Dahod District Final Updated Report

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 5,689
  • Pages: 27
1 Process of mapping The study involves certain process right from the beginning to its completion. The details are as follows:

1.1 Preparation of research protocol With the help of CMS Technical Support team a systematic protocol has been prepared to ensure the quality during the mapping. During the TOT protocol was clearly explained to the field teams.

1.2 Time schedule: As per TOR, time schedule has been prepared and submitted to GSACS and NACO. There are couple of steps involved in the time scheduling 1.2.1 Inception meeting with NACO & GSACS: As part of the Induction program for the district teams the entire process of the program has been designed with the support of CMS. The below given schedule provides the time frame agreed by the Caritas India to roll out the HRG mapping exercise. During this meeting the research protocol, tools and time schedules were thoroughly discussed and recorded the feedback from the clients. 1.2.2 Preparation of Training Manual and Tools: To ensure the quality of the data a detailed training manual has been developed and used intensively during the state level field teams training programs. This manual consists of information on how to establish the rapport with key informants, how to ask the questions and how to code the data into the schedules. Based on previous experience, CMS core team prepared tools to conduct mapping and to collect essential information from the villages.

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Required data/information collected through the following tools (Annexure 1) – 1. Key informant interview data sheet 2. Health service provider interview sheet 3. Key informant interview check list

1.3 Selection of Field teams For the selection of Field Investigators, Caritas India organized a written test and personnel interview for all the short listed candidates at each district level and based on their previous work experience in the field of HIV and AIDS and their communication skills 08 field investigators were hired for each district. By early July’09, besides the LWS district teams (DRPs, M&E & Link Supervisors) 32 field Investigators were on board to execute the mapping in the four districts.

1.4 State level training Prior to the formal training on mapping exercise, Caritas India oriented its staff on the purpose of the study, its importance and the fieldwork requirements. Subsequently, three days training program was organized in July’09 at Dahod district for Caritas India’s State Officer, four LWS district teams and selected field investigators. CMS technical support team (two members) facilitated and trained the field teams on how to use the tools and how to collect the basic information within the village. Training manual was introduced to the field teams. The structure of the three days training program: Day One

Day Two

Day Three

Basic information on HIV and AIDS, definitions of high-risk group and vulnerable groups, attitudes and approaches towards these groups Understanding Mapping study, scope, methodology, tools and techniques, field work process, data collection and documentation. Fieldwork: Understanding the field process, data collection, documentation and data compilation, Team Structure, roles & responsibilities of team members, quality control and fieldwork planning Data management, data entry, data analysis and report writing.

1.5 Mapping Exercise Caritas India, Gujarat .


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Immediately after the training program mapping work started in the four districts and the schedule is as follows-

S. No 1

2 3 4



Activity HRG mapping field exercise Data submitted to CMS

Banaskantha Started on 6th Aug’09 and completed on 9th Sept’09

Data cleaning Two days workshop on Village Clustering & District planning Mapping study findings shared with GSACS & UNICEF at Ahmedabad. Final report submitted to NACO & GSACS

Dahod Started on 10th Aug’09 and completed on 11th Sept’09

Navsari Started on 7th Aug’09 and completed on 7th Sept’09

Surendranagar Started on 31st July’09 and completed on 1st Sept’09

11th Sept’09 13th Sept’09

19-20 September '09

Presented on 29th September’09 October’09

1.6 Data analysis and report Data cleaning and entry has been done internally by Caritas India while CMS technical team provided the analysis part. Final report was prepared by Caritas India in consultation with CMS technical team. The following are the outputs of this study – List of 100 priority high risk villages in each villages Estimates of key population (sex workers, MSM & IDUs) & bridge population existing in each of the mapped villages • Typology of sex workers • Place of operation iii. Reported number of PLHIVs, HIV deaths, STI/RTI and TB cases in the select villages. iv. Information about the vulnerability of women and youth • Condom availability and use • Access to STI services • Multi partner behaviour i. ii.

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Pre & extra marital affairs v. Information about the services available Health services Existence of CBOs and NGOs and their programmes •

• •

Soon after completing the data entry, CMS has helped Caritas India team in analyzing the data and preparing the output tables. Based on the final outputs issue focused report has been prepared. Detailed analysis and interpretations are presented in the successive sections.

