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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Дневник ЮНВТО

ЮНВТО – на службе туризма и Целей развития тысячелетия

The 18th Session of the UNWTO General Assembly will bring together tourism ministers and senior officials from national tourism organizations, as well as public, private and academic Affiliate Members

Committed to Tourism, Travel and the Millennium Development Goals THE DAILY OF THE 18th SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY -

Дневник Генеральной Ассамблеи

Astana, Kazakhstan, 5 – 8 October 2009

Preparing the way for t20


GA makes news

Affiliate Members enter era of reform


New Knowledge Exchange



Regional Reactions

South Korea to host next General Assembly South Korea has been chosen as the venue for the 19th session of the UNWTO General Assembly in 2011. “We consider this a chance for South Korea to prove itself as a country of top tourism policies," the South Korean Culture Ministry said in a statement. Korean authorities expect the event to generate some 15 billion-won (13 million US$) worth of revenue, the Ministry added.

Южная Корея станет местом проведения следующей Генеральной Ассамблеи. Южная Корея была выбрана местом проведения 19 сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи ЮНВТО на 2011 год. Мы считаем, что это отличный шанс для Южной Кореи утвердить себя как страну с высшей политикой туризма, - отметил Министр Культуры Южной Кореи во время своего выступления. Министр также добавил, что власти Кореи ожидают от предстоящего события около 15 биллионов вон (13 миллионов долларов) дохода.

World Tourism Organization Calle Capitan Haya 42 28020 Madrid (Spain) +34915678100 - Fax: +34915713733 [email protected]

Astana marks a changing point in UNWTO history with the election of a new Secretary-General Taleb Rifai - pictured above with Kazakhstan’s Minister of Tourism and Sport Temirkhan Dosmukhambetov - and the introduction of his new plans for the Organization

Astana Assembly sets the Scene for New Direction Against the impressive backdrop of Astana, the state of the art capital of Kazakhstan, the 18th session of the UNWTO General Assembly has made significant steps forward to better prepare the organization for current and future challenges. The world is changing and both leaders and society have to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions, be they technological and cultural shifts or natural or man-made crises. By the same token, UNWTO will now be undergoing key changes to keep fulfilling its twofold mission, providing leadership to the tourism sector and supporting and servicing its members – in the

understanding that it is the Country Members that are at the heart of UNWTO. The generosity and efficiency of the Kazakhstan hosts has ensured a smooth and productive gathering of world tourism leaders, including both the four-day General Assembly and previous meetings held in Astana. The relevance of holding the event in Astana at this particular time has been underscored by the context of the economic crisis which has had a big effect on the travel and tourism sector. While the Roadmap for Recovery represents the framework for future action, Members have also

supported the call from UNWTO to ensure that the industry’s responses are coherent with climate change response and poverty alleviation efforts. The third highlight of the General Assembly was the endorsement of Secretary-General ad interim Taleb Rifai and his promise to launch a new era in the history of UNWTO. His election to the post of Secretary-General for the term starting 2010, and the previous endorsement by the Executive Council of his management strategy, both pave the way to align the operations of UNWTO with principles ranging from Members’ ‘ownership’ of the Organization to UN integration.

Mr Rifai is also calling for greater transparency and accountability, and for the Organization to become more results oriented, as reflected in the Management Strategy document he presented to the Assembly. He sees the modernization of the UNWTO Secretariat and a more programme-based structure as being in line with the changes in the world the organization is facing up to. “Impending reforms pose a challenge to the Orga­ nization and its Secretariat”, said Mr. Rifai. “Postpo­ ning or failing to address them would only increase the need for deeper reform at a later stage.”

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UNWTO Daily - General Assembly 2009

