Daily Fund On April 2009

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  • Words: 5,758
  • Pages: 22
Plan and Actual fund

2009-04-01(Unit : U$)

Cash Receipt Cash on hand

TOTAL ($) Cash Payment Provisional Payment(Buncheak) Repair car(Buncheak) Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Internet Service(Sakhom) Tollgate Fee(Kim Hyuk) Utilities-Water(M)(Smey) Service Fees(Sakorn) Supplies Expenses(Sakorn) Welfare(Sakorn)

TOTAL ($) Remain Amount Shinhan Bank ( 763-000-006601 ) Canadia Bank ( 02 00 306 014130 ) Shinhan Bank ( 763-500-002785 )

Cash on hand TOTAL($)

Plan US$6.00

Actual US$6.00



Plan $30.00 $100.00 $1,057.10 $1.40 $200.00

Actual US$0.00 US$0.00 US$65.00 US$1,057.10 $3.33 US$409.20 US$88.00 US$16.00 US$21.88

Difference Reasons US$0.00 Remain from Buncheak buy rice for Dormitory in PP(Re.on 31/03/09)

US$0.00 Difference Reasons US$30.00 Pay to input gasoline of car 1394 (Delay to tomorrow) US$100.00 Pay to repair car 1394 (US$65.00) Make clothes for head for Cleaner 20$ & Rent car Ssang Yong 45$ US$0.00 Pay Internet Fee of Factory 880$ and for Dormitory in PP 177.10$ (US$1.93) Pay Tollgate Fee of car 9967 (US$209.20) Pay to input gasoline of Generator (US$88.00) Pay to Rubbish waste for Sarom Trading in March 2009 (US$16.00) Buy gloves for QC Section need (US$21.88) Pay transport Fee for Sakorn9$, Dave 6$,Sokhom0.75$,Thyda6.13$




Plan US$228,588.60 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Actual US$228,588.60 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Difference US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00

US$11,192.55 US$241,101.58

US$10,920.55 US$240,829.58

US$272.00 US$272.00


Plan and Actual fund

2009-04-02(Unit : U$)

Cash Receipt Cash on hand Cash on hand

TOTAL ($) Cash Payment Repair Car(Buncheak) Provisional Payment(Veasna) Provisional Payment(Vuthea) Provisional Payment(Buncheak) Provisional Payment(Mr.OK) Construction in Progress(Vuthea) Mobile Phone Charge(Mr.Kim) Gasoline(Vuthea) Gasoline(Buncheak) Gasoline(Buncheak) Tollgate Fee(Vuthea) Tollgate Fee(Director) Tollgate Fee(Buncheak) Repair Car(Ms.Eunie) Repair car(Vuthea) Welfare(Director) Welfare(Kim Hyuk) Welfare(Buncheak) Pure Drinking Water(Buncheak)

TOTAL ($) Remain Amount Shinhan Bank ( 763-000-006601 ) Canadia Bank ( 02 00 306 014130 ) Shinhan Bank ( 763-500-002785 )

Cash on hand TOTAL($)


Actual US$8.00 US$26.00



Plan $100.00 $1,250.00 $12.00 $10.00

Actual US$0.00 US$0.00 US$10.00 US$10.00 US$500.00 US$482.70 US$10.00 US$40.00 US$30.00 US$2.25 US$1.58 US$5.28 US$2.33 US$2.50 US$90.00 US$26.00 US$10.00 US$36.00 US$10.00

$498.00 $10.00 $60.00 $30.00


Difference Reasons (US$8.00) Remain from Vuthea input gas for Fire engine(Re.on 27/03/09) (US$26.00) Remain from Vuthea buy lamp,Key,Pipe,ect; for Equipment Sec.

(US$34.00) Difference Reasons US$100.00 Pay to repair car 1394 US$1,250.00 Pay to Factory Food (Delay to Tomorrow) US$2.00 Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 2045 US$0.00 Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 1394 (US$500.00) Pay to entertain with SLC Visitor US$15.30 Buy Supplies(Zinc,Steel,ect;) to build the roof Generator Storage US$0.00 Buy Cellcard 10$ for Mr.Kim at Production Division US$20.00 Pay to input gasoline of car 2045 US$0.00 Pay to input gasoline of car 1394 (US$2.25) Buy oil for car 1394 (US$1.58) Excess to pay Tollgate Fee of car 2045 (US$5.28) Pay Tollgate Fee of car 8360 (US$2.33) Excess to pay to Tollgate Fee of car 1394 US$0.00 Pay to repair the wheel of car 2045 coz it's break (US$90.00) Repair Machine of car 2045 (US$26.00) Had lunch outside 24$ and buy juices 2$ (US$10.00) Had lunch with some staffs at other sections when outgoing work (US$36.00) Buy gas 3 barrel (3barrels * 12$/barrel) for Dormitory in PP (US$10.00) Buy pure drinking water for Dormitory in PP




Plan US$228,588.60 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Actual US$228,588.60 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Difference US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00

US$8,948.05 US$238,857.08

US$9,685.90 US$239,594.93

(US$737.85) (US$737.85)


Plan and Actual fund

2009-04-03(Unit : U$)

Cash Receipt Cash on hand

TOTAL ($) Cash Payment Provisional Payment(Buncheak) Provisional Payment(Vuthea) Provisional Payment(Vuthea) Repair Car(Buncheak) Provisional Payment(Veasna) Entertainment Expense(Manin) Gasoline(Mr.OK) Gasoline(Mr.Sim) Tollgate Fee(Mr.OK) Tollgate Fee(Mr.Sim) Welfare(Ms.Eunie)

TOTAL ($) Remain Amount Shinhan Bank ( 763-000-006601 ) Canadia Bank ( 02 00 306 014130 ) Shinhan Bank ( 763-500-002785 )

Cash on hand TOTAL($)

Plan US$100.00

Actual US$224.00



Plan $30.00 $30.00 $10.00 $100.00 $1,250.00 US$60.00

Actual $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,105.00 US$60.00 US$30.00 US$30.00 US$3.60 US$8.87 US$1.88

Difference Reasons (US$124.00) Remain from Mr.OK pay to had dinner with SLC staffs

(US$124.00) Difference Reasons US$30.00 Pay to input gasoline of car 1394 (Delay to tomorrow) US$30.00 Pay to input gasoline of car 2045 (Delay to tomorrow) US$10.00 Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 2045 (Delay to tomorrow) US$100.00 Pay to repair car 1394 (Delay to tomorrow) US$145.00 Pay to Factory Food on 29th/03~04th/04/2009 US$0.00 Pay to Ministry of Labor30$&Cambodian Union Federation30$ (No Receipt) (US$30.00) Pay to input gasoline of car 9967 (US$30.00) Pay to input gasoline of car 8360 (US$3.60) Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 9967 (US$8.87) Pay Tollgate Fee of car 8360 (US$1.88) Buy juices for President and Other staffs




