SÍLABO PERIODO ACADÉMICO 2019-01 1. INFORMACIÓN GENERAL FACULTAD : INGENIERÍA Y COMPUTACIÓN ESCUELA PROFESIONAL: INGENIERÍA CIVIL CURSO: MODELAMIENTO INFORMÁTICO EN EDIFICACIONES GRUPO(S): CIV 10-1 SEMESTRE: X CREDITOS: 3 HORAS TEÓRICAS: 2 HORAS PRÁCTICAS: 2 2. PROFESORES: Mauricio León Tejada Civil Engineer graduated from the Catholic University of Santa Maria (Peru), with a master´s degree in Engineering Project Management from the University of Melbourne (Australia). With solid knowledge of construction procedures and integrated management systems (Quality, Environmental and Safety Management). With work experience in quality control and production in construction projects, management of concrete and soils laboratories, and university teaching at the Catholic University of Santa Maria. Finished graduate studies in Construction Management at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC) and Integrated Management Systems of Quality ISO 9001, Environment ISO 14001, and Work Safety OHSAS 18001 at the Institute for Quality of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP). Proficient in the use of engineer related software such as: ETABS, MS Project, AutoCAD, REVIT, NAVISWORKS y BIM processes.
3. FUNDAMENTACION DEL CURSO Construction techniques are constantly evolving; this is a fact. The local context demands the acquisition and development of new and up to date skills. Addressing this issue, the BIM process arises, allowing the construction information flow starting at the early stages of a project (Design), the execution (Construct) and the operation and maintenance (Operate). Traditionally, the project information is classified by specialties which are assessed separately. However, BIM grants the possibility to work with an interactive model, where every specialty (Architecture, Structures &MEP) are linked and permanently updated. 4. SUMILLA The Building Information Modeling subject has a scientific and technological approach. Its scope is to find a balance between theory and practice, granting the development of the Civil Engineering student’s critical thinking and research skills. Thus allowing them to engage on challenging situations, coming up with pragmatic solutions as a result of a rationalized and structured analytical process. The subject covers the study of the Project Management guidelines and their role in the Building Information Modeling based in the use of modeling software as a basic and wide spread tool.
5. CONTRIBUCIÓN A LA FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL Y LA FORMACIÓN GENERAL The subject must support the education of the future civil engineer, introducing project management principles and methods, enhancing building modeling capabilities and assuring a multidisciplinary approach by setting links with the many fields and specialties involved in a project. On the other hand, it constitutes a training in the skills that need to be developed in order to accomplish the goals set by the ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) and our university. By doing this, the students would be capable to fit and stand out in the professional market. 6. OBJETIVO GENERAL: The main goal is to develop skills needed to model buildings, by using updated software-based solutions. By doing this, the student will be able to successfully assess real-life construction project situations, point out potential conflict sources at the design, construction or operation stage, collaborate with professionals in other areas or specialties, and manage the creation and flow of information. 7. CONTENIDOS 7.1 PRIMERA UNIDAD: INTRODUCTION TO PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND BIM WORK FLOW Objetivos Específicos: Describe the current state of the BIM process. Introduce standardized BIM practices
Contenidos: Semana(s): Virtual Design Construction (VDC) 1 principles. Current BIM practices. Design, work and communication flow. Autodesk REVIT interface
Lectura Obligada: Código de Biblioteca UCSP
Libros Ascent - Center for Technical Knowledge. (2017). Autodesk REVIT 2018.1 Architecture Site and Structural Design Metric. Owings Mills: Ascent Lledó, P. (2013). Director de Proyectos, Cómo aprobar el examen PMP sin morir en el intento. Victoria, BC: Pablo Lledó
Lectura Sugerida: Código de Biblioteca UCSP
Libros Computer Integrated Construction Research Program. (2011). BIM Project Execution Planning Guide Version 2.1. Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University
7.2 SEGUNDA UNIDAD: VIRTUAL CONSTRUCTION: ARCHITECTURAL MODELING Objetivos Específicos: Model a project’s architectural and graphic representation using Autodesk REVIT
Contenidos: Start an architecture Project using REVIT. Use CAD files linked to the model. Setting and construction elements modeling. Adding labels. Architectural metrics and documents
Semana(s): 2-3
Lectura Obligada: Código de Biblioteca UCSP
Libros Ascent - Center for Technical Knowledge. (2017). Autodesk REVIT 2018.1 Architecture Site and Structural Design Metric. Owings Mills: Ascent Ascent - Center for Technical Knowledge. (2017). Autodesk REVIT 2018 BIM Management: Template and Family Creation - Metric. Owings Mills: Ascent
Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento. (2012). Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones. Lima: Empresa Editora Macro E.I.R.L.