Preparing the way for T20 – a UNWTO member-driven initiative Travel and tourism should be given more mainstreaming in global economic decision-making – this is at the centre of the initiative led by South Africa which is looking for direct support from the G20 countries. Fifteen of these twenty Tourism Ministerial representatives met for a working breakfast on Wednesday to discuss the valuable contribution travel and tourism can make to the economic stimuli required for the recovery of the global economy. The message that emerged from the meeting is that the industry represents an important pillar of efforts to enhance economic growth, infrastructure development, trade promotion, poverty eradication and job creation. The informal meeting expressed a need to further explore the synergies between strengthened economic cooperation in the G20 on one hand, and the tourism sector’s efforts to build up resilience, stimulate new growth and support the shift to a greener economy on the other. “As a member of the G20, South Africa believes that travel and tourism must play an important role in economic recovery and find a place in stimulus packages. Over

time our sector can be an important component in the transformation to the Green Economy”, said South African Tourism Minister Marthinus van Schalkwyk. He added that “this initiative is not only South African but of Members as a whole. We are pleased to have received the support from other G20 members”. South Africa has offered to host the first meeting of the so called T20 (Tourism Ministers of the G20) from 22 to 24 February 2010, from which it is envisaged a Communique will be transmitted to the following G20 Summit in Canada. UNWTO Secretary-General ad interim Taleb Rifai said the Secretariat supported the initiative as the G20 is fast becoming the mechanism for world decision making and stimulus packages still need to recognize fully just what tourism means and what it can do. Korea said the group had to look at how to link the G20 with developing countries. They said they would like to play a role in this process, but that it was also important to seek US support for the T20 initiative.

General Assembly makes the news The Assembly has received coverage in the international press, including both mainstream media and the travel trade press. The appointment of Taleb Rifai as UNWTO SecretaryGeneral for the period from 2010 to 2013 has been the most widely covered topic, followed by the UNWTO Roadmap for Recovery, the current state of tourism worldwide, and the impact that the 2016 Olympic Games is likely to have on Brazil’s tourism economy.

Генеральная Ассамблея в новостях Ассамблея получила освещение в международной прессе, включая как общие СМИ, так и прессу, специализирующуюся на туризме. Наибольшее освещение получила тема назначения Талеб Рифай Генеральным Секретарем ЮНВТО на период с 2010 до 2013. Также, освещение получили «Дорожная карта к восстановлению» ЮНВТО, текущее состояние туризма в мире и возможное влияние Олимпийских игр 2016 года на экономику туризма в Бразилии.

Australia agreed that the message of tourism’s role needs to be more heavily promoted and that now is the right time to do it. They also want to make sure tourism remains on the agenda once the crisis is over. Assistant Secretary-General and Spokesperson Geoffrey Lipman said the idea of T20 is a natural evolution and comes at an appropriate moment, once the emergency financial issues have been tackled. First meeting scheduled for February The first T20 meeting is scheduled to precede a UNWTOSouth Africa Summit on Tourism, Sport and Mega Events scheduled for 24 to 26 February 2010 in Sandton, Johannesburg, and the annual Meetings Africa business exhibition hosted by SA Tourism. The International Summit on Tourism, Sport and Mega Events will provide a forum that considers the economic, social and environmental impacts of such events from a tourism perspective. It comes at an appropriate moment as South Africa prepares to host the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Register at www.meetingsafrica.co.za/summit





UNWTO Daily - General Assembly 2009

P oster Competition


...and The winners are ... и победители

The winners of the Poster Competition held traditionally during the General Assembly, were the Bahamas, Bhutan, Ghana, Malaysia, South Africa, and Turkey. Four of them are pictured here.



UNWTO Daily - General Assembly 2009

Affiliate Members enter era of reform



Для стран участниц началась эра реформ «Частным, как и государственным присоединившимся членам ЮНВТО рекомендуется более активно адаптировать свою структуру», - подчеркнул Генеральный секретарь ЮНВТО на встрече во вторник. Г-н Рифай указал на необходимость реформирования для достижения поставленных целей и продвижения вперед с «новым и свежим подходом». Это включает оценку трех существующих аспектов: бизнес, направления и образование. Эти три аспекта также будут способствовать укреплению ЮНВТО Он также предложил присоединившимся членам сосредоточиться на региональном присутствии, что будет способствовать увеличению числа участников и большей интеграции их деятельности в Программе работы. «Нам необходимо не упустить момент и реализовать все необходимые планы относительно продвижения в правильном направлении в предстоящие два года, до следующей встречи Генеральной Ассамблеи», - сказал он. Детальная стратегия присоединившихся членов будет обсуждаться на следующей встрече «Мирового рынка путешествий», которая состоится в Лондоне в ноябре этого года, а также на выставке «Фитур» в Мадриде, в январе 2010 года.

