David L. Moss Justice Center (tulsa County, Oklahoma) - Intergovernmental Service Agreement (igsa) With Ice

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ThIs 1ntet-Oovcmmen1!l1 ServJa, Agreement ("Agreement") is entm:d Into between United &u.s Department of Homeland Security Immlgtadon and Olatom& ~ ("ICE"), and The Tulsa County Board of Comn\Issionem on b
The Service l'rovi
A Purpose; The purpose of this lllU:IgOVernmen1!l1 SerW:e Agreement (lGSA) is to establish an Ast-nent between ICE and the Setvlce Prov!der fot- the derention, and am: of peraom detained . under the authority of Imm/grac:Ion and Nationa\ity At:r, as amended. All penooo in the c:ustody of ICE .....Admlniittatlve Detainees". Thil term recognizes thai: ICE detainees .... not cI:wged with criminal vk>Iations and .... otJl.y held in custody to assute thcir presence throughout the adn:IInistr:ati hearing ~ and to U8IllC tbeIr p:esena: for mnoval from the UDlb:d Statoo punuant to a lawful ftnal order by the fmmicmtion Courr, the BoanI of bnnugration Appeals or other Federa1 judicial body. B. l!csO"!!!dbUiticf; This Agreement _

forth the te8IioDaibilities of ICE and the Service Provider. The Ast-nent &taUs the aetYices the Scmle ProvkIer shall perform saJisfactorIly to n=!ve payment from ICE at the:ratlO prescribed in An:ide 1, C.

C. Qnida"'r This is a ilxed me agreement, not a coot reimbutsable agreernenr,with respcctto the detainee day rate. The detainee day rate is $SM3. ICE sball be ROponsible far teV!ewing and approving the C<JOU ssoociaoed with this Agreement and mbsequent modi6catioas itttllii.ng all applicable faletal procurement Jaws. l"gnlsr!on. and 6IBIldatds in arriYing at the detainee day.-.


Article n. General A

The oblfption oflCE to maIoe pavmenI$ to the Service Providerls com:i1lgentupon the IMliIabllity of Federal funds. ICE will neither pment l at the approved tau: will be paid upon the retum of the slgned Agteemeot by the authorized Local Government official to ICE. Fppt!!nm

B. Snhoonmrtpn: The ServIoe ProvIder shall notify and obtain approyal from the ICE Contraeting Officer'. Tcdmical RepresentBtlve (COTR) or designated ICE official if it Intends to house ICE detainees In a facility other than the DavId 1. M06S Criminal Justice Center. If either that facilitv, or any future &cilirJ is operated by an entity other !ban the Setvice Provider, ICE shaU treat the entity as a subcontraetm co the SeMce Provider. The SeMce Provider shall obteln the Contracting

Officer's approval before sobcootractirog the detmtion and care of ~ to another entity. The Cantm:ting Officer bas the right co deny, withhold, or withdraw approval of the pxopoeed aubc:ontrattor. Upon approval by the Conaacting Officer, the Sen>k:e Provider shall ensure that any aubcontract includes aU provIsIoN of this Agreement, and shall provide ICE with copies of aU subcontract&. All payments will be made!D the ServIoe Provider. ICE will not aa:epr: invoices from, or make payments to a oubcontract:ot.


Coruim:nt with lJIW) This Is a finn fboed tau: agreement, not cost n:imbunable ~ This Agttcment I. pennitted under applicable &tatull!S, tegUlatitm, policles or judicial mandarrs. Arrt pxoviIIon of this AgreeII1£Ill: cont:ruy to applicable &tatull!S, reguladon, policies or judicial DllUUIates , 1lI DUll aDd void and shall not necessarily affect the balance of the Agnoemeot.

Article m.

Cove:e4 Semces'

A 'l..!'P'''''' The SeMce l'Iov\d..r shall make acc:as!b)., up!D one hundred ODd forty (140) moleIfema/e beds on a spare available basis. The Servire Provider shall house aU detainees as derermined within the SeMce Pravider'sclassi1lcation~ ICE will be fl na nctal1vliahleonly Cor the actual detainee days as defined In Paragmpb C ofArticle IlL

B. Basic Nml" The Setvice Provider shall pro.lde ICE detainees with safekeeping, housing, oubsis£enc<-. medical and other aervioes /n'acaml.ancewith this i\greement. In pmvidingthese , services, the Service Provider shall enzure compliance with aU applicable !awe. xeguladons, fire and safety codes, ~ and procedures. If the Service Provider detennInes that ICE bas delivered • pet80D for custDdy who is under the age of eigIueen (18). the ServIce Provider.hall not house that pet80D with adult detem- and shaIIlmmedialcly notify the ICE COTR or deslgnated ICE official. The tj>peS and levels of services shall be oonsllI!ent with those the Setvice Provider routinely affutds other inmo.teS.