Plan US$228,588.60 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Actual US$228,588.60 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Difference US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00

US$8,305.90 US$238,214.93

US$8,670.55 US$238,579.58

(US$364.65) (US$364.65)


Plan and Actual fund

2009-04-04(Unit : U$)

Cash Receipt Cash on hand Cash on hand Cash on hand Cash on hand

TOTAL ($) Cash Payment Provisional Payment(Vuthea) Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Provisional Payment(Veasna) Provisional Payment(Buncheak) Provisional Payment(Buncheak) Provisional Payment(Vuthea) Provisional Payment(Veasna) Provisional Payment(Sakhom) Welfare(Vuthea) The Charge for Food(M)(Vuthea) Welfare(M)(Mr.Sim) Construction in Progress(Vuthea) Tollgate Fee(Vuthea) Tollgate Fee(Buncheak) Part Timer Expenses(Thearith)

TOTAL ($) Remain Amount Shinhan Bank ( 763-000-006601 ) Canadia Bank ( 02 00 306 014130 ) Shinhan Bank ( 763-500-002785 )

Cash on hand TOTAL($)

Plan US$13.55

Actual US$13.55 US$24.51 US$4.00 US$48.45



Plan $30.00 $105.00 $1,050.00 $30.00 $10.00 $10.00

Actual US$0.00 US$0.00 US$100.00 US$30.00 US$10.00 US$10.00 US$15.00 US$15.00 US$80.00 US$375.00 US$147.75 US$48.00 US$2.00 US$2.50 US$123.00

$15.00 $80.00 $450.00

Difference Reasons US$0.00 Gain from Manin sell unused NC Material(boxes & barrels) (US$24.51) Remain from Sakorn buy gloves,namecard,fan,ect; for QC&other Section (US$4.00) Remain from Sakorn buy hats and rent car (Re.on 01-April-2009) (US$48.45) Remain from Veasna pay to Factory Food (Re.on 03/04/2009)

(US$76.96) Difference Reasons US$30.00 Pay to input gasoline of car 1156 (Delay to tomorrow) US$105.00 Buy Cellcards for staffs and Managers (Delay to tomorrow) US$950.00 Pay Dormitory Food in PP(Pay for 3 weeks during Khmer New Year) US$0.00 Pay to input gasoline of car 1394 US$0.00 Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 1394 US$0.00 Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 2045 (US$15.00) Pay to buy sample of present for all staffs and worker of Factory US$0.00 Buy Internet Box US$0.00 Pay to Firewood for Factory US$75.00 Pay to Factory Rice on 29th/03~04th/04/2009 (US$147.75) Had dinner with QC Section and SLC staff (US$48.00) Buy Cement to build Generator Storage (US$2.00) Excess to pay Tollgate Fee of car 2045 (Re.on 02/04/2009) (US$2.50) Excess to pay Tollgate Fee of car 1394 (Re.on 02/04/2009) (US$123.00) Pay salarie to Building Worker from 23th/03~04th/04/2009




Plan US$228,588.60 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Actual US$228,588.60 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Difference US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00

US$6,904.10 US$236,813.13

US$7,802.80 US$237,711.83

(US$898.70) (US$898.70)


Plan and Actual fund

2009-04-06(Unit : U$)

Cash Receipt Cash on hand

TOTAL ($) Cash Payment Provisional Payment(Buncheak) Provisional Payment(Buncheak) Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Provisional Payment(Vuthea) Provisional Payment(Vuthea) Provisional Payment(Veasna) Provisional Payment(Ms.Eunie) Provisional Payment(Puthearath) Provisional Payment(Veasna) Provisional Payment(Thyda) Welfare(M)(Dara) Welfare(M)(Dara) Welfare(M)(Dara) Welfare(M)(Dara) Welfare(M)(Dara) Welfare(Dara) Welfare(Dara) Welfare(M)(Dara) Welfare(M)(Dara) Welfare(M)(Dara) Welfare(Mr.OK) Welfare(Veasna) Entertainment Expense(Mr.OK) Entertainment Expense(M)(Mr.Sim) Pure Drinking Water(M)(Sna) Pure Drinking Water(Vuthea) Supplies Expense(Vuthea) Supplies Expense(Cheam Sen) Gasoline(Kim Hyuk) Gasoline(M)(Mr.Sim) Tollgate Fee(M)(Mr.Sim) Tollgate Fee(Mr.OK) Tollgate Fee(Kim Hyuk) Repair Car(Vuthea)

TOTAL ($) Remain Amount Shinhan Bank ( 763-000-006601 ) Canadia Bank ( 02 00 306 014130 ) Shinhan Bank ( 763-500-002785 )

Cash on hand TOTAL($)


Actual US$17.35

Difference Reasons (US$17.35) Remain from Veasna buy Office Supplies (Re.on 30/03/2009)



Plan US$30.00 $10.00 $105.00 $30.00

Actual US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00 US$30.00 US$10.00 US$536.66 US$500.00 US$302.00 US$1,530.00 US$120.00 US$180.00 US$120.00 US$60.00 US$30.00 US$30.00 US$30.00 US$30.00 US$50.00 US$50.00 US$50.00 US$47.00 US$2.48 US$499.00 US$194.50 US$184.20 US$8.00 US$5.00 US$3.50 US$17.00 US$30.00 US$1.20 US$4.40 US$3.70 US$5.00

