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Everyone Has a Different Set of Dragon Balls... Dende's Shenlon

Kami's Shenlon

Saichourou's Polunga

Muri's Polunga

Home Planet Earth


New Namek

Created By Kami-sama


Saichourou (Modified by Muri)

Saichourou Creation Story

Wanting to give the humans something to work towards, the benevolent Kamisama bestowed Shenlon upon the people of Earth. Unfortunately, people often misused the dragon god. After it was killed by Piccolo Diamaiou, Kami-sama only revives Shenlon for the sake of people like Goku.

After Polunga was After Saichourou's becoming god originally formed death, control of of the Earth, from the dreams of Namek's Dragonballs Dende is Saichourou, the was transferred to asked to father of all Muri. Once he revive, and Nameks. Little else mastered their power, add power to, is known about Muri supercharged Shenlon (he Polunga's origins. the Dragonballs, was destroyed making them even when Kamimore powerful than sama merged the Dai-Kaioshin with Piccolo himself. Needless to during the say, the Dai-Kaioshin Cell saga). wasn't too pleased to After the Cell learn this. Saga, Dende takes the time to further power up Earth's Dragonballs. Wishes Per Summoning 2 (Cell Saga) 3 (Buu Saga)



There is some contraversy here. In volume 33, Dende states that he must limit Shenlon to two wishes per summoning or it won't be capable of granting multiple revival wishes (e.g. "Bring back everyone killed by Cell"). However, in volume 39, Shenlon asks for three wishes. We find it most logical that Dende took the time between the Cell and Buu Sagas to find a workaround for this problem. Can be Summoned Every... 1 year

130 days (1 Namek year)

6 months (1 New Namek year)

Summoned By the Phrase... Japanese: "Ide yo, Shenlon!"

Namekian: "Takkarato Popporunga Pupirittoparo"

Abilities/Limitations of the 'Balls - Can Wish an infinite number of persons back to life at once. - Can only return a person to life once.

- Can only wish one - Can Wish an infinite person back to life number of persons at a time. back to life at once.

- Can return a person to life infinitely many times.

- Cannot be used to wish death or destruction upon an individual or place. - The dragon must be stronger than the persons or things which he is manipulating. - Wish must be made in Japanese.

- Muri's Polunga can manipulate any being in the universe.

- Wish must be made in Namek.

-=- Power levels -=Raditz Saga Raditz: 1200 Piccolo: 322 (weighted clothes) Piccolo: 408 (with out weighted clothes) Piccolo: 1330 (beam cannon 1st try) Piccolo: 1440 (beam cannon 2nd try) Goku: 330 (weighted clothes) Goku: 416 (without weighted clothes) Goku: 1200 (Kamehameha) Gohan: 1-1307 (power changes with anger) Master Roshi: 139 Roshi’s turtle: 0.005 Krillin: 206 Yamcha: 177 Chaotzu: 145 Tien: 250 Saiyan Saga Saibamen: 1200 Yamcha: 1200 Krillin: 1750 Tien: 1830 Chaotzu: 1050 Piccolo: 1220-3500 (max) Gohan: 981-2800 (angry) Goku: 8000 Goku: 12000 (kaioken) Goku: 14050 (kaiokenx2) Goku: 20000 (kaiokenx3) Goku: 24000 (kaiokenx4) Nappa: 4000 Vegeta: 18000 Vegeta: 180,000 (oozaru) Frieza Saga Gohan and Krillin vs. Frieza’s thugs Gohan: 14000 Krillin: 13000 Thug#1: 10000 Thug#2: 9000 Vegeta vs. Kuwi Vegeta: 24000