1.Brief Summary of Four Districts Coverage Banaskantha, Dahod, Navsari and Surendranagar are the four districts in Gujarat where the mapping of HRGs, PLHIVs and bridge population has been conducted. In each one of these districts the mapping teams covered the top 120 villages (based on the 2001 census population). Overall the mapping teams covered ____ villages from four districts and finally identified ___ villages (____ villages from each district) based on the vulnerability scoring for LWP interventions. During the study ______ key informants were interviewed in the selected ____ villages, on an average _____ KI from each village. Here the key informants include: Elected members and opinion leaders; Village functionaries; School teachers, Gram Panchayat Staff, Revenue department staff; Youth Club members; Traditional birth attendants; Self Help Group representatives; Local vendors; Local Health Care Providers; GP Staff (Secretary/Bill collector); and Village accountant. Besides Local doctors; ANM; ASHA; Anganwadi workers; Traditional healers were also interviewed during the mapping.

Estimates of Key Population (FSW, MSM, IDU) Total estimated KP in the selected villages of Dahod districts is 1946. Of this total 82 percent are FSWs, 17 percent are MSMs and 1 percent is IDUs. FSWs are found in all the villages (150) where mapping was executed. MSMs and IDUs are found in few villages. District Caritas India, Gujarat .




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Banaskant ha Dahod Navsari Surendran agar Total Percentag e




1.6.1 Profile of KP The profile of KP – FSWs, MSM and IDUs - terms of their sub-categories based on mode of operation and mobility pattern is given below: Based on the place of operation, FSWs are primarily classified in to 4 categories Operating in the village: Female sex workers who stay and operate in their village itself Operating in the near by Town/City: Female sex workers who stay in the village but operates in near by towns and cities and they will come back to their village daily. Operating in High Ways and Dhabas: Female sex workers who stay in the village but operates in near by towns and cities and they will come back to their village daily. Coming from out side the village : Female sex workers who come from out side and operate in the villages and go back to their place

Vulnerability factors Together there are ______ reported PLHIVs in the mapped villages of four districts. Of this less number are reported in _______district. Similarly deaths related to AIDS _______ and TB cases are ________districts. STI cases are more less equally recorded in all the four districts.


Reported PLHIVs

Deaths related to AIDS

TB cases

TB deaths

STI cases

Banaskant Caritas India, Gujarat .


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ha Dahod Navsari Surendran agar







Other major categories identified under bridge population are – 1. Unmarried men visiting female sex workers; 2. Married men having sexual relationship with multi partners; 3. Married women having sexual relations with multi partners; 4. Widows having sexual relationship with multi partners; 5. Girls involved in pre-marital sexual activity; 6. Boys involved in pre-marital sexual activities; 7. Widowers having sexual relationship with multi partners; 8. Un-married women having sexual relations with multi partners and 9. Truck drivers. These categories are equally vulnerable and required special focus during the interventions.

Use of Mapping Data The mapping data is meant to give an estimation of the key population within the short listed villages in the districts. It will provide directions for interventions on the ground. The mapping findings will help to determine the following: •

Number such as: o o o o o

of interventions required for each district depending on factors Number of high risk villages in the district Estimated number of key population reported in the district. Estimates of different types of FSWs operating in the district Number of deaths due to HIV/AIDS in the last one year Number of people living with HIV (PLHIV)

Based on the assessment of these factors, number and type of interventions per district may be planned. •

The intervention strategy. This includes details such as, o The villages where interventions should be located, their initial coverage and subsequent expansion plans o The strategy to cover the different types of FSWs o Strategies to address the needs and concerns of PLWH at village level Caritas India, Gujarat .


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o Strategy to cover people involved in different types of highrisk activities (based on their numbers and locations) o Networking with the urban interventions with in the state and the near by districts of bordering states. o Networking with +ve networks o Network with Network Operators for support during further research and programme implementation





forward: 1. By using the mapping data, the concerned authorities should shortlist the number of villages which needs to be address 2. The selected NGOs need to reach out to the short listed villages with entry point activities to build rapport with the community members and to select the Link Workers by using the potential LWS list provided by the mapping study. 3. By using the selected LWs conduct the detailed situational needs assessment to understand the ground realities and then plan district specific intervention programmes to address the rural epidemic. 4. In the rural community as there is lot of stigma is attached to HIV/AIDS and sex work, while starting the entry point activities care should be taken to avoid the -ve branding to the programme.