.. C. Unit ofSmk:e and Financial! i.blnW The unit of service is caIkd a "detainee day" and is defined as one person per day. 'The detaio.;e day begina on the date of arrival. The Sm>!ce Provider may bill ICE fur the date of miYa1 but not the date of departure. The Service Provider shall not t~ fur com, which are not dIrecdv related to the housing and detention of detainees. Such costs include but are not limited to: 1) Salaries of elected ofIIciaIs 2) Salaries of .mpIoj1eea not directly engaged In the housing and detention of

5) 6)

detaln.... Indired: com In which a perca>ragoe of allloc;al government CXlIItlI are prMated and applied to individual departmartlunlcos, those cost are allocated under an approved Cost Allocation Plan Detainee services wb.Ich are not provided to. or cannot be u...t by Federaldetainees OperatIng costS of facllItIes not utilized by Federal detainees lnb>reat on borrowing (boweve< TepreSented), bond discounts, COSII; of


J..easl or protessiona1 fees (apecil!a.lly !egalexpenaes fur prosecution of claims aealnst

3) 4)

I .1

tlnandng/tefinaJlI:Ing, eccept as preoc:ribed by OMB Cirrular Ml7 .

the Federal Oovemment, !egalexpenses of individual deIainees or inmates) 8) Contiugende. . D. lnraraetiyt; Srzyjrn· The Service Provider shall malce spedld provi&Ions fur non-English speaking, handlapped or ilIit£rate dctaineea. ICE will teimburse the Serv;'" Provider fur the actual costS .......ia1led with providing commercial wrInm or telephone IaIIg1.IIIgO! 1n1le1'pretM: IClViccs. Upon request, ICE will aseist the Service Provider In ~ tnmaIadon IClViccs. The Service Provider shall provide aU !nattuctIons -tn.lly either in English or the detainees'language, as ap~ to detainees who cannot read. The Service Provider shall include the actuallXl6lS that the Service l'nMder paid fur such services on I1lI monthly invoice.. E>rCepc in emer&enCY situations, the Servke Provider shall not \lie detainees fur trarulation services. 1£ the Service Provider uses a detainee fur ttansIatIon service, it shall notiCy ICE wit:hin twentTfour (2+) houn of the traDSlation service.

E. EKOtt and Tnp!!Il

'A. Rc!mj.ro Mlylrc The Servk:e Provider shall t=M: and discharge d
I [ I

shall not permit medical or emergency dlsc:harges except dnough coordination with on-duty ICE officeIs. B. Emerp.em:y Sin.otIgnc ICE detBIneeoshall not be rei......! from the 6!cility into the CIIStOdy of other Federal, stare, or 1oc:aI officials for any -son. except for medJcaI or etlleIll"nCJ'situations, withoUt ""Itt... aurhoritation of ICE.



C. Rr.trigrd II d.... of Pt11!lnCfl!: The Service Provider &hall not release ICE detainees from Irs physical custody to any persoDS other than those de.c:rlbed In Pamgraph A of ArtIcle IV for any _ crcept for cIIher medkal, other eDJe!llellCY siORlioos, or in xeaponse to a Ji:deral writ of . habeas corpus. If an ICE deo.inee is sought for RderaI, state, or 1oc:aI proceedings, only ICE tna'f authorize release of the detainee for such pttrpo<e& The ServIce Provlder shall (onuct the ICE COTR or desfgnmd ICE of6clallnunediardy regarding any such m:tue&tS.

D. SmJg; PmvkI ... Right of W ...]· The SeIViI:e Provider retains the right to refuse acceprance or request n:moval of any detainee exhlbltingviolent or dJsru~ behavior, or of any detainee found to have a medical condition thatrequiRo medical care beyond the scope of the Service ProvIder's heaItb care \>IOfIder. In the awe of a detainee already in cuatody, the Scmce Provlder shall notify ICE and request such remooal of the det.ainee from the padlity. The Service l'roIrlder shall alIaw ICE reasonable time to make alternative ammgementB for the detai...... E. Emrmmqr E",nw!gn; In the """"t of an ernmgency requiring evacuation of the Facllity, the Service ProYIder shall eoacuaIIe ICE detainees in the same 1IUIDIlet, and with the same saJeguuda, as it employs for peI80DS detaIned under the Service ProvIder's authority. The Scmce PnMder shall nodfY the ICE COTR or designated ICE official within two (2) bouts of evacuation.

