
  • April 2020
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  • Words: 387
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me e t t h es mi t h g e i g e r t e a m

D a v i dS mi t h , C h i e f E x e c u t i v eO f f i c e r

t e a mme mb e r

Davi dSmi t hdi r ect st hedevel opmentofst r at egi cconsul t i ngpar t ner shi ps,over seesal lconsul t i ng r el at i onshi ps,andi sr esponsi bl ef ormar ket i ngandcul t i vat i ngcl i entr el at i onshi ps.Dur i nghi s26year consul t i ngcar eer ,hehasconsul t edwi t hABC,NBC,CBS,FOX,Li f et i me,USANet wor ks,TLC,Di sney , War nerBr os. ,Sony ,20t hCent ur yFox,Par amount ,NBCUni ver sal ,Mi cr osof t ,MSNBC,CNBC,Hear st ,COX, Yahooandmanyot hercl i ent s. Pr i ort of or mi ngSmi t hGei ger ,Smi t hopenedt heEnt er t ai nmentPr act i cei nLosAngel esandNewYor kf or Fr ankN.Magi dAssoci at es.AsPr esi dentofEnt er t ai nment ,Smi t hpr esi dedovert hel ar gestgr owt hi nt he f i r m’ sl onghi st or yandser vedasaseni orconsul t antt ovi r t ual l yal loft hemaj orst udi osandpr oduct i on compani esi nt hei ndust r y .Heconsul t edonal lf acet sofhi scl i ent s'busi ness,i ncl udi ng:br andi dent i t y ,f or mat devel opment ,t al enteval uat i onandper f or mance,di st r i but i on,mar ket i ng,andpr omot i on.Bef or ecr eat i ngt he Ent er t ai nmentDi vi si on,Smi t hhel dkeymanagementposi t i onsi nMagi d' st el evi si onst at i onpr act i ce, consul t i ngwi t hpr omi nentbr oadcast er sar oundt hewor l d. Smi t hbeganhi scar eeri nmedi aasaJour nal i st ,r epor t i ngandanchor i ngi nt el evi si onst at i onsacr osst he count r y .Lat erheser vedasanAssoci at ePr of essorofJour nal i sm att heUni ver si t yofMi ssour iSchoolof Jour nal i sm,wher eher ecei vedunder gr aduat eandgr aduat edegr ees.

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