the Captain's Nest. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Level 3 Suit Schematic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Captain's Nest == Objective Complete: [X] Meet Hammond on the Bridge Stomp the --ITEM BOX-- then snatch the items from the --ITEM CONTAINERS-- along the side walls. Take the --LIST OF THE DEAD-- database file from the captain's seat in the middle of the room while Hammond speaks to Isaac. A new objective will be received after the conversation. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] --"List of Dead" database file--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Objective Added: [ ] Activate the Elevators The elevators leading to the other sub decks of the Bridge are offline. The controls are in the Security Room. You need to go back up to the Atrium and turn the elevators on. == Main Atrium == A necromorph that Hammon trapped earlier inside one of the right escape pods (when he called Isaas in Chapter 3) will wake up and Hammond will shoot it out into space when Isaac reenters this area. Move up the elevator once again and be sure to save your game. Move to the back of the Atrium and a Brute will break through the large door up ahead. The --BRUTE COMBAT-- database file will be received shortly after the Brute breaks through the door. These enemies are hard to hit from the front side. It is best to use stasis on them and get behind them then attack. Look for the yellowish glow along their legs and arms while facing their backsides and shoot at their appendages. It is best to shoot of a leg first. Use the Line Gun against these enemies for now. Brutes will always eventually fall over after they have been damaged enough, so that is your cue to step behind them and blast their appendages from the backside. Shooting off a leg will limit the Brute's movement somewhat but it will still be very aggressive. It will start a new attack while Isaac is at a distance while it's foot is gone - it will shoot an explosive pod at Isaac from a distance. These pods can be grappled with kinesis and tossed back at the Brute for some good damage - this will stun them again.. A Brute can be hit from the front side but the hit will not phase him as much as it will from the backside. The Brute will leave behind --5000 CREDITS-- once it is defeated. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Brute Combat" database file--, [ ] 5000 Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter the room where the Brute exited out of after the battle. Walk over to the controls for the elevator and turn the elevators on. Isaac will receive a very strange and disturbing transmission on the way to the elevator controls. A new objective will be received once the elevators are back online. Objective Complete: [X] Activate the Elevators Objective Added: [ ] Re Route ADS Power (0/3) There are power junctions scattered around the Bridge. I can hack into them and redistribute power to the ADS system. Then Hammond can start it up and the ship will be protected from the asteroid bombardment. Take the --POWER NODE-- from the nearby container on the left wall. Enter the small room behind the control panel and smash the --ITEM BOX-- then raid the


There is an !!UPGRADE BENCH!! inside as well.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Power Node, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now is a good time to go back and buy that Level 3 suit since you have the schematic for it, so go pick it up to boost your armor and inventory space you'll need it. When you're ready, move down the elevator across from the door where the Brute busted through and take it down. You'll find the --CAPTAIN'S DEMISE-- database file inside of the elevator. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Captain's Demise" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Hallway to Ship Systems == A nice pleasant scream from nowhere will welcome Isaac to this floor before stepping out of the elevator. Crush the --ITEM BOX-- then take the collectibles from the --ITEM CONTAINER-- to the left and the --ITEM CHEST-- to the right. Save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! then move down the hall and pick up the --CONTACT BEAM SCHEMATIC-- and move into the room up ahead. The Contact Beam is your best weapon against a Brute and its secondary fire will work well against Spiders that happen to burst from a Pregnant's chest. It provides some extremely heavy damage with its primary fire that will take down just about any enemy in one shot - it takes about three to four shots to defeat a Brute if you shoot it in the back. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Contact Beam Schematic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== SS Storage A == There is a Slasher lying on the ground in this room. I recommend shooting him with stasis then running over to him and stomping his crippled ass directly into the floor. That's just me however, you do what you want. There is a stasis recharger on the other side of the room and two --ITEM CONTAINERS-- on the walls of the room. Exit the room after collecting everything. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Hallway to Ships Systems == The --REVERESED GRAVITY-- database file will play on your way down the other end of the hall. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Reversed Gravity" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Ship Systems == Pick up the --RANDOM AMMO-- from off to the right after moving around the wall. You see that glowing space in the floor up ahead? This is the type of

malfunctioning plate that Kendra warned Isaac about. Don't step on these glowing reverse gravity plates or Isaac will be shot up to the ceiling and he will be instantly killed. Allow the Lurker from the other end to step onto the glowing plate and watch what happens. The Slasher that follows will play it smart and step around the right side of the gravity plate. You can use stasis on him then push him into the reverse gravity plate if you'd like to. There is a trophy (achievement) associated with pushing five enemies into the gravity plates, so be sure to try for it since now is your best chance. Use kinesis to grapple an enemy's dropped items away from the ceiling if they get stuck up there. Step around the right side of the plate after dealing with the Slasher. A Lurker will attack from off to the left. Deal with him then step around the glowing gravity plates to the left and enter the next open area. A Slasher will move toward your current location starting from the beginning of this room. He might actually step onto a gravity plate and kill himself or he might make it through them - be ready if he makes it to Isaac. Pick up the --RANDOM AMMO-- from off to the left and move into the next hallway. Two Lurkers will attack in the next hall. Use the stasis recharger against the far wall if needed. Use kinesis to move the shelves blocking the way to the next room then enter the room. A Brute will attack in this room. He will bust through the wall in the back. He can bust through many of the walls on the left side of the room, so stay on the right side. Lure him around the unbreakable wall then use kinesis to stop him and get in the back of him then shoot off his appendages with the Line Gun, Plasma Cutter or Pulse Rifle. There are two --RANDOM AMMO-- pickups on the left side of the room and the Brute will drop a --POWER NODE-- once he is defeated. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Power Node ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recharge your stasis back at the stasis recharger then enter the area where the Brute charged into the area. There are electric cords flipping and waving to the sides of this area. Pick up the --MEDIUM MED PACK-- from the left side of the room. Shoot the electric cords with stasis while they move to the left then quickly run over to the controls on the right side of the room and reroute the power for this area by using the control panel in order to make the electric cords stop moving and accomplish part of your current objective. Objective (partially) Complete: [X] Re Route ADS Power (1/3) The --SYSTEMS MODULE PLACED-- database file will play shortly after rerouting the power. Leave this area. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Medium Med Pack, [ ] --"Systems Module Placed" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Step back around all the gravity plates and get back to the elevator. Two Slashers will attack in the Hallway to Ship Systems, so be ready to blast them.

== Main Atrium == Several Stingers will be awaiting your return to the Atrium, so fight them off with the Pulse Rifle and prepare to run to the side a lot to avoid their lunges. Walk over to the elevator on the opposite side of the elevator shaft and take it down to the mining area (Level 1). The --REPORT FROM KENDRA-- will be received on the way down to the next floor. == Hallway to Mining Administration == Open the --ITEM CHEST-- then save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! in the first room. Open the next door. All will seem quiet in this hallway until the door on the right wall of the corridor up ahead is eventually sucked out into space and the entire room enters a vacuum while Isaac walks down the hall. Isaac, you damn jinx! Stand next to the hole in the wall and use kinesis to move away the wall debris from the hole and find the --RANDOM ITEM-- on the floor outside then use kinesis to bring it to Isaac and collect it - equipping the Plasma Cutter makes targeting this item much easier. Enter the Storage Room at the end of the hall. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Item, [ ] --Report from Kendra" database file--, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== MA Hall Storage == Be sure to step inside far enough so that the door to the outside hallway closes in order to regain oxygen. Open the --ITEM LOCKER-- and --ITEM CONTAINER-- inside then use the !!UPRGRADE BENCH!! if needed. Exit the room when you're finished then rush toward the next room through the door down the hall outside. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Mining Administration Room == Go through the next door ahead. There is an --ITEM CONTAINER-- in the room through the door on the left side. Two Dark Slashers are up ahead and they are unaware of Isaac's presence when he first enters this area. One of them drags a body behind him. You can sneak up behind them and get the drop on them now if you wish. I like to shoot the back with stasis and push him directly into the nearby reverse gravity plate with weapon fire - a Force Gun works very well for pushing them into the gravity plates if Isaac already has it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Speaking of reverse gravity plates, this room is full of them, so be sure to tread carefully through it. Enter the room off to the right as you first step into this area. == MA Computer Room ==

Pick up the --REPORT OF INFECTION-- database file from the floor then open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the wall. In the next room, you'll find and --ITEM BOX-, an --ITEM CHEST-- and a --POWER NODE--, so load up, guy! Walk back out into the Mining Administration Room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Report of Infection" database file--, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Power Node ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Mining Administration Room == Find the locked room on the right side of this area then place a Power Node on the control panel to the left of the door and then step inside. == Power Node Room == Two --ITEM LOCKERS--, an --ITEM BOX, an --ITEM CONTAINER-- a --LARGE MED PACK-, a --MEDIUM MED PACK--, --5000 CREDITS-- and a --GOLD SEMICONDUCTOR-- are lying in wait for Isaac's grubby hands. Leave the room after all the collecting. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Large Med Pack, [ ] Medium Med Pack, [ ] 5000 Credits, [ ] Gold Semiconductor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Mining Administration Room == Mutilate all the dead bodies that are on the floor in this area before continuing - trust me. Maneuver through the glowing plates of death along the right side of the room then prepare to fight a Lurker as it steps out from the far side of the area ahead. A --SMALL MED PACK-- is near the seats off to the right when Isaac reaches the windows. Walk over to the power system controls and reroute the power for this area to the ADS. Objective (partially) Complete: [X] Re Route ADS Power (2/3) The --CONTROL MODULE PLACED-- database file will play after the power has been rerouted. An Infector will appear in this room after the file plays. You did smash those dead bodies in this room, didn't you? If not, then the Infector will start using them as hosts right now. Find the Infector then kill it and move back through the door that leads out of this room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Small Med Pack, [ ] --"Control Module Placed" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Hallway to Mining Administration == Backtrack through the door and run through the vacuum hall. Step into the elevator once again but this time take it up to the level 3 - the ADS Area.

== ADS Lower Hall == A figure will appear through the doorway ahead with a disturbing phrase before the door seals off in front of him. Make you whole, eh? Sorry, Isaac only separates his foes... violently. Anyway, pick up the --TEMPLE ON THE BRIDGE-- database file from the immediate right after stepping off the elevator then grab the --FORCE GUN SCHEMATIC-from the left side of the room. Open the --ITEM CHEST-- and --ITEM CONTAINER-also then press on to the next room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Temple on the Bridge" database file--, [ ] Force Gun Schematic, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Be sure to save your game before continuing down the hall ahead. There are two --ITEM CONTAINERS-- on the left wall up ahead. When Isaac moves around the corner, a Pregnant and a Dark Slasher will attack. Don't hit the Pregnant in its stomach or it will release Spiders as its stomach bursts open. You really want to focus on their upper half appendages (head and arms) or the legs. The Plasma Cutter, Line Gun or any weapon that can hit them quickly without spreading damage will work well against them. The Ripper actually does well if you aim for their top portion. A Pregnant will fall fast if you cut off its top appendages - it really seems to fall just as fast as a Slasher if you hit it properly. Keep in mind that the Contact Beam's secondary fire will quickly eliminate the Spiders that burst forth from its chest if you happen to hit it and both weapon fires for the Force Gun work well against Spiders thanks to its wide spread shots. Take the --RIPPER BLADES-- from near the locked door by the controls ahead. Walk over to the controls for the power system for this area and reroute the power to the ADS like with all the other power systems and the --AIM THE ADS CANNON-- database file will play shortly after the objective is fulfilled then a new objective will be received. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Ripper Blades, [ ] --"Aim the ADS Cannon" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Complete: [X] Re Route ADS Power Objective Added: [ ] Destroy the Asteroids One of the cannons has failed to start, which means a big portion of the ship is unprotected. I've got to take manual control and buy Hammond enough time to fix it on his end. NOTE: If you have not rerouted the power in the other areas of the ship prior to rerouting the power here, then Isaac will receive the "Astrogation Module Placed" database file, and you will have to reroute the power in the other areas then come back here.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Astrogation Module Placed" database file-- (see note above) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The once locked door is now open, so move into the next room. == Ship Exterior Access == Enter the Storage Room down the hall off to the right. == Storage Room 47 == Grab the --RANDOM AMMO-- then stomp the --ITEM BOX-- and open the --ITEM LOCKER-- then leave. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Locker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Ship Exterior Access == Open the door further ahead then take the elevator up. == ADS Hallway == The --AVOID THE ASTEROIDS-- database file will be received halfway down the hallway ahead. Pick up the --MEDIUM AIR CAN-- near the next door then open the door followed by the next and step outside. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Avoid the Asteroids" database file--, [ ] Medium Air Can ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== ADS Outside Access == Isaac will enter a vacuum area with zero gravity. You'll have to go through this area quickly since it is a rather large sprint to the next door on the other side. A shower of asteroids will fly by every now and then and you must step behind the metal barricades to avoid them. Whenever you see a particle effect starting, be sure to get behind a metal barricade. If you don't take shelter behind one when the asteroid shower has started then Isaac will get smashed to pieces due to the incoming asteroids. You can zero-g jump in this area. Isaac can jump to the walkway ahead or he can leap up onto the walls. The walls have some small barricades to take cover behind as well. Stand behind a barricade and wait for the asteroid shower to stop then quickly dash forward past the next barricade and take cover behind the second barricade further ahead after passing by the first. You'll have just enough time to make it past one full barricade and get to another before the shower starts again. Depending on your air gauge, you might have to use an air can out here - don't be afraid to use it! Run straight to the door on the other side and open it quickly then step inside. When taking cover from an asteroid shower, be sure to wait a few seconds AFTER the particle effects diminish on the screen since there are sometimes some

stray asteroids a few seconds after a shower that can hit and kill Isaac if you move out too quickly. Do not rush or you'll get hit by a slower asteroid attempting to catch up with its flock. Simply use an air can if you must! TIP: If you jump to the right wall and run along it, Isaac will pass by two oxygen rechargers along the barricades while moving ahead. If you jump to the left wall, Isaac will pass by one oxygen recharger. == ADS Controls == Collect the --RUBY SEMICONDUCTOR-- from the floor and smash the --ITEM BOX-off to the right. Be sure to save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! on the left wall. Approach the controls for the cannon and interact with them to trigger a shooter minigame. Isaac must defend the Ishimura from incoming asteroids during this minigame. The ship's health is displayed in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Any asteroid impact will damage the ship a bit. If the ship's health gauge is brought down to zero then the game is over. The ship's health gauge starts at 85% shield strength. Here are the controls: R1 (or RT) = fire right cannon L1 (or LT) = fire left cannon Right Analog (Right Stick) = aim cannon The asteroids can sometimes be hard to hit but you don't want to shoot too often or the cannon will overheat. Any asteroid that passes by the window will hit the ship. You mainly want to focus on groups of asteroids instead of single asteroids. Big asteroids will damage the ship badly, so you want to be sure to shoot the bigger ones above all else - they will break apart into smaller asteroids so be ready to shoot the smaller pieces as well. This minigame can get pretty intense, so remain focused and take a break if it becomes frustrating. Having to aim with the right analog is the main frustrating part that got to me at first. You might want to try placing your thumb over the right analog (right stick) to help out, though this makes it harder to hit R1 (or RT) for me. Don't even look at the health gauge most of the time, one look toward it is all it takes to get distracted from the incoming asteroids. When Hammond says, "I've almost got this thing fixed, just a little bit longer" then the time limit for defending the ship is almost over. If you can manage to keep 50% of the shield's strength still intact, then you will receive the "Don't get cocky, kid" trophy (achievement). TIPS (for maintaining 50% of the shield): 01) Understand that most of the time, you are at the game's mercy for asteroid placement. Sometimes asteroids will come at the ship with completely unforgiving speed and patterns. Some patterns are easier than others. 02) At the beginning, start shooting the asteroids as early as possible. Watch for any movement then aim and shoot. Always do this whenever asteroids first appear if there are not any nearby. 03) When firing, either go for a single shot or hold down on both shoulder buttons. You can actually sweep through an entire group while holding down on

both shoulder buttons. 04) Overheating is not the end of the world if it happens when asteroids are not nearby. Keep aiming at the closest approaching asteroid so you can blast it the second that the cannon cools down. 05) Try not to aim all the way up, down, right or left since you'll likely allow asteroids to creep up on you while doing this - the cannon will block a portion of the outside area while aiming like this. 06) Big asteroids and fast asteroids are the main priority. Hold down on both shoulder buttons while aiming at a big asteroid to destroy it along with the little asteroids that it breaks into. 07) If you see a single asteroid on one side and a group of asteroids on the other side, turn your attention toward the group of asteroids. 08) When an asteroid is extremely close, and you are not aiming at any current asteroids, quickly move the cannon in its direction and hold both shoulder buttons to hopefully blast it. This can sometimes save you from a big asteroid. 09) If an asteroid is extremely close to any side then don't aim at it unless it is near a group of asteroids or there is no nearby approaching asteroids to shoot. Side asteroids sometimes don't hit or they do very little damage. 10) Do not look at the shield gauge strength. Once again, DO NOT SHIELD GAUGE STRENGTH or this distraction will cost you greatly! the words that tell you that the hull integrity is below 50% then might be a slight chance that it is at 50%, so you might still be hanging on.

LOOK AT THE Listen for look. There just barely

11) Make the save file at the save station beside the cannon is your first save file, so you can reload quicker. If your gauge ever gets below 50% then quite your current game and reload your nearby save immediately. 12) If you start to get frustrated, keep this current save on your list of files and move on with the rest of the game for a while then simply reload this game later when you cool down. You need to be completely focused (in the zone) to earn this accomplishment and not ready to throw a controller. 13) At the beginning, fire a shot directly toward the middle of the screen and the light from the shot will reflect off of some of the distant asteroids to let you know where they are. 14) Enter the options menu and turn the brightness all the way up and this will make it easier to see the asteroids against the dark background. The --HURRY UP!--, --ALMOST FIXED-- and --ONE MORE MINUTE-- database files will play during the shooter minigame and the --ADS ONLINE-- database file will play once the minigame is completed. The ADS cannon autotarget will take over and show Isaac and us fellow gamers how it's done with the autotargeting's incredible accuracy. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Ruby Semiconductor, [ ] Item Box, [ ] --"Hurry Up" database file--, [ ] --"Almost Fixed" database file--, [ ] --"One More Minute" database file--, [ ] --"ADS Online" database file--

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Complete: [X] Destroy the Asteroids Objective Added: [ ] Go to the Tram Station The ADS is now fully operational. It should protect us from any asteroid collisions. Looks like we've bought ourselves some time. Save your game again then step back outside. == ADS Outside Access == Two Stingers will attack along the way back to the ADS Hallway up ahead. You don't have to worry about asteroids this time so you can fight them without fear of getting splattered. You could simply run by them if oxygen is a major factor with your current RIG. Open the door at the other end to exit the vacuum then enter the hallway. == ADS Hallway == The --ATMOSPHERE CONTAMINATED-- database file will play will play while moving down the hallway. There's never a dull moment on the USG Ishimura! Take the elevator back down. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Atmosphere Contaminated" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== ADS Lower Hall == Go through the door directly ahead then move down the hall to the right and take the elevator back down to level 2 - the Main Atrium. Crawlers will attack from the room that the elevator is in. These enemies can easily be taken down with a few blasts from the Flamethrower or Force Gun - the primary fire works well for either. Barely tap the button enough to ignite one with the Flamethrower then let it burn and repeat. The Force Gun is good for shooting a group of them. They are not much of a problem really - targeting them is the main problem. The Pulse Rifle will work just as well as the Force Gun and Flamethrower. These enemies don't have appendages - they are basically walking appendages (heads). == Main Atrium == You look as if you are expecting something big to happen here in the Main Atrium. Don't worry, it's not, so continue to the hallway in the very back of this area. == Atrium Hallway == Oh, but something will happen here. Once Isaac moves down the hall in front of the Store, a Slasher (the spitter kind) will attack from the hall ahead then another Slasher spitter will attack from behind. Quickly cripple the one up ahead by shooting off its leg then run past it and turn around to fight them

both. == Tram Station == Step aboard the tram then interact with the controls on the wall to end this chapter. C H A P T E R



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- - - - - - - - - - - -

== Tram Station == The --GO TO CHEMISTRY-- database file will play shortly after Isaac steps out of the tram. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Go to Chemistry" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Find the Chemicals Kendra thinks she can create an agent that will poison and kill the creature on Hydroponics that contaminating the life support system. chemistry is a little out of my field. I'll have to trust her.


There is a !!STORE!! on the wall to the left if you need to purchase any items or place anything in the safe. Walk down the hall ahead and enter the Security Station. == Security Station == This room is now full of lanterns placed on the floor. The --SOMEONE ELSE-database file will be received shortly after the intercom speech in this room and the door on the right will be unlocked shortly afterwards. There is a !!SAVE STATION!! next to the small room up ahead and a !!STORE!! on the right wall. Step behind the glass and open the --ITEM LOCKER--. Open the unlocked door on the right side of the room then continue into the next area. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Someone Else" database file--, [ ] Item Locker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Imaging Diagnostics Hallway == Two Lurkers will appear as Isaac steps around the corner, so arm the Flamethrower and roast them with secondary fire flame bursts. Continue around the corner then open the next door. There is a stasis recharger to the right

after moving under the doorway in the hall - be sure to recharge if needed before entering the next room. == Imaging Diagnostics Room == There is an --ITEM LOCKER-- inside the room to the left and an !!UPGRADE BENCH!! off to the right. Move up the ramp on the right side of the room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Locker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Before moving all the way across, look on the left wall up ahead and find the fleshy organic sac on the wall that looks much like a baby. Besides one other enemy, that is the most annoying enemy in the game right there my friend, but it has one weakness that will do it in with one hit. Walk back and kinesis grapple the red explosive canister near the ramp and bring it across the ramp with you. When you get to the other side, the Spawner (the wall creature) will begin to send out its appendages along the wall around it. These annoying things shoot out pods that will stick to the ground and tentacle will surface from the pods and try to hit Isaac with projectiles. The pods can be destroyed, but the Spawner will continue to shoot out more. The pods are the most annoying factor in the battle with a Spawner since the pods will explode if Isaac is next to one and the tentacle will shoot acid balls at him. Don't ever get in close range to a Spawner or it will perform its instant kill attack on Isaac - a sharp appendage quickly cuts off hit head. In order to defeat one of these, all the appendages that it spreads along the wall around it must be destroyed, so any type of weapon that covers a wide area will work really well for these. If you brought the red explosive canister with Isaac then simply wait for its appendages to attach to the wall around it then launch the explosive canister at it to kill it instantly! Always look for an explosive canister in the immediate area when facing one of these, otherwise, the Force Gun's secondary grenade fire sometimes works wonders for these enemies thanks to the wide area that it covers. This doesn't always work supremely well though. If you use a gun, then shoot it with stasis right off the bat to limit its pod shooting. Keep in mind that it will still perform its instant kill move just as quickly from short range even when under the influence of stasis! Take the lift up to the top walkway in this room. Approach the moving platform up ahead and shoot the Lurker on the other side with flame bursts. Wait for the platform to move by then shoot it with stasis to slow it down so Isaac can run across it. It is very possible to make it across without using stasis for those risk takers out there! Move to the other side and use the stasis recharger. Slow the platform with stasis once again then run across it. You could actually slow it with stasis then run back to the recharger and recharge then quickly run across the platform if want to. As Isaac moves toward the next door the --DNA NEEDED-database file will play and a new objective will be initiated. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"DNA Needed" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added:

[ ] Find the DNA Sample There is a sample of the necromorph DNA somewhere on this deck. Kendra needs me to find it to mix with the Chemical Capsule. In order to target the creature's pathology. Save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! on the left wall then open the door ahead. == Zero G Therapy Area == Enter the Chemical Research Hallway through the unlocked door. == Chemical Research Lab Hallway == Get on the lift off to the left then take it down. Pick up the --MERCER'S EXPERIMENT 1-- database file. Enter the room off to the left up ahead. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Mercer's Experiment 1" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Chemical Research Lab == Ah, in here we have test tubes full of creatures waiting to feel Isaac's wrath! Snatch the --FORCE ENERGY SHEMATIC--, the --1000 CREDITS-- and --POWER NODE-in between the test tubes on the left side of the room. Open the --ITEM CHEST-- and smash the --ITEM BOXES--. Walk over to the desk up ahead then choose to load the chemical agents. Pick up the ++CHEMICAL CAPSULE++ when it appears. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Force Energy Schematic, [ ] 1000 Credits, [ ] Power Node, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] ++CHEMICAL CAPSULE++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Complete: [X] Find the Chemicals Dr. Mercer will make his introduction behind glass to the right. Listen to the good doctor then the maniac will let loose his experimental creature from the test tube across from him. Let me introduce you to the Regenerator. Its head, both arms and both legs can all be shot off, but there is one problem - it cannot die through weapon blasts. Isaac can only slow it down by crippling it. Stasis is the best option to slow these enemies in order to get away from them. So what do you do now since the door is now locked and Isaac is trapped? You run. It's very easy to keep the Regenerator at a distance since it is so slow, just make sure to turn the camera to keep up with it when Isaac dashes away from it. Remember that you can still run while backing away. You don't have to use stasis or fire any bullets at it to get through this part. Isaac must circle around the room until the --INDESTRUCTIBLE-- database file is received (Kendra will contact him). Kendra will unlock the nearby door. When the door is unlocked, shoot the Regenerator with stasis to halt him then unlock

the door - remember that these doors don't open instantly. the door and reenter the hallway.

Haul ass through

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Indestructible" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: The Regenerator will not pass through the doorway into the outside hall. You can stand at a distance away from the door and watch him pace back and forth. I am sitting here typing this while waiting on him and he hasn't move through it yet! And he won't. == Chemical Research Lab Hallway == Open the newly unlocked door leading to the Imaging Diagnostics Room then step inside. == Imaging Diagnostics Room == Spiders will crawl out from the hole in the wall above the middle ramp as the --HAMMOND ON HYDROPONICS-- database file plays. Take out the Force Gun and shoot the group with a pulse grenade (secondary fire) or use a Contact Beam's secondary fire and blast them while they are near Isaac. More Spiders will appear from the other side of the ramp once Isaac moves toward the middle of it, so be prepared to blast them as well. Any shot from the Force Gun works incredibly well for these Spider enemies. The Regenerator can be heard as he prowls the surrounding rooms while you move through this one. Step through the door that leads to the hallway on the other side. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Hammond on Hydroponics" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Hallway to Imaging Diagnostics == The Regenerator will make a slight cameo appearance as he reaches through the left vent in this room but he'll quickly retreat because he sees you're using Berserker's walkthrough. Use the stasis recharge up ahead then circle around the corridor ahead and reenter the Security Station. The Regenerator will stomp along the next floor but he won't attack. == Security Station == The --CREATING THE POISON-- database file will play upon reentering the Security Station. Be sure to save your game then enter the Clinic Hallway on the far side of the room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Creating the Poison" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Clinic Hallway == Walk to the Clinic at the end of the hall. == Clinic ==

Dr. Mercer will appear in the room up ahead and blabber a bit then leave. door to the right will unlock when he leaves. Seems like a trap to me...


== Emergency Room == The room is silent as Isaac enters, and there are quite a few pickups in here that need to be horded. Sadly, Slashers and the Regenerator from before will appear in this room. Lurkers will show up once many of the Slashers have been defeated. Your main goal for this room is to defeat all other enemies besides the Regenerator - he can't be defeated in here! Shoot one of the Regenerator's legs off to slow him down considerably then slow the Regenerator down even more with stasis and focus all of your firepower on the Slashers and Lurkers. This can be a very dangerous room if you allow the Regenerator to run freely. If you run from him while he has all appendages, he will jump into a vent on the ceiling then fall down near Isaac eventually. Be sure to stun him with stasis and keep him stunned most of the time. Use the Line Gun to chop through groups of enemies at once and switch to the Force Gun to simply get them off of Isaac if they start to pile up. Switch to either the Flamethrower or Plasma Cutter to deal with the Lurkers. For locations of item pickups, --RANDOM AMMO-- is on the floor to Isaac's right when you first enter, --RANDOM AMMO-- is on the next bed to the right as you walk forward, --RANDOM AMMO-- is near the far right corner on the other side of the room, --1,000 CREDITS-- is on a bed on the other side of the room and there are two --ITEM LOCKERS-- in the small room across from the locked door on the other side. I wouldn't recommend going into the room with the Item Lockers it's risky since Isaac can get trapped easily. Once the other enemies besides the Regenerator have all been defeated, the --DOOR OPENED-- database file will be received. This is your cue to run toward the door that leads to the ER Hallway and open it then quickly step inside. The Regenerator will not follow. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] 1000 Credits, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] --"Door Opened" database file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Emergency Room Hallway == There is some --RANDOM AMMO-- to the left as soon as you enter this room. Enter the room through the door on the right side and open the two --ITEM LOCKERS-- inside. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------You see that red canister right at the turn up ahead? Grab the canister with kinesis and carry it down to the other end of the hall. A Spawner is on the left wall, near the door at the end of the hall. Launch the canister at him when his tentacles move out of his chest to finish him for good. Pick up the --GOLD SEMICONDUCTOR-- on the floor to the left of the Spawner. Move down the hall further ahead instead of entering the next room for now. A laughing woman stands near a bed at the end of the hall. You can't interact

with her in any way. What's so funny!? Creepy. Pick up the --RANDOM AMMO-and --2500 CREDITS-- near her. Notice the oxygen recharger on the far wall keep it in mind for later. Journey back to the door at the end of the hall and open it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Gold Semiconductor, [ ] 2500 Credits, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Intensive Care Unit == There is a --RANDOM AMMO-- pickup on the other side of the second large test tube on the left wall. Be sure to save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! across from the unlocked door. Step into Dr. Mercer's Office. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Dr. Mercer's Office == Maybe Dr. Mercer isn't all that bad. He left behind a --MEDIUM AIR CAN--, --1000 CREDITS--, --GOLD SEMICONDUCTOR--, and two --ITEM BOXES-- on the left side of the room along with the --MERCER EXPERIMENT 2-- database file on the right side of the room. If I were truly evil, I sure as hell wouldn't leave all of that for you. Walk over to the controls in this room and load the chemical agent onto the table mixer. The mixer will take the chemical then provide Isaac with the ++CHEMICAL CAPSULE DNA++ --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Medium Air Can, [ ] 1000 Credits, [ ] Gold Semiconductor, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] --"Mercer Experiment 2" database file--, [ ] ++CHEMICAL CAPSULE DNA++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Complete [X] Find the DNA Sample Once the capsule has been taken, the --INTERRUPTED-- database file will be received. Dr. Mercer will turn off the air for the surrounding portion of the Ishimura and the whole area will enter a vacuum. It seems I was being too gentle with Dr. Mercer. He really does need a leg appendage shoved up his ass. SPECIAL NOTE: To get a head start on leaving, you can move out of this area while the "Interrupted" database file plays and this will help out greatly in getting to the Security Station without loosing much oxygen. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Interrupted" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Restore Life Support

Mercer just flushed all the air out of the Medical Deck! back to the Security Station to seal the breach!

I've got to get

Isaac needs to get back to the Security Station to turn on the Life Support and restore air to this entire area. Quickly move back outside. == Intensive Car Unit


Reenter the ER Hallway. == ER Hallway == If you move all the way down the left side, there is an oxygen recharger at the far end of the hall. While moving down the corridor to the Emergency Room, a group of Spiders will attack, so take out your Force Gun and fire a force grenade at the group to get rid of the majority of them or use the Contact Beam's secondary fire on the group. Run to the Emergency Room. == Emergency Room == Oh, good lord. Two Pregnants have now joined the Regenerator in this room. Run inside and shoot whatever gets in your way with stasis. There is an oxygen recharger on the right wall toward the middle portion of this room. Run to the door on the opposite side and reenter the Clinic. == Clinic == Enter the Clinic Hallway. == Clinic Hallway == Lurkers will move through the hole in the wall in here but just ignore them and open the door to the Security Station at the end of the hall. == Security Station== Run inside the room past the left wall and move over to the life support controls then activate the life support controls to restore air to the this portion of the ship. Objective Complete: [X] Restore Life Support The --FINISH THE POISON-- database file will be received after air is restored and a new objective will be added. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Finish the Poison" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Create the Poison With the DNA combined with Kendra's chemical mixture, I just need to run it through the chemical station again to create the poison.

After what all you just went through, I feel a visit to the nearest save station is in order. Enter the Imaging Diagnostics Hallway on the opposite side of the room. == Imaging Diagnostics Hallway == Continue around the side of the hall then enter- oh, didn't see that coming! The door on the other side will slam shut then reopen as Isaac gets close to it. --THE LEVIATHAN-- database file will be received after the little startle at the end of the hall. Be sure to recharge your stasis at the nearby stasis recharger (you're going to need it before entering the next room). --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"The Leviathan" database file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Imaging Diagnostics == Walk across the ramp to the right and reenter the Chemical Research Lab Hallway. == Chemical Research Lab Hallway == Reenter the Chemical Research Lab where we first fought the Regenerator. == Chemical Research Lab == Load the Chemical Capsule DNA onto the mixer and it will create the ++POISON CAPSULE++. The --POISON CAPSULE COMPLETE-- database file will be received after taking the capsule. Objective Complete: [X] Create the Poison --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] ++POISON CAPSULE++, [ ] --"Poison Complete" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Go to Hydroponics Mercer got away. I can only hope one of his beloved necromorphs finds him before I do. Now that I've got the poison, it's time to go to the Hydroponics deck and kill that Leviathan creature before the air is totally contaminated. The --SECRET LAB REVEALED-- database file will be received following the other file. The door to the side will now unlock, so enter the new side of the outside hallway. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Secret Lab Revealed" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Chemical Research Lab Hallway ==

Walk around the right side of this area and smash the --ITEM BOXES-- near the debris. Run back to the other side and keep moving down the corridor ahead. There are four --ITEM LOCKERS-- up ahead that can be opened and there is a !!SAVE STATION!! on the wall across from them. Enter the Cryogenics Lab up ahead. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Cryogenics Lab == Dr. Mercer will be behind the glass window to the left as Isaac enters this area. He must really fear becoming victim to a good 'ole shoulder button stomping. You can collect the --RANDOM AMMO-- and smash the three --ITEM BOXES-- found around the room right now, but I would wait until you finish the main problem in this room first. You can also collect the goodies while Dr. Mercer talks if you wish. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Regenerator and a few Lurkers will attack after Dr. Mercer finishes talking. Isaac must defeat the Regenerator to leave this room. What in the world can you do with something that will not die? You contain it! But how? There is a cryogenic freezing chamber in the middle of this room. The controls for the cryo chamber are in the control room where Dr. Mercer appeared. Right when the Regenerator first appears, stand on the opposite side of the freezing chamber and allow him to walk into the middle of the chamber then stun him with stasis - it wouldn't hurt to shoot off his leg also. Quickly run up either ramp on the other side of the room that leads to the control room where Mercer was then open the door at the top and approach the controls in the center then activate the freezing process. If you are fast enough then the chamber will freeze the Regenerator and he will be contained and defeated. If you need more stasis then there is a stasis recharger in the area with the cryo chamber. If the Regenerator moves too fast for you then blast off one of his legs while he is in the cryo chamber or you might want to cripple him completely by blasting off his appendages until he is forced to regenerate. The --GOT THE POISON-- database file will play after the Regenerator has been frozen and the door in the control room will unlock. Be sure to collect the nearby --1000 CREDITS--, --RANDOM AMMO-- and -- POWER NODE-- before leaving the control room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] 1000 Credits, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Power Node, [ ] --"Got the Poison" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Tram Station == Run down the hallway ahead to get to the tram.

Grab the --1800 CREDITS-- from

the middle of the sitting area. like usual to end this chapter.