ArtIcle V. DHS/ICE o-tioD. StatIdaldo

SA'PSFAcroRYPERFQRMANCE. The Service Provider is required to house detalneos and perform relmd dctJ:ntlon servtces in attotdance with the moot cunentedltion of ICE National Deaoation Smndanb Chttp.llwww let gnvlp;mpepldmlnpma n,'@lljndrxbtml. ICE Inspectors wtll ccnductperiodlc inspections of the facility to usure complJaru:e with the ICE National Detention Stsndarda.

A A!1SJ!lrn ofHC'1tb Authgrltv. The SeMoe Prooider shall provide ICE detainees with on-olbo health care servtces under the control of a local.,....rmnent dHlgnared Health Authority. The Service ProvIder shall ensure equlpment, aupplies, and mareriaIs, as reqult"ed by the Health Authority, are fumished to deIfoer heslth care cmeite.

B. kYd ofJ>m£r..!oooll!!I!J' The ServIce Provider shall ensure that all health care service providess utilm:d for ICE detainees hold cuttent Iicenoes, c:ertiftcatIons. and!0< reglsttations with the Slate and/or City where they are practiclng. The Service ProvIder &hall retain a tegi&tered nurse to ptOYide health care and sick call ~ un1ess expressly stated otherwise in this Agreement. In the abIenc:e of a health care professional, non-healrh care petlIOIl11Il! tna'f refer detaineeo to bealth




em:: reoouroes based upon prooocols developed by United StalES Public Heahh Se
staff. The Service Providet shall furnish the detah-s instructions in bls or her nati'll: language for gaining acceI& m health care..mces as prescribed in Article Ill, Paragraph D.

D. 0nS1re tkil.h Care: The Service Provider shalL futnish OJ.>oSlte health care uruIet this Agreement. The &nice PlO<'Ider.hall not chaqe any ICE d.....lnee an addltIooal. fee or Co1Javment for medbl mW:et or t%eOtmeDt provided 101: the Service Prooider'o faclIitv. The Setv!ce Pr<Mdcr shall ensure that ICE detainea receMo 110 lower k.el of ono6lte medical care and servia!s than thooe It provides III local Inmates. CltHite heahh care &eI:Vkes shall include arrival &aeeoiPgwithin ~~ (24) hollt& of arriwl at the Fadlity, sick. call c:ovenge, ptOYislnn of OOtt-dl&counter medlrattons, treatment of minor injuries (e.g. lacerations, II()nIins, and contuslons), treatment of speelaI needs and mental health lSI .1entB. Detalneeo with chronic coudltinns shall recelve prescrjbed treatment and follow-up care.

E. Arrlyal $geming: ArrlYal screening shaIllnc1ude at a minimum 1'5 symptom screening, pIan~ of the Tubm:ulin' Skin Test (PPD). and recording the history of past and present illnesses (mental and phyoicaI). The health <:ate aeMce provider or tnIined heahh care pmotmel may perform the arrlYal sc:reeniog.


Ag:epttmce of Detain.... wjth

!iJtn:me H.:aIrb Q,gdJtlogs: Hthe ServIce Provider detennina that an ICE detainee has a medical condition wbf<:h tenders that person unacceptable for derent!nn under this Agreement, (for example, con«»si
G. prns PmApprqvaI fpr Nqn:Emmmcy OffSiw Care. The ServIce Provider shall obtain DlliS appr<Wal for any~, ofUlre n..aIthcare for anydeta!nee. DlHS acts as the agent and Jlnal bcalth authority for ICE on all ofklte detslnee medical and hesIth related maImS. The relationship of the DlHS to the detainee equa/s that of ph~n to patient. The Sexvice Pn:wider . shalL Rlease anv and all medicallnformatkm for ICE detainees to the DIHS Rpresentati... upon tequelt. The ServIce Ptovider solicit DIHS apptOYa! befoR pmceeding with n~, off.u.: medieal aile (e.g. off site lab ~, ~, \lOO1IIetk: dental prosthetics, and dental care for coometic pw:poses). The Senrice Provider shallrubmlt IIlpPOrtlng documentation for nonroutine, offotlte medical health setvkes m DIHS. For medical cue provided outside the facility, DIHS may detx:rmine that an a1ternat1Ve medical provider or lnitltution is more cooteffectiw 0< roore apdy mee1lI the needs of ICE and the dmjnee ICE may refuse to relmbw:se the Se

Phone: (888) 71S8947 FAX: (866) 47>9349 Via weboi~ www.m.health.otg 5


The Sem:e ProvIder ill to notify aU medical provIden approved to fumioh off.oJ.re hmbh care of detainees to submit their bills in aaxm!ance with inabuctions provided to;

Unmd States Public Health Setvices DMsIon of immigration Health Services 1220 L Strtet, NW PMB 468 Washington, IX: 20005-4018 (Phone): (888).71S89-f7 (FAX): (866)475-9349

VIa website: www.inshealth.OIII' H. EmC!l!!l!!CJ Medical Care The SeTvice Ptooider shall fumiah twenty-foor (24) bour eme

0f£S1!e Guards: The SeMce Ptooider shall provide guanIs at aU times detainees are admitted to an oull5lde medical6u:i1ity.