Difference Reasons US$30.00 Pay to input gasoline of car 1394 (Delay to tomorrow) US$10.00 Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 1394 (Delay to tomorrow) US$105.00 Buy Cellcards for staffs and Managers (Delay to tomorrow) US$0.00 Pay to input gasoline of car 1156 (US$10.00) Buy Kimchi Food for Dormitory in PP US$413.34 Pay Dormitory Food in PP(Pay for 3 weeks during Khmer New Year) US$0.00 Donate to JSC,Scholarship 200$ and for Komiso 300$ US$0.00 Donate to Poipet 300$ and bank charge 2$ of transfer money by bank (US$30.00) Buy Presents(Towel,Plastic,Ribbon)for workers in Khmer New Year (US$120.00) Pay to Chemical Agent who inspected Chemical in Factory (US$180.00) Pay to worker married (6 workers in Stiching line, pay 30$ for each) (US$120.00) Pay to worker married (4 workers in Assembly line, pay 30$ for each) (US$60.00) Pay to worker married (2 workers in QC, pay 30$ for each) (US$30.00) Pay to worker married (1 workers in Printing, pay 30$ for each) (US$30.00) Pay to worker married (1 workers in Cutting, pay 30$ for each) (US$30.00) Pay to worker married (1 workers in G/A, pay 30$ for each) (US$30.00) Pay to worker married (1 workers in Utility Control, pay 30$ for each) (US$50.00) Pay to Funeral of Worker's Father died (name Mao Sokha,ID248,Sole ) (US$50.00) Pay to Funeral of Worker's Mother died (name Vichheka,ID757,Sole ) (US$50.00) Pay to Funeral of Worker's Mother died (name Chaing,ID631,Assistant1) (US$47.00) Had dinner outside & Buy Dormitory Food in PP (US$2.48) Excess to buy sample of presents for all workers and staffs (US$499.00) Had dinner with SLC Members (US$194.50) Buyer massages (TKNK) and had dinner with buyer (US$184.20) Pay to Drinking water of the Factory on 01st~06th/04/2009 (US$8.00) Buy Rosta Fresh water for Dormitory in PP (US$5.00) Buy cover of Water barrel of car 2045 (US$3.50) Buy Poison to eliminate insects in flowers (Insecticide) (US$17.00) Pay to input gasoline of car 2045 (US$30.00) Pay to input gasoline of car 9967 (US$1.20) Pay Tollgate Fee of car 9967 (US$4.40) Pay Tollgate Fee of car 9967 (US$3.70) Pay Tollgate Fee of car 2045 (US$5.00) Pay to patch the wheels of car 9967 & 2045 coz it's breaked




Plan US$228,588.60 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Actual US$228,588.60 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Difference US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00

US$4,375.80 US$234,284.83

US$3,156.50 US$233,065.53

US$1,219.30 US$1,219.30

$950.00 $500.00 $302.00 US$1,500.00



Plan and Actual fund

2009-04-07(Unit : U$)

Cash Receipt Cash on hand

TOTAL ($) Cash Payment Provisional Payment(Buncheak) Provisional Payment(Buncheak) Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Provisional Payment(Vuthea) Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Provisional Payment(Rann) Gasoline(Vuthea) Tollgate Fee(Vuthea) Welfare(Veasna)

TOTAL ($) Remain Amount Shinhan Bank ( 763-000-006601 ) Canadia Bank ( 02 00 306 014130 ) Shinhan Bank ( 763-500-002785 )

Cash on hand TOTAL($)


Actual US$24.25

Difference Reasons (US$24.25) Remain from Veasna buy Presents for all workers (Re.on 06/04/2009)




Plan US$30.00 $10.00 $105.00 $10.00

Actual US$0.00 US$0.00 US$105.00 US$10.00 US$262.50 US$70.00 US$28.00 US$5.63 US$7.50




Plan US$228,588.60 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Actual US$228,588.60 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Difference US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00

US$3,001.50 US$232,910.53

US$2,692.13 US$232,601.16

US$309.37 US$309.37

Difference Reasons US$30.00 Pay to input gasoline of car 1394 (Delay to tomorrow) US$10.00 Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 1394 (Delay to tomorrow) US$0.00 Buy Cellcards for Managers US$0.00 Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 1156 (US$262.50) Buy gloves, Scotape, laces (US$70.00) Pay incentive bonus to good workers and the best team in all lines (US$28.00) Pay to change Motor oil of car 1156 (US$5.63) Excess to pay to Tollgate Fee of car 2045 (Re.on 04/04/2009) (US$7.50) Pay to buy sacks to pack presents for all workers


Plan and Actual fund

2009-04-08(Unit : U$)

Cash Receipt Cash on hand Cash on hand Cash on hand Cash on hand

TOTAL ($) Cash Payment Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Provisional Payment(Sakhom) Provisional Payment(Buncheak) Provisional Payment(Vuthea) Provisional Payment(Vuthea) Provisional Payment(Manin) Electric Charge(Puthearath) Service Fee(Puthearath) Non Trade Payable Telephone Charge(Puthearath) Gasoline(Buncheak) Gasoline(Cheam Shen) Repair Car(Vuthea) Supplies Expense(Vuthea) Welfare(M)(Manin)

TOTAL ($) Remain Amount Shinhan Bank ( 763-000-006601 ) Canadia Bank ( 02 00 306 014130 ) Shinhan Bank ( 763-500-002785 )

Cash on hand TOTAL($)


Actual $64,000.00 US$4.92 US$1.00 US$0.31

Difference Reasons (US$64,000.00) Withdraw money from Shinhan Bank. Acc.Code.****6101 (US$4.92) Remain from Mr.Rann buy Presents for good worker(Re.on 07/04/09) (US$1.00) Remain from Buncheak pay to Tollgate Fee of car1394(Re.on 04/04/09) (US$0.31) Remain from Vuthea pay Tollgate Fee of car 1156



Plan $736.00 US$554.00 $10.00


Actual US$0.00 US$554.00 US$10.00 US$10.00 US$60.00 US$307.95 US$5,112.05 US$7,224.64 US$19.46 US$213.18 US$30.00 US$25.00 US$15.50 US$36.00 US$8.00




Plan US$228,588.60 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Actual US$228,588.60 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Difference US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00


US$0.00 US$0.00

$5,112.05 $7,224.64 $19.46 $213.18 US$30.00 $25.00


(US$64,006.23) Difference Reasons US$736.00 Pay to Chinese will have trip to Siam Reap (Delay to tomorrow) US$0.00 Buy new computer&Printer for Warehouse staff to control material US$0.00 Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 1394 (US$10.00) Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 1156 (US$60.00) Pay to input gasoline of car 1156&1394 (US$307.95) Pay to Insurance Fee of all staffs and workers in Factory US$0.00 Pay Electricity for Factory and Dormitory US$0.00 Customs Clearance on March US$0.00 Remain from Last year US$0.00 Cellcard on March US$0.00 Pay to input gasoline of car 1156 US$0.00 Pay to input gasoline of Water Machine & Lawn Mower Machine (US$15.50) Pay to patch wheel of car 1394 & Buy Supply(Kake) of car 1394 (US$36.00) Pay to buy Electric switch for around the Factory US$0.00 Pay to buy DVD of how to escape from Fire for workers


Plan and Actual fund

2009-04-08(Unit : U$)

Cash Receipt Cash on hand Cash on hand Cash on hand Cash on hand Cash on hand

TOTAL ($) Cash Payment Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Provisional Payment(Sakhom) Provisional Payment(Buncheak) Provisional Payment(Vuthea) Provisional Payment(Vuthea) Provisional Payment(Manin) Electric Charge(Puthearath) Service Fee(Puthearath) Telephone Charge(Puthearath) Gasoline(Buncheak) Gasoline(Cheam Shen) Repair Car(Vuthea) Supplies Expense(Vuthea) Welfare(M)(Manin) Non trade Payables