Taleb, Rifai, EUlogio Bordas and Javier Blanco (from left to right) The UNWTO private, public and academic Affiliate Members must integrate their structure “in a more and more meaningful way”, said UNWTO Secretary-General a.i. at the opening of their meeting on Tuesday. Mr. Rifai expressed the need to reform and to move forward with a “fresh and new approach” in order to achieve objectives such as assessing how the existing three councils around business, destinations and education can better work together and with UNWTO. He also suggested that the Affiliate Members should focus more on their regional presence


as a means to further expand the membership number but also increasingly integrating their activities in the Programme of Work of the organization. “We need to ensure not to lose the momentum and to implement over the next two years, until the next General Assembly, the necessary plans to move into the right direction”, he said. A concrete strategy should be discussed at the upcoming Affiliate Member meetings during World Travel Market (London, UK, November 2009) and Fitur (Madrid, Spain, January 2010).

Mr. Eulogio Bordas, of THR International Tourism Consultants (Barcelona, Spain), was confirmed as Affiliate Members President for the next two-year-term and will be responsible to implement the changes expected by the UNWTO alongside Affiliate Member Executive Director, Javier Blanco.

Г-н Юлоджио Бордас, представитель THR, консультанты по международному туризму (Барселона, Испания), был утвержден президентом присоединившихся членов на следующие два года. Он будет ответственен за реализацию новых планов в ЮНВТО вместе с Исполнительным директором присоединившихся членов - Хавьером Бланко.

about new knowledge exchange platform

Details of UNWTO’s new technological platform for the exchange and distribution of knowledge produced by Affiliate Members were presented at the AM General Meeting on Tuesday.

The platform will help create a virtual tourism community, focusing on and contrasting knowledge from major universities, commercial enterprises and destinations.

The Online Technological Platform for Tourism Intelligence and Innovation (PLATMA) was launched in July when a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between UNWTO and the Spanish State Company for Tourism Technology and Innovation Management (SEGITTUR).

Information generated by its members, work groups and specialized forums will also benefit The International Network on Regional Economics, Mobility and Tourism (InRoute), a project launched the same month led by the UNWTO Department for Statistics in conjunction with the Affiliate Members Secretariat.

“The aim is to contribute towards improving competitiveness and quality in the tourism sector at international level,” said Affiliates’ Executive Director Javier Blanco.

In his presentation Mr Blanco pointed out that history had shown companies which continue to invest in innovation in tough times are those that fare the best when growth returns.

Timetable for

Agenda &

Press programme

Measured by the clear increase in their membership, the relevance of the Affiliate Members of UNWTO seems to be growing. This General Assembly witnessed the approval of 88 new members. The total number now surpasses 400, a historical high.

Используя растущее число участников как индикатор, можно говорить об пропорционально увеличивающемся количестве присоединившихся членов в соответствии с требованиям рынка. Генеральная ассамблея утвердило членство 89 новых участников, что позволило общему числу достичь рекордной цифры – 409 участников.

8 October 2009

PLATMA will respond to the Affiliates’ demand for more online communication and distribution of market intelligence; facilitate knowledge transfer between UNWTO and the Affiliates and between the Affiliates themselves; and encourage participation and creativity from all Affiliates while reducing costs for both sides, he said. Mr Blanco also presented details of a new publication ‘The Best of UNWTO’ which will look at the main themes addressed by the Organization over the past 35 years. With contributions from leading international experts, it will include worldwide best practices, a quick reference guide to other specific

ONLINE: www.UNWTO.org/ga

Social Events

Thursday 8

Thursday 8

9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Resilience Committee 2 p.m. – 5 p.m. 7th session:item 24 + Adoption of draft resolutions 5.30 p.m. – 7.30 p.m. Silk Road Meeting

7.00 p.m Official reception hosted by the Mayor of the City of Astana. Bagration Restaurant. Buses will run from the Palace of Independence

UNWTO publications, and provide a guide to Affiliates working in similar areas. The book will respond to Affiliates’ demand for examples of best practices in tourism management, for a clear guide to the Organization’s doctrine and activities, and help reinforce UNWTO’s position as a global reference point in tourism development for public and private sectors and the general public, he said.