OIHS Y!sjII; The Service PIWidcr shall allow DIHS Managed Care Coordinators rouonab1e acce&. 10 lis i8dIity fur the purpooe ofliaison aaMties with the Health Anthority and usoclated Service

l'rotrider departments.

Ardde vn. No ~ ofU1llllltborizedAIieDS Subject to exisdng laws, n:guIations, J:":m:ut!ve Ordem, and addenda 10 this Agreement, the Setvice Provider shall not employ aliens unauthorized to worit In the United States. E=pt- fur maintaining pea;onalllYiDg areas, ICE detalnees shall nat he requited to pelfunn tnanuallabor.

A Gepm.!. The Service ProYider shall a:rtIfy to the U.s. bnml,ration and Customs Enfun:ement, Contnu:tiDg Officer that any empIo,ees perfomI.Ing under this Agreement, who have a=sr to ICE . detainees, will haYe 8UCCC88fu1\y c:cmpIcted an emplo,ment scm:nIng that includes at a minimum a almlnal history recoxds checl<, employment refereJlce cIu:cb and a cirizenship chcc:k. B. Employment Elig!h!Utv. ScxeenIng crilerla thatwtU exclude applicants &om consideration to perform under !his agreement includet 1. Felony convictions 2. ConvictIon of a 8CX crime 3. Ofren&
4. Felony d:ug convictlono 6

·1· 5. Paerem of anests,wlthout convicIioas, that brings into question a petron'. judgment and reIiab!lityto promote the efficiency and lntqrItyofthe ICE mlssion. 6. Intentional filIIification arul/or oIDission of pertinent personal infotmatlon 1D influence a



favoJable ernpIo)oment decision. Subject to exiJdng law. regulationB anc\Ior other provisions of this Agn:ement, iIIt:gaI or Wldocwnented aliens shall not be employod by the Service Provider.

The Service Provider shall certify that each emplO)'Oe working on this Agreement will have a Social Security CanlI8sued and approved by the Social Security Admini~tion. The Service Provider .haIl be responstble ID the Oovernment for aCl& and omissions ofhls own employees and for any 'Subcontraao,(s) and their em~

The Service Pr<wJder shall cxprenly incoIpotUe this proviBion \ntD any and aU Suboonttacts or subordinate agreemenlB issued in support of this Ageement. The Service ProvIder shall recertify thelr eDlplO)'Oel ewry three yom by conducting a criminal history teeords ched.: to maintain the integrity of the workforce. The Service Providet shan implement a Sel£Reporting requirement for ita emp" to immedlaldy report one's own criminal arreot/. to supcrlot&. C. Secllrily ManH8!l!!l!!!'\t, The Service Provider shall appoint a senior official to act as the Agreement Security Officer. The individual wiD Ina:rface with the on aU security matters, to include . pI".ical, personnel. and procection of aU Oaoetnment!nformation and data acceaed by the Service


Providet. The COTR and Conttact:ing Officer shall have the tight txJ In8pec:t the proc:edute.O, methods, all documentation and facilities utilised by the Service Provider in complving with the IIOCIIrity . requirements und...·this Agn.ement. Should ICE detierm.lne that the Service Provider is not comp\yfng with the security requiremenIB of this Agreement, the Service Provider shall be infunned in wriIiDg by the Contracting Officer of the tnoJ1er action txJ be taken in onter to effect complfance with tbeseemp\ayment ocnenfngtequiIements.

ArtIcle IX. Period of Pedtmoauo:e

A This Agreement shall become effi.:tIve upon the datil of flnallignature by the ICE Con=:tlng Officer and the aut:horbed Ilgnatory of tbe Service Provider and will remain in effect!nddinitely unless IImninaIM in writing, by either party. Jlitb.,r petty must provide wril:tI:n notice of inIaltions IX) tetminate the ag=ment, sbcty (60) d..,.in advance of the effective dale of formal termination, or the PartI.. may agree ID a shorter period under the procedures prescribed in ArticIc X. B. Basis for Prlq: Miu!ltmeJ!t; A firm fbtEd price with economic adjustment pmoides for IIpwanI and downwanI revision of the stated Per DIem hued upon coot indexEa of labor and opetSting . expenses, or hued upon the SetYk:e ProvIder'. aauaI coot experience in providing the service.