TOTAL ($) Remain Amount Shinhan Bank ( 763-000-006601 ) Canadia Bank ( 02 00 306 014130 ) Shinhan Bank ( 763-500-002785 )

Cash on hand TOTAL($)

Plan US$60,000.00

Actual $64,000.00 $184.68 US$4.92 US$1.00 US$0.31



Plan $736.00 US$554.00 $10.00

$8.00 $19.46

Actual US$0.00 US$554.00 US$10.00 US$10.00 US$60.00 US$307.95 US$5,112.07 US$7,224.64 US$213.18 US$30.00 US$25.00 US$15.50 US$36.00 US$8.00 US$0.00




Plan US$416,405.29 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Actual US$412,405.29 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Difference US$4,000.00 US$0.00 US$0.00

US$48,759.80 US$466,485.52

US$53,276.70 US$467,002.42

(US$4,516.90) (US$516.90)

$5,112.05 $7,224.64 $213.18 US$30.00 $25.00

Difference Reasons (US$4,000.00) Withdraw money from Shinhan Bank. Acc.Code.****6101 (US$184.68) Exhange Gain (Change 268.70$ into Riel) (US$4.92) Remain from Mr.Rann buy Presents for good worker(Re.on 07/04/09) (US$1.00) Remain from Buncheak pay to Tollgate Fee of car1394(Re.on 04/04/09) (US$0.31) Remain from Vuthea pay Tollgate Fee of car 1156

(US$4,190.91) Difference Reasons US$736.00 Pay to Chinese will have trip to Siam Reap (Delay to tomorrow) US$0.00 Buy new computer&Printer for Warehouse staff to control material US$0.00 Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 1394 (US$10.00) Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 1156 (US$60.00) Pay to input gasoline of car 1156&1394 (US$307.95) Pay to Insurance Fee of all staffs and workers in Factory (US$0.02) Pay Electricity for Factory and Dormitory US$0.00 Customs Clearance on March US$0.00 Cellcard on March US$0.00 Pay to input gasoline of car 1156 US$0.00 Pay to input gasoline of Water Machine & Lawn Mower Machine (US$15.50) Pay to patch wheel of car 1394 & Buy Supply(Kake) of car 1394 (US$36.00) Pay to buy Electric switch for around the Factory US$0.00 Pay to buy DVD of how to escape from Fire for workers US$19.46 Remain from last year


Plan and Actual fund

2009-04-09(Unit : U$)

Cash Receipt Cash on hand

TOTAL ($) Cash Payment Service Fee(Kim Hyuk) The charge for food(M)(Vuthea) Welfare(M)(Vuthea) Provisional Payment(Veasna) Supplies Expense(Vuthea) Tollgate Fee(Manin) Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Supplies Expense(Thearith)

TOTAL ($) Remain Amount Shinhan Bank ( 763-000-006601 ) Canadia Bank ( 02 00 306 014130 ) Shinhan Bank ( 763-500-002785 )

Cash on hand TOTAL($)


US$0.00 Plan $800.00 $375.00 $80.00 $1,320.00 $20.00 $1.50 $736.00

Actual US$31.44

US$31.44 Actual $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20.00 $1.50 US$820.00 US$2,271.00 US$20.00

Difference Reasons (US$31.44) Remain from Sakorn buy Supplies (Re.on 07/04/2009)

(US$31.44) Difference Reasons US$800.00 Pay to service fee of pumping lavatory in the factory US$375.00 Pay to Factory rice US$80.00 Pay to Factory firewood US$1,320.00 Pay to Factory food US$0.00 Pay to buy new Ravetor key coz old key can't use anymore US$0.00 Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 1394 (US$84.00) Pay to Chinese will have trip to Siam Reap (US$2,271.00) Pay to buy Air Ticket for Mr.Sim, Kim Hyuk, and Eun Hee will go to Korea (US$20.00) Pay to buy lamp for around the Factory




Plan US$412,405.29 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Actual US$412,405.29 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Difference US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00

US$49,944.20 US$463,669.92

US$50,175.63 US$463,901.35

(US$231.43) (US$231.43)


Plan and Actual fund

2009-04-10(Unit : U$)

Cash Receipt Cash on hand

TOTAL ($) Cash Payment The charge for food(M)(Vuthea) Welfare(M)(Vuthea) Provisional Payment(Buncheak) Provisional Payment(Mr.OK) Provisional Payment(Veasna) Provisional Payment(Veasna) Provisional Payment(Dave) Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Gasoline(Buncheak) Gasoline(Mr.OK) Tollgate Fee(Mr.OK) Tollgate Fee(M)(Mr.Sim) Tollgate Fee(Director) Tollgate Fee(Sakorn) Welfare(Mr.OK) Welfare(Manin) Welfare(Buncheak) Welfare(Buncheak) Welfare(Sakorn) Welfare(M) Entertainment Expense(Mr.OK) Pure Drinking Water(M)(Sna) Service Fees(Ol,Seller) Service Fees(Dave) Utilities-Water(M)(Smey) Salaries Expense Other Expense(Puthearath)

TOTAL ($) Remain Amount Shinhan Bank ( 763-000-006601 ) Canadia Bank ( 02 00 306 014130 ) Shinhan Bank ( 763-500-002785 )

Cash on hand TOTAL($)


Actual US$29.00



Plan $375.00 $80.00 $25.00

Actual US$0.00 US$0.00 US$25.00 US$1,720.97 US$1,205.00 US$161.00 US$1,584.55 US$70.00 US$38.00 US$60.00 US$7.28 US$4.30 US$3.18 US$0.70 US$27.00 US$45.00 US$7.50 US$24.00 US$2.50 US$122.00 US$90.00 US$41.80 US$600.00 US$10.00 US$240.35 US$40,900.45 US$17.52

$1,320.00 $161.00 US$1,584.55 $30.00


US$40.00 $600.00 US$200.00 US$40,900.45

Difference Reasons (US$29.00) Remain from Sakhom buy Computer for Warehouse Worker