Lectura Sugerida: Código de Biblioteca UCSP
Libros Computer Integrated Construction Research Program. (2011). BIM Project Execution Planning Guide Version 2.1. Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University MICRODESK. (2012). Manual de Estándares BIM. Lima: GyM
Objetivos Específicos: Model a project’s structural core and elements using Autodesk REVIT
Contenidos: Architecture – Structures interaction. Modeling substructure and superstructure. Modeling Steel reinforcement. Creating families. Structural metrics and documents
Semana(s): 4-5
Lectura Obligada: Código de Biblioteca UCSP
Libros Ascent - Center for Technical Knowledge. (2017). Autodesk REVIT 2018.1 Architecture Site and Structural Design Metric. Owings Mills: Ascent Ascent - Center for Technical Knowledge. (2017). Autodesk REVIT 2018 BIM Management: Template and Family Creation - Metric. Owings Mills: Ascent
Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento. (2012). Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones. Lima: Empresa Editora Macro E.I.R.L.
Lectura Sugerida: Código de Biblioteca UCSP
Libros Computer Integrated Construction Research Program. (2011). BIM Project Execution Planning Guide Version 2.1. Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University MICRODESK. (2012). Manual de Estándares BIM. Lima: GyM
7.4 CUARTA UNIDAD: VIRTUAL CONSTRUCTION: MEP MODELING Objetivos Específicos: Define the route and setting or the mechanical, electrical and plumbing services, linking the models to the architectural and structural versions.
Contenidos: Architecture – Structures – MEP interaction. Modeling plumbing services. Modeling electrical services. Modeling mechanical services. Metrics y documents
Semana(s): 6-7-8
Lectura Obligada: Código de Biblioteca UCSP
Libros Ascent - Center for Technical Knowledge. (2017). Autodesk REVIT 2018 MEP Fundamentals - Metric. Owings Mills: Ascent
Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento. (2012). Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones. Lima: Empresa Editora Macro E.I.R.L.
Lectura Sugerida: Código de Biblioteca UCSP
Libros Computer Integrated Construction Research Program. (2011). BIM Project Execution Planning Guide Version 2.1. Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University MICRODESK. (2012). Manual de Estándares BIM. Lima: GyM Alcántara, Vladimir. (s.f.). Coordinación de instalaciones MEP/FP utilizando herramientas BIM. Lima
7.5 QUINTA UNIDAD: VIRTUAL CONSTRUCTION: SCHEDULES AND MATERIAL TAKEOFF Objetivos Específicos: Creating, editing and managing metrics using BIM
Contenidos: Planning tables. Sectorization. Material metrics. Visualization filters. Exporting metrics
Semana(s): 10-11
Lectura Obligada: Código de Biblioteca UCSP
Libros Ascent - Center for Technical Knowledge. (2017). Autodesk REVIT 2018.1 Architecture Site and Structural Design Metric. Owings Mills: Ascent Ascent - Center for Technical Knowledge. (2017). Autodesk REVIT 2018 MEP Fundamentals - Metric. Owings Mills: Ascent
Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento. (2012). Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones. Lima: Empresa Editora Macro E.I.R.L.