I ;

A. JailAgrmrent Impcqion Reporr: The Jail Agreementlnspection Report stipulates minimum requirement!! for iire/afety code compl.i2ru:e, supervision, segregation, sleeping utensils, meals, medical cm:e, cooftderuial communlcatinn, telephone access, legal c:ounsel, Iegallibrat)', visitation, and tcemltion. The ServIce Provider ohaIl allow ICE to coruiuct lnspect:Ions of the faclIlty,

c. Sbm Findjnp§' The Service Provider shall provide ICE coples of facilitv inspections, teYiews, examinations, and S1llVeY" performed by a=editation 6D11IteS.

D. Agm to Qrrajn •• B!'!!T!!I!.t: The Service Provider shaIJ, upon requeor, grant ICE access to any IIlCOId in Its posseIIIion, regardIeso ofwhether the Service Provider aeated the recmd, ~ any delainee held pumuant to this Agreement. This right of acx:ea sha1I include, bur is not limited to, incident reports, records tUting to suicide attempII, and behavioralulOSImenlll and other records relating to the delllinee's behavior wbiIe in the SeMce Provider'. CI15tOdy. Futthennore, the Service Provider ohaIl retain an teCOtC!s where this rIJht of Ila:es& applies fur a period of two (2) J<:8I1S from the dati of the detainee's dirl_ from the Service ProY!det'. CUSttXlV.

i! !

A. Modi&atiO!!§! Act:iona other than those deslgnated in this Agreement will not bind or incur . lisbilitv on behalf of either Party. EIther ~ may n:queat a modification to this Agreemmt by submitting a written requeat to the other Patty. A modilkadoo will become a part of this Agreement OIlly after the ICE ContractIng Offied &ignatory of the SeMce Provider have approved the mod.iflcation in writing.

B. DImutes; The ICE Conttacting Officer and the authorized signatoIy of the Service Provider will ·settle d!aputes, quations and coru:ema arlJiDll from this Agreement. Settlement of disputes shall be memoria1bed in a written modiftcation bc_ the ICE Contracting Officer and authorbed signatory of the Service Provider. In the """"" Ii dispu1e is not able to be resolved between the Servioe PrCNider and the ICE Conuacting 0fIlcer, the ICE ContractIng Officer will mala: the 6nal decision. If the Service Provider doea not agree with the final decision, the matter may be appealed to the ICE Head of the Contra<:tlng ActivIty (HeA) fur ~lion. The ICE RCA may emplo? all methods a.vailable to reaoIve the diapure iDcIuding ahematiw dispute resolution technique8. The Service Provider shall proceirl di\Igentlywith pe1f... ,1IlWICe of thisAgreemenrperuling 6nal resolution of any d!apure.



Article xu. AdJusting me Detainee Day Rate

ICE shall reimburse the Service Provider at me fbred detainee dar Ia1e shown on the cover page of the document, Article I. (C). The PartIes may adjust the rate ~Ut (24) monm. after me ef(;,crM, dalle of the agn:ement and """'Y twelve (12) monm. thereaIier. n..; Parties ,ball base the cost portion of me rate adjustment on me princtples of aUowability and allocability .. oet ford> in OMS Citcular A 8'1. federal procurement 1awa, regulations, and &tandatda in arriving at the detainee day rate. The roquest for adjU$lment shall be submitted on an ICE JoU Services Cart Stat=ent. If ICE does not =eM: an official request for a detainee day rate adjll1ltment !hat is supportJed by an ICE Jall Services CootStatement, the flmi detainee day rate as stared in d>i&~wlII be in place indefinltely. See Article XA. ICE .......... the right to audit me actUal andio< proopective coots upon which the rare adjustment is based. All tate adjustmenlll are prospectiYe. As d>i& Is a fua:d rate agreement, !here ate no tetroactive adjuatment(s).

ArtIcle xm. EnmIhnent, 1moiciIlg, ODd Payment

A. Enrollment In Elemnnirftmds Tpm/j:r; The Service Provider shall provide ICE with me iIOOrmatIon needed to make payments by ckcttonic funds tr8nSfer (EFI). SinCe January 1, 1999, ICE makes aU paymentS only by 'EFT. The Service Ptovider shaD identify their financial Institution and telated Information on Standard Form 3881, Automated Clearing House (ACH) Vendor Mlsr:ellaneous Payment Enrollment Form. The Setvlce Provider shall SIlbmit a oompleted SF 3881 to ICE payment office prior to aubmittlni illllnltial request for payment under this Agreement. If the EFT data changes, the Service Provider shall be responsible fat provlding updatM information to the ICE payment office.