(US$29.00) Difference Reasons US$375.00 Pay to Factory rice (Delay to Tomorrow) US$80.00 Pay to Factory firewood (Delay to Tomorrow) US$0.00 Pay to input gas of Air Conditioner of car 1156 (US$1,720.97) Pay to open Nanux Salaries for Chineses in March 2009 US$115.00 Pay to Factory Food on 5th~11th/04/2009 US$0.00 Pay to Food of Securities Guard US$0.00 Pay Withholding&Salaries Tax of Wise and Wooyun Company in March (US$70.00) Pay to rent car for Chinese staffs will have trip to Siam Reap (US$8.00) Pay to input gasoline of car 2045 (30$) & input Motor oil of car 2045(8$) (US$60.00) Pay to input gasoline of car 9967 (US$7.28) Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 9967 (US$4.30) Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 8360 (US$3.18) Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 8360 (US$0.70) Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 1394 (US$27.00) Had dinner when outgoing work (US$45.00) Pay to Police and PM of Somrong Tong District in Khmer New Year (US$7.50) Buy rice for Factory US$1.00 Buy gas 2barrels for Dormitory in PP (US$2.50) Buy Sack to packs Presents for Chinese and Korean Workers (US$122.00) Had dinner when outgoing work (US$90.00) Buy Khmer New Year gift to members of CDC (US$1.80) Buy Pure Drinking water for Factory US$0.00 Pay to pump lavatory of the Factory (freight 15cars * 40$ per car) (US$10.00) Pay to Service Fee to Tax Office (No Receipt) (US$40.35) Pay to input gasoline of Generator (437L * 0.55$ per Littre) US$0.00 Pay Salaries for all workers and staffs in March 2009 (US$17.52) Different Amount




Plan US$412,405.29 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Actual US$412,405.29 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Difference US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00

US$4,834.63 US$418,560.35

US$3,196.53 US$416,922.25

US$1,638.10 US$1,638.10


Plan and Actual fund

2009-04-11(Unit : U$)

Cash Receipt Cash on hand Cash on hand

TOTAL ($) Cash Payment Provisional Payment(Buncheak) Provisional Payment(Buncheak) Provisional Payment(Vuthea) Provisional Payment(Vuthea) Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Provisional Payment(Jin Hai Yan) Pure Drinking Water(Buncheak) Gasoline(Buncheak) Gasoline(Vuthea) Tollgate Fee(Buncheak) The Charge for Food(M)(Veasna) The Charge for Food(M)(Vuthea) Welfare(M)(Vuthea)

TOTAL ($) Remain Amount Shinhan Bank ( 763-000-006601 ) Canadia Bank ( 02 00 306 014130 ) Shinhan Bank ( 763-500-002785 )

Cash on hand TOTAL($)


Actual US$1.80 US$20.00

Difference Reasons (US$1.80) Remain from Vuthea pay Tollgate Fee of car 1156 (Re.on 08/04/2009) (US$20.00) Income from Vuthea sell gasoline



Plan $70.00 $10.00 $30.00

$375.00 $80.00

Actual US$70.00 US$10.00 US$30.00 US$10.00 US$186.00 US$400.00 US$20.00 US$30.00 US$31.00 US$1.22 US$46.28 US$375.00 US$80.00




Plan US$412,405.29 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Actual US$412,405.29 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Difference US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00

US$2,601.53 US$416,327.25

US$1,928.83 US$415,654.55

US$672.70 US$672.70


(US$21.80) Difference Reasons US$0.00 Buy rice for Dormitory in PP US$0.00 Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 1394 US$0.00 Pay to input gasoline of car 1156 (US$10.00) Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 1156 (US$186.00) Buy Icom Motolar and Flag of Religion (US$400.00) Pay to Chinese staffs have tour to Siam Reap (US$20.00) Buy Rosta water for Dormitory in PP US$0.00 Pay to input gasoline of car 1394 (US$31.00) Pay to input Motor oil of car 8360 and car 1156 (US$1.22) Excess to pay Tollgate Fee of car 1394 (US$46.28) Excess to pay Factory Food on 05th~11th/04/2009 (Re.on 10/04/2009) US$0.00 Buy Rice for Factory US$0.00 Buy Firewood for Factory


Plan and Actual fund

2009-04-20(Unit : U$)

Cash Receipt

TOTAL ($) Cash Payment Gasoline(Buncheak) Provisional Payment(Vuthea) Provisional Payment(Vuthea) Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Provisional Payment(Buncheak) Welfare(M)(Jin Hai Yan) Welfare(Director) Gasoline(Director) Gasoline(Vuthea) Tollgate Fee(Director) Repair Expense(Cheam Shen) Repair car(Vuthea) Tollgate Fee(Vuthea)

TOTAL ($) Remain Amount Shinhan Bank ( 763-000-006601 ) Canadia Bank ( 02 00 306 014130 ) Shinhan Bank ( 763-500-002785 )

Cash on hand TOTAL($)


US$0.00 Plan $30.00 $10.00 $10.00



US$0.00 Actual $0.00 US$10.00 US$10.00 US$15.00 US$10.00 US$25.00 US$67.58 US$30.00 US$30.00 US$8.63 US$10.00 US$2.00 US$0.10



US$0.00 Difference Reasons US$30.00 Pay to input gasoline of car 1394 US$0.00 Buy Kimchi Food for Dormitory in PP US$0.00 Pay Tollgate Fee of car 1156 (US$15.00) Pay Service fee of transport Caton to Ms.Eunie (US$10.00) Pay Tollgate Fee of car 1394 (US$25.00) Pay to buy Medicine for Mr.Liang Jiang Jun(Printing) (US$67.58) Pay to Mr.Kim had dinner outside (US$30.00) Pay to input gasoline of car 8360 US$0.00 Pay to input gasoline of car 1156 (US$8.63) Pay Tollgate Fee of car 8360 (US$10.00) Buy supplies of Mower Machine(Hand of the machine) (US$2.00) Buy Supply (Change Reler of car 1156) (US$0.10) Excess to pay Tollgate Fee of car 1156 (Re.on 11th/04/2009)




Plan US$412,405.29 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Actual US$412,405.29 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Difference US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00

US$1,848.83 US$415,574.55

US$1,710.53 US$415,436.25

US$138.30 US$138.30


Plan and Actual fund

2009-04-21(Unit : U$)

Cash Receipt Cash on hand Cash on hand

TOTAL ($) Cash Payment Provisional Payment(Dara) Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Provisional Payment(Veasna) Provisional Payment(Buncheak) Welfare(M)(Jin Hai Yan) Welfare(Mr.OK) Salary Expense(M)(Dara) Pure Drinking Water(Vuthea) Repair Expense(M)(Vuthea) Tollgate Fee(Buncheak)

TOTAL ($) Remain Amount Shinhan Bank ( 763-000-006601 ) Canadia Bank ( 02 00 306 014130 ) Shinhan Bank ( 763-500-002785 )

Cash on hand TOTAL($)

