Datawarehousing Concepts

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Data Warehousing Concepts 

What is a Data Warehouse?

A Data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-varying, non-volatile collection of data in support of the management's decision –making process (OR) Data warehouse is a relational database for Query and Analysis Rather than for transaction processing.

Subject-oriented(customer,products,sales,etc) Non-volatile Time-varying Integrated

  

(William.Inmon –1993)

Subject-oriented 

A Data Warehouse is organized around major subjects, such as customer, supplier, product and sales. Rather than concentrating on day-to-day operations and transaction processing of an organization.

Integrated 

A Data Warehouse is usually constructed by integrating multiple heterogeneous sources, such as relational databases, flat files, and on-line transaction records. data cleaning and data integration techniques are applied to ensure consistency in naming conventions, encoding structures, attribute measures and so on.

Time Variant 

Data are stored to provide information from a historical perspective (example: the past 5 -10 years). Every key structure in the data warehouse contains, either implicitly or explicitly an element of time

Non-Volatile 

A data warehouse is always a physically separate store of data transformed from the application data found in the operational environment. due to this separation, a data warehouse does not require transaction processing,recovery,and concurrency control mechanisms. it usually requires only two operations in data accessing :initial loading loading of data and access of data.

Comparison of OLTP systems and data warehousing systems OLTP Systems

Data warehousing systems

Holds Current data

Holds Historical data

Stores detailed data

stores detailed,lightly,and highly summarized data

Data is dynamic

Data is largely static


Analysis driven

Application -oriented

Subject -oriented

Supports day-to-day decisions

Supports strategic decisions

Serves large number of clerical/operational users

Serves relatively low number of managerial users

Dimension Modeling Dimension: Dimension is a structure which consists of levels, and hierarchies is defined on each level. Example: 




Dimension Modeling Example: Profession







Level 0



Level 1

High School

Level 2


Fact: Fact consists of whole data with primary key, foreign key relation ship with dimensions and also consists of measures. There are Three types of facts 1.ADDITIVE FACTS 2.SEMI ADDITIVE FACTS 3.NON ADDITIVE FACTS

Fact less Fact & Conform dim 

Fact less fact is a fact it does not contain Measures. A Dimension which can share more than one Fact is called Conform Dimension Collection of Star Schemas and Snowflake Schemas is called Galaxy.

Star schema & Snow flake Schema 

Star schema: A Centralized fact table surrounded with dimension tables having Primary, Foreign key relation ship between them is called star schema. Snow flake Schema: A normalized star schema Is called Snow flake Schema Galaxy: Collection of Star schemas and snow flake Schema is called Galaxy.

Star Schema Sex-Dim


Sex key Sex

Fact Table

Profession-Dim Profession-key Profession-class Title Level discipline

Profession Key ----------------------------Sex key ---------------------------Address key ----------------------------Date key --------------------------------------Measures (Numeric)

Date key Current year Current month Current week

Conform Dim

Address Dim Address key Country State City

Snow Flake Schema Item Dim Item key Item name Type Supplier key

Supplier Dim Supplier key Supplier name Supplier address Supplier type

Fact Table Time key Item key Location key ------------------------------------Rupees sold Units sold

Location Dim Location key Street City key

Time Dim Time key Year Quarter Month day

City Dim City key City name State Country Pin code


History Simple pass through (None) Slowly growing target (Full) Slowly changing dimension (depends)

Types of SCD’S  

4. 5. 6. 

Slowly changing dimension—1 Slowly changing dimension—2 Time stamping versioning Flaging Slowly changing dimension—3

Slowly changing Dimension-1 

SCD-1:When you does not want History use this kind of mapping (Only insert else Update takes place) it inserts the new row or Update the existing dimensions.

Slowly changing Dimension-2 

SCD -2 (Time stamp): When you want

maintain full history use this kind of mapping. Inserts new and changed dimensions. Creates an effective date range to track changes. 

SCD -2 (Versioning): Inserts new and

changed dimensions. Creates a version number and increments the primary key to track changes. 

SCD -2 (Flaging): Inserts new and changed dimensions. Flags the current version and increments the primary key to track changes.

Slowly changing Dimension-3 SCD -3 : when you want partial history use this kind of mapping. It Inserts new dimensions. Updates changed values in existing dimensions. Optionally uses the load date to track changes.

Data Warehouse Execution Architecture Source Systems




Oracle ODBC SQL Server

Native FTP

Flat files

Informatica (ETL) UNIX-HP

ODBC Native

NCR Tera Data Warehouse

Reporting( DSS) Servers



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