Assembly News

UNWTO Daily - General Assembly 2009

«Разглаживание» Шелкового Пути

SMOOTHING THE WAY ALONG THE SILK ROAD Delegates will be looking to give new impetus to the Silk Road project at a meeting being held today (Thursday). Fifteen years after the initiative was launched in neighbouring Uzbekistan, the aim will be to take stock of what has been done so far, but more importantly to look at how to further optimise the potential of this historic trade route that links Europe and Asia. High on the agenda will be ways to improve tourism infrastructure and accessibility and cross-border connections between countries. UNWTO sees regional cooperation as being essential to the future expansion of the project, with countries needing to work together on marketing and promotion to create a ‘single product’ to attract tourists rather than trying to do things alone. Reports will be presented to the meeting on current impediments facing foreign travellers and further initiatives that have been introduced to help promote tourism such as the Silk Road Mayors’ Forum. The concept of the Mayors’ Forum has been introduced to involve local authorities in the overall development and promotion of the Silk Road since cities are major points of entry for foreign tourists. Four of these forums have already been

held successfully while a fifth one has been scheduled for Rizhao City in China’s Shandong Province in January 2010, at which the scheme for a new UN Silk Road Award will be finalised. According to Dr. Harsh Varma, UNWTO’s Director of Development Assistance, the Awards scheme has been introduced to not only reward cities which are good examples of sustainable development but also to motivate them to improve their natural and cultural environments and standards of tourist services and facilities. In collaboration with UNDP and UNCTAD, a Silk Road Initiative (SRI) has been launched which focuses on trade, investment and tourism. UNWTO is responsible for the implementation of the tourism component which includes seeking more investments for tourism-related projects and marketing and promotion. The meeting is expected to involve two working groups, one looking specifically at easing frontier formalities and the other geared to attracting financing and developing joint marketing programmes. The General Assembly will also be asked to give its backing to a Silk Road Astana Declaration that will call for greater coordination between Members and highlight UNWTO’s central role in expanding the project.


местные власти в развитие и оптимизацию Шелкового Пути. Четыре подобных Форума были уже успешно проведены. В январе 2010 года планируется провести пятый Форум в г. Рижао, в Шаньдунской Области Китая, во время которого будет завершен новый проект ООН «Вознаграждение Шелкового Пути». Делегаты планируют возобновить работу по проекту «Шелковый Путь» на встрече в четверг (8 Октября). Пятнадцать лет назад Узбекистан проявил инициативу, и сегодня цель состоит в изучении уже полученных результатов. Однако более важно, рассмотреть пути дальнейшей оптимизации исторического торгового пути, который связывает Европу и Азию. Главными вопросами повестки дня будут способы улучшения инфраструктуры, доступность туризма, а также международные связи между странами. ЮНВТО считает региональное сотрудничество довольно важным для будущего развития проекта. Вместе со странами, которым необходима поддержка можно сотрудничать в сфере маркетинга и продвижения и создать «общий продукт» для привлечения туристов. В докладах текущей встречи будут рассмотрены различные трудности, возникающие у туристов. Кроме того, будут представлены дальнейшие инициативы по продвижению туризма, такие как «Форум Акимов по вопросам Шелкового пути». Города это главные пункты посещения иностранных туристов. Таким образом, понятие «Форум Акимов » было введено, чтобы вовлечь

По мнению Д-ра Хэрш Вармы, Директора Поддержки развития ЮНВТО проект Вознаграждений был введен не только для поощрения городов, которые являются хорошими примерами устойчивого развития. Проект нацелен и на мотивирование городов улучшать свою культурную и окружающую среду, ну и, конечно, сервис туристических услуг. «Инициатива Шелкого пути» (ИШП), нацеленная на торговлю, инвестиции и туризм была проявлена в сотрудничестве с ПРООН и ЮНКТАД. В рамках ИШП, ЮНВТО является ответственным за компонент туризма, который включает поиск инвестиций для связанных с туризмом проектов, маркетинга и продвижения. Встреча предусматривает две рабочие группы: первая для облегчения пограничных формальностей, вторая для поисков финансирования и развития совместных маркетинговых программ. Генеральную Ассамблею также попросят дать поддержку «Декларации Астаны по Шелковому Пути», которая призовет к большей координации Членов и выдвинет на первый план центральную роль ЮНВТО в развитии проекта.