Get on the tram and interact with the controls

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] 1800 Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------C H A P T E R



------------------------------------------------------------------------------__ ____ _ _ _ ____ _____ _____ ____ / / / ___|| | | | / \ | _ \|_ _|| ____|| _ \ / /_ | | | |_| | / _ \ | |_) | | | | _| | |_) | | '_ \ | |___ | _ | / ___ \ | __/ | | | |___ | _ < | (_) | \____||_| |_|/_/ \_\|_| |_| |_____||_| \_\ \___/ [WT06] - - - - - - - - -



- - - - - - - - - -

== Tram Station == Objective Added: [ ] Poison the Leviathan I can dispense the poison through the filtration system of Food Storage. It should kill anything alive inside. Walk forward and pick up the --CROSS REPORT 1-- database file from the floor then grab the --RANDOM AMMO-- in the sitting area off to the right. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Cross Report 1" database file--, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Move down the hall ahead and enter the restroom off to the right. Walk inside the left stall area and open the --ITEM CHEST-- then take the --RANDOM AMMO-from the floor. A few Spiders will jump out of the middle toilet and attack. Enter the stall area on the other side and open the --ITEM CHESTS-- then collect the --MEDIUM MED PACK-- from near the stalls. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Medium Med Pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exit the restroom then continue down the hall and take the elevator up to the next floor. == Sapling Room == Crush the --ITEM BOX then take the --FORCE ENERGY SCHEMATIC-- from the floor. Open the next door. You see that body up ahead? You can't stomp it... it's Hammond. Walk up to it to engage in a conversation with him. There's some --RANDOM AMMO-- to Hammond's right and an --ITEM BOX-- off to the left. The --HAMMOND'S ALIVE-database file will play at the end of the conversation then a new objective

will be obtained. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box,[ ] Force Energy Schematic, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] --"Hammond's Alive"-- database file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Destroy the Poison Pods (0/8) According to Hammond, the necromorphs have transformed some of the crew into these "poison pods" which are contaminating the air. I need to find and destroy them. Walk around the corner to the left and move into the next room. == Atmosphere Control == The --GETTING TO THE LEVIATHAN-- database file will play as Isaac steps into this area. Use the !!SAVE STATION!! in the middle of the room to save your game then open the --ITEM LOCKER--. Make note of the !!STORE!! if you need to drop off any items or buy anything. Open the door on the left side of the room and continue into the room on that side. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Getting to the Leviathan" database file--, [ ] Item Locker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Hallway to West Tower == The --TRUST-- database file will be received as Isaac moves through the first corridor. Open the next door. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Trust" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------The spray that moves out of the pipes in the next room can damage Isaac so time your runs to step down the corridor as the pipes stop spraying - the middle pipe does not spray, so Isaac will be safe in front of it. The first room to the right doesn't contain anything useful, the second room has an !!UPRGRADE BENCH!! inside and the third room is locked. Open the --ITEM CONTAINERS-- on the far left wall then take the lift up to the second floor catwalk in this area. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Slasher will drop form the ceiling onto the catwalk at the top - it's nothing a little Plasma Cutter to the appendages won't solve. Continue into the next room on the other side. == West Grow Chamber == This room can get pretty violent inside. Slashers and Lurkers will show up as Isaac ventures further into the room. The Slashers can really pile up in this

room and they dash frantically with extreme aggression when moving toward Isaac. It is best to stay on the constant move and shoot their legs off while fighting them to keep from getting surrounded. Use the Line Gun in this room for the most part but switch to the Force Gun if the enemies start to pile up. Don't worry about shooting the Lurkers with the Flamethrower, since there are so many Slashers - try to shoot the Lurkers' appendages as they try to attack. There are a few explosive canisters lying around that can be launched at groups of Slasher but with their aggression it can be hard to aim right. TIP: You can enter the Inner Greenhouse A room on the left side of this area and blast the Slashers from the doorway as they try to enter. The Slashers will start to enter the room from the vents on the ceiling and on the floor. Be sure to shoot the pod to the side early if you do this since killing it will replenish the oxygen on the room. For item pickups, there are two --RANDOM AMMO-- pickups down the corridor to the left when you first enter and there is an --ITEM CHEST-- and an --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the right side of the room. Enter the room on the back right side of this area. The left door to that room is the only one that is unlocked. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Inner Greenhouse B == Isaac will have to use his oxygen tank to breathe in this room because of the contaminated air from the nearby pod. Find the POD (1/8) in the back of this greenhouse (the bloated hunched creature) and stomp him to death or shoot it twice with the Plasma Cutter to destroy it. The contaminated air from around the area will be sterilized as the room cleans the air and Isaac will be able to breathe again. Remember to always shoot the pods in a contaminated room first even if other enemies are around so you don't have to worry about oxygen. Stomp the --ITEM BOX-- near the in the back and attack in a few area if you happen to leave. A while leaving. Enter the other

pod. A Dark Slasher will smash through a vent seconds - he'll follow Isaac into the outside Lurker will appear outside of the greenhouse greenhouse on the other side of this area.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Inner Greenhouse A == Find the POD (2/8) inside and destroy it. floor of this room.

There is some --RANDOM AMMO-- on the

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== West Grow Chamber == When Isaac steps back outside, a Pregnant be staring at him from the corridor ahead. Shoot at his top appendages as he runs and you'll be able to kill him before he reaches Isaac. Find the elevator in the middle of this area. There

is a --LARGE MED PACK-- below the door that holds the containers for the feeding system in the back of the elevator. To get the large med pack, interact with the controls for the feeding system near the elevator then shoot the feeding container with stasis as the door opens and it moves out of the floor. Quickly run to the other side of the elevator shaft and look down toward the feeding containers and find the Large Med Pack then grapple it with kinesis and collect it! The door for the containers in the floor must still be opened in order to collect the med pack. Take the elevator up to the third floor. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Large Med Pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== West Grow Chamber 3F == Smash the three --ITEM BOXES-- on this floor then take the --RUBY SEMICONDUCTOR-- from the floor on the opposite side. Take the elevator back down to the second floor. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== West Grow Chamber 2F == Pick up the --RANDOM CREDITS-- from the nearby catwalk floor then enter the Hydroponics Controls on the opposite side of the area. If you look off to the left before entering the Hydroponics Controls area, you can see an item shining on the left side of the railing of the walkway across from Isaac. Grapple it with kinesis and bring it toward Isaac then pick up these --2300 CREDITS--. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Credits, [ ] 2300 Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Hydroponics Controls == Open the nearby --ITEM LOCKER--. What's all this crap about becoming whole? My Isaac only mutilates! You see all the dead bodies in this room? Smash them. Run over to each one and tear them apart with stomps. Find the POD (3/8) on the other side of the room then stomp it as well. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Locker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Two Infectors will attack afterwards but if you followed my advice then they won't have any bodies to change into Dark Slashers, so take out a weapon and punish them for their attempts at creating an army of necromorphs. Leave this room then enter the room on the opposite side of the catwalk. == Hallway to Refrigeration West == Turn to the right and open the --ITEM CHEST-- in this corridor then save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! to the left. Enter the next room.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Right when Isaac steps into the next hall, a new enemy will move toward him from off to the right. This is the Exploder. Aim for its glowing yellow arm and shoot it a few times to make the arm explode along with it. Both the Pulse Rifle and the Plasma Cutter work well for these enemies. Their other appendages can be shot also but there is really no need to defeat them this way. The yellow arm can also be cut off with a shot to where it will fall to the floor - this can be useful for when you fight these in groups with other enemies. Isaac can actually grapple the arm with kinesis and shoot it much like an explosive canister. More Exploders will appear in the room, so don't move forward that much until they stop coming - you have to move forward a bit to make some of the later Exploders attack though. These enemies look so easy, don't they? Haha, wait until they start showing up with other enemies then come back at me with your answer to that question. The Exploders attack by slapping Isaac with their glowing appendages to create an explosion that will kill them and damage Isaac pretty badly, so just imagine fighting them in an intense group of Slashers, Stingers or Lurkers. Shooting off their leg and right arm to stop them will become important later mainly for when they get too close to Isaac. They use both their right leg and right arm to support them while they move, so both have to be shot off in order to stop them. Run to the other end and step into the next room. == Refrigeration West == There is a stasis recharger to the right and two --ITEM LOCKERS-- directly ahead. The area surrounded in mist up ahead is without gravity. Step inside the zero gravity area and grapple the --ITEM BOX-- suspended in the air then pull it down and break it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Look up at the ceiling. The spikes in any of the Isaac since he can't jump into them so don't ever ceiling door with the glowing kinesis symbol then side to open it. Don't jump toward it just yet use flame bursts to heat up the Lurkers that move

zero gravity area cannot kill worry about them. Find the grapple it and pull it to the take out the Flamethrower and through the doorway.

Jump through the doorway on the ceiling. Look around the next room and find the next door with a glowing kinesis symbol on it. Grapple the door then move it to the side in order to open it then leap through it. A single Lurker will attack in the next portion of the room, so flame him with long range flame bursts. Find the alcove with the explosive canister on the wall then jump into the alcove. If you can't line up perfectly with it then jump to the wall below it and run up the wall toward it since the area is sloped - like you're running uphill. Enter the next room through the door and open the next door in the hall ahead. == Air Filtration Room ==

Isaac will enter an air filtration room with flames shooting below him. There is an --ITEM CHEST-- off to the right as Isaac enters. Move up the stairs to the left and pick up the --RANDOM AMMO-- on the catwalk. Walk to the elevator on the right side of the room and pick up the --CROSS REPORT 2-- database file along the way. Take the elevator to the bottom floor. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] --"Cross Report 2" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------There is a stasis recharger on the wall near some explosive canisters and some --RANDOM AMMO-- lying among the explosive canisters. Be sure to recharge your stasis before you enter the area ahead. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Punch the purple fuse box to the right of the door along the right side of the wall to open the door that leads to the room with the first flame. Yeah, you have to run through all these flames, but it's not as bad as you think. The fuse box for the next door across from the current door can be seen. I'd shoot the next fuse box if I were you, so you don't have to wait for it to open. If you look through the closing metal blinds on the wall directly across from the first door, you can see the third fuse box as well, so shoot it. Now all of the doors in the flame rooms are open except for the fourth door. Speaking of the metal blinds, watch them for a few seconds and notice how they close seconds before the flames shoot. You can watch these to tell when a flame is about to shoot from the wall to the right. In order to get through this area easily, look toward the wall where the flame shoots from then shoot the wall with stasis and this will slow down the flaming process big time. Peak into each room and shoot the flaming mechanism then run to the next flame room and do the same thing until Isaac reaches the other side. There are only three flame rooms. You'll have to hit the fuse box in the third flame room to open the final (fourth) door or, if you're patient enough, it is possibly to look through the metal blinds and actually shoot the fuse next to the final door. A Slasher will attack directly after the door is open, so have a Pulse Rifle ready to tear right through him or just shoot off ones of his legs with the Plasma Cutter. If you shoot the fuse from the far away then the Slasher will run through the flame rooms toward Isaac. Either way, enter the room and blast the POD (4/8) to the left. Find the elevator on the right side of the area and take it up to the top floor. Walk to the right and open the --ITEM CHEST-- and smash the --ITEM BOX--. Move up the stairs and enter the control room then snatch the --MEDIUM MED PACK-and --POWER NODE-- and then open the --ITEM LOCKER--. Exit the control room then run past the elevator and open the door around the corner to the left up ahead then step inside the elevator and take it down to the floor below. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Medium Med Pack, [ ] Power Node, [ ] Item Locker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== West Grow Chamber 1F ==

Now you're back in the West Grow Chamber. Two Lurkers and a Pregnant will attack Isaac. Use the Force Gun to defeat all of them. Aim upwards while shooting the Pregnant in order to hit his top appendages. If you hit his chest then just shoot a force grenade to get rid of the Spiders. Wait for the Lurkers to show their appendages and then shoot them from up close with a Force Gun blast or you can still use the Flamethrower or Plasma Cutter. Exit this room via the door on the left side that leads to the hallway outside of this area. == Hallway to West Tower == The vents on the right wall will bust open but nothing is going to eat you up from inside the wall... this time. Take the elevator down and maneuver through the spray below then get back to the Atmosphere Control room. == Atmosphere Control == Save your game. Did I even need to say that? Hopefully not. Now it is time to take on the east side, so open the door on the other side and step through. == Hallway to East Tower == Pick up the --CORRUPTION-- database file from the small corridor. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Corruption" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now, I'm going to prepare you for this, so you can get the best of a certain little ass behind the next door. There is a Spawner on the wall directly across from the next door. When the door opens, run directly toward him with the Force Gun equipped and spam him with force grenades (both sides of him) until he starts to yell in pain during his dying animation. You have to be quick or he will start shooting many pods in front of him. He will likely shoot a few pods, but hammer him down with grenades and he won't last long. You can shoot him with stasis to keep him from shooting pods when Isaac first enters the room if you want. Check out the rooms on the right side of this corridor. The first room has an !!UPGRADGE BENCH!! inside. Be sure to arm your Force Gun then blast the Slasher as the second door is opened then open the --ITEM CHEST-- and take the --RANDOM AMMO-- from inside. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The final room is a power node room, so place a power node into the control pad on the side of the door to unlock the door. Enter the room and collect the --2000 CREDITS--, --RANDOM AMMO-- pickups, --LARGE MED PACK-- and open the --ITEM CHEST-- and then leave. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] 2000 Credits, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Large Med Pack, [ ] Item Chest -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Take the elevator up to the top floor then open the door at the other end of the hall. A report about something abnormal in the East Grow Chamber will play over the intercom. == East Grow Chamber == All is quiet for the moment. When Isaac moves ahead a Brute will attack from the back of this area. Work him into an open area - don't fight him in a tight corridor. Shoot him with stasis then get behind him and blast at his appendages with the Contact Beam or any other weapon. He shouldn't last long at all if you use the Contact Beam. The Brute will leave behind a --POWER NODE-- once he is defeated. Search the room over for the --ITEM CONTAINERS-along the surrounding walls and the --ITEM BOXES-- in the right hallway. There is a --RANDOM AMMO-- pickup in a dead end corridor to the left of the west door that leads to Greenhouse B. Enter Greenhouse B in the back right portion of the East Grow Chamber. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Power Node ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Greenhouse B == Collect the two --RANDOM AMMOS-- and --MEDIUM MED PACK--. The --ITEM BOX-inside the room has Spiders inside of it. Leave this current greenhouse. Enter the greenhouse on the other side of this area. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Medium Med Pack, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Greenhouse A == Destroy the POD (5/8) inside. There is a stasis recharger behind the pod and two --ITEM BOXES-- to its right. Run to the other side of the room and grab the --RANDOM AMMO-- then stomp the other --ITEM BOX--. Run back outside. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== East Grow Chamber == Move over to the elevator. There is a pod below the door for the feeding system in the back of the elevator. Activate the feeding system then shoot the food container with stasis when it lifts out of the food storage area then quickly run around to left side, behind the elevator shaft, and shoot the POD (6/8) below. If you screw up then remember that there is a stasis recharger in the greenhouse where you destroyed the last pod. Take the elevator to the third floor (level 3) when you're done. == East Grow Chamber 3F == Find the POD (7/8) on the opposite side of the catwalk then destroy it. the elevator down to level 2. == East Grow Chamber 2F ==


Stomp the --ITEM BOXES-- around the right corner in the back of this area then move past the explosive canisters and then follow the catwalk nearby. Collect the --CROSS REPORT 3-- database file and the --SMALL MED PACK-- from the end of the catwalk. Look over to the left and notice the shiny item along the groove in the wall. Use kinesis to bring it toward Isaac then collect the --RANDOM AMMO--. Run to the other side and open the door on that side. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Small Med Pack, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] --"Cross Report 3" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Refrigeration East Hallway == Collect the --POWER NODE-- from the wall container to the left as Isaac enters then save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!!. Walk into the next room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Power Node ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pick up the --GOLD SEMICONDUCTOR--. Pick up the item fast since a tentacle will grab Isaac in a few seconds and drag him to a hole at the other end of the room. Use the Pulse Rifle to blast the yellow portion of the tentacle to destroy it. Enter the next hallway at the other end of the current hall once the tentacle is destroyed. Collect the --TEMPLE'S SEARCH-- database file from the floor then enter the Refrigeration East room through the next door. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Gold Semiconductor, [ ] --"Temple's Search" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Refrigeration East == Open the --ITEM CHEST-- up ahead then use the stasis recharger if needed. Walk out into the zero gravity portion of the room then leap through the hole in the ceiling. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Look up and you'll see a wall with a spinning electric generator on it. Jump to the portion of the wall that is not electrified. Face the electric generator then shoot it with stasis to stop it. Quickly jump to the wall up ahead that was previously electrified then turn to the right and jump through the opening in the wall. Two Lurkers will attack in this next area, so take out the Flamethrower and find them then roast them with secondary fire. Jump to the wall that is closest to the opening that you just jumped through then turn off the generator by using the controls next to the opening. Jump to the overhead ceiling then leap through the nearby opening. Two Lurkers will attack while a pod contaminates the air in this room. Defeat the final POD (8/8) inside and the --PODS DESTROYED-- database file will play shortly afterwards. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST

[ ] --"Pods Destroyed" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Recycle the Atmosphere Once the poison pods are all destroyed, I can return to Atmosphere Control and recycle the air. That will unlock Food Storage, where the Leviathan is holed up. Return to the beginning of this area and exit the room. == Refrigeration East Hallway == Step back through the hallway - Isaac has to walk because of the organic substance on the floor. Step back into the East Grow Chamber. == East Grow Chamber == Take the lift down then exit back into the outside hallway (the big door). == Hallway to East Tower == Three very irritated Slashers will rush Isaac from the opposite side of the outside catwalk, so take out a weapon and prepare to shoot them as they run toward him. If they start to get too close then use the Line Gun - these WILL follow Isaac back into the East Grow Chamber, so don't try to run away when they get close to the door, unless the door seals off. Take the elevator down then step through the door at the bottom. The --A MESSAGE-- database file will play in the small corridor before reaching the Atmosphere Control room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"A Message" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Atmosphere Control == Since all the pods have now been destroyed, walk over to the now active controls in the middle of the room and give the command to activate the recycling system. Objective Complete: [X] Recycle the Atmosphere The door to Food Storage is now open in the back of this room, so save your game then step into the Food Storage Hallway outside. == Food Storage Hallway == Take the --CROSS REPORT 4-- database file from the middle of the catwalk up ahead then stomp the two --ITEM BOXES-- up ahead and enter the next portion of the hall. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST

[ ] --"Cross Report 4" database file--, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Take the --MEDIUM MED PACK-- from the catwalk up ahead. Roots are covering the door to food storage, so simply interact with the food filter to the left to place the poison capsule inside of it to poison the Leviathan. The --KILL THE LEVIATHAN-- database file will play afterwards. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Medium Med Pack, [ ] --"Kill the Leviathan" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Kill the Leviathan The poison dissolved some of the corruption, enough to allow me inside Food Storage. But the Leviathan is still alive. Now you'll have to step into Food Storage and finish the job yourself! == Food Storage == If you stand in front of the entrance and look around the room then you can use kinesis to grapple a few --RANDOM AMMO-- pickups and a --LARGE MEDPACK-- right off the bat. Other random items will appear during the actual boss fight in this room. The ammo pickups will differ depending on the weapons that you currently have, much like other pickups. Items will appear randomly throughout this room during the boss fight, so grab them whenever Isaac passes by one. You might want to run and press X just in case you move by any pickups during the battle - kind of like some of us used to do in the old survival horror days when items were near invisible in the prerendered backgrounds. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Large Med Pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boss: Leviathan Recommended Weapons: Plasma Cutter Pulse Rifle Contact Beam Leviathan looks rather intimidating at first glance since he basically comprises the entire back portion of the wall but he shall feel Isaac's wrath just like all his other necromorph squad. This boss fight takes place in zero gravity and the room is circular so there is no limit to where Isaac can move when he moves sideways. The Leviathan has three tentacles that it will stretch out and attack with. It only has one attack with the tentacle and it will always give off a sign before it attacks. Whenever the bottom tentacle faces upward and begins to shake, this is a sign that he is about to perform a ground smash. Simply run to either side whenever you see the tentacle shake and this will be avoided - it's best to already be running before the tentacle prepares to attack or you might

get hit sometimes. Make sure to keep running until the tentacle retracts or it can hit Isaac while it rises. You can also perform a zero-g jump to any section of the area as the tentacle shakes to get away from the attack as well, but running is much easier. It is best to completely circle the room by running sideways throughout this battle except for when you have to attack of course. When the tentacle retracts from attacking, a glowing yellow section of the tentacle will appear. Wait for the tentacle to move back toward the wall and it will stick in place to where the yellow portion can be easily shot. Shoot the yellow portion of the tentacle with either the Plasma Cutter, Pulse Rifle or Contact Beam to cut off the tentacle. The Leviathan will begin to attack with its other tentacles after the first one is cut off. It will use the same attack with each tentacle once again so dodge the ground smash then shoot off the rest of the tentacles. The attacking tentacle will always move to the bottom middle portion of the wall. Once all tentacles have been removed the Leviathan will open up its middle mouth and begin to fire out acid pods. The pods will explode upon contact and knock Isaac down. Wait for each pod to shoot from his mouth then aim at the pod and grapple it with kinesis then wait for the next pod to fire and fire the current pod back at the Leviathan to destroy the next pod. It will fire out a total of five pods per projectile attack, so if you can grapple the first and third pod then shoot them back then you can grapple the fifth pod and fire it back at the Leviathan's weak spot. The Leviathan will reveal its weak spot showcased as a yellow section in the back of its mouth right after shooting the fifth pod, so hold the fifth pod in place and aim for the Leviathan's weak spot inside of its mouth then fire the pod at it. If you miss with the pod then quickly shoot the yellow portion of its mouth with weapon fire - you only have a brief second to do so. Manage to hit it with a charged Contact Beam primary fire and this will severely hurt the Leviathan. It will play a game of "catch the acid pod" with Isaac a few times, depending on how you damage it, then it will regrow its tentacles. Once the tentacles have regrown, it will go back to the same basic tentacle attacks, but it will sometimes shoot a set of acid pods instead. Watch for either a tentacle to shake or the mouth to open to know which attack it is about to perform. This part can get slightly tense at times but watch the Leviathan carefully and you'll be able to react to its attacks. Shoot off the tentacles like you normally would after each of its tentacle attacks and this will cause it to eventually shoot pods again. The main hard part about this fight is sustaining enough ammo to fight off the tentacles and damage the Leviathan. Try not to waste ammo. If you are a good shot with the Contact Beam or shooting its pods back at it's weak spot then that by itself will help out tons since both methods are so damaging. There are explosive canisters floating around this room that can help out for the tentacles (grapple with kinesis then toss) but these don't help that much with shooting the mouth, unless you're really quick. The acid pods can easily get the best of Isaac once one of them hits him since the Leviathan will continue to shoot them even while Isaac is getting up. Remember that you can shoot the pods and run to the side to avoid them. It's always best to grapple them if possible however. TIP: You don't actually have to shoot the tentacles off of the Leviathan when it reforms them. You could dodge the tentacles and wait for the Leviathan to

shoot acid pods. The only bad part about doing this is that the acid pods might accidentally explode on the Leviathan's tentacles and mess up your kinesis grapple timing. Objective Complete: [X] Kill the Leviathan The --VICTORY AGAINST THE LEVIATHAN-- database file will play after the Leviathan is defeated. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Victory Against the Leviathan" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Go to the Mining Deck Finally, the ship seems stable. I've bought us some time, hopefully enough to find the SOS Beacon. But even if we send out a distress signal, is anyone close enough to this system to hear it...? Well, we certainly got to the ROOT of that problem as Mr. Redfield might say. Yuck, yuck, yuck! Now, let us exit the room and get back to the tram. Before you leave the Food Storage, be sure to look it over for any remaining items look for a flashing light to signify the items then simply grapple them with kinesis and collect them. == Food Storage Hallway == Reenter the Atmosphere Control. == Atmosphere Control == Be sure to stop by the Store and put some of your extra items in the safe. Isaac most likely has a full load. It's not good to be a packrat with your main inventory. Reenter the Sapling Room. == Sapling Room == Run to the end and take the elevator back down to the Tram Station. == Tram Station == Board the tram then take it to the next area to end this chapter. C H A P T E R



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- - - - - - - - - - - - -

******************************************************************************* SPECIAL NOTE: The "Attach the Beacon" database file requires plenty of backtracking in order for it to play. You have to enter the Mining Bay and destroy all four tethers but DO NOT plant the beacon on the asteroid. Afterwards, backtrack all the way to the Mining Controls room and try launch the asteroid to receive this file. ******************************************************************************* == Tram Station == The --DISTRESS CALL-- database file will play as Isaac steps off of the tram. Objective Added: [ ] Find the Mining Access Key Kendra located the Mining Access Key on the Processing Sub Deck. That must be where the mining supervisor died. I knew these men. I can't believe they are all dead. [ ] Find the S.O.S. Beacon The beacon could be our only way off this goddamn ship. It's stored somewhere on the Maintenance Sub Deck. It sends out a strong sub space broadcast that should alert any ship in the sector. [ ] Plant the Beacon I need to secure the SOS Beacon to the asteroid. Once the asteroid is launched, the beacon will clear the Ishimura navigation array, and it will be able to broadcast a clear signal. There is a --ITEM CHEST-- off to the right and an --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the wall in the sitting area. Enter the hall up ahead. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Distress Call" database file--, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Mining Operation Hallway == Find the --ITEM CHEST-- around the right corner in the room ahead and then the --POWER NODE-- in the container around the left wall. While facing the next door, look up on the big pipe to the right to see some --RANDOM CREDITS-- lying on a metal piece on top of it near the ceiling. Grapple the credits with kinesis then collect them. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Power Node, [ ] Random Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== RIG Room == There is the room from the corridor

a !!SAVE STATION!! to the right up ahead. Enter the right section of and open the --ITEM LOCKERS-- inside then collect the --RANDOM AMMO-cubbies off to the right and the --SMALL MED PACK-- from the narrow to the left near the !!STORE!!. Enter the section on the other side

and open the --ITEM CHEST-- to the left then use the !!UPGRADE BENCH!! off to the right if needed. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Contact Energy, [ ] Small Med Pack, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now that all the item collecting is done, walk over to the elevator directly ahead and use the controls on the door to call it up. The --ELEVATOR PROBLEM-database file will play shortly after the main the elevator kicks the bucket. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Elevator Problem" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Mining Elevator == Step onto the elevator and take it up to Deck B - Processing. A total of four Slashers will drop from the ceiling while the elevator rises, so take out the Force Gun and get close to them as they land then blast them to get rid of them quickly. Step out onto the Processing Antechamber. == Processing Antechamber == Pick up the --TEMPLE AND ELIZABETH-- database file on the floor directly ahead. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Temple and Elizabeth" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter the left room and open the two --ITEM CHESTS-- inside. No matter which way you take here, Isaac will be taken to the right side of this area. Slashers will eventually attack along with a Pregnant. In the back center room with the corpse in the chair, open the --ITEM LOCKER-- then walk into the hallway ahead. There is some --RANDOM AMMO-- below the hallway on the side of this area - look off the left railing in the right hall and grapple it with kinesis to bring it toward Isaac then collect it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! on the right wall of the right hallway then continue down the corridor ahead. Pick up the --RANDOM AMMO-- in front of the door at the bottom then enter the Mineral Processing area. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Mineral Processing Area == Something will creep by the outside grating in front of Isaac. The door to the left is locked, so move down the right corridor. A Slasher will step out from the left corner soon enough. Use the !!STORE!! off to the right if needed then check the two --ITEM CHESTS-- and pick up the --PROCESSING ROOM PROBLEM-database file.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] --"Processing Room Problem" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Continue down the hall to the left. Step past the convenient hole that the crashed asteroid made for you and pick up the --SMALL MED PACK-- lying near the body in the dead end hallway further ahead. There are some items on the other side of the debris that can be pulled toward Isaac with kinesis, but you'll reach that area later. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Small Med Pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Move through the hole in the wall that the crashed asteroid made. Shortly after entering, the --CLEAR THE BOULDERS-- database file will be received. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Clear the Boulders" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Mineral Processing == There are a total of two --ITEM BOXES-- floating in this room if you can find them. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stingers will attack once you move further into this room. You need to destroy the four boulders in this room so gravity can be activated once again. Jump around the room and find all four boulders then grapple each one with kinesis and fire them at the flame beam in the middle of the room. You will receive an "Anomaly Destroyed" message whenever each boulder burns up completely. There is also a counter displayed on the wall next to the gravity controls that will tell you how many more boulders are in the room. Lurkers will attack once the first two boulders have been destroyed. A message saying that gravity can now be restored will be issued once all boulders have been destroyed. Find the gravity controls on the walkway beside the walkway that Isaac entered this area from - it's to the right while stepping through the hole. Use a Power Node to open the door behind the controls before messing with them and pick up the --RANDOM AMMO--, --MEDIUM MED PACK and --RUBY SEMICONDUCTOR and then open the --ITEM CHEST--. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Medium Med Pack, [ ] Ruby Semiconductor, [ ] Item Chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Before activating the gravity, run back to the nearby store through the hole in the wall and pick up the Line Gun, Force Gun and the Pulse Rifle if you don't have them. Things get ugly once the gravity is activated again.

Once gravity is restored, catwalks will form along the sides of the current walkway. Now the enemies attack! Slashers will dash toward Isaac from both catwalks eventually, a Pregnant will move down the left catwalk and Exploders will fall from each of the four ends of the room - onto the walkway. Keep the Slashers away from Isaac by using the Force Gun to knock them back. If the Pregnant's chest is hit then destroy the Spiders with force grenades or a force blast. Aim quickly at Exploders from a distance and shoot them with the Pulse Rifle or the Plasma Gun. If the enemies start to bombard Isaac then take out the Line Gun and slice through the whole group of them. The Exploders make this battle very deadly especially with how they leap down from the ceiling. When they get close, they won't hesitate in exploding no matter what Isaac is doing. You can take shelter in the Power Node room and shoot them but you won't have that great of a view of the outside action. Really the safest place is the middle of a catwalk - don't stand on a concrete section of the walkway since the Exploders fall from the ceilings above them. Locating the Exploders is the most important part of this battle since they can sneak up behind you so very easily while Slashers attack. When all the insanity ends, find the door that leads to the Mineral Processing Control Room then step inside. TIP: If you enter the Power Node room and let outside necromorphs, except for the Pregnant, from the single overhead vent. This can make won't be surrounded. Stand at the end of the prepare to shoot them as they fall..

the door seal off, all the will begin to fall into the room the battle a lot easier since you room opposite the door and

== Mineral Processing Control Room == Pick up the --RANDOM AMMO-- and open the three --ITEM CHESTS-- then grab the ++MINING ACCESS KEY++ from the dead body on the right side of the room. The --KEY FOUND-- database file will play once the mining access key is picked up. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] ++MINING ACCESS KEY++, [ ] --"Key Found" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Complete: [X] Find the Mining Key Open the door to the hallway in the back of the room. == Hallway to Elevator == Take the --POWER NODE-- from the container on the right wall. Follow the hall ahead. The lights will go out. Oh no! But they'll quickly come back on. Relief. Open the door at the other end. This will take you back to the Mineral Processing Area hall, so quickly open the door to the right to reenter the Processing Antechamber. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Power Node -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

== Processing Antechamber == Be sure to save at the save station! A Stinger will likely drop down from the ceiling somewhere in this area then attack. It is just one, so don't worry much about him if he does. Get back to the Mining Elevator. == Mining Elevator == Take the elevator down to Level D - Maintenance. == Repair Room == Grab the --RANDOM AMMO-- from the top shelf over to the right and the --MEDIUM MED PACK-- from the lower shelf to the left. There is also a --RANDOM AMMO-pickup on the top shelf to the right (grapple it with kinesis). --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Medium Med Pack, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you start to hear a crackling sound like the sound of an appendage entering a person's skull in order to turn them into a Dark Slasher then you'd best run down the hall to the left up ahead and start blasting the two Infectors in the organic covered area. These things will stay down here and make Dark Slashers out of the two bodies if you allow them to. Run toward them and flame them or just shoot them a few times with any weapon to kill them quickly. Collect the --GOLD SEMICONDUCTOR-- from near the right end of the hallway directly ahead when you first enter then take the --KYNE'S HOSTAGE-- database file from near the shelf and the --STASIS PACK-- from the shelf and open the --ITEM CHEST-- nearby. Open the next door. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Gold Semiconductor, [ ] --"Kyne's Hostage" database file--, [ ] Stasis Pack, [ ] Item Chest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Equipment Maintenance Bay == There is a !!SAVE STATION!! on the right wall as Isaac enters. Walk directly ahead then grapple the lift up ahead with kinesis to pull it toward Isaac. Step on the lift then look over to the left walkway up ahead to spot a glowing object. Keep trying to grapple it with kinesis and you will eventually get the --SMALL MED PACK--. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Small Med Pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Activate the lift. While the lift is moving across, pods will attack from the side walkways by shooting acid balls at Isaac. Take out the Plasma Cutter then flip the front portion horizontally and then aim for the tentacles that stick out of the pods then shoot them off. It's best to move from side to side if you fail to hit them a lot. There are a few --RANDOM AMMO-- pickups along the walkways with the pods that can be retrieved with kinesis, but you'll so busy shooting pods that it's quite hard to retrieve them. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST

[ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------A familiar looking woman (Nicole) will appear and talk to Isaac once the lift stops. Step off the lift after she speaks then take the --RANDOM AMMO-- from off the floor to the left, the --RANDOM AMMO-- on the shelf to the right, the --MEDIUM MED PACK-- on the top shelf to the right and open the two --ITEM CHESTS-- to the right. Make sure that all of your guns have full ammo in them before entering the next room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Medium Med Pack, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Repair Room == Nicole will begin to unlock the door to the Storage Room in the back of Isaac as he turns toward the side that she is on. For this part, you need to protect Nicole while she unlocks the door behind Isaac. You can use a variety of weapons here. I recommend using the Pulse Rifle or Plasma Cutter for the first few Slashers that appear on her side then switch over to the Force Gun as they appear on your side. When more than one at a time starts to appear, shoot force grenades over on her side then blast the Slashers that appear on your side with force blasts. Be careful with your gunfire since Isaac can actually hit Nicole during this battle and wound her - if she dies then the game is over. The Force Gun is your best option for most of this portion - the force grenades help out extremely well. The Pulse Rifle and Plasma Cutter work ok also. Remember that you can grapple any ammo or items that the Slashers leave behind on her side using kinesis. There is an explosive canister on your side that can be launched over to Nicole's side and there is also some --RANDOM AMMO-hidden with the canisters. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nicole has no visible health bar, so you basically have to keep the Slashers away from her at all times without any sort of damage warning. She can take a few hits before dying, but don't rely on her defense. A Lurker will appear on the left wall during the final wave, so blast it with the Force Gun or Flamethrower. Nicole will unlock the door for Isaac then walk back into the next room. Be sure to look through the dead bodies on the other side of the room to make sure that you don't leave any items behind. Grapple the dead appendages with kinesis and search through them for anything that glows (an item). Open the door to the Maintenance Storage Room. == Maintenance Storage Room == Wow, look at what we have here! Pick up the two --RANDOM AMMOS-- from the left shelf then the --LARGE MED PACK-- and --LEVEL 4 SUIT SCHEMATIC-- off the right shelf. There is a --POWER NODE-- in the container on the back wall. Grab the ++SOS BEACON++ from the counter in the middle of the room. The --BEACON RECOVERED-- database file will play after picking up the beacon. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST

[ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Large Med Pack, [ ] Level 4 Suit Schematic, [ ] Power Node, [ ] ++SOS BEACON++, [ ] --"Beacon Recovered" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Complete: [X] Find the SOS Beacon Leave the storage room then step back out into the Maintenance Chamber. == Maintenance Chamber == Step on the lift and take it back across. I'm sure you're fearing the worst here. Well, while Isaac rides across this time, Lurkers and pods will attack. Take out the Pulse Rifle and blast them. The Force Gun's force grenades can work well here, but you have to hit one of the Lurkers directly with a force grenade since it will roll off the side of the platform otherwise. If you can hit them directly with force grenades then it will defeat just about all the enemies on that one side. Isaac is a sitting duck right here for projectile fire, so you have to stay constantly moving back and forth with what little space that you have if you can't hit them. Two Slashers will be waiting on the other side as the lift stops, so don't let the enemies on the sides distract you when the lift gets close to the other side. Blast them with the Force Gun as the lift stops. The save station is far enough away from the other enemies to where they won't be able to hit Isaac, so go ahead and save your game at the save station even with enemies still in the room. They can only fire if you step toward them then quickly back up toward the save station. == Repair Room == Be careful while trying to get on the elevator since a Slasher is playing dead right across from it. While stepping into the elevator, the --ELEVATOR FIXED-database file will play and you'll gain some new objectives. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Elevator Fixed" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Plant the Beacon I need to secure the SOS Beacon to the asteroid. Once the asteroid is launched, the beacon will clear the Ishimura navigation array, and it will be able to broadcast a clear signal. [ ] Destroy the Gravity Tethers Mined asteroids are fixed in place by gravity tether beams. I need to disable all of them in order to launch the asteroid away from the ship. clean shot past their outers casing should do the trick. Step onto the elevator and take it to Deck C - Mining. == Extraction Room ==


Right off the bat, two crawling Slashers and two Lurkers will attack from directly ahead. Use the Force Gun to start off shooting them then switch over to the Flamethrower for the Lurkers, or continue to use the Force Gun. There is an --ITEM CHEST-- in the alcove on each side of this room. The objective marker will tell you to go right, but you should go left to avoid some backtracking. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Mining Hallway == A Slasher will move toward Isaac from the back of this room, so go ahead and enter the room then defeat him while he walks forward. Off to the immediate left is a !!SAVE STATION!!. Walk up the ramp to the left and take the --SMALL MED PACK--, open the --ITEM BOX, then grab the --SUPERVISOR'S CHOICE-- database file from the floor - one of the most insane files in the game! There is a !!STORE!! on the left wall. Make sure you buy the Level 4 suit if you haven't yet. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Small Med Pack, [ ] Item Box, [ ] --"Supervisor's Choice" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Smash the three --ITEM BOXES-- on the cart while walking to the back of the room. Facing them, the one on the left has Spiders inside of it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Move up the ramp to the left and open the --ITEM CHEST-- off to the left. There is an !!UPGRADE BENCH!! off to the left further ahead. If you mess with the upgrade bench then a Slasher is going to jump down from the ceiling and land to Isaac's right when Isaac backs away from the bench. I'd back up and shoot him with the Contact Beam then stomp on his body a bit and throw each piece off the side of the railing with kinesis for doing that if I were you, but that's just me. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The power unit that is plugged into the power plug supplies power to the small lift to the side but there is no use to moving up to the control room at the moment since you need to destroy the tethers and plant the beacon on the asteroid in order to send it out into space. Grapple the power plug with kinesis and bring it along with you then leave the room - keep in mind that you'll have to return this power unit to this power plug later in order to use the elevator. Step back into the Extraction Room then walk down the hallway on the other side. == Extraction Room == Exploders will attack in the Extraction Room, so drop the power plug and defeat them - you might want to run toward the elevator in this room since two of them

will surround Isaac. Place the power unit into the empty power plug on this side in order to power the small lift. Take the lift down to the bottom floor Control Room Hallway. == Control Room Hallway == Follow the hall ahead. Use the stasis recharger along the right wall near the end if needed. There are six --ITEM CONTAINERS-- along the sidewalls of the hall ahead. There is also a --MINING TIMELINE-- database file and a --GOLD SEMICONDUCTOR-- on the floor up ahead. Enter the Mining Bay to the right by using either door. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] --"Mining Timeline" database file-, [ ] Gold Semiconductor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Mining Bay == This room has no gravity, so you can move anywhere in it. BOXES-- floating around in this room.

