Dcdn 129 Exhibits

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sEcTtoNI That the Ordinance Code of the County of Alameda shatl be amended by revisingSection 9.12.f20 to read as foftor¿r¡s: 9-12-1zoPossession qf Flrearms on Çouoty property prohibited (a)

Findings. The Boardof Supervisorsfindsthatgunshotfatatitiesandinjuriesare of gPidernicproportionsin AlameclaCounty. Ouringthe ftrstfive yearsof the 1gg0.sg7g homicideswere committedusingfirearms.and an additionall,Ul vic{imswere hospitalized.with gunshotinjuries. Firearmsare the leadingcau$eof deathamong youngpeopfebetweenffreagesof 15 and 24 in AlamedaCounty. Between.lu¡yrl tggO and June30. 1997.136jweniles were arested in Qaklandfor gun-related offenses.on July 4' 1998a shootingincidentoo lhe AlamedaCountyFairg¡aunus resultedin several gunshotwounds,othertnjuriesand panicamongfair goers. Prohibiting the possession of firearrnson Cot¡ntypÍo_perywittpromotehe publiCheatfhar¡dsaf.Çay contributingto the reducÍionof gunshotfatalitiesand injuriesin,theCounty.


lUlÍsdemeanor.Everyper^son who bringsontoor possesseson countypropertya fireâfin.loadedor unloaded,or ammunitionfor a fireannis guiltyof a misdemeânor.


County Property, As usedÍn this seÇtion.the termCountypropertymeansreal prcperty,includingany buildingsthereon.ovrnedor leasedby the Gountyof Alameda (hereinafter'Coungf).and in the Countt's possessio¡,or in the possession of a public or givate entityundercontractwith üreCountyto performa publicpurposê.includingbut not limitedto reat propertyow¡redor leasedby the Courrtyin the unincorporated anó ÍncorporatedPortionsof the County.suchas the Countypar{<¡n Sunolandthe Alameda 9q*ty Fairgroundsin the Cityof Ffeasanton,but doesnot includeanylocal publiö building'as definedin Penalcode section lzlb(c), wherethe st¿teregulates possessiqnof ftrearmspursuantto PenalCode$ection lZ1b. Firearm. 'Fìream" ie anygun, pistol.revolver,rifleor artydevice.designedor modified to be usedas a weapon,fromwh¡chis expeltedthrougha baffel a prgectiteby the force of an explosionorotherformof combustion.'Firearm'doesnotindudeimitation firearmsor BB gunsand air riflesas definedln GovemmentGodeSection53071.5. Ammunliion. 'Ammunition" is any ammunition as definedin PenalCodeSection

- 1





Ëxceptions. Subsection 9.12.120(b) doesnotapptyto the following: (f ) A peaceofficeras definedin Ttle 3, Part2, Chapter4.5 of the Califomia




PenatCode (sedions'830etseq.); (2) A guardor messengerof a financialinstitution.a guardof a contractcamer patrolopeÊtor.or alarm operatingan armoredvehic{e.a licensedprivateinvestigator. seanrltyguardas theseocorpationsare deftnedin ÇûfTtpanyoperator, or uniforTned PenalCode sec'tionf 2031(d)andwho holdsa valid ce¡tificateissuedby the Deparhnent of Ç,oosurnerAffairs unde¡PenalCodesedion 12033.whileactuallyemployedand engagedin protectingandpreservingpnopertyor life withinthe scopeof his qcher employrnent; (3) A personholdinga valid.licenseto carrya ftreartnissuedpursuantto Penal Code sectÍon12050; (a) The possessionof a firea¡mby an authorizedparticipantin a motionpicture, television.vrdeo.dance.or theahicalpmduc{ionor event.whenthe participantlawfully uses the firearmas partof thãtprodudionor event.providedthatwhensuctrfirearmis not in the acfi¡alpossessionof the authorizedparticipanlit is securedto prevent unauthorizeduse. (5) A personlauttullytransportingfirearmsoeamrnunition in â motorvehicleon Countyroads; (6) A persor¡lauñ.rllyusing the targetrangeoperatedby the AlamedaCoung Sheriff; (7) A federalcriminalinvestigatorcr law enforcementofficer:or (8) A memberof the miütaryforcesof the Stateof Califomiaor of the Unitect Stateswhile engagedin the performanceof his or her duty. Severabitity. lf any provisionof this sedion or the applicationlhereofto any persónor circr¡mstanceis hetdinvalid.suchinvalidityshallnot affectanyotherprovisionor applietion of thissecfion,Á'lÍchcan be giveneffectwithoutthe invalidprovisionor application.and to this endtte provisionsof this secüonare sevenable. sEcTloN tl

This ordinanceshall takeeffectandbe irr force úr¡rty(30) daysfrumand afterthe date of passagëand beforethe e¡

SupervisorsCarcon,Haggerty. none -1 EXCUSED: PresidentChan

and Steele- 4

Vicefresident of the BoaÌdof '¿{larneda, Stateof Catifomia Cö'uiltyof ATTEST:CRYSTALK HISHIÐA.CIéIK of the Boardof Supervisots,Countyof Alameda








t() trf:fm






.: ø91ø.tf1999 17:11



PácÈ ø2

wwiv.alcofahsrounds. com 4501P¡eåsarìæn Aveoue ', Plcasanto¿ CA 9{566 . (gzlr tl.6-76tw, FAX (gZSrqzo,lsgg '

Vír: F¡x

Soptember 7rl98g


T& S TradoShow ê{n: Rurr & ,S¡üic Nodykc P.O.Box871 Mllqws,.CA 95988 REt DeqrMr-& tr,f¡s.Nordyke:


Asyor areaFqre, ttre $1gca"^"*l -.tUT Äsrcciatioa{Aseçç¡uion) iganon-profit corpmat'oa which*..4.ro_q.qq-riq lsrçrq.nt witl,toe:äpty of ¡ta$qdq. 4iagaget.tho o,¡reruio;ry ofû" F.irsrodd;.:säã'iïTirr,[ie9.'iting agrørrrt¡i


toop*æeþ *mpuiË *fth;i F;äk sürc*¿ø*ity



ø918711999 17:11




f ¿ STtu&Show Lr Ps-2 ordin¡¡ce No 0-2000'I l' The.4¡sociatfon will holdthedafeeofNovctu.bcr6ü

aud-Ê, iñî*äi""*,ü;ffi;;db"ío;;;ñ*äï,r, li:'itröf¡li#tiiHffi Tbankgouforyour


fiq {*:fy continsed positivc 3atqø._TheAssociat¡onlookcforw¡rdro dl retauon"hij;it l&i Tradc shows. $incmely.

