Dance Of Deception 798188

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Laura Resnick Chavez

Laura Resnick Chavez WGAE – I09363-00 © 2-04 2003, PAu 2-745-495 Attorney: Michael Saleman (512) 263-5932

201 Phlox Dr. Austin, TX [email protected] (512) 680-0227




The room is packed with a variety of PEOPLE of all ages. Some are dressed like business professionals: dockers, pressed shirts, business suits, etc. Others look more like old hippies with long hair, worn jeans, sandals. DAVID ICKE, real life author, (50's) a handsome Brit with thick white hair, steps up to the microphone. Mr. Icke taps the microphone. The lights go down. DAVID ICKE Who really rules the world, my friends? Pictures of political leaders speaking flash off the wall behind: George H.W. Bush, Yatzer Arafat, Osama Bin Laden, Queen Elizabeth, Hilary Clinton, etc. DAVID ICKE A global society called the "Illuminati" have been holding the reins of power in the world since ancient times. The Illuminati have a long-planned agenda to create a world government, central bank, army, and micro-chipped population linked to a global computer. These Illuminati are reptilian aliens who can no longer re-produce and so have infiltrated human form to exist and control this dimension. Their DNA infiltration has entered certain family bloodlines including the British royals and the American Bush family. CLOSEUP: Woman in audience. LINDA HENNING, an attractive professional (40), curly black hair tied in a French braid. She appears mesmerized by the speaker. She whispers something in the ear of the man sitting next to

3 her, BILL MILLER,(50's) a big, burly man with a receding hairline. DIAZIEN HOSSENCOFFT, (30ish) a short Hispanic man with a dimpled smile, wire-frame glasses, stands in the back of the auditorium, scanning the room for an empty seat. SUPER: THREE MONTHS LATER - SEPTEMBER 9, 1999 6:15 P.M. INT. CHEAP APARTMENT - NIGHT Sparsely furnished, a used couch, portable TV, a couple of vinyl chairs. GIRLIE CHEW HOSSENCOFFT, a stunning, Malaysian woman (30ish), dressed in pink shorts and a green top, sits writing at an exquisite hand-painted Chinese desk that appears out of place in the shabby room. A small statute of the Kwan Yin and two framed photographs sit on the desk. One, Girlie smiling at a baby boy in her arms. The other, Girlie with her parents, an elderly Malaysian couple, and her brother, a handsome young man. CLOSEUP BLACK NOTEBOOK: Girlie is writing in Malay language. Girlie speaks English with a slight Malaysian accent. GIRLIE (V.O.) If I've learned anything in my life, it's that nobody is ever what they seem. Be careful when you make a friend, choose a lover, or talk to a neighbor. You may be surprised who really live next door, who coach your son, who lay next to you in bed. Beware. Someone KNOCKS on the front door. EXT. APARTMENT COMPLEX - NIGHT Typical mid-range apartment complex. Linda Henning, (woman from the audience in prior scene), now dressed in a dark shirt, jeans, stands outside Apt. 53D. INT. APARTMENT Girlie nervously peers through the peep hole. INTERCUT AS NEEDED: Girlie in apartment, Linda outside. GIRLIE Who's there? LINDA Linda Henning. I don't know if you remember me.

4 We met at the bank a few times. GIRLIE How did you get my address? LINDA (rolling her eyes) I saw you coming home a little while ago. You see, I just moved in upstairs and I really need help. Two deadbolts unlatch. Girlie opens the door. She doesn't unfasten two chains, eye-level and chest-level. Yes.

GIRLIE I remember you.

LINDA Oh, thank god! A stack of books tumbled off the counter and fell on my cat! She's really hurt but my phone isn't turned on yet. Could I use your phone to call the vet? GIRLIE Your cat? I see.


LINDA Thank you. Girlie unlatches the chains. INT. APARTMENT GIRLIE The phone in the kitchen. Linda ambles behind Girlie, then suddenly she ATTACKS from behind, POUNDING BOTH FISTS in Girlie's back, BANGING her into the wall. Girlie whips around, SHOVES the heel of her hand into Linda's chin. With sustained KARATE MOVES Girlie backs Linda up, KICKING her in the stomach and then the nose. Girlie puts up a remarkable fight considering her attacker is a much taller woman. She pins Linda to the ground. CLOSEUP: Tiny drops of blood drip from Linda's nose, spray the carpet and skirt of the couch. SUPER: SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA - DECEMBER 1992 EXT. SAN DIEGO AIRPORT - DAY A younger Girlie (20s) and her friend KAY, a chubby Malaysian

5 woman, (20s), roll their luggage down the concourse. GIRLIE (V.O.) When I was a young girl, I dreamed of going to school in America, earning a good job, MAKING SOMETHING OF MYSELF. Then, once I was established, I'd marry Prince Charming and raise a family. The doors open onto lines of honking cars in the California sunshine. GIRLIE Oh, look how beautiful! EXT. SEAWORLD - DAY The sun radiates in a cloudless sky as crowds gather around the dolphins show. Girlie and Kay line up for the open-air theatre. Diazien, (the short Hispanic man standing in the back of the UFO conference in first scene) is dressed in a shirt, tie, pressed pants. He peers at them from a distance, smiles. Kay smiles back.

He moves closer.

DIAZIEN Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice you two lovely ladies are obviously not from here. KAY We from Malaysia. DIAZIEN Ah, what a beautiful country. you on vacation?


GIRLIE Yes, we are. KAY My friend want to move here. DIAZIEN (to Girlie) Aren't we a lucky country. Girlie stares at Diazien, scrutinizing his face. GIRLIE I'm considering getting my M.B.A. I went to an American school in Malaysia.


DIAZIEN That explains it. GIRLIE Explains what? DIAZIEN Why you don't have much of an accent. (beat) Please forgive me. I haven't introduced myself. I'm Diazien. Dr. Diazien Hossencofft. GIRLIE Girlie Chew. This is my friend, Kay Wong. He takes Girlie's hand, gently kisses it. She blushes. Then he does the same to Kay who grins. DIAZIEN Would you ladies like to join me for dinner? Kay whispers in Girlie's ear. GIRLIE We accept your invitation, Dr. Hossencofft. DIAZIEN Diazien to you, my lovely. INT. CLASSY SAN DIEGO RESTAURANT - NIGHT Waiters bustle trays around the crowded room. Diazien, Girlie, and Kay sit at a table. Diazien looks mesmerized with Girlie as he pours them each a glass of champagne. GIRLIE So, what type of medicine do you practice? DIAZIEN I'm studying aging research. I have my own laboratory in New Mexico. GIRLIE (disappointed) I thought you live in America. DIAZIEN Yes, New Mexico's in America.

7 Northwest of Texas. GIRLIE Oh, I misunderstood. said Mexico.

I thought you

DIAZIEN I'm certainly not from Mexico. Actually, I'm of German descent. GIRLIE I've been to Munich. Unfortunately, I was just a child and I don't remember much. DIAZIEN Superb country. SERIES OF SHOTS: A) Diazien, Girlie, and Kay at the San Diego zoo. Diazien snaps a picture of the two girls. B) The three sitting on a blanket at the beach. Kay reads a book as Diazien and Girlie chat. DIAZIEN I've always wanted to marry an oriental woman. GIRLIE Why is that? DIAZIEN Your race is the divinity of the sons. Mine is the master of Aryans. INT. HOTEL BANQUET ROOM - NIGHT P.O.V. - VIEWFINDER OF VIDEO CAMERA Five or six COUPLES dancing. ANGLE ON: Girlie and Diazien dance, kiss. Girlie looks up, smiles for the camera. CAMERAMAN (to Diazien) Would you like a video of you dancing with your wife? DIAZIEN I wish it were so. CAMERAMAN What?

8 DIAZIEN That she were my wife. CAMERAMAN Oh, I, ah. It's fifteen dollars if you want a copy. Diazien pulls out his wallet, hands the guy some bills. GIRLIE (V.O.) I was so young and such a romantic. Diazien wined and dined me every night for a week. Sometimes we dined alone, other times Kay joined us. Diazien never seemed to mind, and always picked up the check. EXT. DESERTED BEACH - NIGHT A full yellow moon and dazzling stars fill the San Diego sky. Giant waves crash on the beach. Girlie and Diazien lay on a blanket, kissing. DIAZIEN We can stop right now, if you'd like, sweetheart. I can wait until you feel comfortable. Girlie sits up, stares at the sky. DIAZIEN Not that I don't want you more than anything in the world. GIRLIE It's such a glorious night. A perfect night for-DIAZIEN You're the most amazing woman I've ever known. Diazien kisses her again. GIRLIE (V.O.) I'd had a very sheltered upbringing and had never to a man before. Diazien and patient with me. The spectacular.

Malaysian made love was sweet night was

GIRLIE I think I love you, Diazien. DIAZIEN Not nearly as much as I love you.

9 He kisses her neck, fingers a blouse button. Girlie looks lost in passion. EXT. - POSH RESTAURANT - NIGHT At a candlelight dinner, Diazien hands Girlie a small gift box. Girlie opens it, shocked at the contents. CLOSEUP BOX: A diamond engagement ring. DIAZIEN (takes her hand) Put it on. I want you to be my wife. GIRLIE I don't know what to say. DIAZIEN Promise that someday you'll be as devoted to me as I am to you right now. GIRLIE How can you be so sure? I mean last night was very special to me but-DIAZIEN I've been waiting for you my whole life. Someday we'll make the most incredible child together. A perfect heir. GIRLIE I need some time to think. DIAZIEN Time is our enemy, love. For every day we delay, it's less time we have together. SERIES OF SHOTS: A) Diazien and Girlie in bed at the hotel. Champagne chills in an ice bucket. Dozens of roses sit in vases. B) Another candlelight dinner. INT. HALLWAY OF UPSCALE HOTEL - NIGHT Girlie and Diazien passionately kiss outside Girlie's hotel room. Kay opens the door from inside. Embarrassed, Girlie smiles at Diazien, quickly follows Kay back in the room.

10 INT. HOTEL ROOM Girlie holds up her hand, wiggles the ring. MALAY WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES: GIRLIE I've decided to accept his proposal. KAY But, you hardly know him. Your mama and papa will be furious. GIRLIE He's a doctor. We're going to have fabulous life together in America. They'll get over it. INT. GIRLIE'S PARENTS LIVING ROOM - MALAYSIA Stylish home filled with expensive antiques. A MAID rambles about dusting the furniture. The phone RINGS. MRS. CHEW, (60's) picks up the receiver. MALAY WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES: MRS. CHEW Hello. GIRLIE (O.S.) Mama, how are you? How's Papa feeling? MRS. CHEW As good as can be expected. Papa started some new heart medication. GIRLIE (O.S.) I pray every day to Kwan Yin for his recovery. MRS. CHEW You're a good daughter, Girlie. GIRLIE (O.S.) You'll never guess what, Mama. I met a man. We're getting married! MRS. CHEW Married! What do you know about this person? GIRLIE (O.S.) He's the man I've always dreamed about. I love him so much. Be happy for me, Mama.

11 LATER - SAME ROOM. MR. CHEW (late 60s) enters the room leaning on a cane. He kisses his wife on the forehead. MALAY WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES: MRS. CHEW Girlie just called. MR. CHEW (looks at his watch) Is her plane delayed? MRS. CHEW She's not coming home. INT. AIRPLANE - DAY Diazien and Girlie sit together holding hands. FLIGHT ATTENDANT (O.S.) Please begin preparing for our descent into Albuquerque International Airport. EXT. AIRPORT PARKING LOT - DAY Diazien places her luggage in the trunk of his Jaguar. Girlie runs her hand down the rich leather upholstery. EXT. ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN NEIGHBORHOOD - DAY Typical one-story Albuquerque stucco homes with flat roofs, southwestern landscaping; rocks, yuccas, cactus. Diazien and Girlie step out of the Jaguar. DIAZIEN What do you think? GIRLIE Very pretty house. DIAZIEN (hugs her) We're going to be so happy here. can't wait for you to meet our neighbors, Juan and Consuela.


INT. LIVING ROOM OF DIAZIEN'S HOUSE The room is barren of furniture except two torn vinyl chairs, and a small portable TV. Girlie looks around, shocked.

12 DIAZIEN Oh, my god, I've been robbed! DIAZIEN (cont.) They've taken everything. GIRLIE I'm so sorry, honey. The two walk through the... KITCHEN The stove is covered with grease, dirty pots. full of dishes.

The sink is

Diazien follows her inside, notices her look of shock. GIRLIE Who left all these dishes? DIAZIEN It looks like those pigs stayed here. They must have known I was out of town. GIRLIE You need to call police? DIAZIEN Yes, of course. And the insurance company. They continue walking through the house. One of the bedrooms is totally bare. The other has a computer and makeshift shelves filled with books. GIRLIE They didn't take the computer. DIAZIEN Hmmmmmm. Gosh, I'm lucky for that. All my research is on it. They enter the master bedroom which has a king-size waterbed, mirrors on the ceiling, and a beat-up dresser. PRINCE, An undernourished-looking German Shorthaired Pointer scratches on the French doors of the bedroom. Girlie lets the dog inside, pets him. GIRLIE Is he yours? He's so skinny. DIAZIEN My neighbor was supposed to feed him. Come here, Prince. Are you a

13 hungry boy? The dog slithers to Diazien, cowers as Diazien pets him. GIRLIE He seem so scared. Do you think the burglars hurt him? DIAZIEN It appears so, doesn't it? Girlie sees an empty dog bowl in the yard, picks it up. GIRLIE Come, Prince. I'll feed you. Diazien picks up a telephone, punches some numbers. DIAZIEN Yes, I need to report a robbery. SUPER: ONE WEEK LATER INT. NEIGHBOR'S HOUSE - DAY The house is similar to Diazien's but filled with comfortable furnishings, pictures of children and grandchildren. JUAN SANCHEZ (70's) and his wife, CONSUELA, (late 60s) sit on an overstuffed couch in the living room. They're dressed for church. A large wedding cake occupies the dining room table. The doorbell CHIMES. Juan opens the front door. Diazien, dressed in a kimono with dress slacks, and Girlie wearing a white linen suit and veil, stroll inside. CONSUELA (hugs Girlie) You look muy bonita, so very beautiful. GIRLIE Thank you. Diazien has told me so much about you both. JUAN Diazien's a good man. The doorbell SOUNDS again. A MINISTER arrives with a bible, papers in hand. The Sanchez's DAUGHTER and SON-IN-LAW show up too. They all shake hands with Diazien and Girlie. The daughter sits at a small antique organ and plays "Here Comes The Bride..."


MINISTER Dearly beloved. We are gathered here... LATER: SANCHEZ KITCHEN Consuela and Girlie stand in the kitchen. Girlie takes off her jacket and grabs a stack of cake plates. CONSUELA No, Girlie. You're the guest of honor. GIRLIE But I want to help. SERIES OF SHOTS: A) Diazien and Girlie eating dinner at the Sanchez's. B) Walking arm and arm at the Albuquerque zoo. EXT. BANK - DAY ANGLE ON SIGN: BANK OF AMERICA INT. BANK LOBBY - DAY Girlie sits in the glassed in office of KATHY FREEMAN, an attractive woman (40s). Kathy looks over her résumé. KATHY You have a very impressive résumé, Girlie. But all we have open is a teller position. GIRLIE That's fine, I'll take it. KATHY But you're overqualified. sure you won't be bored?