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2 DAHOD DISTRICT 2.1 Coverage In Dahod district mapping has been executed in 150 selected villages covering 7 blocks. During the mapping 2143 key informants were interviewed to elicit the required data. 2.1.1 Estimations of Key Population (KP)

The estimations indicate that there are 1946 high-risk population (key population) in 150 villages. Of this total 82 percent (1585) are FSWs, 17 percent (350) are MSMs and 1 percent (11) are IDUs were identified during the course of the exercise. Data indicate that FSWs are found in all 150 villages and MSMs are in 128 villages. 3 percent of key population are concentrated in 150 villages across 7 blocks.


Profile of KP

The profile of KP (FSWs, MSM and IDUs) is analyzed on four important indicators – 1. Operating within the village 2. Operating in the near by villages; 3. Operating in high way/dabhas 4.Coming from outside the village and operating in the mapped village and 5. FSW who are not willing to accept/admit their profession.

P ercentag e of H R G - C ateory w ise

ID U 1%

M SM 17%

FSW 82%

The concentration of FSWs based on the five primary categories indicates that 46 percent are operating within the village. About 30 percent are operating outside the villages, 13 percent are operating outside villages on high way Caritas India, Gujarat .


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dhabas, 11 percent come from outside the villages and operate in the villages where mapping has been done. Dahod district is one of the most backward areas of Gujarat state. It’s literacy rate is 45.65%. Most of the farmers in this area depend on rain only. This area has very less rain fall and often monsoon failure make their life miserable. They live hand to mouse. Because of less income, this people are force to move to cities in the search of work. In big number, people move with their family, including small children which effect their health and education. As they are not educated, they do not have much knowledge and information of HIV/AIDS. Free sex is practice among this tribals. Less opportunity lead women to earn money leads women into sex profession. As people are not much aware about family planning often they have big family. Big family and less income make their life miserable. They do not have any other way then going out for work. Many time single man move out of the villages for work, in this case it is likely they he may go with more then one partner and on the other had her spouse may also in village do the same.

2.1.3 Concentration of FSW’s Of the 7 Blocks, Dahod, Devgadh baria, Limkheda, Zalod, Fatehpura have more than 100 FSWs. In other words out of the total 1157 FSWs, 90 percent are from these 5 Blocks. The highest concentration is found in Limkheda i.e. 365 FSWS and the least in Garabada i.e. 49 FSWS. The presence of FSWS in the other 2

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Blocks ranges between 80 to 45 FSWs making 10 percent of the total mapped FSWs in the district. During the LWS interventions, Blocks with the highest presence of FSWs need to be covered on priority basis. The highest no of FSW is found in Rai villages, Limkheda block the reasons could be, 1. Rai is the central village for two blocks (Limkheda and Bariya) so both block people meet at this place. 2. There is a junction point for private vehicles. 3. Literacy rate is very low in this village and most of the population in this village is tribal. 4. People do not get any other source for income in this village, so easily they turn to adopt sex as a profession. 5. Limkheda’s most of the villages are national high way touch. 6. Many hotel and road side Dhaba are found near this block. One fines less no of FSW in Dhanpur block because the population of this block is less then other block. This block is interior and very less transportation facilities do not attract other people to come this block for work. Less transportation also restricts people to visit this block.

2.2 Profile of MSM Out of the 150 mapped villages, MSMs were identified in 128 villages forming 18% of the total HRG identified in the District. The highest numbers of MSMs were identified in Dahod, Devgadh baria and Zalod Blocks with figures ranging from 6040 MSMS forming 53 percent of the total 350 identified MSMs. While in the remaining 4 Blocks the figure ranges between 40 to 15. 82 percent operate within the village whereas 18 percent operate outside their villages Caritas India, Gujarat .


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Here it is important to note that during the LWS interventions much concentration is required in mentioned three blocks. Similarly, appropriate outreach strategy needs to be devised to address those MSMs who operate outside the villages. Collaboration and coordination with agencies implementing HIV projects such as TIs may become necessary. Further analysis on spread of the key population indicates that 52 percent of the key population is concentrated in 79 villages. Dahod block has maximum no of MSM. Dahod is district place. Many male come from all the blocks. People who come from other villages for work tent to do such activities. Dahod is market place, so most of the surrounding village block people have to come to Dahod for things to purchase. People from Dahod also go to other near by villages for such activities. Dahod provide large opportunity for many works, so large number of people comes here for daily migration. Easy transportation to the place make more people come to this place.