There are two --ITEM

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------There is a slight new enemy in this room. Watch out for the Dark Stingers. They are the same as ordinary Stingers but they take more hits and are more aggressive much like the Dark Slashers. Use either the Plasma Cutter or Line Gun to defeat them easily. The Force Gun and really just about any other gun will work just as well, but they have tough armor! Don't stand in one spot while fighting one since there are three of them in this room. They jump down and attack soon enough. Once all three Stingers are destroyed find the tethers in this room that support the asteroid by holding it in place with a grapple beam. They have a spinning piece on them. Stand right next to the spinning piece and shoot it with stasis then blast the lighted area inside with any weapon to shut off each tether. Destroy the TETHER (1/4) on the floor and the TETHER (2/4) on the ceiling. But this is only two, where are the others? Turn your attention to the asteroid. You see the circular metal pieces that move back and forth on it? Those pieces will tear Isaac to shreds if they hit him. While on the floor facing the asteroid, look to the left side to notice that the circular metal pieces move away from the lower left side eventually. When they begin to move from that side, zero-g jump to that side of the asteroid then quickly run around the left side of the asteroid. Isaac will step out into space and enter a vacuum area with zero gravity. Two Lurkers will attack on this side. The SOS beacon can be placed in the center of this side of the asteroid in order to fulfill one of the objective but DON'T PLACE THE BEACON YET IF YOU WANT TO GAIN ALL DATABASE FILES FOR THIS CHAPTER. Find the TETHER (3/4) on the right and TETHER (4/4) on the left and shut down each of them by shooting them with stasis then blasting in between the rotating metal pieces and hitting the light with a gun. Objective Complete:

[X] Destroy the Gravity Tethers If you want to gain all database files, then don't plant the SOS Beacon but destroy all the tethers. Once the tethers are destroyed, step back around the asteroid and move back into the Mining Bay. Travel all the way to the Control Room by going up the elevator in the Mining Hallway and using the Mining Access key on the door - you'll have to place the power unit into the power plug near the lift in that area again. Walk over to the controls for the asteroid and examine them to receive the --ATTACH THE BEACON-- database file. NOTE: If you accidentally plant the beacon and still want to get the database file then jump onto the asteroid and allow the circular metal pieces to kill Isaac and you will start at the beginning of the room without having placed the beacon. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Attach the Beacon" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------To accomplish the beacon objective, simply stand on the asteroid and press the X (or A) button to plant the SOS beacon on it. TIP: Plant the beacon next to the side of the asteroid where Isaac first enters the vacuum area from and this will help you to easily see the side where both circular metal pieces move away from when you go to leave this vacuum area. Objective Complete: [X] Plant the Beacon Getting out of the back of the asteroid without hitting the outside circular metal pieces is one of the hardest parts of this room, but it's still not that bad, just a little tricky. Move to the right side of the asteroid then watch for the side where the circular pieces both move away from - they meet on this side then both of them move separate ways away from this side. Quickly run in that direction once they move away then leap off the asteroid and into any part of the Mining Bay below - just target a surface then jump. Jump to the floor afterwards then exit the room. == Control Room Hallway == Be sure to recharge your stasis at the stasis recharger along the wall then move back to the lift. A single Slasher will appear in the hall ahead, so be ready to blast him. Take the lift up again. == Extraction Room == The caged circular portions of this room now shoot out fire, so time your runs to step past them when they go out. You need to grapple the power unit for the elevator then pull it out and take it with you all the way over to the Mining Hallway - stand on the opposite side of the flames away from the power unit then grapple to get it out of the plug easier. You might want to shoot the power unit through the flames in each section where you have to cross some flames to avoid walking really slow by them. The other side of the Extraction Room has flames currents also. The flames will not automatically kill Isaac, but they will damage him badly.

== Mining Hallway == Plug the power unit back into the power plug up the second left ramp in order to power the elevator. Move over to the elevator once it is active and take it up. Use the Mining Access Key to open the locked door at the top. == Mining Control == Take the --POWER NODE-- from the container on the right wall then open the --ITEM CHEST-- against the back wall. Walk over to the controls near the window on the other side of this room and interact with them. If you haven't placed the SOS Beacon then you'll receive the "Attach the Beacon" database file and will have to run all the way back to the asteroid and attach the beacon but if you have already placed it then the asteroid will be launched out into space with the SOS beacon attach. Objective Complete: [X] Launch the Asteroid The --ASTEROID LAUNCHED-- database file will play once the asteroid has been launched and a new objective will be received. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Asteroid Launched" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Go to the Bridge The beacon's on its way broadcasting loud and clear. Now we cross our fingers and hope someone picks up the signal. The chances are slim but it's our only hope. Kendra says there's something wrong with the Communications Array, which means if someone tries to reach us, we can't hear them. Got to get back to the Bridge and fix it. When Isaac tries to leave the Mining Control room, the door will seal off and the area will be placed under quarantine. Many Slashers will drop from the vents in the ceiling and attack. The first few are normal Slashers but the last few are dark Slashers. This close quarters battle with several Dark Slashers at once can get pretty bad if they trap Isaac, so run away if they get too close then shoot them from a distance with force blasts and force grenades. The Line Gun works great for Dark Slashers as usual. Leave the room after the battle. == Mining Hallway == Return to the Mining Elevator in the Extraction Room. == Mining Elevator == Choose to go to Deck A - Preparation while interacting with the controls. A single Dark Slasher will drop from the ceiling and attack. Have the Contact Beam charged and awaiting his descent or get ready to blast him like normal with a weapon. == RIG Room ==

Three Crawlers will attack in here. Use the Force Gun to easily hit them without much effort. Try to hit more than one per blast. Continue through the next door. == Tram Hallway == Run back to the tram then enter it and use the controls inside like normal to end the chapter. C H A P T E R



------------------------------------------------------------------------------___ ____ _ _ _ ____ _____ _____ ____ / _ \ / ___|| | | | / \ | _ \|_ _|| ____|| _ \ | (_) | | | | |_| | / _ \ | |_) | | | | _| | |_) | > _ < | |___ | _ | / ___ \ | __/ | | | |___ | _ < | (_) | \____||_| |_|/_/ \_\|_| |_| |_____||_| \_\ \___/ [WT08] - - - - - - - - - - -




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== Tram Station == The --GO TO COMMUNICATIONS-- database file will play as Isaac steps off of the tram. Objective Added: [ ] Contact the Military Ship Somehow a military ship heard our distress call. It's unbelievable luck. Now I just need to see what's wrong with the Comms Array and contact the ship. Only one --ITEM CONTAINER-- is left behind on the back wall. hallway.

Move into the

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Go to Communications" database file--, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Atrium Hallway == Something will growl from the glass to the side as Isaac moves down the hall ahead. Use the !!STORE!! if needed then step into the Atrium. == Main Atrium == I really don't like this area, do you? enemy encounters!

It's such an open playing field for

All the --ITEM CHESTS-- around the sides of the room that were locked in the past are now open, so start collecting Mr. Clarke. Enter the room off to the left with the destroyed door and you'll find an !!UPGRADE BENCH!! inside along with an --ITEM BOX--. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST

[ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------When Isaac moves too far into the back of the Atrium room, the doors will seal off as the are is put under quarantine. Exploders will fall from the ceiling and attack. Stand in one of the sides of the Atrium near the a control panel and shoot their exploding appendages with either the Plasma Cutter or the Pulse Rifle. They will start to pile up as the battle continues, so get ready to run if you start to miss a lot. Three Dark Slashers and a Dark Stinger will appear in the final wave of enemies. Bring out the Line Gun and fire at them. Try to cripple the Slashers by shooting off their legs and that will help greatly. The area will unseal once the final wave of enemies is finished. You might want to run down the steps in the very back of this area and save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! on the wall. Enter the elevator directly across from the stairs. The first floor cannot be accessed at the moment, so take the elevator up to Level 3. The --EAVESDROPPER-- database file will be received on the way up. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Eavesdropper" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== ADS Hallway == Step out of the elevator and stomp the --ITEM BOX--, open the --ITEM CHEST-and then collect the two --RANDOM AMMO-- pickups along the side of the room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oh look, a !!SAVE STATION!! up ahead. Don't save your game right away though. A Spawner is on the far left wall down the hall, so run straight at it and shoot it with force grenades. Another Spawner is on the left side of the same wall - they're both on opposite sides of the middle door. Shoot the furthest one with stasis to limit his movements while you take on the other. You might have to switch to another weapon (Plasma Cutter or Pulse Rifle) to defeat the second Spawner since the angle you are shooting from is the extreme right. Aim for its appendages as they move out of its stomach and attach to the wall around it. This battle can really showcase how annoying these enemies are. Return to the back hall and open the three --ITEM CONTAINERS-- along the sidewall then save your game. Go back and open the door that the Spawners were surrounding then step into the next room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Comms Array Hallway == A new enemy will appear from the back of the hall. This is the Divider. All of its visible appendages can be shot off and once any appendage is cut off of it then it will fall and split into Crawlers. Shoot it with stasis then aim for one of its legs with the Plasma Cutter or Line gun and cut the leg off.

While it falls, take out the Force Gun and get ready to blast the whole group of Crawlers that it will leave behind. The Contact Beam can work well for a Divider also if you don't have stasis since one hit will knock it down then the next hit will likely make it split into Crawlers. It's possible to kill a Divider and all Crawlers during one stasis hit if your stasis is powered up enough. Each appendage becomes a Crawler, so simply aim at each one with the Plasma Cutter or Pulse Rifle as it falls while slowed with stasis and shoot off the appendage then the Crawler it becomes. Open the three --ITEM CONTAINERS-- on the sidewall for some extra items then be sure to grab the --RUBY SEMICONDUCTOR-- left behind by the Divider. Use kinesis to move the items that are blocking the next unlocked door then open it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Ruby Semiconductor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Elevator to Comm Array 1F == Use the !!UPGRADE BENCH!! up ahead if needed then save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!!. Step onto the lift then take it to the floor above. == Elevator to Comm Array 2F == Pick up the --ILLEGAL MINING-- database file on the catwalk at the top. the next door.


--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Illegal Mining" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Comms Hall == Grab the --POWER NODE-- from the container to the left then step onto the cart to the side. There is some --RANDOM AMMO-- along the wall to the right (look over the right side of the cart), so grapple it with kinesis and bring it toward Isaac to collect it. Activate the controls and the cart will take Isaac down the corridor ahead. There are no enemies along the way but there is a body floating in the middle of the tunnel. It won't bite though. Step off the cart at the end then open the next door. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Power Node, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Comms Control == The --MAIN ARRAY PROBLEM-- database file will play shortly and a new objective will become active. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Main Array Problem" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added:

[ ] Fix the Array The communication dishes have taken some damage. I need to swap out the broken dishes and create a circle of working dishes. That should align the signal and allow us to transmit to the ship. There is a !!SAVE STATION!! and stasis recharger on the wall to the right. You can look off the right railing to see the dishes below that are mentioned in the objective - this is the area we have to get to next. On the left side of the room, smash the --ITEM BOX-- then take the --MEDIUM AIR CAN SCHEMATIC--. Open the door to the side. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Medium Air Can Schematic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Comms Array Airlock == There is an --ITEM BOX--, a --POWER NODE-- and three --ITEM LOCKERS in this room. Smash, collect, and open to your heart's content then move into the next area off to the right. The right locker in the set of unlocked lockers to the left has a --GOLD SEMICONDUCTOR-- inside of it. Grab the --RANDOM AMMO-- in the airlock chamber then step outside. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Power Node, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Gold Semiconductor, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Comms Array Chamber == This area has no gravity, so you can move just about anywhere in the room with a zero-g jump. Three Dark Stingers are in the area, so jump off the walkway before they spot Isaac. Get on a wall and wait for them to attack while you move around the wall then blast them with whichever weapon of your choice. Use stasis if needed. Find the two --ITEM BOXES-- on the wall to the left from the door where you first enter this area from. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The main objective in this room is to form a circle of working satellite dishes by plugging the dishes in between the metal pieces along the wall. Grapple dishes with kinesis to carry them to other parts of the room. The working metal dishes are marked with a blue glow and kinesis symbol. The red dishes are damaged and do not work but they can still be lifted with kinesis to pull them out of their current slots. Simply form a circle of working dishes by pulling out the damaged dishes and plugging a full circular row of working dishes into the plugs in the middle portion of the room. Three working dishes are already plugged into the center circle by default, so unplug the damaged dishes in that circle and replace them with working dishes. You can view the red communications control display in this room to see where all the working and damaged dishes are plugged. Damage dishes are showcased with a red light while working dishes appear as a green light. Any circle of working dishes can be made in order to get the Communications array working

again, but the closest circle at the bottom is already started for you. Objective Complete: [X] Fix the Array The --ARRAY FIXED-- database file will be received after a circle of working dishes have been aligned and communications will be restored. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Array Fixed" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Find the walkway for the door in this room - it will look like an opening in the wall since you're most likely standing on a wall at the moment. Jump to it then open the door and reenter the Comms Control after stepping through the airlock room. == Comms Control == Activate the console on the left side of the room on the railing and this will set up communications for the military ship. Objective Complete: [X] Contact the Military Ship The USM Valor military ship will try to contact the USG Ishimura. The --FIRST CONTACT-- database will play followed by the --BIG PROBLEMS-- database file. A new objective will be added shortly. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"First Contact" database file--, [ ] --"Big Problems" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Use the ADS Cannon to Clear the Blast Doors The signal still isn't strong enough, and Kendra needs the blast doors opened above the Comms Array. Something big is sitting right on top of them, no doubt some kind of necromorph. If I can get to one of the ADS turrets, I hopefully can blast it off into space. Ah, another problem. There is never a dull second aboard the USG Ishimura! Exit this room and step back into the Comms Hall. == Comms Hall == Take the cart back across to the other side then reenter the Comms Elevator Room 2F. == Comms Elevator Room 2F == The elevator to the right will rise and a Dark Slasher will step off of it so blast him and use stasis if needed. Save your game at the bottom then step into the Comms Hallway.

== Comms Hallway == Open the door to the elevator on the right. up to the next floor.

Step inside then take the elevator

== ADS Cannon 48 Hallway == Open the two --ITEM CHESTS-- up ahead then smash the two --ITEM BOXES-- mixed in with the crates to the left of the next door. Open the door to the ADS Cannon room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== ADS Cannon 48 == Take the --POWER NODE-- from the container on the right wall then save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! on the left wall. Walk over to the controls for the cannon and interact the controls on them then Isaac will have a seat in the chair. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Power Node ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boss: Slug Unlike the last boss battle, this one is set up in a shooter minigame. You'll have to blast 'ole softy outside to get his attention and make him attack Isaac. The slug will eventually raise its tentacles upwards. That's not happiness to see us is it? The Slug's tentacles will eventually grab an object then toss it toward the cannon where Isaac is. The objects that will throw range from fuel canisters to pieces of the ship itself. Each object that hits Isaac's side will damage the ship's hull. The health for the ship's hull (hull integrity) appears on the lower right portion of the screen during this battle and it will start at 100 for this battle. Controls: Left Cannon: L1 (or LT) Right Cannon: R1 (or RT) You'll have to cut off each one of the Slug's tentacles in order to damage the Slug. The tentacles' weak point is the glowing yellow portion in the middle of each one. Focus on one tentacle at a time and wait for the targeted tentacle to raise up with a grappled object then blast it continuously in its yellow weak spot with both cannons. Once each tentacle has received enough damage, it will break off from the slug. You'll need to blast the thrown objects as they travel toward the ship, so try to keep a watch for any objects that the tentacles throw then blast the objects with both cannons. The cannon can still overheat just like last time, so don't get extremely trigger happy. It's really hard to keep an eye out for objects when all five tentacles are active since there are quite a number of tentacles to watch, but once only about two are left, defending the ship's hull from incoming debris is much more

manageable. The most important part of the beginning of the battle is whittling the beast's tentacles down to about two. Keep the cannon aimed toward the middle of the screen then defeat the middle tentacle first. The middle portion is where most of the objects will fly by, so you will probably accidentally shoot some objects while shooting the middle tentacle. Pick a side after that then finish each tentacle on the chosen side while trying to watch for any thrown objects. Once you get down to two tentacles, focus less on spamming them with fire and more on defending the ship since it is much easier to watch the two tentacles' actions around that time. TIP: If you shoot one of the tentacles in the yellow portion while it is leaning over to grab an object then it will rise up once again. If you can manage to keep the shield strength up to 50% after beating the Slug then you will gain the "Slugger" trophy (achievement). Unlike the accomplishment associated with shooting asteroids in Chapter 4, this one isn't too bad since the battle can be sped up by defeating the Slug quickly and also the hull strength starts at 100% instead of 85%. Knock off the tentacles as quickly as possible and basically follow the tips that I have above. The --IMPACT-- database file and the --HAMMOND RETURNS-- database file will play shortly after the Slug has been defeated. You can still fire the cannons the whole time the database files are playing, though you can't shoot anything. Why not fire at the USM Valor up to the left side? Why did you open the escape pod!? Die now for your foolishness! --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Impact" database file--, [ ] --"Hammond Returns" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Go to the Cargo Deck The military ship... it slammed into the Ishimura. Maybe marines are still alive and can help, but somehow I doubt he found a shuttle on the Crew Deck. I need to salvage a out of the military ship to repair the shuttle. There is though it may be...

some of the it. Hammond says Singularity Core still hope, slim

Ah, the excitement never ends, does it? Save your game at the save station then leave the room. We need to get back to the tram. == ADS Cannon 48 Hallway == Take the elevator back down. == Comms Hall == No enemies. end.

Continue down the hall ahead and step through the big door at the

== ADS Hallway == Two Crawlers are in this area, so take out the Force Gun and blast them then continue to the elevator across from the save station down the left hall. Take the elevator to level 2.

== Main Atrium == You'll probably hear the creature before even stepping out of the elevator. Yep, there is a Divider outside. Get the Plasma Cutter or Line Gun ready then step out of the elevator. It's only one of them and he is around the right side of the elevator shaft so find him and shoot him stasis then cut off a limb and shoot the Crawlers with the Force Gun whenever he splits. == Atrium Hallway == Move on down the hallway. A Pregnant will step out from the very end. Use the Plasma Cutter and shoot off his appendages. You might want to go for the legs first of all. Enter the Tram Station. == Tram Station == Board the tram like usual then use the controls to go to the next area and end this chapter. C H A P T E R



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== Tram Station == As Isaac steps off the ship, --THE VALOR-- database file will play. Open the --ITEM CHEST-- to the left, stomp the --ITEM BOX-- in the sitting area then use the !!UPGRADE BENCH!! directly ahead if necessary. Move down the hall to the left. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"The Valor" database file--, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Zero-G Ore Storage Hallway == Further down the hall, an --ITEM CHEST-- will be to the left of a !!STORE!! and an --ITEM BOX-- will be in front of the next door at the end of the hall. Step into the next room. Open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the wall straight ahead then open the next door. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Ore Storage == The --RADIATION HAZARD-- database file will be received shortly after entering the room and a new objective will be added.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Radiation Hazard" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Clear Radioactive Material (0/6) One of the Valor's weapon modules ripped open in the crash scattering highly radioactive munitions through the Ore Storage chamber. The radiation leak has ceased the Valor's airlock to seal itself. I need to clear the chamber of the munitions before I can get onboard the ship. This area does not have any gravity, so Isaac can move just about anywhere in here. Before you can dispose of the green radioactive circular objects, Isaac must first open the door in the middle of the room. Walk toward the middle door on the floor and stomp each of the six purple fuses around the door there are three on each side. There are two --ITEM BOXES-- floating around this room (near the door) so look around the room for them before stomping the fuses. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The room will enter a vacuum as all the air is drained out when the middle door opens. A Stinger and a Lurker will attack directly afterwards. Be sure to take note of the two oxygen rechargers around the middle door. Eventually two Dark Stingers and two more Lurkers will attack while Isaac moves around in this room. Look around the room and grapple each of the six green radiation balls with kinesis then bring them down to the open door on the floor in the middle of the room and then blast them out into space. You will get a "Radioactive material removed" confirmation when each of them is tossed out into space. Three of the radioactive balls are up on a wall with circular metal pieces on it to the left. Some of the radioactive balls are hidden behind the circular metal pieces. Objective Complete: [X] Clear Radioactive Material (6/6) Once all of the green radiation balls have been thrown out into space the door on the side of the UMG Valor will open. Look up on the ship and find the circular ring of orange lights then jump to it and open the door on the walkway in between it. == Starboard Corridors == Objective Complete: [X] Enter the Military Ship Open the next door once the door behind Isaac is sealed off and the air is restored.

Gee god! What the hell was that up ahead? It just broke into a spasm then ran to the left! Anyway, open the --ITEM CHEST-- off to the right. The --FIND THE SINGULARITY CORE-- database file will play eventually. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] --"Find the Singularity Core" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Find the Singularity Core Made it inside. Now I just have to find a way to the engine room and salvage the Singularity Core. Avoid the flame up ahead or Isaac will get burned. Move by the glowing reverse gravity panel and save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! on the wall ahead. Good thing they save their games on the USM Valor as well, eh? Enter the Cargo Bay. == Cargo Bay == Oh, great. There's that crazy thing up ahead once again! It will run away soon. Open the --ITEM CHEST-- off to the right. Walk over to the escape pod and use kinesis to grapple the --RANDOM AMMO-- inside and pull it to Isaac then move further ahead toward the door that is blocked by debris and open the nearby --ITEM CHEST--. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The --INFECTED SOLDIERS-- database file will be received when Isaac moves further down the right side of this room. Move over to the right side of the area with the cargo and find the first crate with the glowing kinesis symbol on it. All the crates in this room are on tracks, so they can only be moved in two directions. Grapple the crate with kinesis then move it further ahead past the bigger crates. Try not to move it all the way back to where it pushes the other crate with the kinesis symbol. Step into the section off to the left then turn and grapple the crate you were just moving from the side then pull it to the right - walk sideways to the right while it is grappled. Grapple the next crate across from the one you just moved and move it to the right as well by walking sideways to the right while grappling. Step into the cargo area that the crate was blocking and pick up the --RANDOM AMMO-- from it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Infected Soldiers" database file--, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Run back around the corner then approach the other side where more kinesis symbol crates are. Walk to the far right along that side then turn to face the crate that blocks the way. Grapple the kinesis crate and move directly into the area that you just stepped through. Grapple the left crate that was behind the one you just moved and push it back further into the room. Turn to the right and find the next kinesis crate then slide it over to the right. This path will move Isaac into the back of the cargo room. The enemy that has been keeping ahead of Isaac, the Stasis Slasher, will be

waiting at the end of the corridor of crates further ahead. These things move incredibly fast when they run toward Isaac. Shoot him with stasis whenever he moves in front of Isaac then blast him like any other enemy. You have to be careful while attempting to shoot them with stasis since they will sometimes duck whenever they dash toward Isaac and the stasis shot will fly over their head. The Force Gun's primary fire works very well against these type of enemies without the need to use stasis, simply wait for one to run up to Isaac then shoot it with a primary fire blast and it will most likely loose some appendages and get knocked back. Run up to it and finish it off with more blasts. These enemies are just as deadly without a leg, so shooting off their legs won't do that much to cripple them. Shoot off their appendages as you normally would with a Slasher to kill them. They are tougher than the normal Slashers but the main hard part about them is how fast they are! Two more Stasis Slashers will attack after the first one is defeated. Move on ahead down the corridor of crates then take the first left. Grapple the crate in the left corridor with kinesis then push it directly ahead. Run into the left corridor then smash the --ITEM BOX-- and take the --RANDOM AMMO-from inside. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Look out for the reverse gravity plates up ahead. A Stasis Slasher will move out a vent up ahead then attack. Approach the unlocked door off to the left and use kinesis to move the small crates in front of it then enter the next area. == Torpedo Room == You'll need to grapple the crates blocking the doorway and toss them out into the room ahead. Look off to the left and open the first --ITEM CHEST--. You'll need to grapple the small crates directly ahead and shoot them out of the way to get to the --ITEM BOX-- and --ITEM CHEST-- on the left side of the opposite side of the room. Don't mess with the stacked crates near the vent across from the entrance side or a Stasis Slasher will bust through the vent and attack. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------There is no point in moving the power unit away from the power plug. Move down the walkway in the middle of the room. The --HAMMOND ASSISTANCE-- database file will be received on the other side of the room. There is an --ITEM CHEST-- containing a --GOLD SEMICONDUCTOR-- to the right as Isaac steps off the walkway. Enter the next room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Hammond Assistance" database file--, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Gold Semiconductor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Port Corridors ==

Take note of the --ITEM CHEST-- near the right wall as Isaac moves toward the !!SAVE STATION!! up ahead. Mutilate all the soldier bodies in this hallway before you mess with the closest door up ahead (it's an elevator door). The furthest door is blocked from the other end. When Isaac attempts to open the elevator door, the power unit beside it will explode. Infectors will attack right after the power unit is destroyed, but if you stomped the bodies then they will have nothing to infect, so take out a gun and defeat them. If the soldier bodies are still there then you better blast the Infectors before they use the bodies as a host since they will make Stasis Slashers out of the dead bodies. Run down the hall and grapple the power unit that powers the door at the other end then pull it out of the power plug. Bring it back over to the empty power plug beside the elevator door then plug it in to restore power to the elevator. Enter the elevator and take it up. On the way up the elevator shaft, the --DR. KYNE-- database file will be received. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Dr. Kyne" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Engine Corridors == You'll likely notice a man yelling in pain here. Look on the wall in the middle of the burning debris directly ahead. A crew member is trapped on the ceiling because of the reverse gravity plate below him. You can't shoot him to end his suffering... then use kinesis to pull his dead body toward Isaac and stomp his remains into the floor. The game won't allow it, so let's continue down the hall to the side. Step off into the right hall along the way to the next door and open the --ITEM CHEST-- and --ITEM CONTAINER-- in the room with the dead soldier. Walk toward the burning debris and grab the --RANDOM AMMO-- to the left behind it with kinesis. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Armory == This room can be dangerous at first. A Divider will dash as Isaac from the area across from the door and a few Exploders will walk toward the door from off to the right. Be careful about entering this room. You might want to shoot the Divider with stasis then run to the area where he comes from and turn back around to deal with the Exploders as they appear from the side. You can also step back into the prior hallway. Grab the --POWER NODE-- and take note of the --ITEM CHEST-- and --ITEM BOX-off to the right. There is an !!UPGRADE BENCH!! off to the side. Two Exploders will move through the open vent, near the door that Isaac entered this room from, when Isaac walks further to the right, so be ready for them. Pick up the --EMERGENCY-- database file from the shooting gallery area directly across from the entrance door then open the nearby --ITEM LOCKER--. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Locker,

[ ] --"Emergency" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + Shooting Gallery Minigame + + You may want to try out the shooting range minigame. Once Isaac begins the game he will have infinite ammo with whatever weapon he has equipped. Shoot the red figures and avoid shooting the blue figures until the max score is reached as presented on the back board. Either the Plasma Cutter or the Pulse Rifle is the best weapon to use here. There are five rounds altogether and Isaac will receive an item after every successfully completed round - it appears on the counter to the left of the controls. If you mess up during a round, simply back away to cancel the game then move forward and restart. Here is the required score and items won: Round 1 - 1000 score Reward: Random Ammo Round 2 - 1200 score Reward: Random Ammo Round 3 - 1400 score Reward: Medium Med Pack Round 4 - 1600 score Reward: Ruby Semiconductor Round 5 - 2000 score Reward: Power Node Rounds 4 and 5 get very fast so keep your Plasma Cutter set to horizontal and listen for the confirmation for each shot. If you fail to hit one back up then move forward to try again. Don't pay attention to the scoreboard when you get to Rounds 4 and 5 or it will be just enough to distract you away from a target. Isaac can sometimes be the worst part of this entire game since the he covers the left side of the camera if you stand in the middle, which is really the best place to stand. Keep your gun aimed toward the middle then shoot a target and return aim to the middle then wait for the next. On round 5, you have to simply keep aiming and shooting. Step into the next room outside when you're ready. == Armory Corridors == A soldier will die from a leg wound as Isaac enters this area. Poor fellow. You can mutilate his dead body if you want. Be sure to recharge your stasis at the stasis recharger if needed. Enter the Infirmary. == Infirmary == A Stasis Slasher will show Isaac what happens whenever a living thing runs through the lasers that revolve around the middle of the room. It isn't pretty and the same fate will befall Isaac if he happens to touch them. The robotic arm controls the lasers and it can be shot with stasis. Wait for the arm to point the lasers to the right then hit it with stasis and run over to the left then pick up the --LARGE MED PACK SCHEMATIC-- and open the --ITEM CHEST-- and run to the other side of the room very quickly.

A Stasis Slasher will attack from the other side while Isaac runs, but just run by him or stun him with stasis quickly then run by him. He might get caught up in the lasers himself. Open the two --ITEM CHESTS-- on the other side of the room then enter the Barracks Corridors. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Large Med Pack Schematic, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Barracks Corridors == You'll hear a yell in here from an Exploder, so run down the hall to the right. A Stasis Slasher will be the first to come after Isaac, so shoot him with stasis then defeat him. Exploders will move down the hall toward Isaac next, so shoot them with the Plasma Cutter or Pulse Rifle from a distance. An Exploder will fall near Isaac but he should be far enough away to shoot it safely. A few more Exploders will appear down the hall also. Grab the --POWER NODE-- and use kinesis to pull the --RANDOM AMMO-- from the right side of the burning debris toward Isaac. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Power Node, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Continue back down the hall then move down the end of the hall across from the door that Isaac entered this area from. Open the --ITEM CHEST-- to the right then move further ahead and open the other --ITEM CHEST-- to the left. Grab the --RANDOM AMMO-- and --SMALL MEDPACK-- from in front of the debris and save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! on the right wall. You'll probably notice an Exploder moving to the left behind the debris but it will step out of sight quickly. Enter the Barracks. == Barracks == A quarantine will initiate once you move further into this room. Run back to a corner and stay there. Stay in the left corner of this room so enemies might possibly walk across the reverse gravity plating up ahead. A Pregnant will be the first to appear in the back but it shouldn't come toward Isaac if you step back quickly enough. Lurkers and a Stasis Slashers will be the first to attack followed by Stingers. Another Stasis Slasher will attack eventually. There is really too many enemies in this room to keep up with any type of pattern, so just know that you'll face plenty of Stasis Slashers, Stingers, Lurkers, Exploders, and a Pregnant. If you approach this room cautiously by staying in a corner near the back then it is not as bad as it can be. If you dart into the middle of the room then prepare for an onslaught! Use the Plasma Cutter or Pulse Rifle to shoot at distant Exploders, use the Force Gun or Line Gun for Stasis Slashers, use the Flamethrower or Force Gun for Lurkers then fight off the Stingers with the Plasma Cutter or Line Gun. If you stay away from the other end of the room then the Pregnant and Exploders from that end will most likely not even move toward Isaac. Once the lockdown has been lifted, all enemies in the room are finished. Check the second opening in the right wall and grab the --LARGE MED PACK-- from inside. You'll find plenty of --ITEM CONTAINERS-- on the large pillars in the middle of the room - there are seven unlocked containers. At the far end of

the hall is a !!STORE!! on the back wall and the --ORDERS-- database file along the floor. Enter the Engine Corridors through the door at the back end of the room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Large Med Pack, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] --"Orders" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Engine Corridors == Grab the --RANDOM AMMO-- from near the debris. We're now on the other side of the floor where Isaac exited the lift. The guy that is trapped by a reverse gravity plate is still held up against the ceiling and it looks as if he is still ticking - he's got some determination there. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Move toward the !!SAVE STATION!! on the wall directly ahead and save your game. Follow the hall as it turns to the left and open the --ITEM CHEST-- near the end then open the next door. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Engine Hall == A man will step into view then run to the right further ahead - he actually opens a door. Walk down the hall and open the two --ITEM CHESTS-- then stomp the --ITEM BOX--. There are three more --ITEM CHESTS-- near the locked door at the other end of the hall. Open the large door to the right that the man ran to. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Engine Room 1F == Find the two --ITEM CONTAINERS-- along the sidewalls then open them. lift to the top floor.

Take the

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Engine Room 2F == The flames coming from the burners in the very back of this room will burn Isaac and damage him quite a bit if he steps out into the flames - thankfully they won't kill him instantly. Isaac can stand behind the metal cylinders with the kinesis symbol on them to avoid the flames. He can grab these cylinders with kinesis and move them toward the back of this room to get further into the

room unharmed. There are three purple fuses along the middle portion of each side of this room for a total of six. The fuses must all be destroyed to shut off the burners in the back of this room. Grapple either cylinder and push it toward the burners then shoot or punch the purple fuses along the metal columns on each side. On the right side they are on the left columns and on the left side they are on the right columns. It is best to only move the metal cylinders when the flames stop. If Isaac is too far away from the metal cylinder when the flames start then he will get burned and this can easily be done while using kinesis while the flames are surrounding Isaac. You will have to move the cylinders to the right or left sometimes to avoid the pipes near the metal columns. Once all six fuses are destroyed, the flames will stop. Collect the ++SINGULARITY CORE++ from the device in the middle of the back portion of the room. Objective Complete: [X] Find the Singularity Core Once the core has been collected the --SINGULARITY CORE FOUND-- database file will play and Isaac will receive the next objective. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] ++SINGULARITY CORE++, [ ] --"Singularity Core Found" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Go to the Crew Deck I've got the Singularity Core now. Removing it may cause some bad side effects to the Valor's power system, so I should get out of here quickly. I'm heading to the Crew Deck now, in hopes of repairing the shuttle docked there. The entire ship will now start to malfunction with short explosions throughout the rooms now that the Singularity Core has been removed. The explosions for the moment won't hurt Isaac and there is no hidden timer for getting out of the ship. Find the corridor off to the right and move down it. Open the three --ITEM CHESTS-- to the right at the first turn then continue to the left. An explosion will engulf the next three --ITEM CHEST-- in flames but thankfully the flames cannot hurt Isaac. Open the door to the left. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Engine Room 1F == Open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the wall to the left after stepping through the doorway. As Isaac reaches the glass in the back, someone will step into view from the other side. Ah, it's Hammond. What's up, boss?