Are you

GIRLIE Absolutely. In Malaysia we're taught that every job is very important. KATHY Yes, I do agree with that, but-GIRLIE My husband works very hard, but we still need the money. KATHY

15 Okay, you're definitely the best applicant I've seen. The job's yours. LATER: Girlie working in a teller booth. ROSELLA, a Hispanic woman (40s) stands behind her as Girlie processes a transaction for a CUSTOMER. ROSELLA You're certainly a fast learner, dear. INT. EXT. - STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANY - DAY Diazien sits with an ADJUSTER in a cubicle. ADJUSTER You have no receipts for anything. How about cancelled checks, manuals? DIAZIEN I purchase most things with cash. Do you have receipts for your couch? ADJUSTER Well, no. But I have documentation for stereos, TVs, most electronics. DIAZIEN Look, I paid my premiums on time. Can I see your supervisor? ADJUSTER That won't be necessary Dr. Hossencofft. I'll have a check cut in a few minutes. The adjuster walks off.

Diazien grins.

INT. DIAZIEN AND GIRLIE'S HOUSE - NIGHT The house is now filled with rooms of new furniture. There are still tags on chairs, and some of the lamps. Diazien sits on a Lazy Boy reading a newspaper. Girlie opens the front door, looks shocked at all the furniture. DIAZIEN Surprise! Girlie bounces on the couch. Rushes from room to room checking out the furnishings. GIRLIE Oh, Diazien, I'm so happy.

I love

16 my new job, and now this. DIAZIEN I still don't see why you have to work. GIRLIE I like working. That way we have more money. Not so much pressure on you. DIAZIEN But I wanted a wife to stay home, give me babies. GIRLIE I'll give you babies. worry.

Don't you

She kisses him, takes his hand. GIRLIE Let's go try out the new bed. GIRLIE (V.O.) We start off two happy young lovers. He treat me with kindness, buy flowers, take me to dinner all the time. But if I paid more attention I might have noticed that something didn't feel quite right. SUPER: THREE MONTHS LATER INT. DIAZIEN'S HOME OFFICE - NIGHT The room is trashed with dishes, books, papers, empty cartons. Diazien types on the computer. Girlie appears in the doorway.

Prince stands behind her.

Diazien looks up, surprised, quickly clicks the mouse. EXCEL spreadsheet appears on the computer screen. DIAZIEN Jesus! Don't ever sneak up on me like that. GIRLIE I did not sneak up on you. DIAZIEN Don't give me lip, girl! GIRLIE What's lip?


17 Diazien flings a dirty coffee mug, bruising her lip. Stunned, Girlie wipes blood dripping from her mouth. DIAZIEN I'm sorry, sugarplum. you, did it?

It didn't hit

He places his fingers on his temples. DIAZIEN It's these migraines. GIRLIE Migraines? DIAZIEN Please forgive me. GIRLIE I will not live with a man that hits his wife. DIAZIEN Come on, baby. I just lost it and threw the mug. That's not hitting. DIAZIEN (teary-eyed) My German father used to beat me with a stick. And my poor mother, he'd use it on her if she tried to protect me. GIRLIE Why did you not tell me this? DIAZIEN I swore I'd never be like him. I promise on my beloved mother's life, this will never happen again. I love you so much. He sobs. Girlie puts her arms around him, soothing him. They retreat toward the bedroom. Prince jumps up to lick remains of food by the computer, hits the mouse with his paw. The screen changes back. CLOSEUP OF SCREEN: SweetCarolina: You're really a surgeon? ZYMOGENTIC: You think I lied on my application? SweetCarolina:

No, of course not, Dr. Hossencofft. But there

18 have to be many women in New Mexico looking for a handsome doctor. Why use an internet dating service to meet me? SweetCarolina: Are you still there? Dr. Hossencofft? SweetCarolina: Hello? EXT. - SANTA FE, NM. - DAY MEN in cowboy hats, WOMEN in chic outfits, INDIANS with braids, HISPANIC TEENS parade down the narrow streets filled with galleries, shops and restaurants housed in adobe buildings. Diazien's Jaguar snakes through the city amidst SUVs, minivans, pickups, turns into the driveway of a sizable home surrounded by an adobe wall on the outskirts of town. INT. JAGUAR Diazien, dressed in a sports jacket, tie, starched white shirt, grabs a dozen roses wrapped in paper, and a doctor's medical bag from the back seat. He pulls a bottle out of a zippered pouch and swallows two tablets. EXT. JAGUAR The home's electronic gate opens, Diazien drives through, parks. He grabs his medical bag and enters the gigantic double door of the home so casually, you'd think he lived there. INT. ADOBE HOME The magnificent old adobe has Saltillo floors, vigas, floorto-ceiling windows, with a spectacular view of the mountains. BUNNY BAKER an elegantly dressed woman (mid-60's), greets Diazien with a hug, smells the flowers. BUNNY Juanita, please get me a vase for these. JUANITA a young Mexican housekeeper, smiles at Diazien, takes the flowers from Bunny. Diazien winks at her. BUNNY I shouldn't be so welcoming. stood me up twice now.


DIAZIEN My research takes up too

I'm sorry.

19 much time.

How are you, sweetheart?

BUNNY I've had such a terrible day. DIAZIEN Why? BUNNY I lost my favorite ring. You know, the big ruby one I always wear on my left hand. Juanita and I have looked everywhere. DIAZIEN Maybe, later, I can help you find it. BUNNY Come, let's make each other feel better. She takes his hand, leads him up a spiral staircase to the... BEDROOM Bunny lies face down on the king-size bed with her dress hiked up above her waist. Diazien opens his medical bag, fills a hypodermic needle, gives Bunny a shot in her bare, flabby buttocks. He pricks her finger with a needle, collects her blood in a vial, labels it. DIAZIEN I'll run some tests on this as soon as I get home. It will help determine how well the serum is working. BUNNY Funny thing. I had lunch with my friend, Emily, yesterday, and she told me three or four times how fantastic I looked. DIAZIEN You've shaved off at least fifteen years already. BUNNY Wait till I look thirty again. was quite a babe back then. She turns to face Diazien, kisses him. DIAZIEN


20 How could you get any more gorgeous then you are right now? BEDROOM - LATER Bunny and Diazien lie in bed together. cigarette.

Bunny smokes a

She kisses Diazien on the cheek, slips on a robe, ambles into the adjoining bathroom. Diazien sits up, bends down to retrieve his shoes, notices something tucked in the bed skirt. CLOSEUP: Large, ostentatious ruby ring. He looks up to call her, changes his mind, and slips the ring in his pocket. Bunny returns from the bathroom, sits at a small desk, writes out a check, hands it to Diazien. INT. DIAZIEN'S CAR - NIGHT Diazien opens the folded check, smiles. CLOSEUP CHECK: Written to DIAZIEN HOSSENCOFFT for THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS. EXT. HOSSENCOFFT HOUSE - NIGHT INT. DINING ROOM The table is set with china place-settings for four. INT. KITCHEN Girlie stirs a pot of beef stew. a pan of biscuits from the oven.

With oven mitts she takes

INT. OFFICE Diazien is typing on the computer. CLOSEUP SCREEN: ZYMOGENTIC:

My serum comes with a money back guarantee.

SOFIA: It will shave off ten years with each shot? ZYMOGENTIC: I'm forwarding you my picture. I'm sixty-two years old. You judge for yourself how well the serum works. GIRLIE (O.S.) The Sanchez's will be here any minute.

21 DIAZIEN Sure thing, hon. He turns off the computer and heads to the... KITCHEN Kisses Girlie on the neck. DIAZIEN Boy, something smells delicious. She smiles.

The doorbell CHIMES.

INT. DINING ROOM Girlie and Diazien are sitting at the table with their neighbors Juan and Connie Sanchez. JUAN Ummm. This is wonderful, Girlie. DIAZIEN She's become quite the little American cook, eh? CONSUELA And the house looks so beautiful. What a great decorating job. Diazien squeezes Girlie's hand. GIRLIE Diazien did the decorating. I came home from work one day and all this was here. Isn't he wonderful? DIAZIEN Girlie's working temporarily until the baby comes. I told her to stay home, but she wants to be a modern American woman. CONSUELA You're pregnant? GIRLIE No, not yet. But soon. JUAN Con padres tan lindos como ustedas me imagino que tendaran niños muy hermosos. DIAZIEN Mucho gracias.

22 (to Girlie) He said with parents as handsome as DIAZIEN (cont.) us, we should have beautiful children. GIRLIE When did you learn Spanish? JUAN (to Diazien) Didn't you say your parents spoke Spanish at home? GIRLIE I thought they were German. DIAZIEN Never mind, Girlie. GIRLIE Never mind? You tell me you are German. Are you German or Spanish? Diazien's demeanor changes to anger. He smacks her across the face. DIAZIEN Shut your mouth. Juan and Consuela look horrified. GIRLIE How dare you strike me! Diazien slumps. Tears roll down his cheeks. He puts his hands on his temples. DIAZIEN I'm so very sorry. Can you ever forgive me? My head, it's throbbing. GIRLIE I'll get your meds.


She leaves the room, returns with a glass of water and some pills which she hands to Diazien. DIAZIEN That was not me just now. You must understand there's something seriously wrong with me. I-I've had a brain scan. CONSUELA Are you okay? DIAZIEN

23 They don't know. I need more tests. One doctor said something a DIAZIEN (cont.) rare form of leukemia. JUAN Oh, Lord Jesus, I'm sorry. The room becomes silent, strained. DIAZIEN (to Girlie) I'm Hispanic, although I have Castilian roots, not Mexican. I didn't want to tell you because I thought you might think I was inferior. GIRLIE Why would you think that? I love you no matter what you are. DIAZIEN Where I grew up people treated Hispanics like they were beneath them. Juan and Consuela understand. GIRLIE I have no prejudice. DIAZIEN Well, good. Now that we've gotten that straight, let's eat! SERIES OF SHOTS: A) Girlie working as a teller at the Bank of America. B) Diazien in bathrobe on computer. A succession of pictures of oriental women appear on the screen. C) Girlie unpacking groceries, cooking, serving a disheveled Diazien dinner. D) Girlie dressed in slutty lingerie, looking uncomfortable, performing a striptease as Diazien watches from the bed. EXT. - HOSSENCOFFT HOUSE - DAY A moving van pulls in the driveway. Two BIG GUYS carry a hand painted desk to the front door, rings the bell. Prince BARKS. INT. HOUSE - ENTRY Girlie walks to the door, peeks out the peephole.

24 INTERCUT AS NEEDED: GIRLIE INSIDE, MOVERS OUTSIDE. GUY ONE We got a delivery for a Girly Chew. GIRLIE (through door) You have proof who you are? GUY ONE holds up the paperwork. INT. HOUSE Diazien arrives at the door, immediately opens it. DIAZIEN You don't need to be so paranoid. This is America. (looks at the desk then back at Girlie) What the fuck did you buy now? Tears well up in her eyes. GIRLIE (to Diazien) This desk belonged to my grandmother. She died. (to the movers) Come with me. The men follow her to the living room, place desk in the corner. One of them hands Girlie a form. BIG GUY Just sign here, ma'am. Girlie signs the form, the men scramble out the door. DIAZIEN I'm sorry about your grandmother dying. You should have told me. GIRLIE She died five year ago. sent me desk now.

They just

Diazien runs his hands along the desk. DIAZIEN This must be worth a fortune. Yes.

GIRLIE But I never sell it.

DIAZIEN Of course not. Why would we?



GIRLIE Sometimes I'm not sure about you, Diazien. DIAZIEN If you'd stay home more you'd understand me better. GIRLIE Actually, I wanted to talk to you about applying to graduate school. The bank has special student loans for employees. DIAZIEN School, work. That's all you care about. When are you going to give me a baby? It's been over a year. GIRLIE I try harder. She reaches for him, but he pushes her hard against the wall and retreats back to the computer. Tears stream down her face as she feels an a lump on her head. SUPER: OCTOBER 31, 1996. INT. DANCE HALL - NIGHT CLOSEUP: BANNER - UFO NEW MEXICO - HAPPY HALLOWEEN! A CROWD fills the room dressed in oddball costumes. Skeletons, Spiderman, witches, devils, courtesans, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Queen Mum, Bill and Hillary Clinton, George Bush, and other politicians. A few people dance to music of a DJ. socializing.

Many other stand around

A man dressed as SUPERMAN, strolls over to the DJ who hands him the microphone. SUPERMAN Happy Halloween, my dear enthusiasts. Welcome to our annual party. For those of you who are new to our group, we hope you've come with an open mind. We are here to talk about a subject that most of the world ignores. They bury their heads in the sand as the "others" slowly take over our lives. We must

27 take action before these reptilian aliens destroy us. Look at your SUPERMAN (cont.) friends and relatives because our enemies are amongst us. They may be aunts and uncles, cousins or neighbors, maybe even your husbands and wives. Unlike most of the costumed attendees, Bill Miller (who first appeared next to Linda in the first scene) is clad in Levis and a flannel shirt. He appears mesmerized with the whole event. Linda Henning, barely recognizable as the woman attacking Girlie in the first scene, is dressed in a sexy French maid costume, her wild, curly hair loose. She approaches him. LINDA (flirtatiously) Haven't seen you here before. BILL Yeah, I just heard about this group. I've been reading a lot of stuff by David Icke. LINDA He's amazing, isn't he? BILL Brilliant. And to think he was a professional soccer player. LINDA We've been trying to get him to come to New Mexico. BILL Man, I'd do anything to hear Icke speak. LINDA A bunch of us are going to New York to hear him next month. There may be room for you in the van. BILL Wow that'd be great! I got relatives there. Maybe they could put us up. Linda puts her hand on Bill's shoulder.

He flushes.

LINDA Perhaps we could talk more about it over dinner.


