Cycle B 7th Sunday Ordinary

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,445
  • Pages: 3
Seventh Sunday of the Year [CYCLE B]


[This is for reference only. Please do not read it at Mass] The liturgy continues the theme of the healing God brings. In the Gospel we see Jesus healing the paralyzed man. The focus, however, is not bodily healing, but healing of the spirit: the forgiveness of sins. We talk to the children about a doctor and how he diagnoses our illnesses. Jesus, the best doctor, looks into our spirits and is able to see what is wrong. Not only can he diagnose, but he is able to heal us. The present day story of a man healed of paralysis illustrates that Jesus still heals our spirits if we are open to him

INTRODUCTION: Celebrant: Last Sunday we saw Jesus making sick people well. He healed Peter’s mother-in-law of her fever and he touched the man with leprosy and make him well, so that he was able to go home to his family. Jesus really is a wonderful healer! Today we will see him healing a very sick man who couldn’t move from his bed. But before he healed his body, Jesus made his spirit well, by forgiving him his sins. LITURGY OF THE WORD: Commentator: In this reading God talks to his people and tells them that something is very wrong with them. They are sinning against God. Then God says, ‘I will forgive you!’ First Reading: Isaiah 43:22, 25. Psalm: 41:1-2abcd, 3 &13. Commentator: Now we will hear the true story of Jesus and the paralysed man. ‘Paralysed’ means that he couldn’t move his arms and legs. Gospel: Mark 2:1-12.

Homily: Celebrant: [Holds up a stethoscope] Do you know what this is? Have you ever seen one before? • It is called a stethoscope. A doctor uses it to find out what is wrong inside your body. He puts the two top ends into his ears and then moves the flat disc over your chest. He listens to your heart beating, and he checks if there are any other sounds coming from your chest. He listens to the air moving in and out of your lungs. He shines a torch and looks into your mouth. Then he decides what is wrong with you and what medicines to give you. • When the paralysed man was brought before him, Jesus didn’t take out a stethoscope or torch. Because he is God, he was able to look right into the man’s spirit. Jesus saw that the man’s biggest problem was in his spirit. He had sinned against God and this was destroying him inside. • What happens after the doctor finds out what is wrong with you? He takes a paper and writes down what treatment you have to take, and what medicines you have to swallow. Jesus, the greatest doctor, didn’t have to do that! He gave him the treatment right away! He said, “My son, your sins are forgiven!” •

Then he gave him another treatment. He said, “Get up. Pick up your mat and go home!” At once the man got up and went away well and happy.

This story happened 2000 years ago. Even now Jesus does the same wonderful things. He is still the best doctor. That is why we pray to him when we are sick. Jesus didn’t come only to make our bodies well. He knows that our spirits are much more important. Our bodies have to die some day, but our spirits live forever. Jesus looks into us and sees everything. He can see if there is sin inside, making our spirits sick. If we ask him to forgive us and heal us, he does! Some years ago a priest in Mumbai was called to pray for a dying man. Just like the man in the Gospel, that man was paralyzed. The priest found him lying in bed, unable to move. His wife was very upset and sad because he had stopped eating some days ago. As the priest prayed for the man, God guided him and he said to the man, “I am praying for God to make you well, but I think that there is something wrong in your spirit. Is there anger in your heart against someone? You must forgive that person, otherwise God can’t help you.” The man was very surprised. “How did you know what was going on inside me? Yes, there is someone I am angry with. That person is my brother. But I will never forgive him, because he has treated me so badly.” The good priest did not give up. He kept on and on telling the man, “You must forgive your brother. Don’t die with this sin in your heart.” At last the man said, “Okay, I’ll try to forgive my brother.” He said a prayer with the help of the priest. The next thing they knew, the man was up on his feet. He called his wife, “Why are you starving me? I’m so hungry. Give me something to eat!” That day, the whole family praised Jesus, the greatest doctor of all!

Let’s all close our eyes and be quiet for 2 minutes. Is there anyone you are angry with and have not forgiven?... Forgive that person and say sorry to God for keeping anger in your heart…. Is there any other sin that you have done?... Ask God to forgive you… Now Jesus says to you, “My son, My daughter, your sins are forgiven!”


Praise Him, Praise Him Father I Place Lay Your Hands Thank you Lord for All You’ve Done


PREPARATION REQUIRED: • Practice the readings. • Make poster and put up. • Keep a stethoscope handy for the celebrant to show during the homily.

A reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah.

I, the Lord, said to Israel: You have not become tired from worshipping me. You have not honoured me by sacrificing sheep or other animals. And I have not burdened you with demands for sacrifices and sweet smelling incense. You have not bought delicious spices for me, or given me the best part of your sacrificed animals. But you have burdened me down with your terrible sins. Yet I wipe away your sins because of who I am. And so, I will forget about your sins.” This is the Word of the Lord. PSALM :

Response: Lord, heal m y soul , f or I have sinned aga inst you .

You, Lord God, bless everyone You always heal them who cares :for the poor, GOSPEL A reading from the Holy to St. Mark. and Gospel restore according their strength when they are sick. and you rescue them in times of trouble. You, the Lord God of Israel, Jesus went to Capernaum a few days heard that he was at home. Then so many You protect them and keepand them alive. Youlater people will be praised forever! Amen and amen. of them came to the house that there was not even standing room left in front of the door. make them happy here in this land Jesus was still teaching when four people came up, carrying a paralysed man on a mat. But because of the crowd they could not get him to Jesus. So they made a hole in the roof above him, and let the man down in front of everyone. When Jesus saw how much faith they had, he said to ACCLA TION : man, “My son,Alleluia, The Lord sent me to bring good news theMA paralysed your sinsalleluia. are forgiven!” to the poor and freedom to prisoners. Alleluia, alleluia. Some teachers of the Law were sitting there. They started wondering, “Why would he say such a thing? He must think he is God. Only God can forgive sins.” Right away Jesus knew what they were thinking, and he said to them, “Why are you thinking such things? Is it easier for me to tell this paralysed man that his sins are forgiven, or to tell him to get up and pick up his mat and go home? I will show you that the Son of Man has the right to forgive sins here on earth.” So Jesus said to the man, “Get up! Pick up your mat and go home.” The man got up; he picked up his mat and went out while everyone watched in amazement. They praised God and said, “We have never seen anything like this!” This is the Gospel of the Lord. NB. All Readings are taken from the ‘Lectionary for Masses with Children’ canonically approved for use in the USA.

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