RKP:clh co:

FairBoa¡d ,{Iamedafüuoty Boardof YFrs Supenrisqrs '¡'


Richa¡dE. Winnie







u o n a l or . J . Ktlmer,Jr. -4tt



b"f.r/t ,glrf", hf,*tX *rÅ Arp"rty

126l UncolnAvenue. Suite108 SanJose,California 95| l5 Telephone (408)998-8489 hcsimile(4O8)998-8487 deikilmer@aol-com

September16, 1999 Via: U.S.Mait and Facsimite(510)Z7Z_502O RichardWinnie,Esq. AlamedaCounty Council l22l Oak SfreeqSuite463 Oaklan{ Califomia 946tZ4Zg6 Re:TS TRADE SHOWS- GUNSHO\¡/LAWSUIT Dearl\¡tr.'Winnie: J ** disappointedwhenyou did not respondto my letterof July 26, lggg. perhapsyour clier¡Js--h-avekept you busierthanususal. I hopethat expla'insthe lack oiro'ponr" to our offer to avoid litigation,rathgr.thananything I mightLave saidor doneto offenðyou. In any eventit appqrs that a lawsuit is unavoidableIn speakingw_ithMr. WashingtorLhe and I were ableto cometo our first agreementfor Counryof Alameda,Counryof Tlu* yol Tc-eptingservicefor the following defendants: AlamedaBoardof Supervisors, Mary V. King, C-lit SteeteWilma Chanand ScottHaggerfy.I expç! to accomplishserviceon Fridly - Sepiemb er 17,tggg or Monday- Septemb er 20, 1999 at the latest. -

An additional-matte_r:u*" up in our conversation:Maintenance of the statusquo pending e on a preliminary injunction. you As are probably aware a Temporar¡r n"rt uioing 1n9ari-ne Orderis only goodfor-t0 daysand*uy oniy be exiendedior anotherl0 daysupona showingof goodcarrse-That would only help my clientsthroughthe first weekof Octoberand wouldbe a wasteof time asthe nextTS TRADESHOW is setiorNovember6/7Furthermore, The AlamedaCountyFair Associationcontactedmy clientsby way of a letterdatedSeptember 7,lggg. The letterwas copiedto your office. ThL tetterrequiresrny cJientsto providea written planby October15, lô99 as tá how they intendto conducta gun showin ligbt of the County'snew ordinancebanninggunson countyproperty. For the reasons set forth in thecomplaint that will not be practicalo-r f,rofitable. I hadsuggested a stipulationfor a TRO to Mr. Washington.This is permissibleunder FRC?65(b)[Seealso: Rosen v. Cascade Int'\. Inc..2l F3d sáoJszsll tú'Cir. 1994)]and would give thepartiesa betteropportunityto brief the issuesfor the trearingon a preliminary Injunction.


WhatI proposeis the following: l. '

After filing with the suit with thecourt andserviceof the SummonsandComplainton the defendants, the partieswould stipulateto the entryof a TemporaryRestrainingOrder with the following termsþursuantro FRCp65(d)l: A. BC.


The orderis without prejudiceto eitherparfy. The ordersuspendsenforcement of the AlamedaCountyOrdinancebanning firearmson county Propertyuntil frrrthero'rderof the courtThe purposeof the TRO is to permit both partiesto mitigate damagesandprevent the disruptionof the statusquo with regardto historicalusesat theFairgrounds.

Thepartieswould thenjointly applyto the court for a hearingdatefor a Preliminary lnjunction-

A stþlation for a TRO would havethe benefitof reducinglitigation costsand conservingthe resourcesof the partiesandthe court. I hopethat you *ã clients can find these termsacceptable. If you haveany questionor wish to disõussmodificationor additionof terms, pleasedon't hesitateto contactmy offrce.

Cord Þ

DonaldE. J. Kilmer, Jr. Law Officesof DonaldKilmer Representing Russ& Sally Nordyke andTS TRADE SHOWS



('" "'\

,L/onalo E.J. Kl .ler, J r. 4#.-*J


b,f-r/r,g frf+ Lf'*t

""/ Ar.¡,"ty

October 20,l9g9 Via: U.S. Mail and FacsimÍle

. SuitelO8 126l LincolnAvenue SanJose,Califomia 95l15 Telephone (408)99S-8489 Facsimile (40S)99S:8487 [email protected]

Rick IC Pickering, GeneralManager Alameda County Fair Association 4501 PleasantonAvenue Pleasanton,California 94566 Facsimile: 925| 426-7599

Re:T&s Tradeshow - Eventcurrently scheduledfor November6 &.7 DearMr- Pickering: My firm hasb-e1nretainedto representRussandSallicNordyke in a lawsuit againstthe Countyof Alameda.I fint u/antto thankyour for extendingyour October15, 1999deadlineto October20, 1999'for your requestthat the Nordykessubrnita written plan asto how theywill conducta gun showat theFairgroundsthat wilt complywith the etami¿a Co*t-ò;;]o;' No.: 0-2000-ll. Unfortunately'sinceHis Honor hasseta hearingon this matter for October Zg, l9g9 fa copy of thatorderis att¿chedfor your records],it will riot be possible for my clientsto respondto Ylur requestby that October20, 1999deadline.However,T&S Trade Show intendsto prôceed with the November6 &7 showuntil or unlesstheJudgeáechnesto grant their requestfor a TemporaryRestrainingorder as a resultof the hearinionthe 2gú.io"ãu"r.Il reviewingtheNordyke'scontractwith your organization.I cannot . find anylanguage that requiresthernto submita written plan suchasthe oni yoo requested. They do in fact have contractualobligationsto comply with alt federal,stateandlocal laws. pleaseie assured thatmy clientsintendto complywith all of their legalobíigatiorrs .-both contractualandstatutory. Pleasefeel freeto contactmy ofñce if you haveanyquestions.Thankyou.