BILL Sure. Linda hands him a business card. BILL You're in marketing, huh? INT. LINDA HENNING BEDROOM - NIGHT The room is filled with candles. THREE CATS sit perched on a love seat in the corner. Linda and Bill lay in bed together. Bill looks at the clock. LINDA Maybe you should go home. BILL Do you mind? My daughter has a soccer game tomorrow. LINDA You don't have to explain, honey. It's cool. INT. DOCTOR'S OFFICE - DAY Girlie sits nervously at the desk. A WOMAN DOCTOR opens her file, tosses it back on the desk. WOMAN DOCTOR You have a disease called endometriosis. Unfortunately, your case is very bad. GIRLIE There is nothing I can do? WOMAN DOCTOR Honestly, there's surgery, but in your case, the chances are slim. It's painful and-GIRLIE I want surgery. WOMAN DOCTOR Have you considered adoption? I know a wonderful agency-GIRLIE My husband wants his own child. WOMAN DOCTOR

29 I can't in good conscience recommend the surgery. In fact, you probably should have a hysterectomy. GIRLIE I get a second opinion. SERIES OF SHOTS: A) Girlie prepped for surgery in the hospital. Diazien holds her hand. B) A MALE DOCTOR dressed in scrubs nods at Diazien, smiles at Girlie. C) Diazien and Girlie having sex. D) Girlie making up their bed, notices traces of blood on the sheets. Her eyes fill with tears. E) Girlie talking to a THIRD DOCTOR. EXT. ALBUQUERQUE AIRPORT - DAY Girlie and Diazien drive to curbside check in. Girlie's at the wheel. Diazien steps from the car with a suitcase. DIAZIEN I'll be back as soon as I can, honey. SERIES OF SHOTS: A) Diazien gets off the plane in Montreal airport. JAPANESE WOMAN greets him at security with a kiss.


B) The two go at it in an elevator. C) They make passionate love again in the bed, sporting numerous positions. D) The woman drops him back at Montreal airport. EXT. BANK OF AMERICA - DAY Typical bank lobby. Girlie is working as a teller. There's a lull in business. Rosella, walks up to Girlie, hands her a mug of coffee. ROSELLA I hate to ask you to cover again on Friday, but Leah's got another doctor appointment. GIRLIE I don't mind working. of town anyway.

Diazien's out

30 ROSELLA Where did he go? GIRLIE Canada. Some business trip. It's been so peaceful since he's gone. ROSELLA Why don't you just leave him? GIRLIE I need to make my marriage work. Divorce is very shameful in Malaysia. SUPER: ONE YEAR LATER EXT. HOSSENCOFFT HOUSE - DAY. Girlie putters in the front yard. Consuela prunes roses next door. CONSUELA (to Girlie) Guess where Juan's taking me Saturday? GIRLIE Where? CONSUELA The Santa Fe Opera. I've wanted to go for years. But Juan's not much of an opera fan. GIRLIE Diazien says he likes opera, but he never wants to go either. INT. BANK OF AMERICA - DAY Girlie counts out money for a CUSTOMER. MRS. GOMEZ, an old woman, gets on line behind her. sees Mrs. Gomez standing in Girlie's line. ROSELLA (to Mrs. Gomez) I can help you over here, ma'am. MRS. GOMEZ I don't want nobody but Girlie to help me. ROSELLA (smiles at Girlie) Okay.


31 GIRLIE I'll be right with you, Mrs. Gomez. Suddenly, Girlie doubles over in pain. ROSELLA What's the matter? GIRLIE Those cramps again. ROSELLA Go sit down. GIRLIE Let me just help Mrs. Gomez. MRS. GOMEZ You sit down right now, young lady. I can wait. BREAK ROOM Girlie sits in a chair with a pained expression. Her boss, Kathy Freeman rushes to her. KATHY Go home right now and call the doctor. GIRLIE That doctor says I need to have a hysterectomy. KATHY You can't live like this, Girlie. GIRLIE I've got to give Diazien a baby. INT. HOSSENCOFFT HOUSE - DAY Girlie enters the house. VOICES can be heard from the rear of the house. She dashes into the... BEDROOM Diazien is in bed with a WOMAN. the house.

Girlie sees them, bolts from

Diazien attempts to slip into a pair of jeans, but they're too small. He realizes he's grabbed the woman's jeans, locates his own, and rushes out after Girlie. The woman stays in bed, laughing.

32 DIAZIEN Girlie, wait. Pllleeeeeze! INT. SANCHEZ KITCHEN Consuela hands a distressed Girlie a cup of tea. GIRLIE I try so hard to be a good wife. How could he bring a woman to our home? CONSUELA IT'S NOT YOU. He's got serious problems. ADAM, a young boy, dashes into the kitchen. BOY Grandma, can we get a video tonight? GIRLIE I thought you and Juan had tickets to the opera. CONSUELA Yolanda had to work tonight. GIRLIE You and Juan go to the opera. I'd be happy to baby-sit. (to Adam) Come with Girlie. I'll take you to the video store to pick out a movie. EXT. EL PASO - U.S.- MEXICAN BORDER - DAY Diazien crosses the border in his Jaguar. wave his car through.

Mexican officials

INT. SEEDY MEXICAN HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT The room has a saggy double-bed and is filled with baby paraphernalia, a bassinet, swing, bottles. There are also three vases filled with fresh roses. Diazien meets the same Japanese woman he had an affair with in Canada. The woman is holding DEMETRI, a three month old baby, in her arms. She hands the baby to Diazien. DIAZIEN (smiling) Such a handsome boy. JAPANESE WOMAN I name him Yuma Ono.


Yuma Ono?

DIAZIEN That's a weird name.

He places the baby in the bassinet. JAPANESE WOMAN That my father name. DIAZIEN I thought we'd call him Demetri. JAPANESE WOMAN How 'bout, Yuma Ono Demetri? DIAZIEN Whatever. As I explained on the phone, I must take him back to the states for medical treatment. JAPANESE WOMAN I no understand what he have. look so healthy.


DIAZIEN It's a rare genetic disease that runs in the Hossencofft family. He'll die if left untreated. JAPANESE WOMAN Why can't I come with you? DIAZIEN I promise once I get, ah, Yuma in treatment, I'll call for you. And I'll buy us a big, new house. He pulls out his wallet, hands her a wad of hundred dollar bills. DIAZIEN This is for su familia. Did you like the roses I sent? He embraces her, smothers her with kisses. EXT. SANCHEZ HOUSE - DAY Diazien stands at the front door of the Sanchez house holding Demetri in his arms. Consuela opens the door. She looks confused, astonished to see Diazien there with a baby. CONSUELA Where did you get that bambino?

34 DIAZIEN He's mine...ours.

Girlie's and mine.

CONSUELA I don't understand. DIAZIEN I adopted him. Things are going to be so much better now. He tries to hand Consuela the baby.

Consuela resists.

DIAZIEN Isn't he cute? CONSUELA What are you up to, Diazien? Girlie appears, glances at the baby longingly, looks at Diazien. GIRLIE Whose baby is this? DIAZIEN Demetri. I named him myself. Demetri, this is your Mama. He hands Demetri to Girlie.

Girlie smiles at the cooing baby.

DIAZIEN I'm going to be different from now on. I'm on new medication. CONSUELA P.O.V. - She dismally watches Girlie, arms full with Demetri, follow Diazien back to their house. GIRLIE (V.O.) For so long I tried to have a baby. I ache so much that when I see women with children it made me cry. When Diazien hand me Demetri, I fell in love with him right away. I forget all the ugliness of our lives, and decide to make the family I always wanted. INT. SANCHEZ HOUSE - DAY Consuela and Juan sit on the couch watching TV. SPANISH WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES: CONSUELA I'm worried about Girlie.

35 JUAN I thought we knew Diazien, but I'm not so sure anymore. He's got a JUAN (cont.) very cruel side to him. CONSUELA To think he brought that woman home. And I suspect he is hitting her. And, now, the baby. I wish there was something we could do. JUAN We can only help if she lets us. EXT. HOSSENCOFFT HOUSE - DAY Girlie walks down the street with Demetri asleep in the stroller. She sees the Sanchez's, waves, smiles at them. GIRLIE Isn't he beautiful? CONSUELA Yes, he's adorable. Como estas? We haven't talked to you in a while. GIRLIE Everything's good. Diazien's leukemia is in remission. He acts much better. EXT. KIDS SOCCER FIELD - DAY The parking lot is full of minivans, cars, SUVs. Four soccer games play simultaneously on the field. PARENTS stand, sit in lawn chairs, CHEER at each of the games. Bill Miller is in his element coaching his daughter, Monica's, soccer game. MONICA, a pretty blond teen, scores a goal. Thrilled, Bill jumps in the air. Bill's wife, NAN, a plain woman (mid 40's) dressed in sweats, a big T shirt, cheers along with other parents from the sidelines. The whistle blows three times indicating the end of the game. Bill accompanies his SOCCER TEAM out on the field to shake the hands of their OPPONENTS. He is approached by a number of MOMS AND DADS who shake his hand, pat him on the back.

36 DAD ONE Fantastic job, Bill. Thanks for all your hard work with these girls. BILL Hey, don't thank me, Jessie played a great game out there today. MOM ONE You're the best thing that ever happened to that girl. We're so grateful. MOM TWO (to Mom One) We need to buy him something special this year. Bill darts around the field, collecting balls. Nan and Monica carry lawn chairs and soccer balls in a net. BILL (smiles) My two favorite ladies. The three slap each other's hands in a "high five." BILL Do you realize that we only need one more win to cinch state? (to Monica) Did I tell you how awesome you were out there today? MONICA About five times now, Daddy. EXT. MILLER HOUSE - DAY INT. SHOP BEHIND HOUSE Guns, knives, fishing poles, tackle, supplies are everywhere. Bill picks up his cell phone, punches in some numbers. BILL Hello, Linda. LINDA'S VOICE (O.S.) You've reached the voicemail of Linda Henning. Please leave a message. BILL Linda, please call me. I've left three messages already.

37 INT. CORPORATE OFFICE - DAY Cubicles and larger walled offices with glass windows, divide the large room. INT. LINDA HENNING'S OFFICE CLOSEUP WALL: Three framed award certificates: -- LINDA HENNING -"Marketing Achievement Award - State of New Mexico, 1996" SEACOAST HERBAL PRODUCT DISTRIBUTORS -- LINDA HENNING -"District Sales Award - Southwest Territory, 1997" SEACOAST HERBAL PRODUCT DISTRIBUTORS -- LINDA HENNING -"Marketing Volume Increase - Continental United States, 1998 SEACOAST HERBAL PRODUCT DISTRIBUTORS Linda, dressed in business attire sits typing on a computer. Her phone RINGS. She picks up the receiver. LINDA Yes, Patty, put the call through. EXT. HUGE TUDOR HOME - DAY SUPER: LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK INT. STEVE ZACHORY'S LARGE HOME STEVE ZACHORY, (mid-50s) in a wheel chair, sweating profusely. He holds the phone to his ear. INTERCUT AS NEEDED: STEVE AND LINDA LINDA Have you been taking those herbs I sent you? STEVE I've taken everything, but I still feel like shit. LINDA I'm sorry, honey. STEVE At least I have those memories back when we were together in California. LINDA Yes, we'll always have our memories. STEVE

38 Remember that baby bird that fell out of the tree. LINDA Yes, honey I do, but I'm at work--STEVE You nursed that bird for weeks. LINDA And then it died. STEVE And you cried for days. Oh, I miss you, Linda. LINDA I miss you too, Steve, but I've got to go. Why don't you call me at home later? INT. SMALL OFFICE - DAY The dimly lit room exudes sixties decor, Indian bedspreads, crystals, paper lanterns, bamboo curtains. Tarot cards are spread on the table. CYNTHIA HESS, an attractive psychic, holds Bill's palm in her hands. CYNTHIA She just want to be friends, Bill. Go to your wife. That's where you belong. BILL But, I love her. I can't stop dreaming about her body. EXT. BUNNY BURKE HOME - DAY INT. BUNNY's BEDROOM Bunny lies in bed, very sick. She's lost most of her hair from, looks every bit her sixty-five years. Diazien enters the room with his medical bag. BUNNY I debated having you see me like this. The chemo's taken its toll. DIAZIEN You still look beautiful to me. He places his hands on her breasts. BUNNY (tearfully)

She brushes them off.

39 I'm gonna miss you.


DIAZIEN What are you talking about? BUNNY The chemo's not working. The doctor said six months at the most. Diazien's eyes well up. He puts his head on her lap and weeps. He sits up, wipes tears from his face. DIAZIEN I've been experimenting with these drugs. They could help. BUNNY I have nothing to lose. to fetch my checkbook.

Ask Juanita

DIAZIEN I can't take your money for this. BUNNY Don't be a fool. EXT. DIAZIEN AND GIRLIE'S HOUSE - NIGHT INT. CHILD'S BEDROOM The room is decorated with kid's wallpaper, filled with toys, books. Girlie is cuddled with Demetri (now a toddler), reading a book to him. GIRLIE Good night Moon, Good Night Stars. She closes the book. DEMETRI Read more. GIRLIE Honey, I've already read you five books tonight. DEMETRI Please, Mommy. GIRLIE Okay, one more. After all you are my favorite little boy. DEMETRI I big boy, Mommy.

41 GIRLIE Yes, sweetie. You're such a big boy. GIRLIE (V.O.) I loved Demetri so much. He was the best child in the whole world. If it weren't for him, I would not have stayed with Diazien. I tried to make a home for everyone. But it was hard. INT. DIAZIEN'S OFFICE Diazien's typing on the computer. CLOSEUP SCREEN: SweetCarolina: Hi, Dr. Hossencofft. from South Carolina.

It's me again.

ZYMOGENTIC: Sheryl, what do you mean pest? girl.

The pest

You're my dream

SweetCarolina: Really and truly? INT. KITCHEN Diazien tiptoes behind her, puts his hands over her eyes. Girlie looks startled as he hands her a gift box which she opens. CLOSEUP: BUNNY'S RUBY RING. GIRLIE Oh wow! You shouldn't have. can we afford this?


DIAZIEN Don't you worry about that. Girlie slips the ring on her finger. The ring is at least two sizes too big and looks ridiculous on her small hand. DIAZIEN I'll take it to be sized tomorrow. GIRLIE It's so sweet of you to buy me a ring, but it feels-(beat) Like it belong to someone else. DIAZIEN (yells) Are you accusing me of cheating on you again?

42 Demetri cries. GIRLIE You're scaring the baby. (to Demetri) It's okay, sweetie. She starts toward the crying child. Diazien grabs the ring from her, twisting her hand. GIRLIE Ow! DIAZIEN What an ungrateful bitch you are. He pushes her. She pushes him back. He slaps her face. She slaps him back. Furious, he heads across the kitchen. DIAZIEN How dare you raise a hand to me! She grabs Demetri from the high chair, bolts from the room. DIAZIEN Who the fuck do you think you are? I'll kill you, bitch! KITCHEN Drawers slam. Diazien pulls out a butcher knife, races after her. EXT. HOUSE Holding Demetri, Girlie runs for her life to the Sanchez home. BANGS on the door. Juan opens the door, shaking his head. Girlie and Demetri disappear inside. Diazien sees her, slides the knife under the doormat, composes himself, takes a deep breath. Then, he heads to the Sanchez house KNOCKS on the front door. Juan opens it, but blocks the entrance. DIAZIEN Juan, you have to let me talk to Girlie. JUAN

43 You've lost that right. Juan shuts the door in his face. SAME - LATER Sounds of SIRENS, then a police car screeches to the curb. CLOSEUP POLICE REPORT: JANUARY 17, 1999 PAN ON STATEMENT LINE BY LINE: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VICTIM'S STATEMENT NAME: Girly Hossencofft_______ ADDRESS: 15900 Moon St.