Plan $13,000.00

Actual US$13,000.00 US$1,933.83

Difference Reasons US$0.00 Withdraw money from Shinhan Bank. Account code:****6601 (US$1,933.83) Pay back Provisional Payment




Plan $140.00 US$182.32 $51.00 $350.00

Actual US$140.00 US$182.32 US$51.00 US$350.00 US$10.00 US$30.00 US$10.00 US$205.61 US$10.00 US$48.00 US$3.20

$205.61 $10.00

Difference Reasons US$0.00 Mr.Liang Jian Jun(Printing) US$0.00 Pay Transport Service to DHL on March 2009 US$0.00 Buy Supplies(Soap, Water,Brush toilet) for Dormitory in PP US$0.00 Pay to Dormitory Food in PP on 21th~27th/04/09 (US$10.00) Pay Tollgate Fee of car 1394 (US$30.00) Buy Medicine for Mr.Liang Jian Jun(Printing) (US$10.00) Different 10$ US$0.00 Pay Salary in April 2009 for Mr.Liang Jian Jun that will return to China US$0.00 Buy Rosta fresh water for Dormitory in PP (US$48.00) Buy new compressor for Motor in Production Division & change Pedang (US$3.20) Excess to pay to Tollgate Fee of car 1394 (Re.on 20/04/2009)




Plan US$382,453.37 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Actual US$382,453.37 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Difference Ref US$0.00 Withdraw money 6000$ from Shinhan Bank. Account Code:****6601 US$0.00 US$0.00

US$13,771.60 US$397,545.40

US$15,604.23 US$399,378.03

(US$1,832.63) (US$1,832.63)

Plan and Actual fund

2009-04-22(Unit : U$)

Cash Receipt

TOTAL ($) Cash Payment Provisional Payment(Manin) Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Supplies Expense(Sakorn) Supplies Expense(M)(Quan Hong) Supplies Expense(M)(In Sy Rath) Gasoline(Buncheak) Gasoline(Cheam Shen) Utilities-Water(M)(Smey,Seller) Service Fee(M)(Thyda) Tollgate Fee(Mr.OK) Gasoline(Mr.OK) Welfare(Mr.OK)

TOTAL ($) Remain Amount Shinhan Bank ( 763-000-006601 ) Canadia Bank ( 02 00 306 014130 ) Shinhan Bank ( 763-500-002785 )

Cash on hand TOTAL($)





Plan US$34.00 $104.66

Actual US$34.00 US$104.66 US$8.15 US$2,873.80 US$608.40 US$58.00 US$33.80 US$168.72 US$67.00 US$7.85 US$60.00 US$237.50

$2,873.80 $608.40 $58.00 $140.00 $67.00



US$0.00 Difference Reasons US$0.00 Do Banner for Printing line US$0.00 Pay Water for Dormitory in PP in March 2009 (US$8.15) Excess to buy Supplies(Soap,Brush) for Dormitory in PP US$0.00 Pay to buy Inbox US$0.00 Pay to buy Catton Boxes from Singapore Catton(Cambodia) Co,LTD US$0.00 Pay to input gasoline(30$) & Change Motor Oil of car 1394(28$) (US$33.80) Pay to input gasoline of Lawn Mower Machine (US$28.72) Pay to input gasoline of Generator Machine US$0.00 Pay to Tax Office for import Sample of Shoes to the Factory (US$7.85) Pay Tollgate Fee of car 9967 (US$60.00) Pay to input gasoline of Car 9967 (US$237.50) Had dinner with Korean Staffs




Plan US$382,453.37 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Actual US$382,453.37 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Difference US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00

US$11,718.37 US$395,492.17

US$11,342.35 US$395,116.15

US$376.02 US$376.02


Plan and Actual fund

2009-04-23(Unit : U$)

Cash Receipt

TOTAL ($) Cash Payment Provisional Payment(Vuthea) Provisional Payment(Veasna) Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Provisional Payment(Bunhak) The Charge for Food(Veasna) The Charge for Food(Veasna) Gasoline(Vuthea) Tollgate Fee(Vuthea) Supplies Expense(M)(Jin Hai Yan) Welfare(Buncheak)

TOTAL ($) Remain Amount Shinhan Bank ( 763-000-006601 ) Canadia Bank ( 02 00 306 014130 ) Shinhan Bank ( 763-500-002785 )

Cash on hand TOTAL($)





Plan US$10.00 $1,280.00 $470.00

Actual US$10.00 US$1,280.00 US$470.00 US$50.00 US$34.35 US$50.00 US$30.00 US$4.68 US$0.95 US$1.88




US$0.00 Difference Reasons US$0.00 Pay Tollgate Fee of car 1156 US$0.00 Pay to Factory Food on 20th~25th/04/2009 US$0.00 Make Visa Extension for Ms.Eunhee and Mr. Zhao Hong Chao (US$50.00) Borrow money of the Company (US$34.35) Excess to pay Securities Guards Food on 11~19th/04/09(Re.on10/04/09) (US$50.00) Excess to pay Dormitory Food on 07~20th/04/09(Re.on 06/04/2009) US$0.00 Pay to input gasoline of car 1156 (US$4.68) Excess to pay Tollgate Fee of car 1156(Re.on 20/04/2009) (US$0.95) Buy Clorox Regular for QC Section (US$1.88) Buy Rice for staffs




Plan US$382,453.37 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Actual US$382,453.37 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Difference US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00

US$9,552.35 US$393,326.15

US$9,410.50 US$393,184.30

US$141.85 US$141.85


Plan and Actual fund

2009-04-24(Unit : U$)

Cash Receipt

TOTAL ($) Cash Payment Mobile Phone Charge(Sakorn) Provisional Payment(Vuthea) Provisional Payment(Buncheak) Provisional Payment(Mr.OK) Provisional Payment(Dave) Gasoline(M)(Mr.Sim) Tollgate Fee(M)(Mr.Sim) Welfare(M)(Mr.Sim) Tollgate Fee(Buncheak) Utilities_Water(M)(Smey,Seller) Welfare(Kim Hyuk) Tollgate Fee(Vuthea)

TOTAL ($) Remain Amount Shinhan Bank ( 763-000-006601 ) Canadia Bank ( 02 00 306 014130 ) Shinhan Bank ( 763-500-002785 )

Cash on hand TOTAL($)