DonaldE. J. Kilmeç Jr. Attorneyfor T&S TradeShows


Llients- via fax: 530/934-9107 4l










4501Pleasanron Avenue Pleasanton,CA 9456ó - (gZ5) 426-7600 FAX(e25)476-75e9 January5, 2000

T&STradeShows P. O-Box 871 WillowsCA 95938 Attention: SallieNordyke DearSallie: En'blosed, pleasefind your check#323gin theamountof $3,790.5owhich you had submittedasa depositfor 20@ eventdates.As you areawarethe Countyóf Aameda hasadoptedanordina¡cewhich precludesthepãssession of firearmson óounty property. until suchtime asT & s TradeSho* comesforwardwith a plan to comprywiítìrris ordinance, theFair Associationcannot reserved¿tesforthis type of event. y;;;;. notifiedby letter@ecember10, 1999)that all holdson 2000 dateshavebeenrele¿sedAs shownin the statementof December10, 1999,your deposit of $2750.00wasapplied to Invoice#zz7-tNfromrhe 1999september shoL Th; *Ã;ù;r"";;u"äyou, accountis $1,040'50.Pleaseforwarda for thatamountas soonas possible. "k"k you for your assistance in this matter.If you haveanyquestions,pleasedo not Ih$ hesit¿teto call. Very trUlyyours, , / ) t ) /




ltØrb [\uk

Teni EaganThut, EventsCoordinator

CC: Rick Pickering,GeneralManager






Russ & Saf/reNordyke- WetcomeY'u to ÏS






Website visitors get $l off of the regufar $g.OO admission fee, çlick her_gto get yours now! Up-Coming lSfiows..-





February19& 20

Elko, NV




April 16 & 17

San Jose, CA

Santa ÇletlQqqnly_F_arrg_r_qqllds



June 18 & l9

San Jose, CA

y EelfSr_o'rcdç Sq¡la CrêG_Qs!¡1f



August6 & 7

Modesto. CA

P,laze Mp-dests.Çpn_tel



{ugust20 & 2l

San Jose. CA

-s-aqta_Çlara" Çsqng" F"e_t_rs !-s,qnds



October I & 9

San Jose, CA

$_alrta"0,!ar-aÇ---o_(f nfyF_qif Sf--o-qnd-s



Octoberl5 & 16

Tulare, CA




November12 & 13

Orland, CA

9le¡qcs_lrtlty Eelrsrssnds




San Jose-CA

Se¡taÇ_le¡a_C" sgng Eerr_Sr_qqn ds



Click here for: (E¡l_r!þitgr_lnfo CI¡ck

Lafest . Mar'2004- Nç¡dv-lse-v.flr¡.s rg-aE-ed9G!*çivt!¡s¡!reçt'er-asains!-the-ç-o-r¡ng-9f-atA$qda Ça!!f-o-r¡!a.lc-eæ._c_gg_aí3gg .:___::.----:-:=;'-' M{J lVews... . Apr.2002-Thc9-!h.ç!f"cuit-Ç9t{ftç-eÚifiçcas!¡esticn.o-f-sJatçtew-onthe'|'sl1te9fpf.çempli9 o o c c o

Transfer dealer on premises at alt shows! All Federal, State and tocal laws stricily enforced! Admíssion at most events is onty $g.OO,(îI_.gg_Uttt-h p.4!!¡19_c_9__up9¡1)t AII pets must be on a leash and remain with the owner at all firnes. /vo pefs at Modesto events. Regrbúer On Iin e: Ex h.i þfto_ t ratj_ç-nF ç r n r On !i n e. Rpg!"s-

we standwithall good Ame.riga19.i.n c.gndeyningterrorismandpray thatwe beæme strcngerand moreunited becauseot the nationatdisasterof septembèr.11th.tt anythingíhis is a wake ,g our Godgivenlibertyand freedoms,and'howímp,oiàntit is to *1t øì tiig"oà eme¡can's,to æislaã, ae"prythefragitityof standup and protectthese rights!




ILocationsl fcontact Usl

TS Trad€ Shows - Afi R¡ghts Reserued O 2æ1 _ 2OOs

43 http://www.tsgunshows.com/




44 http://www.tsgunshows.com/


, ' . ,












BqckBwfrft,ffi Dates& locationsaresubjectto changewittrouiîev¡ildr


california Gun,Knife & Huntingshowsfor z0o view map of all 50 statesto select other gun & knife shows listingg

gs*tp_lal¡&_mraJ_QA¡Ur_taC.sea$p¡s,fcs_s,_bag-limigs__&zone Scroll down to view desired dates

Ab--o-ut-U-sContact Us

Slqr-ics.. .

lf you want us to list the showyour promoting, contact Jaha

Ho¡rc Products

Costa Mesa, California

February'-Ot-02, 2003 Fírearm Shows

O_rder_Eo_rm (Fairgrounds) Orange


Links Del Mar, California Febuary 08-09,2003 Gun & Knife Shows Firearms Show (Fairgrounds)


Gun & Knife Shows listed by State directly below. Hunting Seasons& Fees by State at bottom.

Santa Barbara, CA - Feb 0 Historicol Arms and Trade (Earl Wanen Showgrounds) 9-5 Sat / 9-4 Sun Buena Parþ CA - Feb 2lKnives Expo (Sequoia ConferenceCenter 7530 OrangethorpeAve.