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Dark Brute will attack as it steps through the glass from the other side. Be sure to shoot it with stasis then get in the back of it like all the rest. The Contact Beam is the best way to defeat it quickly. If you don't have stasis then shoot it with the Contact Beam from the front and it will eventually hunch over to where you can get in some good back shots. The Line Gun works just as well also. It will drop a --DIAMOND SEMICONDUCTOR-- when it is defeated. The --HAMMOND'S DEATH-- database file will be received once the Brute is defeated. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Diamond Semiconductor, [ ] -- "Hammond's Death" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Be sure to stomp the hell out of that Dark Brute body. Hammond's body can be mutilated also, but you don't really want to do that, do you? Don't let sudden memories of the ADS cannon accomplishment in Chapter 4 cloud your mind, Mr. Clarke! Open the large door ahead then step back into the Engine Hall. == Engine Hall == The door to the right is now unlocked so move through it. An explosion will happen near the door that Isaac just went through that will set it ablaze. A warning message will soon sound over the intercom. Avoid all the flames in the next few areas along with this one or Isaac will take damage. == Corridors == Move down the hall to the left. Open the lone --ITEM CHEST-- off to the right along the way. Use kinesis to grab the power unit along the way and then plug it into the nearby power plug to the right of the elevator door to unlock it. Open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the wall to the right then step inside of the elevator. Big explosions will trigger in the hall outside but Isaac is safe in the elevator. Take it down. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Starboard Corridors == Rush directly ahead and avoid the flames and the reverse gravity panel then save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!!. Walk back to the elevator door and find the exit to the Valor off to the side. Exit the ship by stepping through the airlock and then the next door ahead. == Ore Storage == Isaac will once again enter the vacuumed zero gravity room outside. Leap to the floor below as the USM Valor continues to explode. Use the oxygen rechargers surrounding the middle doorway in the center of the room if needed. Find the walkway with the door on the opposite side along the wall then open the door and step inside the airlock. Allow air to restore then open the next door. == Tram Station ==

A Stasis Slasher will step out from the left corner up ahead, so take out the Force Gun and blast our unwelcome guest. Step back into the Tram at the end of the hall then interact with the controls to end this chapter. C H A P T E R



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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

== Tram Station == The --FIND THE NAV CARDS-- database file will be received shortly once Isaac gets off the tram. Objective Added: [ ] Find the Crew Key Once I find the Crew Key, I'll be able to access the elevator down to the various Sleep Blocks on the deck. [ ] Find the Navigation Cards (0/3) It sounds like someone sabotaged the shuttle and ripped out the navigation cards. I've got to find them and bring them to the shuttle, along with the Singularity Core. [ ] Repair the Shuttle Now that I've got the Singularity Core. I need to find the deck and repair it. It's the only way to get off this ship. Before moving down the steps ahead, stomp the --ITEM BOX-- in the alcove to the left and take the --RANDOM AMMO-- from the far right end of the sitting area. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Find the Nav Cards" database file--, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Commons == Ah, this room is so very atmospheric! "Twinkle, twinkle little star" plays over the intercom while dead bodies and candles lie along the dimly lit floor. Beautiful. There are two --ITEM CONTAINERS-- on the walls of this room, one --ITEM BOX-directly ahead and to the left, then two --RANDOM AMMO-- pickups on the front left and back right. There is also a !!STORE!! along the right wall. ** Make sure you bring the Pulse Rifle along with you. **

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Get on the lift on the right side of the room then ride it up to the second floor. Pick up the --UNITOLOGY ARTICLE-- from the floor directly across the !!SAVE STATION!! on the wall. There is also an --ITEM CONTAINER-- further ahead and an !!UPGRADE BENCH!! next to the door at the end of the walkway. Don't enter the door at the end of the hall just yet. Enter the door to the Executive Security Hall. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Unitology Article" database file--, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Executive Security Hall == Walk over to the locked door at the end of the hall and examine it then the --LOCKED EXECUTIVE DOOR-- database file will play - this file CANNOT be received if all three Nav cards are collected first, so make sure you activate this now. Leave the room after receiving the file. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Locked Executive Door" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Commons == Step into the Resident Hall through the door at the end of the walkway beside the upgrade bench. == Resident Hall == Step across the floor filled with organic tissue. Dr. Mercer will be behind the glass up ahead with Jacob Temple (remember the Temple Reports?). You can't enter the room until after Dr. Mercer walks away from the glass. Mercer really needs a good stomping for what he does here. Walk around the side of the room and open the door. == Mess Hall == There is an --ITEM BOX-- to the left behind a chair. Walk around the side of the counter and pick up the --RANDOM AMMO-- from behind the bar counter (it can be seen behind the bar counter from the left side). An Exploder will appear outside of this room, but don't worry about him. You can walk around the side where Dr. Elizabeth Cross and Jacob Temple's bodies lie and mess around with them if you like. Smash the --ITEM BOX-- around the side of the table beside their bodies and open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the wall to the right of the lift further ahead. Take the lift to the bottom floor. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Mess Hall 1F ==

Two Dividers will attack as soon as the lift lands on the bottom floor. Try to shoot both of them with stasis then blow off an appendage. Have the Force Gun ready for when they separate into Crawlers. Stomp the --ITEM BOXES-- on the right and left side of the outer portion of the lift. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Find the --ITEM CHEST-- on the left side of the room next to a fallen table then open it to receive the ++CREW KEY++. Objective Completed: [X] Find the Crew Key The nearby body attached to the wall can hit Isaac (it will swing its chest appendages at him), so cut its head off with the Plasma Cutter if you decide to move by it then finish it off - you can also punch it to death, but you'll probably get hit. Collect the --POWER NODE-- from the container along the wall up ahead. Take the lift back up to the second floor. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] ++CREW KEY++, [ ] Power Node ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Mess Hall == The --KYNE'S GAMBIT-- database file will play while attempting to the leave this room. Step back around the counter then exit this area. Move into the Residential Lobby through the door to the right as Isaac exits the Mess Hall. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Kyne's Gambit" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Residential Lobby == Equip the Force Gun since there is a Spawner on the far right wall around the corner. Run up to him and spam both of his sides with force grenades until he dies. A Dark Slasher is lying near him, so be ready to knock him back with a force blast or simply get him caught up in the grenade blasts. There is an --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the left wall at the opposite end of this hall and some --RANDOM AMMO-- next to the Spawner. Enter the Women's Restroom and open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the back right wall. The next to the last toilet will spit up some fleshy liquid at Isaac. Yum. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Use the Crew Key on the elevator to the left of the Spawner to unlock the red glowing door. Take the elevator down to Sleep Block A. == Sleep Block A == Open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the left wall.

Open the next door.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------There is a --SMALL MED PACK--, --ITEM BOX-- and --RANDOM AMMO-- pickup in this middle room. Save your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! on the right wall. The --LIFE SUPPORT DOWN-- database file will play when Isaac enters the center of this room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Small Med Pack, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] --"Life Support Down" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Override the Locks to Block B Life Support is down in Sleep Block B and the door is locked. able to turn on an override from a nearby control station.

I should be

Enter the Men's Restroom - to the right of the entrance door. The Dark Slasher on the floor is still very much alive so shoot him with stasis then start cutting off his limbs. Turn to the immediate right and take the --RANDOM AMMO- from the floor of the first stall then walk to the back of the restroom and open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the far right wall. Exit the restroom then step into the Sleep Block A Bunks room on the opposite side. Be sure that you save your game again before stepping inside. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Sleep Block A Bunks == A tentacle will grab Isaac when he moves into this room and it will pull him to the opposite side. Aim with L1 (or LT) then shoot at it with the Pulse Rifle or Plasma Cutter. This particular tentacle grab sequence has some very awkward camera angle is you ask me. The weak spot is sometimes hidden by the front of the tentacle also. I highly recommend the Pulse Rifle for this one. From the side with the hole in the wall, open the nearby --ITEM CHEST--. As you walk back across the room, find the --ITEM BOX-- in the debris off to the right then pull it out with kinesis. Grab the --RANDOM CREDITS-- from in front of the next door then open the --ITEM CHEST-- in the dark corner to the right beside the next door. Step into the Storage Room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Random Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Storage Room == Find the --RANDOM AMMO- behind the box off to the left as Isaac enters. Walk ahead and use kinesis to grapple the lever to the left of the controls then pull it down to unlock the door to Sleep Block B. Leave the room once the objective is fulfilled.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Complete: [X] Override the Locks to Block B == Sleep Block A Bunks == A Dark Slasher will rush at Isaac from around the right corner as Isaac steps back into this room. Slow him down with stasis then blast him and continue on to Sleep Block A. == Sleep Block A == Save your game first of all then step through the newly unlocked door leading to the Sleep Block B Hallway. == Sleep Block B Hallway == A warning message will play over the intercom about a shut off life support and hazardous conditions in Sleep Block B. You see, the air in Sleep Block B has been cut off. Isaac will enter a vacuum as he steps through the door at the end of the hall. == Sleep Block B Commons == Oh, there are plenty of enemies in here. I would recommend sticking near the oxygen recharger along the wall directly ahead (as you enter). Right off the bat, a Slasher and a Pregnant will attack from off to the left. The Pulse Rifle would be good to use here, just aim for the Pregnant's top half. An --ITEM CONTAINER-- is on the left wall. As already mentioned, there is an oxygen recharger on the wall across from Isaac. A Dark Slasher will attack once Isaac moves to the opposite side. Enter the Men's Restroom on the left side of this area. Pick up the --RANDOM AMMO-- in the third stall then open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the left wall up ahead. Exit the restroom then open the door to the Residential Hallway on the same side then open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- inside. The door up ahead is sealed off with more organic substance. Exit the room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Let the objective finder lead the way now.

Step into the Sleep Block B Bunks.

== Sleep Block B Bunks == A Dark Lurker will attack from directly ahead. Get close and use the Force Gun to blast his appendages before he attacks. Enter the alcove off to the right and smash the --ITEM BOX-- at the end. Walk back out of the alcove then find the --RANDOM CREDITS-- and --ITEM CHEST-- in the left corner. Enter the corridor further ahead that leads off to the right.

A crawling Pregnant and another Dark Lurker will step into view at the intersection. Take out the Force Gun and blast them both then take the first right and pick up the ++NAV CARD (1/3)++ from off the floor. You can use kinesis to pick up the fan blade and carry it with Isaac to shoot at the next enemy if you want. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Random Credits, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] ++NAV CARD++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have the Force Gun ready as Isaac moves further down the hall since a Stasis Slasher will fall from the ceiling. Blast him with the Force Gun as he rushes toward Isaac. Enter the Storage Room directly ahead and then smash the --ITEM BOX-- to the left, collect the --RANDOM AMMO-- from the left side and the --POWER NODE-- from the container on the right wall. Step back into the middle room by opening the door off to the left. == Sleep Block B Commons == Exit this room then return to Sleep Block A. == Sleep Block A == Save your game at the save station. It's time to leave this area, so step back into the elevator through the nearby hallway and take it back to the top floor. == Residential Lobby == Right when the elevator doors open, an Exploder will appear on the other side and he will jump through a hole in the ceiling. Move out into the lobby and step back into the Residential Hall. == Residential Hall == Two Exploders will step out of a vent up ahead then a few Crawlers will follow. Stand near the door then shoot them with the Plasma Cutter or Pulse Rifle same for the Crawlers since they start at such a distance. Switch to the Force Gun if the Crawlers get too close. Move further down the hall then step back into the Commons. == Commons == Save your game then take the lift to the bottom floor. If I were you, I'd trash all the bodies in this room - separate all their appendage by putting them up under Isaac's size 14 gravity boot. Make any last minute stops at the nearby store then enter Sleep Block C (Recreation Hall) through the door to the side. == Recreation Hall == A Dark Slasher will attack from the end of the corridor. Open the nearby --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the left wall then the next --ITEM CONTAINER-- further ahead on the side wall to the left. Enter the Zero-G Basketball Locker Room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

== Zero-G Basketball Locker Room == All of the item lockers directly ahead are locked. Open the --ITEM CONTAINER-further ahead then open the unlocked --ITEM LOCKER-- on the other side. Pick up the --LEVEL 5 SUIT SCHEMATIC-- from the floor. Enter the next room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Level 5 Suit Schematic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Zero-G Basketball Court == Pick up the --Z BALL RULES-- database file from the floor. CONTAINER-- on the right side of the wall up ahead.

There is an --ITEM

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Z Ball Rules" database file--, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Step into the actual court area. Isaac will enter zero gravity. Pick up the --SMALL MED PACK-- floating to the right. Zero-g jump further into the room. Whenever Isaac moves further, three Dark Lurkers will attack. Take out the Force Gun or Flamethrower and hunt them down. They can be quite a nuisance with all three together and you will need to move quite a bit to avoid their projectiles, so don't stand on a wooden platform in this room. Retrieve the ++NAV CARD (2/3)++ from the middle wooden platform once the Lurkers have been defeated. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Small Med Pack, [ ] ++NAV CARD++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now that the Lurkers are gone, Isaac can play him some Zero-G Gravity Basketball (or Z Ball). Hop over to the first wooden platform in front of the entrance door and interact with the hologram that appears to start a game of Z Ball. + + Z Ball Minigame + + The object of the game is to use kinesis to grab hold of the ball that appears in the room then shoot it through one of the four holes in back wall. You must score 20 points per game to be eligible to move on to the next level. Just shooting from any platform right away won't cut it for the higher level rounds however. Search around the room and find the wooden platforms that light up then jump to each of them. A maximum of three platforms will light up and each one that Isaac lands on will increase his score multiplier, so he will gain more points per successful shot. Jump to three glowing platforms to increase the multiplier then quickly find the ball (grapple it with kinesis) and aim for one of the back holes in the wall to score then fire it. The time remaining for each shot will appear as a red hologram timer behind Isaac. Look for the red glow and keep an eye on that timer to see if you can afford to jump to another platform or if you should go ahead and take the shot. The current multiplier obtained will be displayed on the scoreboard in the back of the room near the set of goals - don't get distracted by the scoreboard multiplier though, to hell with the current multiplier on the display, just count the multiplier yourself. Start looking for the ball when the timer

reaches about 10 or 15 seconds. Once the timer has expired, the multiplier will go back to one and you'll have to jump to more lit up platforms to increase the multiplier again. The ball will remain in the same spot if you don't grapple it. One of the hardest parts of this game for me is finding the ball when I go to shoot. Listen for the sound it will make when it is nearby and you can usually find it. Every time a successful shot is made, watch as the ball is shot out of one of the holes to know where it is for the next shot. Knowing where the ball is located is one of the most crucial parts of scoring high in this game since you have to grapple it quickly after building up the multiplier. Before restarting a game, find the ball each time. With the constant jumping, you'll loose track of it but it is so very helpful to know if it is in the middle of the room or near a middle platform for instance. Level 1 Reward: Random Ammo Level 2 Reward: Medium Med Pack Level 3 Reward: Stasis Pack Level 4 Reward: 3000 Credits Level 5 Reward: Ruby Semiconductor Level 6 Reward: Power Node Extra: Z Baller Trophy (or Achievement) Level 1 is pretty straightforward - just jump to the multipliers, find the ball and then shoot for a hole. Level 2 starts to block some of the holes with a cover so that the ball will bounce off. You'll have to adjust you're strategy per round when the holes start to cover. For level 2 it is best to stand and wait for a covered hole to uncover then shoot, but with the following rounds all holes will sometimes be covered and you will need to shoot at the first sight of any uncovered holes. Starting with Level 5, the multiplier platforms will begin to change during the actual game so you will have to jump quicker and sometimes just simply take a shot with a low multiplier. NOTE: Even though there are three more reward lockers after level 6 has been completed, level 6 is the highest level. Leave the room once you are satisfied then return to the Commons area. == Zero-G Basketball Locker Room == While trying to leave the Zero-G room, a Dark Slasher will fall down from the ceiling in the Rec Hallway. I would stasis him then shoot off all his appendages and stomp the torso for making such a sudden ruckus if I were you. Continue your return to the Recreation Hall. == Recreation Hall ==

Go back to the Commons right now and buy the Level 5 suit from the shop now that you have the Level 5 Suit Schematic. Don't wait! Where you're going next, you'll need it. == Commons == The room is more lit up. Well, suddenly it will dim again then an Infector will start infecting bodies and a Dark Slasher will attack. If the Infector starts to infect a body then run up to him and give him a push with the Force Gun. Blast the Dark Slasher with whatever weapon of your choice to finish him off. Buy the Level 5 Suit from the Shop then return to the Recreation Hall. == Recreation Hall == Enter the elevator around the corner to the right. You'll need to unlock it with the Crew Key. Take the elevator to the bottom floor. == Sleep Block C Commons == Use the !!SAVE STATION!! on the left wall to save your game then enter the next room up ahead. A hologram of Dr. Mercer plays in the middle of this room. Three pods are scattered around sides of this room - the pods that a Spawner releases. Take out the Plasma Cutter and swivel the front to horizontal then shoot off the tentacles protruding from each pod to easily defeat each one. Remember, the explosion for a dying pod will not hit Isaac. There are two --ITEM CONTAINERS on the side walls of this room. Enter the restroom to the left of the door where Isaac entered this area and take the --RANDOM AMMO-- from the back then open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the back wall. Enter the Sleep Block C Bunks room through the door on the other side of the middle room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Sleep Block C Bunks == Open the --ITEM CHEST-- to the right. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Walk over to the locked door control panel on the left to seven) then grab the --LARGE left wall. Reenter the area

on the right wall and insert a Power Node into the open it. Collect the --RANDOM AMMO-- pickups (all MED PACK-- and open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the outside once you're finished.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Large Med Pack, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alright, now we have to move some bunkers with kinesis. Notice that all of the bunkers have a kinesis symbol on them showing you that all of them can be moved

with kinesis. While staring at the row up ahead, walk over to the far right bunker that is turned vertically and grapple it then move it to the right so it moves out of the wall. Now grapple the first horizontally placed bunker to the right and push it toward the right wall, in the space where the vertical bunker was pulled out. This will make an opening where Isaac can move behind the first set of vertical bunkers. Step behind them and grab the --RUBY SEMICONDUCTOR-- from off to the left. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Ruby Semiconductor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Grapple the back of the bunker that you moved to get into this area and slide back in place where it was by stepping to the right - this will trap Isaac in the middle area for now. Turn your attention toward the vertically placed bunkers near the wall beside the one you just moved and slide each of them to the right (while facing them) as far as they will go. Now look toward the next wall of horizontally placed bunkers and move the first right one to the right so that is slides against the wall. Move through the opening and smash the --ITEM BOX-- on the other side. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Move toward the row of bunkers on the left side of the room then turn left and walk along the side of them then enter the area behind the bunkers. A sudden wicked sounding laugh can be heard as Isaac moves to the other side. A woman up ahead will get a little crazy in front Mr. Clarke. Grab the --RANDOM AMMO-- from up ahead then smash the --ITEM BOX-- off to the right. There is some more --RANDOM AMMO-- around the other side of the fallen bunker that blocks the door to the left. There is also a --MEDIUM MED PACK-near the last ++NAV CARD (3/3)++ in the back right corner. Don't you dare try to seal off your entrance path to this room with the horizontal bunker to the side of you'll be kicking yourself later... kind of like I did on my first playthrough. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Medium Med Pack, [ ] ++NAV CARD++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Complete [X] Find the Navigation Cards. Be sure you're ready to move once you grab the last Nav Card, since --THE HUNTER RETURNS-- database file will play and a Regenerator and Dark Slasher will fall into the room afterward. You might want to defeat the Dark Slasher very quickly since it is sometimes hard to shoot both of them with stasis. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"The Hunter Returns" database file--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

At this point, you need to run all the way back to the bunkers on the other side of the room and run through the opening in them that Isaac made by sliding a horizontal bunker out of the way. Make sure that the Regenerator does not follow you into this area or there will be hell to pay. It is best to stand outside this area then hit the Regenerator with stasis and then enter the area behind the bunkers. For the most part, you now need to redo the bunker sliding puzzle from earlier. Quickly use kinesis to grapple the horizontal bunker up against the right wall then slide it to the left. Next grapple the two vertical bunkers on the side wall closest to Isaac and slide them back to the left. Once the first vertical bunker is slid to the left, the Regenerator cannot interrupt any of the puzzle solving for the remainder of this puzzle. Turn around and grapple the first horizontal bunker to the left then slide it to the left. This will make an opening to the other side of the room. Run through the opening and open the door to the next room then step inside. == Sleep Block C Commons == A Dark Slasher and a Dark Lurker will attack in this room and the Regenerator will fall through the ceiling then the --SOB OVERRIDE-- database file will play to tell Isaac that the entrance is sealed off. Holy hell! Shoot the Regenerator with stasis to slow him down then take out the Force Gun and shoot the Dark Lurker and the Dark Slasher. Another Dark Slasher will attack after the Lurker and first Dark Slasher have been defeated. Yet another Dark Slasher will show shortly before the --LOCK BYPASSED-- database file plays to tell Isaac that the entrance door is now unlocked. Step through the left door on the opposite side of the room and get back to the elevator. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"SOB Override" database file--, [ ] --"Lock Bypassed" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Elevator Hallway == You're NOT safe in this elevator hallway. Screw the save station! Blast the enemies back with the Force Gun or hit them with stasis as they bust through the ceiling then get inside the elevator. The --EXECUTIVE AREA UNLOCKED-database file followed by the --KENDRA'S WARNING-- database file will play in this room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Executive Area Unlocked" database file--, [ ] --"Kendra's Warning" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Recreation Hallway == Ah, relief! Reenter the Commons (the room of death and child music up ahead). If you haven't already fought enemies in here, then an Infector and a Dark Slasher will attack Isaac. Take the elevator up to the second floor. Save your game at the save station then enter the door right beside it. == Executive Security Hall == The door at the other end of this hall is now unlocked, so go inside the

Executive Security Room. == Executive Security Room == Dr. Kyne is behind the glass window up ahead. Walk over to the left and smash the --ITEM BOX-- on the side of the room to get a --GOLD SEMICONDUCTOR--. The good doctor will talk from the other side of the window - can't say I blame after seeing Isaac's rampages. The --HIVE MIND GLIMPSE-- database file will be received during the conversation. Kyne will eventually unlock the elevator door to the right. Step inside the elevator and take it down. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Gold Semiconductor, [ ] "Hive Mind Glimpse" database file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Executive Sleep Block Hallway == Walk to the end of the hall of paintings and move into the next room. == Executive Sleep Block Commons == There are a total of four Pregnants in the next room. Let them all move right by the door then dash out into the Commons and turn to face them all while they are grouped. Take out the Force Gun and aim upward then shoot at them all to keep them all back and damage them with one shot. This should be able to finish them off without even having to worry about hitting their stomach. There is a single --ITEM CONTAINER-- in this room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------All four doors along the sides of this room can be opened, so check them out. == First Room on Left == Walk over to the desk on the left side and pick up the --CAPTAIN'S REPORT-from the dresser. Move the right sofa off to the left of the bed to find the --RUBY SEMICONDUCTOR-- then open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the right side of the room. Exit the room then step into the next left room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Captain's Report" database file--, [ ] Ruby Semiconductor, Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Second Room on Left == Open the --ITEM BOX-- to the left of the bed then collect the --WHITE'S LIST-database file from the right dresser. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] --"White's List" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== First Room on Right == Open the --ITEM CHEST-- to the left and smash the --ITEM BOX-- behind the sofa

to the right of the bed. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Second Room to Right == Open the --ITEM CHEST-- in between the right sofas. spiders inside of it.

The --ITEM BOX-- has

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Executive Sleep Block Commons == Enter the Executive Shuttle Hall on the opposite side of the room. == Executive Shuttle Hall == Open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- along the right wall on the way down the hall then use the !!SAVE STATION!! to save your game. Enter the Executive Shuttle Bay. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Executive Shuttle Bay == There right along box.

is an --ITEM CONTAINER-- along the wall to the left. Walk along the catwalk up ahead and smash the two --ITEM BOXES that you will run into the right side and collect the --LARGE MED PACK-- near the first item There is some --RANDOM AMMO-- at the end of the catwalk.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Large Med Pack, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter the shuttle in the middle of the bay then walk over to the section of the wall that is open inside and use the Nav Cards on it. Objective Complete: [X] Repaid the Shuttle Isaac will receive the --ON MY WAY-- database file. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] "On My Way" database file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Test Fire the Shuttle Engines The Shuttle should be operational now, but I should test fire the engines

to ensure flight readiness before Kyne gets here. Enter the control room outside of the shuttle. Collect the three --RANDOM AMMO-- pickups inside then walk over to the shuttle controls. Test fire the shuttle. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Complete: [X] Test Fire the Shuttle Engines A Stasis Slasher will break through the catwalk outside shortly after the shuttle engine fire. The Regenerator from before will fall down from the ceiling in the control room and the Stasis Slasher will soon enter the room from the ceiling as well. Take out the Force Gun and blast them both but focus more on the Stasis Slasher since they can be killed with the weapon. Leave the room and the Regenerator will follow. Many Stasis Slashers will appear on the outside, so take out the Force Gun and blast them back. You can't hit them all with stasis, so don't even try - the Force Gun works very well by itself. Based on what you just did and the fact that it is repeatable, I'm sure you have already figured how to get rid of the Regenerator this time. You need to stun him in the back of the shuttle (near the back engine). Either blow him down to nothing to where he has to regenerate or shoot him with stasis (or both). Either way, stun him to where he is behind the shuttle then quickly run back into the control room and test fire the shuttle at the controls once again to finish him off. Sometimes stasis does not keep him paused long enough, so blast him with the Force Gun or another weapon to where he has to regenerate while lying in place and that will guarantee that he has to stay behind the shuttle for some time. Kyne will show up afterwards and tell Isaac to release the shuttle while he boards it. Objective Added: [ ] Release the shuttle Kyne's onboard and ready to fly. holding the shuttle in place.

I have to release the docking clams

Walk over to the controls to the right of the test fire controls and release the shuttle clamps. Objective Complete: [X] Release the Shuttle The --MEET ON FLIGHT DECK-- database file will be received after Kyne enters the shuttle and it descends then the --NEW ALLY?-- database file will play afterwards. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Meet on Flight Deck" database file--, [ ] --"New Ally? Database file--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Objective Added: [ ] Go to the Flight Deck Kyne is on his way to the Hangar Bay. He needs me to meet him on the Flight Deck and load the Marker onto the Shuttle. With the Marker onboard, we can then fly down to the planet. Now we need to get back to the Tram. Exit the control room and walk over to the area where the Regenerator was blasted with flames then collect the --POWER NODE-- on the catwalk - this is what the Regenerator leaves behind. Exit the shuttle bay then step back into the Executive Shuttle Hall. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Power Node ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Executive Shuttle Hall == Save your game at the save station then reenter the Executive Sleep Block Commons. == Executive Sleep Block Commons == The --MERCER'S LAST SERMON-- database file will play right after opening the door to the hall on the opposite side. Sadly, that gravity boot up the ass that Mercer so desperately needed will never be delivered. A moment of silence pleasAlright, take the elevator back up to the room above. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Mercer's Last Sermon" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Executive Security Room == The door that leads to the room where Kyne was at earlier is now open. Enter the room and collect the --LARGE MED PACK-- from inside. Step back into the Commons. == Commons == An Infector will be infecting a body... Oh, wait that is Mercer's body, my friends! Anyway, the Infector will be attempting to infect the body outside the door to the Executive Security Hallway, so have a Force Gun ready to blast him before he changes the body into a Dark Slasher. Feel free to stomp the hell out of Mercer's body. I usually use kinesis to take the torso to the Tram Station and toss it off one of the ends onto the tracks below. Take the lift down to the bottom floor then move up the stairs and reenter the Tram Station. Enter the tram then interact with the controls inside to end this chapter. C H A P T E R

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- - - - - - - - - -

== Tram Station == When Isaac steps off the tram the --FIND THE MARKER-- database file will play and a new objective will be gained. Objective Added: [ ] Transfer the Marker The Marker is being stored in the Cargo Bay of the Flight Deck. I have to transfer it from there up to the Hangar Bay. Kendra seems more interested in the shuttle than in Kyne's plan to trap the Hive Mind. I can't really blame her. We need to get off the Ishimura. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Find the Marker" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------An !!UPGRADE BENCH!! is off to the right and a !!STORE!! is to the left. Check in the sitting area to find an --ITEM BOX-- at the far end. Walk into the Tram Station Hall through the unlocked door further ahead. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Tram Station Hallway == An Exploder will be all up in your face when Isaac opens the door but it will quickly jump into the ceiling. Check out the restroom further down the hall and stomp the --ITEM BOX-- in the middle stall in the left restroom area. Walk back outside. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------A !!SAVE STATION!! is on the right wall in the middle of the hall. Stomp the --ITEM BOX-- near the locked door across from the save station. The door at the opposite end of the corridor is locked, so enter the corridor off to the right and open the door to the Cargo Room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Cargo Room == Another !!UPGRADE BENCH!! is off to the left.

There is a Pregnant and an

Exploder roaming the catwalks below - you most likely heard the Exploder when Isaac first entered this area. These can be shot at now or you can wait until Isaac moves down to their level. It's good to shoot the Exploder from the current floor, but wait until Isaac reaches the bottom floor before dealing with the Pregnant. Accidentally shoot its chest and you'll have two Lurkers to deal with. Take the lift to the bottom floor. Open the two --ITEM LOCKERS-- up ahead then find the --RANDOM AMMO-- on the floor near the lift. If you move further down the catwalk on the current right side, two more --ITEM LOCKERS-- will be in the next area along with a container containing a --POWER NODE-- on the left wall. There is some --RANDOM AMMO-- on the catwalk off to the left. The catwalk off to the left leads to an area with four --ITEM LOCKERS-- that can be opened and a single --ITEM BOX-- to the side. The final corner area on the other side contains two --ITEM LOCKERS-- and two --ITEM BOXES--. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Power Node, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Walk over to the controls next to the area with the item boxes and initiate the command to retrieve the cargo. The Marker will be lifted up onto the cargo tracks. Isaac will have to move the Marker along the cargo tracks using kinesis. Don't even try to grapple the Marker at first. A Pregnant and two Slashers will dash down the catwalk further ahead. An Exploder and another Slasher will appear on your current side, so be sure to look around your current area often! If you try to move down the catwalk toward the Pregnant and Slashers then a Tentacle will appear from the gap on the right side and slap Isaac. You'll need to stay on your current side and fight off the enemies with whatever weapon of your choosing. The Force Gun works great on the majority of them except for the Exploder. Once the enemies are defeated, move along the middle catwalk and get the Tentacle to show itself by stepping near it along the catwalk then blast it in its yellow portion with the Pulse Rifle or Plasma Cutter to cut it in half. The best way to make it stand still is to move toward it then back away as it tries to crush Isaac. Keep stepping toward it and away from it while shooting to keep it from moving back into the gap. Stasis does not work against it. Don't worry about the Marker right now. Move on down the middle catwalk and eliminate the second Tentacle that will appear along the right side of the catwalk. Return to the Marker once it is defeated and grapple it then move it to the right and then walk over to the other side and pull it to the right while stepping down the middle catwalk. You need to slide it all the way to the other end. Just by moving the Marker to the first right corner, a pair of Dark Slashers will appear on your side and another Pregnant and more Slashers will appear on the other side of the middle catwalk. Thankfully, no more enemies will bother Isaac as he moves toward the other side. Grapple the Marker and slide it all the way to the wall on the other side and the platform will rise and deliver it to the Hangar Bay.

Objective Complete: [X] Transfer the Marker The --MARKER TRANSFERRED-- database file will be received. A Dark Slasher, a Slasher, a Pregnant and a Lurker will attack from the side catwalks. Run toward a corner room and fight them off from inside. The Force Gun or Line Gun will be your best option here. Don't move onto another catwalk besides the middle catwalk since a Tentacle will attack from the gap below the two side catwalks. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Marker Transferred" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Meet Kyne at the Hangar Bay The Marker is on its way up to the Hangar Bay. there now.

Kyne should be arriving

Run across the middle catwalk to get back to the other side. If you choose either of the sides then a Tentacle will attack from the gap below. Take the lift back to the second floor walkway then reenter the Tram Station Hall. == Tram Station Hall == Save your game then move all the way down the hall to the left. The --RENDEZVOUS-- database file will play when Isaac reaches the middle of the hall. Step into the Tram Station at the end of the hall. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Rendezvous" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Tram Station == Enter the elevator to the immediate left and take it up to the next floor. == Hallway to Tram == Enter the restroom area down the hallway off to the left. Stomp the --ITEM BOX-- near the right restroom then exit. Enter the Flight Lounge. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Flight Lounge == Save your game via the !!SAVE STATION!! off to the left. Enter the Security Panel Access and stomp the --ITEM BOX-- inside then exit back out into the Flight Lounge. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Right when everything looks nice and quiet while on your way to the Hangar Bay, the doors will seal off as a quarantine initiates. A whole armada of Slashers will enter the room and attack. The Force Gun or Line Gun is very highly recommended here. These enemies can really pile up. You'll face normal Slashers and a few Dark Slashers. The room will stop the quarantine once all Slashers are defeated. Be sure to grab the --MEDIUM MED PACK-- and --RANDOM AMMO-- from below the cubbies to the right. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Medium Med Pack, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Don't exit the Flight Lounge just yet. The door in the back of the Security Panel Access unlocks after the quarantine, so step into the Elevator Hallway in the back of this room. == Elevator Hallway == Move along the hall then make a right near the middle of the corridor and open the unlocked door and collect the --RUBY SEMICONDUCTOR-- and smash the two --ITEM BOXES-- inside. Run all the way to the end of the hall outside and grab the --STASIS PACK--. The door to the elevator is locked. Reenter the Flight Lounge then open the door to the Hangar Bay. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Ruby Semiconductor, [ ] Stasis Pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Hangar Bay == The --LANDING THE SHUTTLE-- database file will play as Dr. Kyne docks the shuttle into the Hangar Bay when Isaacs steps out onto the walkway ahead. Objective Completed: [X] Meet Kyne at the Hangar Bay As Dr. Kyne lands the shuttle, the --LOAD THE MARKER-- database file will play shortly before a new objective is gained. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Landing the Shuttle" database file--, [ ] --"Load the Marker" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Position the Marker I have to move the Marker along the loading tracks and position it underneath the shuttle. The good doctor wants us to load the Marker onto the ship from the bottom floor of the Hangar. There is just one little thing that we need to do up here though. The all-great "Peng Treasure" is nearby. The Peng Treasure is near the entrance to the Hangar Bay in between the two walkways in this area. Look off the right walkway, as you're facing the closed door that the shuttle came

through, and move along the walkway to see a small golden statue in the middle are between the two walkways - a spotlight shines down on this section. Equip the Plasma Cutter then walk against the railing so that Isaac's aim can focus on it then simply grapple it with kinesis and collect the --PENG TREASURE--. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Peng Treasure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------So what does the Peng Treasure do? Well, it will give you the "There's Always Peng!" bronze trophy (or the same labeled achievement that is worth 15G). It can also be sold at a Store for 30,000 credits. Move back into the entrance area then open the door to Runway 2. If you have difficulty grappling the Peng Treasure then you can wait for the gravity to be deactivated in this area and then collect it afterwards. At that time, the railings along the side of the walkway will sink into the grooves along the walkway allowing Isaac to grapple it easier. == Runway 2 == Stomp the nearby --ITEM BOX-- then enter the next room. on the walkway to the left.

There is nothing out

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Control Room Catwalk == Move along the catwalk then open the next door. == Hangar Bay == Deactivate the gravity in this room by interacting with the nearby controls to the right. Gravity will be deactivated in the Hangar Bay. Before jumping anywhere, move around the opposite side of the current walkway then open the two --ITEM LOCKERS-- against the wall. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Lockers, [ ] Item Lockers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zero-G jump off the walkway and land on the floor near the shuttle. Find the --ITEM BOX-- on one side below the walkway you jumped from then open the three --ITEM CONTAINERS-- on the wall of the other side. Four Lurkers will attack on the other side of the current floor. Fight them off (don't stand still too long) then stomp the two --ITEM BOXES-- near the large clamps and open all three --ITEM CONTAINERS-- near wall by the Marker. The red explosive canisters below the shuttle can be shot at the Lurkers but they really fire too many projectiles at Isaac to hit them properly so use either the Flamethrower or the Plasma Cutter to shoot them. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Before messing with the Marker, please note that the other side of the Hangar can be jumped to and you will find many pickups over there as well. There are three --ITEM CONTAINERS--, one --ITEM BOX-- and one --LARGE MED PACK--. The med pack is floating near the side closest to the Flight Lounge. Don't forget that you can also grab the Peng Treasure in between the two middle walkways if it hasn't been collected yet. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Large Med Pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wow, that's a bunch of item collecting there, so hop to it. When you're done, return to the Marker. The Marker must be moved along the tracks with kinesis and the controls must be used along certain portions of the tracks in order to move it further. You'll have to get along the side of the Marker and drag it in order to move it, so move to either side with the gray metal casing then grapple it and pull it out of the alcove. No enemies yet. Run over to the first set of controls by the yellow border along the track then interact with them to rotate the border so that the Marker can be move into the square. Get on either side so that Isaac is facing the inside Marker then grapple it and move to the first square in the middle of the tracks. You'll have to move the Marker over to the side across from the square and then run back to the controls and rotate the square to rotate the border and allow the Marker to slide to the other side of the tracks. Hmm, still no enemies. Grapple the Marker and move it onto the square again. The yellow border should now allow it onto the tracks on other side of the room so move it all the way to the next square. Two Dark Stingers will attack along the way, so listen for the battle music to begin then let go of the Marker and fight them off. The red explosive canister below the shuttle can be grappled with kinesis and launched at them in order to damage them, but it really doesn't help out that much. You'll need to interact with the controls near the next yellow border to rotate it so that the Marker can be moved past the border. Two Lurkers will attack once the Marker is moved onto the square. Simply move the Marker under the ship and Dr. Kyne will contact Isaac. Objective Complete: [X] Position the Marker The --RESTORE GRAVITY-- database file will be received then a new objective will be added. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] "Restore Gravity" database file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Restore Gravity to the Hangar Bay Kyne can't get the Marker onboard until I restore gravity to the Hangar Bay.