Bridge Population

During the mapping 9 different categories of bridge population with risk behaviour were estimated in all 150 districts. The major categories identified under bridge population are – 1. Unmarried men visiting female sex workers; 2. Married men having sexual relationship with multi partners; 3. Married women having sexual relations with multi partners; 4. Widows having sexual


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relationship with multi partners; 5. Girls involved in pre-marital sexual activity; 6. Boys involved in pre-marital sexual activities; 7. Widowers having sexual relationship with multi partners; 8. Un-married women having sexual relations with multi partners and 9. Truck drivers. About 5964 bridge population were estimated in 150 villages. In these categories special focus is essential on boys and girls who are involved in premarital sex during the interventions. These two categories are the most vulnerable category of bridge population. Married and un-married men and women are equally vulnerable bridge population who need special focus. As shown in above graph, Zalod is the biggest block among all 7 blocks. One find big number of drivers(Trucks,Tempos,Auto-ricksaws, etc..)many of them go for long route & stay at some of the hotels. Where is likely to have multi partners sexual relationship. This same drivers may give their HIV infections to their spouces.

2.4 Migration During the mapping three categories of out migration were estimated in 150 villages. These three types are 1. Daily migration, 2. Seasonal migration and 3. Long duration migration. In each category of these migration estimations were taken for single male migration, single female migration and total family (mostly both husband and wife) migration. Out of the total migrants estimated during the mapping 6 percent are daily migrants followed by 57 percent seasonal migrants and remaining 37 percent are long duration migrants. During the target interventions all the three categories need to be focused, but much focus is required on daily migrants. Here the assumption is that such migrants are more vulnerable than other two categories. 2.4.1 Daily Migration: As shown in graph, daily migration is highest in Devgadh baria because there is a less work opportunities in

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B lo c k W is e - D a ily M ig ra tio n 80% 70% 60% 50% 40%

Ma le

30% 20%

F a m ily

F e m a le

10% 0%

12 Dahod

D e vg a d h F a te h p u raG a ra b a d a L im k h e d a Za lo d b a riy a


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villages.So, they have to move out to search of work in near by town to get day-to-day expense And the lowest daily migration in Dhanpur because it is a very interior & rural area & there is not much transport facility to go near by town.

2.4.2 Seasonal Migration: B lock w ise - S easonal Mig ration 3 5% 3 0% 2 5% 2 0% 1 5% 1 0% 5% 0%

M ale Fem ale

Li m

np ur

ra b Ga

Dh a

Za l od

a kh ed

a ad

ur a


vg a


Fa te



ri y a



Fam ily


As shown in graph, seasonal migration is highest in Garabada, Zalod and Dahod because the people of this blocks are fully dependent on agriculture work. They all are only work during the monster season & during the off season they move to big citys like Ahmedabad, Baroda,Surat, Rajkot, etc.. Mostly they do the work like construction, diamond works etc.

They spend lots of money for marriage & other festivals which they have to borrow from money lender with high interest, to re-pay this money again they have to move to big cities. 2.4.3 Long duration Migration:

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30% 25% 20%

M ale






np ur Dh a

Za lo d

a kh ed Lim

a Ga

ra b


ur a hp

ba dh De vg a

Fa te

ri y



0% Da h

As shown in graph, long duration migration is highest in Garabada & Zalod. Some people of this blocks are not interested in their native business like agriculture, panshop etc. So they move to the big citys like Ahmedabad,

Bloack w ise - Long duration migration


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Baroda,Surat, Rajkot, etc.. And dusing the marriage occasions, festival seasons they only come to their native village for the short period of time.


Information about PLHIVs and AIDS Deaths

Data on number of PLHIVs and persons who died due to AIDS during the last one year was obtained from ICTCs at the district level during the study. 2.5.1 Reported PLHIVs Among the 150 villages 217 PLHIVs are reported in the last one year. Of this 61 percent are male and 39 percent are Females. Here too the highest numbers are in the Blocks of Dahod, Garabada and Zalod with the range from 70 to 40, contributing 77 percent of the total PLHIVs in the District.