Tulare, California - March 0l-02,2003 Firearm Shows (Agricultural Ctr)

San Francisco-Daly City, C Mar 15-16,2003 Gun Shows (Cow Palace)

Victorville, California March 22-23,2003 Fírearms Show (Fairgrounds)

San Jose, CA - Mar 22-23, Guns and Antique Show (Fairgrounds)

Costa Mesa, California March 29-30,2003 Firearm Shows (Fairgrounds) Orange County

Red Bluff, CA - Mar 29-30 Gun and Antique Shows (Fairgrounds)

Ventura, California - March 29-30, 2003 Firearms & Blades Show (SeasidePark)

Bakersfield, CA - Apr 05-0 Guns Show (Fairgrounds)

Advertise with us on two popular sitesfor as little as $10 a month.

Gøme Seøsons by State

uck Bnit


Alabama AL Hunting Seasons

45 http://www. buckbait.com/shows/CA.htrnl



Alaska AK Hunting Seasons

Auburn, California - April 05-06,2003

,{rizsnaéZår¡ntingsearonsFirearm Shows @ (Fairgrounds) _C_aliforn_ia_QAHU¡rtineéeassrrs 9-5 Sat / 9-4 Sun Ç.slqredç-Ç9-Ëu-[turgseasons

Ç¡sneçticl¡Lc fltr¡llrnC Seasqgs_ .pçlawareDE Hunting Seasoru Vallejo, California - Aprit 12-13,2003 ElotdaEll{u¡rturg-SeæaEå Firearms Show GeorgiaGA HuntingSeasons (Fairgrounds) Hawaii HI Hunting Seasons 9-5 Sat / 9-4 Sun Idaho ID Hunting Seasons Illinois IL HuntingSeasons Indiana[N Hunting Seasons lowa IA Hunting Seasons Del Mar, California - Aprit 26-27,2003 KansasKS Htnting Seasons fu w-ty-ÃY-Hunttog*Sea$-qns Fíreqrm Shows Ipu¡sla$aL4_tlun¡rng:Seæ*sus- (Fairgrounds) M¿rn_e_MEËqnf:rre_Sga_se{rå MarylandMD_l{untrne:Ssæ_ons Mæs¿cbrugsÀ{AJlsn!in€ Roseville,


Sacramento, CA - Apr 19Guns and Kniþs Show (Convention Ctr) 1400 "J* S

San Jose, CA - Apr 26-27, Gun Shows (Fairgrounds)

Glendale, CA - May 10-11 Gun Shows (Civic Auditorium) l40l N 9-5 Sat / 9-4 Sun

Bakersfield, CA - May 3lGuns Show (Fairgrounds)

Most effective "deer s lhe markel Most corrvenient"big on the nnrkel

qs Ie¡ne¡seeiD$_lluntttg écass Tç:ræJX-Hrn!-rngS_sassts UtahU.lftrsthe "S_ea$_o_rt V_çr¡aSllYlftmt_rng-$_e_aspns Yitenia-VA.-H_uutng S_ç-æsns W-ashinetsn--lyA-Hu_nr'rg_S_çæqns

AlabamaAL Bag Limits AlaskaAK Bag Limits Arizona AZBag Limits

Paso Robles, CA - Apr 12Gun Shows (Fairgrounds) Midstate

San Bernardino, California May 10-11,2003 Firearm Shows (Orange Show Fairgrounds)

Seasons Oklahoma OK Hunting Seasons Oregon OR Hunting Seasons Pennsylvania PA Hunting Seasons 'lRhode Island RI Hunting Seasons South Carolina SC Hunting Seasons S_quthDakota SD_HLrqtr4g_Sgars¡t

Bag Limits b! state


(Fairgrounds) 9-5 Sat / 9-4 Sun

@seasons Ncwtvfe:ç_iqo_NM_l{ulúurgSeaso¡s Nç¡¿Ysrk_\U_HlrtrtngËças_ons N_olhlsrstrra]tlÇ_llunLrng Fresno, California - M"y 17-18,2003 S_es$s_ns Fírearms Show Nsrth-"D-aksAND Hunt_urg *Scæ_ots (Fairgrounds) Ohio OH Hunting

WestVirginia WV Hunting Seasons WisconsinWI HuntingSeasons WyomingWY HuntingSeasons


San Francisco-Daly City, C May 03-04,2003 Guns Show (Cow Palace)

Scassns Searen$- Firearms Shaw M¡chtganl¿[ttlu¡arne

r Minnesota MN Hunting Seasons Missaissipoi MS Hunting Seasons Missouri MO Hunting Seasons Montana MT Hunting Seasons Nebraska NE Hunting Seasons Nevada NV Hunting Seasons New Hampshire NH Hunting Seasons

April 26-27,2003


Film your own hunt right through the cross-hairswith a scope mounted camera. lï¡orl<son "Red Dot" and "Night Vísion,'also. Seeother "Buck Bait" products.

llTheÅuc-ket comesin Molasses, Acorn, Sour Apple Persimmon Corn & Apple flavored bait Sç-ç-=o thç-rllB!çk BaiÍl p_Lo_du 46

http://www- buckbait.com/shows/CA-html


| @6v

ArkansasARBag Limits Vallejo, California CalifomiaCA Bag Limits May 3l- June 01,2003 ColoradoCO BagLimits Firearm Shows ConnecticutCT Bag Limits (Fairgrounds) DelawareDE BagLimits Florida FL BagJ.4[its 9-5 Sat / 9-4 Sun GeorgiaGA B_ag Limiús_ Hawaii HI Bag Limits Costa Mesa, California Idaho ID Bag Limits June 07-08,2003 Illinois IL Bag Limits Firearms Show Indiana IN Bag Limits Iowa [A Bag Limits (Fairgrounds) Orange County KansasKS Bag Limits Kentucþ KY Bag Limits LouisianaLA Bag Limits San Diego, California - June 2l-22,2003 Maine ME Bag Limits Hîstorical Military Collectibles Shows Maryland MD Bag Limits Massachusetts MA Bag Limits (Scottish Rite Ctr) 1895 Camino Del Rios Michþn MIBagLimis MinnesotaMN Bag Limits MissaissippiMS Bag Limits Roseville, California - June 28-2912003 MissouriMO Bag Limits Firearms Show MontanaMTBag Limits NebraskaNE Bag Limits (Fairgrounds) Placer County NevadaNV Bag Limits 9-5 Sat/ 9-4 Sun New HampshireNH Bag Limits New JerseyNJ BagLimits New Mexico NM Bag Limits Del Mar, California - Juty 12-13,2003 New YorkNY BagLimits North Caroliaa_NCBaSLimirs_ Firearm Shows North Dakota ND Bag Limits (Fairgrounds) Ohio OH Bag Limir OklahomaOK BagLimits OregonOR BagLimits P_e_nnsyl_v¿qb_PA_BagLimits RhodefslandR[ BagLimits San Jose, California SouthCarolinaSC Bag Limits August 02-03, 2003 SouthDakotaSD Bag Limits Firearms Show Tennessee TN BagLimíts (Fairgrounds) TexasTX Bag Limits Utah UT Bag Limirs Vermont VT BagLimits Virginia VA Bag Limits WashingtonWA Bag Limirs WestVirginia WV Bag Limits IV-isgo-aslnJ/IBag Linig Wyoming WY BagLimits

