Everyday, an estimated 500 people lose their lives in Darfur, due to violence, disease and hunger.1 One of the largest humanitarian crisis’s in the world is the situation in Darfur2 but the sad part is that there are many people who are unaware of this war torn country. In my opinion, to begin helping Darfur the first step towards this is to raise awareness. There are many people who believe that genocide is a thing of the past but in reality, it is happening right now. 300 000 are already dead in Darfur.3 There are things in our everyday lives that are linked to Darfur that we don’t think about. For example, some companies, such as, Fidelity, Franklin Templeton, JP Morgan and Vanguard, that indirectly fund the war in Darfur.4 Most of the companies mentioned are banks (2 of which are Canadian) that we all put our money into. If
1 http://www.edah.org/darfur.cfm 2 http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=21365&Cr=sudan&Cr1 3 http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2008/04/22/darfur-un.html 4 http://www.savedarfur.org/newsroom/clips/is_your_mutual_fund/