Plan US$105.00

Actual US$105.00 US$10.00 US$10.00 US$300.00 US$300.00 US$30.00 US$4.88 US$100.00 US$2.65 US$222.87 US$26.00 US$0.40





US$0.00 Difference Reasons US$0.00 Buy Cellcards in May for all managers & Director (US$10.00) Pay Tollgate Fee of car 1156 US$0.00 Pay Tollgate Fee of car 1394 (US$300.00) Had dinner with Korean staffs (US$300.00) (US$30.00) Pay to input gasoline of car 8360 (US$4.88) Pay Tollgate Fee of car 8360 (US$100.00) Had dinner with SLC Members (Hwang) (US$2.65) Excess to pay Tollgate Fee of car 1394(Re.on 21/04/09) US$17.13 Pay to input gasoline of generator (US$26.00) Buy Medicine (US$0.40) Excess to pay Tollgate Fee of car 1156(Re.on 23/04/09)




Plan US$382,453.37 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Actual US$382,453.37 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Difference US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00

US$9,055.50 US$392,829.30

US$8,298.70 US$392,072.50

US$756.80 US$756.80


Plan and Actual fund

2009-04-25(Unit : U$)

Cash Receipt Cash on hand Cash on hand Cash on hand Cash on hand Cash on hand Cash on hand

TOTAL ($) Cash Payment Provisional Payment(Buncheak) Supplies Expense(Vuthea) Provisional Payment(Veasna) Provisional Payment(Jin Ji Ghul) Utilities_Water(M)(Smey) The charge for Food(M)(Vuthea) Welfare(M)(Vuthea) Welfare(Sakorn) Pure Drinking Water(Vuthea) Gasoline(M)(Jin Ji Ghul) Gasoline(Vuthea) Tollgate Fee(Kim Hyuk) Tollgate Fee(M)(Jin Ji Ghul)

TOTAL ($) Remain Amount Shinhan Bank ( 763-000-006601 ) Canadia Bank ( 02 00 306 014130 ) Shinhan Bank ( 763-500-002785 )

Cash on hand TOTAL($)

Plan $295.00 $70.00

Actual US$85.00 US$70.00 US$210.00 US$28.00 US$7.50 US$30.00



Plan $30.00 $7.00

Actual US$0.00 US$6.25 US$350.00 US$1,000.00 US$197.22 US$450.00 US$120.00 US$32.31 US$6.00 US$20.00 US$30.00 US$1.50 US$7.33

Difference Reasons US$30.00 Pay to input gasoline of car 1394 (Delay to tomorrow) US$0.75 Pay to change plastic of Icom coz old plastic is break (US$350.00) Pay to Dormitory Food in PP on 28th/04~04th/05/2009 (US$1,000.00) Have dinner with Chinese Staffs US$42.78 Pay to input gasoline of generator US$0.00 Buy rice for Factory (US$40.00) Buy Firewood for Factory (US$32.31) Pay Transport fee of staffs in April 2009 US$4.00 Buy Rosta Fresh water for Dormitory in PP (US$20.00) Pay to input gasoline of car 1156 US$0.00 Pay to input gasoline of car 1156 (US$1.50) Pay Tollgate Fee of car 1394 (US$7.33) Pay Tollgate Fee of car 8360




Plan US$382,453.37 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Actual US$382,453.37 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Difference US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00

US$7,816.70 US$391,590.50

US$6,508.60 US$390,282.40

US$1,308.10 US$1,308.10

$240.00 $450.00 $80.00 $10.00 $30.00

Difference Reasons US$210.00 Remain from Jin Hai Yan pay to tour of Chinese to Siam Reap US$0.00 Payback from Sakorn (Re.on 10/04/09) (US$210.00) Remain from Sakorn pay to Chinese go to Siam Reap(Re.on 09/04/09) (US$28.00) Exchange gain(Change1120$(1$=4100R)(Pay Factory food&Firewood) (US$7.50) Remain from Veasna pay for Factory Food (Re.on 23/04/2009) (US$30.00) Remain from Sakorn pay to make Visa Extension(Re.on 23/04/2009)



Plan and Actual fund

2009-04-27(Unit : U$)

Cash Receipt Cash on hand Cash on hand

TOTAL ($) Cash Payment Provisional Payment(Kuylek) Provisional Payment(Vuthea) Construction in Progress(Kim Hyuk) Gasoline(Buncheak) Gasoline(Mr.OK) Tollgate Fee(Director) Tollgate Fee(Kim Hyuk) Tollgate Fee(Vuthea) Tollgate Fee(Mr.OK) Pure Drinking Water(Vuthea) Welfare(M)(Mr.OK) Entertainment Expense(Mr.OK) The Charge of food(Mr.OK) Supplies Expense(M)(Vuthea)

TOTAL ($) Remain Amount Shinhan Bank ( 763-000-006601 ) Canadia Bank ( 02 00 306 014130 ) Shinhan Bank ( 763-500-002785 )

Cash on hand TOTAL($)

Plan $200.00

Actual US$1,000.00 US$300.00

Difference Reasons (US$800.00) Pay back from Mr.Jin Ji Ghul (Re. on 25th/04/2009) (US$300.00) Pay back from Mr.OK (Re. on 24th/04/2009)




Plan $10.00 $171.00 $30.00 $9.00 $3.00

Actual US$100.00 US$10.00 US$171.00 US$30.00 US$60.00 US$9.00 US$3.00 US$0.75 US$9.70 US$12.00 US$108.00 US$87.00 US$10.00 US$60.00

Difference Reasons (US$100.00) Borrow money of the company US$0.00 Pay Tollgate Fee of car 1156 US$0.00 Buy Cement, Sand to build the way in the Factory gardens US$0.00 Pay to input gasoline of car 1394 (US$60.00) Pay to input gasoline of car 9967 US$0.00 Pay Tollgate Fee of car 8360 US$0.00 Pay Tollgate Fee of car 1394 (US$0.75) Excess to pay Tollgate Fee of car 1156 (US$9.70) Pay Tollgate Fee of car 9967 (US$12.00) Buy Rostar Fresh water for Dormitory in PP (US$108.00) Had dinner with Chinese staffs & SLC member (US$87.00) Had dinner with Korean Visitor (US$10.00) Buy Dormitory Food (US$60.00) Buy new Cover of Motor in Sole Section




Plan US$382,453.37 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Actual US$382,453.37 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Difference US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00

US$6,485.60 US$390,259.40

US$7,138.15 US$390,911.95

(US$652.55) (US$652.55)


Plan and Actual fund

2009-04-28(Unit : U$)

Cash Receipt

TOTAL ($) Cash Payment Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Provisional Payment(Veasna) Welfare(Veasna) Welfare(Veasna) Gasoline(Cheam Shen) Repair car(Kim Hyuk)

TOTAL ($) Remain Amount Shinhan Bank ( 763-000-006601 ) Canadia Bank ( 02 00 306 014130 ) Shinhan Bank ( 763-500-002785 )

Cash on hand TOTAL($)