San Jose, CA - Jun 07-08, Gun Shows (Fairgrounds)

SantaMaria, CA - Jun 14GunsShow (Fairgrounds)

Ventura, CA - Jun 2l-22,2 Gun and Knife Shows (SeasidePark)

Fresno, CA -Jul l2-13r20 Guns Show (Fairgrounds)

Santa Barbara, CA - JuI2 Historical Arms and Blade S (Earl Wanen Showgrounds) Hwy 101 9-5 Sat / 9-4 Sun Auburn, CA - Aug 02-03, Guns Show (Fairgrounds) 9-5 Sat/ 9-4 Sun

uck Bait

CIíc.k" her e*Ørttd, o_ul ! "how_

Sacramento,California August09-10,2003 Firearm & Blade Shows (conventionctr) 1400"J" st

Modesto,C.4.- Aug 09-10, Gun Shows (CenterPlaza)

CostaMesa,California August 16-17,2003 FirearmsShow (Fairgrounds)OrangeCounty

Fresno,CA - Aug 23-24,2 GunsShow (Fairgrounds)

47 http://www.buckbait.com/showVCA.html


f dgç ¿t ur lJ

San Jose,California August 23-24,2003 Firearm Shows (Fairgrounds)

Glendale,CA - Aug 23-24, Gun Shows (Civic Auditorium) l40l N 9-5 Sat/ 9-4 Sun

Bakersfield, California August 30-31, 2003 Fîrearms Show (Fairgrounds) Kern City

Ventura, CA - Sept06-07, Gunsand KnivesShow (SeasidePark)

Vallejo, California September06-07,2003 Firearm Shows (Fairgrounds)Solano County 9-5 Sat/ 9-4 Sun

San Diego,CA - Sept13,2 Historical Military Collectib (ScottishRite Ctr) 1895Cam

Napa, California - September 06-07,2003 Fírearms Show Napa Valþ Exposition Tables $45 9-5 Sat / 9-4Sun Call 707463-1733 for info San Francisco-Daly City, California Septembert3-14,2003 Fírearm Shows (Cow Palace)

Lancaster, CA - Sept 20-Zl Guns Show (Fairgrounds)

Most effective ,,deers the mnrkeL Most convenient rrbig on the msrkeL


Film your own hunt right throughthe

cross-hairswith a scope mounted camera. Worl<son "Red Dot" and',Ntght Vision,,also.

!Il@ÅucÊer comesin Molasses, Acorn, Sour Apple Persimmon Corn & Appte flavored bait

Seeother "Buck Bait" produ


48 http://www.buckbait.com/shows/CA.html


rä.9ç J ul


San Mateo, California September 20-21,2003 Firearms Show (Expo Ctr)

Roseville, CA - Sept 20-ZL GunShows (Fairgrounds) Placer County 9-5 Sat / 9-4 Sun

Paso Robles, California September 27-?Å,2003 Firearm Shows (Fairgrounds)

San Jose,CA - Oct 04-05, Guns Show (Fairgrounds)

Antioch, California October 18-19,2003 Firearms Show (Fairgrounds)

Del Mar, CA - Oct 18-19,2 Gun Shows (Fairgrounds)

Victorville, California October 25-26,2003 Firearm Shows (Fairgrounds)

Vallejo, CA - Oct 25-26,20 Guns Show (Fairgrounds) Solano Count 9-5 Sat / 9-4 Sun

San Bernardino, California November 01-02,2003 Fireorms Show (Orange Show Fairgrounds)

Ventura, CA - Nov 08-09, Gun and Krf, Shows (SeasidePark)

San Francisco-Daly City, California November 08-09,2003 Fírearm Shows (Cow Palace)

Hayward, CA - Nov 15,20 BAM (Bay Area MilÍtary) Sh (Centennial Hall) 22292 Foo

rrck Baf,t Turlock, California November 15-16,2003 Firearm Shows (Fairgrounds)

Orland,CA- Nov 15-16.20 Gun Shows (Fairgrounds)

Bakers field, Ca lifo rnia November 22-23,2003 Firearms Show (Fairgrounds)

Placerville,CA - Nov 22-2 GunsShow (Fairgrounds)El DoradoCo 9-5 Sat/ 9-4 Sun

Fresno, California November 29-30,2003 Firearm Shows (Fairgrounds)

San Rafael,CA - Nov 29-3 Gun Shows (Civic Ctr)

49 http://www. buckbait.com/shows/CA.htmt




Costa Mesa, California November 29-30,2003 Fírearms Show (Fairgrounds) Orange County

Paso Robles, CA - Dec 06Guns Show (Fairgrounds)

Vallejo, California December 06-07,2003 Firearm Shows (Fairgrounds) Solano County 9-5 Sat / 9'4 Sun

San Jose,CA - Dec 13-14, Gun Shows (Fairgrounds)

DelMar, California I)ecember 13-14,2003 Firearms Show (Fairgrounds)

Tulare, CA - Dec 20-21,20 GunsShow (Agricultural Ctr)

Napa,California - December20-21,2003 NapaSportmen'sExpo & Fírearm Shows (NapaValley Exposition)575Third Srreet Sponsor:UpperRidgeGunworks 2700OakCourt Road Ukiah, CA954tz 1- 888.21t_2321

Most effictive "deers the mnrkel Most convenient ,,big on lhe market.