HOME PHONE # 555-7092




WHAT HAPPENED? My husband took a big knife from the drawer and threaten to kill me. INT. BANK OF AMERICA - DAY BREAK ROOM The room is decorated with balloons, streamers. Four or five BANK TELLERS including Girlie and Rosella sit around a table. There are gift bags, a birthday cake with candles, HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATHY 29 BIG ONES written on top. The door swings open.

Kathy Freeman walks inside.

BANK STAFF Surprise! KATHY Who knew it was my birthday? 29 again. ROSELLA Girlie, who else. KATHY I didn't think anyone would remember. Ever since Steve left-GIRLIE Time to open your presents. She hands Kathy a gift bag.


LATER: Girlie sits by herself looking unhappy. The other tellers are talking, laughing. Rosella sits down next to her, puts her arm around her tense shoulders. ROSELLA What's the matter, honey? GIRLIE I've left Diazien. ROSELLA It's for the best. GIRLIE I know, but I'm afraid. ROSELLA Hey, if Kathy could survive a divorce, you'll be fine. GIRLIE It's more than that. THERE'S SOMETHING... not right... ABOUT HIM. I must learn to defend myself. INT. DIAZIEN'S OFFICE - DAY Diazien reads the newspaper. CLOSEUP: PICTURE OF BUNNY BURKE DRESSED IN A SUIT. CLOSEUP: HEADLINE - SANTA FE HEIRESS BUNNY BURKE FOUND DEAD IN HOME. Shit.

DIAZIEN There goes my meal ticket.

SUPER: NOVEMBER 1998 INT. PRICEY RESTAURANT - DAY JULIE MCGUIRE, a thin older woman sporting a fake tan, white bubble hairdo, sits alone dining, glancing at a magazine. Diazien is seated by himself at a table nearby. He looks at his watch, smiles at the woman. She smiles back. Diazien stands, struts over to her table. DIAZIEN

45 Are you Julie by any chance? JULIE Yes, you must be Diazien. DIAZIEN I would have come over sooner but I was looking for someone older. Your Internet Partners application said you were in your fifties. I am.

JULIE Oh, you're just being sweet.

DIAZIEN No, really. You don't look a day over forty. A WAITER approaches their table with pad in hand. WAITER Can I get you a cocktail? DIAZIEN Bring us a bottle of your best champagne. WAITER Veuve Clicquot-La Grande Dame is an excellent choice. DIAZIEN If it's your best. WAITER Absolutely, sir. Would you like me to find out the cost of a bottle? I believe it's well over two hundred dollars. DIAZIEN Why would I care about the price? Just get your butt in gear and bring us the bottle, boy! WAITER Yes, sir. The waiter hustles to the bar, places the drink order with the BARTENDER. Julie looks impressed. JULIE You said on your application you were a surgeon. What type of surgery? DIAZIEN I no longer practice surgery.


46 became too painful for me. JULIE Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry. Diazien takes her hand. DIAZIEN There's something about you Julie, I feel like I can tell you anything. JULIE Well, thank you. I like to think of myself as a compassionate person. DIAZIEN What I'm about to tell you, I haven't told anyone. I stopped performing surgery when my wife and I were hit by a drunken driver. I operated on her for three hours in an unsuccessful bid to save her life. JULIE I'm so sorry for your loss. DIAZIEN The trauma of losing my wife prompted me to drop surgery and pursue experiments in another field. Those experiments have enabled me to find a means of reversing the aging process. JULIE Wow! DIAZIEN Not that you would need something like that. SUPER: AZTEC MOTEL - AZTEC, NEW MEXICO APRIL 1999 EXT. AZTEC MOTEL - DAY A small motel with pool in front. INT. MOTEL EFFICIENCY APARTMENT BEDROOM - NIGHT Diazien and Julie McGuire lay in bed drinking wine, smoking cigarettes, talking. He fills a hypodermic needle, sticks it in her buttocks. JULIE Owwww! DIAZIEN

47 (smiles) So your ex-husband left you this place? JULIE Only 'cause it was in major arrears. But I've turned things around. DIAZIEN My wife spends money like it's water. JULIE (disheartened) You said your wife was dead. DIAZIEN That was my first wife. JULIE If I knew you were married-DIAZIEN She's an evil woman. Besides, we're separated. JULIE You're not just saying that? You don't have to say that if it's not true. DIAZIEN Don't ever doubt me, Julie. I've never felt so intensely about anyone. He kisses her neck, shoulders. JULIE It's been so long since anyone's cared about me. INT. JULIE'S TINY KITCHEN: MORNING Julie cooks bacon and eggs. A sharply-dressed Diazien playfully bites her rear. DIAZIEN That smells great. Not only are you a tigress in the bedroom-She interrupts with a passionate kiss. Then she reaches into her bathrobe pocket, retrieves a check, hands it to him. JULIE Do I look any younger this morning? INT. HOSSENCOFFT HOUSE - DAY Girlie opens the front door.





Are you home?

She sneaks through the house opening doors until it's clear Diazien's not there. INT. DIAZIEN'S OFFICE Girlie looks around suspiciously, and then sits down at his desk where she types on the computer, opens email after email. PAN COMPUTER SCREEN LINE BY LINE: EMAIL ONE SWEETCAROLINA: Diazien, do you really think we have a future together? EMAIL TWO AZTECJULIE: It is not only the shots that have helped me look and feel younger, but your kind and gentle love. I felt dead before I met you. Now I am alive again. I am willing to wait for you to get a divorce. EMAIL THREE BIGBOB: I need my ten grand back now. You promised to have the principle plus interest by August. It is now January and I haven't seen a penny. Forget the interest, just give me my investment back. Girlie opens the desk drawer, pulls out a stack of bills. The phone RINGS, she picks up the receiver. GIRLIE Hello. FARGO FINANCE COMPANY REP (O.S.) My name is Jack Brown from the Fargo Finance Company. Is this Mrs. Hossencofft? GIRLIE Yes. FARGO FINANCE COMPANY REP (O.S.) This is a courtesy call to let you know we're coming to pick up the furniture. GIRLIE I don't understand.

50 FARGO FINANCE COMPANY REP You've defaulted on your loan. One FARGO FINANCE COMPANY REP (cont.) bedroom set, one living room set, one dining room table, china cabinet. GIRLIE We don't have a loan on the furniture. My husband paid for it with insurance. FARGO FINANCE COMPANY REP Yes, I see that in your records but your husband refinanced everything about six months ago. Sounds of the front door opening. GIRLIE I'll get back with you. ENTRY Diazien enters the house with Demetri. DEMETRI Mommy, mommy! BACK TO: OFFICE Girlie stuffs the bills back in the drawer. DIAZIEN What the hell are doing in my things! He glances at the computer, sees the email, assesses the damage. GIRLIE You cheat on me. You cheat everyone out of money. I'm finished with you, Diazien. DIAZIEN You'll never leave me. I'll kill you first. He grabs at her. She escapes to the living room with him in pursuit. Demetri CRIES. Diazien grabs her hair, slaps her face. GIRLIE (screams) Demetri, go next door to Consuela

51 and Juan. DEMETRI No, Mommy. I help you. GIRLIE Go, baby, go! Get Juan. The little boy dashes to the door. Diazien releases Girlie, attempts to follow Demetri. Girlie dives for Diazien's legs, holding him back so that Demetri escapes. They struggle on the ground. INT. SANCHEZ KITCHEN - DAY Juan and Consuela look sympathetically at Girlie sitting with Demetri on her lap. Her face and neck are bruised and swollen. The little boy clings to her. GIRLIE I'll find an apartment today. JUAN You're welcome to stay with us as long as you need, you know that. GIRLIE Thank you so much. But I don't trust Diazien. Sooner or later, you will be in danger too. EXT. MILLER HOUSE - DAY INT. SHOP BEHIND HOUSE Same workshop filled with guns, knives, fishing poles, tackle, supplies. Bill is cleaning a gun as Nan enters. BILL I thought I told you never to come in here. Nan looks around at the various weapons. NAN Why do you need all this stuff? BILL Whenever I talk to you about The New World Order, you tell me I'm some kinda nut. I'm doing this for our family. Preparing for the invasion.



NAN What invasion? BILL Just stay outta here, will ya? I need my space. Shit, I never go in your sewing room. NAN My quilting supplies don't cost near what you spend on all these guns. BILL I'm asking you nicely to GET THE HELL OUTTA MY SPACE! NAN Okay, okay. We need to leave for Monica's game in an hour. BILL I'll be ready. INT. TEACHER'S LOUNGE - HIGH SCHOOL Nan and another TEACHER eat their bagged lunches. NAN I'm really getting worried about Bill and his obsession. TEACHER At least he's not obsessed with blondes. NAN No, I'm serious. He's spent a small fortune on his gun collection. TEACHER Guys like to have their hobbies. Bob's is skiing. Now he wants to snowboard. Hundreds of dollars last winter for freaking equipment. NAN But Bill's spending time with these bizarre people. Survivalists and UFO weirdos. TEACHER He's just preparing himself for the fact that Monica's going to college in a few years and his soccer

54 coaching days will be over. NAN I never thought of it like that. EXT. AZTEC MOTEL - DAY INT. JULIE'S BEDROOM Diazien and Julie lie snuggled in bed. An empty bottle of champagne and dirty wine glasses are scattered about. They're both pretty drunk, slurring words. DIAZIEN I left my wife for you. JULIE You did that for me? I can't believe this is happening. DIAZIEN I want to marry you. But first, I have to get rid of Girlie. JULIE I know a good divorce attorney. DIAZIEN She doesn't deserve a dime of my money. JULIE Honey, you might as well accept you're gonna have to give Girlie some money. DIAZIEN Not if I pay someone to have her bagged. JULIE Stop shittin' me, Diazien. DIAZIEN Whatever, sweetheart. Would you like another glass of champagne? JULIE You're kidding, right? DIAZIEN Sure. Has anyone ever told you what gorgeous blue eyes you have? INT. ATTORNEY OFFICE OF FELICIA GARCIA KELLY - DAY Typical Albuquerque office with view of the Sandia Mountains.

55 FELICIA GARCIA KELLY, an extremely attractive lawyer (mid 30's) sits at the desk. Diazien enters holding Demetri's hand. FELICIA Hello, Diazien. (to Demetri) You must be Demetri. You're sure a big boy. How old are you? Demetri holds up three fingers. Three?


She opens up a drawer in her desk, pulls out some toy cars and plastic figures, hands them to Demetri. FELICIA Why don't you play with these over there while I talk to your Daddy? Demetri takes the toys, plays in the corner. DIAZIEN What do you say to the nice lady? DEMITRI Thank you. FELICIA He's so cute. DIAZIEN So, have you had a chance to look through the information I gave you? Felicia opens a file folder on her desk stuffed to the brim with papers. FELICIA Yes,...well at least most of it. DIAZIEN What are my chances of gaining sole custody? FELICIA It's never easy to get custody from the mother. DIAZIEN She's a terrible mother. You can't imagine. AND I love my son so much. FELICIA

56 I'm sure you do. I have three children of my own. DIAZIEN What kind of property settlement are we talking about? Felicia pushes her reading glasses up on her nose. FELICIA It looks like around fifty. DIAZIEN Fifty thousand! FELICIA That's half the equity in the house and the money in your joint account. DIAZIEN That's outrageous! FELICIA I'll try to do what I can. DIAZIEN Are you married? FELICIA We're sort of separated right now. DIAZIEN Oh, I'm sorry. He looks at his watch. DIAZIEN Would you like to join Demetri and I for some dinner, Ms. Garcia-Kelly? FELICIA You can call me Felicia. But I want to be up-front with you. I never get involved with my clients. EXT. CHEAP APARTMENT COMPLEX Girlie walks to an apartment, opens the door. INT. SMALL APARTMENT This is the same apartment described in the first scene. Sparsely furnished with a used couch, portable television, TV trays, and a couple of vinyl chairs. Her hand-painted desk dominates the living room. The phone RINGS. Girlie picks up. GIRLIE

57 Hello. (beat) GIRLIE (cont.) Kathy, hi. I guess my phone works now. KATHY (O.S.) How are you doing? GIRLIE I'm getting settled. Thank you so much for giving me the day off. KATHY (O.S.) How's Demetri doing? GIRLIE The court gave Diazien temporary custody because I moved out of the house. KATHY (O.S.) Even with the violence? Let me give you the name of my lawyer. He was very good and reasonable. GIRLIE Thanks. KATHY (O.S.) Here's his number, 298-8888. If there's anything else you need, let me know. GIRLIE Kathy. KATHY Yes. GIRLIE Promise me if I ever come in late to work, even fifteen minute, you call police. Okay? KATHY Don't be ridiculous, Girlie. GIRLIE Diazien says he's going to kill me. Please promise me. KATHY I promise. But guys say lots of things when they're angry. GIRLIE I hope you're right. But I think

58 Diazien might do it. Rosella too.

I've told

EXT. BANK OF AMERICA PARKING LOT - DAY Girlie is in tears. Her car's tires are all flat. INT. DIAZIEN'S OFFICE - DAY. He's typing on his computer CLOSEUP: COMPUTER SCREEN: YAHOO.COM, SEARCH BOX He types: UFO Groups in Albuquerque. Links pops up. clicks on:


David Icke conference 06/06/1999. Types "David Ike in search box. Link pops up. "David Icke's reptilian theory." DIAZIEN Perfect. CLOSEUP: Instant Message Pops Up: SCAN LINE BY LINE SweetCarolina: Diazien, hi it's me again. Zymogentic: Sheryl, how are you? SweetCarolina: Did you really mean what you said the other day about us getting married? Zymogentic: I've never been more serious in my life. I have a few loose ends here, and then I'll be free to move to South Carolina. SweetCarolina: I can't believe this is actually happening! Zymogentic: Could you fly out here and drive back with me? SweetCarolina: Name the date. Zymogentic: How about September 9th? SweetCarolina: Sure. Can my mother get the invitations printed? Zymogentic: Tell her to order the classiest invitations she can find. Nothing but the best for my girl. SUPER: UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO CONTINUING EDUCATION AUDITORIUM - ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO - JUNE, 1999 CLOSEUP:


59 The room is packed with AUDIENCE of varying ages from first scene. CLOSEUP: Linda Henning, dressed in a business suit, her curly hair pulled back in a French braid. Bill Miller sits next to her. Diazien stands in the back of the auditorium, scanning the room for an empty seat. FACILITATOR Ladies and gentlemen. The renown author, speaker, guru, former professional athlete we have all quoted and praised. I proudly give you Mr. David Icke. Enthusiastic applause. David Icke strolls to the microphone.

The lights go down.

DAVID ICKE Who really rules the world, my friends? MOMENTS LATER: The microphone starts to Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. tries to adjust it, then clicks it off.

The facilitator

FACILITATOR (yells) Please bear with us for a few minutes while we get David a new mike. Diazien takes the opportunity to head down the aisle of the auditorium in search of an empty seat. He notices one next to Bill and Linda. DIAZIEN Excuse me, is this seat taken? Bill and Linda move over.

Linda whispers in Bill's ear.

