Data Modeling And Mining

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 4
Why Lift? Data Modeling and Mining Information Management Online, June 21, 2002 David S. Coppock "Lift" is probably the most commonly used metric to measure the performance of targeting models in marketing applications. This article is a short lesson on what lift is, why it is important and some pitfalls to avoid. The purpose of a simple targeting model is to identify a subgroup (target) from a larger population. The target members selected are those likely to respond positively to a marketing offer. A model is doing a good job if the response within the target is much better than average for the population as a whole. Lift is simply the ratio of these values: target response divided by average response. Lift is usually quantified by dividing the population into deciles – ten even groups – into which population members are placed, based on their predicted probability of response. The highest responders are put into decile 1, etc. Figure 1 shows a typical model applied against a population with an average response of 5 percent.

Figure 1: Response Rate and Lift Calculations One thousand total offers were made, so each decile contains one hundred members. In the top decile, there were sixteen responders for a response rate of 16 percent. Compared to the average response rate of 5 percent, this gives a lift of 3.20 for decile 1. Each successive decile has a lower response rate. The deciles start performing worse than average after decile 4. For each person targeted there is a cost of making the offer, and a corresponding profit if a positive response is obtained. The marketer can calculate the profit of targeting each decile and simply include each decile down to the last decile that is profitable. The cumulative response rate and lift will then show the average performance of the model for everybody in the target. This information is often presented graphically:

We have total responders of 50. The top two deciles have a total response of 16+12 = 28. This makes 56 % of the total responders simply because 28/50 = 56 % Remember we used the model to predict the probability of response for each individual. The highest responders are put into decile 1, etc So the point is when a good model is built we will be able to target the most likely people to respond with less data. That is we will be able to select only those that will likely respond – which is less datacompared to doing that at random which per definition is linear. In this case using the model we would need to send adverts to only 20% to target 56% of the likely responders. With the model, it means working at random and 20 % at random will target only 20% of the likely responders. The next question is we need to find the members that make up the top 20 percentile.

Figure 2: Lift Chart Another useful chart compares the cumulative percent of responses captured as each decile is added to the target. In the current example, the top two deciles capture about 55% of the responders. This is compared to a random baseline where two deciles (20% of the population) would capture 20% of the responders. This result is not quite the "80/20" rule, but it is much better than not targeting. The greater the area between the two lines, the more the model was able to concentrate responders in the top deciles.

Vertical axis of the graph represents the percentage of the likely responders. 100% will correspond to the target 50. So @ random we need to contact all the members in the database to reach 100% that is the 50 likely responders. From the graph using the model we will need about 9 percentile. Based on cost benefit analysis the marketing department may just target the 5 or 6 percentile(corresponding to 80 0r 90% of the target so about 40 to 45 of the people likely to respond) as all the other percentiles doesn’t help much based on the cost involved. However, at random the 5 percentile will target only 50 % of those likely to respond = 25 people likely to respond

Figure 3: Cumulative Percent of Responses Captured It’s hard to say what level of lift represents "good" model performance, because the potential for predictive targeting varies widely between applications. A model predicting who will buy an American-made car could be highly predictive (potentially a lift of 4+ in the top two deciles), because purchase patterns tend to be stable over time. A model predicting who will buy a white car may have a top lift of around 1.5 if color choice is more variable and random. Each of these may be "good" models in the sense that they do as good a job of predicting as is possible. However, the model with the higher lift will probably be much more useful in marketing applications. Rather than using lift to evaluate a model in isolation, it is often more useful to use lift to evaluate the relative performance of alternative

models. If a tree model provides higher lift than a neural net on the same data, this provides a key factor in choosing between the models. I will mention two things to watch out for when reviewing lift metrics. First, model lift should be calculated on a holdout sample that was not used to estimate the model. "Overfitting" can cause the model to predict well for the data set on which the model was estimated. But this performance needs to carry over into new data sets. Second, when calculating lift, always ask the question: Lift versus what? Model performance should be compared against the marketing strategy that would occur if the model were not available. The model should not be compared against an unreasonably pessimistic alternative. Consider the following results of a direct mail program to sell magazine subscriptions.

Figure 4: Magazine Campaign Performance As would be expected, the current subscribers had a much higher response rate for magazine renewals than did prospects for new subscriptions. In the absence of modeling, current subscribers and prospects would be treated as two separate groups. Targeting models, if used, should be built separately for each group and evaluated only within that group. My own comments: which percentile in each group (current subscriber and prospects on their own right) should we target? That is perform modelling and analysis for each group Suppose, however, that the two groups were combined and treated as one overall group for modeling purposes. The simplest model would use only one predictive variable – whether or not the individual was a current subscriber or a prospect. Clearly, the model would put the 1,000 current subscribers in the top decile, and all the prospects in the bottom nine deciles. A naïve calculation of lift for the top decile would divide the current subscriber response rate of 50 percent into the total response rate of 9.5 percent for a lift of 5.26. But the model is simply taking credit for something that was obvious anyway. As usual, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t.

Further comments Starting point: What is the total number of possible responders from the population? The answer to this can come from past campaigns.

Our aim is to have a model to (help us) build a customer segmentation arranged in percentiles of the number of people with a certain probability to respond to the advertisement. The top segment or percentile 1 is made up of the people with the highest probability or likelihood to respond. So as expected the people in the top segment will have some common profile and as such will have similar values for their attributes to values to their attributes Among the total number of potential responders we would expect to have more people to be in the segment 1/percentile1 and followed by segment 2/percentile2 etc...

The lift is defined as the number of possible responder in each segment divided by the anticipated total number of possible responders for the whole customers in the database (the population)

The lift and profit charts are ordered by decreasing probability of the target. The chart moves "up" when a prediction is corrent and doesn't when a prediction is wrong. The predict probability in the legend indicates the predict probability of the selection in the chart. That is, if you have clicked somewhere on the chart and the legend shows predict probability = 52%, then everything to the left of the bar has a PredictProbability of 52% or greater and everything to the right has less than 52%.

This is very useful for profit charts, where you can determine the probability threshold you should use to select candidates based on the predict probability value at the peak of the curve.

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