Film your own hunt right through the cross-hairswith a scopemounted camera. úllorlç on "RedDot,, and,,Night Visíon,,also.

comesin Molasses, Acorn, Sour Apple Persimmon Corn & Apple flavored baiú


S-e_e_sthe_r_lÐgckB_artlpro_duç-ts. Bakersfield, California December27-2t,2003 Firearms Show (Fairgrounds) Roseville, California December27-2t,2003

Antioch,CA - Dec27-28,2 GunShows (Fairgrounds)

San Francisco-Daly City, C Jan 17-18,2004

50 http://www. buckbait.com/shows/CA.html



t (,1 lJ

Firearm Shows (Fairgrounds) Placer County 9-5 Sat / 9-4 Sun

GunsShow (Cow Palace) Contact:Crossroads of the W Shows PO Box 290,Kaysville,UT PH: 80t-544-9125Fax:80I Los Angeles,California Ukiah, CA - Jan 24-25,20 January 24-25,2004 Gun Shows WesternAmericanaShow & AUCTION (Fairgrounds)RedwoodEm (CentennialHall) 9-5 Sat/ 9-4 Sun 9-5 Sat/ 9-4 Sun Contact Codeof theWestP Auction previews9-4 Auction starts4:30pm Rick & PeggySmith ContactHigh Noo¡¡ 9929YeniceBlvd. 233 RogueRiverHwy. Ste. Los Angeles,California90034 GrantsPass,OR 97527 PH: 310-202-9010Fax: 3t0-202-9011 PH: 541-476-98 14(OR)or s30-676-8762(C^) Red Bluff, California January 24-25,2004 Firearms Show (Fairgrounds) Contact:TS Gun Shows Russ& SallieNordyke PO Box 871,V/illows,CA 95988 PH: 530-934-7230 or 934-4159

Del Mar, CA - Jan 31 - Fe GunsShows (Fairgrounds) ContacLCrossroads of the W Shows PO Box 290,Kaysville,UT PH: 801-544-9125 Fax:801

San Jose,California January 3l - February 0I,2004 Firesrm Shows (Fairgrounds) Contact:TS Gun Shows Russ& SallieNordyke POBox 871,Willows,CA 95983 PH: 530-934-7230 or 934-4t59

Costa Mesa, CA - Feb 07-0 Gun Shows (Fairgrounds) OrangeCoun Contact Crossroadsof the W Shows PO Box 290, Kaysville,UT PH: 801-544-9125Fax:801

Vallejo, California February l4-15r2004 Firearms Show (Fairgrounds)SolanoCounty 9-5 Sat/ 9-4 Sun Contact:Codeof the Westprod. Rick & PeggySmith 233 RogueRiver Hwy. Sre.52 GrantsPass,OR 97527 PH: 54 | -476 -9814 (OR)or s30-676-8762(CA)

Modesto,CA - ['eb t4-15, GunsShow (CenterPlaza) ContacûTS Gun Shows Russ& SallieNordyke PO Box 871,Willows,CA 9

YQURAÐ Ë,PACEHERE! http://www. buckbait.com/shows/CA.html

51 r0/6/2005

r 4Ëv

(, (,¡-



Çk-k.þ-erc _Ío-find_ouÍ_ho,w_ !

San Jose, California Febuary 28-29,2OO4 FÌrearm Shows (Fairgrounds) ContacÍ TS Gun Shows Russ& SallieNordyke PO Box 871, Willows, CA 95988 PH: 530-934-7230or 934-4159

San Francisco-Daly City, C L4,2004 Gun Shows (Cow Palace) Contact: Crossroadsof the W Shows PO Box 290, Kaysville,UT PH: 801-544-9125Fax: 80 I

Napa, California - March 20-21,2004 Napa Sportmen's Expo & Gun Show (Napa Valley Exposition) 575 Third Street 9-5 Sat / 9-4 Sun Contact Uppenidge Gunworks 2700 OakCourt Road Ukiah, CA95482

Costa Mesa, CA-Mlar27Guns Show (Fairgrounds) Orange Coun Contact Crossroadsof the W Shows PO Box 290, Kaysville,UT PH: 801-544-9125Fax: 80 I

r-888-21t-2321 Ventura, California - March 27-28,2004 Firearms and Blades Show (SeasidePark)formerlyVenruraFairgrounds Contâct: McMann's Roadrunner PO Box 39175,Phoenix,AZ 85069 PH: 602-843-5303Fax: 602-298-71il

Anderson, CA - Mar 27-28 Gun Shows (ShastaDist. Fair.) 9-5 Sat / 9-4 Sun Contact: Code of the West P Rick & PeggySmith,233 R Hwy. Ste.52 Grants Pass,OR 97527 PH: 541-476-9814 (OR)or

s30-676-8762(CA) Vallejo,California - April 03-04,2004 FÌrearm Shows (Fairgrounds)SolanoCounty 9-5 Sat/ 9-4 Sun Contact:Codeof the WestProd. Rick& PeggySmith,233RogueRiverHwy. Ste-52,GrantsPass,OR 97527 PH: 54 l -476 -98I 4 (OR)or s30-676-8762(CA)

Solvang,C.{ - Apr 23-25,2 CustomKnífesShow (Royal Scandinavian Inn)40 l2noon-5Fri/ t0-4 Sat/ l0 Contact:Nordic Knivesat P 3612

Del Mar, California - Aprit 24-25.,2004 Firearm Shows (Fairgrounds)