(c) 2001/2002 DragonballZ Universe

Attack Name





Big Bang Attack

Body Change

Bukujutsu Burning Attack

Description This is a special energy wave designed explicitly for a quick kill of one's opponent. When the wave strikes its victim, the evil in his heart expands and causes his heart to explode. Of course, the victim then must have some evil in his heart for the attack to work. By raising two fingers, the user of this attack can create a large explosion that will totally decimate the surrounding area or the ground under an opponent. An ultimate ki attack, this is an extremely powerful ki blast shot from one hand, the other hand is gripping the shooting hand's wrist for support. This purely defensive technique forms a ki-shield around the body that protects the user from ki or similar attacks. There are two forms of this maneuver. One is a spherical shield that surrounds the body; the other is more of a coating of the body. Created by Vegeta. It is a huge ki bolt of incredible destructive power. The person holds one flat palm forward towards his enemy and launches the bolt. Used to try to kill Cell but failed. This technique is used by the leader of the Ginyu Force, Captain Ginyu. Ginyu spreads his limbs out, shouts "Change!" and shoots out a bolt of energy, and if it hits its target, Ginyu changes bodies with that person. Ginyu then gains the strength and speed of his target, but not his special techniques or ki. After changing bodies, Ginyu can still do a Body Change. Ginyu will change bodies with the first person to hit his change beam, and thus if someone gets in the way of his intended target, Ginyu will change bodies with that person instead. "No Air" The ability to fly with one's ki. A powerful energy blast shot from both hands. It is done when holding both hands forward, while doing some strange arm moves, and then put both hands

forward again, index fingers and thumbs touching. Then release the blast. Chou Kame Hame "Ultimate" Kamehame-ha. Goku uses it first while Ha facing Piccolo in volume 16. Done when you power up the blast between the Chobakuretsumaha palms of the hands in front of his chest, then releases the blast. A very unique technique done when both hands, or a single hand are put forward which can manipulate the bodily movements of his opponent to an extent, Chonoryoku providing that the opponent is not too powerful. The person can stop someone's movements or cause internal pain with this technique. Used by Jiisu. The Crusher Ball is a ki-ball that is Crusher Ball produced from the palm of the hand. With a swipe of the hand with two fingers extended, Daichiretsuzan it creates an invisible cutting beam that goes a long way. This is a small ball of energy which can be created Death Ball from either the tip of the finger or with both hands. A blast shot from one finger, which explodes upon Dodonpa impact. It shoots a Kamehameha-like blast from each hand, Double Tsuihikidan and can be guided towards the enemy. Dynamite Kick A charging kick. Created by Androids 19 and 20. It absorbs energy, Energy Kyushu either from people's bodies or their ki blasts, through the holes in the palms of their hands. Used by Recoom. It is a large, powerful ki blast shot Eraser Cannon from the mouth, and can destroy in a very large radius from where it hits. Eye Beam It is basically a double ki blast shot from the eyes. Used by Freeza, a beam of energy shot from one Freeza Beam finger. Fusion This technique is used to fuse two people into a single person, and give the fused person a huge power boost. Fusion can be done two ways, using Kaio (potara) earrings and doing the special dance. Anyone can do the Fusion, but you must have the same power as whoever you fuse with, and you

must learn the correct pose and form. It's easy to make a mistake and fuse into something far weaker though. The Fusion lasts for 30 minutes before the fused person becomes two again. You draw in your breath while falling down, puffing yourself up and slowing your fall. It is a ring of ki energy that Gotenks can control to change size of the diameter of the Donut. The Galactica Donut Donut can be used to surround the enemy and trap him by holding his limbs with the Donut. You power up the blast like the Kamehameha, but Galick-Ho when you release the blast, your hands are both palm-forward. After trapping someone with Renzoku Super Gekitotsu Buu Buu Donuts, you beat the ball around a bit before Volleyball spiking it really hard into the earth. "Spirit Bomb" A large ball of energy gathered from Genki Dama nature, humans, etc., which lend you their energy. Used by Goku in movie 3 to destroy Dr. Wheelo. You spit up a strange sticky substance at your Guruguru Gum opponent. The Gum then wraps around the victim, inhibiting his movement. You treat your opponent like a volleyball and hit Haikyuken them around volleyball style. It shoots a Ki blast forward using both hands and Hankokubikkurisho traps his victim in a shocking field of energy from which the opponent cannot escape. Haretsu no Maho A magic spell used to make people explode. When you move your arms fast enough so there are Hasshuken like eight, and you attack with all eight at once. Fires a powerful blast from cannons under your Hell's Flash wrists. Honoo A powerful breathes of fire. A Japanese game identical to that of "Rock, Paper, Jan-Ken Punch Scissors." Goku then has three different types of Jan-Ken Punches. A series of Ki blasts shot into the air, which seek Genocide Attack their targets upon being fired. Kaioken This is primarily a power-up move. When Goku uses this technique, he flares up and gains a large boost Fusenko