Reactions from around the regions

Eduardo Fayos-Solá and Cordula Wohlmuther (Regional Representation for Europe)

UNWTO Regional Representatives have given their views on what their regions have most been talking about at this year’s General Assembly. The general mood in Asia and the Pacific remains very much upbeat despite the crisis says Regional Representative Xu Jing. .“In quite a few niche markets, such as cruises, it has been business as usual.” Domestic holidaymakers have helped to “patch over” overall losses in international arrivals , and although long-haul traffic has been hit short haul and intra-regional traffic have largely been maintained. The countries that have been the “real winners” are those making “timely readjustments,” like Malaysia. Traditionally dependent on European and a few Asian markets, it has now opened up new markets in the Middle East. Another big boost to the region has been the continuing growth of the Chinese outbound market, he adds. The Americas Regional Representative Carlos Vogeler emphasized the euphoria surrounding Brazil’s successful bid to stage the 2016 Olympic Games.

Xu Jing, Regional Representative for Asia (left) and Ousmane Ndiaye, Regional Representative for Africa (right)

“It’s very good news in that Members firmly believe it will have a definite knock-on effect,” he says. “Brazil itself is interested in working with the other countries,” as they pointed out in their presentation for the Games. The general feeling in the Americas is that they are “resisting the crisis quite well”. Central America has shown particular resilience, although there are fears the situation in Honduras could have an effect on its neighbours as they market themselves together. Mexico has been praised for the professional way it has dealt with the flu crisis since it began there. “They suffered early in the year but there has been some excellent recovery work.” In the past two months tourism to the country had been “almost back to normal”. With the Middle East region generally being heavily affected by the economic downturn, Members are very appreciative of UNWTO’s Roadmap for Recovery initiative at this time says Regional Representative Amr AbdelGhaffar. They also support the changes within the Organization being proposed by the SecretaryGeneral ad interim.

Carlos Vogeler and Alejandro Varela, Regional Representation for the Americas

Following the election of Lebanon for Chairman and Syria and Saudi Arabia as Vice-Chairmen for the Middle East Commission, it was agreed that a comprehensive proposal should be submitted for enhancing the role of these posts.

consumers’ outgoing market to Africa and another on different sources for raising money.

The Commission wants them to play a greater part in identifying priority policy issues, defining specific objectives, setting co-operation agendas, shaping initiatives and partnership arrangements and monitoring and evaluating their results, he said.

Regional Representative for Europe, Eduardo Fayos-Sola said that nearly all the 44 country Members had participated in the Regional Commission meeting with Slovenia being elected as Chairman.

The Africa region has been looking at two major upcoming events, says Regional Representative Ousmane Ndiaye, the first a meeting to discuss work on the regional project for promoting ecotourism in national parks and protected areas and the second an investment forum. The action plan for ecotourism development is to be discussed in Madrid in November The Spanish capital will also be the venue for the investment forum on 21 January which will tie in with leading Spanish travel fair FITUR. The main subjects to be discussed there will include a new study on the Spanish

Another session at the forum will be aimed at bringing together potential investors from Spain and African partners.

To meet the twin objectives of giving more service to the Members and at the same time getting them to participate more, the recent restructuring into four sub regions will help to prioritize those countries that need more attention. Work is scheduled to start immediately on the new Programme of Work that involves three main channels. These are consolidating the framework of tourism policy: and how to implement tourism policy (governance); while paying special attention to the particular needs of the four sub-regions, with a special focus on competitiveness and sustainability.


Themes and hosts picked for next two WTDs The themes and hosts for the next two World Tourism Days (WTD) have been approved by the General Assembly. In keeping with the United Nations Year of Biodiversity, WTD 2010 will celebrate Tourism and Biodiversity and be hosted by China. And the UN’s Rapprochement of Cultures in 2011 will be matched by UNWTO with Tourism –linking cultures, to be hosted by Yemen.

World Tourism Day

UNWTO Daily - General Assembly 2009





UNWTO Daily - General Assembly 2009

Staff Photos


FAREWELL FROM THE STAFF Some of these faces you may know well, others not all. But all of them are UNWTO staff or consultants who have helped in putting together and running this 18th session of the UNWTO General Assembly. We hope you have enjoyed your stay in Astana, wish you a safe trip home, and look forward to seeing you again in Korea in two years’ time.



UNWTO Daily - General Assembly 2009


Astana 2009

Assembly Spotlight



UNWTO Daily - General Assembly 2009



Astana 2009


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