San Francisco-DalyCity, C May 08-09,2004 GunShows -52




7 (,r


Contact:Crossroadsof the rWestGun Shows (Cow Palace) PO Box 290,Kaysville,UT 84037 Contact Crossroadsof the W PH: 801-544-9125Fax:80I -5 46-ZtB6 Shows PO Box 290, Kaysville,UT PH: 801-544-9125Fax: 80 I Vallejo, California - June 05-06,2004 Firearms Show (Fairgroturds)Solano County 9-5 Sat / 9-4 Sun Contact: Code of the West Prod. Rick & Peggy Smith, 233 Rogue River Hwy. Ste.52,GrantsPass,0R 97527 PH:541476-9814 (OR)or s30-676-8762(CA)

Ventura, CA - Jun L2-13,2 Guns and Knives Show (SeasidePark)Eormerly Ventu Contact McMann's Roadru PO Box 39175,Phoenix,AZ PH: 602-843-5303Fax: 602

Most effective "deer s lhe markel Most convenient "big on the markeL ttThe Sucker

Film your own hunt right throughthe cross-hairswith a scope mounted camera. Iírorks on "RedDot" and "Night Vision,'alsoSeeother "Buck Bait" products-

comes in Molasses, Acorn, Sour Apple Persimmon Corn & Apple flavored bait See_o_thel':_B-.lrçk__B_a_it11p¡n

PaloAlto, California - August 28-29,2004 B.A.KC.A.KnifeShow (Hyatt Ricky's) 4219ElCamino Real Pelz Ç"-qnfaqtJ-elf Ventura,California - August 28-29,2004 Napa,CA - Sept18-19,200 Firearm and BladeShows NapaSportmen'sExpo& G (SeasidePark)Formerly VenturaFairgrounds (NapaValleyExposition)57 Contact: McMann's Roadrunner 9-5 Sat/ 9-4 Sun PO Box 39175,Phoenix,Az 85069 Contact UpperRidgeGunw PH: 602-843-5303Fax: 602-29g-71I I 2700Oak Court Road,Ukia l-888-211-2321 Ventura, California Napa,CA - Dec18-19,200 November 06-07,2004 NapaSportmen'sExpo& G Firearms and Blades Show (NapaValley Exposition)57 53 http://www. buckbait.com/shows/CA.hûnI


rage tu or lJ

(SeasidePark)Fonnerly Ventura Fairgrounds Contact:McMann'sRoadrunner PO Box 39175,Phoenix,AZ85069 PH: 602-843-5303 Fax:602-298-7I II

9-5 Sat / 9-4 Sun Sponsor:Upper Ridge Gunw 2700 OakCourt Road, Ukia 1-888-21t-2321

Sacramento,California January 08-09,2005 Firearm Shou,s (ConventionCtr) 1400ExpositionBlvd. Contact McMarur'sRoadrunner PO Box 39175,Phoenix,AZ85069 PH: 602-843-5303 Fax: 602-298-71 II


San f,'rancisco-DalyCify, CA January 15-16,2005 Gun Shows (Cow Palace) Contact Crossroads of the 1üestGun Shows PO Box 290, Kaysville,UT84037 PH: 80l-54 4-9125Fax B0I -5 46-2896

,,Cpsúa Mesa,,CA - ¡6þ.O510 Guas Shaw (Fairgrowrds) Orange Coun Contact: Crossroadsof the W Gun Shows PO Box 290, Kaysville,UT PH: 801-544-9125Fax: 801

DeI 'Már,;Califortia ¡ r: eb,l2ll!| fiAS Fir,ealm,Shows (Fairgrounds) Contact:Crossroads of the WestGun Shows PO Box 290, Kaysville,UT84037 PH: 80l-544-9125Far B0t-5 46-2986

Vallejo, Califo rnia :, geb, f Firearms,:Show, (Fairgrounds) Solano Count 9-5 Sat/ 9-4 Sun Contact Code of the West p Rick & Peggy Smith, 233 R Hwy. Ste-52,Grants Pass.O PH:530-676-8762

January 15-16,2005 Firearms and Blades Show (SeasidePark)formerlyVenru Contact: McMann's Roadru PO Box 39175,Phoenix,AZ PH: 602-843-5303Fax: 602

uck Bnf,t

Çlkk þe-rctp-"fittd out ho-w_!

Pasadena,CA - February25-27,2005 Knife Expo

San Francisco-DalyCity, C March 05-06,2005

(Conference Center) Lower level Confe Íence:.Gr.tnShows

Bldg 300 E. GreenStreef Fri l2noon-7| Sat10-6/Sun t0-4 Contact:PH: 818-368-71 l0

(Cow Palace) Contact:Crossroads of the W Shows PO Box 290,Kaysville,UT PH: 801-544-9125 Fax 801

Ventura, California March 12-13,2005 F ir earW,,,and:Blqdes:Shov (SeasidePark)normerty i"lturu Fairgrounds Contact:McMann'sRoadrunner

Napa,CA - l\{arch19-20,2 Napa Sportmen'sExpo &. G (NapaValley Exposition)C Hall 575Third Streer 9-5Sat/9-4Sun 54

http://www. buckbait. com/shows/CA. html



POBox 39175,Phoenix,AZ85069 PH: 602-843-5303 F ax:.602-298-7 III

Sponsor:UpperRidgeGunw Don & CarolanMeek PH: 888-2I l-2321,707463 Fax:707-462-7918

Monf ere5, g¿ ,:, l\r[¿i¿ft,lg 120ù005 'Gun,:Shñ (Fairgrounds) Sat9-5 / Sun94 Contact:Codeof the lWestProd. Rick & PeggySmith,233 RogueRiverHwy. Ste.52,GrantsPass,OR 97527 PH:530-676-8762

SantaRosa,Ca - April02Sportsmen's Expo (FlamingoResortHotel & C Ctr) 2777 4thStreet Sponsor:UpperRidgeGunw Don& CarolanMeek PH:888-211-2321

CostalVlesa,CA - Apr 02413,2005 Gür,a,,'Sw,, (Fairgrounds)orange county Contact:Crossroads of the WestGunShows PO Box 290, Kaysville,UT84037 PH: 801-544-9125Fax 801-546-2886

Vallejp;',California'' A¡È;0 ;,:, Fitr¿.qrms.Sllotu (Fairgrounds)solano count 9-5 Sat/ 9-4 Sun Contact:Codeof the West P Rick& PeggySmith,233R Hwy. Ste.52,GrantsPass,O PH:530-676-8762

Del Mar, california - Apr 30 - lvlay 1,200s san Francisco-Dalycitv, c Firearm Shows }fLay21-22,2005 (Fairgrounds) Ga.4tS!1otrts, Contact:Crossroads of the WestGun Shows (Cow palace) PO Box 290, Kaysville,UT84037 Contact: Crossroadsof the W PH: 80I -544-9125Fax:801-546-2886 Shows PO Box 290, Kaysville,UT PH: 801-544-9125Fax: 801

i .


