Horse Camp Children Gain Confidence
Courtney Draughn turns her horse, Dusty, inside a box under the guidance
of Marissa Johnson
Each week for six weeks. 10 children learn confidence ill themselves as they learn the aid needed 10 direct and control a 1.000 lb. four-legged . friend. They learn responsibility as . they learn how 10 groom that four-legged partner. but also why it is important. Marissa Johnson. owner of Dixieland and director of Mocksville/Davie Recreation's Summer Horse Camps. is a firm believer of teaching good basic horsemanship. be it mounted or unmounted. She teaches eacb camper, as she does her many private students, the safest horse handling techniques. At Dixieland all riders adult or youth must wear a certified equestrian helmet. no bicycle helmets are allowed. During camp Johnson has two senior counselors work together, presenting her daily lessoIJPlans for grooming. bathing. racking. tack care, basic horse care and 10 half the campers. while she is working in the indoor arena' with the other five on riding skills assisted by four junior counselors. All six
are chosen
from her pr-ivate
students. all with Ihe expertise needed 10 be safe and effective assistants in her techniques. Then the groups switch. Each group spends about I 1/ 2 hours a day astride their mount.
3eth Jones learns to lunge at a trot under the guidance
:ourtney Draughn demonstrates
of Hosh Wright.
balance with Joh~so!.1.·s encouragement.
Campers learn to assemble a bridel under the guidance of counselor, Chet Hansen.
Director Marissa Johnson
helps Carolina
to mount from
Hunt seat is the basic discipline used as its helps 10 develop the needed balance and allows good contact bel ween the rider's legs and the horse. Campers gel 10 spend time playing horseback games. plus they decorate their mounts with washable pninrs before learning proper washing techniques. Everything is made fun and challenging. each day is filled to the brim with Iaughter and accomplishments, some big. some small. The afternoons are spent with Kathie Streit. program director of the recreation department. Monday. Wednesday and Friday .are spent at the Yadkinville pool. Tuesday and Thursday are filled with field trips and crafts. all equine related. For more information. call 751-2325. There are limited spots lWailable for the last two weeks in JUly.