DIAZIEN So, what do you think of Icke's message? LINDA It's better than sex. DIAZIEN I guess that depends who you're having sex with. Bill places his arm possessively around Linda's shoulders.



BILL It's amazing how most Americans are sheep and don't see what's happening. We get it and we're ready! DIAZIEN How refreshing to meet people with the guts to do what it takes. LATER: David Icke back on the podium. DAVID ICKE Since the royal family-A SPECTATOR interrupts. SPECTATOR If Bush and the Queen are alien reptilians, Mr. Icke, how come they don't look like reptilians? DAVID ICKE Good question, sir. We can't see them as the "reptilians" they really are because they use holograms to project human faces. Diazien glances at Bill and Linda who hang on Icke's every word. SPECTATOR What a load of B.S. DAVID ICKE Feel free not to believe me, sir. But all I offer is the truth. How do the rest of you feel? Thunderous APPLAUSE. CLOSEUP: Linda, Bill, Diazien standing, clapping enthusiastically. David Icke bows his head, walks off the stage. The facilitator takes the microphone. FACILITATOR We will take a short break for lunch. David will be back at onethirty sharp.

62 Diazien turns to Bill. DIAZIEN He's so right on. I'm glad I came. BILL Of course my wife thinks this is all bullshit. DIAZIEN I got me a wife like that. Oriental too. Never thought I'd have problems with her. Now she's trying to clean me out in the divorce. LINDA (laughs) Did you expect her to be barefoot and pregnant, and greet you at the door with your pipe and slippers? DIAZIEN (to Bill) What's wrong with that? BILL (chuckles) Hey, I'm Bill Miller. Bill extends his hand to Diazien. They shake. DIAZIEN Dr. Diazien Hossencofft. He hands Bill one of his cards. LINDA Now that's a mouthful. DIAZIEN And what's your name, sweetheart? LINDA If you're nice I might tell you. But first would you like to see a little pussy for a dollar? DIAZIEN What? BILL (laughing) Give her a dollar. disappointed.

You won't be

Diazien pulls out a dollar bill, hands it to Linda.


63 hikes up her skirt revealing a small tattoo on her thigh. CLOSEUP: TATTOO OF A CHESHIRE CAT. All three laugh. DIAZIEN (to Linda) Best dollar I ever spent. LINDA Why don't you join us for lunch? TEXT ON SCREEN - JULY 1999 INT. DIAZIEN'S HOUSE - DAY The furniture is gone. Diazien is dressed in a bathrobe, hair disheveled. Dark circles have formed under his eyes. Diazien opens the front door, walks outside to witness the wrecker repossessing his Jaguar. DIAZIEN That bitch will pay. A brown Honda pulls up to the curb. A woman waves, smiling. Moving closer, he recognizes the woman as Linda Henning from the UFO group. LINDA Hi. Boy, don't you look like hell. He shrugs. LINDA What's wrong? DIAZIEN Nothing serious. Just leukemia. LINDA I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do? Diazien falls to the ground. lifts him up.

Linda rushes from her car,

LINDA Are you okay? Let me help you inside! INT. DIAZIEN'S LIVING ROOM Linda helps him stagger onto the couch. playing on the TV.

There's a video

64 Five or six COUPLES dancing. ANGLE ON:

Girlie and Diazien dance, kiss.

CLOSEUP: Girlie looks up, smiles for the camera. LINDA Who's that? DIAZIEN The evil queen of the universe. ex-...


SUPER: TWO WEEKS LATER INT. DIAZIEN'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Diazien looks pale, skinny without his shirt. Linda hands him some herbs and a large glass of water. DIAZIEN You've been giving me this shit for two weeks now. What is it? LINDA My acupuncturist ground these up special for you. DIAZIEN I've got my own medicine. doctor, you know.

I am a

LINDA D', you've studied western medicine and you still look like shit? Trust me, I know a lot of alternative cures. DIAZIEN It's all a bunch of bullshit. LINDA I'm treating a very rich friend in New York who has Multiple Sclerosis. DIAZIEN How much do you charge him? LINDA I don't charge him anything. DIAZIEN Are you nuts? How rich is very rich? LINDA My goodness, you're looking better

65 already. DIAZIEN I'll show you how much better I am. He kisses her neck, shoulders, tears off her blouse. He pulls two hypodermic needles out of the dresser, fills them. LINDA Is that some of your youth serum? DIAZIEN This is better than my youth serum. It will make you powerful. Immortal. He shoots Linda in the arm, then himself. INT. BEDROOM - LATER Linda and Diazien lay together in bed. LINDA That was amazing. I've never had sex like that before. DIAZIEN Took you to a new dimension, did I, my love? Yes.

LINDA But it was more than that.

She stares at him intensely. He lies back on the pillows, pulls her close to him. LINDA So, it's finally happened. DIAZIEN What has? LINDA I'm not from here, but neither are you. DIAZIEN You mean, our meeting wasn't accidental? LINDA Don't you feel it goes deeper than that? We've met before. DIAZIEN I think I understand now.

66 LINDA You're the king? He slowly nods. LINDA And I'm ... the queen. She bolts out of bed. LINDA I've always thought that. Deep in here somewhere, you know, (pressing her chest) but it took you to make me sure. Together, we're supposed to rule the universe. DIAZIEN (following her lead) But first we need to depose the evil Queen. LINDA Your wife? DIAZIEN She fooled me into believing she was the one. But all this time, I was supposed to have waited for you. I am sorry. LINDA (returning to the bed) You understand what's involved in killing a reptilian? DIAZIEN Behead, dissect, consume-LINDA You've obviously done your homework. I'm impressed. INT. STARBUCKS COFFEE SHOP - DAY Linda and Diazien sip coffee at a table in back. DIAZIEN I can mastermind the details, handle the forensics, but we need a strong man for the abduction. LINDA You'll be the first one the authorities suspect. You must have an airtight alibi.



DIAZIEN I can't be involved in the actual-I know! Miller.

LINDA You met my friend, Bill He's got militia ties.

DIAZIEN We'll need money to pay him. And a way to get him in the apartment. Girlie's very paranoid about opening the front door. LINDA I'll take care of that. DIAZIEN Before this is all over, life could get dicey, my sweet. LINDA Life here is fleeting. What we're talking about is forever. Overcome with emotion, Diazien passionately kisses her. PATRONS at the other tables stare. INT. BANK OF AMERICA - LOBBY Linda stands on line at Girlie's teller booth. Girlie performs bank transactions for the TWO PEOPLE ahead of Linda. Smiling, Linda hands Girlie a check to deposit. LINDA Hi, I don't think we've met before. I've just started banking up here. Girlie performs the transaction and hands Linda some cash. GIRLIE Nice to meet you, Ms. Henning. brings you to our branch?


LINDA I'm getting divorced, starting my finances along with everything else, over again. GIRLIE Yes, that must be hard. Linda's eyes well up with tears. LINDA

69 You can't imagine what a bastard my ex has been. LINDA (cont.) Of course you must be happily married. GIRLIE Yes, I am. INT. LINDA HENNING BEDROOM - NIGHT The room is filled with exotic candles. Diazien and Linda lie under the covers of her futon. LINDA I met Girlie today. What an odd duck. It's not going to be as easy as I thought to befriend her. DIAZIEN She's got a very suspicious nature. LINDA She reminds me in some ways of my friend Steve. The one with MS. DIAZIEN The one who's filthy rich? LINDA Yes. DIAZIEN Why don't you give your friend a call? I may be able to help him. Linda picks up a cordless phone, dials, winks at Diazien. LINDA Hello, Steve. How are you doing, honey? (beat) Well it's funny you should ask. I have a new friend. He's a doctor and I think-Diazien pokes her. LINDA I know, he can cure you. STEVE (O.S.) I seriously doubt anyone can help me now. They've discovered a brain tumor.


LINDA Oh, Jesus. Steve, speak to my friend. He's sitting right here. His name is Dr. Diazien Hossencofft. Linda hands the phone to Diazien. DIAZIEN (speaks with an affected German accent) Hello, dis is Dr. Hossencofft. Linda looks at him strangely. EXT. LOCAL ALBUQUERQUE BOOKSTORE - NIGHT ANGLE ON SIGN: PAGE ONE NEWSSTAND INT. BOOKSTORE - NIGHT Bill, Linda and Diazien chat, drink coffee. Demetri dashes around the table clasping his Bert and Ernie dolls. DIAZIEN Sit down, boy. Right now. The child ignores his father, continues to run in circles. Diazien reaches for his belt, unlatches the buckle. DIAZIEN I'll give you a whipping. BILL If you come here, Demetri, I'll show you a magic trick. Demetri meanders over to Bill, out of reach of his father. Bill performs the old 'steal your nose' trick. Pretends to take Demetri's nose, hide it in his fist, then returns it. Demetri GIGGLES. Bill pulls him on his lap. Linda and Diazien talk, stare google-eyed at each other. Bill glances at his watch. BILL Oops, gotta go.

Soccer practice.

He stands, tries to hand Demetri back to Diazien. CRIES, grabs Bill's pant leg. DIAZIEN I don't know what's gotten into him.

The boy

71 Get over here this instant! DEMETRI I want Mommy! INT. LINDA HENNING SUBURBAN HOUSE - NIGHT Demetri sits watching TV in the living room by himself. INT. BEDROOM Empty hypodermic needles sit on the night stand. Linda and Diazien make passionate love is a stoned haze. There's a light KNOCK on the door. DEMETRI (O.S.) Daddy! DIAZIEN Go away, you little pest. DEMETRI But, I'm hungry. Diazien hops from the bed, opens the door, grabs Demetri and whacks his butt a few times. Demetri CRIES. Diazien slams the door in his face. muffled CRIES can still be heard from the bedroom. Diazien tries to resume making love to Linda. upset by Demetri's crying.


She's visibly

LINDA I've got some rice and fruit in the fridge. He's just a kid. Angered, Diazien slips on his clothes, opens the bedroom door. DIAZIEN Let's go, you little shit. He grabs Demetri by the collar, drags him to the front door. Linda appears in a robe. LINDA Don't go, Diazien. SUPER: AUGUST 9, 1999 INT. LINDA'S OFFICE - DAY Linda sits at her desk opening mail. The phone RINGS.

She picks up the receiver.


RECEPTIONIST (O.S.) It's that guy, Steve again. Do you want me to tell him you're out of the office? LINDA No that's okay, Patty. through.

Put the call

INT. TUDOR HOME - DAY Steve Zachory sits in his wheelchair in the living room. big screen TV is blares off in the distance. STEVE Linda, thank god I caught you. LINDA (O.S.) Now calm down, Steve. You don't want to get too excited. INTERCUT AS NEEDED: STEVE AND LINDA STEVE Did you read the report I faxed you from the P.I.? LINDA None of that matters. STEVE What's happened to you, Linda? Nobody as smart as you with accounts all over the country should be taken in by this con artist. It makes no sense. LINDA (sighing) D' and I are getting married. STEVE I can be on the first plane out there, and we can talk. LINDA We have proof of a major government conspiracy. It's so much bigger than you can imagine. STEVE Linda you need help.



LINDA No, sweetheart. I've never been better in my life. Did you get the letter I sent you? INT. TUDOR HOME - DAY. Steve holds a letter in his hand. CLOSEUP LETTER: STEVE: THIS IS A SPIRITUAL WAR AS WELL AS A PHYSICAL ONE. THE HUMANS STORED IN CRYO-STASIS WILL HAVE THEIR SOULS EXTRACTED AND DISSIPATED. THE REPTILIANS ARE LED BY A QUEEN BACK ON THE MOON BASE. I KNOW THIS SOUNDS LIKE SCI-FI, BUT I WAS TOLD THE SCI-FI STUFF WAS CREATED SO IN CASE THIS STORY EVER GETS OUT, NO ONE WILL BELIEVE IT. STEVE, I URGE YOU TO OBTAIN YOUR CRANIAL X-RAYS FROM YOUR DOCTORS SO DIAZIEN CAN ANALYZE THEM FOR SIGNS OF SMALL MOLECULE CRYSTALS WHICH CAN HEAR OR SEE WHAT YOU DO. DIAZIEN HAS CARVED THEM OUT OF HIS LEG. I ALSO WANT YOU TO BEWARE THAT PRESIDENT BUSH IS A "FULL-FLEDGE REPTILIAN" WHO USES HOLOGRAMS TO PROJECT A HUMAN FACE. Steve watches the letter float to the floor. EXT. SOCCER FIELDS - DAY Diazien and Linda arrive in Linda's brown Honda, cruising around in search of Bill. They find him with Monica and a group of very athletic girls stretching, jogging up hills, doing pushups, sit-ups in unison. This is serious, rigorous conditioning. Bill snaps his fingers like a drill sergeant. Bill looks up in the direction of Diazien and Linda, waves. BILL I'll be ready in a couple of minutes. EXT. SOCCER FIELD PARKING LOT Diazien and Linda get out of the Honda and into Bill's pickup. Bill turns on the motor, shifts into reverse, when he hears someone KNOCK on the window. NAN Hey, where you going?


BILL Hi, honey. I'd like you to meet some friends of mine. This is Diazien and Linda. NAN Nice to meet you. DIAZIEN The pleasure is mine. You must be Nan. Bill's told us so much about you. LINDA All good things, of course. Nan half-smiles. BILL Diazien has some electrical work for me to do. Don't hold supper. EXT. BILL'S PICKUP - DAY Diazien, Bill and Linda drive down I-25 in Bill's truck. INT. BILL'S PICKUP LINDA She's sweet. DIAZIEN Yes, I think we should all go out together sometime. BILL I don't think so. CLOSEUP SIGN: MAGDALENA 12 MILES. EXT. VACANT LAND - DAY Remote area sixty miles south of Albuquerque full of cactus, brush, some cottonwood trees. The area is filled with mine shafts. Down the road, a small stucco house is the only residence visible in the area. They park the truck next to the shell of an old log cabin and step out of the car. Bill opens the cab, takes out numerous rifles and guns. Linda notices one of the mine shafts. LINDA D', come look at this.

75 She picks up a small boulder, throws it down the mine. It falls forever before we hear the splash of water. BILL Some of these mines are over two hundred feet. DIAZIEN You could drop a body and no one would ever find it. BILL Follow me.

'Spose so.

He leads Diazien and Linda to a makeshift area where there are targets hung on trees. All three shoot guns at the targets. INT. PAGE ONE NEWSSTAND - DAY Linda, Diazien, and Bill sipping coffee. DIAZIEN She won't let me have custody of Demetri. BILL Do you have a good lawyer? DIAZIEN Felicia's good, but Girlie won't give up. BILL Most people are getting joint custody these days. DIAZIEN She wants full custody. She won't settle for less. I think Girlie wants to kill me. BILL She can't be that bad. DIAZIEN Girlie isn't from here. BILL Yeah we know, she's Malaysian. DIAZIEN No, I tell you she's one of them. BILL

76 (looks at Linda) You got proof? She nods at him. DIAZIEN Girlie doesn't eat food. pretends.