Lectura Sugerida: Código de Biblioteca UCSP
Libros Computer Integrated Construction Research Program. (2011). BIM Project Execution Planning Guide Version 2.1. Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University MICRODESK. (2012). Manual de Estándares BIM. Lima: GyM
7.6 SEXTA UNIDAD: DOCUMENT CREATION Objetivos Específicos: Create updatable plans using BIM software
Contenidos: Generating construction work views: Architecture, Structures, MEP. Adding dimension marks and labels
Semana(s): 12
Lectura Obligada: Código de Biblioteca UCSP
Libros Ascent - Center for Technical Knowledge. (2017). Autodesk REVIT 2018: Collaboration Tools - Metric. Owings Mills: Ascent
Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento. (2012). Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones. Lima: Empresa Editora Macro E.I.R.L.
Lectura Sugerida: Código de Biblioteca UCSP
Libros Computer Integrated Construction Research Program. (2011). BIM Project Execution Planning Guide Version 2.1. Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University MICRODESK. (2012). Manual de Estándares BIM. Lima: GyM
7.7 SÉTIMA UNIDAD: BIM MANAGEMENT Objetivos Específicos: Manage a multidisciplinary project’s information
Contenidos: Semana(s): Project Management practices. 13 – 14 – 15 - 16 Information sources. Digital surveillance. Route generation. Construction animation.
Lectura Obligada: Código de Biblioteca UCSP
Libros Ascent - Center for Technical Knowledge. (2017). Autodesk REVIT 2018: Collaboration Tools - Metric. Owings Mills: Ascent
Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento. (2012). Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones. Lima: Empresa Editora Macro E.I.R.L.
Lectura Sugerida: Código de Biblioteca UCSP
Libros Computer Integrated Construction Research Program. (2011). BIM Project Execution Planning Guide Version 2.1. Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University MICRODESK. (2012). Manual de Estándares BIM. Lima: GyM
8. METODOLOGÍA Computer lab sessions Reading assessment controls Collaborative learning 9. BIBLIOGRAFÍA 9.1 BÁSICA: Código de Biblioteca UCSP
Libros Ascent - Center for Technical Knowledge. (2017). Autodesk REVIT 2018.1 Architecture Site and Structural Design Metric. Owings Mills: Ascent Ascent - Center for Technical Knowledge. (2017). Autodesk REVIT 2018 BIM Management: Template and Family Creation - Metric. Owings Mills: Ascent Ascent - Center for Technical Knowledge. (2017). Autodesk REVIT 2018 MEP Fundamentals - Metric. Owings Mills: Ascent Ascent - Center for Technical Knowledge. (2017). Autodesk REVIT 2018: Collaboration Tools - Metric. Owings Mills: Ascent
Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento. (2012). Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones. Lima: Empresa Editora Macro E.I.R.L.
9.2 COMPLEMENTARIA: Código de Biblioteca UCSP
Libros Computer Integrated Construction Research Program. (2011). BIM Project Execution Planning Guide Version 2.1. Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University MICRODESK. (2012). Manual de Estándares BIM. Lima: GyM
Alcántara, Vladimir. (s.f.). Coordinación de instalaciones MEP/FP utilizando herramientas BIM. Lima
10. EVALUACIONES ESTRUCTURA DE NOTAS Evaluación Permanente I: 20%
Práctica 60%
Teoría 40%
Evaluación Permanente II: 20%
Práctica 60%
Teoría 40%
Examen Parcial: 30%
Práctica 50%
Teoría 50%
Examen Final: 30%
Práctica 50%
Teoría 50%
EVALUACIÓN PERMANENTE Controles escritos sobre contenidos dados (anticipados y no anticipados) Avances escalonados de modelos individuales Participación diversa en clase
Elaborado por:
Revisado y aprobado por:
Firma Nombre: Mauricio Javier León Tejada
Firma Nombre: Cargo: