Ddr Alligator Enduro Info

  • December 2019
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  • Pages: 3
The 59s Annual Alligator Enduro r*.ill be held in Dalona Beach, FL on March s, l!!-9' soonsored by the Daytona Dirt Riderr with elr,ia sanction and co-sanctions by FTR and SETRA. New this vear, the Alligator is honored io be an Al,,{A National Enduro Championship Series event. This results in a f'erv changes Lncluding t1e use of tra'nsponders ftrr scoring. Scoring will be provi



EntrT Fee: $65.00 Make checks payabre to Daytona Dirt Riders and mail to Enduro, Daytona Dirt Riders, po-Box 1s0959, Holly Hiu, FL 3212s-{}gs9. Entry is by pre-efl4"lltail only with enrries to be receivsd by Feb. 17, 2009. There is a 500 rider cutoff' It is highly suggested to mail *"tty oue to * htgher than usuai interest being a national evsnt' Ail riders rnust shorv a current "-p..."d AMA card or join at siggr-np. Riders under age 18 must complete a minor release form. All Florida residents rnust be rnembers of FTR or join at sign-up. an effort to provide a $tandard of 'faimess in our row assignment process, llDR is .In giving notice of our entry procedure. All enffiurts shoulcl unde,istanrl that roqv assignment and entry fees are for the original entrant only and may not be reassigned or the fJ applied to another rider" Riders who choose to attempt post-entry at iign-up rvill be assigned a rider number at the end of the field on u upu.*-uouitabte uaiis. dimply stated, if you post enter you must pay your own enory fee, you ma), not take the numbeior apply the fee of another rider, and there is no guarantee of space for you in the race. Last rninute attempts to enter over the phone without payment wili be declinett. pre-entered riders will be assigned rows beginning at the front oithe field oir a {irst-reeeiveEi basis. Ri6ers may request a prefened starting row. The club will do their best to give the rider the closesr r-ow to their preference as possible. Priority will be determinediy the earliest postrnark date' The only way that riders may be aisigned to the sarne row is by mailing your entries together in the sarne envelope with ail erntry fees enclosed. }'ou must provide your nanile' class, AMA number, FTR and/or SETRA nurnber


applicable, and the rider's cwn signature on the reiease to be entered in the event. Iletbre you rnail your entry, please examine it carefully. Make sure it is readabie ancl all blanks are ctomplctely filled in with your signature on the reiease form. Late entries may result in no space available for you. Please rer$ember FTR and SETRA nurnbers on your eno.y fi:rrn to reeeir.e sanction psints. rhank you irr atlvance for your cooperation. Riders witri need t* purchase ($30) ar rent ($3tl deposit minus refund of $22 when the transponder is retnmed for a nert fbe of $8) a transponder. Tle transponder will need to be zip-tied to the fnrn{ of the riders stroulder pads or the back of the number plate iitrre rider does not wear shoulder patls.

rhe speed evsrage is.24 mph with possible,speed changes. All bikes rnust pass a tech inspection including having a us ForestT se,rvice uppio.r*c *park arrester, ,.rui..i to rod testo ancl propex rnounting of the transp
row leoving ar "fhe prot*st p.lgd will begin irnmediately after scoring is completed with trophies presented when all protests are resolved ani final a po,sdng of sclres is done. sign-up is wednesday, Ir,{arch 4s, from 1:00 pM tc 5:00 pM and rhursdag March 5n, from 7:0f) AM to 8:00 AM at which time sign-up will close. Ali registration envelopes rnust tlo picked up by B:80 A&.{'I'hursday.

9:tl! AM'

tech inspectl'ons fbr the vintage class: all suspension components must be stock lpt'cj-*J and will be checked at tech inspection. Vintag" bikes rnust be l974or older, drum brakes, and air-cooled. All trophy winners in the vintige and evolution classes must be physically pfe$eni with their" motorcyeles at protest period to clefend any prote.sts and any valid protests will be upheld. C gE p gr


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* T'he signup, start, and 0n-site carnping are all at the same locatinn on Tornoka Farms

as in prior years' The carnplound is accessed as follows: ueginnin! uiin* r$-oad !+J:1 95/ us-92 interchange g{} lvsst an l-ls 9? a.}miles. rurn tert qsouth) on Tomoka Farrns Itoad. The campground is 1.2 miles south of us 92 on the lefijust beyond Frirnitive camping isa'aiiabre (no hookups). w11rr tne cumpto*nd opening March lst at noon and closing *{unday, tv{arch gil,at noon. ,\i r.r"*.utions are accepted and due to rhe limited r:ar',1pgro.*d cipacity, the manager wiir direct parking. catnpground is privately owned and manageti with the-following fbes chargld overnight eamping oayable on site:

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Fifth-wheels, travel trailers, and rnotor homes: $20-00 per night. Holding tanks may be purnped on site rvhenever the septic service tnrck rnakes routine campground stops for a separate fbe.

AII other camping, tents, vans, cars, and cargo trailen: $15.00 per night, Farking fee for vehicles not camping overnigJrt: $5.00 gcod fr:r enf,re week. 'f,he start and finish are at the same campground location. spectators and support erews are not nllon'ed onto the enduro counss but will havl access to the gas stop by a speeial pass issued in the riderts registration envelope. All srrpport crew personnel goilg to the gas stop rrust sign a reieasi purt the gas stop E;ate. DDli. will prooia" g* trailers' All gas ccntainers must be picked up by rn*ocav bvr. onn asks r*rat no t.ash be

Ieft at the gas stop and due to the risk ,rf bmsh fires, no srnoking is perrnitted. T'-shirts and food will be available at the carnpground on Wednesday ancl Thr.rsday. Vendor


Arl vendors in the campground handing out literature or catalogs, selling products or offering services are recluired by the Volusia County Code Enfbrcement Board to obtain Special Event Vendar Fermit. Vendors are requested to contact Kay Wingard, our campground manager. at rgd.ka:/_01(/tb,ellsouth.net at least 30 days prior to the event. lVo r tr Credit

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F'our full days are required for u.ork run credit. Days cn whicil this may be ear;red are limited to the following: Feb 7 ,8, 14, 15, 21, 22,28, Mar l, and 5. Work rvill consist of clearing trail and checkpoint work on race day. You may choose any four days. Contact Randy at3864234302 for work credit Brrangements.


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