Roll No .... .
480/2004 B. E. (CSE) EXAMINATION (Third Semester) DATA STRUCTURE CSE-205-C Time: Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any Five questio·ns. All questions carry equal marks. Before answering the question-paper candidates should ensure that they have been supplied to correct and complete question-paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, will not be entertained after the examination. 1. Define Data Structure. Explain various built-in data structures in deta"il with ex~mples.
7. (a) 2.
•Differentiate between depth tirst and breadth fi~t
Explain the following briefly:
traversal of a graph \)')1h their relative adVantages
Sparse Matrices
Multi-dimensional arrays
Fast Transpose methods.
Define Stalk. Explain various operations on stack
and disadvantages. 10 (b)
Explain the im~ortance of minimum spanning ·tree thorough examples .• 10
8. (a) Develop an algorithm for Heapsort .. Also discuss
with one example of each.
(b) Explain the following with their com plexity : (i) (b)
Write and explain an algorithm for converting an
infix expr~.ssion to postfix expression. 4.
Merge Sort
What is linear queue? How is it implemented through array ? Describe various operations
which can be implemented on it (b)
Develop an algorithm for inserting and deleting
an element from a circular queue.
5, Develop and describe an algorithm for inserting and deleting an element from any position from a doubly 20
linked list. 6.
Describe the following briefly : (a) Dynamic implementation of a binarytree (b) Binary Tree Traversal (c) Representation of a list as a binary.
480/2004 .
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