Simply jump back to the walkway with the controls for gravity then reactivate the gravity. The walkway is near the area where the objective is received. It's best to jump to the ceiling then find the walkway below and jump to it. Objective Complete: [X] Restore Gravity to the Hangar Bay The --COME ABOARD-- database file will play shortly after the Marker is loaded and a new objective will appear. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] "Come Aboard" database file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Meet Kyne at the Shuttle The Marker is on board.

Now we can all finally get off this ship.

Step back into the Control Room Catwalk area then enter Runway 2. == Runway 2 == Dr. Kyne is on the walkway through the doorway to the right. Walk toward him. Kendra is already on the ship, so let's meet up with the good doctor and end this nightmare. Objective Completed: [X] Meet Kyne at the Shuttle The --BETRAYAL-- database file will play shortly after the events that take place on the walkway. The --NICOLE'S ALIVE-- database file will play afterwards. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] "Betrayal" database file, [ ] "Nicole's Alive" database file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Meet Nicole in Flight Control Nicole's alive! I don't know how she tracked me here, and I don't care. Kendra betrayed me, this whole time, she was some kind of covert agent. She's murdered Kyne and taken the Marker and the Shuttle. If Nicole can help me get the Marker back, I still might be able to end this nightmare. Oh! Ohoho! It seems a new person has just been added to the very top of Isaac's "People to stomp" list. If you want, you can take out your aggression on the body left behind on the walkway. It's a little wrong really, but I won't tell anyone how cruel you are. Step back through the Control Room Catwalk area. The door beside the gravity control panel is now unlocked, so open it. == Control Room Catwalk ==

Grab the --RANDOM AMMO-- from the middle of the walkway then continue to the next door at the top and open it to enter the Control Room. == Control Room A == Stand outside the room and blast the tentacle pods on the floor with your Plasma Cutter - aim for the tentacles. A Spawner is on the wall up ahead but he won't attack until Isaac enters, so finish off the pods then equip the Force Gun and run into the room then fire force grenades at him to finish him off quickly. Open both of the --ITEM LOCKERS-- off to the left then enter the next room up ahead. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Control Room B == Nicole is around the corner. Objective Complete [X] Meet Nicole in Flight Control Nicole will speak to Isaac then a new objective will be added. Objective Added: [ ] Remote Pilot the Shuttle I can override Kendra's control of the shuttle from here, and bring the shuttle back. Be sure to open the two --ITEM CONTAINERS-- and collect the --POWER NODE-- and --DIAMOND SEMICONDUCTOR-- from the room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Power Node, [ ] Diamond Semiconductor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------You can't save until the ship is remote piloted. Move over to the controls to the left of Nicole then override the shuttle controls. Objective Complete: [X] Remote Pilot the Shuttle A most pleasing --TERRIBLE MISTAKE-- database file will be received shortly after overriding the shuttle controls and another objective will be added. Objective Added: [ ] Fly the Shuttle to the Colony Nicole is completely driven to return the Marker to the Colony. If we can continue with Kyne's plan, and use it to trap the Hive Mind, we just might

be able to survive this.


Once the shuttle docks in the Hangar Bay outside, the !!SAVE STATION!! in the current room will activate. You'll have to wait if you want to save here. Simply move through Control Room A then through the catwalk area afterwards to return to the Hangar Bay. Enter the other catwalk area then reenter the Runway 2 area. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Terrible Mistake" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Runway 2 == There is a group of Dark Stingers out on the walkway ahead. They will enter the room where Isaac is, but they don't seem to want to attack in the room very much - they back off from the room and move back out to the walkway. Take out the Line Gun or Plasma Cutter then blast them when they land near Isaac. Since they are at such a long distance at first, force grenades works well against them also. Step out onto the walkway then board the ship by moving up the ramp. door to the control room to end this chapter. C H A P T E R

1 1

Open the


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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

== Shuttle -Step outside the shuttle then move down the ramp. == Landing Pad == While Isaac is standing on the ramp, Nicole will give him the next few objectives. Objective Added: [ ] Bring the Loader to the Shuttle I need a mobile loading platform to move the Marker. attached to the track somewhere around here.

There should be one

[ ] Open the Supply Depot Door I'll have to drag the Marker through the colony. The door to the Supply Depot is offline. I need to find a Power Cell to get it working again.

Move off the ramp then run toward the wall directly ahead. Look off to the right to catch sight of an --ITEM BOX--. Turn to the left and move ahead then you'll eventually see a metal platform with some luggage off to the right and another --ITEM BOX-- lying among the luggage. Another --ITEM BOX-- is on a metal platform further ahead on the same side. There is an --ITEM CONTAINER-on the wall of the building off to the left further ahead. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The loader is right next to Nicole. Stand on one side of it then grapple the loader with kinesis and pull it back toward the shuttle. Pull it as far along the tracks as you can and the control panel near the shuttle will light up blue. Walk over to the controls and choose to activate the loader and the Marker will placed on the loader. Objective Complete: [X] Bring the Loader to the Shuttle Objective Added: [ ] Take the Marker to Pedestal Site Nicole said something about a Pedestal Chamber. I need to bring the Marker there and plug it back into the pedestal somehow. According to Dr. Kyne, that should trap the Hive Mind back into the core of the planet. Kendra had said that the Marker was responsible for starting the necromorph infection. Somehow it must have the power to also contain the creatures. Grapple the loader with the Marker on it and slide it back toward Nicole. Pull it over the electrical portion of the track and it will sink into place beside the large door. Don't step in the electricity on the track on accident or it will electrocute Isaac. Notice the power plug without any power on the side wall. Enter the Control Room Barracks building to the left. == Control Room Barracks == While looking around this room, --THE PEDESTAL-- database file will be received. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"The Pedestal" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------There is a !!SAVE STATION!! on the wall to the left along with an !!UPGRADE BENCH!! beside it. Off to the left and right side of the room is some --RANDOM AMMO-- on each side and down the hall to the left is a !!STORE!!. To the left of the store, on the bottom bunk bed is another --RANDOM AMMO-- pickup - you have to get right up next to the bottom bed and rotate the camera to see it. Enter the Gravity Tether Control Room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Gravity Tether Control Room ==

Open the --ITEM LOCKER-- off to the left followed by the two --ITEM CHESTS-off to the right. The --COLONY CHAOS-- database file is on the floor directly ahead along with a --GOLD SEMICONDUCTOR-- further ahead of it. Step back into the prior room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] --"Colony Chaos" database file--, [ ] Gold Semiconductor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Control Room Barracks == If you look through the left side of the glass inside the room across from the one Isaac just exited, then you can see the power unit for the power plug inside. There are two Infectors in that room though, and you're currently in a room filled with dead bodies. Walk around the current room and smash all appendages off of every dead body. Open the door to the next room then fight off the two Infectors that attack. Step inside the Gravity Tether Computer Room where they were and smash the three --ITEM BOXES-- then open the door and grapple the power unit with kinesis then bring it outside. Open the entrance door that leads outside and carry the power unit out the door to the Landing Pad area. == Landing Pad == A Divider is out here now so shoot him with stasis and blow off an appendage then quickly switch over to the Force Gun and blast the Crawlers that he splits into. Grapple the power unit then walk over to the power plug and plug it in. The big door to the Supply Depot will open. Objective Complete: [X] Open the Supply Depot Door Grapple the Marker with kinesis and move it along the track while headed for either unlocked door along the side of the Supply Depot door. Open the door then grapple the Marker from the other side and continue to pull it into the Gravity Tether Operations A room - it doesn't matter which walkway Isaac steps onto. Use the controls on either side of the room to lock the door behind the Marker then the door in front of the Marker will open. Grapple the Marker then pull it into the next room. Open the door and walk inside. == Gravity Tether Operations A == Before you do anything in this room, collect all the items. There are two --RANDOM AMMO-- pickups on the right side and two --ITEM CONTAINERS-- along the wall on the left side. Check the top of the organic fleshy tentacle along the left side of the room from where you enter and grapple the --MEDIUM MED PACK-on top of it then pull it down. There is also a stasis recharger on both sides of this room, so be sure to keep these in mind. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Medium Med Pack -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

You might as well get the big enemy fight over with before you mess with the Marker. Walk further into the room to trigger a quarantine. Find a corner and stay there then survey the room as a Dark Slasher attacks followed by more Dark Slashers and a few Lurkers. An Exploder will appear soon enough followed by even more Dark Slashers. The Force Gun works well for this area until the Exploders appear. Shoot the Exploders with stasis if you have to in order to keep them from attacking while close to them. You need to take out the Pulse Rifle or Plasma Cutter to deal with the Exploder. If at all possible, shoot his explosive appendage while other enemies are around him. More Dark Slashers, Lurkers and Exploders will pile into the room then they will eventually stop, yet the quarantine will remain in place! Keep in mind that you just endured the worst part of the quarantine however. Find the two --ITEM BOXES-- along the right side of the room then smash them. You can also go ahead and find the --RUBY SEMICONDUCTOR-- along the left side of the back portion of the room. The second wave of necromorphs will not attack until the Marker is moved a bit. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Ruby Semiconductor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Run back to the Marker and pull it toward the bridge beside it then use the controls along the side to raise the bridge. Once the bridge is raised, quickly grapple the Marker and pull it through the tracks below the bridge. The bridge will fall back down but the Marker will keep it from closing if you pull the Marker fast enough. Keep moving the Marker further along the track until it bangs against the second bridge along the side. You'll have to run to the other side and raise the bridge then pull the Marker under the bridge once again. Two Lurkers will appear soon, so prepare to let go of the Marker then fight them off. Continue to move the Marker toward the far side then get on the other side of it and pull it to the left side of this room. You'll see that the far side only has a sealed door, but there is locked door with a big door and track to the side of it along the left side. You'll need to pull the Marker toward another bridge then lift the bridge with the controls and slide the Marker under it once again. Pull the Marker as far as it will go. Four Exploders will appear around the room eventually, so take out the Plasma Cutter or Pulse Rifle then aim at their explosive appendages quickly and then shoot them so they can't get to Isaac. If one gets too close then shoot him with stasis and run away. There are two stasis rechargers on this side of the room as well. The quarantine placed on this room will lift after the final Exploder is finished. Pull the Marker into the next area then open either of the side doors and enter the next room. Drag the Marker inside then close the door behind it with either control panel and the other door to the Gravity Tether Core will open. == Gravity Tether Core == Don't allow the middle door to the next room to open before Isaac steps through one of the side doors or the Spawners inside will get the best of you by laying pods all around their area. They are on the right side of the next room on both sides of the door to the right. Open one of the side doors then charge into the next room and shoot one with stasis then spam the other with force grenades from the Force Gun. Once one falls, quickly take down the other with

force grenades. This battle can get ugly if you allow them to react as the middle doors opens in the prior room. The --RESTORE POWER-- database file will be received once Isaac enters this room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Restore Power" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Restore Power to the Bridges I don't know where Nicole went, but she said I need to restore power to the bridges. There's a zero-g maintenance tube nearby that should have a power grid inside. There are four --ITEM LOCKERS-- off to the left and a --RANDOM AMMO-- pickup off to the right at the entrance portion to this room. If you look in between the middle set of railings, there is a --RANDOM AMMO-- pickup on the floor below, so grapple it with kinesis to collect it. There is a --MEDIUM MED PACK-- in the back left corner next to an unlocked door, a !!SAVE STATION!! near the back left door and a !!STORE!! to the right of the back right door. There is also a stasis recharger on the left middle portion of the wall - watch out for the body hanging on the wall since it will attack with its chest appendages. Blast it if you want. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Medium Med Pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The bridges in this room cannot be used at the moment since they lack power, so moving the Marker is out of the question at the moment. Open the door in between the dead Spawners on the right side of room. == Gravity Tube == Isaac will enter a zero gravity tube. Grapple the --ITEM BOX-- floating up ahead then smash it. Walk into the tube ahead. Find the --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the left wall beside the entrance door then open it. Be careful about moving too much to the side, I wouldn't want my reader getting motion sickness. Maneuver through the metal railings along the side. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Dark Stinger will attack from up ahead. You'll quickly learn that it can be quite hard to fight an enemy in this narrow space. Shoot him with stasis to slow him down then use the Plasma Cutter or Line Gun to finish him. Grapple the --ITEM BOX-- above the fan ahead then break it. Prepare to fight the Dark Lurker as it comes into view by shooting it with stasis as it reveals its appendages to attack then simply blow them off with a Plasma Cutter. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Further down the tube, you'll find another floating --ITEM BOX--. Keep moving ahead and leap through the opening in between the four connected railings further down the tube. Grapple the next --ITEM BOX-- up ahead then smash it. Jump to the room below. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Open the two --ITEM CHESTS-- then recharge your stasis at the stasis recharger. You'll definitely need some stasis on the way back. Walk over to the control lever and grapple it with kinesis then pull it downward to restore power to the elevator. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Complete: [X] Restore Power to the Bridges Pulling the lever downward will restore power to the fans in the tube as well. Jump back up into the tube on the ceiling then carefully hop through the railings up ahead. Target the middle of the fan then shoot it with stasis. Run through the fan - the blades will not hurt Isaac as long as stasis is in effect. Continue around the corner of the tube then get ready for a battle. A Dark Stinger and two Dark Lurkers will attack in the middle of the tube. Stasis the Dark Stinger and try to take him down first with the Line Gun then turn your attention toward the Dark Lurkers. Try to get rid of one as soon as possibly since they are deadly in pairs in this narrow tube. The items from the enemies will get blown back to the end of the tunnel if you let them get away so grapple them toward Isaac if you have to. Continue down the tube after the battle then shoot the middle of the next fan with stasis and pass through it. Move all the way back to the entrance of the tube then step back through the door at the end. == Gravity Tether Core == A Dark Brute will be standing on the other side of the left bridge awaiting Isaac's return, so prepare to shoot him with stasis as he runs toward Isaac then get in the back of him with the Contact Beam and cut off his legs. He will leave behind a --POWER NODE--. Be sure to recharge Isaac's stasis at the stasis recharger on the other side of the room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Power Node ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now, let's get down to business. Walk over to the Marker then lift the bridge next to it via the controls that are now online. Pull the Marker under the bridge. Pull it further over then raise the next bridge and continue moving the Marker. Move it all the way into the Gravity Tether Operations B room. Enter the room yourself then pull the Marker into the middle. Use the controls to lock the door behind the Marker then the next set of doors in the middle and door along the track will open.

== Gravity Tether Operations B == A loud scream of a really big nearby enemy just asking for a gravity boot stomp from Mr. Clarke can be heard as Isaac enters this new area. Collect the --POWER NODE-- and smash the --ITEM BOX-- on the right side of the room then open the two --ITEM CHESTS-- further ahead. Find the --RANDOM AMMO-near a dead body. If you stand to the side of the first bridge, closest to the body with the ammo, you can see some --RANDOM AMMO-- on the floor below across from the side with the Marker, so grapple it with kinesis to collect it. Open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- near the vent on the left side then smash the --ITEM BOX-- near it. Finally, there is a stasis recharger near the right exit door. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Power Node, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Item Container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now that everything is collected, let us perform the Marker dragging. Grapple the Marker and bring it toward the first bridge then lift the bridge and pull it underneath the bridge. I sometimes have some problems getting the Marker under this bridge, so if you do as well, then move the Marker back to the other side and try again. Pull the Marker to the far side then open either door and step into the next area. You know what to do in the next area. Pull the Maker toward the next door then use the controls to shut the door behind it. The next set of doors will open so walk outside to the Excavation Site. == Excavation Site == Quickly grab the four --RANDOM AMMO-- pickups from the dead bodies to the right and open the two --ITEM CHESTS--. Run over to the other side and open the two --ITEM CHESTS-- then grab the --MEDIUM MED PACK-- from the left side of the display with the yellow image on it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Medium Med Pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------This area right here can get a little bad at times with the different types of enemies that show up all at once. First of all, three Tentacles will appear along the bridge tracks that extend toward the far side up ahead. Blast the first Tentacle in the yellow portion with the Pulse Rifle. A Stasis Slasher, a Dark Lurker and a Dark Slasher will appear from the sides of this area - they move through the vents. Take out the Force Gun and deal with the Stasis Slasher first of all as it charges toward Isaac. Use stasis and the Line Gun or Plasma Cutter against the other two. The enemies seem to appear after each Tentacle has been destroyed, so focus on one Tentacle at a time then turn to face the next wave of enemies that appear. Each wave consists of Dark Slashers, Dark Lurkers and Stasis Slashers and they all move out of the vents around the entrance, so don't ever leave your back turned toward the entrance for too long. You'll have to move along the middle walkway to shoot at the last Tentacle.

Grapple the Marker once the enemies stop coming then move it toward the Excavation Site at the other end of the tracks. Stop about halfway, once Isaac reaches the room surrounded by windows in the middle then turn and face the right side of that room and grapple the --RANDOM AMMO-- on the ledge to the left of it with your kinesis to pull it toward Isaac. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Random Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Continue moving the Marker afterwards. The controls on the far side will activate as the Marker hits the other side. Interact with the controls to activate the loader. Objective Complete: [X] Take Marker to Pedestal Chamber A scene will take place afterward and then Isaac must evacuate the area. Turn toward the room previously surrounded by windows then step through the opening and walk toward the door. == Emergency Tunnel == The room will seal off while Isaac is inside and a scene will take place in which the --NICOLE'S FAREWELL-- database file will be received. A new objective will be issued afterward. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] --"Nicole's Farewell" database file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective Added: [ ] Return to the Shuttle Is Kendra right... am I losing my mind...? Nicole was dead this entire time. A hallucination created by the Marker. This whole time, it was the Marker pushing me to return it to the planet. It's sentient... alive in some way. And now Kendra has it again. I've got to get back to the shuttle and get off the planet before the chunk smashes into it! Open the door ahead. There is an --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the left wall and a --POWER NODE-- on the far wall at the turn. Isaac will step through plenty of organic material along the way, so you'll have to walk quite a bit. Smash the two --ITEM BOXES-- along the way. After the next turn, open the --ITEM BOX-on the left wall then smash the last --ITEM BOX-- and step into the next room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Power Node, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Living Space == Wow, we have Christmas pickings for Isaac in here! Open the --ITEM CONTAINER-, three --ITEM LOCKERS-- and the --ITEM CHEST-- then collect the two --RANDOM AMMO-- pickups and the --MEDIUM MED PACK--

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Medium Med Pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Control Room Barracks == Alright, we are back in the room right near the Landing Pad. Make any last minute item decisions then save your game. Buy a lot of Plasma Energy or Pulse Rifle ammo if you need it. A bit of Force Gun ammo wouldn't hurt either. Use all Power Nodes at the upgrade bench. When you're ready, step outside. NOTE: If you walk into the Gravity Tether Control Room, you can look through the windows and see the layout of the Item Boxes and explosive canisters for the boss fight ahead. == Landing Pad == Move to the right and stomp both --ITEM BOXES-- to the side before stepping past the two large crates. Once Isaac moves toward the ship a slight cutscene will trigger. The cutscene will lead into the final boss fight of the game! SPECIAL NOTE: From the side of the large crate, Isaac can actually grapple all five item boxes and bash them on the ground then collect the items before the cutscene for the boss fight begins. Your kinesis may have to be upgraded enough to reach the back item boxes. Don't move too far beyond the crate or the cutscene for the final boss fight will trigger. Boss - Hive Mind Recommended Weapons: Pulse Rifle Plasma Cutter Force Gun (for Pregnants) Wow, what a boss! Sadly, Kendra's remains are nowhere to be found, so we can't toss them at the Hive Mind. There are a total of five --ITEM BOXES-- around the area - use kinesis or simply wait for the Hive Mind to break them open with its tentacles since stomping them leaves Isaac open to attacks. The Hive Mind has only one basic attack for the moment. It will try to smash Isaac with one of its tentacles. Simply run to one of the sides (right or left) whenever it leans back to avoid the tentacle smash. Whenever it smashes the floor, it will roar, and that is when it leaves itself wide open to attack. You can easily pick out its weak spots appendages around its mouth. Wait for attack by running to the side and then Pulse Rifle or Plasma Cutter. It pays shooting off a few. You see, the Hive yellow appendages remain.

represented by the yellow explosive it to smash the ground then dodge the shoot its yellow appendages with the to weaken them all at once instead of Mind will grab Isaac once only two

Once the Hive Mind picks up Isaac, you will have to aim with Isaac's right arm while Isaac is upside down and blow off the last two appendages. Use the Pulse Rifle or the Plasma Cutter to shoot the remaining appendages. Much like when

one of the other tentacles in the Ishimura pulled Isaac, your aiming will reset every time that it pulls Isaac closer. If the remaining appendages are not blown off before Isaac reaches the Hive Mind's mouth then a long death sequence will play. The Hive Mind will drop Isaac after all appendages around its mouth have been destroyed. Oh, you've done it now. Now the Hive Mind will send out two Pregnants to attack eventually. Take out the Force Gun and aim upwards while approaching the Pregnants then blast them. Try to get rid of them quickly since the Hive Mind will start its attacks while they are on the platform. The Hive Mind will actually kill the Pregnants if it smashes them, so you could actually focus on dodging its smashes and allow it to kill its own allies. The Hive Mind has two attacks now, but you can cancel one of them. When it leans back and holds up a tentacle, it is about to smash the floor with a tentacle, so run to one of the sides (right or left) to avoid it. Try to make sure that you stay on one side throughout the battle, so you can simply run to the other when it performs its ground smash attack. It will perform two ground smashes in a row, so run to one side and wait for the first smash to miss then quickly change direction and run to the other side. Sometimes it will perform this move twice in a row for a total of four smashes, so be sure to watch for it to hold up a tentacle then react quickly. It will also lean back and shoot out acid pods at Isaac. These can be grappled with kinesis but they are much harder to grapple than the Leviathan or Brute's acid pods since it shoots them in different directions. The Hive Mind will also showcase its weak point in the form of five glowing appendages inside a hole in its chest whenever it leans back to fire out a pod. The appendages are covered by a rib cage at all other times. Instead of worrying about preparing to dodge the pod attack when it leans back, take out the Pulse Rifle or Plasma Cutter and shoot at one of the yellow appendages in its open chest. Once one of them explodes, this action will cancel the acid pod spit and it will go back to the tentacle smashes. Its patterns are very easy and if you have some good aim with the Pulse Rifle, then you won't even have to worry about grabbing pods with kinesis. It will sometimes send out more Pregnants if you don't shoot the yellow appendages, so be sure to aim for the appendages whenever it opens its chest to reveal them while it prepares its acid pod attack. Destroy all five of the yellow appendages inside the Hive Mind's chest and it will fall over then fall into the pit below it. Don't stand near it when it first falls over since it can fall on Isaac and damage him. Step onto the ramp that leads to the shuttle and the ending cutscene will play. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Before you get on the ramp that leads up to the shuttle, there is an --ITEM BOX-- right near it - this can help out for your next game. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST [ ] Item Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: You can wait around as long as you want to before boarding the shuttle once the Hive Mind is finished. I've actually just finished cleaning the entire deck by shooting off all appendages into the pit below and Isaac is still alive and standing while I type this, so I have a feeling that the time

to board the ship is infinite. Take some extra time to clean the Pregnant appendage trash off the deck then board the shuttle! Make it whole again before you leave, Isaac. Make it whole. The ending credits will play following the ending cutscene. Be sure to save your clear file to a slot after the ending credits to have a "New Game+" file! Here is a list of the rewards that you will unlock on your first playthrough: Military Suit Unlocked Backstory Logs Unlocked 500000 Credits Awarded 10 Power Nodes Awarded Impossible Mode Unlocked The "Backstory Logs" are the last 6 logs for Chapter 12 and they will appear in Isaac's log database in a New Game+ playthrough. The Military Suit will appear as a Schematic in a New Game+ playthrough. All other bonuses are received in a New Game+ playthrough as well. Impossible difficulty can be accessed through a New Game, but if you turn off your console, you must reload the current New Game+ file and quit that game then start a New Game and the difficulty will appear. W E




A G A I N,

I S A A C.

W H O L E.

[LI00] =============================================================================== _ _ _ | | (_) ___ | |_ ___ | | | |/ __|| __|/ __| | |___ | |\__ \| |_ \__ \ |_____||_||___/ \__||___/ D A T A B A S E F I L E S, P O W E R N O D E, S C H E M A T I C S & E X T R A S =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Database File Locations [LI01] =============================================================================== Database files are usually received after Isaac is contacted but some of them are lying around in the form of audio files and text files aboard the ship. Look under the database menu after pulling up the inventory or map menu and these can be watched, listened to or read once again. ======================= Training Database Files ======================= NOTE: Training Database Files appears in a green display when Isaac approaches a certain area or when a certain item is approached or collected. They are all displayed under "Training" on the database menu. [ ] Movement Training

Location: Hangar Bay Details: Received after turning around and moving while on the Kellion shuttle shortly after control is given to the player in Chapter 1. [ ] Action Button Training Location: Hangar Bay Details: Received shortly after Hammond asks Isaac to hack the door to the Flight Lounge in Chapter 1. [ ] Objectives Training Location: Flight Lounge Details: After Hammond tells Isaac to turn on the computer system in the Flight Lounge, this will appear in Chapter 1. It's shortly after Hammond and Kendra argue... oh wait, that happens a bunch. Sorry. [ ] Weapons Training Location: Workshop Details: Received after picking up the Plasma Cutter in Chapter 1. Melee Training is received as well but it appears under "Weapons Training". [ ] Health Training Location: Tram Control Hallway Details: Received after walking up to the small med pack pickup in the hall in Chapter 1. [ ] Map Training Location: Tram Control Details: Received after speaking with Hammond and Kendra in the Tram Control Room in Chapter 1. [ ] Dismemberment Training Location: Tram Control Hallway Details: Received right after Hammond contacts Isaac about dismembering the necromorphs while near the door to the Tram Tunnel in Chapter 1. [ ] Stasis Module Training Location: Tram Tunnel Details: Received after picking up the stasis module in Chapter 1. [ ] Upgrade Bench Training Location: Maintenance Bay (Storage Room)

Details: After unlocking the door to the Storage Room, this will be received while walking toward the Upgrade Bench in Chapter 1. [ ] Store Training Location: Tram Station Details: After entering the Tram Station for the first time, this will be received in Chapter 1. [ ] Kinesis Module Training Location: Tram Station Details: Received right after picking up the Kinesis Module in the Tram Station of Chapter 2. [ ] Schematics Training Location: Tram Station Details: Received right before picking up the first Schematic in the Tram Station hallway of Chapter 2. [ ] Kinesis Symbol Training Location: Imaging Diagnostic Room Details: In Chapter 2, while moving toward the catwalk ramp on the right side of the room, this will be received. [ ] Air Timer Training Location: Zero-G Therapy Area Details: This will be received as soon as Isaac enters the outer hull portion of the ship through the door of the Zero-G Therapy Area in Chapter 2. [ ] Zero-G Movement Training Location: Zero-G Therapy Details: In Chapter 2, after deactivating the gravity in the big room, this will be received. [ ] Secondary Fire Training Location: Main Lab Details: In Chapter 2, after entering the Main Lab corridor, this will be received. [ ] Weapon Select Training Location: Varies (You'll receive it near a store though!) Details: This will be received after buying a new weapon for the first time in

whatever chapter that may be for you. ======================== Chapter 1 Database Files ======================== [ ] Message from Nicole Location: Beginning Details: This file is unlocked by default as Isaac starts out on in the shuttle. He views the file during the opening cutscene. [ ] Repair the Tram System Location: Tram Control Details: Received shortly after entering the Tram Control Room for the first time. [ ] Replaced the Tram Car Location: Tram Repair Room Details: This will be received after hooking the claws to the tram in the Tram Repair Room. [ ] Found the Data Board Location: Maintenance Bay (Storage Room) Details: After obtaining the data board, this will be received while leaving the storage room. [ ] Activated the Tram Location: Tram Control Details: This is received right after installing the data board and activating the tram control. [ ] Go to Medical Location: Hangar Bay Details: After fighting the Slashers following the explosion of the Kellion shuttle this will be received. [ ] Run! Location: Hall to Lift Room Details: Shortly after the door opens in the back of Isaac as the crew outside gets attacked in the Flight Lounge, this will be received once Isaac runs into the Hall to Lift Room through the newly opened door. [ ] Vent Warning

Location: Tram Control Hallway Details: Lying on the floor near the end of the hall. [ ] Dismemberment Location: Tram Control Hallway Details: Received right before reaching the door to the Tram Tunnel. [ ] Stasis Door Location: Tram Tunnel Details: Received shortly after picking up the stasis module - the training file will be received first. [ ] Tram Status Location: Tram Repair Room Details: Lying on the catwalk on the far side of the room. [ ] Replacing the Tram Location: Tram Repair Room Details: This will be received shortly after moving into the Tram Repair Room. [ ] Find the Data Board Location: Tram Repair Room Details: This will be received as Isaac walks toward the exit door of the room after connecting the claws to the tram. [ ] Maintenance Bay Unlocked Location: Tram Control Hallway Details: On the way back from repairing the tram with the claws, this will be received on the opposite side of the Tram Control Hallway after moving through the tunnel. [ ] Shoot the Limbs Location: Tram Control Hallway Details: Across the from the door to the Maintenance Bay. [ ] Locked Door Location: Maintenance Bay (elevator) Details: On the way up the elevator to the Maintenance Bay, this will be received. [ ] Arrived on Bridge

Location: Flight Lounge Details: After walking into the Flight Lounge on the way back to the Kellion when the tram is up and running, this will be received. [ ] Repair Invoice Location: Maintenance Bay 2F Details: After getting off the elevator that goes up to the second floor, this will be on the catwalk to the left of the Maintenance Bay Storage Key. ======================== Chapter 2 Database Files ======================== [ ] Destroy the Barricade Location: Security Station Details: Received right after entering the Security Station. [ ] Kyne and the Captain Location: Main Lab (Room) Details: On the first floor of the Main Lab, enter the room directly ahead after getting off the elevator and this will be on the floor behind the door. [ ] Nicole's Report Location: Clinic Hallway Details: On the floor as soon as Isaac enters this hallway from the Security Station (after blasting through the barricade). [ ] Engine Problems Location: Clinic Hallway Details: This will be received while on your way back to the Tram Station, halfway through the Clinic Hallway. [ ] Mercer's Journal Location: Main Lab Details: Check in the back restroom on the bottom floor and this will be lying on the far left side of the restroom. [ ] Found the Thermite Location: Main Lab Details: This will be received after taking the Thermite key item from the room that Isaac must enter after moving through the Bio Lab.

[ ] Mercer and Kyne Location: Imaging Diagnostics (Power Node Room) Details: On the floor across from the Gold Semiconductor pickup. [ ] Found the Shock Pad Location: Zero-G Therapy Room Details: After Isaac collects the Shock Pad from the table, this will be received. [ ] Barricade Destroyed Location: Security Station Details: After destroying the barricade, walk toward the door behind it to receive this. [ ] We'll Find Her Location: Clinic Hallway Details: This will be received right after Nicole's Report is viewed in the Clinic Hallway. [ ] Eileen Location: ER Hallway A Details: While standing in front of the door to the Intensive Care Unit, this will be on the floor to the left, near a bed. [ ] Colonist Problems Location: Morgue Hallway Details: On the floor right behind the doors to the Morgue Hallway. [ ] Codes Received Location: Morgue Details: Received after picking up the Captain's RIG from the captain's body. [ ] Ship Gravity Location: Zero-G Therapy Hallway Details: After exiting the hull breach area, this will be received before entering the zero gravity room. [ ] Marker Overview Location: Main Lab Details: Enter the room through the doorway across from the elevator.


your attention to the bookshelf on the left side of the room then grapple it with the kinesis module and slide it over to the left. This database file will be to the left when stepping into the hidden room behind the bookshelf. [ ] Interesting Results Location: Imaging Diagnostics Room Details: On the floor to the left of the Bench. [ ] Newborns Location: ER Hallway A Details: Instead of entering the Intensive Care Unit right away, move down the far right side of the hall and this will be on the floor near the end. [ ] More Time Location: Intensive Care Unit Details: On the floor, near the doorway to the Morgue. [ ] Autopsy Report Location: Morgue Details: On the floor along the right side of the room, past the beds when you first enter. ======================== Chapter 3 Database Files ======================== [ ] Repair the Ship's Orbit Location: Tram Station Details: After moving out of the tram this will be received. [ ] Kendra is Alive Location: Decontamination Details: While moving up the elevator to return to the Control Room from Decontamination this will be received. [ ] Engine Fixed Location: Engine Room Details: Right after stepping out of the Engine Room following the activation of the engine, this will be received. [ ] Temple Report 1 Location: Control Room

Details: Lying in the middle floor of the control center inside the Control Room. [ ] Temple Report 2 Location: Machine Shop Details: Enter the small room down the stairs and this will be next to the right row of lockers inside. [ ] Engine Refueled Location: Refueling Chamber Details: Received after pulling down the second lever to refuel the engine. [ ] Temple Report 3 Location: Refueling Chamber Details: After moving across the gondola, this will be on the floor beside a ramp on the other side. [ ] Temple Report 4 Location: Decontamination Details: In the hallway after stepping off the elevator, this is inside the left set of lockers - the right locker in that set. [ ] Centrifuge Activated Location: Centrifuge Details: This will be received shortly after activating the centrifuge. [ ] Temple Report 5 Location: Engine Catwalk Area Details: On a shelf by a Random Ammo pickup in the left room on the top floor. [ ] Strange Transmission Location: Hallway to Control Room Details: On the way back from activating the engine in the Engine Room, this will be received as Isaac reaches the door in the outside hallway. [ ] Chaos Location: Machine Shop Details: Move through the hole in the fence and this will be on a counter just a little ways past the fence, near the upgrade bench. [ ] Corruption

Location: Engine Catwalk Area Details: Next to the left set of lockers inside the right room on the top floor. ======================== Chapter 4 Database Files ======================== SPECIAL NOTE: For this chapter, there is no way to receive all the database files on the first playthrough. The following files: * Control Module Placed - reroute power in Mining Administration Room * Systems Module Placed - reroute power in Ship Systems * Astrogation Module Placed - reroute power in ADS Lower Hallway Will be received based on how Isaac reroutes the power controls for the ADS system. For the final (or third) power control that is rerouted, Isaac will receive the "Aim the ADS Cannon" database file instead. Basically, you always have to forfeit one of the files listed above per playthrough. [ ] The Marker Location: Tram Station Details: Right after exiting the Tram at the beginning of the chapter, this will be received. [ ] Captain's Demise Location: Main Atrium Details: After activating the elevators, this will be lying inside of the elevator that goes down to the Ship Systems Level. [ ] Atmosphere Contaminated Location: ADS Hallway Details: Once Isaac makes it to the middle of the hall on his way back from shooting the asteroids, this will be received. [ ] Initial Attack Location: Main Atrium Details: Lying on the floor near the third set of controls to the right. [ ] Temple On the Bridge Location: ADS Lower Hall Details: This is to the immediate right just as Isaac steps off the elevator and enters the ADS hallway for the first time. [ ] Astrogation Module Placed

Location: ADS Lower Hallway Details: This is received after rerouting the power to the ADS system in the Lower Hallway. This will NOT play if it is the final power system that is rerouted - the "Aim the ADS Cannon" database file will be received instead. [ ] Control Module Placed Location: Mining Administration Room Details: After rerouting the power system in the Mining Administration Room, this will be received. This will NOT play if it is the final power system that is rerouted - the "Aim the ADS Cannon" database file will be received instead. [ ] Report from Kendra Location: Elevator to Mining Administration Details: While taking the elevator down to Mining Administration, this will be received inside the elevator. [ ] Systems Module Placed Location: Ship Systems Details: After rerouting the first power system near the dangling electric cables, this will be received. This will NOT play if it is the final power system that is rerouted - the "Aim the ADS Cannon" database file will be received instead. [ ] Hurry Up! Location: ADS Controls Details: Received shortly after Isaac sits down at the cannon to defend the Ishimura from asteroids. [ ] Asteroid Impact Location: Main Atrium Details: When an asteroid falls through the top of the ship while in the Atrium, this will be received shortly afterwards. [ ] Almost Fixed Location: ADS Controls Details: Received when Hammond is almost done fixing the autotarget controls this one follows "One More Minute" after a while. [ ] One More Minute Location: ADS Controls Details: Received while shooting the asteroids when Hammond is almost through fixing the cannon auto-targeting.