Roseville,California l/Lay 28-29,2005 ,Fiøar'm'9ha¡l¡s;,. (Fairgrounds)PlacerCounfy 9-5 Sat/ 9-4 Sun contact: code of the west Prod. Rick & Peggysmith, 233RogueRiverHwy. Ste.52,GrantsPass,OR 97527 PH:530-676-8762 ''TROPHY SHOT"

Co-$a-l\4-ôs4C,)^''ilIhrdt:[4û Guns,,Show, (Fairgrounds) Orange Coun Contact: Crossroadsof the W Shows

po Box 290, Kaysville,ur pH: B0t-544-9125Fax:g0l

Mosl effective "deer s the mqrkeL Most convenient t'big on lhe market.

liThe$-aç-lçtt comesin .f,)

http://www-buckbait.conr/shows/CA. html



Lz¿ (,t


Molasses, Acorn, Sour Apple Persimmon Corn & Appte flavored bait sçc-othcr'Buc_k8¿rt_Fiqd_u Film your own hunt right throughthe cross-hairswith a scopemountedcarnera. úV'orl<s on "Red Dot" qnd "Night Vision,also.

Sçç othcrl8lrck_Bait'lpraduçh;= V,a.tl,ej o,,C¿lifornia' - June,04-05,2005. Firearms Show (Fairgrounds)SolanoCounty 9-5 Sat/ 9-4 Sun Contact:Codeof the Westprod. $ck & P"ggy Smith,233 RogueRiver Hwy. Ste-52,GrantsPass,OR 97527 PH:530-676-8762

Vientura;.Câlifotnia June25-26,2005 Firearms and Blades Show (SeasidePark)normerty Ventu Contact McMann's Roadru PO Box 3917s,Phoenix,AZ PH: 602-843-5303Fax: 602

I),Bl,N[ar,California - Juþ 16-17i200S Monterey, Ca - July 16-17 F,irearm,Shows, (Fairgrounds) (Fairgrounds) Contact:Crossroads of the WestGun Shows PO Box 290,Kaysville,UT 84037 PH: 801-544-91,25 Fax:801-546-2886 costa l\{esa,cA - Aug. 20-zl,z00s GunsShow (Fairgrounds)orangecounty Contact:crossroadsof the v/est Gun shows Po Box 290, Kaysville,ur 94037 PH: 80t-544-9r25Fax:801-546-2886

ventura. california Ausust il-Zt.ZOOS Fir-earmsand'Bladesshow (seasidepark)norme¿v'ú"ntu contact: McMann'sRoadru po Box 3gl7s,phoenix,AZ PH: 602-843-5303 Fax:602

Ventura, California November 05-06,2005 Firearms and Blades Show (SeasidePark)formerlyVenturaFairgrounds Contact McMann's Roadrunner PO Box 39175,Phoenix,AZ 85069 PH: 602-843-5303Fax: 602-298-7| l I

56 http ://www.buckbait. com/shows/CA.html


"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way tha distruction, and there are many who go in by it. "Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, few who find it-"







I, Debbie Nager Reid, declare:

a J

I am a resident of the Stateof California and over the age of eighteenyears,and a pa.nYto the ryt ^Y"i{rioaction; my businessaddressis Richards, Watón & G"ershon,355 South 4 GrandAvenue, 40* Floor, Los Angeles,California9007I. On June2,2006,I servedthe within documents:






9W-!o the p-erson(s)and facsimile number(s) set òrttr below on this daie báfore 5:00 P.M. This transmissionw_asreported ù'complete and without error. A copy of the transmissionreport(s), which was properly issuedby the transmitting facsimile machine,is attached. Service U-ytàcsimite has bêen madepursuaît to a prior written agreementbetweenthe partiés.

9 10 l1


byplacing the.document(s)listed above in a sealedenvelopewith postagethereon $lly prgnaid,-in the United Statesmail at Los Angeles, Caiifomia äddreised as set forth below. I am readily familiar with the firm'sþraciice for collection and processingcorrespondencefor mailing with the Unite¿ StatesPostal Service. Under that practice, it would be deposìtedwith the U.S. Postal Service on that same day with postagethereon fulþ prepaid in the ordinary course of business. I am aware that on motion of the parfy served,service is presumedinvalid if postal cancellation date or posta,gemeter date is more than onê day after date of ddposit for mailing containedin this affidavit.


byplacing the document(s)listed above in a sealedFEDERAL EXPRESS enve]gn_e ¿qLdef4*ilg_ 1pr_e-paidair bill, and causingthe envelopeto be delivered to a FEDERAL Ð(PRESS agent for delivery or defosited in a Ëox or other facility regularly maintainedby regularly máintaineä by FEDERAL EXpRESS, in an envelope or packag^e designatedby tlie expressservíce carrrer,with delivery têes paid or provided for, addressedto the pelson(s) at the address(es)set forth below.


(Federal) I declarethat I am employed in the office of a member of the bar of this Court at whose direction the servicê was made.

t2 13 L4 15 16

,r) \



,ol ,tl

tl ,tl ,ol ,tl

DonaldE.J.Kilmer,Esq. Law Off,rcesof DonaldKilmer 1261Lincoln Avenue,Suite I ll SanJose,CA 95125-3030

I decla¡e under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Califomia that the above is true and correct.

,^l -"ll

:"il t2061

by_causing facsimile transmission of the document(s) listed above from(2L3) 626-

Executedon June2,2006.

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