to his speed and power. Goku can also use multiplied power to his Kaioken, like Kaioken time 3. Shoots a blast from each hand. Then control the blasts so that they merge and then directs it above Kakusandan the heads of the enemies. There upon split the blast again into many smaller Ki bolts which rain down upon the enemies. Fires many Ki bolts around the opponent, Kakusanyudokodan surrounding them, then controls the bolts so they all shoot toward their target. It is a Ki blast, which to start is charged up held Kamehameha behind the firer in cupped hands, then brought forward to release a large blast of energy. This technique is used simply by yelling really loud Kiai which disperses weaker Ki attacks. An invisible force attack that knocks one's opponent Kiaiho back. It can be shot either from an open palm or from the eyes. "Distructo Disc" It is a flat, disc-shaped Ki blast, Kienzan which can be used to slice through its target with deadly accuracy. Used mostly by Krillin. You put the tips of your fingers of both hands together, forming kind of an "O" between his fingers Kikoho and his thumbs. Then you shoot a very powerful Ki blast through the "O" at the opponent. A Ki beam that shoots out somewhat as an Ki No Tsurugi extention of the hand and can be swung and stabbed to cut or pierce enemies. Koshoku You can eat light using this technique. It lets you grow your body to a huge size, making Kyodaika the range and strength of your blows much more effective. You act like a mad dog, barking and charging at Kyoken your enemy to scare him, then jump over him and kick him from behind. Mafuba It is a swirling blast of energy shot at the intended demon. Once caught in the blast, the blast is directed into a jar, bottle, or other imprisonment container, thus imprisoning the demon. However, if the container is opened, whoever is trapped inside




Mystic Attack Papparapar Rogafufuken Rolling Satan Punch Renzoku Energy Dan Renzoku Shine Recoom Kick Recoom Mahha Attack Saiko No Kogeki Saimin Nno Jutsu

will be freed. A penatrating blast shot from two fingers. It is actually two blasts, one going straight ahead and the other coiling around the first for drilling power. This attack drills through everything it hits, and eventually blows up when it hits something big enough. Used by Piccolo to kill Raditz along with Goku. It gathers Ki into both of your arms, then fires a blast from each one after the other. It powers up a blast over your head with both of your hands, one palm behind the other, then you bring your hands down in front of you to fire the blast. Using the Namek ability to extend their arms, Nameks extends their arm at the enemy from a distance, thus surprising them. This is a magic spell used to teleport people in Babidi's spaceship. Preparing yourself in a special stance, attacks with many "claw-like" punches and kicks, finishing off with a double-fisted "claw-punch." Satan curls up into a ball, rolls along the ground, then punches his opponent. The user of this technique can shoot Ki bolts continuously from their hands, resulting in somewhat of a "machine-gun ki blast" effect. This is Gotenks' adaptation of the Renzoku Energy Dan technique. A charging knee blow. A charging punch. A Ki blast that is shot out of the mouth. Used to hypnotize someone and affect his or her mind. A distract and avoid technique.