B. J:nvoldrur, The Service Prooider shall submit an original itembed in'IIOice containing me fuJlawing i.nfarmatioru me name and addras ofme &clIitr. me name ofeach ICE detainee; detainee'sAnumber; spec!flc dates of cIetention for each detainee; the total number of detainee days; me daily ran.; me total detainee daJl multiplled by the daily rab>; an ImnIzed Ilsting of all od>er ciwBes; and the name, title, JKidtess, and phone number of me IocaJ offtcial responsible for in'IIOice prepazation. The Service ProvIder shall aubmit monthly invoioea within me fust ten (10) woridng ~ of the month following me calonda:r monm when it provlded the servioes, toe Departmeru: of Homeland Security

lCE,lFDADRO DRO Mission Support 8101 North StemlllDll8 Freeway Dallaa, T..... 75247

Phone. (214) 905-5888 Faxz (214) 905-SS9O C. Payment ICE will tra:nofer funds .lectrcnIcaUy duough either an Automata!. Clearing House subject to the banking Ia... of the UnitM Stares, or the Federal Reser... Wire Transfer Sj.;1I:m. The Prompt PaymentM appIiea to this~ The Prompt Pa.ymentAl:t requ_ICE to maIre payme:nlll under Agt.ement the thirtl.m (30"') calendar dar afu:r the ICE Depottation office



I r

.J rea!ives a complete irivoice. Either the date on the Oovemment's check, or the date it executes an electronic transfer of funds, .ball ronstitull: the payment date. The Prompt Payment Act requires ICE to pay Interest on overdue payments to the Service ProvIder. ICE wiI1 deumnine any Interest due in accordance With the Prompt Payment As:t.

Article XlV. Gowmment FumIohed Property It.

&dw) Property FumjJhed !D the Seryig; Prov4kr: ICE may furnish Federal Government property and equipment!D the Service PtcMder. Aa:ountable property remains tided !D ICE and sball be ret:umcd to the CUiIXldY of ICE upon termination of the Agn:ement. The suspension of UIC ofbed space made available to ICE is agt-I to be ground. for 'the reaR and retUrn of any or aU

government furnished property.

B. SeIlIice Provider Bc:monaiblliM The Setvk:e ProvIder shall not remOlll! ICE property from the filcjJ.jty Without the prior written approval of ICE. The Service Provtder shall teport any loss or desttuction of any Federal Oovemmcnt plOperty immedlat:eIv to ICE.

It. Smjcc Pmvlder Held H&D!I.... ICE sbaII, IUhject to the avaiIablIIty of funds, """" and hold the Service ProvIder barmIess and Indemnify the Service Provider apIDiI: ony and allllab!l!ty claims and COitI of whIm:ver ldnd and DIItUIe, for injmy to or death of any penon(s), or 10ss or " " - to any property, which OCXUII in connection With or is incident to petfonnance of work under the termS of this Agreement, and which ~ from negligent actB or omiliiions of.ICE officers or employees, to the exment that ICE would be JiabL, t<x such neg\lgent actII or omissions under the 'Fedetal. Tort Claims Act, 28 USC 2691 01'"4

B. fqIm! Gqyemmmt Held tlannless: The Servkz Provider shaU """" and hold harmless and , ,iI)demnlIY Ii:dctal goymlment agencies to the extmlt allowed by law apIDiI: any and aU liability daIm.s, and COitI of whatooeVer kind and na1\mO for injury to or death of any person or penoN and for lata or damage 10 any property occ:orrIDg In c:onn"'"on with, or in any way incident !D or arising out of the ocx:npancy, use, seMce, opetUion or perfunnance of wed< under the _ of this AiI ...rnent, resulting from the negligent acts or omlsaInns of the ServIce Provider, or any emp., ex agent of the Service Provider. In 60 _log. the Setvk:e ProvIder does not waive any defenses. immunities or IlmitB of liability available to it under sIDlE or federslla.w.

c. Defense ofSuiQ ln the ewent a detainee Illes suit against the Service l'rcMder contesting the legality of the detainee'. Jncatceradon and/or imIDJ&ratiOD/cit;xnship status, ICE .hall request that the U.s. Ar.torntI1a Office, as appropriate, ffiO\lI! either to have the Service PnMder dismissed from &UCh suit. to hIM: ICE subotitut2d as the proper party defendant; or to have the case reJIlOIIed to a COUIt of proper jurisdfctlon. RegardIe.or of the decision OIl any &UCh motion, ICE shaU -request that the U.s. Am:rmt!;s Office be responsible fur the defctue of any suit on these gtOUnds.