[ ] Brute Combat Location: Main Atrium Details: Received after the Brute breaks through the wall in the Main Atrium. [ ] Reversed Gravity Location: Hallway to Ship Systems Details: After moving halfway through the hall, this will be received. [ ] Avoid the Asteroids Location: ADS Hallway Details: After stepping down the hall once the elevator is exited, this will be received. [ ] Aim the ADS Cannon Location: ADS Lower Hallway Details: Received after rerouting the final power system, wherever that may be for you. The walkthrough takes the path of the power system in the ADS Lower Hallway area as being the final one. [ ] ADS Online Location: ADS Controls Details: This is received right after successfully defending the Ishimura from asteroids. [ ] Report of Infection Location: Computer Room (in Mining Administration) Details: This is on the floor of the computer room, which is on the right side of the Mining Administration Room after entering via the elevator. [ ] List of Dead Location: Captain's Nest Details: This file is lying on the captain's chair in front of the orange hologram images that Hammond is using. ======================== Chapter 5 Database Files ======================== [ ] Go to Chemistry Location: Tram Station Details: This will be received shortly after Isaac steps off the tram.

[ ] Interrupted Location: Dr. Mercer's Office Details: This will be received shortly after loading the chemical agent in Dr. Mercer's Office. [ ] Got the Poison Location: Cryogenics Lab Details: This will be received shortly after using the controls to freeze the Regenerator in the middle of the outside room. [ ] Someone Else Location: Security Station Details: This will play shortly after entering the Security Station. [ ] Door Opened Location: Emergency Room Details: This will play after defeating all other enemies besides the Regenerator in the Emergency Room. [ ] Mercer's Experiment 1 Location: Chemical Research Lab Hallway Details: After taking the elevator down to the hallway, this will be received. [ ] Creating the Poison Location: Security Station Details: This will play shortly after reentering the Security Station after dealing with the Regenerator. [ ] Dr. Mercer's Experiment 2 Location: Dr. Mercer's Office Lying on the floor next to the controls. [ ] Hammond on Hydroponics Location: Imaging Diagnostics Room Details: When Isaac reenters this room after dealing with the Regenerator, this file will be received. [ ] Finish the Poison Location: Security Station

Details: After activating the controls to restore air to the entire area following the hull breach after loading the chemical agent, this will be received. [ ] Poison Complete Location: Chemical Research Lab Details: When Isaac returns to this area to mix this chemical, this will be received shortly after taking the poison chemical. [ ] Indestructible Location: Chemical Research Lab Details: This will be received shortly after the Regenerator attacks in the Chemical Research Lab. You have to run from it or fight the Regenerator for a few seconds before it will play. This signifies that the door is about to be unlocked. [ ] Secret Lab Revealed Location: Chemical Research Lab Details: This file will be received following the "Poison Complete" file. [ ] DNA Needed Location: Imaging Diagnostics Room Details: Once Isaac moves toward the save station after running across the moving platform in this area, this file will play. [ ] The Leviathan Location: Imaging Diagnostics Hallway Details: On your way to make the poison and shortly after restoring air to the area, this will be received shortly after walking through the doorway where the door slams. ======================== Chapter 6 Database Files ======================== [ ] Hammond's Alive Location: Sapling Room Details: This will be received while talking to Hammond as he lies up against the pumpkin display in the Sapling Room. [ ] Victory Against the Leviathan Location: Food Storage Details: Received following the defeat of the Leviathan in Food Storage.

[ ] Cross Report 1 Location: Tram Station Details: Right after stepping off the tram this will be lying on the floor near some crates to the left as Isaac moves ahead. [ ] Cross Report 2 Location: Air Filtration Room Details: Lying on the right side of the catwalk as Isaac walks toward the elevator. [ ] Cross Report 3 Location: East Grow Chamber 2F Details: Take the elevator to level 2 then move around either side of the catwalks on the second floor and you'll find this along the end of the catwalk that is across from the red explosive canisters. [ ] Temple's Search Location: Refrigeration East Hallway Details: After fighting off the tentacle that grabs Isaac, enter the next hall through the door to the side and this will be lying on the floor. [ ] Pods Destroyed Location: Refrigeration East (or possibly other area) Details: Once the final mutant pod is destroyed this will be received. The location where you receive it really depends on the order that you shoot the pods in. [ ] A Message Location: Hallway to East Tower Details: Received in the hallway right outside of the Atmosphere Control Room on the way back from destroying the last pod. The location of this message will differ depending on the order in which the pods are destroyed. [ ] Cross Report 4 Location: Food Storage Hallway Details: Lying in the middle of the catwalk in the Food Storage Hallway. This will be unlocked after destroying all pods and recycling the atmosphere via the controls in the Atmosphere Controls area. [ ] Getting to the Leviathan Location: Atmosphere Control Details: After opening the door to enter the Atmosphere Control from the

Sapling Room, this will be received. [ ] Kill the Leviathan Location: Food Storage Hallway Details: Received after placing the poison capsule on the food filter in front of the door to Food Storage. [ ] Trust Location: Hallway to West Tower Details: This will play while moving down either hallway (east or west) outside of the Atmosphere Control Room. [ ] Corruption Location: Hallway to East Tower Details: Lying on the floor right before reaching the second door in the East Tower Hallway right outside the Atmosphere Control. ======================== Chapter 7 Database Files ======================== SPECIAL NOTE: The "Attach the Beacon" database file requires plenty of backtracking in order for it to play. You have to enter the Mining Bay and destroy all four tethers but DO NOT plant the beacon on the asteroid. Afterwards, backtrack all the way to the Mining Controls room and try launch the asteroid to receive this file. [ ] Distress Call Location: Tram Station Details: Received right after Isaac steps off the tram. [ ] Asteroid Launched Location: Mining Control Details: Use the controls in the Mining Controls to release the asteroid after the tethers are shut down and the beacon is attached and this will be received. [ ] Database Problem Location: Mining Elevator Details: This will be received right after the one-armed man the elevator dies once Isaac has called up the elevator in the RIG Room. [ ] Temple and Elizabeth Location: Processing Antechamber Details: Lying on the floor directly ahead as Isaac steps off the mining

elevator to enter the Processing Antechamber. [ ] Clear the Boulders Location: Mineral Processing Details: This will be received right after stepping through the hole in the wall in the Mineral Processing Area. [ ] Key Found Location: Mineral Processing Control Room Details: This will be received right after picking up the Mining Access Key from the body off to the right in the control room. [ ] Kyne's Hostage Location: Repair Room Details: This is lying near a shelf near the ramp directly ahead after stepping off the mining elevator and into the Maintenance Area. [ ] Beacon Recovered Location: Maintenance Storage Room Details: This will be received after picking up the SOS Beacon from the counter in the storage room. [ ] Elevator Fixed Location: Repair Room Details: While entering the elevator after obtaining the SOS Beacon, this will be received. [ ] Supervisor's Choice Location: Mining Hallway Details: On the floor, up the ramp to the left when Isaac first enters the Mining Hallway. [ ] Attach the Beacon Location: Mining Control Details: Destroy all 4 tethers in the Mining Bay but DO NOT attach the SOS Beacon onto the asteroid. Rush all the way to the Mining Control and try to use the controls to release the asteroid and this will be received. You've really got to go out of your way to get this one, buddy! [ ] Processing Room Problem Location: Mineral Processing Area Details: Lying on the floor across from some item chests down the right

corridor when first entering the Mineral Processing Area. [ ] Mining Timeline Location: Control Room Hallway Details: Lying on the floor near the very back of the hall. ======================== Chapter 8 Database Files ======================== [ ] Go to Communications Location: Tram Station Details: Received as Isaac steps off the Tram at the beginning of the chapter. [ ] First Contact Location: Comms Control Details: After plugging all the dishes in place in the chamber below the Comms Control, this will be received after using the console to trigger the communications system in the Comms Control. [ ] Impact Location: ADS Cannon 48 Details: This will play shortly after the Slug boss has been defeated. [ ] Hammond Returns Location: ADS Cannon 48 Details: This will play shortly after the "Impact" database file. [ ] Eavesdropper Location: Main Atrium Details: While taking the elevator down to the ADS Hallway, this will play during the ride down. [ ] Illegal Mining Location: Elevator to Comm Array 2F Details: Take the elevator up to the 2F catwalk and take this from the floor above. [ ] Main Array Problem Location: Comm Controls Details: This will be received shortly after Isaac steps into the Comm Controls room after moving across the tunnel in the cart outside.

[ ] Array Fixed Location: Comm Array Chamber Details: This will be received after the communications array has been fixed by plugging working dishes into a circle in the Comm Array Chamber. [ ] Big Problems Location: Comms Control Details: This is received directly after the "First Contact" database file. ======================== Chapter 9 Database Files ======================== [ ] The Valor Location: Tram Station Details: Received right after stepping off of the tram at the beginning of the chapter. [ ] Dr. Kyne Location: Port Corridors (elevator) Details: This will be received while taking the elevator up to the Engine Corridors. [ ] Singularity Core Found Location: Engine Room 2F Details: After destroying all the fuses to cut off the back burners in the Engine Room, walk to the back and collect the Singularity Core and this file will be received shortly afterwards. [ ] Radiation Hazard Location: Ore Storage Details: This will be received shortly after Isaac enters Ore Storage. [ ] Find the Singularity Core Location: Starboard Corridors Details: This will be received shortly after entering the Starboard Corridors section of the ship after entering from the outside of the USM Valor. [ ] Infected Soldiers Location: Cargo Bay Details: While moving down the right side of the Cargo Bay after entering, this

will be received shortly. [ ] Hammond's Assistance Location: Torpedo Room Details: This will be received at the opposite end of the middle walkway. [ ] Emergency Location: Armory Details: Lying on the floor across from the counter of the shooting range. [ ] Hammond's Death Location: Engine Room 1F Details: This will be received after defeating the Dark Brute that bursts through the glass on the first floor of the Engine Room shortly after retrieving the Singularity Core. [ ] Orders Location: Barracks Details: Lying on the floor near the Store at the opposite end of the hall. ========================= Chapter 10 Database Files ========================= SPECIAL NOTE: For the "Locked Executive Door" database file, Isaac must interact with the door in the Executive Security Hall BEFORE collecting all three of the Nav card keys. [ ] Find the Nav Cards Location: Tram Station Details: Received shortly after Isaac moves away from the tram. [ ] Kyne's Gambit Location: Mess Hall Details: This will be received while attempting to leave the Mess Hall after collecting the Crew Key from the first floor Mess Hall below. [ ] Hive Mind Glimpse Location: Security Executive Room Details: This will be received during the conversation with Dr. Kyne after all Nav Cards have been collected. [ ] Mercer's Last Sermon

Location: Executive Sleep Block Commons Details: This will be received while returning from the shuttle bay after accomplishing the objective there. It will be received as Isaac opens the door to the hallway on the opposite side of the room. [ ] Locked Executive Door Location: Security Executive Hall Details: Examine the Security Executive Room door in this hall BEFORE collecting all the Nav card keys and this database file will be received. [ ] Life Support Down Location: Sleep Block A Details: Walk into the middle of the room with all the surrounding doors of Sleep Block A and this will be received shortly. [ ] The Hunter Returns Location: Sleep Block C Bunks Details: This will be received right after picking up the Nav Card on the other side of this room. [ ] SOB Override Location: Sleep Block C Commons Details: Shortly after Isaac reenters the Commons area after retrieving the final Nav Key, this will be received. [ ] Lock Bypassed Location: Sleep Block C Commons Details: After Isaac has spent enough time running away from the Regenerator in the Sleep Block C Commons after the final Nav Card has been taken, this will be received. [ ] Executive Area Unlocked Location: Sleep Block C Commons (Elevator Hallway) Details: This will be received when Isaac enters the hallway right outside the elevator in the Commons area of Sleep Block C. [ ] Kendra's Warning Location: Sleep Block C Commons (Elevator Hallway) Details: Received right after the "Executive Area Unlocked" database file plays. [ ] Captain's Report

Location: Executive Sleep Block Commons (First Room on Left) Details: Walk over to the dresser on the left and this will be on top of it. [ ] On My Way Location: Executive Shuttle Bay Details: Received after using all the Nav Cards on the open wall inside of the shuttle. [ ] Meet on the Flight Deck Location: Executive Shuttle Bay Details: Received shortly after releasing the clamps on the shuttle. [ ] New Ally? Location: Executive Shuttle Bay Details: Received directly after the "Meet on the Flight Deck" database file plays. [ ] Unitology Article Location: Commons Details: On the floor, directly across from the save station on the second floor of the Commons. [ ] Z Ball Rules Location: Zero G Basketball Court Details: This is lying on the floor in front of the door as Isaac exits the Zero-G Basketball Locker Room. [ ] White's List Location: Executive Sleep Block Commons (Second Room to Left) Details: Lying on the dresser to the right as Isaac enters. ========================= Chapter 11 Database Files ========================= [ ] Find the Marker Location: Tram Station Details: Received as Isaac steps off the tram. [ ] Come Aboard Location: Hangar Bay

Details: Once gravity is restored to the Hangar Bay and the Marker is loaded onto the shuttle, this will be received. [ ] Betrayal Location: Hangar Bay (Runway 2) Details: After meeting up with Dr. Kyne on the runway, this will be received shortly after the events that unfold. [ ] Nicole's Alive Location: Hangar Bay Details: This will be received shortly after the "Betrayal" database file plays. [ ] Marker Transferred Location: Cargo Room Details: This will be received as soon as Isaac using kinesis to drag the Marker all the way to the other side of the Cargo Room. [ ] Rendezvous Location: Tram Station Hall Details: This will be receive when Isaac reaches the middle of this hall on his way to the Tram Station after sending the Marker to the Hangar Bay. [ ] Landing the Shuttle Location: Hangar Bay Details: When Isaac steps onto the catwalk in the Hangar, Dr. Kyne will fly the shuttle into the Hangar and this will be received shortly. [ ] Load the Marker Location: Hangar Bay Details: As Dr. Kyne lands the shuttle this will be received shortly following the "Landing the Shuttle" database file. [ ] Restore Gravity Location: Hangar Bay Details: This will be received once the Marker is positioned below the shuttle once gravity has been deactivated in the Hangar Bay. ========================= Chapter 12 Database Files ========================= [ ] Nicole's Farewell

Location: Excavation Site Details: This will be received after Isaac gets trapped in the small windowed room after pulling and loading the Marker outside. [ ] Colony Chaos Location: Gravity Tether Control Room Details: Lying on the floor to the right after entering the control room of the building near the shuttle. [ ] The Pedestal Location: Control Room Barracks Details: This will be received shortly after Isaac enters the Control Room Barracks after getting off the shuttle. [ ] Restore Power Location: Gravity Tether Core Details: This will be received as Isaac steps into the Gravity Tether Core room. [ ] Unitology Exposed Location: New Game+ Details: Will be in Isaac's list of database files once a "New Game+" file is loaded after beating the game once. [ ] The USG Ishimura Location: New Game+ Details: Will be in Isaac's list of database files once a "New Game+" file is loaded after beating the game once. [ ] Background Request Location: New Game+ Details: Will be in Isaac's list of database files once a "New Game+" file is loaded after beating the game once. [ ] Planetary Mining Location: New Game+ Details: Will be in Isaac's list of database files once a "New Game+" file is loaded after beating the game once. [ ] Recombination Study Location: New Game+

Details: Will be in Isaac's list of database files once a "New Game+" file is loaded after beating the game once. [ ] The Red Marker Location: New Game+ Details: Will be in Isaac's list of database files once a "New Game+" file is loaded after beating the game once. =============================================================================== Power Node Locations [LI02] =============================================================================== ===================== Chapter 1 Power Nodes ===================== [ ] Power Node #1 Location: Tram Repair Room Details: Along the right side of the wall on the entrance side. [ ] Power Node #2 Location: Maintenance Control Room (Storage Room) Details: On the far wall after unlocking the door to the storage room where the data board is located. ===================== Chapter 2 Power Nodes ===================== [ ] Power Node #1 Location: Main Lab Details: On the wall inside of the blue container [ ] Power Node #2 Location: Imaging Diagnostics Room Details: Inside the unlocked room across the ramp on the bottom floor. [ ] Power Node #3 Location: Morgue Details: Inside of the room where the captain lies - wait for the glass to be broken then enter it sometimes afterwards. It's lying on the floor off to the right. ===================== Chapter 3 Power Nodes

===================== [ ] Power Node #1 Location: Refueling Chamber Details: Take the gondola to the other side of the refueling chamber and this will be near the end of a dead end hallway around the corner of the other side. The dead end hall is right by some stairs. [ ] Power Node #2 Location: Centrifuge Hallway Details: You'll have a choice of right and left in this hallway. this will be down that side.

Go left and

[ ] Power Node #3 Location: Engine Catwalk Area Details: Inside the supply room on the right side of this area. [ ] Power Node #4 Location: Engine Room Details: In a blue container along the right side. ===================== Chapter 4 Power Nodes ===================== [ ] Power Node #1 Location: Main Atrium Details: After the Brute breaks through the large door near the entrance to the Atrium, enter that room and this will be inside the small room to the right. [ ] Power Node #2 Location: Ship Systems Details: The Brute that Isaac fights in this area will drop a Power Node upon defeat. [ ] Power Node #3 Location: MA Computer Room Details: Inside the MA Computer Room, which is to the right after entering the Mining Administration Room. ===================== Chapter 5 Power Nodes =====================

[ ] Power Node #1 Location: Chemical Research Lab Details: Lying in a blue container in between the two large test tubes on the left wall. [ ] Power Node #2 Location: Cryogenics Lab Details: In a blue container inside the control room portion of the lab. ===================== Chapter 6 Power Nodes ===================== [ ] Power Node #1 Location: Air Filtration Room Details: Inside the control room on the second floor. Move through the areas with flames then take the lift to the top floor on the opposite side and enter the control room, which is off to your right after stepping off the lift. [ ] Power Node #2 Location: East Grow Chamber Details: The Brute that attacks in this area will leave this behind once defeated. [ ] Power Node #3 Location: Refrigerator East Hallway Details: On the wall to Isaac's left after entering. in this room to Isaac's right. ===================== Chapter 7 Power Nodes ===================== [ ] Power Node #1 Location: Mining Operation Hallway Details: In a blue container on the left wall. [ ] Power Node #2 Location: Hallway to Elevator Details: In a blue container on the right wall. [ ] Power Node #3 Location: Maintenance Storage Room

There is a save station

Details: On the far wall of the Maintenance Storage Room. This is the room that Nicole unlocks for Isaac while he defends her in the Repair Room. [ ] Power Node #4 Location: Mining Control Details: On the right wall after unlocking the Mining Control room in the Mining Hallway. ===================== Chapter 8 Power Nodes ===================== [ ] Power Node #1 Location: Comms Hall Details: Inside of a blue container on the left wall. [ ] Power Node #2 Location: Comms Array Airlock Details: This room is right before entering the Comms Array Chamber with zero gravity - the power node is in a blue container on the wall. [ ] Power Node #3 Location: ADS Cannon 48 Details: Take this from the blue container to the right before sitting down to blast the slug boss. ===================== Chapter 9 Power Nodes ===================== [ ] Power Node #1 Location: Armory Details: This is in the room with the shooting gallery minigame off to the side. Exploders attack in this room. [ ] Power Node #2 Location: Armory Details: Beat Level 5 of the shooting gallery minigame and this will be your reward. [ ] Power Node #3 Location: Barracks Corridors Details: Down the right hall as Isaac enters this area.

The Barracks Corridors

area is right after the Infirmary where the laser arm waves lasers throughout the middle of the room. ====================== Chapter 10 Power Nodes ====================== [ ] Power Node #1 Location: Mess Hall 1F Details: Along the side with the torso attached to the wall - the torso attacks so don't step near it unless you defeat it first. [ ] Power Node #2 Location: Sleep Block B Bunks Details: Inside of the storage room in this area. The door to this area is around the area where the Stasis Slasher falls from the ceiling to attack. [ ] Power Node #3 Location: Zero G Basketball Court Details: Beat Level 6 of the Z Ball minigame and this will be your reward. will be inside of one of the lockers in the prior room.


[ ] Power Node #4 Location: Executive Shuttle Bay Details: The Regenerator will leave this behind after he has been blasted with the flames from the back of the shuttle. Move over to the walkway when leaving this area and collect the Power Node from the catwalk. ====================== Chapter 11 Power Nodes ====================== [ ] Power Node #1 Location: Cargo Room Details: Along the right side of this area, across the catwalk in the corner area. [ ] Power Node #2 Location: Control Room B Details: Inside the room where Isaac meets up with Nicole. ====================== Chapter 12 Power Nodes ====================== [ ] Power Node #1

Location: Gravity Tether Core Details: The Dark Brute will leave this behind after he is defeated. He will appear after Isaac reenters the area from the Gravity Tube after turning on the power to the bridges. [ ] Power Node #2 Location: Gravity Tether Operations B Details: On the right side of the room. [ ] Power Node #3 Location: Emergency Tunnel Details: On the left side of the hall at the beginning of this tunnel, when Isaac steps through the door from the room with several windows. ================= Extra Power Nodes ================= [ ] 10 additional Power Nodes Details: Beat the game on any difficulty. =============================================================================== Schematic Locations [LI03] =============================================================================== ==================== Chapter 1 Schematics ==================== N/A ==================== Chapter 2 Schematics ==================== [ ] Flamethrower Schematic Location: Tram Station Details: This is down the hall across from the Tram. will play shortly before Isaac reaches it.

The Schematic tutorial

[ ] Pulse Rounds Schematic Location: Imaging Diagnostics Room Details: This is lying inside the unlocked room off to the left after crossing the middle ramp on the bottom floor. [ ] Line Racks Schematic

Location: ER Hallway A (Power Node Room) Details: Use a Power Node to unlock the room before the turn in the ER Hallway A and this will be among the items inside. ==================== Chapter 3 Schematics ==================== [ ] Flame Fuel Schematic Location: Machine Shop Details: Enter the unlocked room after moving down the stairs in this area and this schematic will be inside. [ ] Ripper Schematic Location: Refueling Chamber Details: Across the gondola you'll run into a save station and this will be lying on the floor just before you reach the area that has one of the levers used to refill the engine. [ ] Medium Med Pack Schematic Location: Engine Hallway Details: Lying on the floor as Isaac enters the area. [ ] Ripper Blade Schematic Location: Engine Catwalk Area (Power Node Room) Details: Use a Power Node on the control panel to the side of the locked door at the bottom of the Engine Catwalk Area and this schematic will be inside. ==================== Chapter 4 Schematics ==================== [ ] Level 3 Suit Schematic Location: Main Atrium Details: Lying on the floor just before opening the door to the Captain's Nest. This is below the back staircase. [ ] Contact Beam Schematic Location: Hallway to Ship Systems Details: Down the hall from the save station. [ ] Force Gun Schematic Location: ADS Lower Hall

Details: After stepping out the elevator, this will be lying on the floor to the side. ==================== Chapter 5 Schematics ==================== N/A ==================== Chapter 6 Schematics ==================== [ ] Force Energy Schematic Location: Sapling Room Details: Inside the first small room that connects to the hallway of the Sapling Room. Hammond is hunched over in the hallway ahead. ==================== Chapter 7 Schematics ==================== [ ] Level 4 Suit Schematic Location: Maintenance Storage Room Details: In the same room where the SOS Beacon is collected. that Nicole unlocks while Isaac defends her.

This is the room

==================== Chapter 8 Schematics ==================== [ ] Medium Air Can Schematic Location: Comms Control Details: Lying along the left side of the room. ==================== Chapter 9 Schematics ==================== [ ] Large Med Pack Schematic Location: Infirmary Details: On the left side of the room where the robotic arm turns and spreads lasers throughout the room. Shoot the arm with stasis then collect it or simply grapple the schematic with kinesis and bring it toward Isaac. ===================== Chapter 10 Schematics =====================

[ ] Level 5 Suit Schematic Location: Zero-G Basketball Locker Room Details: Lying on the floor before entering the Zero-G Basketball Court. ===================== Chapter 11 Schematics ===================== N/A ===================== Chapter 12 Schematics ===================== N/A =============================================================================== Power Node Room Locations [LI04] =============================================================================== This is a list of all rooms that require one Power Node to enter. Place a Power Node into the slot near the door to unlock the door. Power Node rooms container several item pickups. The room listed beside the brackets is the room containing the Power Node door. ========================== Chapter 1 Power Node Rooms ========================== N/A ========================== Chapter 2 Power Node Rooms ========================== [ ] Imaging Diagnostics Details: To the left after first entering. [ ] ER Hallway A Details: To the right down the hall shortly after entering. ========================== Chapter 3 Power Node Rooms ========================== [ ] Engine Catwalk Area Details: On the bottom floor while facing the slamming doors, this door is off to the right. ========================== Chapter 4 Power Node Rooms ==========================

N/A ========================== Chapter 5 Power Node Rooms ========================== N/A ========================== Chapter 6 Power Node Rooms ========================== [ ] Hallway to East Tower Details: Beside the Spawner on the right wall of the first floor corridor ========================== Chapter 7 Power Node Rooms ========================== [ ] Mineral Processing Details: When Isaac steps through the hole in the wall that a crashed asteroid made, this will be off to the right in the room with zero gravity. ========================== Chapter 8 Power Node Rooms ========================== N/A ========================== Chapter 9 Power Node Rooms ========================== N/A =========================== Chapter 10 Power Node Rooms =========================== [ ] Sleep Block C Bunks Details: Off to the right after entering. =========================== Chapter 11 Power Node Rooms =========================== N/A =========================== Chapter 12 Power Node Rooms =========================== N/A

=============================================================================== Spider Item Box Locations [LI05] =============================================================================== I'm sure you're tired of snakes lying in ambush among breakable objects and evil piranha fish locked inside treasure chest from certain other games, aren't you? Well, Dead Space will surprise you a few times as well with its spider enemies that might be lurking inside of a breakable item boxes. This is a list of all items boxes that contain spiders. The room listed beside the brackets is the room containing the item box with the spiders inside. =========================== Chapter 1 Spider Item Boxes =========================== N/A =========================== Chapter 2 Spider Item Boxes =========================== N/A =========================== Chapter 3 Spider Item Boxes =========================== [ ] Engine Catwalk Area Details: The item box inside the unlocked room to the left on the bottom floor is full of spiders. =========================== Chapter 4 Spider Item Boxes =========================== N/A =========================== Chapter 5 Spider Item Boxes =========================== N/A =========================== Chapter 6 Spider Item Boxes =========================== [ ] Greenhouse B Details: The item box inside of Greenhouse B in the East Grow Chamber contains spiders. =========================== Chapter 7 Spider Item Boxes ===========================

[ ] Mining Hallway Details: While approaching the three item boxes on the cart in front of the lift, the item box on the left is full of spiders. =========================== Chapter 8 Spider Item Boxes =========================== N/A =========================== Chapter 9 Spider Item Boxes =========================== N/A ============================ Chapter 10 Spider Item Boxes ============================ [ ] Executive Commons Details: The item box inside of the second room on the right contains spiders. ============================ Chapter 11 Spider Item Boxes ============================ N/A ============================ Chapter 12 Spider Item Boxes ============================ N/A =============================================================================== Extras [LI06] =============================================================================== ========= New Game+ ========= Requirement: Beat the game on any difficulty. Be sure to save your game to a save slot after the closing credits. Isaac keeps all of his weapons and current stats for all equipment. He must recollect the stasis module and the kinesis module but they will remain upgraded in whatever way they were on the last game. ============= Military Suit =============

Requirement: Beat the game on any difficulty. The schematic for the Military Suit will appear in Isaac's inventory from the beginning of a "New Game+". This is a Level 6 suit! =============== Impossible Mode =============== Requirement: Beat the game on any difficulty. Impossible mode will appear below Hard mode when starting a new game. ** SPECIAL NOTE: In order for "Impossible" difficulty to appear on a new game once you have turned off the system, you must load any of your New Game+ files then quit that file by choosing "Quit" and "Yes" from the pause menu. The "Impossible" difficulty will appear on a new game difficulty menu after loading your New Game+ (clear) file. This difficulty does not save to the system file, so if you delete your New Game+ file then you will have to load up a previous save and beat the game to get another New Game+ file. ============== Backstory Logs ============== Requirement: Beat the game on any difficulty. This unlocks the remaining database files under the Chapter 12 menu in the database menu when viewing them on a New Game+ playthrough. These are the last 6 files under the Chapter 12 database file list. ============= 50000 Credits ============= Requirement: Beat the game on any difficulty. This will be added to Isaac's credit amount from the beginning of a New Game+ playthrough. ============== 10 Power Nodes ============== Requirement: Beat the game on any difficulty. This will be added to Isaac's Power Node amount from the beginning of a New Game+ playthrough. ====== Cheats ====== All Cheats must be entered in the Pause Menu. and enter them on that Pause option menu.

Press start on either console

NOTE: All of these code are one-time only except for the two refill cheats (refill oxygen and refill stasis). None of them count against gaining a trophy

or achievement either. ------------2 Power Nodes ------------PS3 - /\, [], [], [], /\ Xbox 360 - Y, X, X, X, Y ------------5 Power Nodes ------------PS3 - /\, [], /\, [], [], /\, [], [], /\, [], [], /\ Xbox 360 - Y, X, Y, X, X, Y, X, X, Y, X, X, Y -----------1000 Credits -----------PS3 - [], [], [], /\, [] Xbox 360 - X, X, X, Y, X -----------2000 Credits -----------PS3 - [], [], [], /\, /\ Xbox 360 - X, X, X, Y, Y -----------5000 Credits -----------PS3 - [], [], [], /\, [], /\ Xbox 360 - X, X, X, Y, X, Y ------------10000 Credits ------------PS3 - [], /\, /\, /\, [], [], /\ Xbox 360 - X, Y, Y, Y, X, X, Y ------------Refill Oxygen ------------PS3 - [], [], /\, /\, /\ Xbox 360 - X, X, Y, Y, Y ------------Refill Stasis ------------PS3 - /\, [], /\, /\, [], /\ Xbox 360 - X, Y, Y, X, Y

-> Thanks to the following GameFAQs users for posting the codes above: PS3 - Chaos_Grimoire, abordoli, crimson_pyre Xbox 360 - Plisken1911, chrono2888, abordoli, FrenchToastMan ============ Armor Glitch ============ Right after beating the game with the secret Level 6 suit that can be obtained while playing a New Game+, save your New Game+ file like normal then immediately afterwards, start a new game on any difficulty level. Isaac will start the game wearing the Level 6 suit with upgraded armor. This can help to make Impossible mode a bit easier. The new game must be started without turning off the system after beating the game or the glitch will not work. This can be done on both the Xbox 360 and PS3 version. =============================================================================== TROPHIES/ACHIEVEMENTS =============================================================================== SPECIAL NOTE: All of the following accomplishments can be receive on both the PS3 and Xbox 360 accept the "Concodrance Officer" accomplishment, which is exclusive to the PS3 version. The PS3 version has 49 trophies and the Xbox 360 has 48 achievements. =========== A Cut Above =========== Details: Kill 30 enemies with the Ripper Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 10G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: Defeat the necromorphs in the earlier chapters since they are much easier to fight with the Ripper. Saw off their legs followed by their top appendages when they hit the floor for the human-like necromorphs. ========= Air Alert ========= Details: Zero-G Jump over 100 times Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 10G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: Find a zero gravity room then constantly jump back and forth. You'll get this eventually on your first playthrough most likely. ============== All Systems Go ==============

Complete Chapter 3 on any difficulty setting Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 20G (Xbox 360) ========= Armstrong ========= Details: Shoot 50 objects using Kinesis Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 10G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: Use kinesis to pick up any object, appendage, body, or whatever else then shoot it with R1 (or RT). ======== Autofire ======== Details: Kill 30 enemies with the Pulse Rifle Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 10G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: The Pulse Rifle is effective against many normal necromorphs, so simply kill 30 of them. Slashers are probably the easiest to kill with this weapon. ======== Betrayed ======== Details: Complete Chapter 11 on any difficulty setting Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 20G (Xbox 360) =========== Big Spender =========== Details: Spend 200,000 credits at the store Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 10G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: Buy a bunch of items from the various stores. When you don't need anything else then buy a Power Node. You'll most likely get this close to the end of your first playthrough. ======= Brawler ======= Details: Kill at least 30 enemies with a melee attack

Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 10G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: Shoot many of the Slashers at the beginning of the game with stasis then run up to them and punch them. Stomp them while they are down. You can shoot any low necromorph with stasis and stomp them as well. Be sure to use stasis unless the necromorph is near death! =========== Brute Force =========== Details: Kill a Brute Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 15G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: Simply kill the Brute in the Main Atrium of Chapter 4 to get this. ======= Butcher ======= Details: Dismember 1000 Limbs Reward: Silver Trophy (PS3) 40G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: It's best to use either the Plasma Cutter or the Line Gun, but all weapons remove appendages while defeating a necromorph. Keep in mind that stomping off dead necromorph appendages counts toward this as well! ============= Cannon Fodder ============= Details: Complete Chapter 4 on any difficulty setting Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 20G (Xbox 360) ================================== Concodrance Officer (**PS3 ONLY**) ================================== Details: Collect all Trophies Reward: Platinum Trophy ========= Crackshot ========= Details: Achieve a perfect score in the Shooting Gallery Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 5G (Xbox 360)

Extra Info: The shooting gallery is located in the Chapter 9 Armory. Level 5 round to get this. See the chapter 9 walkthrough for tips.

Beat the

=============== Dead On Arrival =============== Details: Complete Chapter 1 on any difficulty setting Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 20G (Xbox 360) =================== Don't Get Cocky Kid =================== Details: Survive the ADS Cannon with over 50% shield strength remaining Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 10G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: This can be pretty hard depending on how well your aiming is. The cannon minigame is part of the main game and you will play through this near the end of Chapter 4. You have to destroy enough asteroids so that the ship's hull shield still has 50% of its shield strength remaining when Isaac steps away from the chair. The ship's hull strength will always start at 85%. TIPS (for maintaining 50% of the shield): 01) Understand that most of the time, you are at the game's mercy for asteroid placement. Sometimes asteroids will come at the ship with completely unforgiving speed and patterns. Some patterns are easier than others. 02) At the beginning, start shooting the asteroids as early as possible. Watch for any movement then aim and shoot. Always do this whenever asteroids first appear if there are not any nearby. 03) When firing, either go for a single shot or hold down on both shoulder buttons. You can actually sweep through an entire group while holding down on both shoulder buttons. 04) Overheating is not the end of the world if it happens when asteroids are not nearby. Keep aiming at the closest approaching asteroid so you can blast it the second that the cannon cools down. 05) Try not to aim all the way up, down, right or left since you'll likely allow asteroids to creep up on you while doing this - the cannon will block a portion of the outside area while aiming like this. 06) Big asteroids and fast asteroids are the main priority. Hold down on both shoulder buttons while aiming at a big asteroid to destroy it along with the little asteroids that it breaks into. 07) If you see a single asteroid on one side and a group of asteroids on the other side, turn your attention toward the group of asteroids. 08) When an asteroid is extremely close, and you are not aiming at any current

asteroids, quickly move the cannon in its direction and hold both shoulder buttons to hopefully blast it. This can sometimes save you from a big asteroid. 09) If an asteroid is extremely close to any side then don't aim at it unless it is near a group of asteroids or there is no nearby approaching asteroids to shoot. Side asteroids sometimes don't hit or they do very little damage. 10) Do not look at the shield gauge strength. Once again, DO NOT SHIELD GAUGE STRENGTH or this distraction will cost you greatly! the words that tell you that the hull integrity is below 50% then might be a slight chance that it is at 50%, so you might still be hanging on.