N u m b e r o f P L H A s r e p o rte d - B lo c k w ise 80 60 40 20 0


D e v g a d h b a r iy Fa a t e h p u r a


S e r ie s 1


G a ra b a d a


L im k h e d a


Z a lo d





2.5.2 Deaths due to AIDS in the last one year. Of the 150 mapped villages 35 AIDS deaths are recorded. Of this total 46 percent are male and 54 percent are females. Limkheda Block itself account to 9

N o , o f D e a t h s d u e to AID S ( In la s t o n e ye a r ) - B lo c k w is e 10



6 4


4 2

2 0 S e r ie s 1

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9 8



D ahod 4

D e v g a d h b a r iy aF a te h p u r a 4


G a ra b a d a 0

L im k h e d a 9

Z a lo d 8

Dhanpur 2


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deaths. Data indicates that AIDS related deaths are reported in all the 6 Blocks. Most of the time single male moves out of the to city for work, where he may tend to have sex relation with multi partners and after coming from their they may give to their spouse as well. This area is mostly tribal area where free sex is practice, so when husband is out for work in city, women may also tend to lead multi partner relation. Becouse of less awareness they don’t go for any treatment of HIV/AIDS. People of this area do not have much knowledge of HIV/AIDS. They do not have information of HIV, so they do not go for blood check up to ICTC. They have many misunderstanding for HIV/AIDS. They do not feel free to talk about this sickness to other people as they are afraid that they will be out cast by other village people. Low literacy rate in this blocks make people to hide if some one is suffering from such sickness.

2.6 TB and STI cases STI cases in the districts were collected from CHCs, PHCs , ASHAs and other health service providers. In total 637 STI cases were reported in 150 villages of which 33 percent were males and 67 percent were females. The highest numbers were reported from Dahod, Garabada and Zalod Blocks comprising 65 percent of the total STI cases in the District. In 150 villages 979 TB cases were reported during the past one year. Of this total 68 percent are males and 32 percent are females. During the last one-year 75 males and 21 females (total 96) died due to TB in 6 blocks. Dahod, Devgadh baria, Fatehpura and Zalod Blocks alone reported 75 percent of the total TB cases.

2.7 STI Service providers Most of the STI services are provided by the local PHCs, and private doctors. In majority of the villages RMPs are functioning and in more than 56 percent of the villages MBBS qualified doctors are functioning. Caritas India, Gujarat .


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During the interviews key informants told that for general health problems the villagers are approaching RMPs and government hospitals. As shown in graph, Dahod block has highest STI cases are reported. The people of Dahod block are not much aware about STI & they don’t take any medicines or treatment. They ignore this as they don’t feel comfortable to talk about this sickness to others. Lake of treatments & facilities is not easily available in their respective villages.

2.8 Awareness on HIV, STI and Condom Analysis of key informant interviews indicates that more than 46 percent of the population in 150 villages are having awareness on HIV and AIDS. About 49 percent are aware of STIs and more than 53 percent are aware of condoms. At village level ANMs, ASHA and Anganwadi workers are playing prominent role in providing such awareness. It was found that condoms are available in general medical shops, small petty shops and tea stalls. More number of people of this area are aware about T.B. then HIV/AIDS. People do take treatment for T.B. but hesitate to talk about HIV/AIDS freely. So more T.B. patients are found then HIV positive. Large number of people are not aware or they do not have right information for HIV/AIDS, so this people who are affected from HIV come out easily.

2.9 Intervention plan To initiate the Link Worker Program in Dahod district cluster approach has been adopted. Accordingly district is divided into 38 clusters . Dahod Clusters

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Cluster Name

Numb er of Block s

Numbe r of Village s

Total Populat ion

Total KP estimate d in the Block

% of HRG estimat ed in the cluster

Requir ed number of LWs









Devgadh bariya















































As per the plan it has been decided to cover 100 villages selected on the basis of vulnerability factor. As per the mapping villages which are having negligible vulnerable population (key population) were not included in the action plan. Each one of these four clusters divided into different sub-clusters and link workers will be placed in the sub-cluster level head quarters (village). Clustering and sub-clustering is done by taking travel proximity and availability of transport and population of the villages. District teams also consulted GSACS for the finalization of Clusters in order to further validate highly vulnerable villages so these are prioritize for intervention.

Provide Cluster Map. :-

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1) Dahod:




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5) Garabada: Dhanpur Caritas India, Gujarat .