D. Ii:::E l!"f2"'T' RIgh" The Sem"" ProvIder sball do nothing to prejudice ICE'. right to teCOYer against third pardes for any Iooa,destructlon of, or damage t9 U.S. O~ property. Upon of the ContnlCring Officer, the Service PIovidet sball, at ICE'. expense, furnish I<> ICE all reasonable assistance and coopetation, including assistance In the prosecution of suit and e>Cf!(:Il1;ion of the Instruments of assignment in mvor of ICE in obWnlng tec<M!rY. 10

"I ArtIcle xv. Finaru:ia1 Reconls A

Brtmrinn ofBeroo!t;, All Ananclal reconls, SIlpporting documents, statistical record., and other recmds pertinent to conttacts or rubordina~ ogn:ements under this Agreement shall be retained by the SetvIoe Provlder fur three (3) ~ for PIlrpo<e& of fedenI examinations lind audit. The three (3) ,ar retention period begins at the end of the first yea:r of rompletion of servia: undet the Agreement. If any Iitlgation, claitn, negodatloo, audit, or other action involving the recotda has beenstamd before the expiration oftbe thteeO)yea:rpetiod, the recmds must beJ1!tllint:d until completion of the action lind resolution of alllssues which attse from it or until the end of the tegUIar three O},ar period, ~ is lata.

B. Agzg to R"fP'rls ICE lind the Comptroller Ocru:ral of the Unimd Stares, or any of their authorhcd tepreoentame.. shall have the tight ofaooess to any pettinent books, documents, papers or other rocotds of the Service Provlder or its sub<:onttaaon, which ate pettinent !O the awani, in ordet to make audits, oxamlnations, excerpa, and ttanocrIpts. The rights of acress must not be Iimi~ to the ttejuired retention period, but sbaIllast as long as the recmds are retained.


p.\jnguent Debt CQlleglpw ICE will bold the Service Prov\der accountable for any overpayment, or any Imach of this Agreement that ftSIIlts in a debt owed to the Federal Oovemment. ICE shall apply ~ penalties, Uld adminIsaadve costs to a delinquent debt owe:! to the Fedeml Oovoomm

A Transport Seryices RaW1 The SetW:e Providet IIgfteS, upon request of the Fedem1 OOYettUDent in who&e custody an ICE detainee Is held, to provide all SIlCh aWground transportstion services .. may be required to ttanspOlt detaIn£eo securdy. in a timely manner, to locations as dlrecred bv the ... ICE ccn:R or designated ICE ofilclal Thi& includes, but is not limited to, the tnIJllIportation of ICE d....;n.... from apptehension painb within the _ ofOldahoma and T..... to ICE Field 0l!H;es in Oldaboma CItv. Oklahoma; DaUa., T....; Amsrillo, T......,- Lubbock, T.....; Big Spring, Texas and Eden, T...... The C01R or designated ICE official may dilect the Service Prcwider to ttuI&pOtt j1Mmile detalDees and proYide oecurityfor tbeoe detainees at kxatiollS othet than the d.-tion facility. Anangetnenta and costs for lodging of tbeoe j1MmiIe detainees wiI1 be bome bv ICE.. ICE ~ baDSpOttation will be mmbutsed at the rate of $19.56 per bour. Transpottation mileage sbaIl be reimbursed at the mileage rate establlsbed pursuant to the =rent GenetaI SetW:es Administration (OSIWfedenI travel allowance rates. . The Service Provider shall aSlllgn a IIIfficient numbet of transportation oflIcets on a dally basis distrlbuted throughout a twency.four (2+) bout period to meet ICE and DOT ttanspOttation needs. The OOTR or designa~ ICE of6ciaI sbaIl approve the number of teams ... igned tD any ohitt or period of time in Older to meet the needs of ICE uaosporra&:lon n,qWrementa. At least two (2) qualified lawenfuroem£nt or correcdonaI officer pouonnd emplayod by the SeMce Pn:Mdet undet their po\lde&, procedtneS and practices will perfurm transport services. Note that transportation to and from a ."ooleal fac1Iiey for emetgeaey services ate included in the daily pet diem tate.