BILL Maybe she's anorexic. DIAZIEN She keeps a diary in Malaysian. Last week I took it out while she was at work and had it translated. LINDA No shit. What did it say? DIAZIEN She works for the government but she's really from some planet named Zulu. Her mission here is to use biological weapons to poison the water supply. We've got to act soon. BILL Act? DIAZIEN Get rid of her. BILL You're sure about all this? DIAZIEN On the life of my mother. INT. LINDA'S HONDA - LATER LINDA Bill and I used to be--very close. DIAZIEN (smiling) I knew it! He's jumped your bones. So he's not the perfect soccer dad after all? LINDA Nobody's as hot at you, my king. INT. LINDA'S The two lie in bed under the covers. needles sit on the bed-stand.

Two empty hypodermic


DIAZIEN When was the last time you and Bill were intimate? LINDA Oh, it's been a while. wasn't my type.

He really

DIAZIEN I need you to seduce him. LINDA What? DIAZIEN It will give us more control when the time comes. Diazien picks up a cordless phone from the night table, hands it to Linda. LINDA Hello, Bill. What are you doing later? I'd like to see you. INT. FELICIA KELLY GARCIA'S OFFICE - DAY Diazien stands behind her and kisses her neck. FELICIA Diazien, this is not a good place. DIAZIEN But, don't you love the danger factor? He places his hands on her ample breasts. away.

She pushes them

FELICIA Please, sit down. I can't afford the scandal right now. DIAZIEN However you like it, baby. He saunters back to one of the chairs on the other side of the desk. DIAZIEN So, it's a shoo-in now that the DNA came back showing I'm his father, right?


FELICIA It's not so simple. The judge finds the whole thing bizarre. I mean you appear on the doorstep one day and present your wife with your biological child from another woman. DIAZIEN Fuck that. I thought blood is what counts here. FELICIA They've got Girlie's domestic violence reports. You'll be lucky to get supervised visitation. DIAZIEN We'll see about that! EXT. BANK OF AMERICA PARKING LOT - NIGHT Girlie walks to her car, places a key in the door. Diazien appears behind her with a knife which he puts to her neck. DIAZIEN Give up the custody case or you're dead, bitch. GIRLIE Please. DIAZIEN You heard me, honey. And BEFORE I LET YOU HAVE HIM, I'll kill Demetri too. Do you believe me? INT. GIRLIE'S APARTMENT - DAY Girlie talks on the phone.

She is dressed in a Karate outfit.

GIRLIE I don't want to fight him anymore. LAWYER (O.S.) Are you sure, Girlie? With the restraining order-GIRLIE He's not just threatening me. says he'll hurt Demetri too.


79 LAWYER (V.O.) You should go back to Malaysia? GIRLIE I would, but I know Diazien. He'd follow me there and hurt my family. Damn!

LAWYER You think?

GIRLIE This is best, even though it breaks my heart. I don't think he'll hurt Demetri if he gets custody. Maybe he leave me alone. BRIAN FOX Be careful, Girlie. GIRLIE I started Karate classes. will be very strong.

Soon I

INT. KARATE CLASS - DAY Girlie practices kicks along with other STUDENTS. INT. FELICIA KELLY GARCIA'S OFFICE - NIGHT Felicia and Diazien sip champagne. FELICIA Congratulations. Demetri's all yours now. DIAZIEN Well, yeah, except I can't take care of him. FELICIA What are you talking about? DIAZIEN I'm dying, Felicia. FELICIA Give me a break, Diazien. DIAZIEN Leukemia. I didn't want to tell you. I've got a year, maybe two. FELICIA You're serious. She hugs him. The hugs turn to kisses. unbuttons her blouse.

Diazien slowly

80 INT. OFFICE - LATER Felicia and Diazien slip back into their clothes. DIAZIEN I want you to have him. FELICIA Me? DIAZIEN You're a great mother, I know he'll be in good hands. FELICIA I don't know. I mean he's sweet-DIAZIEN Think it over, honey. You don't have to decide right away. SUPER: AUGUST - 1999 INT. PAGE ONE NEWSSTAND - DAY Bill, Linda and Diazien sit at a table drinking coffee. BILL You guys up for target practice tomorrow? BILL I've got soccer until one. We can meet at the fields, say one-thirty? DIAZIEN Yes, it's time we begin planning. BILL Planning what? LINDA How to get rid of Girlie. BILL You really think she's that dangerous? DIAZIEN Bill, Bill. What's the matter with you? Why don't you see the obvious? LINDA She's planning to poison the entire city of Albuquerque. DIAZIEN

81 We need your help. You've got connections with the militia. BILL I don't know. This is kinda extreme. DIAZIEN At least help bring her to me. Maybe I can persuade her to go back where she came from. BILL Why don't you go see her yourself? DIAZIEN She has a restraining order. If I go within five miles of her apartment, they'll arrest me. LINDA They're all in on this, the cops, the military. Look, why don't you come over to my house tonight, Bill? She places her hand on his knee, runs it up to his thigh. Bill looks thrilled. INT. FELICIA KELLY GARCIA'S OFFICE - DAY Felicia talks on the cordless phone. FELICIA I can't adopt him. DIAZIEN (O.S.) Goddamn, you disappoint me, Felicia! FELICIA I'm sorry you feel that way. Perhaps we should end our attorney client relationship. DIAZIEN What kind of fucking settlement did you get me? Fifty-seven thousand dollars. I'll kill that bitch before I pay her one dime! FELICIA You don't really mean that, Diazien. DIAZIEN No, of course not. SUPER: TRIAD ADOPTION AGENCY INT. VONDA CHESHIRE'S OFFICE - DAY

82 VONDA CHESHIRE (40's)an administrative director sits at her desk. Diazien sits in a chair COUGHING. He holds a handkerchief that appears to be covered with drops of blood. DIAZIEN I'm dying of leukemia. I need to find a home for my boy. VONDA Where's the boy's mother? Diazien pulls out a file with the custody agreement, hands it to Vonda. DIAZIEN The mother wants nothing to do with him. She's not his biological mother, as you can see from the papers. VONDA Yes, I see. Where is his biological mother? DIAZIEN I know this may sound weird to you, maybe even like science fiction, but Demetri was created in a laboratory. VONDA Really? INT. ALBUQUERQUE RESTAURANT - NIGHT Waitresses bustle about. Vonda sits with her HUSBAND at a table. VONDA I'm really worried about this case. HUSBAND You've never violated your confidentiality agreement before. VONDA This guy is totally weird. his kid was conceived in a laboratory.

He says

Suddenly, the sound of Diazien's voice can be heard from an adjoining table. DIAZIEN You think you should be telling that story?

83 Vonda turns in the direction of the voice. Linda glare at her.

Both Diazien and

VONDA (turns to her husband, whispers) Good grief, he followed me here! TEXT ON SCREEN - FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION AUGUST 1999 INT. OFFICE -SPECIAL AGENT JOHN SCHUM - DAY Agent Schum (40s) picks up the phone on his desk, dials. AGENT SCHUM Good morning, is this Girlie Hossencofft? GIRLIE (O.S.) Yes. AGENT SCHUM My name is John Schum. I'm with the FBI. I received a call today from a woman named Vonda Cheshire from the Triad Adoption Agency. INT. RESTAURANT - DAY Girlie and Agent Schum sit at a table. Girlie's cheeks.

Tears run down

GIRLIE He try to give Demetri up for adoption? AGENT SCHUM Yes, I'm sorry to break the news to you. Ms. Cheshire was concerned since your ex-husband's story was so weird. GIRLIE He wants to kill me. AGENT SCHUM Has he threatened you? GIRLIE He told me if I don't give up Demetri, he kill him too. Can you help me? AGENT SCHUM (takes a deep breath) There's not a whole lot I can do until he does something against the

84 law. Has anyone else heard him threaten you? SUPER:


INT. LINDA HENNING BEDROOM - NIGHT Bill and Linda lay together in bed. She hands him a blue velvet bag. He opens the bag, spills the contents on the bed. CLOSEUP: GOLD COINS AND HUNDRED DOLLAR BILLS. LINDA This is worth twenty thousand. All you have to do is take Girlie to D'. BILL I won't be an accessory to murder. LINDA You heard him, he just wants to talk to her. Convince her to go back to Zulu. BILL What if she won't? LINDA Don't worry so much. She kisses him. SUPER: SEPTEMBER 9, 1999 - DAY SERIES OF SHOTS: A) Diazien in the Winrock Mall. Enters a store called the WORLD OF KNIVES where he purchases a Ninja Warrior Sword. B) Linda removes a ceiling tile in her garage, places the Ninja Warrior Sword there, replaces tile. Diazien looks on. C) Linda purchases Walkie-talkies at a Radio Shack. D) Bill nervously enters a bank with a brown paper bag and secures a bank deposit box, places the velvet bag inside. D) Linda buys a tarp at Home Depot. E) Linda opens the tarp in her garage where there is glitter and sand from art projects. Her cat walks across it. INT. GIRLIE'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Linda attacks Girlie. With sustained KARATE MOVES Girlie backs Linda up, KICKING her in the stomach and then the nose. Linda falls to the ground. Girlie pins her down.

85 CLOSEUP: Tiny drops of blood drip from Linda's nose, spraying the carpet and skirt of the couch. LINDA (calling toward the door) Help me! In the struggle they break a lamp, leaving the room dark. EXT. DIAZIEN'S HOUSE - DUSK Diazien screeches to a stop in his driveway in Linda's brown Honda. He steps out of the car wearing green army fatigues, neck and arms are painted black. His NEIGHBOR across the street sips a beer with a friend on her porch. When she sees Diazien she elbows her acquaintance. NEIGHBOR There's that weirdo I've been telling you about with the precious little boy. Moments later Diazien returns to the car with a steam cleaner. EXT. ALBUQUERQUE AIRPORT - NIGHT SUPER: SEPTEMBER 9, 1999 - 12:30 P.M. A plane lands. INT. TERMINAL CLOSEUP: GATE MARQUIS ARRIVAL: CHARLOTTE, SC SHERYL CULP, an attractive woman (mid-20's) walks with her luggage from the gate. Diazien waits at security area, waves as she approaches. She walks through to the other side. He takes her carry-on bag, hugs then kisses her. DIAZIEN Oh Sheryl, honey, I can't believe it! You're even more beautiful than your pictures. SUPER: SEPTEMBER 10, 1999 INT. BANK OF AMERICA LOBBY - DAY Rosella glances at her watch.

She looks upset as she gazes

86 at Girlie's empty teller booth. Fearful of the worst, Rosella darts to Kathy Freeman's... OFFICE Whispers something in her ear. Kathy looks at the clock. CLOSEUP OF CLOCK: 8:15 A.M. She picks up a phone, punches in 911. KATHY This is an emergency. SERIES OF SHOTS: A) DETECTIVE MICHAEL FOX (30ish) speaking to Girlie's boss Kathy Freeman at the bank. DETECTIVE FOX Lots of people play hooky from work. You sure you're not overreacting? B) THREE DETECTIVES in Girlie's apartment bagging evidence, examining three large bleached blood stains on the carpet. One of the forensic team notices the tiny drops of blood splattered on the skirt of the couch. C) Bill loads some soccer balls in the back of his pickup. He notices a trail of blood. BILL What the-D) He pulls out a cell phone, punches in numbers. LINDA (O.S.) Hello. This is Linda. Please leave your name and number after the tone. E) Diazien driving on the highway snuggled up with fiancée, Sheryl Culp. CLOSEUP SIGN: WELCOME TO SOUTH CAROLINA. SHERYL I can't wait for you to meet my mother. She's so thrilled that I'm marrying a doctor. EXT. REMOTE TWO-LANE NEW MEXICO HIGHWAY - DAY HIGHWAY WORKER discovers a tarp and bloody clothes on Hwy 60. LATER: Four police cars are parked along the road. A helicopter

87 whirls above as two cadaver dogs race about barking. CLOSEUP: A tarp, bloodstained clothing: shorts, top, underwear. INT. MILLER HOUSE - NIGHT LIVING ROOM The living room is cluttered with soccer balls, old cleats, a kid's backpack stuffed with books, etc. Bill sits on the couch watching TV. Nan hands him a beer. He places an affectionate pat on her rear. ANGLE ON TV - Trailer announcing the ten o'clock news. ANCHOR appears.


INT. NEWSROOM STUDIO - ANCHOR DESK NEWS ANCHOR Good evening. Albuquerque police are looking for a bank employee who disappeared yesterday under suspicious circumstances. BACK TO: MILLER'S LIVING ROOM: Bill looks confused, annoyed. Clicks the remote to another channel. The same story appears, different REPORTER. Clicks to another station. Same scenario. He keeps clicking the remote until he finds an old black-and-white movie. BILL All rightie, Humphrey Bogart. NAN Don't you want to see the news? BILL I'm sick of the local b.s. news. Monica, arms full of books, opens the front door, smiles at her parents. BILL Where ya been so late? MONICA Studying with Sarah for that Chemistry test. (to Nan) What's for supper?

88 Nan springs from the couch. NAN Chicken and mashed potatoes. me a minute to heat it up.


BILL I was getting worried about you. Don't forget we got an early game tomorrow. Monica kisses her father's forehead then head off to the kitchen. Bill clicks back to the news report. ANGLE ON TV: REPORTER standing with a microphone on two lane highway. TV REPORTER I'm here on Highway 60, a few miles west of Magdalena where a tarp, a bloodstained blouse, shorts, panties, pieces of duct tape, and gauze were discovered this morning. Four police cars are parked along the road. race about BARKING.

Cadaver dogs

TV REPORTER Investigators believe the clothing belongs to Girlie Chew Hossencofft, the bank employee missing since yesterday.... CLOSEUP: ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL HEADLINE: BANK EMPLOYEE'S ESTRANGED HUSBAND PICKED UP IN SOUTH CAROLINA. SUPER: SEPTEMBER 23, 1999 A smiling Diazien in a red jumpsuit, handcuffs, walks into a courtroom with TWO GUARDS. REPORTERS crowd the area. ONE inches up to him with a microphone. REPORTER Is it true you killed your wife, Mr. Hossencofft? DIAZIEN This is a ridiculous mistake. Girlie staged this whole thing. She's in Malaysia somewhere. EXT. LINDA'S HOUSE

89 TWO DETECTIVES KNOCK on front door. She opens it, smiles innocently. LINDA Can I invite you gentlemen inside? CLOSEUP: SERIES OF ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL NEWSPAPER HEADLINES: A) 46 YEAR OLD LINDA HENNING, GIRLFRIEND OF MISSING BANK TELLER'S HUSBAND, ARRESTED, HELD ON $100,000 BOND AFTER NINJA SWORD FOUND IN CEILING OF HER GARAGE. B) ESTRANGED HUSBAND CHARGED WITH KIDNAPPING, MURDER. C) HUSBAND DENIES MURDER CHARGE, SEARCH FOR WOMAN'S BODY RENEWED. EXT. HIGHWAY 60 - DAY A team of SEARCHERS and DOGS comb the area. Two searchers focus around a particularly deep mine. SEARCHER ONE A body could be shoved down any of these mine shafts. He drops a boulder down. water.

