
  • May 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 566
  • Pages: 6
<%@ include file="conn_tg.jsp" %> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> Welcome to voluntary organization website <style lang="css/text"> .rowstyle { font-family:verdana; font-size:small; color:green; } input.Chngtxt { background-color:#FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #00FF66; color:#000000; } Welcome to Safety Line Group - Change Password <script language="javascript"> function validate() { document.getElementById("pass2Error").style.display=""; if(check_field()) { //document.login.submit(); var cnfr=window.confirm("Are you sure you want to change the password?")

if (cnfr) { var user=document.getElementById("pass1").value; var user_id1=document.getElementById("pass2").value; document.login.action="chngpwd.jsp"; document.login.mehod="get"; document.login.submit(); } } else { return false; }


function check_field() { var flag=0; var len=document.login.elements.length; for(var i=0;i
{ document.getElementById(id).innerHTML =document.login.elements[i].alt+ " should not be blank"; //alert("Please specify a value in "+document.login.elements[i].name+" field."); //alert(document.login.elements[i].name+" Should Not Be Blank"); //document.login.elements[i].focus(); //return false; flag=1; } else if(document.login.elements[i].name!="NA") { document.getElementById(id).innerHTML =""; } } } if(document.getElementById("pass1").value!=document.getElementById("pa ss2").value)


document.getElementById("pass2Error").innerHTML ="Confirm password does not match with new password"; flag=1; } if( flag==0) { return true; } else { return false; } } function Trim(str) { while(str.charAt(0) == (" ") ) { str = str.substring(1); } while(str.charAt(str.length-1) == " " ) { str = str.substring(0,str.length-1); } return str; } function clear1() { document.getElementById("pass1").value=""; document.getElementById("pass2").value=""; document.getElementById("pass2Error").style.display="none"; }

<%@include file="top.jsp" %>
<%@include file="left.jsp" %>

<% String ss = (String) session.getAttribute("admin"); //out.println(ss); String s1=""; String qy=""; if((request.getParameter("password")!=null)&&(request.getParameter("pa ssword")!="")) { s1=request.getParameter("password"); qy="update user_master set password='"+s1+"' where user_id='"+ss+"'"; %> <sql:statement id="stmt" conn="conn1"> <sql:query><%=qy%> <sql:execute>

<% out.println("Your password has been changed sucessfully"); %>

<sql:closeConnection conn="conn1" /> <% } String rr=request.getParameter("in"); //out.println(qy);


Change Password
<span id="pass1Error" class="error">
<span id="pass2Error" class="error" >
<span class="search_text">
height="18"> <span class="search_text">

<%@include file="button.jsp" %>

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