The go.e:wment antidpates a requirement to. schaIuled ttanspOrtation but does not guarantee any trips will be made. . 11


B. Mrdn! Transportation; Transportation and/or escor1;/starionary gwu:d services fur ICE clctllinees housed at the ServWe ProWler'. Dcility to and from a medical hciIity fur outpatient care, and tmIliJlOrtation and!or oscmt gwu:d services for ICE detainees housed at the Servi<:e l'roYIder's facility admitted to a medical faclUty; and to detam ..... attending off_ court proceedings. An ofIlcer or officers, shall keep the detainee under COllIIIant supervision twent\'4OOr (24) holllS per day unti1 the detainee is ordered rebsed from the hospital, or at the order of the COI1I. or designated ICE of!lciaI. The Servia: Ptooider shall then transport the detainee to the detention site. If aw.ilabIe, the SeMre Ptooider shall assign an offker of the same sex .. the ICE detainee. In the event of a medical emetgeOCy where the COI1I. or des!gnared ICE officia1 can nor be notified prior to transportation IX> the hospital, the Service Provider shall notify the COI1I. or desicnared ICE ofIldal as soon .. practicable.

The ServIce Provider shaIJ, without additional chw:ge to ICE, provJdebtionaryguard serYiceo during the initial eight (8) hours ICE detam... Ole admitted to an 00II5ide medical facility or attending off- sll

!rnlsnpjt!es; Furthermore, the Senoice Provider _ to held barmIess and iDdemni£y DHS/ICE and lis officiaI& in their official and individual capec;itiaI from any liability, including thinl-party liabil1ly or wot1='s compensat/<m, arising from the conduct of the ServWe Provider and its employees during the ooutSe of transporting ICE detainees.

D. Pmogal ymim The Servia: Provider shall not allow emp\oyeea IX> use their penonal vehides to transport d.... inees. The Servioc ProIIider shall furnIrh whicles equipped with interlouecurtty . Ratw<S including physJca1 sepatatlon of detainees from guards. The ServWe Provider shsllprovide interior security "p.....Ulcatlons of the vehlcleo to ICE fur IeView and approval prior to instsllation.:. E. Tminlng and Cqrnn'j.J')ff; The Servia: Provider shall comply with ICE I:raIlIJlOrtation stan
When the COTR provides documenu and/or ti!corda to the Servioc Provider concerning the derainee(s) to be transpott:ed and/or escorted, the Service Provider shall delm:rthese documenm only to the IIIIIDed authorized qients. The Servioc Provider shall ensure the material is kept confidential and not viewed by any person othet than the authorized =ipient. . When the Service Provider ttanopott:s detaineea to ports of enny/depanure fur remova1 and .ruunmry departure, the Service Prtwider obaIl execute all requisite documents ~ departure in aa:otdance with ICE stan

. j- ", The Service Provider shall establioh a c.ommunk:atiott $}<Stem that has direct and immcdialle contllCt with !!II t:rIIIISpOtIation vehicles and post aoaIgrunentl. Upon demand, the COTR shall b. provided with cuneo! status of .n -.dUdes and post assignment employees. F.

Same Sex Tmnsport: During all tlllllSPOltatkm activities, at least one (1) officer ahall be the same "'" as the detainee. Questions concerning guan:lasslgnments shall be directed to the CarR for flDBl detennlnation.

O. M!ge1!aneousTwIM!!1Or1!!tlon; The COTR or designated ICE ofllcfal may direct the Service PtoVider to transport detainees to un&peciftcd, miscellaneous locations. H. Bmiog PmgyIp..... The f\Iemlzed mondUy invoice for such stationary guatd services shall stalle the munber of hours being billed, the dumtion of the billing (times and dates) and the name of the dctaim:e(s) thatwas guarded. The Semce l'mYider shall maintain a tranJportation log document:ing all aansportatlon services (date, origin. destination, time, ~ et<:.). The Service Provider is to invoice ICE for SClVica n:nde.ed as a teparate line ill:m. on the periodic b!lling for detention. A copy of the ttanspottation log .hall be atlllChed to all itwOices that obtain chatges fur transportation services.

1. Bag!yoclx;t The Service Provider agrees to provide ICE detainees with bag \unches when detalnees are transper\Ied during a meal period. The meal will include, at the minlmum, a sandwich, fruit, poI:ilD chips and bevenae and will not include any pork product. As needed, the Service Provider .ha11 provide opecla! needs mesIs for those individuals with medk:al conditions, reIlgious obseIWlloes and othe< ouch conditions that require speclal diet. lNW'rmBSs WH!!R1lQf, the .mdenlgned, dul.v authorized ofIIcers, ha... oubocribed their Il8IIIeS on behalfof the Tulsa CountyCrlmlnalJustlceAutharity and Deportment ofHotndand Security, U.s. immigration and Customs Enforcement. ACCEPI&J.


u.s. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

The Tulsa Counry Bosrd of O>mmil&louc:t& on behalf of the Tulsa County SherifI'. Office


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