De-worming Programs | World Concern

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 8
SOLUTIONS Independence for the Poor & Oppressed

Volume 1, Issue 1

The 44¢ cure: A De-Worming Tale by Jane Gunningham World Concern Staff, Burkina Faso


t the muddy edge of the pool, Ascaris lurks. Scooped up when little Fatimata collects water from the pond, this roundworm larvae is about to become party to one of the great preventable health disasters of Burkina Faso, Africa. Fatimata carries Ascaris home and pours it into the large pot under the courtyard thorn tree before helping her mother to make the heavy millet porridge forming the family’s staple diet. Diallo, almost five, is thirsty. Boys aged four to nine are supposed to have been watching the village goats, but mostly they have been running and wrestling. When he takes a drink from the cloudy water in the courtyard, Ascaris slips down his throat. (Continued on Page 2)

Inside this Issue: 3 Three Savvy Questions 3 Building a Self-Sustaining Community 4 De-Worming Meds Give Hope & Health

4 The 44¢ Cure 6 Generosity: A Gift in Itself 7 Soap: The Wonder Drug 1 8 How You Can Help

(Continued from Page 1)

the 44¢ cure: A De-Worming Tale Diallo is about average size for a village boy his age—shorter and more wiry than a Western child. His stomach bulges in a distinctive curve, the classic malnutrition indicator found on 80 percent of children under three years old in Burkina (UNICEF Nutritional Survey, 2004). Already, he’s survived repeated bouts of malaria, dysentery and chronically low nutrition. After his drink, Diallo manages to sneak a little of the leftover millet porridge from breakfast. Ascaris is ready. Along with numerous other pinworms, flat worms and hook worms, it will interrupt the flow of nutritional elements to Diallo’s muscles, bones and organs. Some nutrition will get through, of course, but just barely enough. Luckily, Diallo has a sturdy immune system. Fatimata, though, has not been so lucky. At seven years old, she is no taller than her four-year-old brother, and much frailer, with pencil-thin limbs and ribs showing above her swollen stomach. Her slightly red-tinged hair indicates severe protein deficiency, creating delayed brain development as well as hindering growth. But soon a field worker, Kafando Dieudonne, 2

will come, explaining the importance of hand washing and of straining

If these rural families can be consistently de-wormed for two years and follow

Volunteers—health workers and community members— distributing de-worming medication to children in Burkina Faso

and boiling drinking water. And Kafando will be carrying a cure: a chewable, mint-flavored tablet for every villager. One pill could change Diallo and Fatimata’s lives forever. In

Kafando will be carrying a cure: a chewable, mint-flavored tablet for every villager.

preventative instructions, the host-parasite cycle will be broken, ending parasiteinduced malnutrition and depressed immune systems. One pill, twice yearly. It sounds like a fairy tale, but for Diallo and Fatimata, it is life.

The individuals in this real family in Somde, Burkina Faso, are beneficiaries of a de-worming program through our partnership with CREDO (Christian Relief and Development Organization). Learn six months, when he comes more about de-worming, and how World Concern again with another pill, develops communities, at only around 60 percent of the children will have worms, fewer each time. A deworming year’s treatment, just 44¢. World Concern SOLUTIONS

Three Savvy Questions


t World Concern, we’re called to equip people to lift themselves out of poverty. Our work is multifaceted, involving both practical, immediate solutions and longterm community development. It ranges from eradicating parasites to providing loans and training for starting small businesses. Like you, I give to programs for the poor. As a donor, I’ve learned to ask three savvy questions about organizations I support: • What do they do, how do they do it and what results do they achieve? • Are the people Christfocused and skilled at making a lasting impact? • Who else supports the organization? What are their criteria for evaluating it, and how do they decide it is the best option? We want you to know us, our people, those we serve and others who give! I invite you to become even more engaged in reaching hurting people: give more, tell others about the

mission we share, join us in prayer, dialog about our work and our role as Christians. Call others to love God by serving people. This month, I am presenting a particular challenge. We need to raise $60,000 for our de-worming program. May I propose a monthly pledge of $22? Visit for updates on this challenge. With faith and gratitude,

David Eller World Concern President PS $22 per month treats 600 children per year. Get started today!