After many seconds it plunks into

SEARCHER TWO We could comb this area for years. SUPER: JULY 17, 2000 - GRAND JURY INVESTIGATION DIAZIEN HOSSENCOFFT AND LINDA HENNING. INT. COURTROOM - DAY Bill Miller, dressed in a suit, sits with a LAWYER in the front row. In contrast to Bill, Linda and Diazien arrive shackled and dressed in red jumpsuits with their respective GUARDS. They each sit with a DEFENSE ATTORNEY. The three glare at each other. PROSECUTOR PAUL SPIERS, (40ish) wire-rim glasses, sits with TWO MEN also in suits. The JUDGE calls the court to order. JUDGE BRENNAN State vs. Mr. Diazien Hossencofft and Ms. Linda Henning. DEFENSE ATTORNEY Your honor. My client believes his wife is still alive. He now thinks she's tried to frame him and Ms. Henning. With no body or hard evidence I don't see you have enough here to indict them.

90 JUDGE BRENNAN Mr. Spiers. PAUL SPIERS I'd like to call Mr. William Miller as the first witness for the prosecution. LATER: Bill sits on the witness stand. PAUL SPIERS Mr. Miller, can you tell the court if Mr. Hossencofft ever asked you to kill his wife. BILL Yes, Mr. Hossencofft asked me to kill his wife on two occasions. PAUL SPIERS Explain to the court why you opened a safe deposit box on September 9, 1999 and placed a bag with money and coins in it? BILL Diazien asked me to bring Girlie to him. Linda said he just wanted to scare her so she'd go back to-PAUL SPIERS Back to where? BILL ZZZulu. PAUL SPIERS Can you tell us where Zulu is, Mr. Miller. BILL Look, I got a family. I didn't go through with anything. Bill glances at his wife, Nan, and daughter, Monica, sitting in the courtroom. Wipes sweat from his face. BILL I decided things were getting outta hand and I wanted out. I told Linda I wanted to give the money back to Diazien. Linda assured me Diazien had changed his mind and just wanted to borrow

91 my truck so he could move some of his furniture outta the house. LATER: DEFENSE ATTORNEY The defense believes the prosecution witness is lying. We have numerous witnesses that will testify he was in love with Linda Henning, one of the codefendants in this case. That he was jealous of Diazien who stole his girlfriend away... FLASHBACK: INT. PAGE ONE NEWSSTAND - DAY SUPER: SEPTEMBER 9, 1999 3:30 PM Linda, Bill, and Diazien are all there, but not together. Linda and Diazien stroll through the store on opposite sides of the room testing out Walkie-talkies. Bill is browsing through books in the metaphysical section. RON WILKINS, (40ish) sees Linda, taps her on the shoulder. RON WILKINS Hey, what you up to? LINDA Not much. Ron points at Diazien standing on the other side of the room with the other walkie-talkie talkie. RON WILKINS Isn't that the weird guy from our UFO group? Do you know him? LINDA Sure. When we have sex we evolve into big cats with fangs. She lifts her lip with her finger and then laughs. Ron looks at her like she's insane, ambles off. Linda sits down at a table. BILL I can't do it. LINDA What!

Bill joins her.


BILL This has gotten out of hand. I'm going to the bank and getting Diazien his money back right now. LINDA Chill. I told you, Diazien's not going to hurt her. He's not capable of hurting anybody. BILL I'm not so sure. You've changed since you met him. Shit, I've changed. I've gotta go. He stands, darts out the store exit. Linda attempts to follow him, then speaks into the Walkie-talkie. LINDA We've got a big problem. INT. BOOKSTORE - A FEW MINUTES LATER Diazien appears, sits at the table. LINDA Bill just split. He wants out. DIAZIEN Are you shitting me? He took the money. LINDA He's offered to return it. DIAZIEN That mother-fuckin SOB. LINDA Diazien, calm down. He rolls his head around, attempting to compose himself. DIAZIEN Mr. Miller will pay dearly for this! You do remember Plan B? LINDA Yes. DIAZIEN You must follow it to the letter. There is no room for error. EXT. MILLER HOUSE - DAY

93 SUPER: SEPTEMBER 9, 1999 4:00 PM Linda parks an old Cadillac next to the curb in the driveway. INT. CADILLAC Before exiting, she places a credit card from her purse in the glove compartment. INT. BILL MILLER HOME - SHOP BEHIND HOUSE Bill is cleaning a rifle.

There's a KNOCK on the door.

Bill opens the door, looks surprised to see Linda standing in the entry. LINDA Aren't you going to invite me in? BILL Nan gets outta school any minute. LINDA Don't worry, honey, I'm not here to seduce you. BILL If it's the money, it's too late to get into my safe deposit box today, but I'm gonna get it tomorrow. LINDA Look, I need to talk. take a minute. Bill moves from the entrance. room.

It'll just Linda enters the cluttered

LINDA D' wants you to hold that money for him. He's moving to South Carolina tomorrow and he'll contact you where to send it. BILL He's not mad at me? LINDA He said to tell you not to worry. The whole thing's off anyway. He just wants to get out of town and start his life over. BILL I feel so much better now that I know he's not mad.

94 He caresses her shoulders. LINDA He did request a favor from you. BILL Sure. LINDA He'd like to borrow your truck to move some furniture from the house into storage. We can switch vehicles now. Feel free to drive the Cadillac. I borrowed it from a friend. BILL No problem. Let me get you the truck keys. He leaves the room momentarily. Linda picks up some deer hair, feathers, and pink Mylar from Bill's tackle table, slips them in her pocket. Bill returns and they exchange car keys.

She kisses him.

SUPER: OCTOBER 2000. INT. VISITOR STATION BERNALILLO COUNTY JAIL Diazien is talking to a REPORTER. DIAZIEN After thirteen months they still don't have any evidence against me. Hell, there's no body. No conclusive forensics. I still don't know why no one has even looked for her. REPORTER The prosecutors think differently. DIAZIEN Spiers and the rest of them stuck this pig and they want to see if it squeals. The reporter raises his eyebrows, clears his throat. SUPER: FEBRUARY 12, 2001 INT. WILD OATS SUPERMARKET - DAY Bill is seated at a table in the cafe of this organic food market.


THREE POLICE approach. He stuffs business cards in his mouth, chews, swallows. The police take Bill away in handcuffs. INT. BILL MILLER HOME - NIGHT Nan and Monica watch the evening news. NEWS ANCHOR An Albuquerque man whose grand jury testimony led to two arrests in the disappearance of Girly Chew Hossencofft, has himself been indicted in conspiracy to commit murder and kidnapping in the case. William Miller's arrest comes after months of intensive forensics work by Albuquerque police. Investigators matched pink-dyed deer hair and feathers found in Miller's home to those found in the carpet of Girly Hossencofft's apartment, as well as in the tarp where her bloody clothes were found. TV STORY SHIFTS TO: Bill being taken away in handcuffs by POLICE. BACK TO: LIVING ROOM Monica and Nan crying, hugging each other. INT. COURTROOM SUPER: GRAND JURY INVESTIGATION OF WILLIAM MILLER. The courtroom is filled with SOCCER MOMS and DADS. Bill sits with his lawyer, RAY TWOLIG who stands to speak. Nan and Monica sit in the front of the room. RAY TWOLIG Mr. Miller has a solid reputation in this town. I have a dozen witnesses who can testify to this man's character. CLOSEUP: SERIES OF ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL NEWSPAPER HEADLINES A) SOCCER DAD RELEASED ON BAIL. B) DIAZIEN HOSSENCOFFT, ESTRANGED HUSBAND OF MISSING BANK

96 EMPLOYEE, COPS PLEA TO AVOID THE DEATH PENALTY. INT. COURT - DAY SUPER: JANUARY 18, 2002 A small group of people sit in the courtroom. Diazien is seated on the stand. Prosecutor, Paul Spiers questions him. PAUL SPIERS So, Mr. Hossencofft you finally admit you masterminded the murder. DIAZIEN Yes, I'm the brains. PAUL SPIERS But you claim Mr. Miller actually perpetrated the crime. DIAZIEN Yes. That bloodthirsty imbecile couldn't wait to get his hands on her. He told me he wanted to 'gut her like a fish.' PAUL SPIERS Since you are the admitted mastermind of the crime, can you please tell the court where the remains of Girly Chew Hossencofft are? DIAZIEN You'll have to ask Mr. Miller. truly don't know.


INT. JUDGE BRENNAN'S CHAMBERS Paul Spiers, Diazien's lawyer MARC ROBERT, and Judge Brennan convene. PAUL SPIERS You can't accept this plea without Hossencofft revealing where the body is located. MARC ROBERT I believe my client honestly doesn't know. PAUL SPIERS That's bullshit, Marc, and you know it. (to Judge Brennan) Your Honor. In all good conscience, this man has killed his wife,

97 probably in a brutal, excruciating manner, and is getting off with a PAUL SPIERS (cont.) prison sentence, and the option of choosing where he serves his time. I've never heard of anything like this. JUDGE BRENNAN Paul, you know as well as I do this case would have included 3 to 400 witnesses, fifty some odd experts, thousands of pages of evidence. Mr. Hossencofft is a sociopath. No way in hell will he ever reveal where that body is. But by granting him the plea bargain, we've saved the state hundreds of thousands of dollars in trial costs. Paul Spiers looks devastated. PAUL SPIERS Don't you see that's exactly what Diazien knew you'd do? You're his latest con! SUPER: BERNALILLO COUNTY JAIL - JANUARY 23, 2002 EXT. JAIL - DAY Diazien emerges with a dimpled grin and a fixed gaze on news cameras on the other side of a locked security gate. Wearing a red high-risk inmate uniform, bound in handcuffs, he is escorted by PRISON GUARDS to a sheriff's car. A TV PHOTOGRAPHER shouts a question. TV PHOTOGRAPHER Who does know where the body of Girlie Chew Hossencofft is located? Diazien's smile grows broader. Then, he LAUGHS HIDEOUSLY. His head raises. Then he stops, and grins at the camera. CLOSEUP: SERIES OF ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL NEWSPAPER HEADLINES A) TRIAL OF MURDERED BANK TELLER'S ESTRANGED HUSBAND'S GIRLFRIEND TO BEGIN NEXT WEEK. B) COURT TV ARRIVES IN ALBUQUERQUE TO FILM BIZARRE MURDER TRIAL. INT. COURTROOM - DAY SUPER: OCTOBER 1, 2002 - OPENING ARGUMENTS OF PROSECUTION AT MURDER TRIAL OF LINDA HENNING

98 Court TV cameras roll as the JUDGE calls the court to order. Linda, looking confident, dressed in a smart tailored suit, sits up-front with her two attorneys. The room is filled with SPECTATORS. In the very back of the room, sitting amongst them is Bill Miller. PAUL SPIERS Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, In 1992, Girly Chew Hossencofft moved to the United States to marry Diazien over her parents' objections. Like so many of his other victims, she believed he was a doctor and had leukemia. After extensive abuse, she moved out of the house in January 1999 to a small apartment. PAUL SPIERS Hossencofft's motive for the murder was the $57,000 he stood to lose in the divorce. He was angry his wife could not conceive an Asian child, and he was furious that she dared to leave him. PAUL SPIERS On the other hand, Linda Henning was in love with Diazien Hossencofft. A woman who would do anything to win over her boyfriend's affection. This is an old tale...with a universal theme. It is murder for self-interest, and murder for gain. PAUL SPIERS Henning went to the Bank of America branch where Girly worked as a star teller, observed and befriended her. CUT TO: FLASHBACK: SUPER: SEPTEMBER 9, 1999 - 5:15 PM INT. GIRLIE'S APARTMENT Girlie sustains kicks to Linda's face, chest, stomach. pins Linda to the ground. Linda grabs a lamp as she falls, leaving the room dark. LINDA Help me!


99 We hear a muffled SCREAM, furniture moving, sounds of a struggle. The phone RINGS and RINGS in the background. Suddenly the lights are back on. Girlie and Linda are rolling around on the ground. pins Linda to the ground.


Diazien, dressed in army fatigues, stands smiling as he watches the two struggling women. He holds a tarp and duffle bag. LINDA Goddamn it, D'! Do something! DIAZIEN A queen can only be dethroned by the one replacing her. I can't help you now. Unable to subdue Girlie, Linda pulls out a knife, stabs her. DIAZIEN Noooooooo! We don't want blood in the apartment! Diazien joins Linda. The two struggle to hold Girlie down. Diazien stuffs her mouth with tissues. A FEW MINUTES LATER Girlie is lying wrapped in the tarp. Diazien places duct tape tightly around her mouth. Girlie struggles to free herself. LINDA Don't wrap that too tightly. We want her alive. She pulls some deer hair and feathers from her pocket, drops them on the carpet, sticks some in the tarp. The two wrap Girlie in the tarp. Girlie squirms.

We hear her gagged MOANS.

Diazien notices blood in three large circles on the carpet. DIAZIEN Goddamn it, I told you not to stab her here. This is going to be messy. LINDA I'm sorry D', I had no choice. Who would know she'd put up such a fight?

100 He peeks out the front door. Two YOUNG WOMEN (early 20s) giggle as they drift to their apartment a few doors down. One of them fumbles with her keys, opens the front door. two disappear inside.


DIAZIEN Let's move it. They lift the tarp with Girlie, head out the door. EXT. APARTMENT They throw her in the back of Bill's pickup. DIAZIEN I rented a steam cleaner just in case. I need to run home and get it. LINDA What do you want me to do? He hands her Girlie's purse. DIAZIEN Dispose of this somewhere and I'll meet you at your house in twenty minutes. Oh, and make a purchase with your credit card somewhere. LINDA I left it in the Cadillac like you said. DIAZIEN But you have your another card, don't you? Remember, I specifically asked you if you had another card? She quickly rifles through her purse. LINDA Yes. Here it is. DIAZIEN And you made a spare set of keys for the Cadillac like I asked? EXT. WALGREENS - NIGHT Linda arrives at the pharmacy drive-up window in Bill's pickup. INT. PICKUP CLOSEUP OF DASHBOARD CLOCK:


101 Linda smiles as she hands the pharmacist her credit card and receives a package. EXT. HOSSENCOFFT HOUSE - NIGHT Diazien zips up the driveway, gets out dressed in army fatigues, neck painted black. TWO NEIGHBORS stare at him. INT. GIRLIE'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Diazien pours bleach and runs the steam cleaner over and over the blood stains. BACK TO: PRESENT: INT. COURTROOM - DAY SUPER: OPENING ARGUMENTS FOR LINDA HENNING DEFENSE Linda's attorney, GARY MITCHELL, a folksy, country lawyer with bushy mustache, dressed in a western suit, Tony Llama boots, addresses the jury. GARY MITCHELL Your work would be much like harvesting a crop of pinto beans. Like separating the beans from hulls, they must cull facts from speculations. You'll hear from a lot of prosecution witnesses that won't add up to much. In good conscience, there is no conclusive evidence in this case. SERIES OF SHOTS: WITNESSES ON THE STAND: A) SUPER: GIRLIE'S BOSS, KATHY FREEMAN. KATHY Girlie said I should call the police if she was ever late. She said her estranged husband, Diazien was serious about his threat to kill her. PAUL SPIERS Did you ever see Linda Henning in your bank? KATHY I didn't actually see her. But we have three records of her banking transactions between August 3 and

102 September 5th. All three were done at Girlie's teller booth. B) SUPER: ROSELLA ERNESTINE, GIRLIE'S FRIEND ROSELLA (tearfully) I called her every night. On September 9, I called her every ten minutes between 6 P.M. and 9 P.M. C) CLOSEUP: TARP spread out with two pieces of duct tape. D) SUPER: VONDA CHESHIRE, ADOPTION AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE VONDA I was troubled with my dealings with Hossencofft. When I voiced concerns to my husband one night at a restaurant, a voice spoke-up and said, "Do you think you should be telling this story." Linda Henning was sitting there eavesdropping with Mr. Hossencofft. E) SUPER: JULIE MCGUIRE, DIAZIEN'S EX-GIRLFRIEND. JULIE Diazien told me he wanted Girlie "bagged." F) SUPER: DIAZIEN NEIGHBOR FROM ACROSS THE STREET. NEIGHBOR Diazien screeched the Honda to a halt. We thought it was weird when he got out dressed in army fatigues with black paint all over his neck and arms. G) SUPER:

FBI AGENT SCHUM. AGENT SCHUM Girlie told me she thought her husband wanted her killed. I only wish I could have helped her.