Plan $155.00 $150.00

Actual US$0.00 US$0.00 US$645.50 US$24.00 US$18.80 US$28.20 US$10.00

$24.00 $10.00



US$0.00 Difference Reasons US$155.00 Do Passport for Chinese (Delay to tomorrow) US$150.00 Buy Fans for Printing line (Delay to tomorrow) (US$645.50) Buy Office Supplies(Pen, markers,ect) & Stock Supplies US$0.00 Buy Gas 2 barrels for Dormitory in PP (US$8.80) Buy Coke & breads for workers when export (US$28.20) Pay to input gasoline(25$) of Water machine & change Motor Oil(3.2$) (US$10.00) Pay to patch the wheel of car 2045 coz it's wheel breaked




Plan US$382,453.37 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Actual US$382,453.37 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Difference US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00

US$6,799.15 US$390,572.95

US$6,411.65 US$390,185.45

US$387.50 US$387.50


Plan and Actual fund

2009-04-29(Unit : U$)

Cash Receipt

TOTAL ($) Cash Payment Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Provisional Payment(Vuthea) Provisional Payment(Vuthea) Provisional Payment(Buncheak) Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Supplies Expenses(M)(Sayorn) Tool Expense(M)(Wang Yue Dong) Salary Expense(M)(Rann) Salary Expense(M)(Sambath) Welfare(M)(Manin) Welfare(M)(Sayorn) Pure Drinking Water(Buncheak) Gasoline(Buncheak) Tollgate Fee(Kim Hyuk) Tollgate Fee(Buncheak)

TOTAL ($) Remain Amount Shinhan Bank ( 763-000-006601 ) Canadia Bank ( 02 00 306 014130 ) Shinhan Bank ( 763-500-002785 )

Cash on hand TOTAL($)







Plan $155.00 $150.00 $30.00 $10.00 $10.00

Actual US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00 US$10.00 US$110.00 US$1,656.00 US$36.00 US$44.64 US$325.13 US$86.54 US$180.00 US$3.00 US$8.00 US$30.00 US$4.68 US$6.85

Difference Reasons US$155.00 Do Passport for Chinese(Delay to tomorrow) US$150.00 Buy Fans for Printing line(Delay to tomorrow) US$30.00 Pay to input gasoline of car 1156 (Delay to tomorrow) US$10.00 Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 1156 (Delay to tomorrow) US$0.00 Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 1394 (US$110.00) Do Visa to Shaing Hai for Mr.Rann (QC) & Sambath (Material) (US$1,656.00) Buy Air Ticket for Director to Korea& Rann,Sambath to Shianghai US$44.00 Buy Tube & Square for Generator (US$44.64) Pay to make Cutting tools (US$325.13) Pay Salary in April for Hin Rann (QC) (US$86.54) Pay Salary in April for Sambath (QC) (US$180.00) Pay to 6 Workers married in this month (Pay 30$ for each) (US$3.00) Had lunch when outgoing work (US$8.00) Buy Rosta Fresh water for Dormitory in PP (US$30.00) Pay to input gasoline of car 1394 (US$4.68) Pay to Tollgate Fee of car 8360 (US$6.85) Excess to pay Tollgate Fee of car 1394 (Re.on 24/04/09)




Plan US$382,453.37 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Actual US$382,453.37 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Difference US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00

US$5,976.65 US$389,750.45

US$3,910.80 US$387,684.60

US$2,065.85 US$2,065.85




Plan and Actual fund

2009-04-30(Unit : U$)

Cash Receipt Cash on hand Cash on hand

TOTAL ($) Cash Payment Salary Expense(Security Guard) Rent House(Sakorn) Service Fee Audit Charge Provisional Payment(Rann) Provisional Payment(Sakorn) Provisional Payment(Zhao Hong Chao) Provisional Payment(Manin) Provisional Payment(Wang Yue Dong) Provisional Payment(Buncheak) Provisional Payment(Buncheak) Provisional Payment(Vuthea) Salary Expense(Wang Yue Dong) Utilities_Water(M)(Smey) Welfare(M)(Sakorn) Welfare(Kim Hyuk) Service Fee(Sarith,Sarom Trading) Service Fee(Interpreter) Gasoline(Buncheak) Gasoline(Director) Tollgate Fee(Director)

TOTAL ($) Remain Amount Shinhan Bank ( 763-000-006601 ) Canadia Bank ( 02 00 306 014130 ) Shinhan Bank ( 763-500-002785 )

Cash on hand

Plan US$6,000.00

Actual $6,000.00 US$0.45



Plan $780.00 $1,800.00 $500.00 $1,250.00

Actual US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00 US$0.00 US$1,000.00 US$480.00 US$491.10 US$200.00 US$19.35 US$30.00 US$10.00 US$30.00 US$520.13 US$171.00 US$155.00 US$6.00 US$88.00 US$30.00 US$30.00 US$20.00 US$2.80


US$88.00 $30.00 $30.00

Difference Reasons US$0.00 Withdraw from Shinhan Bank, Account Code ****6101 (US$0.45) Remain from Buncheak pay Tollgate Fee of car 1394 (Re.on 29/04/09)

(US$0.45) Difference Reasons US$780.00 Pay Salary in April 2009 (Delay to tomorrow) US$1,800.00 Pay rent house of Dormitory in PP in April (Delay to tomorrow) US$500.00 To make Annual Tax 2009 (Delay to tomorrow) US$1,250.00 Audit Charge 50% of 2500$ (Delay to tomorrow) (US$1,000.00) Borrow money of the Company (US$480.00) Excess to buy Air Ticket for Rann & Sambath to go to Shianghai (US$491.10) Pay for Mr.Zhang Hong Chao (US$200.00) Pay to staffs go to train in China (US$19.35) Wang Yue Dong's salary in April (US$30.00) Pay to input gasoline of car 1394 US$0.00 Pay Tollgate Fee of car 1394 (US$30.00) Pay to input gasoline of car 1156 (US$520.13) Salary for Mr.Wang Yue Dong (US$171.00) Pay to input gasoline of generator (300L * 0.57$ per L) (US$155.00) Make Visa Extension for Mr.Wang Yang Hong for 6 months (US$6.00) Buy rice for staffs US$0.00 Pay trash fee of Sarom Trading in April 2009 US$0.00 Pay translate Fee of Interpreter (No Receipt) US$0.00 Pay to input gasoline of car 1156 (US$20.00) Pay to input gasoline of car 8360 (US$2.80) Pay Tollgate Fee of car 8360




Plan US$376,453.37 US$320.43 US$1,000.00

Actual US$303,984.10 US$320.62 US$1,000.00

Difference US$72,469.27 (US$0.19) US$0.00









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