Building a self-Sustaining community the road to long-term sustainability 3 on Education and vocational training available OpportunitY created 2 Economic Better agricultural techniques, small-business microloans living needs met 1 Health/Basic De-worming, reliable food sources, clean water


Village women in Burkina Faso, dressed in their finest clothes, line up to receive de-worming medication distributed by volunteers from local churches and schools.

De-worming meds give children hope and health by Pamela Grieff Contributing Writer


magine a land of tribal masks, vibrant clothing and friendly welcomes. This is Burkina Faso, meaning “land of upright people.” Yet behind the rich traditions, an enemy that preys upon children lies in wait.

This small West African country’s status as one of the poorest in the world is painfully evident. Due to poor sanitation and water quality, children suffer from intestinal parasites, which prevent the absorption of nutrients

Life-Threatening Infection:

Intestinal parasites infect roughly 40% of the world’s children (UNICEF 2008).

malnutrition, skin infections, and stunted growth and development. Vitamin A deficiency, a serious outcome of worm infections, gives children a 23% greater risk of dying from common illnesses (UNICEF 2008) and contributes to blindness.

the 44¢ cure

Worms enter the body through dirty water, bare feet and unclean food, consuming essential nutrients and causing anemia, 4

and lead to malnutrition, blindness (due to Vitamin A deficiency), intense fatigue and failure to thrive. “These kids are really struggling,” says Kafando Dieudonne, who works to ensure adequate food

World Concern SOLUTIONS



Afghanistan Burkina Niger Faso Uganda SudanSomalia Cambodia Rwanda Kenya Democratic Republic of the Congo Zambia Zimbabwe

World Concern frees children from parasitic worms in 14 different countries.

supply in northern Burkina Faso. “Many families are too poor to buy even homemade local soap for washing, and almost none of them have access to clean water. Their water is

Vitamin A treatment, World Concern, in partnership with the Burkino Faso agency CREDO (Christian Relief and Development Organization), helps give these children back their vitality and “We could go weeks at improve their lives, a time without seeing all for less than half a a malnourished baby. dollar a year per child. As distressing as the Wouldn’t that be like situation is, hope heaven on earth?” shines as bright as the colors of the women’s carried from pools shared clothing. Thousands of by cattle, sheep, goats and women and children wild animals. So of course recently lined up to these children end up receive a cure costing 44¢. with all kinds of intestinal In just two doses over one year, de-worming parasites,” he explains. By providing a twice- medication can provide a chance for healthy yearly de-worming and

The 44¢ Cure:

Two doses per year of safe de-worming medication, plus a Vitamin A supplement Meds transported and administered, plus preventative education (straining and boiling water, sanitation) An opportunity for a child to absorb nutrients needed to grow and thrive

Mother and child in Burkina Faso

growth and development by breaking the hostparasite cycle. With your support of World Concern’s de-worming program, Dieudonne and our Burkina Faso partners will bring de-worming medication and Vitamin A supplements to remote villages every six months. “Imagine!” Dieudonne says. “We could go weeks at a time without seeing a malnourished baby. Wouldn’t that be like heaven on earth?”

Life Change and a Brighter Future:

Deliver de-worming medication and Vitamin A for 44¢ per child. Or a pledge of $44.00 per month will help 1,200 children! Learn more about the de-worming program and how it helps address a community’s need for healthcare and more at 5

generosity: A Gift In Itself by Whitney Huntley CRISTA Communication

“…Only 18 pounds, twoyear-old Doli had terrible stomach pain and trouble breathing because of the parasitic worms throughout her body—40 percent of the world’s children suffer from parasitic worms.”