INT. COURT - DAY SUPER: OCTOBER 15, 2002 The courtroom is packed beyond capacity.

Paul Spiers stands.

PAUL SPIERS The last witness for the prosecution is Girlie's brother, Andrew Chew. Mr. Chew will read a letter

103 addressed to his parents from Girlie. PAUL SPIERS (cont.) (holds out letter) Note the postmark is September 9, 1999, the date Girlie disappeared. ANDREW CHEW, a young Malaysian man takes the stand, tearfully holds Girlie's letter in his hand, reads. CLOSEUP LETTER: Girlie's neat handwriting. ANDREW (clears throat) It's getting a little cold now at night and we have to say good bye to summer. Soon, the cold wind will start to blow again in the evening. I really hate that! Everything is dark and cold... Kathy Freeman, Rosella and a couple of other FRIENDS of Girlie's in the courtroom are teary eyed as he reads. Paul Spiers addresses the jury after Andrew Chew has spoken. PAUL SPIERS "Dark and cold, ladies and gentlemen." The things Girlie Chew hated most. INT. COURTROOM - AFTERNOON Gary Mitchell stands with a clipboard of paper. Linda looks pale and agitated. Her whole demeanor has changed from earlier parts of the trial. GARY MITCHELL Mr. Hossencofft, can you tell the court if my client, Linda Henning was involved in any way in the kidnapping or murder of your wife, Girlie Hossencofft? Diazien sits on the witness stand in a "high risk" red jumpsuit. He hisses and slithers randomly between Japanese, German Bronx and rattlesnake affectations. DIAZIEN No, Linda was not involved. This was not a murder by chance, this was not by someone who was psychotic at the time. This was a cold, calculative murder. The most excruciating pain known to mankind is what I was hoping for.

104 CUT TO: FLASHBACK: EXT. - BARREN AREA WITH LAND MINES SUPER: SEPTEMBER 9, 1999 - OUTSIDE MAGDALENA, NEW MEXICO The pickup is parked in the same obscure area where Bill took them for target practice. Linda looks frightened, tense as she and Diazien lift Girlie's body wrapped in the tarp. Diazien takes two hypodermic needles from his jacket pocket, injects Linda, then himself. Her body spontaneously transforms into a relaxed state. They unwrap the tarp. Girlie's body is still as stone. Linda grabs a stick from the ground, pokes her. Diazien bends down, feels her pulse. DIAZIEN Goddamn, I think she's dead. LINDA I guess she smothered. DIAZIEN Shit! I wasn't done with that bitch yet. She was supposed to suffer. LINDA We can still perform the ritual. DIAZIEN This never should have happened! Damn, fucking bitch! LINDA Calm down, for crissakes. He kicks the body. DIAZIEN First that imbecile Miller walks, leaving me to perform the dirty work-LINDA Leaving us. Don't forget about me, love. DIAZIEN Then, you screw up and stab her in the apartment after I specifically

105 said not to--

106 LINDA Fine. Blame me. But you have a choice now, D'. You can either continue to pout like a baby all night, or we can do the business that we came here for. DIAZIEN (composing himself) You're right, my love. Let's perform the ritual. Diazien strips the body naked, wraps the clothes in the tarp. He and Linda start CHANTING. He pulls the Ninja sword out, aims for her head. EXT. HIGHWAY 60 Diazien speeds down the highway in the pickup. bloody clothes blow out onto the road.

The tarp and

INT. TRUCK Linda hands him a tissue, takes one herself. blood dripping from their mouths.

They both wipe

BACK TO: PRESENT: GARY MITCHELL And who carried out these calculations? DIAZIEN I was the mastermind. The planning was so impeccable that prosecutors have been forced to rely on speculation. Bill Miller was zee ingredient. But, he botched his end of the killing, leaving Girlie's bloodstains in her apartment and her bloody clothes on zee highway. It was beyond stupidity. GARY MITCHELL Can you tell the court how drops of Linda's blood appeared in Girlie's apartment. DIAZIEN Sure. It's really very simple. When I went to the apartment and saw Girlie's blood, I knew I had to do something to the DNA. I decided to

107 DIAZIEN (cont.) clean it with bleach and plant female blood to confuse the forensics team. After breaking a vial of blood in my pocket I had no choice but to use the last tube of female blood, I had. It happened to belong to Linda. I thought her blood would disintegrate enough so that it could not be traced to her. INT. COURTROOM - DAY Assistant District Attorney, JACK BURKHEAD questions Diazien on the stand. JACK BURKHEAD On your résumé, Mr. Hossencofft, you claim to have degrees from institutions including Tokyo University, Stanford and Cornell Medical school. DIAZIEN It's false. Who cares? JACK BURKHEAD Is it true that you have not had a legitimate job since 1993? That you've managed to defraud women of sometimes sizable sums by leading them to believe that you were a doctor engaged in cutting-edge scientific research? DIAZIEN Men, women, whoever. It made no difference to me. JACK BURKHEAD How much money would you say you've defrauded from people. DIAZIEN I don't know. Bunny alone gave me over three hundred thousand. JACK BURKHEAD One more thing, sir. Did you exchange over 2,500 letters with Ms. Henning over the past three years? And in these letters did you not profess your undying love for her? DIAZIEN I profess love for many women. I could care less about Ms. Henning.

108 DIAZIEN (cont.) I used her for my alibi. That is all. CLOSEUP: Linda's face is ash white. SUPER: CLOSING ARGUMENTS INT. COURTROOM - DAY. Paul Spiers speaks to the jury. PAUL SPIERS Linda Henning is like Lady Macbeth who handled the dirty deed of murder that her husband couldn't quite bring himself to perform. I'd like to note that both Mr. Hossencofft and Ms. Henning had ample time to review trial documents some 80,000 pages worth--and to concoct a story designed to protect his girlfriend. The facts are her blood was found in Girlie's apartment. A Ninja Warrior sword hidden in the ceiling of Linda's garage. She purchased Walkie-Talkies and was seen using them with Hossencofft the day of Girlie's disappearance. The tarp also purchased by Linda was found on Highway 60 with Girlie's bloody clothes, art sand, glitter, and cat hair from Linda's garage. Need I remind you, ladies and gentlemen, that Mr. Hossencofft is an admitted con man. What you saw there, was his most ambitious performance of all time. The intended victims are you! INT. - COURTROOM - LATER Gary Mitchell stands before the jury. Linda is seated, hunched over a yellow pad, taking notes. GARY MITCHELL As impressive as Mr. Spiers' ability to quote Shakespeare, it would be more appropriate for a Louis L'Amour western novel. We are in an American courtroom where we deal with the facts and the law. Spots of Henning's blood in Girly's

109 GARY MITCHELL (cont.) apartment is the state's best evidence. We have a witness, admittedly, a bizarre one, who says he planted her blood. He admits he doesn't give a hoot for anyone but himself. Why should he lie? The state has produced a quantity of circumstantial evidence in this case. I want you to remember that night Linda made four purchases or bank transactions. A prescription at Walgreens at 6:30 P.M., a purchase of a flashlight at 8:18, an ATM withdrawal and 10:25, and one at 11:30 P.M. These occurred during the alleged time of the murder. When would she have time to commit a murder? FLASHBACK: SUPER: SEPTEMBER 9, 1999 EXT. BILL'S PICKUP - NIGHT Diazien and Linda sit inside. Lights from a small town glimmer in the distance. INT. PICKUP Diazien glances at his watch. DIAZIEN It's eight o'clock, call Bill and have him buy something with your credit card. Linda pulls out her cell phone, punches in Bill's number. LINDA Hey, Bill. D' wants to know if you could go to Wal-Mart and get one of those Maglight flashlights and some batteries. (beat) Yeah, he needs it for the trip. You can use a credit card I left in the Cadillac. And call me after you've purchased it. INT. PICKUP - LATER Linda and Diazien speed down the highway. The cell phone RINGS. Linda clicks it on.

110 LINDA You bought it. Great. Keep the credit card receipt, please. Diazien looks at the truck's digital clock. CLOSEUP: 10:00. DIAZIEN We need him to make another transaction. LINDA (whispers) You don't think he'll get suspicious? DIAZIEN (mouths) That retard? LINDA Bill, would you mind making an ATM withdrawal for me, honey. I need some cash. (beat) We're still at the storage unit, loading D's furniture. The jerk won't take D's check. I think there's an ATM right there at the Wal-mart. My code is 0999. SERIES OF SHOTS: SUPER: 10:25 P.M. A) Bill stands at the Wal-mart ATM machine holding the plastic bag with the flashlight and batteries. He places Linda's card in the machine. SUPER: 11:23 PM B) ANGLE ON SIGN: ALBUQUERQUE NEXT TEN EXITS. C) Diazien pulls off the highway, stops at an ATM. Linda pulls out her debit card. D) Linda drives up to the Miller house, switches vehicles, and peels off in the Cadillac. SERIES OF ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL NEWSPAPER HEADLINES: A) HENNING FOUND GUILTY OF FELONY MURDER, KIDNAPPING B) JURY REJECTS DEATH PENALTY FOR HENNING C) D.A. HINTS THAT KILLER ATE GIRLY CHEW

111 SUPER: DECEMBER 15, 2002 INT. BERNALILLO COUNTY COURT CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY A CREW from Court TV are filming an interview with Linda who wears a tailored suit. She's an articulate speaker, although her responses seem rehearsed. INTERVIEWER Now that the trial is over, what are your thoughts? LINDA The whole thing has been a fiasco from start to finish. I didn't expect a fair trial. INTERVIEWER What are your beliefs on UFOs? LINDA My belief system is nothing unusual. I've been involved in UFO research for 25 years. I believe there's a strong alien presence on this earth, and I do believe they're involved in the United States government. LINDA I believe there's a strong agenda of genocide and there's been a hybridization program. After my house was searched, they took everything involved on the topic. Books, CDs, videos. INTERVIEWER Why do you think that is? LINDA Well, if these things aren't real, and everyone's just laughing, why would they confiscate it all? Why would they care? INTERVIEWER And what do you think of Diazien Hossencofft, now that you've seen him testify at your trial. LINDA There's a part of me that will always love Diazien Hossencofft. I know that sounds crazy... CLOSEUP: Photograph of Diazien Hossencofft with long hair, glasses, dressed in high risk red prison jumpsuit.

112 NARRATOR (V.O.) Diazien Hossencofft, a man called "the next Charles Manson" by commentators on Court TV, has been described as brilliant, terminally ill, a doctor, a scientist, a sociopath. Investigators have proved this same man is a con-artist who duped hundreds of women on the Internet. He claimed to have discovered a cure to aging, was a wife and child abuser, a gigolo, and a murderer. Diazien pleaded guilty to the murder of his wife, Girlie, in January 2002 to avoid a potential death sentence. Currently, he is serving a life sentence plus sixtyone years in a Wyoming State Penitentiary, a location he chose in an unusual plea bargain agreement. A place where an ex-girlfriend has testified that she believes he has strong contacts that might help him escape. CLOSEUP: LINDA HENNING, DRESSED IN A SUIT AT HER TRIAL. NARRATOR (V.O.) Linda Henning, a New Mexico marketing executive with an interest in herbal medicine, has been convicted of murder and sentenced to thirty years in prison. Her friends believe she is a gentle, loving soul who was brain-washed, drugged, or both by her boyfriend, Diazien. CLOSEUP: BILL MILLER, DRESSED AS A SOCCER COACH. NARRATOR (V.O.) Bill Miller, an Albuquerque electrician, husband and father of two, has excelled as a long-time girls soccer coach. Many friends testified to his character. Originally, arrested for attempted murder, Bill's charges were reduced to three counts of tampering with evidence. He was sentenced to ten months probation in July of 2003. CLOSEUP: DEMETRI HOSSENCOFFT - PICTURED WITH GIRLIE NARRATOR (V.O.) Demetri Hossencofft has been adopted by a loving family from another

113 NARRATOR (V.O. cont.) state. He is a happy, healthy child who knows nothing of his biological father's background. INT. LIVINGROOM OF CHEW HOME IN MALAYSIA - NIGHT Her brother, Andrew sits reading Girlie's diary written in the black notebook to Mr. And Mrs. Chew. A portrait of her appears above him on the wall. CLOSEUP: DIARY PAGE GIRLIE (V.O.) You may think I'm crazy, but I don't regret having met and married Diazien. I would not have had three years with my beloved son, Demetri. I would not understand many things I now know about the world. I've learned you should enjoy each day you have on earth, because you never know when your life will end. You cannot be afraid to love someone, but you should never, never take abuse from anyone. I also found out there is evil in the world, like my husband, Diazien. So, now I enjoy the simple things, like watering my plants, checking out the moon and the stars each night, being a good friend. And I look to the time when I see my family and Demetri again, to show how much I love them. NARRATOR To this day, no one has ever found the remains of Girlie Hossencofft. Tragically, the Chew's Buddhist religion deems it necessary that a body's remains are brought home and buried before the soul can rest. SUPER: EVEN THOUGH THE JUDGE OFFERED LINDA HENNING SPECIAL CONSIDERATION TO LOCATE THE BODY, SHE REFUSED. SUPER: THIS STORY HAS FICTIONALIZED TRUE LIFE EVENTS, BUT IN NO WAY CLAIMS TO ILLUSTRATE THE COMPLETE STORY BEHIND THE DEATH OF GIRLIE CHEW HOSSENCOFFT. SUPER: DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF GIRLY CHEW HOSSENCOFFT FADE OUT:

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