Saruken Satan Special Ultra Super Megaton Used by Mr. Satan, really just a normal punch. Punch Created by Dabura, his saliva will turn whatever it Sekikatsuba hits to stone.

Shishin No Ken

Shiyoken Shogekiha Shunkanido Sokidan Suiken

Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack



Time Freeze Tsuihidan Udebunrikogeki

Created by Piccolo, this technique is used to split a person into four different parts. Each person created is not just an image like that created with the Zanzoken, but can fight and be attacked. The only problem with the Shishin No Ken move is that each person has only has a quarter of the power and the speed than if there was only one. It sprouts out an extra set of arms from the shoulders. Is an invisible blast shot from the eyes or hand. "Instantaneous Movement" The user places two fingers on his forehead, searches for a Ki he wants to go to, then when he finds it, can teleport there. This is a round energy ball shot from the palm of the hand. The person acts drunk and wobbles around. Thereby, he confuses his opponent, and hits them when they are off guard. Created by Gotenks, he spits out a ghost-like form closely resembling the person. The ghostlike form has a mind of its own, and when it hits anything, it explodes, severely damaging whatever is caught in the blast. "Solar Flare" Created by Tein and used by other Z warriors. The user puts his hands in front of his face, says "Taiyoken," and lights up very bright, so much that he blinds his opponent. The user of this technique jumps high in the air, then on the way down, face forward with his arms in an "X" position, landing on his opponent with the arm "X. This is an attack used by Guldo and when used freezes time for his opponents so that they are frozen in whatever position they were in. But can only last for how long he can hold his breath. It is a Ki blast, and it tracks its enemy. The user of this technique pulls a piece off of his body and controls it to attack his opponent in some way.

-=- SSJ Stages -=Saiyan A saiyan has most of all black hair, but sometimes they have brown hair or purple hair. Saiyans have black eyes and a tail. They are stronger and faster than humans. Who: Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Raditz, Nappa, Trunks, Goten, Taurus and Brolly. Oozaro An Oozaru is a big gorilla. You can only change in an oozaro if you have a tail and when there's a full moon. When they are changed in an oozaro, they will destroy everything and won't listen to everyone. They are stronger than a saiyan. Who: Goku, Vegeta and Gohan. Super Saiyan A super saiyan is a lot stronger than a normal saiyan. His hair is blonde and his eyes are green. His hair is also much longer. They are not only a lot stronger, but also a lot faster. Who: Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Brolly. Ultra Super Saiyan An ultra super saiyan is stronger, But also a lot bigger than a super saiyan. The hair is al little bit longer. An ultra super saiyan is very slow because he has very big muscles. The color of the hair and eyes are the same. Who: Goku, Vegeta and Trunks. Super Saiyan 2 Gohan is the first one that reaches this level. That happens in the Cell saga. A super saiyan 2 looks more like a super saiyan than an ultra super saiyan. A super saiyan 2 is faster, stronger and narrow. His hair is a lot longer, but is eyes aren't changed. Who: Gohan, Goku and Vegeta. Ultra Super Saiyan 2 An ultra super saiyan 2 looks like an ultra super saiyan, but is bigger and has no eyelids. There is only one saiyan that reaches this level and that is Brolly. Brolly is a legendary saiyan and that's why he is the only one that reaches this level. An ultra super saiyan 2 is just like an ultra super saiyan very slow. Who: Brolly Super Saiyan 3 A super saiyan 3 is stronger than an ultra super saiyan 2. He is not only stronger, but also a lot faster. His hair is now very long. His eyes haven't changed at all (still green). The eyebrows are disappeared and his forehead is much bigger. Who: Goku

Super Saiyan 4 A super saiyan 4 is completely different than all the other levels. He has the body from a monkey and the face from a saiyan. He is very strong and fast. His hair is black and short and his eyes are yellow. His tail has grown he has a red fur. Who: Goku and Vegeta




SSJ level 3

Gold Oozaro

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