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7) Devgadh baria:-

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2.10 Sub-cluster details: Block



Total Pop

Total HRG

1. Dahod

Sector Dahod Dahod Dahod Dahod Garabada Dahod Dahod Dahod Dahod Dahod Dahod Dahod Dahod Dahod Zalod Dahod Garabada Dahod Dahod Dahod Garabada Dahod Garabada Dahod

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1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Galaliyawad Chosala Katawara Dasla Devdha Motikharaj Gamala Jalat Rachharada Timarada Kharedi Raliyati Chhapari Rentia Mirakhedi Vijagadh Pandavi Jekot Muvaliya Bavka Matwa Nagarala Vajelav Kharoda

4840 6354 3398 6814 5070 10275 3759 8866 4178 2180 6046 5968 4473 5055 5262 4720 4204 2620 5337 8411 4571 6458 4300 10010

43 7 17 6 10 11 7 7 7 8 8 25 8 7 9 16 7 32 26 17 16 16 11 7



3. Dhanpur

2. Devgadh bariya

LWP – Final Report Dahod Devgadh bariya Devgadh bariya Devgadh bariya Devgadh bariya Devgadh bariya Devgadh bariya Devgadh bariya Devgadh bariya Devgadh bariya Devgadh bariya Devgadh bariya Devgadh bariya Devgadh bariya Devgadh bariya Devgadh bariya Devgadh bariya Dhanpur Dhanpur Dhanpur Dhanpur Dhanpur Dhanpur Dhanpur Dhanpur Dhanpur Dhanpur Dhanpur Fatehpura Fatehpura Fatehpura Fatehpura Fatehpura Fatehpura

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Kathala Piplod


Bhathwada Rebari Devgadh bariya


Kalidungari Bhuval


Toyani Saliya


Ruvabari Dangariya MotiKhajuari


Dukhali Udhavala


Lavariya Sevaniya

7 1 2

3 4 5 1

2 3 4

Baina Ambakach Navanagar Mandor Nalu Dudhamali Sajoi Bhorva Kaliyavad Agaswani Mandav Chilakota Salara Fatehpura Vagad Karodiya Ghughas Vasiafui

5349 10179 5616 3292 22454 4611 2476 5259 5595 5984 4706 4746 2285 4852 4003 7326 5727 2060 4973 2398 3682 1980 4431 5981 3755 4553 2944 10641 7646 6545 4286 4472 6762 2871

7 36 18 16 31 21 18 30 19 17 15 17 15 8 7 13 13 22 17 7 30 16 15 10 8 8 18 10 18 18 13 10 7 21


7. Zalod

6. Limkheda

5. Garabada


LWP – Final Report Fatehpura Fatehpura Fatehpura Fatehpura Fatehpura Fatehpura Garabada Garabada Garabada Garabada Garabada Garabada Garabada Garabada Garabada Garabada Garabada Garabada Garabada Garabada Garabada Limkheda Limkheda Limkheda Limkheda Limkheda Limkheda Limkheda Limkheda Limkheda Limkheda Limkheda Zalod Zalod Zalod Zalod Zalod Zalod Zalod Zalod Zalod Zalod

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5 1


3 4 5 6


2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Nindaka Vatali Motirel Sukhasar Kanthagar Afava Garabada Zaribuzarg Abhalod Nadhelav Jesawada Patiya Ambli Bhe Chharchhoda Tunki vaju Gangaradi Panchwada Boriyala Simaliya Buzarg Jambuva Rai Madali Agara Limkheda Chediya Dabhada Datiya Bandibar Chhaparwad Methan Randhikpur Sanjeli Kadval Varod Dhavadiya Mahudi Zalod Mundaheda Chakaliya Limdi Karath

6657 4716 6560 4151 4524 4359 19735 11200 13620 9330 4923 6199 4962 6571 4624 5532 2635 2657 6337 1800 2740 5466 5487 4310 4841 4225 4180 2238 4534 3641 7413 2929 7125 9577 4508 8563 4417 29345 5324 12049 17292 13655

7 6 6 20 11 6 36 18 25 23 16 24 22 14 8 23 14 31 8 31 7 128 23 8 64 27 19 17 47 10 24 28 17 7 7 8 6 16 8 8 14 8


LWP – Final Report

3 Annexure 3.1 Field Investigators District: Dahod S.N o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Qualificatio n

