"DANK CAASLIEST" The bark “Dank Caasliest” was a 345 ton sailboat which came to New York from Rotterdam on June 4, 1847. The “Dank Caasliest” carried mostly Dutch speaking Germans, many of whom settled in Graafschap, Michigan. Captain of the ship was W. Postma. Original work done by Ed Prins, Retyped and put on to the internet by Luann De Vries.
Name A.B.Veenhuizen K.Brumelkuys A.J.Kroes Johanna Grevenstuck J.F.Beckman Telle (Brinkman) Beckman ?..Beckman Albert H.Vredeveld A.L.Oosting Vredeveld G.Alberts Vredeveld Lucas Alberts Vredeveld G.Alberts Vredeveld Henry Alberts Vredeveld Bartlett Alberts Vredeveld Albert Alberts Vredeveld Geert Alberts Vredeveld W.H.Garding H.H.Have K.H.de Boer W.H.Ten Have Jane H.Ten Have M.H.Ten Have J.W.Kruid F.W.Kruid A.T.Kruid H.J.Kruid
(M) 25 (F) 24 (M) 26 (F) 23 (M) 23 (F) 25 (F) 3 (M) 52 (F) 53 (M) 28 (M) 25 (F) 20 (M) 18 (M) 14 (M) 7 (M) 10 (M) 56 (M) 30 (M) 30 (F) 27 (F) 16 (F) 3 (M) 51 (M?) 54 (M) 31 (M) 27
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Mechanic Mechanic
Farmer Farmer Mechanic
Mechanic Mechanic Mechanic Mechanic
Beim,Drenthe,Netherlands Beim,Drenthe,Netherlands Beim,Drenthe,Netherlands Beim,Drenthe,Netherlands Beim,Drenthe,Netherlands Beim,Drenthe,Netherlands Beim,Drenthe,Netherlands Beim,Drenthe,Netherlands Beim,Drenthe,Netherlands
Beilen,Drenthe,Netherlands Beilen,Drenthe,Netherlands Beilen,Drenthe,Netherlands Beilen,Drenthe,Netherlands Beilen,Drenthe,Netherlands Beilen,Drenthe,Netherlands Beilen,Drenthe,Netherlands Beilen,Drenthe,Netherlands
W.L.Van Nuil? (F) W.J.Kruid? (M) H.Schoeling (M) Lucas Elberts (M) G.J.Kleefman (M) D.A.Van Neck? (M) Gerritje Vetts (F) Meintje Drachte (F) Jansje Liesveld (F) Dientje Liesveld (F) N.Landaal (F) Dirk Gerritsen (M) Hendrika Bangeis Gerritsen (F) Dirkje Gerritsen (F) Jacob Gerritsen (M) H.Gerritsen (M) J.A.Hoekstra (M) L.J.Raatsma Hoekstra (F) Anna J. Hoekstra (F) H.E. de Witt (M) J.A.Hoekstra (M) E.A.Hoekstra (M) J.A.Hoekstra(M)3 Lucas Mulder (M) J.Mulder (M) W.Mulder (M) H.Mulder (M) M.Van Goon (M) B.Van Beek Van Goon (F) H.Van Goon (M) Jan Buitenhuis (M) L.Buitenhuids (M) R.B.Buitenhuis (M) William Jan Van Appledorn (M) Jan Van Appledorn (M) J.Landall (M) Herm Nykamp (M) Hendrik Kleiman (M) Zwantje de Groot Kleiman (F) Johan C. Vanwesel (M) Lutje Klaver (F) Johannes Brummelkamp (M) Antonie Andre Brummelkamp (F)
27 23 16 23 27 46 47 16 24 22 18 30 30 10 1 1 40 39 25 20 6 5 48 16 13 10 40 32 2 49 47 37 43 1 24 32 26 19 45 44 42 34
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Beilen,Drenthe,Netherlands Beilen,Drenthe,Netherlands Beilen,Drenthe,Netherlands
Mechanic Mechanic
Farmer Farmer Farmer Farmer Mechanic Mechanic Farmer
Graafschap,Bentheim Graafschap,Bentheim
J.W.Brummelkamp Johannes Brummelkamp P.J.Brummelkamp J.R.Hovinga J.Fokes Trijntje Bosch Fokes G.J.Fokes Wilhelm Fokes Gerardus Fokes Berendina Fokes L.Speelpenning W.Bie(j)telaar Speelpenning Maartje Speelpenning W.Lagewig Elizabeth Dingeler Lagewig Willempje Lagewig Jan Lagewig Jandsje Lagewig Geertru Lagewig Wilhelmina Lagewig Akna Lagewig G.Rauch Catherine Rauch Fredrika Rauch G.Klein Catherine Klein Carl Klein E.L.Vellmer J.F.Vellmer Carl Steppe F.Steppe J.Martinie Wilhelmina Martinie C.A.Walthar Rosina Walthar Phillippine Walthar Martin Walthar F.Van Zelst C.De Regt Matje De Regt Cornelis De Regt Adam Brohm G.A.Lenz
(F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)
19 10 8 37 40 33 11 9 6 2 40 42 9 52 44 24 14 11 9 8 4 36 26 3 32 33 2 18 17 19 21 25 25 35 32 3 9mos., 40 33 32 2 52 27
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Farmer Farmer
Mechanic Mechanic Mechanic
Mechanic Mechanic
Mechanic Mechanic
A.Stoll H.Grootvelderman H.W.Dierker Fenna Mienker W.H.Nordholt Jan Pot Henddrik Ten Bres Gesina Ten Bres Bernard Ten Bres Anton Ten Bred Wilhelmina Even J.K.Yheer? Gedsina Dirk Maria Holsher R.J.Schuring Altje K. Wildeboer Jurrien Wildeboer Marinus Wildeboer Jacob Wildeboer Geesje Wildeboer Klaas Wildeboer
(M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F?) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) 4
22 47 32 18 30 33 36 33 6 3 30 28 30 68 33 13 11 9 7 6
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Mechanic Mechanic Mechanic Mechanic Mechanic Mechanic