Days Of Thanks

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 168
  • Pages: 1
agi f tf oryou,

agi f tf oryours chool . ' Ti st hes eas ont ogi vet hanks !Andasas peci alt hankst o youf orhel pi ngyours choolwi t hBoxTops , we' r egi vi ng awayagi f tadayf or30days . Eachdayf r om November1 6 t oDecember1 5, youcanent erf orachancet owi nagi f t bas ketfil l edwi t h: •agi f tcar dt ous eatt heBoxTopsMar ket pl ace®, i ncl udi ngmanyofyourf avor i t eonl i ner et ai l er s •l ear ni ngs uppl i esf r om MyCl as sEs s ent i al s ™ •as el ect i onofyourf avor i t eBoxTopspr oduct s Anext r abonus :eachwi nner ’ ss choolwi l lr ecei ve1 00 BonusBoxTops ! br oughtt oyoubyBoxTopsbr andss uchas :

got obt f e. com/ 30days t oent erdai l y, s t ar t i ngNovember1 6t h!

Nopur chasenecessar y .Sweepst akesval i d11/ 16/ 09-12/ 15/ 09.

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