So many problems in the world…forty percent? “Sure,” she replied, to the delight of her two daughters. “It’s hard to know when to write a check and when to say ‘I can’t do more,’ ” Stacey confides. “But World Concern does a really nice job of defining the problem: You know where you’re making an impact.” She was surprised that only 44¢ solves a lifethreatening problem, ridding a child of intestinal parasites. But Stacey, Audrey and The Meyers (from left): Olivia (8), Joe, Olivia were Stacey, and Audrey (5) motivated by more than a desire to solve The story on Seattle’s SPIRIT 105.3 FM spilling problems. through Stacey Meyer’s car “My family has been deeply, deeply touched by radio was joined by two small voices from the back people’s generosity,” Stacey seat: “Oh, mommy, can’t we explains. A few years ago, please give some money?” her husband, Joe, was 6

injured in an accident that left him a quadriplegic. “The amount of love and outpouring from friends and strangers was… amazing. It took me from being a bit cynical about giving to realizing how much generosity means to people. It has been an incredible journey where God has taught us about the love of Christ expressed through others.”

“we can make an impact where it touches our hearts, and God will use it.” For the Meyers, generosity is a lifestyle motivated by love. “We can’t fix everything, but we can make an impact where it touches our hearts, and God will use it,” says Stacey. For every World Concern worker and donor with a passion for people, the Meyers’ story offers uplifting support and encouragement. Though we at World Concern seek daily to relieve poverty and its associated problems, our work is really about loving people. World Concern SOLUTIONS

Teacher Pomoani (in blue) with soapmakers at the Burkina Faso Bible college. Increasing the availability of soap in developing communities promotes better hygiene and health.

Soap: the wonder drug Story by Roy Keys World Concern Staff, Burkina Faso


oap production meets a number of needs in the developing world: clean hands help prevent worm infections and perpetuate the cycle of better health; surplus production provides economic opportunity; cheap supply eases the family budget. In Burkina Faso, World Concern field workers Roy and Marilyn Keys helped local women make and sell soap. Roy recounts their story: The women’s group— wives of future pastors at the Bible school—recently pooled some resources and approached me for help making soap. Even in local markets, soap prices are high when compared to

profit-taking to ensure they had enough funds to make and sell more soap. The supplies, training, and purchase of a mold (manufactured by a local metalworker) came to $120. Now, student families have soap at a reduced If you’re price, the women sell the shopping...and surplus for a slight profit, see a soap brand and community hygiene with a star on is improved. If you’re ever shopping for soap and see top...Buy it! a brand with a star on top, that’s their brand. Buy it! with the ladies, who had Learn more about such a good time socially the Keys and how dethat they were reluctant to worming is an important let her leave! step in Marilyn’s work with The last day of training malnourished children: I met with the group, showing the women how deworming. to manage their sales and

students’ resources. So I rounded up the necessary supplies and found that a woman who assists me with translation could train them! Pomoani spent three productive days


Child in Burkina Faso receiving treatment for malnutrition. Parasitic worms contribute to malnutrition by consuming essential nutrients in food. For a preview of next month’s newsletter on health and nutrition, visit www. deworming.

how you can help PraY for the people we serve and for the wisdom and strength to serve them. contribute to our de-worming program, or look into our other work, including video and field worker stories on our website. Share our stories of struggle and hope with your friends. Pass on this newsletter! (Subscribe online.)


Update: Our April letter challenged you to just provide the capital in time for microloans. fOR cHRISTMAS Check out www. Help relieve poverty by sending worldconcern. World Concern Christmas cards org/updates this year! Visit our website at to order, to see your or call 1.800.755.5022 for more generous information. response!


SOLUTIONS September 2008 President: David Eller Direct Marketing Manager: Joanne Felci Managing Editor: Elizabeth Johnson Acquisitions Editor: Whitney Huntley Graphic Designer: Onie Ward SOLUTIONS is a free publication of World Concern, 19303 Fremont Ave. N. Seattle, WA 98133 800.755.5022 World Concern is a nonprofit Christian humanitarian organization providing disaster response and community development programs to the world’s poor in Africa, Asia and the Americas. To learn more about volunteer or employment opportunities at World Concern, please visit our website or email Tara Garcia at [email protected]

Our programs receive 94 percent of all cash and gifts-in-kind donations.

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