LOOK AT THE Listen for look. There just barely

11) Make the save file at the save station beside the cannon is your first save file, so you can reload quicker. If your gauge ever gets below 50% then quite your current game and reload your nearby save immediately. 12) If you start to get frustrated, keep this current save on your list of files and move on with the rest of the game for a while then simply reload this game later when you cool down. You need to be completely focused (in the zone) to earn this accomplishment and not ready to throw a controller. 13) At the beginning, fire a shot directly toward the middle of the screen and the light from the shot will reflect off of some of the distant asteroids to let you know where they are. 14) Enter the options menu and turn the brightness all the way up and this will make it easier to see the asteroids against the dark background. ==================== Epic Tier 3 Engineer ==================== Details: Complete the game on the hardest difficulty setting Reward: Gold Trophy (PS3) 150G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: Beat the game on Impossible difficulty, which is unlocked after beating the game once. You have reload and quit your New Game+ save in order to get Impossible difficulty to appear in the New Game menu if you turned off your system after beating the game. =========== Eviscerator =========== Details: Kill 30 enemies with the Line Gun Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 10G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: The Line Gun works well against all enemy types really, so this shouldn't be that hard at all. ====== Exodus

====== Details: Complete Chapter 12 on any difficulty setting Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 20G (Xbox 360) ============ Exterminator ============ Details: Kill the Leviathan Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 15G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: The Leviathan is the boss of Chapter 6. ====== Freeze ====== Details: Use Stasis on 50 enemies Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 15G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: Simply shoot 50 necromorphs with stasis. ============ Full Arsenal ============ Details: Own every Weapon in the game Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 30G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: Buy every weapon from a Store. ============ Full Contact ============ Details: Kill 30 enemies with the Contact Beam Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 10G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: Any enemy can defeated fairly easily with the Contact Beam, but you'll mainly want to use this against Slashers since you'll have more time to charge the weapon and also they are large enough to hit easily. ================ Get off my ship! ================ Details: Kill the Slug Boss

Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 15G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: The Slug boss is found at the end of Chapter 8 and he is fought from the ADS Cannon 48 room while using the cannon. ================= Greenhouse Effect ================= Details: Complete Chapter 6 on any difficulty setting Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 20G (Xbox 360) =================== Keeper of the Faith =================== Details: Complete Chapter 10 on any difficulty setting Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 20G (Xbox 360) ========= Kickin It ========= Details: Escape from a Lurker's grab attack 10 times Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 10G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: Lurker's will grab Isaac whenever they are close to him. Their appendages will move out of their back and they will jump on him. Simply stand close to one and allow him to jump then fight it off with X (or A) button taps. ======= Lab Rat ======= Details: Complete Chapter 2 on any difficulty setting Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 20G (Xbox 360) ============= Legend Teller ============= Details: Collect 150 Logs Reward: Silver Trophy (PS3) 40G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: Collect 150 database files throughout the game. These are both picked up from certain rooms and received throughout the main story. You'll

most likely get this in Chapter 11 if you've been keeping an eye out for all collectable database files along the way. ====================== Live With The Hot Ones ====================== Details: Kill 30 enemies with the Flamethrower Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 10G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: The Flamethrower works the best against Lurkers but you can also use it against Slashers for some good results. It's best to shoot with the secondary fire flame shot and allow it to burn the enemy then shoot another secondary fire flame shot. Only shoot a flame shot early if the enemy tries to move too much - the first spread of flames will usually stagger them. ======== Marksman ======== Details: Dismember 20 Limbs Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 5G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: What...? Are you simply not killing anything? Freezing all enemies with stasis and then running by them or just simply hauling ass through rooms? This will be received after 20 enemies limbs have been cut or stomped off your enemies. It's actually harder avoiding this one than receiving it. ========= Maxed Out ========= Details: Upgrade all weapons and equipment Reward: Gold Trophy (PS3) 75G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: Use Power Nodes at an Upgrade Bench found around the various rooms of the main game to upgrade your weapons and equipment to max stats. You'll have to finish upgrading your weapons and equipment on a bonus game. A Power Node does not have to be placed in extra blank slots with no type of status upgrade. Only the upgrade slots count for this accomplishment. ======== Merchant ======== Details: Collect 8 schematics Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 10G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: Find 8 of the weapon or item schematics found throughout the game. The schematics are usually in plain view.

============= Mindless Prey ============= Details: Kill the Hive Mind Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 30G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: The Hive Mind is fought at the end of Chapter 12. ======= One Gun ======= Details: Beat the game using only the Plasma Cutter Reward: Gold Trophy (PS3) 40G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: Only use the Plasma Cutter throughout the entire game. This can be done on a New Game+ playthrough or any new game. Difficulty does not matter. Using stasis, kinesis, killing enemies with physical attacks, explosive canisters, and reverse gravity plates - none of this counts against this accomplishment. You can equip other weapons but you CANNOT fire any weapon other than your Plasma Cutter. Take the other weapons out of your inventory since you'll receive more Plasma Energy pickups by doing this. I recommend attempting this task on a New Game+ where: a) You have hoarded a bunch of Plasma Energy and Med Kits in the safe. b) You still have a bunch of credits left over. c) You start with a fully upgraded Plasma Cutter, fully upgraded life meter and fully upgraded stasis. ======== Pack Rat ======== Details: Store 25 Items in the Safe Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 10G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: The Safe can be accessed by interacting with any Store. Place a total of 25 items in the safe at one time and this accomplishment will be awarded. ============= Playing Catch ============= Details: Catch a Brute or Leviathan Pod using Kinesis Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 10G (Xbox 360)

Extra Info: Simply catch an acid pod that either a Brute or the Chapter 6 Leviathan boss fires at Isaac. A Brute will only perform this attack from long distance. If you cut off one of his legs then get far away from him then he will most likely perform this attack. The Hive Mine at the end of Chapter 12 shoots out acid pods as well that can be grappled and tossed back but receiving this achievement from the other two enemies is much easier. ====== Pusher ====== Details: 30 enemies with the Force Gun Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 10G Kill (Xbox 360) Extra Info: The Force Gun works well on just about any enemy, so this shouldn't be that hard. Remember to get close to an enemy while using it or use its force grenades from a distance. ============= Ragdoll Check ============= Details: Force an enemy into a Gravity Panel 5 times Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 5G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: The gravity panels are mainly located in Chapter 4. They are glowing panels where gravity has been reversed and anything that touches these will be splattered against the ceiling. To force an enemy into these panels hit them stasis and walk against them to push them into it or knock them back with a Force Gun primary blast. The bad thing about using the Force Gun is that the blast might kill them however. Sometimes enemies simply walk into a gravity panel - this will count toward the accomplishment! Even though it is highly amusing, tossing dead enemy bodies into a gravity panel does not count toward this accomplishment. ====== S.O.S. ====== Details: Complete Chapter 7 on any difficulty setting Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 20G (Xbox 360) ======= Slugger ======= Details: Kill the Slug Boss with more than 50% shield strength remaining Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 10G (Xbox 360)

Extra Info: The Slug boss is fought at the end of Chapter 8. In order to get this achievement, defend the ship so that is has over 50% of its hull shield remaining once the Slug is defeated. Basically, focus on one tentacle at a time right at the beginning and struggle to take out at least three tentacles while defending the ship only minimally from thrown objects. Once the Slug is down to two tentacles, you can easily focus on defeating them while still defending the ship. Keep in mind that if you shoot one of the tentacles in the yellow portion while it is leaning over to grab an object then it will rise up once again. The fact that the shield's hull strength starts out at 100% makes this accomplishment much easier to obtain when compared to the "Don't get cocky, kid" accomplishment. ============ Story Teller ============ Details: Collect 75 Logs Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 20G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: Collect a total of 75 database files. These are received during the story and some of them are collected throughout the various areas of the game in the form of text and audio files. ===================== Strange Transmissions ===================== Details: Complete Chapter 8 on any difficulty setting Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 20G (Xbox 360) ======= Surgeon ======= Details: Dismember 500 Limbs Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 20G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: Cut off a total of 500 appendages from enemies. Remember that a dead enemy's appendages can be stomped off and this will count toward the accomplishment. ======== Survivor ======== Details: Complete the game on any difficulty setting Reward: Silver Trophy (PS3) 50G (Xbox 360) ==================== There's Always Peng!

==================== Details: Find the Peng Treasure Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 15G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: The Peng treasure is located in Chapter 11, in between the two walkways next to where the shuttles dock in the Hangar Bay. The Peng treasure is a gold statue. Simply look between the Hangar Bay railings and grapple it with kinesis to bring it toward Isaac then collect it. You can also wait until after gravity is deactivated in the Hangar Bay and this will remove the railings making the treasure even easier to collect. This treasure can actually be seen in Chapter 1, but Isaac does not have kinesis then. ========= Tool Time ========= Details: Kill 30 enemies with the Plasma Cutter Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 10G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: The Plasma Cutter is the all-around best weapon in the game and you will have access to this weapon for a pretty good while at the beginning before obtaining any others, so it's not that hard to get 30 kills with it. ============= True Believer ============= Details: Complete Chapter 5 on any difficulty setting Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 20G (Xbox 360) ======== Wreckage ======== Details: Complete Chapter 9 on any difficulty setting Reward: Bronze Trophy (PS3) 20G (Xbox 360) ======== Z-Baller ======== Details: Complete Level 6 in Zero-G Basketball Reward; Bronze Trophy (PS3) 5G (Xbox 360) Extra Info: The Zero-G Basketball minigame is located the Zero-G Basketball Court of Chapter 10. See the walkthrough portion of Chapter 10 for tips.

=============================================================================== Text File Transcripts [LI07] =============================================================================== ========= Chapter 1 ========= --> Repair Invoice USG ISHIMURA AEROSPACE ENGINEERING DEPT SHUTTLE REPAIRS INVOICE MISSION DAY TWO: - Faulty fore gyro, vessel USG-ISH-503. Replaced, no functional. MISSION DAY THREE: - Faulty 40 Scope, vessel USG-ISH-SO1. Still in repair. MISSION DAY FOUR: - Damaged landing repulsors, vessel USG-ISH-S05. Complete replacement, now functional. - Damaged fore and left fore viewports, vessel USG-ISH-S04. Replaced, no functional. MISSION DAY FIVE: - Damaged booster collar, vessel USG-ISH-S05. Repaired, now functional. ENGINEER'S NOTE WRIGHT, J.F. (2nd ENGINEER, MAINTENANCE BAY) ========= Chapter 2 ========= --> Marker Overview PERSONAL LOG DR. KYNE, T. (CHIEF SCIENCE OFFICER) The vidlogs from the colony are poor quality but the artifact does indeed appear to be a genuine Marker, the first to be found in Unitology's two hundred year history. I'm eager to get it on board the ship so I can study it properly. The potential here is enormous. Not just for me personally, though it's true I've dreamed of such a discovery for decades. But also to humanity, and the Church of Unitology in particular. This Marker could herald the dawn of a new age for mankind, and I will do my part to ensure it comes to pass. I know the Church will be grateful but the true recognition will come from all of humanity. On this day, we are blessed. --> Interesting Results MEDICAL LOG

DR. WARWICK, B (CHIEF PSYCH OFFICER) REPORT OF PSYCHIATRIC OBSERVATION PATIENT: HARRIS, B. (Employee #PM-19026-EH) Harris is asleep, after another strong sedative. He seems literally unable to sleep without chemical aid. Most people succumb to exhaustion after 50+ hours of waking regardless of any desire to stay awake. Not Harris. His explanation of events on the colony is also odd, and points to the same paranoia we've seen elsewhere planetside. His guilt is not in doubt--two planetside security officers were present when he took Dr. Sciarello hostage and murdered Nurse Evans--and he doesn't deny his actions. But he insists there was no crime, nor does he feel guilt. This is classic sociopathic behavior, but Harris exhibits no other symptoms. He is affable and friendly, able to empathize and offer original opinions. When questioned about the murder, however, he becomes withdrawn and intransigent, displaying schizophrenic behavior. He also undergoes intermittent hallucinatory periods, again similar to those experienced by other colonists. Harris claims he threatened the Doctor because he "had to stop the dreams and the faces, and that he'll kill again to "Make it whole again". What that means, I haven't determined yet. A most intriguing case. --> Newborns Alyssa Rose Kai Jatin Alyssa Leoni Ian Ansel Jackson Thomas Lucas Zara James Caitlyn Kai Joshua Kody Kyle Jiannah Faith Jack William Agatha Marjorie --> More Time SCIENCE LOG FROM: DR. KYNE, T. (CHIEF SCIENCE OFFICER) ATTN: CAPTAIN MATHIUS, B. BenjaminFurther to our previous conversation, I ask that you delay bringing the Marker up from the planet for a day or two. You know I'm as keen as anyone to study it in detail, and I understand your sense of urgency given the events on the colony, but that's why I ask--what's happening down there is just too unique, too unprecedented, to cut it short

without proper time to study the causes and effects. In light of a discussion I had with Dr. Mercer, I'd like to meet with Drs. Sciarello and Welland planetside to get their observations. - Terrence --> Autopsy Report MEDICAL LOG DR. DOMUSS, G. (MEDICAL EXAMINER) REPORT OF DEATH ON SHIP SUBJECT: CAPTAIN MATHIUS, B. It is my sad duty to officially pronounce Captain Benjamin Mathius dead. Reports of the exact circumstances surrounding his death are conflicted, and beyond the scope of my role. I can only report on the body. The subject was in generally good health for his age, though a cursory blood test indicates his leukocyte count was very low, with eosinophils in particular almost nonexistent. His preflight physical exam showed no such problems, indicating rapid onset; however, it is unlikely this had any effect on his death. Multiple contusions on the arms and hands, indicating a brief struggle premortem. Slight contusion around the ribcage, suggesting his chest was restrained in some way. Cause of death was a single prolonged trauma to the ocular body which continued on through the cavity wall, and finally into the frontal lobe, causing rapid neurotrauma, seizure and death. The force required to puncture the ocular cavity in this manner is great, and the possibility of self-infliction correspondingly low. I therefore have no alternative but to record a preliminary verdict of UNLAWFUL DEATH. Whether deliberate or accidental is beyond my jurisdiction. ========= Chapter 3 ========= --> Chaos DECK LOG HALLOW, F. (AB) Don't know what's going on around here. Someone said the ship's been attacked. Who the hell would attack us out here? First the Captain dies, now we get attacked? Carnack says someone on Bridge staff killed him. Can't believe that. Goddamn chaos now. Can't get through to the bridge. Can't get through to anyone. Everyone's running. Getting the hell out of here. Should probably join them. --> Corruption

ENGINEERING LOG DANVERS, C. (QMED) RE: Organic growth in engineering (Update) The unidentified growth seen in other parts of the ship has now reached engineering. I don't know what the hell this stuff is--looks like someone threw up their guts all over the walls--but it's spreading faster than we can cut it up, which is pretty disgusting in itself. It's already in the engine spoke, and if we can't find a way to stop it soon, it'll hit the main chamber by the day after tomorrow. I hope the docs are looking into it, because it's way beyond me. ========= Chapter 4 ========= --> Report of Infection CAPTAIN'S LOG INITIAL INFECTION VECTORS It's been less than an hour, but they've spread fast. Flight deck was the first to go after the shuttle crashed. Now almost entirely overrun. We've lost at least half the Medical deck, and about a quarter of Engineering. No information yet from Cargo or Planet Ops, which suggests bad news. This is not what I expected. --> List of Dead MINING LOG DALLAS, A. (SUPERVISOR, 2nd ENGINEER) The death toll is mounting. Arnold-Fernandez, D Ashik, M Bagwell, W Bao, A Baristiran, O Briggs, A Carrillo, A Centkowski, K Chan, D Charlow, A Chikes, C Colomar, B Condrey, M Deguzman, J Ding, V Drinkward, C Eckert, J Espeleta, T Fattouh, S Feise, D Feiker,T Fike, T

Known dead so far:

Fong, C Fuentes, C Gamel, S Gaugy, M Geraci, J Gregory, L Gauman, E Hartness, E Hasan, J Holt, T Ignacio, D Jamerson, K Johnson, M Keum, J Kong, C Krakowski, M Kuo, D Lackey, A Leal, D Lee, L Leong, J Lingen, D Louie, C Louie, M McSweeney, B Meneses, F Merenda, R Molina, E Natividad, J Noonan, M Palrang, J Patel, J Patterson, I Pavey, E Peterson, M Pitts, A Piwenitzky, H Pugh, D Ruelas, A Sarossy, V Schlegel, P Schofield, G Scott, D Seo, A Shande, T Silver, S Swearingen, S Swenson, D Talens, J Thibodeaux, N Thoeun, C Tuohy, J Valadex, G Vaught, C Vocal, C Voelker, S Wells, J Williams, N

Wrede, R Zelaya, A Zittle, K ========= Chapter 5 ========= No text files ========= Chapter 6 ========= --> Corruption CHEM LAB REPORT FROM: PROF. JAGERWALD, H. ATTN: DR. CROSS, E. Elizabeth No doubt you're aware of the organic growth found in some parts of the ship. I've been examining the substance and thought the results would interest you. The cells most closely resemble bacteria, with viral behavior. Like bacteria, the organism infects other cells through osmosis, then mutates and reproduces agamogenetically. What's amazing is the SPEED at which it grows. A single bacterium reproduces twenty-fold in just one minute. I've never seen anything like it. I won't stake my reputation on it, but I think this may be a genuine alien lifeform! Prof. Hawley theorizes that it's a habitat transformer--the levels of gaseous output are tremendous, which is why it smells so bad--but to what end we simply don't know. I'll keep you posted. - Heinrich ========= Chapter 7 ========= --> Processing Room Problem MINING DECK LOG KREUZ, G. (QMED) The situation here just got a lot worse. The gravity failure came as we were collating asteroids, and one broke free of the grav beam. It collided with a wall, killing two crew, and split into chunks. They're free floating in the processing room, and we can't restore gravity to get the Master Key until they're cleared. We could really use some engineering help up here. --> Mining Timeline MINING LOG

DALLAS, A. (SUPERVISOR, 2nd ENGINEER) Planetcrack went smoothly from this end, although there do seem to have been problems planetside, and we've temporarily lost contact with the colony. First rockball was extracted from the tectonic load approximately one hour after planetcrack, and has been processed, refined and smelted. Results have exceeded even optimistic initial estimates. Normal recovery is around 35% mineral, 5% fossil, 60% waste, but material from the first ball was 65% mineral (and 0% fossil, in line with expectations). That's 6.5 tons of ore from a 10-ton ball. Assuming it's not an anomaly, we've hit a motherlode. ========= Chapter 8 ========= No text files ========= Chapter 9 ========= --> Orders EYES ONLY - PRIORITY BLACK FROM: CHIEF OF STAFF, EARTH DEFENSE ATTN: COMMANDER CADIGAN, F. OPERATION WHITE LIGHT THEATER: AEGIS SYSTEM, PLANET PENDING OBJECTIVE: DEEP CLEANSE CEC vessel USG Ishimura in breach of government order. They are believed to have recovered Marker 3A. Special Ops has confirmed the system but has been unable to provide the planet location. Special Ops advises caution. If Marker 3A has been recovered, infection by a lethal organism is a credible threat. Shockpoint to Aegis system, move to position out of local scope range and await signal from Ishimura to confirm location. ========== Chapter 10 ========== --> Unitology Article UNITED WE... ASCEND? Is Unitology a new hope, or just another scam? By Carrie Van Ottken If you've been living on Mars for the past 200 years, you might have missed the fastest-growing religious movement in history. Unitology boasts a following of millions, counts powerful CEO's and officials in its ranks, claims $78 billion of stock multiglobal companies, and owns two of Earth's largest financial institutions (GPSG Financial and Unitas Energy Investments). From its beginnings as a cult of personality, Unitology has

become a respected, established religion. Most people know the basics. Two hundred years ago Michael Altman, a professor of anthropology, blew the whistle on what he claimed was the biggest cover-up ever instituted by Earth Government--the discovery of an artifact, or "Marker", which proved beyond any doubt there is alien life in the Universe. The Government labeled Altman a kook, but his claims struck a chord with some, and his mysterious death soon afterwards fueled that interest. Unitologists believe the Marker contained a code, the key to eternal life, through rebirth and ascension to heaven (the kicker is you have to die first). They say the Government is hiding the Marker somewhere, keeping its secrets for themselves. Across all of human space, Unitologists praise Altman's martyrdom and await the day God comes to take them to their new life beyond death. It all sounds pretty harmless. But, like any cult, there's a dark side. Unitologists are "ranked" in the Church. Nobody ever of its critics believe there are at least three ranks believer, or "initiate". With each new rank, more of workings and research is revealed to a follower. And by one simple criteria--giving money and power to the

talks about it, but most above the average the Church's inner these ranks are achieved Church.

Think taking all your money's bad? The Church also requires members to donate their bodies after death. Why? What do they do with them? Nobody will say, and attempts to infiltrate the inner circle have failed. With their emphasis on "transformation and rebirth", maybe we wouldn't like the answer even if they told us. One rumor that also refuses to die says the Church is funding a secret shipbuilding program. Some claim to have seen the fleet. No documentary evidence has ever been supplied, but the claimants all say these "mausoleum ships", despite their huge size (Cont'd on p94) --> Z-Ball Rules Z-BALL RULES Step on the lighted platform and activate it to start the game! Jump to as many scoring platforms as possible to increase your score multiplier. Then use your Kinesis Module to grab the ball and shoot it into the active basket before the shot timer runs out. Beating each level opens a locker with a reward. --> White's List PERSONAL LOG WHITE, D. (FIRST OFFICER) Goddamn Unis are running the ship. Captain Mathius CSO Kyne 2SO Mercer LCDR Holt

Known so far:

LT Carrillo LTJG Pitts LTJG Wrede ENS Maynard ENS Shande ENS Espeleta ENS Natividad ========== Chapter 11 ========== No text files ========== Chapter 12 ========== --> Unitology Exposed (Excerpts from THE FALSE MESSIAH, a book banned on Earth and most colonies) A RELIGION IS BORN When Michael Altman went public with his research on the Black Marker, the world was teetering on the brink of self-destruction. Many people, myself included, felt civilization was at an end. We couldn't change the world by ourselves and most of us didn't want to. What Altman offered us, this chance at a rebirth from humanity, was exactly what our hungry souls were looking for. Practically overnight, our hope for humanity was renewed. Millions flocked to his conferences to hear him profess to know the way to a new beginning. We stared in awe at the evidence of the alien artifact that would change everything. And we did whatever he told us to. We rallied against the government. We joined together in congregations to share his word. And we prepared ourselves for the future he said was coming. Where were you when Michael Altman was assassinated by our government? It's the question of our generation, I suppose. It's certainly the day when everything changed for me... and the world. ... The martyring of the scientist-turned-savior Michael Altman begat fanatical zealots and I was one of them. We birthed and maintained the tenements of a new religion, known now as the Church of Unitology. I was only a follower but I was suddenly part of the biggest social movement in history. The riots that followed and the crippling of our government made us realize we finally had the power to change things. ... No one knows what is contained in the Black Marker. Some claim it contains genetic string that grants immortality through gene therapy. Others say it contains the DNA of an alien life form. Even Altman confessed to not knowing exactly what it is for. The Marker has been used to form the basic doctrines of the church. As claimed in the popular book, "Death is Only the Beginning."

humans will learn that by death of their worldly spirit, they will be reborn in unity as a stronger, unending community. "Unity is forever." ... Death is an important event in the journey of a Unitologist and seen as a necessary step to being reborn. The body is considered holy and it may not be cremated or be allowed to decay in the ground. The bodies are given to the church for safekeeping. Where they are taken is unknown, but I have seen massive Unitology compounds on all of the major settlements I have visited. Curious, I asked around. No one would tell me what was housed inside, but I uncovered evidence of massive shipments of preservative chemicals being sent to the compounds on a regular basis. It was around this time that my superior, Paragon Fontenay, brought me in for my first "soul cleansing". ... Despite the headaches and the nausea that continued to plague me, I managed to sneak into the shipyard. I had almost regained full function of my legs and was able to make it into what appeared to be the nerve center of the operation. What I discovered were ships, massive ships and lots of them. Stasis storage tubes lined each of the hundred of exposed cargo bays. I couldn't see any of the bodies, but I knew what the tubes were for. What I couldn't figure out was why the church needed to transport so many suspended bodies in what looked like deep-space vessels. Before I could investigate further, I was recaptured and the real "soul cleansings" began. --> The USG Ishimura (From a CEC-sponsored article in publication, Amazing Universe) As many of our older readers may recall, resource management on Earth and on the colonies was not always as streamlined as it is today. There was a time when needs could barely be met by the now-extinct resources of Earth and the dwindling supplies of the colonies. Looking to the starts for additional resources is nothing new, but at the time only smaller ships were shockpointable and they were insufficient at keeping up with demand. Enter the Ishimura. The USG Ishimura, named after Astro Physicist Hideki Ishimura (inventor of the shockpoint drive), was the first of the massive Planet Cracker ships. Built 62 years ago, she has a long and storied career. The Ishimura was the first vessel of her size to utilize the shockpoint drive for large-scale, commercial, deep space expeditions. At the time of her inception, the Ishimura was hailed as the savior of the Earth colonies. She was created to mine and melt down entire small planets and moons. She was also the first ship capable of the "scan and catch" technique for harvesting mineral-rich asteroids. Using huge gravity tethers, the Ishimura can lock onto asteroids and pull them inside the ship's massive collection bays for smelting.

At 62 years old, the Ishimura is still in remarkable shape. Much of the equipment has been upgraded over the years. Many spaces have been retrofitted to take advantage of modern advances in technology. Despite the long years of service, she is still the pride of the fleet and remains the largest Planet Cracker in the fleet. Whenever an important deep space mining project comes up and the Ishimura is available, she's the first ship to be called. It's ships like the Ishimura - and the dedication of the men and women who crew her - that have helped make Concordance Extraction Company the trusted, dependable workhorse that it is today. --> Background Request To: Zach Hammond From: XXXXXXXXXX Re: Background request Per your request, here's what we could find on your hastily-assembled crew. ISAAC CLARKE Isaac was born to Paul and Octavia Clark on Earth in the eastern seaboard region of the American Republic. Paul Clarke was an award-winning ship architect employed by the Galactic Union Marine Corp. His record shows extended time off-world away from his family. When Isaac was born, Paul was given temporary reassignment to an Earth-based GUMMC ship production facility. During the four-year tour, Paul and Octavia raised Isaac together. When the tour was over, Paul shipped off for an extended off-world tour. Paul's influence on his son must have rubbed off. Records indicated Isaac pursued studies in mechanical and electrical engineering and achieved high honors. According to medical and psychiatric reports, Paul Clarke's absence had a profound effect on Octavia. She suffered from depression and personal anguish until doctors encouraged her to find fulfillment by working with charitable organizations. It is believed that this is how she ended up coming in contact with the Church of Unitology. The association with the Church appears to have alleviated her mental condition. The cancellation of her therapy sessions corresponds with the local parish announcements of her initiation ceremony. At this point, records on her become somewhat scarce. There are indications that she sold off much of the family estate to finance her full membership in the church. Isaac appears to have been selected to a prominent engineering school but we surmise that he was unable to afford the tuition, as records show that he instead attended a lesser-known school with the help of scholarships and financial assistance. After graduating with high honors, Isaac enlisted in the Merchant Marines. He quickly gained a reputation for his resourceful engineering solutions and after

two years was promoted to a higher-profile position closer to the major shipping lanes. There are several inquiries about the location of his father that have been logged by his contacts at the GUMMC. Isaac appears to have been trying to reunite with him unsuccessfully for years. It's doubtful he ever got far in his investigation as Paul Clarke's service record has been mysteriously classified by an executive order. Octavia continues to be a contributing member of her church and has managed to purchase a Vested-level title. Isaac's career stagnates at this point. There are records that he cohabited with a medical officer named Nicole Brennan for a couple of years. Records indicate she moved out after receiving a promotion and is currently serving on the USG Ishimura. KENDRA DANIELS I couldn't find anything on her in the time I had but Darlton swears by her. She is on the mission with his recommendation. If he thinks she has the necessary skills, who am I to argue? --> Planetary Mining (Excerpt from the CEC shareholder information packet on planetary mining) PLANET CRACKING Planetary mining is, quite literally, the dismantling of planets and moons on a macro-scale. Entire worlds are fractured to reveal the rich seams of valuable minerals contained inside. Despite environmentalist concerns, the operation is perfectly safe and is the only way to extract the necessary resources on the large scale required to supply Earth and the colonies. You may have read reports that claim the destruction of a planet can destroy an entire solar system due to the disruption in the gravitation forces that hold each celestial object in place. Some of the wilder reports claim this causes planets to smash into each other. Concerned investors are directed to read the article "The CEC Pledge to the Health of Our Universe" for a detailed breakdown of the truths about Planet Cracking. The short answer is: Planet Cracking is perfectly safe and provides an essential service to Earth and the colonies. With all Planet Cracks, the planets are carefully chosen for their mineral content, net worth, and the safety with which they can be dismantled. Planet Cracking is a lengthy process spanning from three to five years. Generally, the first year is spent prospecting and setting up the colony. The second year and a half involves tectonic excavation and related planet-side activities. The Planet Cracker class ship arrives between the 2.5 and 3 year mark, depending on the progress of the excavation. Once the ship is in orbit, preparation for tectonic chunk extraction begins. This takes approximately one week. The removal of an excavated chunk from the planet into a stabilized geosynchronous orbit usually takes about 1 day (24 standard hours).


this process, billions of tons of debris break off from the underside of the chunk, creating an instant asteroid ring around the planet. While floating debris is extremely dangerous, the Planet Cracker ships have an excellent Asteroid Defense system (ROS) to keep the ship and crew safe from harm. Depending on the size of the planet, this process is repeated until the entire planet has been broken up and processed. ABOUT US The CEC is the largest solar mining and extraction company in the Earth colonies. It is also the fifth largest company in terms of market capital. It has become a powerhouse of industrial might and an influential political force. With a generous budget allocated to election spending, CEC has always been able to maintain and improve its market position. The CEC owns over 400 deep space vehicles including five Planet Crackers, with the famous USG Ishimura as its flagship. The CEC was the first to develop deep space mining, asteroid catchers and was the first to implement shockpoint drives for commercial use. We are the largest supplier of precious metals. Out of over three dozen Planet Cracks, only one operation has met with less than optimal results. Many may remember the Wanat Disaster 11 years ago wherein a Planet Cracker, three supply ships and a colony were lost due to gravity tether failure. Since that time, CEC has worked closely with the manufacturers and held crew training lectures to ensure a disaster of this magnitude never happens again. We take your financial well-being and the well-being of our employers seriously. When you invest in CEC, you are investing in the future of mankind. --> Recombination Study RECOVERED FILE Personal Log: Dr. G. Abernathy, automated transcript (Restricted access - Maximum encryption) Day three of quarantine for the former Drs. Clifton and Hogan. The infection is spreading quickly through Dr. Clifton. Dr. Hogan appears unaffected at this time. The chest of the corpse has started to expand, like it's taking a deep breath. Something appears to be happening under the surface of the skin. The body is convulsing - a yellowish briny liquid bursts from the mouth accompanied by choking noises. There's a crunching noise as the throat bulges and the jaw collapses. The head is splitting apart... reforming now into what appears to be a proboscis and feeler. The chest splits along the center now as the flesh stretches and expands outwards; the organs, bone and muscle bend inwards. The internal organs contort and reorganize themselves into an odd structure central to which is a massive bladder. The bladder is filling with a liquid, some of which can be seen spilling from proboscis. I can only assume the two are connected. The legs are quivering as the flesh peels away and meshes with the flesh from the chest region. There is a sudden snap halfway through the process as one leg bends backwards. More quivering now and the other leg has snapped at the knee. The changes appear to be slowing now... It starts to sit up, the body is

convulsing, the legs flopping. It is trying to take its first step, uneasy at first... but now it is adapting quickly. A half-dozen steps and it seems to be perfectly at home with its new, contorted form. The splattering on the glass is making observation difficult. It appears that Dr. Hogan's legs are elongating, somehow flaying themselves and now twisting with a mixture of his own internal organs into a single appendage, like some sort of tail. His face is contorted, his jaw clenching and unclenching... several jaw-like appendages are emerging from his every widening mouth. His mouth no longer appears able to accommodate the change... his head is splitting, seams bursting... And almost instantly, he is perched on his hands, shifting his weight from one palm to the other. He's pacing, circling the room and... he appears to be watching me! He sees me! No, he's fixated on the ceiling now... Oh god no, he's leaping at the vent! With his powerful tail-like appendage, he's striking at the reinforced covering, trying to get it open! I must warn the others! Recording end! --> The Red Marker RECOVERED FILE FRAGMENTS FROM: DR. EANDO DUKAJ TO: GENERAL AMBROSE CAIDEN (Restricted access - Maximum encryption) Altman's hasty expulsion from the project is unfortunate. His notes on the Black Marker appear incomplete and our findings thus far have been inconclusive. What notes we have recovered appear to be written in a code of his devising. It will be weeks before we can decipher them. In the meantime, someone has to shut him up. His public outcry about the Marker is more than a nuisance. This is a matter of security. ... Funding has been insufficient. Moving the research to Aegis VII is only aggravating the problem. I understand the pressure to relocate the project outside the reach of the oversight committees but this has only inflated our resource requirements. We are on the verge of cracking the replication code we extracted from the Black Marker. It would be a shame to come this far and have to scrap the project. ... The continued financial infusion over the years has been appreciated and I'm pleased to share the results with you today. While some of our material fabrications are approximations of substances foreign to us, we have completed the internal workings of the device. One obvious difference between our replica and the original is the reddish hue. I assure you this is purely a cosmetic difference not indicative of a flaw. The device, when activated, began to emit a highly complicated rhythmic pattern across a wide band of frequencies - from actual sound waves through the electromagnetic spectrum to alpha, delta and theta brain waves. It seems mostly inert and harmless aside from some slight interference with

communication equipment. We are proceeding with the final construction. ... We've run into a disturbing but fascinating find, in re-creating the DNA instructions gleaned from the Black Marker, we've managed to create a recombinant microbial life form. It seemed dormant at first, even when placed in a batch of rich nutrients. Were it not for Dr. Clifton's poor hygiene, we might have deemed the attempt a failure. Fortunately for us, he had not fully decontaminated himself before working with the sample and managed to contaminate it with some dead skin cells. Suddenly, the microbes jumped into action! Recombination happened almost instantly and the sample began selfreplicating and mutating before our eyes. ... More confounding results from our research: Today, as we moved what we're now calling the Red Marker, we had to pass by the cellular lab area. The scientists working at the time complained about interruptions in the necrotic flesh experiments. As it turns out, the field generated by the Marker creates a "dead space" around itself that forces the recombination effect into dormancy. ... I apologize for the setback relayed in the last report. The macro-scale infection has been contained with a minimal loss of life. The newly recombinated doctors are now quarantined for further study. ... Many of the scientists have been complaining of headaches and we are all having difficulty sleeping for more than an hour at a time. We suspect a problem in the ventilation system. The maintenance team reported finding a build-up of some kind blocking the airways. ... The organic mass continues to expand and take over the complex. The recombinated nightmares now move freely through the corridors. My remaining crew is hastily constructing a transmitter for the Marker in an attempt to broaden the signal it is emanating. Dr. Foster said the idea came to him in a vision. Our hope is to use the signal to keep the unchecked infection from spreading to the landing area. There is little time remaining! You must send help as quickly as possible! Our lives are in your hands. =============================================================================== Impossible Mode Tips [LI08] =============================================================================== ============ General Tips ============

- Have about three different saves or at the very least two. Save often. If you make it past a certain part without any damage and you deem that part the slightest bit hard then you might want to think about going back to the nearest save point and saving. It really pays to be cautious. - Wait until a weapon is near empty then use a Power Node to upgrade its capacity to get full ammo once again plus the additional ammo from the upgrade. - Don't place a weapon in a safe that often since its ammo count will be reduced to one shot once it is placed back in Isaac's inventory. Try to refill the near empty weapon by upgrading the gun's capacity if you do this. Switching to the Contact Beam is really the only reason to put another weapon up since the Force Gun, Pulse Rifle and Line Gun can handle just about everything. - Upgrade your hit points for the RIG at an upgrade bench whenever Isaac is low in health and this will restore his health to full. - If an item doesn't drop from a human-like enemy (Slasher, Stasis Slasher), try to grapple the body with kinesis to make sure that it is dead. Only dead bodies can be grappled. - When fighting a Stinger by itself, shoot it with stasis then stomp off its head and arms to save ammo while killing it. Try to use stasis along with Isaac's boot to finish off fallen Slashers as well. Be sure to get a feel of the amount of time that stasis will last however since you don't want to be near either one as stasis wears off. - Hoard all health items found in a chapter and be sure to use small med packs before larger packs to save inventory space. Refrain from using Large Med Packs as much as possible and store them in a safe for later in the game. - Try to put back some ammo if you start to get a lot of it in your inventory. Limit yourself on purpose to conserve ammo for a later chapter - don't splurge! - Just about every item in the game can be grappled and brought toward Isaac, so if you know of a place where an enemy will attack near a certain item pickup then simply grapple the item from a distance and collect it to avoid confrontation. Grappling an item can also be useful for obtaining an item early or without any stress while near a room where enemies will ambush Isaac. - If you have an option to run from an encounter then do so. play hero!