Field Mr. Dipesh Patel Investigators Field Ms. Neeta Bhariya Investigators Field Mr.Deepak Patel Investigators Field Mrs.Bhawana Suvar Investigators Field Ms.Champa Bhabar Investigators Field Mr. Joyel Parmar Investigators Field Ms.Sunita Bhariya Investigators Field Ms.Rekha Patel Investigators

Sex& Age

















LWS Project staff in Dahod District

S. No. 1 2 3

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Designatio n

Name and Designation

Working area

Mr. .Paresh Ode DRP Mr.Edwin Kadia DRP Mr. Nirav Panchal M&E 24

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4 5 6 7 8


Link Workers in Dahod District S. No. 1 2

Name of the Link Worker Kamalbhai Chuniyabhai Baria


Sangitaben Shankarbhai Mishra Krunalkumar Naginbhai Luhar


Chunilal Dhanabhai Sangada

5 6

Kathaliya Hitendrakumar L. Devendrakumar Laxmanbhai Baman Nareshkumar Gopalsing Bamaniya

7 8

Sureshbhai Rajubhai Solanki

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Mr.Narvat Palaas Link Supervisors Mr. Himmat Meda Link Supervisors Mr.Suresh Muniya Link Supervisors Mr.Suresh Patelia Link Supervisors Mrs. Vinaya Kadia Office Assistant

Working area/Block


Galaliyavad, Kharedi / Dahod Muvaliya, Nagrala / Dahod Retiya, Chosala / Dahod Jalat, Gamla, Motikharaj / Dahod Katvara, Dasla / Dahod Rachharda, Timarda / Dahod Bavka, Matava, Kaliyavad, Chilakota/ Limkheda Pandadi, Vijagadh / Garabada & Dahod 25

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9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Rameshbhai Ramubhai Sangada Narendrasinh Valchandbhai Hathila Jantaben Mukeshbhai Patel

Ambakachh, Navanagar / Dhanpur Nalu, Dudhamli, Sajoi, Bhorva / Dhanpur Bharatbhai Maniyabhai Tadvi Mandav, Agasvani / Dhanpur Sarvanbhai Mitibhai Bhuriya Garbada, Simaliyabujarg / Garabada Nalavaya Govindbhai L. Jambuva, Zaribujarg / Garabada Bariya Gayatri Parathibhai Panchvada, Boriyala / Garabada Navinbhai Mangalsinh Bhabhor Amali, Chharchhoda / Garabada Sangada Ratansinh Kasanabhai Patia, Bhe, Nandhelav / Garabada Pasaya Laxmanbhai Abhalod, Jesavada / Mathurbhai Garabada Babubhai Hirabhai Charela Sanjeli / Zalod Champaben Ravjibhai Bhabhor Dhavadiya, Mahudi / Zalod Vineshbhai Manubhai Sangada Mundaheda, Karath / Zalod Lalabhai Somabhai Damor Salara, Fatehpura Ravjibhai Valabhai Damor Fatepura, Vatli, Vangad / Fatehpura Ashokbhai kantibhai Prajapati Sukhasar, Afava / Fatehpura Dilipbhai Parsingbhai Machhar Vansiakui, Nindka / Fatehpura Kamleshbhai Babubhai Karodiya, Motirel/ Prajapati Fatehpura Dineshbhai Gopalsinh Baria Agara, Manli / Limkheda Bamaniya Atulkumar Anopsinh Randhikpur, Chhaparvad / Limkheda Gadol Kamleshbhai Chandulala Rai / Limkheda Taviyad Vimalkumar Methan / Limkheda Goradhanbhai

Caritas India, Gujarat .

Jekot / Dahod


LWP – Final Report


Patel Dilipbhai Ratansing

32 33

Sanjaykumar Badalbhai Baria Rajendrakumar Valabhai Vankar


Ashvinkumar Pratapbhai Patel


Nathusinh Ratanbhai Patelia


Sureshbhai Mohanbhai Ravat


Jasodaben Umedbhai Baria


Bariya Sachin Ramanbhai

Caritas India, Gujarat .

Dantiya, Dabhada / Limkheda Limkheda / Limkheda Toyani, Saliya, Pipalod / Devgadh baria Bhathavada, Rebari / Devgadh baria Ruvabari, Udhavala, Dangariya / Devgadh baria Motikhajuri, Dukhali / Devgadh baria Devgadh baria / Devgadh baria Bhuval, Kalidungari / Devgadh baria


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