Haul ass, don't

- Purchase the Line Gun, Pulse Rifle, Force Gun, and Contact Beam and leave all the other weapons. The Flamethrower is useful against Lurkers but I recommend using another weapon on them to keep from buying another gun. Once the Force Gun is obtained, keep the Plasma Cutter, Pulse Rifle, Line Gun and Force Gun with Isaac most of the time. Only equip the Contact Beam when you know that you are about to fight a Brute. - Contact Beam energy sells for 4000 credits per shot, so it's good to hoard all of it that you can and sell it early in the game. You might want to try carrying it in your inventory just so you'll receive ammo for it from random pickups then sell the ammo for extra credits. - Buy Power Nodes as much as possible but try to keep around 20000 credits available at all times just in case you need to buy some extra ammo or med

packs. - Upgrade your hit points through the RIG before just about anything else. Don't focus on air upgrades since it really only helps you out for a few rooms early in the game. - Attack can help if it is to reach

upgrades are the main priority when upgrading a weapon but capacity out, especially when you're low in ammo. Reload should only be bought conveniently placed near an attack upgrade - don't go out of your way one on the plug table.

- Use the Armor Glitch showcased below the Cheats in the Extras section of this guide. ================= Enemy Combat Tips ================= - Slasher Combat. Shoot off a leg with the Plasma Cutter or Line Gun then begin to shoot off an arm. For multiple Slashers it might be best to use the Line Gun especially against Dark Slashers. - Stingers. When fighting one solo, stasis it then stomp off its arms and head. When fighting more than one, use the Line Gun or Plasma Cutter. When fighting a Dark Stinger, stasis it then fire a mine from the Line Gun below it - this can also work well for multiple normal Stingers. - Lurkers. Try to aim for their appendages when they attack but don't let this get you hit or make you waste ammo. Shooting them normally takes off just as much. Use the Plasma Cutter or Pulse Rifle until you get the Force Gun then aim carefully and use only force grenades against them when they appear. - Brute Combat. Stasis the Brute then cut off a leg with the Line Gun or Contact Beam. Get far away from the wounded Brute and grapple his pods with kinesis as he shoots them at Isaac then fire them back. Keep catching and firing them back from a distance to finish him off without the need to waste any further ammo. If you opt to use a Line Gun then fire a mine at the Brute's back when it hunches over. - Spawners. Stasis them when the tentacles move out of their chest then shoot a Line Gun mine directly toward the center of them and this will usually kill them. Launch an explosive canister at them when available. - Stasis Slasher. Force Gun blasts still work just as well against these enemies as they do in other modes. You might want to mix in force grenades more often when they are knocked own or at a distance. - Tentacles. For the tentacles that drag Isaac, it is best to keep your Pulse Rifle attack level upgraded to finish them off quicker while shooting them. ============ Chapter Tips ============ --------Chapter 1 ---------

- (Flight Lounge) Try to get to the elevator without getting hit by the Slashers. Save at the save station outside before interacting with the controls. Once Isaac makes it to the elevator doors, you'll have to sidestep a bit to avoid the Slasher's blade arms while it is behind Isaac. Don't stress that much if you're only hit once since you'll get quite a few small med packs in this chapter. - (Tram Repair Room) Opening the Item Container on the far wall will make a Slasher bust through the vent to the left of it. Wait until you kill the second Slasher that appears after connecting the tram repair then run over to the Item Container and open it, collect the item, then run out of the Tram Repair Room. - (Tram Tunnel) You don't have to fight either of the enemies on the way back through the tunnel. Simply run by them and shoot them with stasis if needed. It really helps to shoot the Slasher with stasis since Isaac will have to open a door on the other side. - (Maintenance Bay) You'll need to take advantage of the explosive canisters in this area in order to defeat the Slashers without wasting ammo. Try to wound most of them then run by them and lead a group of them toward an explosive canister then shoot the canister. You need to conserve some ammo for the top floor Slashers. When the elevators doors open on the way back down to the bottom floor, be ready to shoot the outside Slasher with stasis. - (Maintenance Bay) After collecting the Data Board, leave the room and run to the right then shoot the approaching Slasher with stasis and run by him. Shoot the fallen Slasher with stasis that lies by the elevator and open the doors then get inside the elevator and leave the area. These Slashers will actually follow Isaac to the floor above however, so right when the elevator doors open, stasis the Slasher that runs toward Isaac then quickly run to the doors of the Tram Control and enter the room - you might have to stasis the Slashers as they drop from the ceiling. Either way, you don't have to return to this room once Isaac gets inside the Tram Control. - (Corridor to Flight Lounge) Follow the Slasher as it moves ahead of Isaac then quickly run by it as it crawls into the vent then open the door to the Flight Lounge and step inside. Prepare to use stasis on the Slasher that drops from behind if the door takes too long to open. - (Hangar Bay) Stasis mixed with stomping works well for the first Stinger. Shoot the Slashers from a distance and cut off a leg to wound them before they get too close in order to slow them down. --------Chapter 2 --------- (Main Lab) Carry some med packs into this area with you. The best place to stand during the quarantine, while on the top floor, is either in the corner to the left after stepping through the first door, or the corner right near the elevator on the other side. Try to cut off the legs from all the Slashers first then finish them off. - (Main Lab - Bottom Floor) If you look on walkway, you might be able to shoot one of the back restroom and prepare to shoot off attack. Remember that all enemies are not

the the the out

bottom floor from the top crawling Slashers below. Run to legs of the Slashers that of the area until the quarantine

lifts, so keep your guard up if all becomes quiet yet the quarantine is still in place. - (Lab) Run from the Lurkers on the second floor and get to the next door on that floor. They will follow Isaac to the next room very easily if the door remains open so rush through the next few rooms. - (Corridor to Security Station) Prepare to shoot the first Slasher with stasis while moving around the corner. There is a stasis recharger nearby so don't worry about wasting stasis here. - (Imaging Diagnostics Room) While only one is attacking, you can stasis a Stinger then stomp it to death. Use the Plasma Cutter or the Pulse Rifle/Line Gun to defeat them. A carefully placed stasis to stun both followed by a Line Gun mine right below both of them should be enough to finish both of them off. - (Zero-G Therapy) Either toss explosive barrels at the Stingers with kinesis or ignore them and jump to the other side of the room and exit the room on your way back through this room. It's really safer to fight them by tossing explosive canisters at them with kinesis. - (Zero-G Therapy Hallway) When moving back through the vacuum, stasis the Slasher that attack and run by him then be sure to have some stasis ready for the Slasher that falls through the ceiling in the airlock chamber up ahead. - (Imaging Diagnostics Room) Stasis then run by the Stinger that attacks on the bottom floor. You'll need to take out a Pulse Rifle and shoot the group of Spiders in the next room. * Buy a Line Gun before going to the Morgue - (Emergency Room) Defeat the first Slasher and Lurker like normal. When moving around the right corner take out the Line Gun and cut off the legs of the Slasher that falls then run ahead and either shoot or stasis the crawling Slasher then turn around and take them all on from one side. If you stand on the other side then one will drop behind Isaac. Instead of moving all the way down the hall to destroy the Item Boxes further ahead, use kinesis to bring them toward Isaac so the three Slashers will not enter the room from going to the very end of the side hallway. - (Morgue) Find the two dead bodies in this room and use kinesis to grapple them from a distance then mutilate them before the Infector appears. Use the Line Gun to cut off the Dark Slasher's legs after it breaks through the glass and try to angle the shot so that it shoot the Infector behind the Slasher. Switch to the Pulse Rifle instead of reloading the Line Gun then finish them both off. --------Chapter 3 --------- (Gondola Area) While Isaac is on the gondola heading to the other side, have the Line Gun ready and shoot a mine toward the floor on the catwalk along the other side as the Slashers gather to kill a bunch of them. - (Centrifuge Chamber) Find the explosive canisters floating around the room and grapple them then shoot them at the Stingers that appear. Make sure you know where a Stinger is before attempting to grapple an explosive canister.

- (Engine Room) Find the three explosive canisters on the right side of the room and place them all behind the engine controls. Activate the engine then grapple each canister and begin to fire them toward the approaching group of Slashers. --------Chapter 4 --------- While in the vacuum area, on the way back from shooting asteroids with the ADS Cannon, run past both of the Stingers that attack and get to the exit door then leave them behind. - (Hallway to Tram) While backtracking to the tram, two Slashers will fall down from the ceiling and attack Isaac - one from behind and from up ahead. Use the Plasma Cutter to shoot off the leg of the one directly ahead then run past it and exit the area. --------Chapter 5 --------- Take a Stasis Pack along with you to the room before the ER Hallway since you'll need to constantly slow the Regenerator with stasis during the battle inside. A few med packs wouldn't hurt either. - On the way back through the Regenerator Room, stasis anything that gets in Isaac's way (Pregnants or Regenerator) and run back to the Security Station. You don't need to slow down the Lurkers in the corridor since they'll be exiting the hole in the wall to the left as Isaac runs by. - (Cryogenics Lab) Smash all the item boxes and collect the random ammo as Mercer talks. Stand on the opposite side of the freezing chamber as the Regenerator appears then allow him to walk inside and blow off a leg with the Line Gun then shoot him with stasis. While the Regenerator is stunned, ignore the Lurkers and run to either side door of the control room then freeze him by using the controls inside. Only fight a Lurker if it manages to get inside of the control room with Isaac. --------Chapter 6 --------- (West Grow Chamber) Immediately head to the left upon entering then run to the door of Greenhouse A on that side. Turn to the right at the corner in front of the door and use the Force Gun to blast the approaching Slasher from the side to stagger him then quickly enter the Greenhouse. Stomp the pod inside while waiting for the Slashers to show up. If they group around the open doorway then fire a force grenade at them. As the Slashers fall through the ceiling shoot them with a force blast or force grenade. Try to group them together and shoot them with a force grenade. - (West Grow Chamber) After fighting off the first wave of enemies, anticipate the arrival of the rest of the enemies and keep an explosive canister nearby to launch at them. Shortly after the pod in Greenhouse B is destroyed, a Dark Slasher will bust through a nearby vent, so carry an explosive canister into the Greenhouse with you.

- (Refrigeration West) Aim carefully and fire force grenades at the Lurkers when they showcase their appendages. Grapple a nearby explosive canister in the room near the exit door and fire it at the final (third) Lurker. - (Air Filtration) Shoot/fire explosive canisters at the fuse boxes to open the doors before entering the flame rooms. Fire an explosive canister at the Slasher that moves through the final door - wait for him to cross the flame rooms. - (West Grow Chamber) When reentering the West Grow Chamber, stand inside the elevator and peek into the outside room to see where the Pregnant is. The exit door that Isaac needs to move through is off to the left after exiting the elevator, so run directly to it. Shoot the Pregnant with stasis if needed. - Right after opening the door to the Hallway to East Tower, shoot the Spawner on the far wall with stasis then fire a mine at him with the Line Gun. If he survives the mine then shoot him with force grenades. - Put up the Line Gun and be sure to have the Contact Beam ready when entering the East Grow Chamber since a Brute will attack. Use a Stasis Pack to recharge before entering if needed. If you think you can deal with him while using the Line Gun then use it instead the Contact Beam. - (Refrigeration East) Shoot the Lurkers with force grenades. multiple Lurkers in view when fighting the two pairs.

Try to keep

- (Hallway to East Tower) On your way back to the Hallway to East Tower, grapple and take an explosive canister to the door of the hallway then open the door and quickly fire the canister at the group of three Slashers that dash toward Isaac from the outside catwalk. - (Food Storage) Use the Leviathan's pods to damage its weak point when it opens its mouth - use the first and third pod to cancel the second and fourth respectively then fire the fifth pod directly toward the weak point in the back of the Leviathan's open mouth. The Pulse Rifle works much better than the Plasma Cutter this time for cutting off its tentacles. You can fire the explosive canisters at its tentacles but this is really more trouble than it's worth. The battle will take twice as long, so be sure to remain focused while grappling the pods. A tentacle can easily screw up your timing when it starts to fire pods while the tentacles are out, so try to move to a spot where a tentacle does not block the path toward Isaac. - (Food Storage) Be sure to find every single blinking light (item) in this room and horde everything both before (stand in doorway and grapple), during (run and tap the interact button) and after (search the room) the Leviathan battle! --------Chapter 7 --------- On the elevator ride down to Processing, use the Plasma Cutter to defeat Slashers until two Slashers fall down from the ceiling at the same time then quickly switch over to the Line Gun or Force Gun. - (Processing Antechamber) Allow the Slashers in the area to see Isaac then run all the way back to the elevator and take them down with a Plasma Cutter as

they walk into the corridor in front of it. You can easily take down the Pregnant solo once all the Slashers are defeated. - (Mineral Processing) Run all the way back and save your game just before deactivating the gravity. Once gravity is deactivated, open the door to the Power Node Room in the back of the controls and run toward the side with the debris (right side). The left side of the room has a single vent on the ceiling where the outside enemies will enter the room. Stand on the opposite side with the Pulse Rifle armed and defeat them as they drop from the ceiling vent. The Pregnant will not enter the room. Step outside once all the other enemies are defeated then run by the Pregnant by taking the side across from it over to the control room. - The moment the elevator arrives at the Maintenance level, have your Force Gun armed and rush through the doors and move down the left ramp then blast the Infector to the left as it tries to infect the body. Even if you get hit by the other Infector this is better than fighting the Dark Slasher that the other Infector will create if left alone. - (Maintenance Bay) During the Gondola ride in the Maintenance Bay, try to stay constantly moving while shooting at the tentacle pods to avoid their projectiles. Shoot the tentacles with the Plasma Cutter. The important part is to shoot all the pods as early as possible. - Start out using the Pulse Rifle to protect Nicole from the Slasher then switch over to the Force Gun and shoot force grenades at the remainder of the enemies. You could try to shoot the Lurker with the explosive canister on your side. - (Maintenance Bay) When moving back across the Gondola in the Maintenance Bay, use the Plasma Cutter to shoot the first few tentacle pods then switch over to the Force Gun and carefully aim and fire a force grenades at the Lurkers - if you hit them just right then the blast will damage them badly and defeat any nearby pods. Try to stay moving as much as possible and heal when needed. Thankfully, you should have enough med packs from the other side to help out here. - (Mining Bay) It's good to bring a stasis pack to this area with you. Use the Line Gun to defeat all three Dark Stingers (stasis them then fire a mine below them). Run by the Lurkers on the other side of the asteroid and try to lure them away from the asteroid while shooting the tethers then quickly place the beacon just before you leave. Perform the tether shooting and beacon placing quickly and you won't have many problems. Isaac always has a long animation while placing the beacon, so you might have to wind up shooting the Lurkers with force grenades. - (Mining Hallway Control Room) When the quarantine activates after the asteroid is launched, get on the side with the item chest and place Isaac's back to the wall. Start out shooting the Slashers with the Line Gun then switch to the Force Gun once the Dark Slashers enter the room. Use force grenades while they are at a distance. Switch over to the Plasma Cutter once only one Slasher remains. - (RIG Room) When the elevator docks on the top floor once again, be in the RIG Room. Run toward the door on the opposite side and it then move from side to side while it opens to try to avoid the run to the tram. You could also hunt them down with force blasts

Crawlers will interact with Crawlers then - your call.

--------Chapter 8 --------- (Main Atrium) When the Exploders start to appear, run to the very back of the Atrium and move down the stairs then pick them off from a distance with the Pulse Rifle. Use a Force Gun on the Dark Slashers and the Line Gun on the Dark Stinger. - (ADS Hallway) Shoot each Spawner with stasis then shoot it with a mine from the Line Gun. Don't waste too much time getting to the second Spawner directly after shooting a mine at the first. - (Comms Array Chamber) Stun the Dark Stingers with stasis then shoot a mine from the Line Gun near them to finish them off rather quickly. - (ADS Hallway) When backtracking to the tram, it is possible to run by the Crawlers and get to the elevator in this area. - (Main Atrium) While returning to the tram, shoot the Divider in the Atrium with stasis then run to the Hallway to Tram. In the hallway, shoot the Pregnant around the far corner (to the left) with stasis and run by it then run to the tram. --------Chapter 9 --------- (Ore Storage) Grapple all of the radiation orbs before stomping the fuses and position them near the door, this way, you won't have to move around as much to collect them while enemies are in the area. Use stasis on the Dark Stingers then fire a mine below them with the Line Gun. Fire force grenades at the Lurkers. - (Cargo Room) Use the usual force blasts from the Force Gun to knock back the Stasis Slashers as they run up to Isaac - aim for their upper half while firing. Shoot them from a distance with force grenades, mainly when they are knocked down. - (Torpedo Room) Don't move any of the crates across from the entrance door or a Stasis Slasher will bust through the nearby vent on that side and attack. - (Armory) Stand in the hallway outside the Armory and allow the Divider to move up to the door - he won't move through the doorway. Shoot him until he splits into Crawlers then blast the Exploder that will walk up to the door to destroy all the Crawlers. One Crawler might still remain but this will save you the trouble of having to hunt them all down. Watch out for the other Exploders that appear when Isaac walks deeper into the Armory. - (Armory) Beat a few of the Shooting Gallery rounds to receive some extra items. - (Barracks) Walk into the room enough to where the quarantine activates then run back to a corner near the entrance to face off against the enemies inside. Keep the Force Gun equipped for the most part and use force blasts on close enemies and force grenades on distance enemies. If a Stasis Slasher is not in the area, shoot the Stingers with the Line Gun. The Exploders and Pregnant will not attack if you stay on the entrance side. Hit the Exploders' explosive

arm with the Pulse Rifle and the Pregnants might get killed by the Exploder's death. Remember that there is a Large Med Pack in a bed along the right wall as you enter the Barracks. - (Lower Engine Room) Either use the Contact Beam or the Line Gun to cut off a leg from the Dark Brute then step away and catch his pods with kinesis and fire them back at him. If you use the Line Gun then fire a mine onto his back as soon as he crouches from taking damage then fill him full of primary blasts from behind while the mine goes off - stand far enough away from the mine, obviously. Bring a stasis pack if you think you might need it. ---------Chapter 10 ---------- (Commons) Mutilate all the bodies since you'll fight an Infector in this room later. * Carry a stasis pack with you for the Dividers in the Mess Hall and the Spawner in the room afterward! - (Mess Hall - First Floor) Stay on the elevator when it reaches the bottom then shoot the Dividers with stasis and blow off one of their legs with the Line Gun. If they both move up to the elevator then you can easily shoot them both with stasis. Quickly switch over to the Force Gun and shoot the Crawlers that they split into. - (Residential Lobby) Stasis the Spawner in the back then shoot a mine toward it with the Line Gun. Be ready to fight off the Dark Slasher as it rushes Isaac. - (Sleep Block A Bunks) This part can be a little frustrating. You need to have a high attack Pulse Rifle or Line Gun in order to defeat the Tentacle that grabs Isaac. Be sure to aim well at its yellow weak point. - (Sleep Block B) For the first room, stun the Pregnant with stasis then use a Line Gun or Plasma Cutter to take down the Slasher. Use the Force Gun and aim upward then shoot at the Pregnant to keep from hitting its stomach. Throughout all of this, do not move to the other side of the room since a Dark Slasher will get up and attack. Find the Dark Slasher as he lies on the ground then shoot a mine near him and defeat him with Line Gun shots as he gets up to attack. For the second room, use the Force Gun's grenades for the Lurkers and fire force blasts at the rest of the enemies. - (Residential Lobby) Wait for the Exploders to move out of the vent to the right then shoot them with the Pulse Rifle. Try to wait for the Crawlers in the background to get near the Exploders then shoot the Exploders to make them destroy the Crawlers with their dying explosion. - (Zero-G Basketball Court) Grapple the Small Med Pack to the right and bring it to Isaac then quickly jump over to the middle wood piece and grab the Nav Card then hop back over to the first wood piece and exit the room quickly before the Dark Lurkers have much time to attack. To hell with the Zero-G Basketball items unless you want to waste your ammo fighting the three Dark Lurkers. Have a Line Gun ready for the Dark Slasher that falls from the ceiling in the locker room. - (Sleep Block C Bunks) Make sure that you bring a stasis pack to this room

with you. Pick up the last Nav Card then immediately rush back to the moveable beds and run in between them. If you're fast enough then the Dark Slasher will fall nearby as you turn to move the beds. Blow off his legs with the Line Gun then immediately close off that section of the room by moving a bed in front of it, then solve the rest of the puzzle to get back to the other side. - (Sleep Block C Commons) Right after solving the bunk puzzle in the bunk room, shoot the Regenerator with stasis after it falls from the ceiling then enter the Commons area. Don't fight any enemies in here, run around the entire room in a circle until Kendra unlocks the door. Quickly run toward the door and stasis anything that tries to attack while it unlocks. Run toward the elevator door and interact with it then turn and prepare to stasis anything that falls from the ceiling of the elevator corridor. - (Commons) Gather plenty of Force Gun ammo before continuing to the Security Hallway since you'll need this for the enemies in the upcoming area. - (Executive Sleep Block Commons) Stand at the door and aim upwards with the Force Gun then blast the Pregnants in their upper portions. Walk into the room as they are blown back but try to keep them gathered. - (Executive Shuttle Bay) Right after initiating the test fire for the shuttle, walk over toward the door of the control room then wait right near the ceiling vent and stasis the Regenerator when he falls through it. Move toward the door and open it as soon as it unlocks. The Stasis Slashers outside appear from random areas, so be sure to keep a look out for them while your Force Gun is equipped. Knock them back with force blasts. Wait for the Regenerator to step onto the bridge behind the shuttle then blow off his legs with the Line Gun and shoot him with stasis. Quickly run back to the control room after stunning him then test fire the shuttle. The Stasis Slashers will give up their pursuit shortly after the Regenerator is burned, so don't worry as much about them. Watching out for the Stasis Slashers and answering their aggression with a force blast upside the head is the most important part of this battle. Upgrading the lasting time of stasis will help out for this area but it is not required. - (Commons) While the Infector infects Dr. Mercer on the second floor of the Commons right after opening the door from the Security Hallway, run past the lovely pair and take the elevator (to the left) to the bottom floor then run to the tram. No need to fight, just run. ---------Chapter 11 ---------* Be sure to carry a bunch of Force Gun ammo and/or Line Gun ammo to the Cargo Bay. - (Cargo Bay) Try to defeat the Exploder and Pregnant from the top floor when you first enter. If you accidentally shoot the Pregnant's stomach then don't worry much about the Lurkers that spawn - it's nothing a little force grenade to the face won't fix. - (Cargo Bay) When the enemies start to attack after the Marker is exposed, use the Force Gun to knock down the Dark Slasher in the nearby room then run inside. You'll need to knock back the attacking enemies with either force blasts or line gun primary shots. Shoot them from a distance with force grenades as they move down the corridors toward the room that Isaac is in.

- (Cargo Bay continued) The very second that the Marker is placed on the other side of the tracks, haul ass all the way back to the elevator then immediately take it back up to the top floor. If you do this quick enough then you won't even have to fight any of the enemies. Use force blasts to knock back any enemy that tries to attack while Isaac is on the elevator if they try to attack. You are not safe on the top floor since the Dark Slashers will move through the nearby vent, so quickly open the door and step into the nearby hallway to get to safety. - (Flight Lounge) When the room quarantines, run to the nearest door by the cubbies then fire a mine on the middle floor of the room near the seats and this will hit the falling Slashers. Blast the Slashers in the legs with primary blasts from the Line Gun then fire another mine as the second wave prepares to attack. Keep firing primary blasts with the Line Gun then switch over to the Force Gun instead of reloading then start to fire force blasts and grenades. If you can time the mines just right then the Line Gun is all that you will need. Don't forget to open the door on the other side of the control room for some extra pickups after the quarantine. - (Hangar Bay) Be sure to collect the item pickups on the opposite side of the Hangar once gravity is deactivated. Use force grenades to dispose of the Lurkers and stun the Dark Stingers with stasis then shoot a mine at them with the Line Gun. Try to group both of the Dark Stingers then shoot them with stasis if possible. - (Control Room A) Open the door to this room quickly from the outside hallway since the Spawner inside will start launching tentacle pods when Isaac steps near the door. Shoot it with stasis then fire a mine at it. - (Hangar Bay [Runway 2]) How good are you at dodging with a sidestep? Run all the way down the walkway with the Dark Stingers and move to the opposite side that each of them is on as they lunge then quickly board the shuttle and interact with the door inside. If you're not good at dodging or don't like to take chances then stand near the doorway to the walkway and shoot force grenades at the approaching Dark Stingers. Watch for their sudden lunges however. ---------Chapter 12 ---------- (Landing Pad) While the Marker is on the loader, pull it all the way toward the shutter of the Gravity Tether Operations A entrance. Make sure that it is right up against the big shutter; we want to make a quick escape out here upon return. - (Living Space) Mutilate all the bodies before opening the doors to the freezer. Use the Pulse Rifle to quickly defeat the Infectors inside. * Stock up on Med Kits (Large or Medium) before leaving. - (Landing Pad) Right when you open the door to take the power unit Living Space, take the power unit out the door then drop it. Shoot outside with stasis then quickly grapple the power unit and plug it red power plug. Rush over to the door to Gravity Tether Operations it then step inside to completely avoid the Divider.

out of the the Divider into the A and open

- (Supply Depot) This room can get incredibly intense, so be sure to stock up on med kits to bring with you for this particular area. There is no clear safe place to stand since vents are near all corners. Stand near the railing across from the door on the back right side of the room from where you enter and run between that railing and the door across from it. Don't stand still for too long if you hear some yells behind Isaac. Switch between the Force Gun, Line Gun, Pulse Rifle, and Plasma Cutter while fighting the enemies. You'll mainly want to stick with the Line Gun for Dark Slashers, Force Gun (grenades) for Lurkers and the Pulse Rifle for Exploders. Use the Plasma Cutter on Dark Slashers that attack while no other enemies are in the area. If an Exploder falls next to Isaac then shoot it with stasis and run by it then shoot it. The Exploders and Dark Slashers can make for an extremely deadly combination. The other enemy waves are nothing compared to the first. Be sure to check below the railing for items that spawn from exploding enemies. - (Gravity Control) Shoot each Spawner with stasis then shoot it with a mine. You might have to resort to shooting off their remaining tentacles with the Plasma Cutter or fire another mine at them. Stand behind a column if the tentacle pods ever start to get too overwhelming. - (Gravity Tube) Stop by the outside store and exchange the Plasma Cutter for the Contact Beam for now. Shoot the first Dark Stinger with stasis then fire a mine with the Line Gun and switch to the Pulse Rifle then shoot him while the mine goes off. Use force grenades to defeat the first Dark Stinger. Once you start to journey back through the tube, run directly past the Dark Stinger and Dark Lurkers that attack and simply continue to stasis the fan blades in Isaac's way and run by them. Don't stop to fight the enemies. - (Gravity Control) Arm the Contact Beam and shoot the Brute with stasis as it reaches your side of the bridge. Run behind it and shoot it in one of the back legs with the Contact Beam. Try to get in two shots. Once it falls, take out the Line Gun and fire a mine below it then hit with the Contact Beam. When a leg is cut off, simply get far away from it and catch its acid pod then fire it back at it to finish it. * Stockpile Isaac with Force Gun and Line Gun ammo for the outside area ahead. Bring at least two medium and one large med pack - (Excavation Site) Collect all the ammo from both sides as Isaac enters this area then pull the Marker onto the bridge. Wait for the Lurker to jump through the vent on the left side of this area (while facing the entrance door) then fire a force grenade at it and then spam it with force grenades until it dies. A Stasis Slasher will pop through the vent on the opposite side, so knock it down then spam it with force grenades. When the Dark Slasher moves through the vent on the same side that the Lurker came from, use the Line Gun to blow off his legs and defeat him. After those three enemies, start with the closest tentacle and blast the first then the second up ahead with the Pulse Rifle. - (Excavation Site continued) Step onto the bridge and move the Marker after disposing of the first two tentacles. Move the Marker about halfway then turn around. A Lurker should appear in the back of Isaac. Try your best to take down the Lurker with force grenades before the Stasis Slashers appear. Wait for the Stasis Slashers to get on the bridge then fire force grenades at them and blast them back with force blasts if they get too close or stun them with stasis if the force blasts don't knock them back. Spam them with force grenades while they are on the ground. Turn back toward the last tentacle then destroy it with the Pulse Rifle. Move the Marker the rest of the way to complete this part. You've basically beaten the game now.

- (Landing Pad) What you really need more than anything else for this final boss is the Pulse Rifle and Med Packs. You could actually take out all guns but the Pulse Rifle from your inventory. Use all spare power nodes to upgrade the Pulse Rifle (mainly for capacity and damage) and fill your inventory full of Pulse Rifle ammo and med packs then step outside. The only other weapon you might need is the Force Gun for Pregnants but if you constantly hit the boss in its weak points then it can't fire out Pregnants! - (Landing Pad) Remember that you can grapple the item boxes on the landing pad from near the large crates and bring them toward Isaac before the actual boss fight begins. The boss is easy if you spread damage on each of its five weak points at the beginning of the battle. Since it will pick Isaac up after three are destroyed, be sure to shoot each of the last three weak points a few times to weaken them. When it picks Isaac up, fire at its weak points - you might have to waste ammo here and spam the boss with fire in order to hit it. Once it drops Isaac, immediately aim toward a weak point in its stomach then fire at it. All you have to do now is run back and forth to the right and left to dodge its tentacle smashes a total of four times each attack sequence then blast off a weak point when it reveals them. If you keep destroying a weak point every time, it will not have a chance to shoot Pregnants. All you have to do is keep the pressure on with constant blasting of weak points throughout this battle and the boss will attack with a very easy pattern... and you, my friend will conquer Impossible mode! [EE00] =============================================================================== _____ _ | ____| ___ | |_ | _| / __|| __| | |___| (__ | |_ _ |_____|\___| \__|(_) E V E R Y T H I N G E L S E =============================================================================== ******************************************************************************* COPYRIGHT [CO00] ******************************************************************************* This document Copyright 2008 Kevin Hall (Berserker) Dead Space Copyright 2008 Electronic Arts Inc. This document is for private and personal use only. Do not try to sell this document for profit. This is a free document and should remain free. Do not try to reproduce this document in any way, shape, or form. Do not alter this FAQ in any way. Use of this guide on any other web site, besides the sites that have contacted me, or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. If you want to use this FAQ on your site, then contact me for permission first. This FAQ can only be found on a few sites as of now and I am keeping a list of those sites. Contact me if you want to use it. ******************************************************************************* SPECIAL THANKS [ST00]

******************************************************************************* - my parents. - SBAllen and Ceej from GameFAQs, Stephen from IGN FAQs, Chris and Peter from Cheat Happens, Dennis from Supercheats and the Neoseeker FAQ staff for always accepting my guides. - Tim for the additional asteroid and Leviathan tips. - for the ASCII art. ******************************************************************************* VERSION HISTORY [VH00] ******************************************************************************* Version 1.0 - (11/07/08) - The guide is just about fully complete. Some sections need a few additions (such as weapons) and the entire guide needs to be proofread. Version 1.0 - (11/09/08) - Added the rest of the files for Chapter 12. Few minor errors were corrected. A tip was added to the room with boulders in Chapter 7. Version 1.0 - (11/11/08) - Proofread Chapters 1, 2 and 3! A few other minor little extras were added here and there and the weapons section in Basics has been filled out more. Version 1.0 - (11/14/08) - Proofread Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. A few item pickups were added here and there and I finally added an objective description in Chapter 11 that I had been lacking. Version 1.1 - (11/17/08) - Proofread the remainder of the document! The "Tentacle" was added under the enemy section under Basics and some tips were added for the "Don't get cocky, kid" accomplishment that can be obtained in Chapter 4. A few item pickups were added here and there as well. Version 1.2 - (12/15/08) Added: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

a very well hidden random credit pickup in the Mining Hallway of Chapter 7 a random ammo pickup for the Mess Hall area of Chapter 10 a better Line Gun strategy for the Spawner a mention of the Force Gun when Isaac first enters the Mining Administration Hallway in Chapter 4 some additional tips for shooting the asteroids in the ADS Cannon Room of Chapter 4 an additional tip for fighting the Leviathan a new Text File Transcripts section under the Lists section a new Impossible Mode Tips section under the Lists section a mention of my Cheat Happens Featured Guide for Dead Space at the top of the guide and bottom of the guide

Version 1.3 - (12/24/08) a) Added a Random Ammo pickup to the Machine Shop area in Chapter 3. b) Added a Random Credit pickup in the Refueling Chamber after the gondola

c) d) e) f) g) h)

ride, near the part where a Slasher busts through a vent to retreat into the nearby wall in Chapter 3. Added an extra tip about zero-g jumping up to the walls of the Outside Access Walkway of Chapter 4 (before the cannon room) was added. Added a random ammo pickup in the East Grow Chamber of Chapter 6. Corrected the tip for the Mineral Processing Room in Chapter 7. Added an extra tip to the Mining Bay room of Chapter 7 that deals with the asteroid beacon placement. Added a random ammo pickup to the Repair Room in Chapter 7. Added an Armor Glitch mention below the Cheats section of the Extra section.

******************************************************************************* CONTACT INFO [CI00] ******************************************************************************* I can be reached at my email address, which is berserker_kev(at), so please contact me if you have any questions, comments, etc. Replace the (at) with @. I don't mind receiving emails at all. I do have a few guidelines however: 1) Give me a subject in the email, preferably one including the name of the game. An actual subject looks damn sexy in my inbox compared to an unattractive blank subject line. 2) Read the guide over and make sure that your question is not already answered. 3) Please speak in English and attempt to use some correct grammar. This is in no way meant to offend those that cannot speak English well. I have spoken with some readers that claim they cannot speak English when, in fact, they speak better English then some Americans. So basically if you "try" to talk to me then that is good enough. :) And last, but not least, if you found this walkthrough helpful, an email would be most appreciated or you could sign the guestbook on my blog or give me a WUL on IGN. It is very true that I little email that lets special for about five boards that you used a

write these kind of guides as a hobby, but just that me know that I have helped someone always makes me feel minutes. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone on the gaming guide. ;)

Please not that my PSN and Xbox 360 gamertags are mainly meant for messaging purposes. I may not always add/keep you as a friend if you submit a friend request. ******************************************************************************* ABOUT ME [AM00] ******************************************************************************* "I AM WHAT THE GAMES HAVE MADE ME!" My name is Kevin Hall. I'm 28 years old and live in the US, in a small town in Mississippi. Ever since I was really young, I have been a huge fan of video games since I was first introduced to them via the Atari 2600 and NES 8-bit. My favorite gaming series is the Resident Evil series followed closely by the Castlevania series. I'm a complete horror gaming junkie - survival horrors are

my main cup of tea. Capcom is my favorite video game company. They hardly ever let me down when it comes to games with plenty of replay value. I enjoy being creative and hopefully that shows in my guides, specifically this one, since I have put quite a bit of work into it. Whenever I sit down to write a guide, I truly get "in the zone" and my perfectionist nature takes over. My constant goal is to impress myself with my own work and that is one very hard task to accomplish since, well... I am never satisfied. I could easily see myself writing guides like this for years to come. If any gaming company happens to read this and needs a strategy guide writer then please contact me! My known aliases are Berserker, berserker_kev, and Berserker93, though "Berserker" or "Kev" is preferred. If you ever surf the IGN Resident Evil or Castlevania boards or the Arctic Nightfall boards then look for me! I usually only post up info on my blog now however, but I still move between the listed boards every now and then. Here are a few other bits of information about me: -- IGN FAQ Writer of the Month interview: -- My Gaming Blog My own site with game reviews, discussions of my guides (some), and random thoughts about video games. Feel free to post up some comments on the blog. don't bite... well not that much... and not too viciously...

I -- My other work can be found at both IGN and GameFAQs. IGN - GameFAQs - ******************************************************************************* CHEAT HAPPENS FEATURED GUIDES [CH00] ******************************************************************************* This is a list of HTML guides with pics that I have done for Cheat Happens. If you like my work in my FAQs found around the various gaming sites then you will find that these guides are similar. --> Dead Space A guide that will keep you whole as you slice your enemies to pieces! --> God of War: Chains of Olympus Before Kratos waged war on the gods, he was forced to serve them. --> Lost Planet

A frozen wasteland. set!

An alien menace.

An extreme soldier.

The battlefield is --> God Hand Have Fist Will Travel! --> Dead Rising Freelance photojournalist Frank West + a mall full of zombies + tons of stores where anything and everything is a weapon = the scoop of a lifetime! --> Tomb Raider: Legend Lady Croft's next big adventure crosses multiple platforms and delivers on all! --> Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones "Come, and I will tell you a tale like none you have ever heard..." ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---^^^ | | | |

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G A M E!

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